BOCW Welfare Cess Rules, 1998
BOCW Welfare Cess Rules, 1998
BOCW Welfare Cess Rules, 1998
Levy of cess
Date of payment
Filing of Complaints
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Building and Other
Construction Workers' Welfare Cess Rules, 1998.
(2) They shall come into force on the date2 of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions.-In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,(a) Act' means the Building and Other Construction Workers' Welfare Cess Act, 1996 (Act 28 of
(b) Main Act' means the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment
and Conditions of Service) Act. 1996 (Act 27 of 1996).
(c) 'Form' means the form annexed to these rules.
(d) All other words and expressions used in these rules but not defined and defined in the Act or
in the main Act shall have tile meanings respectively assigned to them in those Acts.
(e) 'Specified' means specified by a State Government by an order published in tile Official
(f) 'Cess Collector' means an officer appointed by the State Government for collection of cess
under the Act.
(g) Assessing Officer' means a gazetted officer of a State Government or an officer of a local
authority holding an equivalent post to a gazetted officer of the State Government appointed by
such State Government for assessment of Cess under the Act.
(h) Appellate Authority' means an officer, senior in rank to the Assessing Officer, appointed by
the State Government for the purposes of section 11 of the Act.
3. Levy of cess.- For the purpose of levy of cess under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Act,
cost of construction shall include all expenditure incurred by an employer in connection with the
building or other construction work but shall not include-cost of land;
-any compensation paid or payable to a worker or his kin under the Workmen's Compensation
Act. 1923.
Vide G.S.R. 49(E), dated 26th March, 1998, published in the Gazette of India, Extra., Pt. II,
Sec. 3 (i), dated 26th March, 1998
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1), where the duration of the project or
construction work exceeds one year, cess shall be paid within thirty days of completion of one
year from the date of commencement of work and every year thereafter at the notified rates on
the cost of construction incurred during the relevant period.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2), where the levy of cess
pertains to building and other construction work of a Government or of a Public Sector
Undertaking, such Government or the Public Sector Undertaking shall deduct or cause to be
deducted the cess payable at the notified rates from the bills paid for such works.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2), where the approval of a
construction work by a local authority is required, every application for such approval shall be
accompanied by a crossed demand draft in favour of the Board and payable at the station at
which the Board is located for an amount of cess payable at the notified rates on the estimated
cost of construction:
Provided that if the duration of the project is likely to exceed one year, the demand draft may
be for the amount of cess payable on cost of construction estimated to be incurred during one
year from the date of commencement and further payments of cess due shall be made as per
the provisions of sub-rule (2).
(5) An employer may pay in advance an amount of cess calculated on the basis of the
estimated cost of construction along with the notice of commencement of work under section 46
of the Main Act by a crossed demand draft in favour of the Board and payable at the station at
which the Board is located:
Provided that if the duration of the project is likely to exceed one year, the demand draft may
be for the amount of cess payable on cost of construction estimated to be incurred during one
year from the date of such commencement and further payment of cess due shall be made as
per the provisions of sub-rules (2).
(6) Advance cess paid under sub-rules (3), (4) and (5), adjusted be adjusted in the final
assessment made by the Assessing Officer.
5. Transfer of the proceeds of the cess to the Board.- (1) The proceeds of the cess collected
under rule 4 shall be transferred by such Government office, Public Sector Undertakings, local
authority, or cess collector; to the Board alongwith the form of challan prescribed (and in the
head of account of the Board) under the accounting procedures of the State, by whatever name
they are known.
(2) Such government office of Public Sector Undertaking may deduct from the cess collected, or
claim from the Board, as the case may be, actual collection expenses not exceeding one
percent. of the total amount collected.
(3) The amount collected shall be transferred to the Board within thirty days of its collection.
commencement of his work of payment of cess, as the case may be. Furnish to the Assessing
Officer, information in Form I.
(2) Any change or modification in the information furnished under sub-rule (1) shall be
communicated to the Assessing Officer immediately but not later than thirty days from the date
of affecting the modification or change.
7. Assessment.-(1) The Assessing Officer, on receipt of
information in Form I from an employer shall make a
secrutiny of such information furnished and, if he is
satisfied about the correctness of the particulars so
furnished, he shall make an order of assessment within
a period not exceeding six months from the date of
receipt of such information in Form I, indicating the
amount of cess payable by the employer and endorse a
copy thereof to the employer, to the Board and to the
cess collector and despatch such order within five days
of the date on which such order is made.
(2) The order shall inter-alia specify the amount of cess
due, cess already paid by the employer or deducted at
source and the balance amount payable and the date,
consistent with the provision of rule 4, by which the cess
shall be paid to the cess collector.
(3) If on scrutiny of information furnished, the Assessing
Officer is of the opinion that employer has undercalculated or miscalculated the cost of construction or
has calculated less amount of cess payable, he shall
issue notice to the employer for assessment of the cess.
(4) On receipt of such notice the employer shall furnish
to the Assessing Officer a reply together with copies of
documentary or other evidence in support of his claim,
within fifteen days of the receipt of the notice:
Provided that the Assessing Officer may, in the course
of assessment, afford an opportunity to the assessee to
be heard in person, if he so requests to substantiate his
(5) If the employer fails to furnish the reply within the
period specified under sub-rule (4), or where an
employer fails to furnish information in Form I, the
Assessing Officer shall proceed to make the assessment
on the basis of available records, and other information
incidental thereto.
(6) The Assessing Officer may, at anytime while the work
is in progress, authorise such officer to make such
enquiry at the work site or from documentary evidence
(6) All order remanded back under sub-rule (5) shall be disposed of by the Assessing
Officer within one month in view of the observation made by the Appellate Authority:
Provided that if the amount of cess is proposed to be enanced the assessee shall be
given an opportunity of being heard.
(7) No appeal shall lie against the order of the Appellate Authority under this rule.
(8) If the Appellate Authority is of the opinion that the quantum of penalty imposed is on
the higher side or not correctly made it shall suitably modify or set aside the order of the
Assessing Officer, as the case may be.
(9) The appeal under this rule shall be disposed of by making a speaking order and a
copy of such order shall be sent to each of the appellant, the Assessing Officer and the
Board within five days of the date on which such order is made.
(10) An order in appeal reducing the amount of cess shall also ask the Board to refund
the excess cess.
(11) An order in appeal reducing, enhancing or confirming the orders of penalty, as the
case may be, shall also specify the date by which the amount of penalty should be
15. Filing of Complaints.- (1) The Assessing Officer, or any inspector under the main Act, or
Trade Union, having come to know of violation of an obligation to furnish return, furnishing of
false information, intentionally or willfully evading or attempting to evade the payment of cess
may make complaint to the Board. The Board on receiving such complaint shall examine the
complaint and if it so decide may refer such complaint to the Central Government for taking
legal action against the offender.
(2) The Central Government on receiving such reference may make such inquiry as may be
considered necessary and authorise an inspector of appropriate jurisdiction to file a complaint
in the Court of Law.
(See rule 7
Name of Establishment
2. Address
3. Name of Work
4. No. of Workers employed
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
Signature of Employer
Name of Employer
7. Date of completion
8. Final cost
9. Date of assessment
10. Amount assessed
11. Date of Appeal, if any
12 Date of order in Appeal
13.. Amount as per Order in Appeal
14. Date of transfer of cess to the Board
[See rule 9 (1)]
Notice of Stoppage or Reduction of Work
Name of Establishment
Signature of employer
Name of employer
Date of revision of assessment
Amount of cess after revision
Cess already received
Cess to be recovered