Sample Publication Readership Questions

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Sample publication readership questions

 Here are some sample questions developed by Arts Queensland that you may like to
consider in developing your survey for readers of your publications
 Key questions for Arts Queensland outcome reports are marked with a star
 There are several ways you can administer surveys – face-to-face ‘interview’ or self-
completion option using a paper survey or ipad/android applications, or online using one of
many online survey tools available
 For more tips on designing surveys, refer to the ‘Developing and implementing surveys’ fact
sheet available at


We would like to ask you a few questions about your experience of this publication. Your
responses are confidential and you will not be identified in the survey results. Please be
open and honest with your feedback as this will help us with our future planning.


1. How did you first hear about this publication?

 Internet
 Email
 Newspaper
 Magazine
 Radio
 Word of mouth
 Other (please specify: …………………………………………….)

2. Had you ever read our publications prior to [insert date OR name of a particular
 Yes
 No
 Don’t know

3. Had you ever subscribed to a [insert relevant type of publication: e.g. visual arts
journal, writing magazine etc.] before you subscribed to this publication?
 Yes
 No
 Don’t know
4. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following
statements based on your experience of this publication.

Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

agree agree nor disagree
I feel engaged by the content
I am exposed to new points of
view or ways of thinking about
It makes me want to know
more about what I am reading
It feels relevant to our society
and the times we live in

5. Please rate the following aspects of the publication.

Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor

Range of content covered
Quality of writing
Design and layout
Distribution methods

6. How would you rate the publication overall?

 Excellent
 Good
 Average
 Poor
 Very poor

7. What do you like most about the publication?

8. Is there anything about the publication you think we could do better?

9. Are you:
 Male
 Female

10. What is your age group?

 19 or under
 20-29
 30-39
 40-49
 50-59
 60-69
 70 or over
11. Do you identify as:
 An Aboriginal person
 A Torres Strait Islander person
 An Australian South Sea Islander person
 From a culturally diverse background
 A person with a disability
 None of the above

12. What is your residential postcode? Or if you are from overseas, which country are
you from?

13. Are there any final comments you would like to make?

Thank you for your time.

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