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Radium: A Music Editor Inspired by the Music Tracker

Kjetil Matheussen
Norwegian Center for Technology in Music and the Arts. (NOTAM)
Sandakerveien 24D, Bygg F3
N-0473 Oslo

Radium is a new type of music editor inspired by
the music tracker. Radiums interface differs from
the classical music tracker interface by using graphical elements instead of text and by allowing musical
events anywhere within a tracker line.
Chapter 1: The classical music tracker interface
and how Radium differs from it. Chapter 2: Radium Features: a) The Editor; b) The Modular
Mixer; c) Instruments and Audio Effects; d) Instrument Configuration; e) Common Music Notation. Chapter 3: Implementation details: a) Painting the Editor; b) Smooth Scrolling; c) Embedding Pure Data; d) Collecting Memory Garbage in
C and C++. Chapter 4: Related software.

Radium, Music Tracker, GUI, Pure Data, Graphics


The tracker interface appeared on the AmigaOS

platform in late 80s and early 90s with programs such as Soundtracker, NoiseTracker and
The first tracker was called
The Ultimate Soundtracker,1 and was released in 1987 by Karsten Obarski.2
In the classical tracker interface, time goes
downwards. Notes placed higher on the screen
are played before notes placed below.3 Instead
of moving the cursor up or down, the whole editor scrolls up or down, and the cursor is just
locked in the middle of the screen.
The tracker editor shows a two-dimensional
table in which musical events can be stored. We
can think of it as a spreadsheet with tracks as
columns and lines as rows.

According to Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/


When I started making radium, I also considered

letting time go in the horizontal direction. I dont remember why I chose the vertical direction.

Musical events are defined with pure text.

The event C#3 5-32-000 plays the note C
sharp at octave 3 using instrument number 5 at
volume 32. The last three zeroes can be used
for various types of sound effects, or to set new
The tables are called patterns, and a song
usually contains several patterns. To control
the order patterns are playbed back, we use a
playlist. For example, if we have three patterns,
a typical song could have a playlist like this:
1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2.

How Radium Differs from the

Classical Tracker Interface

Radium4 differs from the music tracker interface by using graphical elements instead of text
and by allowing any number of events to be
placed anywhere.5 The latter means that a line
in Radium is essentially just a graphical hint. It
should be possible to compose millions of years
of music within just one tracker line.
These differences are so fundamental, that its
questionable whether Radium can be defined as
a tracker.

History of Radium

The first version of Radium was released in year

2000 under the GPL license, and it only supported MIDI. After the initial release, Radium
was developed actively for around a year, followed by a period between 2001 and 2012 with
less development. Since 2012, Radium has been
actively developed again.
The features presented in this paper have
mostly been implemented in 2012 and 2013.
Audio support was introduced in November


This feature may not be useful, depending on how

you compose music. But at least when using splitted
lines, and for accurately importing midi files and other
music formats, its a necessary feature.

1.3 Portability
The first version of Radium was released
for the Amiga Operating System (AmigaOS ),
version 3.0 or later. The code was written in
a portable style, where non-portable code was
clearly separated and easy to replace. An alpha
version for Linux was available already in 2001.
Radium is at the time of writing available for
Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, where Linux
is the main development platform and the platform with the most features. It should be
straight forward to port Radium to a platform
which has Jack, POSIX, and Qt.

denoted with graphics too, using vertical lines,

but text is clearer and more accurate.

1.4 Term
In the rest of this paper, the word line means
a tracker line, and not a vertical graphical line
(i.e. a row of pixels) or an automation line.
In cases where we refer to a graphical line,
the expression graphical line will be used instead. In cases where we refer to an automation
line, the expression automation line or break
point line will be used.

using break point curves.
The audio
waveforms are updated in realtime:

2.1.1 Editor Elements

Audio waveforms are shown in the tracks:

Radium Features

2.1 The Editor

The image below shows a Block (the name of
patterns in Radium).6 From left to right, we
see a vertical slider, line numbers (12-29), a
green and blue area indicating tempo, an LPB
track (Lines Per Beat), a BPM track (Beats
Per Minute), a RelTempo track (for doing timevarying tempo changes), plus two sound tracks;
a drum loop track and a bass track:

(accelerando/ritardando) are defined with
break point lines. The audio waveforms
are updated in real time:

Effects, e.g. reverb or chorus, are also defined with break point lines:

We also see that text is used to denote pitch

(D-4, D#3, and C-3), while graphical
break point lines are used to define tempo
changes and effect automation. Pitch can be
The word Block comes from Octamed (http://en.
wikipedia.org/wiki/Octamed). I think Block is a better

name than Pattern, at least in Radium where events can

be placed freely and doesnt have to follow a pattern.

...And so are time-varying pitch changes


Pitch can be defined with unlimited precision. The pitch below is placed 82 cents
above C sharp at octave 4:

Lines can be split. Splitting is essentially

just a way to zoom in on one line so that
you have more space to edit, but it can also
be used to define measures. Furthermore,
splitted lines can themselves be splitted,
those lines again can also be splitted, and
so forth:

a diode that lights up when receiving note


The green lines show connections for note

events, such as Note On, Note Off, Note volume changes, and Note pitch changes.
The other connections (those painted in a
color that resembles mortar7 ) show audio connections.

Updating the graphics too often can be tiring for the eyes. The SPS option (Scrolls
Per Second) sets a limitation on the number of updates per second. SPS is an effective way to make the viewing more pleasurable when not using smooth scrolling.

The velocity of new notes can be set using

a random walk algorithm (drunk velocity).
The algorithm tries to simulate how a musician varies volume while playing:

Separate channel routing

In the Mixer GUI, an audio connection sends

all channels from one sound object to another.
In order to (for instance) send only left channel,
or only receive right channel, the audio connections must be routed through special channel
routing objects.
The idea is that its faster to use a little bit
more time to route channels separately when
necessary, than to always connect every channel

Instruments and Audio Effects


Sampler Instrument

This instrument can play: 1) Normal soundfiles,8 2) Fasttracker instruments,9 or 3) Soundfonts [Rossum and Joint, 1995]:
All editing operations are undoable and redoable. The number of undoes is limited
by system memory.

The Modular Mixer

The modular mixer provides a graphical interface to route note events and audio signals between sound objects.
The role of a sound object is to produce audio,
receive audio, produce note events, receive note
events, or any combination of those.
Inside each sound object in the Mixer GUI,
there is a volume slider, a mute button, a bypass
button, VU meters (one for each channel), and






All formats supported by libsndfile: http://www.


XI instrument format: 1) XI format description by
KB / The Obsessed Maniacs / Reflex, 2) The XM
module format description for XM files version $0104
by Mr.H of Triton in 1994.

2.3.2 VST Plugins and instruments

Native VST plugins and instruments are supported on Linux, OSX and Windows:

2.3.3 Pure Data (Pd )

Pd processes can be inserted anywhere in the
sound graph. The Pd GUI is opened by double
clicking the sound object. There is no limitation
on the number of simultaneous instances:

2.3.5 Zita Reverb

Fons Adriaensens Zita Rev1 reverb (Zita Reverb),11 implemented by Julius O. Smith III in
Faust [Smith, 2012].12 Zita Reverb is also
used as the default reverb when creating a new
2.3.6 Multiband Compressor
A multiband compressor. The DSP is implemented in Faust by using components written
by Julius O. Smith III [Smith, 2012].: Compressor, lookahead limiter, bandsplit, and smoothing.

Other Instruments and Audio

a) LADSPA plugins. Richard Furses Linux Audio Developers Simple Plugin API. b) Maarten
de Boers multitap delay Tapiir [De Boer,
2001], implemented by Yann Orlarey in Faust.
c) A Fluidsynth instrument, using libfluidsynth.14 d) Sound objects to send or receive
audio to and from jack clients. e) A pipe object. f) Channel routing objects (section 2.2.1).
g) MIDI output.

Custom Pd controllers make it possible to

control Pd from Radium, and to control Radium from Pd. The Pd controllers appear as
Radium effects, similarly to Max for Live:10

2.3.4 STK Instruments

Radium includes 20 STK instruments doing
physical modeling [Cook and Scavone, 1999].
These are written by Romain Michon in the
Faust language [Michon and Smith, 2011].
Michons instruments have been slightly modified to be used as instruments in Radium.


Instrument and Plug-in

Configuration Widget
Sound goes through five parts in the instrument and plugin-in configuration widget. From
left to right in the picture below, we see:
1) A Note Duplicator , 2) An automatically created Plugin/Instrument GUI, 3) A Compressor,
4) An Equalizer, 5) Settings for dry/wet, panning, stereo width, reverb, chorus, and output

1) Instruments can play several note events

when a note is played, using the note duplicator. This is convenient to, for instance,
double the bass, or add a simple echo. Up
to six notes can be played for each incoming note event, and for each of those six
notes, the user can specify values for transposition, volume change, delay, and duration. If


The Calf Multichorus LADSPA plugin (written by

Krzysztof Foltman) is used as the default Chorus effect.


you need more than six notes, you can connect

the sound object to yet another sound object to
duplicate the notes further:

technique is used to generate this score:

Implementation Details

Radium is mainly written in C and C++. Some

code is also written in Python, Faust [Orlarey
et al., 2009] and Scheme.16
2) Sliders and buttons are automatically created
for all instruments and plug-ins, based on the
controllers they provide:

3) The compressor has a novel interface which

tries to show more intuitively how the sound is
squashed together. The DSP code is written in
Faust by Julius O. Smith III [Smith, 2012].


Common Music Notation

Scores can be generated from Radium files

automatically with Bill Schottstaedts notation software Common Music Notation (CMN)
[Schottstaedt, 1997].15 The generated scores
can be further tweaked in CMN, either by editing the generated CMN code, or by writing code
that further modifies the CMN code. The latter



Painting the Editor

The visible part of the editor is painted line

by line to a backbuffer. When the editor is
scrolling, we just copy corresponding tracker
lines from the backbuffer into the screen. When
a tracker line is not visible anymore, it is marked
as free, and available for painting a new line.
This way, we dont have to repaint everything
for every update or scroll the screen or the backbuffer.
Unfortunately, this strategy causes the order
of the lines in the backbuffer not to be chronological (newer lines often appear below older
lines). Non-chronological order makes it impossible to paint graphical elements that span
several lines in one operation. This limitation causes breakpoint boxes to be squashed
up against the ceiling and floor of a tracker
line,17 and automation lines to be slightly not
quite connected (or too much connected) because of anti-aliasing artifacts.18 Scrolling the
backbuffer19 would not solve the problem either
since graphical elements can start before the visible area, or end after the visible area. Therefore, at least some graphical elements has to be
painted in several operations anyway.
An alternative solution that would solve the
graphical problems, is to make the backbuffer
big enough to contain the complete block. But
this solution could occupy too much memory.20

Using the Guile interpreter

This effect probably looks more like a feature,
while this effect probably looks more like a bug.
or modifying Qt so that the underlying coordinate
system would match the order of the lines in the backbuffer
There are of course other solutions as well that would
solve the graphical problems while still keeping the backbuffer, but I think they would complicate the code too
much to be worth the effort.

However, since todays desktop computers

(2014) seems fast enough to just repaint the
screen when necessary, the strategy of painting
tracker lines one by one in a backbuffer will, albeit so efficient that it made the program usable
on hardware from 1992,21 probably be removed
in the near future. The advantage of not using a custom backbuffer is simpler code and less
graphical artifacts, plus that it is simpler to add
new graphical features when graphical operations are not bounded to be performed within
tracker lines.
3.2 Smooth scrolling
Music trackers have traditionally updated the
screen only when the current tracker line
changes (i.e. scrolling line by line). By updating the screen at each vertical blank instead, we
get smooth scrolling.
Smooth scrolling looks amazing compared to
scrolling line by line, but perhaps more importantly is that smooth scrolling seems significantly less tiring for the eyes.
3.2.1 Render using the CPU
The first attempt to achieve smooth scrolling
was to make Radium render the screen by
copying line by line from the backbuffer at
each vertical blank. To achieve sub-pixel accuracy, all painting operations on the backbuffer
were performed n times, painting to n different
back buffers, where each backbuffer was slightly
skewed to the next one, all within the span of
one pixel in the vertical direction. A good value
for n would be at least 4.
One problem with this attempt was that the
amount of time to render a frame varied a bit,
and it was easy to lose the vertical blank deadline and get a frame glitch. The usual vertical
blank period for an LCD screen is 16+ 23 ms, so
we dont have much time, and we cant trust
the OS to wake us up soon enough if the current process for some reason has yielded in the
middle of rendering.
A graphical glitch is very apparent when the
whole screen moves in one direction at a constant speed, so to avoid frame glitches, Radium
rendered frames in a separate thread and put
them on a ringbuffer which the main thread
would read from.22 If a single frame took more
time to render than 16+ 23 ms, we still avoided

Amiga 1200
This strategy is similar to how we reliably get sound
in real time from a non-deterministic source, for instance
a hard drive.

a glitch if the average rendering time was less

than 16+ 23 ms.
However, this strategy didnt play very well
with the current painting system (i.e. the code
became very complicated), plus that it had a
quite high CPU usage (which also made it more
prone to frame glitches), so it was abandoned.
3.2.2 Render using the GPU
A more successful attempt at achieving smooth
scrolling has been to use OpenGL in 2D mode.
By letting the GPU repaint everything at each
vertical blank, we achieve both smooth scrolling
and a very low CPU usage. Another advantage
is significantly smaller and simpler code since
we dont use the type of backbuffer described in
section 3.1 plus that scrolling is only a matter of
sending updated y coordinates to OpenGL for
the graphical objects.
This code is currently under development and
should replace the current system soon.
3.3 Embedding Pd
Radium uses Peter Brinkmanns libpd 23 as basis
to embed Pd.
Libpd is a thin layer of code that makes Pd
into a library [Brinkmann et al., 2011]. Libpd
doesnt include the Pd GUI, and it has some
other limitations as well, so a Radium fork
of libpd has been made for including features
needed by Radium.24
The first modification was to re-add the GUI
and create an API to control it. Several other
enhancements and required modifications followed, such as loading and saving patches and
adding a void argument to the midi functions.
3.3.1 Libpds (libpd with an extra s)
However, the biggest challenge for using libpd is
that only one Pd instance can run in a process
simultaneously. With only one instance, you
cant send sound from one patch to another in
the Radium mixer (at least not if there is a nonpd sound object in the middle of those two). Or,
for that matter, you cant make a LADSPA or
VST plugin out of a Pd patch.
To circumvent this limitation, an additional
library called libpds has been added to the Radium fork of libpd. Libpds makes it possible
to load several Pd instances and communicate
with them separately. Libpds has almost the
same API as libpd, except that most functions
take an additional pd instance parameter.




Libpds works by dynamically loading a new

libpd library file for each new Pd instance.
To avoid symbol clash for the global variables
between the various Pd instances, dlopen is
called with the RTLD LOCAL flag when opening libpd.so. The RTLD LOCAL flag prevents symbols from being shared globally.
Unfortunately, this behavior causes problems
when loading Pd externals (i.e. plugins which
are loaded during runtime). Pd externals require access to functions and global variables
provided by Pd, but since Pd doesnt share its
symbols globally, the externals fail to load.
The selected solution for the problem is to
statically link the most common Pd externals into libpd. 921 externals are currently
included, and among them are most of the
externals distributed with the Pd distribution
Pd-Extended .25 In order to compile that many
externals without manually writing a large
Makefile, a script recursively scans a list of directories and compiles all externals it can find.
A slightly simpler way to load externals would
be to link the Pd externals directly (i.e. instead
of recompiling), but using a .so file as a static
library does not work.
It is likely that there are better ways to support externals, such as implementing a new dynamic linking system, but the current solution
seems to work well for now
3.4 Garbage collection
Radium has from the start used Hans Boehms
garbage collector for C and C++ as memory manager (BDW-GC) [Boehm and Weiser,
1988]. It is not necessary to free memory manually when using a garbage collector, so Radium
has fewer lines of code, and most likely fewer
bugs, because of this choice.
There has been no trouble with BDW-GC,
and Radium has not had memory leaks. It is
strange that BDW-GC is not used in most large
programs written for C or C++.

Related software and how their

features compare to Radium

4.1 Jeskola Buzz

Jeskola Buzz 26 appeared in 1997-1998.27
Jeskola Buzz was probably the first tracker
with a modular mixer. The modular mixer in
Radium is inspired by the one in Jeskola Buzz,


but the modular mixer in Jeskola Buzz doesnt

support sending note events or sound objects
with more than two channels.
4.2 Aodix
Aodix 28 was released before 2002, but I dont
know when. Aodix may have been the first
tickless tracker, depending on how old Aodix
is. Tickless means that events are not bounded
by tracker lines, a feature which is shared with
Radium. Another feature shared with Radium
is that you can apparently zoom in and out of
the patterns.
4.3 Renoise
Renoise 29 was released in 2002. Renoise is a
more traditional tracker than Jeskola Buzz and
Aodix, but has more features.
Renoise uses one instrument per track, which
is similar to Radium, but Renoise lets you organize tracks further by optionally grouping tracks
and instruments. For instance by grouping all
drum tracks or all vocal tracks. Grouping makes
patterns visually clearer and simpler to navigate and it simplifies adding effects to a group
of instruments (since they are already grouped).
Grouping is a feature that is currently missing
in Radium.
Renoise also supports effect automation and
tempo automation, but unlike Radium, the
graphics is placed horizontally in a separate area
below the tracks, and not in the tracks themselves.


Radium presented a radical change to the classical tracker interface when it was released fourteen years ago.
The following is a list of larger tracker features that first appeared in Radium (at least
to my knowledge). An appending means that
Radium is still the only tracker, or tracker-like,
program that provides this feature, at least to
my knowledge:
a) Smooth scrolling ; b) Limitation on the number of scrolls
per second ; c) Tickless timing (may have been introduced
in Aodix before Radium); d) Zoom in/out (may have been
introduced in Aodix before Radium); e) Waveform data
visible in tracks; f) The Radium Compressor compressor interface ; g) Pitch values shown graphically; h) Tempo
automation ; i) Effect automation ; j) Volume automation ;

k) Pitch automation ; l) Adjustable track widths ; m) Pd

or Max/MSP integration ; n) Track headers with volume
control and instrument name ; o) Automatic MIDI preset change when playing note for instrument with different
preset ; p) Line splitting (including line split splitting, line
split split splitting, etc.) ; q) Unlimited number of simultaneously playing notes per track, and no limitation when they
are allowed to start and stop playing ;30 r) Unlimited number of blocks, tracks and lines; s) Generate scores with CMN ;
t) Unlimited undo/redo; u) Send pitch change events between
instruments ;31 v) Configurable menus .

This list of (more or less useful) new features

shows that Radium has tried to be an innovator
for tracker software. Radium will try to be an
innovator in the future as well.


Radium is an open source program which includes code from several other programs and
uses several open source libraries. Todays
Radium would not exists without the open
source community. Some of the people who have
written code thats used in Radium are (apologies to those Ive forgotten):
Fons Adriaensen:

Zita REV1; Conrad Berh

orster / Josh

Green / Peter Hanappe / David Henningsson / Pedro

opez-Cabanillas / Antoine Schmitt: Fluidsynth; Michele
Bosi: Visualisation Library; Hans Boehm / Ivan Maidanski:
BDW-GC; Peter Brinkmann: libpd; Rui Nuno Capela: code
from QTractor to auto-create Plugin GUIs and show VST
GUIs; Paul Davis / Stephane Letz:
/ Alexey Pavlov / Roumen Petrov:

Jack; Ray Donnelly

MinGW Python;

Dominique Fober / Albert Gr

af / Stephane Letz / Yann
Orlarey / Julius O. Smith III: Faust; Krzysztof Foltman:
The CALF multichorus LADSPA plugin; Grigor Iliev: The
Soundfont parser in libgig; Giles Hall: The python-midi library; Bob Ham: Code from Jack-Rack to organize LADSPA
plugins using liblrdf; Steve Harris: liblrdf; Erik de Castro
Lopo: libsamplerate and libsndfile; Romain Michon: The
Faust STK instruments; Paul Mineiro: Fast functions to
calculate exponential and logarithmic values; Javier Serrano
Polo: Vestige; Miller Puckette: Pd; Yann Orlarey: The
Tapiir effect implementation and smooth delay code; Bjorn
Roche: Memory barrier code; Gary P. Scavone: RtMidi;
Bill Schottstaedt: CMN; Julius O. Smith III: Compressors /
lookahead limiter / filters / equalizer; Hans-Christoph Steiner
et al.: Pd-Extended; www.magnetophon.nl: The included
Blowfish demo song; TumaGonx Zakkum: LADSPA plugins
for Windows.

I also want to especially thank Yann Orlarey

for creating the Faust programming language

I.e polyhponic aftertouch for pitch instead of volume

and Julius O. Smith III for all the DSP code

he has written for Faust. Their work has saved
me a lot of time and ensured professional sound

Hans-Juergen Boehm and Mark Weiser. 1988.
Garbage collection in an uncooperative environment. Software: Practice and Experience,
Peter Brinkmann, Peter Kirn, Richard
Lawler, Chris McCormick, Martin Roth, and
Hans-Christoph Steiner. 2011. Embedding
Pure Data with libpd. In Proceedings of the
Pure Data Convention.
Perry R Cook and Gary Scavone. 1999. The
Synthesis Toolkit (STK). In Proceedings of
the International Computer Music Conference, pages 164166.
Maarten De Boer. 2001. Tapiir, a Software
Multitap Delay. In Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Limerick, Ireland.
Romain Michon and Julius O Smith. 2011.
Faust-STK: a Set of Linear and Nonlinear
Physical Models for the Faust Programming
Language. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects
(DAFx-11), page 199.
Yann Orlarey, Dominique Fober, and
Stephane Letz. 2009. FAUST: an efficient
functional approach to DSP programming.
New Computational Paradigms for Computer Music, Editions Delatour France, pages
Dave Rossum and E Joint.
R 2.0 File Format.



Bill Schottstaedt. 1997. Beyond midi. chapter Common Music Notation, pages 217221.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Julius O Smith. 2012. Signal Processing Libraries for Faust. In Proceedings of the Linux
Audio Conference 2012, pages 153161.

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