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ST Cuthbert's and ST Agnes Weekly News: December

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St Cuthbert’s is the Parish Church for the people of Coulby Newham, Easterside & Marton

St Cuthbert’s and St Agnes Weekly News
www. stcuthbertmarton.org.uk email: ask@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Vicar: The Rev’d Andy Grant. The Vicarage, Stokesley Road, Marton, 50p where sold
Middlesbrough, TS7 8JU. telephone: 01642 974176 email: vicar@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
16th August 2020 FREE ISSUE
The Heart of the Matter

This short reflection is drawn from one of the most provocative and challenging examples of the teach-
ings of Christ. Matthew Chapter 15 verses 10 to 20 is a relatively short passage yet in a matter of a few
phrases, vast chunks of Levitical law are wiped out by Jesus (at least where these laws are viewed as
essential religious observances, and ways to stay in God’s favour).

In essence Jesus is saying that ‘defilement’, or that behaviour which makes a person unclean, dirty, or guilty, does not
come from an exterior source, namely outside of the person going in (for a Jew of 2000 years ago, strict laws on eating,
washing, and socialising etc. were paramount). These strict observances might have had some health and hygiene bene-
fits, but they did not constitute true religious observance. Jesus is very clear, the source of human ‘defilement’ comes
from inside a person, from the heart, where all manner of lies, rage, bitterness and pride can fester and emulate. If the
problem starts in the heart, the solution must ultimately involve the heart too; slavish religious externals to ‘get right
with God’ and fix the problem ‘externally’ will not suffice. The treatment of a sinful heart involves a correct diagnosis.
Jesus offers both diagnosis and treatment.

When the bible speaks about the heart, it is not talking solely about the physical organ that pumps blood. The heart is
the seat of human emotions, and lies within the cradle of our souls. Our hearts are inextricably linked to our minds, and
what we think and feel is always woven together. Our hearts are fallen, broken, and can harbour restless evil. Jesus is
saying religious externalism will not fix the problem. Religion itself cannot save us, Church cannot save us, decades of
faithful service to (whatever) cannot save us, good intentions cannot save us, giving hordes of cash to charity (though
good), cannot save us......the list goes on. Only Jesus can save us. Jesus must be invited into the human heart in order to
perform the necessary heart surgery; to transform greed into generosity, hatred to forgiveness, pride to humility, bitter-
ness to love, rage to gentleness.

Viewing religious observance as that which saves us is nothing more than our own attempt to forge salvation on our own
terms; this only by-passes the real, true and necessary work of salvation. Surrendering to Christ however, and believing
in his name, repenting of sin, and asking for his power to transform our hearts is what true religion is all about. Any ex-
ternal observances of religious practice should flow out from the saving work of Christ. So our challenge now, is to con-
tinue to get our hearts right with God, and be wary of anything else in life other than Jesus, that tries to offer itself up as
the means of our salvation. God bless you all.

Rev’d Andy Grant

Live Streaming of Worship at St Cuthbert’s

10.00am Holy Communion and 6.30pm Night Prayer
10.00am Toddy’s Toddlers (Story and prayers and songs for small children)
10.00am Morning Prayer and Thought for the Day

If you have any news to tell us please email to: news@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk

Romans 11.1-2a,
Sunday 16th August Genesis 45.1-15 Psalm 133 Matthew 15.10-20

Monday 17th August Ezekiel 24.15-24 Psalm 78.1-8 Matthew 19.16-22

Tuesday 18th August Ezekiel 28.1-10 Psalm 107.1-3, 40, 43 Matthew 19.23-end

Wednesday 19th August Ezekiel 34.1-11 Psalm 23 Matthew 20.1-16

Thursday 20th August Ezekiel 36.23-28 Psalm 51.7-12 Matthew 22.1-14

Friday 21st August Ezekiel 37.1-14 Psalm 107.1-8 Matthew 22.34-40

Saturday 22nd August Ezekiel 43.1-7 Psalm 85.7-end Matthew 23.1-12

Church Open for Private Prayer Regular Giving to St Cuthbert's

The church will open on Mondays between 3.00pm and If you would like to contribute to the running of our
5.00pm and Fridays between 10.00am and 12.00pm un- Church the easiest ways to donate are:
til further notice. Access is limited due to safe distanc-
ing regulations so please book your place if you wish to Direct Credit, and our bank details are as follows:
attend. Name: PCC of Marton in Cleveland Church A/C
Call Gordon Mallory on 01642 313551 or email gor-
don@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk to avoid being disap- Sort Code: 30-95-56 Account No.: 00274161
pointed. Facebook Our Facebook page now has a “Donate”
button. The donation can also be Gift Aided if the person
Church Open for Worship donating is a UK taxpayer boosting the donation by
St Cuthbert’s Church is opening for night prayer 25%. Facebook charges no fees for donations which go
(Compline) on Sunday 9th August at 6.30pm, directly to St Cuthbert’s Church. Facebook only pay us
this will also be live streamed on Facebook quarterly in tranches of £100 so we would prefer
payment by cheque or direct credit please.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions on safe distancing it is not
possible to hold our Sunday morning service in Church, By Cheque - The Lloyds bank app allows us to credit
this service will be held in the Parish Centre. cheques to the Church account without visiting the bank.
If you wish to donate in this way you can post them to:
Holy Communion in the Parish Centre Rev’d Andy Grant, St Cuthbert’s Vicarage, Stokesley Road,
Our service of Holy Communion is now being held in the
Marton, Middlesbrough TS7 8JU.
James Cook Hall at the Parish Centre
every Sunday at 10.00am. Cheques should be made payable to:
Face coverings need to be worn and the one way system St Cuthbert’s Marton PCC.
observed. Chairs are set out at safe distances and hand
sanitiser is provided which all must use. Your financial support is greatly appreciated at all
All need to sign in to comply with the governments Track times but particularly now during these unprece-
and Trace regulations. dented times.

Mike Neal sent this in,

it is work done by his
grandson Theo during
the lockdown and very
worthy of prominence
in our newsletter.

Well done Theo!

APCM 6th September 2020
Could all who provide reports please get them to the Par-
ish Secretary in good time prior to the meeting.
Live Streaming Issues Digital resources
Weekly service broadcasts-detailed on the front page
The introduction of the new microphone has improved Live streaming services from St Cuthbert’s Church.
the sound quality a lot but when Claire is at the lectern it These are available through our Facebook page.
is still a little difficult to hear her fully. I suspect that this is Time to Pray app
due to her being shielded from the microphone by the
Everything you need for Prayer During the Day, with varia-
wooden lectern. This week we will experiment by asking tions according to the day of the week and the season of the
her to stand slightly to the right of the lectern so the mi- Church’s year. Download for free.
crophone connected to the laptop has a better chance of
picking up her voice clearly. There is no problem with Daytime prayer and Night prayer service audio
Andy’s voice as he is taller and is not shielded by the lec- Building on the existing daily prayer feed, this includes daytime
tern. prayer and night prayer for each day. It will be available as a
downloadable app in the coming weeks.
We are learning as we go along so please bear with us!
The BBC's Daily Service and Sunday Worship
New Book Case
Prayer for the day - each day the Church of Eng-
Thanks to Freda Ford for making a new cover to protect land publishes audio and text of the Prayer for the Day.
the books in the bookcase. The bookcase is now in regu-
Mental health reflections – 13 daily reflections that seek
lar use every Sunday and has received quite a few comple- to provide hope, reassurance and comfort. We have al-
ments. Thanks again to St Agnes PCC for their wonderful
so published five tips to help tackle loneliness and isolation.
Electoral Roll Pause for Prayer
I may have caused some confusion by including enrolment
forms with my email last week. The revision of the roll O God, you are the light of the minds that know you,
this year is just to add new people and remove those who the life of the souls that love you,
no longer worship with us. If you are already on the roll
and the strength of the wills that serve you:
then you don’t need to fill in a new form. Linda Proudler
is our Electoral Roll Officer so if you need to make chang- help us to know you that we may truly love you,
es, (new address, phone or email) then please send her the and so to love you that we may fully serve you,
form to treasurer@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk or hand it in whom to serve is perfect freedom;
on Sunday. through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Saint Augustine of Hippo

Lord Jesus Christ, you said that you are

the Way, the Truth, and the Life;
let us never stray from you, who are the Way;
nor distrust you who are the Truth;
nor rest in any other but you, who are the Life,
beyond whom there is nothing to be desired,
either in heaven or on earth.
We ask it for your name’s sake.
Desiderius Erasmus

One Million Step Challenge for Diabetes UK

Jackie Simmonds is doing a one million step challenge for
Diabetes UK. She has to walk 1,000,000 steps between July 1st
and September 30th and is trying to raise £100.
Jackie has set up a page which she has shared via Facebook and
has a sponsor sheet that she can add names to. If you would
like to contribute please contact her on 07306 099924 or
Email: events@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
St Cuthbert’s and St Agnes’
Intercession Prayers
Please Remember in your prayers
Long Term
Barrie Harvey and family, Dorothy Murrell, Sue Hanson, Dorothy Ward-Thompson, Tony Simms, Eileen, Margery
Ormeston, Audrey Coulson
Medium Term
Libby, Charlotte, David, Jean Berry, Lydia, Gail, Neil, Gordon, Tom, John Shaw, Christine, Joyce Hodgson, Janet,
Olwen, Mary Featherstone, Hilary Clarke, Jack, The Roberts Family, Maggie, Francis Iseton, Emma Smithson, Sarah Clay-
ton, Joyce Lawrence and family, Pauline Howard, Ann Marie Dring, Brian Phillips, Gillian, Matthew Jacobs, Trish Phelps,
Baby George and family.
Pray for all who are suffering from Coronavirus, all who are self isolating, all, who are worried, the home-
less and all who are sick. If you would like us to pray for someone who is sick or prayers for yourself please email
your request to: pray@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk

Pastoral Care
Weddings Baptisms and Funerals can now go ahead in Church providing strict guidelines are adhered too. No
more than 30 people are allowed in Church this includes those officiating (vicar and verger).

Strict two metre guidelines must be adhered too. If two metre distancing is not possible 1metre+ is allowed and the
wearing of face coverings will be required.

Pastoral Care List. The list of those requiring pastoral care is being managed by Rev’d Claire Todd. Please contact
Andy or Claire if you would like someone from our Church to stay in touch.


Vicar Rev’d Andy Grant 01642 974176 vicar@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk

Curate Rev’d Claire Todd 01642 294582 curate@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Associate Minister Rev’d Sam Tyndall 07562 593474 sam@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Churchwardens Alan Proudler 01642 975419 alanp@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Gordon Mallory 01642 313551 gordon@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Reader Sylvia Swan 01642 289592
Newsletter Editor Alan Proudler 01642 975419 news@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
P.C.C. Officers
Secretary Lindsay Gibson 01642 316201 secretary@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Treasurer Linda Proudler 01642 975419 treasurer@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Electoral Roll Linda Proudler 01642 975419 treasurer@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Safeguarding Sue Neal 07710 584290 saferep@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Parish Office Answer machine only 01642 316201 ask@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Office Manager Carole Paylor 01642 316201 admin@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk

Middlesbrough Council Advice & Support PHONE THE CLERGY

Hotline: 01642 729777
www.middlesbrough.gov.uk The clergy are doing their best to phone around to say
Email: helpboro@middlesbrough.gov.uk hello to the church families of St Cuthbert's and St Agnes,
Twitter: @covid19boro Facebook: @covid19boro but do feel free to call us, particularly if we haven't
Useful Telephone Numbers got round to calling you yet. We don't want anyone to
Age UK Teesside 01642 805 500 feel that they cannot just pick up the phone; we would
Citizens Advice 03444 111444 love to hear from you!
Debt Advice 0800 138 1111
Universal Credit 0800 328 5644 Telephone numbers and email addresses for Andy, Claire
EVA Women’s Aid 01642 490677 and Sam are above.
Foundation (Domestic Violence): 0300 4562214
Please get in touch with anything you want to tell
your friends either by email:
news@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk or by telephone:
07488 347708
Alan would love to hear from you.

I may have caused some confusion (over the revision of the electoral roll) last week, nothing unusual about that you
might say! We are not creating a new roll just adding new people and removing those who have passed away or no
longer worship with us. If you are already on the roll you won’t be removed unless you ask to be, so no need to fill in
an application in that case.
It was good to have a brief chat with Pauline Howard and Tom Jones before the service on Sunday, friends who like the
rest of us has been keeping a low profile over recent months. Similarly Brian Phillips who I caught up with at Night Pray-
er on Sunday, which was well attended last week. Church business has carried on during the crisis but it is so nice to get
to see people again and to be able to pass the time of day even if only briefly. Having said that I won’t be in Church on
Sunday (16th) as my son Iain and his family are coming up from Nottingham to help celebrate my birthday!
At home we developed an annoying dripping mixer tap in the kitchen, something I would normally change myself howev-
er knees not being what they were I decided to call a plumber (I must be getting old!). ADS Plumbing came out the
same day and fitted the tap. Turns out that the plumber, Andy (coincidence!) was brought up in Marton, went to Nun-
thorpe school and is related to the Hunter family, many will remember the tragic death of Carl whose parents regularly
attend his memorial tablet in our churchyard. Anyway, he was a pleasant young man, mid thirties and did a very profes-
sional job at a reasonable price. Small world isn’t it!

Email from the Diocese of York
In recent days we've seen at least two instances of fraudulent emails being sent from people impersonating senior
figures in the Diocese of York. In each case the message was superficially believable and addressed to individuals by
name, but the sender's actual email address did not match their correct address. In both cases the addressee was
asked to reply to the email.
Our IT suppliers are investigating both the source of the fraudulent messages, and whether hitting the 'reply' or ‘forward’ button
might result in compromising the machine concerned. We are confident that the Diocesan and Bishopthorpe email systems are se-
cure, but these scams are being carried out with some care and may superficially look genuine.
Our advice is that if you receive an email from a senior figure in the Diocese or at Bishopthorpe which invites you to respond with-
out giving any clear indication as to the purpose or the reason, you should: check that the sender's email address corresponds with
the one published on the Diocesan (www.dioceseofyork.org.uk/contacts) or Bishopthorpe (www.archbishopofyork.org)
website, or via the Diocesan Directory online (www.dioceseofyork.org.uk/directory) and/or contact the sender directly with-
out using the 'reply' or 'forward' options to seek reassurance that the message is genuine.
If you conclude that a message is suspect, please let us know via office@yorkdiocese.org or 01904 699500 (Diocesan Of-
fice staff continue to work at home for the present but may be contacted in the usual ways).
With regards,

Martin Sheppard - Director of Communications and Parish Resourcing

Prayer During the Day in Ordinary Time
Prayer During the Day in
Ordinary Time
O God, make speed to save us.
All O Lord, make haste to help us.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation

of my heart
All be acceptable in your sight, O Lord,
my strength and my redeemer

You, Christ, are the King of glory,

the eternal Son of the Father.
When you took our flesh to set us free
you humbly chose the Virgin’s womb.
You overcame the sting of death
and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believ-
You are seated at God’s right hand in glory.

Sunday Psalm 48
Monday Psalm 2
Tuesday Psalm 44
Wednesday Psalm 45
Thursday Psalm 39
Friday Psalm 139
Saturday Psalm 140

All Glory to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning is now
and shall be for ever. Amen.

Silence, study, music, or words from Scripture, such as

Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
All No one comes to the Father except
through me. Copyright © The Archbishop’s Council 2006

Stay safe, His spirit is with us!

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