Community Corner: Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Augustine Church, Barberton, OH) (June 23, 2013) Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Living the Faith in June: Luke 9:18-24 My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God (Ps. 63:2) Who do you say that I am? Jesus asks the question. Today, what is your answer? How would you describe Jesus to someone else, perhaps someone who has never known him? 328 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week. We should build the whole edifice of our spiritual life around Adoration. We should not hesitate to ask Him to work miracles, now, as He did in Palestine. (Fr. John Hardon) Are you looking for peace? You will find it in the Holy Hour program. Please call Judy Soltis at 330-212-0926. (Insert Graphic 2303-0197.tif) Just a reminder, effective immediately, St. Augustine Church now has a Mass on Thursdays at 12:05pm. If you would like to schedule a Mass Intention for Thursdays, please contact the rectory at 330-745-0011. Just a reminder: following the 10:30 Mass today, there will be a reception in the school cafeteria to welcome Fr. Pfeiffer to our parish. Please take a few moments from your busy day to introduce yourself and your family to Fr. Pfeiffer. THANK YOU DISH TOWEL/DISHRAG WASHERS! Thank you to person(s) who took the laundry from the Altar & Rosary Society kitchen home to clean. The clean items may be returned to the Rectory during normal business hours or left in a bag (marked ARS Kitchen) on the bench in the sacristy (room where the priests vest). Are you struggling to discover your unique gifts, and wonder what your talents are? Please join us for the next Living Your Strengths: Discovering your God Given Talents. Sessions will begin tomorrow, Monday, June 24 at 7:00pm and will continue for seven consecutive Mondays. Sessions will be held in Room #103 in the school. Anyone interested in registering, please contact Renee Barker at 330-745-1080 or (Insert Graphic 2113-0031.tif) St. Augustine Rectory will be closed on Thursday and Friday, July 4 & 5 for the holiday. Mass will be held Thursday, July 4 at 9:00am. The office will reopen for business on Monday, July 8.

Community Corner
Barberton Area Community Ministries items for the Month of June is Macaroni & Cheese Springtime of Hopes item for the month of June is Toothpaste & Toothbrush

Please place your donations inside the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule, items will be picked up on Monday morning. Thank you very much for your donations, especially at this time of the year, when there are so many in need. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. Holy Hour person of the Week: Mrs. Sally Gray

(Insert Graphic 2125-0016.tif) Elizabeth Ministry-A very special thank you is offered to all the hard workers in our parish that have contributed handmade and purchased items for the baptismal baskets. This ministry couldnt exist without you. Our ministry is looking for more volunteers! Do you like to cook, sew, knit, or crochet? Well! All of these talents are needed. Come and see what the Elizabeth Ministry is all about and enjoy each others company. We will meet on Sunday, June 30 in the school cafeteria at 4:00pm. This meeting is open to both new and current volunteers of all ages. If you can't attend the meeting but still want to be part of the ministry please e-mail Beth White at Because of the wonderful response to our need for furniture for the Ozanam Center (for which we are very grateful), we could really use a couple more volunteers with trucks who would be willing to pick up furniture. Hopefully we can get enough people that we would need to use each individual only twice a month. We would also be willing to discuss paying someone for the occasional pickup, mostly those that are in the outside area of our volunteers. If you are willing to volunteer or would like to discuss being paid, please call Cathie or Jim Perusek at 330-467-5762. Thank you in advance for all you do. Cards Anyone? Because of the Holiday, Euchre will be moved to July 12. Games begin at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. A lite meal will be provided. Beginners and experienced players are welcome to come and try a hand. Come and enjoy an evening of fellowship. It is not too late to sign up for the Spiritual Adoption Program. Registration cards are available in the back of the Church by the Holy Hour table. Prayer is powerful! The next Culture of Life Meeting will be held, Tuesday, June 25 following the 5:15 Mass. The meeting will be held in the rectory, all are welcome to participate. For more information, please contact Lynn Willig at 330-658-2642. Due to Independence Day on July 4, with some offices being closed on the fourth and the fifth, information for the July 7 bulletin must be received into the rectory by Wednesday, June 26. Anything received after the 26 will not make that weeks bulletin. Plans for the The St. Augustine Luau scheduled for Sunday, August 25 following the 10:30am Mass is well underway. Raffle tickets were placed in the bulletin last weekend, dont missout on the opportunity to be the big winner of $5,000. Two earlybird drawings will be held, one July 28 and one August 4. Volunteers are always needed, the next volunteer meeting is scheduled Wednesday, June 26 at 6:30PM in Cafeteria, hope to see you there. Anyone wishing to donate items for the themed baskets can drop them off at the Rectory during regular business hours. Basket themes are: Red, White & Blue (Patriotic items), Kitchen, Wine, Sports Fan, Baby Shower, Italian, Mexican, Back to School & Couples Night out. T-shirts will be available soon, they will be sold for $8.00 each. Lets make this event fun for everyone! Aloha!

(Insert Graphic 2000-0069.tif) Please pray for our Sick especially: Patrick Blasdel, Karl Bartel, Jacob Hurley, John Baylock, Ann Pipoly, Jim Santilli Sr., Amy Brickels, Ellen Morlan, Frances Trenta, Patrick Doyle, B. J. Ranier, Andrew Gombaski, John Fahey, Doug Marco, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, Jack Lemmon, Camilla Pieffer, Bob Kandes, Family of Joshua Weigand, Mary Ann Drobnak & Mary Seal (Insert Graphic 1108-0066.tif) I Robert Webb & Theresa Lamb

Please contact the rectory if you have been restored back to health and your name can be removed from the sick list. (Insert Graphic 1000-0005.tif) Stewardship: June 16 $ 7,585 $ 1,963 $ 9,548 $ $ $ $ 160 1,018 186 146

Sundays Offering Faith Direct Offering Total Offering St. Vincent de Paul School Support Peters Pence Newman Campus Ministry

Year-to-date Income Year-to-date Expenses Difference

COMPARATIVE FIGURES June 16 2012-2013 2011-2012 $1,534,414 $1,566,517 $1,592,532 $1,607,622 $ (58,118) $ (41,105) CAPITAL CAMPAIGN $1,524,138 $ 116,551

Spent to Date Amount on Deposit

Next weekend our diocese will take up the Peters Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victim of war, oppression, and disasters. Your gift makes you a pilgrim of charity around the globe. The FEST 2013 The FEST will be held Sunday, August 4 from 12:00 noon until Mass that starts at 8:00pm at the Center for Pastoral Leadership (28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe) followed by an amazing fireworks display. There will be amazing presentations throughout FEST day along with 120,000+ give away gifts for you and your family. The FEST is a FREE family day featuring national artists: Casting Crowns, For King and Country, Jamie Grace, Matt Maher and The 300s along with a huge activity area for children, junior high students and high school students. For additional details, go to www.the A "Caring and Sharing" session for those struggling with divorce, separation or widowhood will be held on Monday, June 24th from 7:30-9:00 pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary's Convent Building, 1945 Portage Trail in Cuyahoga Falls. Marlene Maruna, a Licensed Independent Social Worker, will facilitate this session. This event is open at no charge to people of all faiths. For information call Denny at 330285-9824 or Sharon 330-612-3635.

(Insert Graphic 1000-0035.tif) June 24-30 Monday, June 24 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 12:05 Elizabeth King 6:00 Confessions Tuesday, June 25 Weekday 5:15 Betty Frankovich Anniversary Wednesday, June 26 Weekday 12:05 Bob & Betty Bartel Thursday, June 27 Weekday 12:05 Celebrants Intention Friday, June 28 St. Irenaeus, Bishop & Martyr 12:05 George Kozarevic Saturday, June 29 Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles 8:30 Pramik & Spetich families 3:00 Confessions 4:00 M/M Joseph Lieberth Sunday, June 30 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 The People of St. Augustine Parish 10:30 Kimberly Jones Anniversary Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Readings for the Week of June 24 Is 49:1-6, Ps 139:1-3,13-14,14-15, Acts 13:22-26, Lk 1:57-66,80 Gn 13:2,5-18, Ps 15:2-3,3-4,5, Mt 7:6,12-14 Gn 15:1-12,17-18, Ps 105:1-2,3-4,6-7,8-9, Mt 7:15-20 Gn 16:1-12,15-16, Ps 106:1-2,3-4,4-5, Mt 7:21-29 Gn 17:1,9-10,15-22, Ps 128:1-2,3,4-5, Mt 8:1-4 Acts 12:1-11, Ps 34:2-3,4-5,6-7,8-9, 2 Tm 4:6-8,17-18, Mt 16:13-19 1 Kgs 19:16b,19-21, Ps 16:1-2,5,7-8,9-10,11, Gal 5:1,13-18, Lk 9:51-2

Immaculate Conception Parish is heading to the Akron Aeros vs Altoona Curve Baseball Game on Friday, July 12. Anyone interested in joining our Cluster Parish on this outing, reservations must be into Immaculate Conception by July 1. Ticket prices are $7.00 each, game time is at 7:05pm. For reservations, contact Grace at 330-753-8429. For couples preparing for marriage, Pre-Cana Day is available on the following dates in 2013: June 30, July 14, August 25 & October 13. The day will begin with registration then Mass at 10:30 am and conclude at 6:30 pm. Pre-Cana is presented by Jason & Brooke Roberts. The cost is $75.00 per couple which includes lunch. For reservation please call the Retreat House at 330-896-2315 or visit us on the web at: to print a reservation form.

Why a Holy Hour?

Today we run the risk of having our churches turned into museums and

ending like museums: If they are not closed, they are pillaged. They have no life. The

measure of the Churchs vitality, the measure of its interior openness, will be reflected in the fact that its doors remain open, precisely because it is a church where there is constant prayer. The Eucharist, and the community that celebrates it, will be full in the measure in which we prepare ourselves in silent prayer before the presence of the Lord and become persons who want to communicate with truth. (Pope Benedict XVI)

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