ETL 2015 Program

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In celebration of its 50th anniversary,

European Transport Law

organizes a conference in Antwerp on 10 November 2015

50 Years of
Maritime Law in Motion
9:45 Peter Laurijssen

Manager Legal Department CMB, co-editor ETL, Antwerpen, Belgium

Fannie Coplin Regents Chair in Law, University of Texas at Austin, United

States; B.A., J.D., Yale; M.A. (Jurisprudence) Oxford

Head and legal director of Meana Green Maura & Co, Bilbao, Spain

Head of Bech-Bruuns shipping and transport group, Copenhagen, Denmark

University of Bologna, partner LS LexJus Sinacta, Bologna, Italy

Welcome and brief introduction

10:00 Michael F. Sturley

Reflections on fifty years of revolutionary and glacial

change in the shipping industry
10:30 F. Javier Zabala
The new 14/2014 Spanish Navigation Act
11:00 Coffee/tea break
11:30 Jes Anker Mikkelsen

From chameleon to carrier a freight forwarders journey

over 50 years from a Nordic perspective
12:00 Claudio Perrella



Latest developments in ship arrest in Italy

Lunch Elzenveld

Brief introduction
Malcom Clarke

Emeritus Professor of Commercial Contract Law, University of Cambridge,

United Kingdom

Partner at SCP Villeneau Rohart Simon & Associs, Paris, France

Assistant professor, Akdeniz University Antalya, Turkey

Partner at CMS Hasche Sigle, Hamburg, Germany

The shape of the conventions on the carriage of goods

14:45 Sbastien Lootgieter
Carriage of goods : when is the delivery too late?
15:15 Banu Bozkurt Bozabali


In the search of catching the time: Time Charter according

to new Turkish Code of Commerce
Coffee/tea break
Christoph Zarth

The new German Maritime Code

16:45 Jan Loyens

Partner at LVV advocaten, co-editor ETL, Antwerpen, Belgium

European case law in transport matters

17:30 -19:30 Closing reception hosted by LVV advocaten

Social programme


Historical city walk, discovering a charming medieval

town, including its Cathedral of Our Lady, the Rubens House,
Museum Plantin-Moretus, the Grote Markt, with its 450 years
old City Hall
Lunch Elzenveld
Free afternoon
Closing reception hosted by LVV advocaten at the
15th Century Chapel of our Lady at seminar venue Elzenveld

A special venue in the historical center of Antwerp

to study, meet, sleep, party

Lange Gasthuisstraat 45
2000 Antwerpen
Written contributions for the 50th anniversary
Jacques Putzeys
Avocat au Barreau de Bruxelles, Prof. m., Universit Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

50 ans et puis?
Rolf Herber
Lawyer at Ahlers & Vogel, Prof. em., University of Hamburg, Germany

The New German Maritime Code

Ralph De Wit
Lawyer at CGK advocaten, Professor University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium

A Case Study on Competition Policy in Shipping in the US,

the EU and China

Manami Sasaoka and Gen Goto

Manami Sasaoka, Associate Professor of Law, Faculty of International Social

Sciences of Yokohama National University
Gen Goto, Associate Professor of Law at the Graduate Schools for Law and
Politics of the University of Tokyo, Japan

Reform of Transport and Maritime Law in Japan

An Analysis of the Interim Proposal

Eric Van Hooydonk

Lawyer at the Antwerp Bar, Prof. Dr., Research Professor at the University
of Ghent, Belgium

The Spanish dock labour ruling (C-576/13): mortal blow for the
dockers pools


Grote Steenweg 417
2600 Antwerpen
Tel.: +32-3-663.38.63
Fax: +32-3-663.39.20

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