Scope and Limitation of The Study
Scope and Limitation of The Study
Scope and Limitation of The Study
The Bachelor in Advertising and Public Relations (BAPR) is a course that offers
various opportunities for students.
relations, advertising and the likes. Among the departments commitment to impart
proper training, is the on-the-job training program of the curriculum.
BAPR fourth year students are subjected to experience working for an agency,
production house or the likes. With BAPRs diverse curriculum, students have a wide
array of choices in companies to work for.
Since 1965, the Department of Advertising and Public Relations has been a
major course in Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Both providing excellence and
knowledge to undergraduates that wants to achieve and excel in the field of advertising.
Like the other courses in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, BAPRs
curriculum includes the on-the-job training program that has provided real experience
for all the alumni of the. There are other Universities in the country that offers
Advertising in departments such as: Fine Arts, Marketing and Mass Communication.
Between now and last two years, a lot has changed in BAPR. In 2013, BAPR as a
course transferred to the College of Communication, a decision made by the PUP
These learning styles are the combination of two lines of axis (continuums) each formed
between what Kolb calls 'dialectically related modes' of 'grasping experience' (doing or
watching), and 'transforming experience' (feeling or thinking):
The word 'dialectically' is not widely understood, and yet carries an essential meaning, namely
'conflicting' (its ancient Greek root means 'debate' - and I thank P Stern for helping clarify this
precise meaning). Kolb meant by this that we cannot do both at the same time, and to an extent
our urge to want to do both creates conflict, which we resolve through choice when confronted
with a new learning situation. We internally decide whether we wish to do or watch, and at the
same time we decide whether to think or feel.
The result of these two decisions produces (and helps to form throughout our lives) the
preferred learning style, hence the two-by-two matrix below. We choose a way of 'grasping the
experience', which defines our approach to it, and we choose a way to 'transform the
experience' into something meaningful and usable, which defines our emotional response to the
experience. Our learning style is a product of these two choice decisions: how to approach a
task - ie., 'grasping experience' - preferring to (a) watch or (b) do , and our emotional response
to the experience - ie., 'transforming experience' - preferring to (a) think or (b) feel.
In other words we choose our approach to the task or experience ('grasping the experience') by
opting for 1(a) or 1(b): 1(a) - though watching others involved in the experience and reflecting on
what happens ('reflective observation' - 'watching') or 1(b) - through 'jumping straight in' and just
doing it ('active experimentation' - 'doing')
And at the same time we choose how to emotionally transform the experience into something
meaningful and useful by opting for 2(a) or 2(b): 2(a) - through gaining new information by
thinking, analyzing, or planning ('abstract conceptualization' - 'thinking') or 2(b) - through
experiencing the 'concrete, tangible, felt qualities of the world' ('concrete experience' - 'feeling')
The combination of these two choices produces a preferred learning style.
On-the-Job Training can help students to be more familiar with the realities of working and in
some cases, this may lead to a stable and fulfilling career. Students can also learn discipline,
organization, and people skills while they train out in the workforce. Since on-the-job
training is supervised by real employees in real-life work situations, anything can happen, and
students must learn "on their feet". Students will adjust to working, and they will gain invaluable
experience that they can take with them as they move forward with future careers and
On-the-job training is significant because it takes skills training into the real world, and teaches
students to produce in a different, more adult, environment. Students may well pick up new
skills they can use for a variety of purposes. Many students may continue on with an employer
after on-the-job training ends, leading to a successful new stream of income.
Sometimes, a student may be ill-suited to the type of work they are slated to perform during onthe-job training. In the case, the whole situation can provoke undue stress and anxiety in a teen
or young adult. Getting the right fit between the position and the student is crucial to making onthe-job training a positive experience.
Conceptual Framework
The flow of the study is discussed through conceptual framework. The study used
the systems approach. The system of three frames is composed of input which go
through the process and emerged as output.
Figure 2
Profile of ADPR
students who are
problems in
applying for
1. Section
2. SocioAcademic
o Frequency
1. Conclusio
2. Policy
The first box or the input shows the profile of the students who had a problem of
applying for internship. This consists of course-section and socio-academic status of the
ADPR (Advertising and Public Relations) 3rd year students.
The second box contains the process and operation performed in analyzing the
data gathered. The third box or the output contains the recommendation of the
researchers regarding the study. The arrow shows procedure of the study.
Advertising Practicum programs have worked with firms to provide student
internships for many years. Administrators and faculty have promoted such programs by
asserting that internships improve a students ability by getting into the field they want.
Yet, some students pursuing an internship fail to get into their target field/position. So,
why do students who pursue the path of having internship opportunities with their dream
field become a challenge for them? Reasons may include students incompetence in the
field- including practical and academic experiences, and/or failure of students to meet
the standards of their target companies. We aim to examine the relationship between
the number of interns who got their targeted field and for those who does not.
this kind of technique in the curriculum. The following field of companies include:
advertising agencies, media or events. The research conducted considered the choices
of the students and its application to their experience and learnings.
The major constraint in conducting this research is that several companies dont
accept interns and others have several school tie-ups for their internship programs.
Most of the students are hesitant to answer and are still unsure as to where they want to
spend their internship. Those who are sure of where they want to work as an intern are
included in the study. This research only considered students from the department of
Advertising and Public Relations, especially up and coming fourth year students.
The finding of this study will redound to the benefit of students, advertising or not,
considering that every student will have their practicum subject/course. Practicum or
OJT as most of the students will call it, plays a big role in every students life. It is a way
of changing the students outlook in life through exposure in the performance of actual
work relevant to their field of work that may serve as a stepping stone for their future
career. Choosing the right company is also important. Every student must choose a
company that will fit to their level of skills, intelligence or preference. Thus, this study is
aiming to focus on how a student chose a certain company and also how a company
chooses their batch of interns.
Definition of Terms
AD Agency is a business dedicated to creating, planning, and handling
advertisements and promotions for clients.
Advertising industry is an industry that deals with promotion and advertising.
Trainees/Practitioners- are people who practice their field of work in a certain industry.
Advertisements refers to any materials used to promote and sell a product or
BAPR- Bachelor in Advertising and Public Relations is a course in PUP that offers the
best curriculum in promotions and marketing.
PUP- Polytechnic University of the Philippines
COC- College of Communications
OJT - On-the-Job training for fourth year students offered in different courses.
Chapter II
Review and Related Literature and Studies
Foreign Literature
On-the-Job-Training takes place in a normal work setting. Although OJT can be
an excellent training device, some training activities view OJT as a quick and
easy way to solve a training problem. They look at the problem for a short
period of time and then tell the business unit, Train them the best you can and
if you have any problems come see us. However, the design, development, and
implementation of the OJT learning platform needs the same care and attention
as any other training or learning platform.
OJT is normally divided into two types: Structured (formal) and Unstructured
(informal) (DeSimone, Werner, 2012). Unstructured OJT programs are of course
often thrown together with no thought or planning, such as having a new
employee watching an experienced one. These types of programs lead to
increased error rates, lower productivity, and decreased training efficiency
(Jacobs, Jones, 1995).
Structured OJT programs have been planned and are led by trained coaches,
however they are employees who have other primary duties and normally only
instruct when they are assigned an employee who needs to be trained in their
primary area of expertise.
Local Literature
Art. 58. Definition of Terms. As used in this Title:
1. Apprenticeship means practical training on the job supplemented by related
theoretical instruction.
2. An apprentice is a worker who is covered by a written apprenticeship agreement
with an individual employer or any of the entities recognized under this Chapter.
3. An apprenticeable occupation means any trade, form of employment or occupation
which requires more than three (3) months of practical training on the job supplemented
by related theoretical instruction.
Foreign Literature
On-the-job training is training that takes place while employees are actually working. It
means that skills can be gained while trainees are carrying out their jobs. This benefits
both employees and the business. Employees learn in the real work environment and
gain experience dealing with the tasks and challenges that they will meet during a
normal working day. The business benefits by ensuring that the training is specific to the
job. It also does not have to meet the additional costs of providing off-the-job training or
losing working time.
There are several methods of providing on-the-job training. Four frequently used
methods are briefly described here:
Coaching an experienced member of staff will help trainees learn skills and
processes through providing instructions or demonstrations (or both).
Job rotation this is where members of staff rotate roles or tasks so that they
gain experience of a full range of jobs.
Local Literature
Manila and DigitalFCB , along with Weber Shandwick Philippines and Stargate
Publications, are part of the MFCB Group.
FCB (Foote, Cone & Belding) is filled with a diverse and passionate group of thinkers,
creators, technologists and storytellers devoted to creating buzzworthy ideas that
change consumer behavior. The global, fully integrated marketing communications
agency celebrates local culture, flavor and expertise market-by-market. With over 140
years of communications expertise, FCBs worldwide network spans 150 offices in 90
countries, with more than 8,000 people, and is part of the Interpublic Group of
During its 110-year history, Dentsu Inc., the No. 1 agency brand in the world, has
continually advanced how and what a communications agency should be. From setting
up the first broadcast networks in Japan to becoming one of the largest sports
marketing companies in the world, from developing mobile marketing applications to
producing Oscar-winning entertainment, Dentsu has been a leading innovator in the
ways people, ideas, technology and business converge.
Dentsu Network, headquartered in New York and Tokyo with 82 offices in 29 countries,
leverages its global talents and capabilities to continually reinvent ways to make their
clients more successful. Their Dentsu-branded offices and best-in-class agencies
including mcgarrybowen, 360i, Firstborn, Steak, &c and Media Palette provide
apply them
Consequently, this has enabled their local and multinational clients to utilize a wealth of
global knowledge to build stronger, more competitive brands.
Cheil Philippines offers solutions that can instantly send ripples through the market in
todays fast-changing marketing environment and can be readily put to use on the
frontiers of marketing. They strive to propose a lifestyle and culture that add greater
value to consumers lives and society as a whole, while also pointing to the optimum
directions for clients to overcome their challenges.
DDB Philippines
As influential communicators, DDB is in a position to use creativity as a force for good.
As Bill Bernbach so eloquently put it, All of us who professionally use the mass media
are the shapers of society. We can vulgarize that society. We can brutalize it. Or we can
help lift it onto a higher level.
At DDB they are guided by playbooks, not rule books. Rigid methodologies minimize
creativity. Paint-by-numbers gets you the same painting every time. That is not to say
they do not have tried and true approaches to building and growing world class brands
they do. Nine times out of ten, companies like theirs are chosen as partners based on
their ability to create effective marketing solutions, their commitment to their clients
business and dynamic working chemistry.
JWT Manila
JWT Manila is the pioneering advertising agency in the Philippines. It was the first
multinational agency to establish local operations 65 years ago. It was followed with a
series of firsts, like the first to apply strategic planning, the first to introduce branded
entertainment, and even the first to claim a branded Guinness World Record.
In recent history, JWT Manila was the first and only advertising agency in the Philippines
to win the Gold Cannes Lions. JWT Manila provides pioneering business and creative
solutions for Unilever, J&J, Kraft, Shell, Nokia, HSBC, Ford, Mazda, Nestle, KimberlyClark, Bayer, Greenfield Development Corporation and Canon.
Leo Burnett MANILA
Creativity has the power to transform human behavior
This is the core belief of what they call HumanKind. Its not about advertising or brand
propositions or selling products. Its about people and purpose. Its an approach to
marketing that serves true human needs, not the other way around.
Thats why everything they do for brands is designed with a human purpose in mind. A
brand without purpose is one that will never be understood or embraced by people. A
brand with purpose can be a true agent of change and transform the way people think,
feel or act. A brand with a true HumanKind purpose can change the world. Their dream
is to be the best creator of ideas that truly move people bar none.
Lowe Philippines
Lowe Philippines office began as C.A. Lintas in 1978 with 12 people and Php5million in
billings. In less than 10 years, under the leadership of Mr. Francis Trillana, the agency
grew to become the youngest among the top 10 advertising agencies in the country.
Today, Lowe Philippines still ranks as one of the top 10 agencies in the country and is
an acknowledged premiere consumer engagement agency under the stewardship of
Leigh Reyes who assumed the position of President and Chief Creative Officer in
January 2012.
communications, marketing, and advertising solutions for your business needs. they use
proven methods and new age approaches to produce compelling executions that
captivate audiences from all walks of life. They know how you value every penny you
invest into advertising, and so they pay extra effort to give your brand the mileage it
Jump Digital Inc.
Jump Digital was inaugurated last June 2013 as a full-fledged end-to-end digital
marketing agency. It seeks to help individuals and organizations cope up with the ever
changing digital landscape in terms of reach and richness. It currently offers strategic
consulting services that cover creative concepts, search engine marketing services,
online media buying, viral marketing, content creation, social networking services, and
online reputation management
Atmospheric Branding has had a vast pool of radio broadcasting and creative
production experience by going into the industry with a pressing goal to transform and
revolutionize the consumers in-store experience.
WAV Atmospheric Branding is a think-tank of passionate, out-of-the-box and resultsoriented people socially responsible, creative, dynamic, trustworthy, and innovative.
Always forward-thinking, the WAV team takes calculated risks to go beyond client
Final Thought on Advertising Agencies in the Philippines
This is just a small list of advertising agencies in the Philippines and Im sure there are
many, many more. I would love to hear about any advertising agencies in the
Philippines that you have worked with and what experiences you had working with
them. Please leave a comment and let me know.
If this list was not what you were looking for than maybe you should check out the top
advertising agencies around Asia, List of Social Media Marketing Companies in
China, Top 13 Advertising Agencies in Shanghai, or Top 10 list of Advertising Agencies
in Beijing.
This chapter discussed the designs and procedures undertaken during the
conduct of the study. It presented the research method used, instrument used, and
validation of instrument, data gathering procedures and statistical treatment of data.
To gather data that will be subject to different processes to yield meaningful
information that may support or reject the presented hypotheses. Through surfing in the
internet and through a process of an interview, the researchers were able to get
secondary data to be subject for cross-validation.