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Step 1: Inquiry Approaches To Teaching

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Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching

UTeach Program - The University of Massachusetts Lowell

5 E Lesson Plan

Rakesh Buchan, Tanya Touch

Title of Lesson

Spinning Ghosts

Grade Level


Englesby Middle School

Date of Lesson
Massachusetts Framework Standards
Position and Motion of Objects
Describe the various ways that objects can move
Essential Question
Demonstrate that the way to change the motion of an object is to
to find an explanation to this
from framework)
a force
How does the shape of an object affect how quickly it falls to the ground?
Math/Science Concept
In the box below write down the key points about the specific topic.
A force is a push or pull that changes the motion of an object. Air resistance is the force that acts opposite to the
direction of motion.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to
Write and test a hypothesis
Identify opposing forces
Conduct multiple trials
Collect accurate data
Explain differences in terms of force
Answer related questions by interpreting data
Materials List include a list of number
and sets of materials including

Key words and phrases for lesson

(these must be printed out and displayed)
Air Resistance
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable

4 students in a group
4 ghosts per group with paperclips
1 packet per student
Sheet of paper per student (engagement)
Post it notes (engagement)

Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching

Consider what unexpected scenarios may occur during the
lesson, and what you would do if it occurs. Safety features
are not just pertaining to use of equipment. It will also
include movement about the classroom

What accommodations will you make for
students who are ELL, have Special needs, fast
workers, slow workers etc.?

Do not unroll paper clips and poke each other

Beware of paper cuts

Place student in more suited group that can help if student

getss off track. Spend time with student going over
directions, help construct data table, and collect data, if

Engagement: Estimated Time: __10________

What the teacher does AND how will the teacher direct
students: (Directions)
Write in ALL Probing Questions: Critical questions that will
connect prior knowledge and create a Need to know
Ask students to pull out a piece of paper and drop it on the
floor, next ask them to crumple paper up into ball, before
dropping the paper ball to the floor. Ask them which one
would fall to the floor faster.
Pass out materials and post it notes to students while doing
Write name on post it notes which one do you think will spin?

Expected Student Responses AND

Misconceptions - think like a student to
consider student responses INCLUDING
misconceptions (italics)
Students will say the crumpled ball will fall to
the floor first. The paper ball is heavier than
the sheet of paper

Students will most likely not pick Ghost A (the


Exploration: Estimated Time: ___30_______

What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct
students to do: (Directions). Write down ALL Probing
Questions: Critical questions that will guide students to a
Common set of Experiences
Explain to students that each one will be getting a ghost, since
there are 4 students to a group, they each will have their ghosts
with different arm positions. With what they just saw, predict
which ghost will stay in the air longest amount of time.

Expected Student Responses AND

Misconceptions - think like a student to
consider student responses INCLUDING
misconceptions (italics)
Students may complain about the ghost they
will receive.
Students may change the orientation of their
ghost to their own preference. Student may
forget to record their data.

Write down their hypothesis and identify the variables before

dropping the ghosts.
Have students come up with method of how to test which ghost
will stay in air longest. Students will be told to start their
exploration and record data.

Drop from highest equal point

Ex. Test 2 ghosts at a time. Two students with
different ghosts drop at same time, one
person watching to see which hits the floor
first, one person records data
Drop all 4 ghosts at the same time

Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching

After all students figure out which arm ghost position stays in
the air longest/spins, have them go back to their hypothesis. Was
their prediction correct?
What differences do you notice with the different ghosts?

They dont fall the same way because some of

them are heavier

Explanation: Estimated Time: ___15_______

What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct
students to do: (Directions). Include ALL Clarifying Questions:
Critical questions that will help students clarify their
understanding and introduce information related to the lesson
concepts & vocabulary

Expected Student Responses AND

Misconceptions - think like a student to
consider student responses INCLUDING
misconceptions (italics)

Why did changing the placement of the ghosts arms make a


Changing the shape creates more pockets

to catch air

What other independent variable could you change (while keeping

the ghosts shape constant) to affect how quickly it falls to the

The paper clip's position.

Turning the ghost upside down, dropping
it lower

Air resistance is a type of force that opposes the motion of the

object. (Students should be able to make a connection with the
previous involving the air resistance with the sails)
How is the air resistance affecting the ghosts differently? (Draw
diagram of air molecules against different surface areas)

The air is only hitting one side of the

ghost. Students may draw the air
resistance going in the wrong direction.

Elaboration: Estimated Time: __15_______

What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct
students to do: (Directions). Include ALL Probing Questions:
Critical questions that will help students extend or apply their
newly acquired concepts/skills in new situations
What are the forces acting on the spinning ghost as it falls to the

Expected Student Responses AND

Misconceptions - think like a student to
consider student responses INCLUDING
misconceptions (italics)
Air resistance (upward) and gravity
(downward) wind, pressure

Where have you seen (designs of different ghosts) before?

Helicopter seeds, Helicopters,

What would happen to the ghosts if there werent any air

What other real life situations use air resistance?

The ghost would fall to the ground faster.

Ghost will stay in the air longer.
Drag racers, airplanes, parachutes,
helicopter seeds

What factors would affect air resistance?

Objects surface area and shape

Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching

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