1 - Accountability of Local Government
1 - Accountability of Local Government
1 - Accountability of Local Government
Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol. 3 (1), December 2014, 1-14
In the last two decades, the accountability of governmental institutions has become
more complex and attracted considerable interests from both academic researchers and the
general public. Issues such as financial scandals and mismanagement of resources have
concerned stakeholders, since government institutions are considered agents of the public
with a duty of ensuring the proper functioning of governmental organizations. The activities
of government institutions are therefore scrutinized by numerous actors and stakeholders
(Peter 2006).
Consequently, many governments across the globe are giving serious attention to the
issue of accountability, and transparency of its agency in response to the pressure from the
citizens. However, lack of enforcement or rigorous punishment for violations make public
organizations suffer from low level of efficiency, corruption and many other problems (Saleh
and Nabiha 2011).
In the context of Indonesia, particularly the province of Aceh, the issue needs to have
more attentions. The signing of a peace agreement in Helsinki in August 2005 between the
Government of Indonesia and the Aceh Independent movement led to special autonomy
status and a massive injection of financial resources for the Aceh region. As a result, the local
government in Aceh began receiving an unprecedented amount of financial resource from the
Indonesian central government. A study conducted by World Bank (2006) indicated that
institutions of local government in Aceh arguably do not have the capacity to effectively
manage and spend such resources. Corruption is a major problem within Indonesian local
government (Barron and Clark 2006). In a research conducted in 39 cities in Indonesia
examining public satisfaction with local governments, noted that the majority of respondents
are disappointed with their local government commitment to eradicate corruption and report
practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism (Chene 2009, p.4)
Therefore, there is a need to examine governance and accountability of local
government of this region. The aim of this paper is to discuss issues of accountability and
governance of local government in Indonesia, particularly in the province of Aceh, Indonesia.
Local Government Act No 32/2004 stipulated that local government consist of
executive body and local parliament. Executive body consist of a Head of Region and local
apparatus, namely a local secretariat, government agencies (Dinas) and technical unit. These
offices and technical units differ between regions in Indonesia since depending on different
needs of each region. In Indonesia, local government has authority to determine the number
of local agency based on what is needed. It has authority for all development sectors in
regions. The Local Parliament (DPRD), as a legislative body with members from various
political parties, is separated from the executive body. The local legislative body has the
authority to establish local regulations, local revenue and expenditures budgets, to conduct
investigation, to express opinion and consideration, as well as to facilitate and follow up the
aspiration of citizens (UNESCAP 2013, p.11).
Under the new centralization laws from 2004, central government retains authority
over six key functional areas, including international politics, justice, monetary and fiscal,
defence, national security, and religion (Takeshi 2006, Savitri 2011). As such, local
governments in Indonesia are not a sub unit or under the direct command of national
government and the central government departments no longer has line agency offices
(kanwil) in the regions (McCarthy 2004).
The structure of local government as follows the pattern of national government
which is divided into provincial and district/city levels of government. Both provincial and
district/city levels of government have been granted autonomy and each level has its own
government system and legislative body (UNESCAP, 2013, p. 6). General governmental
structure in Indonesia is depicted in Figure 1.
There have been several studies that have identified numerous problems of regional
autonomy. The media have also increasingly reported cases of corruption, intimidation, and
money politics in the region, giving rise to powerful regional heads locally known as raja
kecil (small kings). However, viewed from the local government perspective, decentralization
has led to various benefits. With greater autonomy, local governments are free to do what
they see fit (Takeshi 2006, p. 141). The World Bank (2001) as quoted by (McCarthy 2004,
p.8), has also suggested that under appropriate condition decentralization increased the
efficiency of government and its responsiveness to local needs, enhanced the accountability
of public institutions. Hence, it is essential for all local governments to overcome the gap
between the theory and the practice of decentralization, in order to guarantee the successful
implementation of benefits from decentralization
2.1. The Greater Autonomy for Acehs Local Government
For political reasons, the system of local government cannot be implemented
uniformly in all regions in Indonesia. The province of Aceh has obtained greater autonomy as
part of the agreement for the conflict resolution with the central government. Law No18/2001
on Special Autonomy for Aceh Province was enacted on 9 August, 2001.This special
autonomy was granted in order to address the political, economic and culture grievances of
the Acehnese people. The law transferred an unprecedented level of power and resources
from the central government to the province. It also give Aceh a greater share of income from
its natural resources, allowed more freedom to manage internal affairs, and gave the
authorities the ability to redesign the local government in line with local context and provide
authority on religious matters (Gukguk 2006; Crouch 2009).However, this law was never
fully implemented in Aceh, (Barron and Clark 2006, p.4) which resulted in continuation of
the conflict.
In 2005, the Indonesia government and the Aceh independent movement signed a
peace agreement which led to resolving of the conflict. Hence, the Peace agreement provides
for autonomy of Aceh and covers a broad range, from the administrative to the political and
fiscal issues and The Aceh government has the right to use its own regional symbols, to
establish local political parties, and considerable right in the economic and fiscal areas. Aceh
obtains greater benefits from its natural resources, as the agreement provides the province
with a larger share of revenues; it retains 70% of revenues from natural resources and also an
Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol. 3 (1), December 2014, 1-14
increase in general purpose grants, which are in Indonesian termed dana alokasi umum
(DAU) (World Bank 2006, UNDP 2012).The Aceh government can also set different
interest rates from those of the Central Bank of Indonesia.
The peace agreement and the subsequent law on government of Aceh (LoGA), Law
No11/2006has considerable impact on the nature of relationship between the central
government in Jakarta and Acehs local government, as it has led to a transfer of power and
financial resources to the Aceh Region. The broad authority, of course, has allowed the Aceh
local government to carry out their development activities without much central government
interference. This is in direct contrast to the Soeharto Era (1966-1998), in which power was
concentrated in Jakarta and the central government controlled almost all aspects of national
economy and political life. That caused dissatisfaction among local people, particularly those
from regions rich in natural resources, such as Aceh.
Thus, Aceh province has benefited from the decentralisation in Indonesia (World
Bank 2006; and UNDP 2012). Moreover, the peace agreement has resulted in greater
autonomy for the Aceh region compared to the rest of the provinces in Indonesia. This has
also resulted in wide-ranging reforms in local government during the past decade and shifted
more political accountability to Aceh.
2.2. Local Political Accountability
The Helsinki Agreement changed Acehs local government to a local political
accountability model. Hence, the head of Aceh region is directly elected by the people and is
accountable to the local parliament. Through this new reform, Aceh has been given full
political and administrative independence (Kaidonis and Moerman 2007).The Aceh local
government is no longer required to report the resource allocation process and its
implementation to the central government. The regional parliament has the right to approve
and reject the budgets as well as the accountability report of the Governor, i.e. the head of the
region (Venning 2009).
However, similar to other regions in Indonesia, the Aceh local government is
dependent and accountable to the central government, as there are cases in which the central
government, through its line ministries, provides certain public goods and services in the
region (Savitri 2011).Similarly this has been outlined by Venning (2009 p.7) and has been
pointed out as follows:
Although local governments have a considerable power and authorities in many
centralised countries, local government remain accountable to the central government for
adherence to its priorities, policies and laws.
The Indonesian central government is to some extent still responsible for ensuring that
citizens can access public goods and services of an acceptable quantity and quality anywhere
within the country. Thus, actual government functions still overlap, since the provision of
public goods and services are in fact carried out by both central and local governments. This
can of course benefit society in term of availability of public goods and services, but this
situation may further confuse the implementation of accountability function to whom local
government should be accountable, and this may jeopardize the objective of decentralization,
better public services and accountability (Savitri 2011).
Aceh local revenues now consist of local revenue (tax and charges), natural resources
revenue sharing, tax revenue sharing, general purpose grants, Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU)
and special allocation grant, Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) / as well as special autonomy fund
(Law No33/2004). The Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) is designed to equalise the fiscal
capacities of regional governments to finance their expenditure needs. Hence, the purpose of
the general purpose grant is to pay salaries and allowances of civil servants and reduce fiscal
imbalances created by revenue sharing. Whereas, special allocation grant, Dana Alokasi
Khusus (DAK) is used primarily to finance physical capital investment, aid in emergencies,
and assist expenditure relate to national priorities (Kaidonis and Moerman 2007). Except for
local revenue (tax and charges), revenue is regulated in the Law No 33/2004 on fiscal balance
between the central and local governments and Law No 11/2006 on the government of Aceh.
It is important to note that only Aceh and Papua local governments have special
autonomy funds in their revenues structure as a result of the greater share revenue of natural
resource (especially oil and gas) granted to the province (see, UNDP 2012). This exception
only applies to these two regions in Indonesia. The Aceh local government has the right to
additional revenue up to 2% of national DAU allocation for 15 years from 2008 to the year
2022, and 1% from 2023 until 2028 (the Law of Government of Aceh (LOGA) No 11/2006).
Figure 2 diagrammatically illustrates the flow of funds in Aceh.
The Indonesian central government has authority only to monitor and evaluate the
implementation of specific allocation grant. The local government in Aceh has to
demonstrate the accountability of implementation of this grant to the respective ministry and
the ministry of finance. Other types of revenue fall under local governments full authority in
terms of allocation and disbursement of the financial resources. Thus, the central government
has an obligation to allocate funds, but not the authority in monitoring or evaluating the
spending of said funds (Brojonegoro 2003 p. 294).
This study is based on qualitative approach in which data are gathered through
literature source and semi structure interviews with key informants such as internal and
external auditors of government, academicians and a former government advisor for the Aceh
region. The purpose of the interviews is to gain in depth understanding regarding their
general view of Aceh local government, specifically regarding issues of governance and
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents method used, while the next
section discusses the meaning and concept of local government in the Indonesian context.
The paper then proceeds with the discussion of greater autonomy for the local government
and local political accountability in Aceh. Section 4 discusses the problematic issues of
accountability in the Aceh local government. Section 5provides the recommendations and
conclusion from the paper.
Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol. 3 (1), December 2014, 1-14
There are several problematic issues of accountability of the Aceh local government,
such as a lack of financial planning and budgeting, low of quality of financial reporting and
the lack of transparency and accountability.
4.1. The Lack of Financial Planning and Budgeting
Financial resources are among the most important elements needed to ensure the
process of development in any country. Due to this, resources must be optimally and
efficiently allocated through the budgetary process in order to achieve efficient distribution of
resources. Budgets are a public statement of expected government revenues and expenditures
over a period of time and are deliberated and endorsed by elected legislator in national,
provincial, municipal and local government (Robinson 2004) and are an important part of the
relationship between citizens and government. Therefore, satisfactory budget management is
a key challenge and required urgent attention for Aceh local government so that it ensures
efficient and effective allocating resources so as to improve economics condition of its
The process of budgeting is subject to guidelines and procedural orders as formulated
in the government regulation. The budget process begins in January of the preceding year
when the regional government begins formulating a regional work plan as the basis for policy
of the regional budget (APBD). The provincial government presents the budgets general
policy to the local parliament in mid-June. During the first week of October, the local
government submits a draft of the budget to the local parliament. At least one month before
the start of the fiscal year, the local parliament and local government must agree on the
proposed budget. Figure 3 refers to a diagram in understanding the process of budget
preparation more clearly.
However, previous studies have indicated that budget management system of Acehs
local government do not work well (UNDP 2012).The budget cycle and management was not
in accordance to the time or period set by the law and regulations. As an academician from
Syiah Kuala University in Aceh commented, We have the rule, we have the cycle of the
budget, but we always break the rule. (Interviewee 1, 2013).
His view is consistent with the findings of a survey of 41 local governments in
Indonesia conducted by Fitra and Asia Foundation (2008 p.9) which stated that some local
governments still do not comply with the administration of the planning and budgeting
processes as stipulated in laws and regulations; for example, budgets are not passed on time,
and the content of the budget documents is inadequate.
In 2010, for example, the government of Aceh was the slowest provincial
government to submit the budget, which consequently seriously delayed the arrangements for
obtaining budget approval. In 2011, the Aceh provincial government again failed to meet
even the extended deadline. As a consequence, the central government imposed a penalty on
the government of Aceh. Clearly, delay in budget submission and approval are common in
Aceh in recent years at both provincial and district level. Thus, a significant amount of the
budgeted funds cannot be spent by the end of the fiscal year. The problem still persists, since
no one feels responsible or was held accountable for this unsatisfactory budget management.
Even though local government administration has been a constant subject of
administrative reform, there is still lack of financial planning at the local government, as
explained by the interviewee who was previously involved as a special staff for Aceh
Regional Development Planning Agency. He complained about the lack of integration
between the process of planning and its implementation:
From my experience, there has been no focus on the planning, that the first
one, the plan, of course, we prepare, we write down it, but there was no
connection between the plan, and its implementation of budget. It seems to me
it was not connected at all (Interviewee 1, 2013).
Besides the lack of integration between planning and implementation; the delay in finalising
the budget are due to interference from the various parties, the executive, the politicians and
also from the legislative as he further commented:
I think the biggest problem of it (budget management) is the process itself. As
I said before, there is the interference from many groups, legislative, executive
and the other political parties during the budgeting process cause the delay of
budget approval (Interviewee 1, 2013).
Besides the lack of integration between planning and implementation and the interference of
various parties; the problem is also exacerbated due to the lack of capacity and capability of
the public officers. Consequently, there is lack of transparency and accountability on the
usage of public funds. Hence, though there exist government regulations that require good
financial planning and budgeting, in reality these regulations are not adhered to. As explained
by another academician from Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, Indonesia who was involved in
various local government activities.
Well, they are supposed to comply with the regulation in managing the
development fund, but in many cases, transparency and accountability are
lacking in management of public fund. It starts from very beginning of the
process of planning and reporting is not transparent. The wrong men in some
cases are managing the budget, they do not have the capacity to really plan,
implement, execute, and also report budget properly according to the
regulation (Interviewee 2 2013).
Similarly, a research conducted by UNDP (2012) found that the unsatisfactory budget
management process in Aceh was caused by the following factors:
a. A range of institutional problems, at various levels with governments, which hamper
overall management effectiveness, whether these including lack of impetus from the
leadership, a lack of technical expertise or an antagonistic relationship between the
local government and the local parliament.
b. Marked delays, at both the provincial and district level, in the approval of and
utilization of budgets in recent years.
Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol. 3 (1), December 2014, 1-14
c. Excessive political interest and bureaucratic controls which have greatly limited
managerial flexibility (UNDP 2012).
They also found that this is not a problem specifically in Aceh province, but have become a
problem in various parts of Indonesian in recent years at all levels of government. To cope
with this problem, the government of Aceh has made several efforts to improve financial
planning process. For example, the former governor of Aceh established a special budgetary
unit named Unit Percepatan dan Pengendalian Keuangan (Financial Acceleration and
Management Unit) to address the problem.
However, budget management in Aceh still remains problematic since the process of
formulating and obtaining approval for the annual budget is still excessively bureaucratic and
time consuming (UNDP 2012). In spite of this, the current elected local governments,
particularly at provincial level have made much improvement as evidenced by the award on
budgetary planning received by the Aceh province from the central government (Serambi
Indonesia 2013).
4.2. The Low Quality of Financial Reporting and the Lack Transparency and
A government has an obligation to give an account of the performance of its duties. In
the context of both Acehs local government and other parts of Indonesia, this obligation is
embedded in the guidelines for the reporting of performance evaluation of government
institutions (LAKIP). LAKIP requires local governments to submit performance
accountability report at the end of each fiscal year. The agreed annual budgetary and revenue
expenditures are to be reported to the legislature and the wider society which could, based on
the information provided, do evaluation of the local government performance.
Proper financial reports have become a key component in which accountability is
expected and can be demonstrated. Through financial reports, stakeholders can undertake
performance assessment of the organization. It is important to note that the disclosure of all
activities must be made public and not in secrecy or under the guise of confidentiality. An
absence of transparency usually results in the abuse of public funds (Owe chi and Namara
In Aceh, there is a lack of financial reporting by the local government. As explained
by an auditor at the National Auditing Agency, many local government authorities in Aceh
were not able to produce financial reports in a timely manner. Besides the delay in submitting
financial reports, the public officers also failed to provide reports that are in compliance with
accounting standards and regulations (Interviewee 3 2013). Thus, it is not surprising that for
the fiscal year 2012, only seven out of the 24 financial reports of the districts and cities
government were given unqualified opinion by the auditors. More alarmingly, the provincial
government has managed to submit their financial reports on time only starting in 2012.
However, they have not yet received unqualified opinion. Even though various efforts were
made to improve performance and accountability of public sector in Indonesia, the issue of
lack of accountability still exists. The concerns about lack of accountability were also raised
by an internal government auditor who noted that accountability in Aceh local government
now is not well implemented.(Interviewee 4, 2013).
Nevertheless, there is agreement among those interviewed that the level of accountability in
Aceh local government has greatly improved, particularly at the provincial level, following
the introduction of an integrated financial management. This is because the new system has
vastly improved the reliability of financial information and sped up the submission of
financial reports.
The local government of Aceh has undergone significant political and administrative
reform due to the greater autonomy local government compared to other regions. The law on
government of Aceh (LOGA), Law No 11/2006, has drastically changed the national and sub
national relations by transferring power and financial resources to the Aceh region. This
reform has shifted accountability of Aceh local government to a local political
accountability model.
However, the issues of lack of accountability and low levels of efficiency are still
repeatedly voiced by the media and corruption watchdogs. This issue is more significant
given that Aceh is among the richest province in Indonesia; on a per capita basis Aceh is
among top three regions in Indonesia after Papua and East Kalimantan. However, at the same
time it remains the fourth poorest province in Indonesia. This clearly demonstrates poor
financial management and accountability practices by the governmental authorities. It is also
questionable whether the local government is committed in enhancing its accountability,
improving efficiency and effectiveness of the program implementation, as well providing
better transparency in financial matters.
In relation to this, it has been indicated that Aceh local government continues to suffer
from low level of efficiency as well as corruption. Allegation of bribery and corruption are
frequently raised against the local authorities as indicated from the research findings
conducted by Fitra, Forum for Budget Transparency (2012), which ranked Aceh province as
the second most corrupt in Indonesia after Jakarta (Aceh National Post 2012).
Even though the government of Aceh has made various efforts to enhance both
performance and accountability, the process remains problematic and has not satisfactorily
achieved the intended result particularly, in the areas of budget management as well as
timeliness and quality of financial reporting. The budget cycle process has been developed on
paper rather than being fully practiced. The process of financial planning and budgeting need
to be vastly improved. There is a yearly delay in budget submission and approval, a lack of
conformance to proper accounting practices and guidelines, and a lack of the disclosure of all
activities. This means that accountability practices of local government does not meet the
standards as set and required by the governmental regulations. However, it should be noted
that problematic financial planning and budgeting are also due to interference from the
various parties including the legislature, the local parliament and also the politicians. This,
combined with the lack of capacity and capability of public officers, has led the problematic
issues of the lack of accountability and good governance in management of public funds in
It is important to note that accountability in public sector is not an easy matter, but it
is a complicated and dependent on many issues such as the level of professional standard and
Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol. 3 (1), December 2014, 1-14
the moral, value and attitude of the government officers responsible for the management of
public fund. Achieving a sound and accountable public financial management is the result of
complex, interlinked factors.
In order to improve the level of government accountability at all levels of local
government, a strong emphasis on assessing the government performance through a focus on
outcome oriented approach need to be strengthened. Therefore, the concept of key
performance indicator (KPIs) must be implemented and disseminated to all public servants.
The focus on KPIs to a certain extent, if they were properly implemented, could lead to more
focus on outcome oriented approach that could lead to value for money public delivery
system. In addition, it is also critical to enlighten the government officers at various levels of
local government about the pertinent rules and regulations and to instil ethical values as well
enhancing their professionalism. Hence, internalization of ethical value is crucial in order to
improve the level of government accountability. Adherence to religious and moral values as
well as professional requirements is important in accountability relationships. This is
consistent with the view of Robert and Scapen (1985), in which accountability as a moral
order involving a system of reciprocal rights and obligation. This means that local
governments are bound up not only in a narrow, calculable ways, but broader than what
generally understood and must serve a moral or spiritual goals of organization. As such,
ethical trainings are greatly needed for public managers in Aceh.
In addition, the use of outcome based measures can help to improve accountability
since the publics officers are held accountable for outcome of their activities. Therefore,
there is a need for Acehs local government to measure and monitor the management of the
public fund to ensure the achievement of the objectives of the various programs and
activities. An increased role of the auditors and the courts are needed to ensure proper
implementation of government policies. Subsequently, the head of local government must
ensure that the principles of good governance are put to practice. Besides that, it is also very
important to maintain the quality of democracy in the region. If basic freedoms such as access
to information and freedom of expression are absent, or if criticism of government actions is
treated as grounds for harassment, then pressures from the external stakeholders especially
the citizen will be severely inhibited and this consequently will impact the push for better
accountability and governance of the local government in Aceh.
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