Document Production Step by Step Booklet
Document Production Step by Step Booklet
Document Production Step by Step Booklet
Document Production
Learning Outcomes. Page 3
Generic File Types Page 4
Entering Data from Existing Files. Page 4 - 8
Keying in Text.. Page 9
Editing Text Page 10 - 13
Activity 1. Page 14
Importing Images.... Page 15 - 16
Resizing Images.. Page 17 - 18
Wrapping Text around Images Page 18 - 19
Aligning Images.. Page 19 - 21
Rotating Images. Page 22
Cropping Images... Page 23
Activity 2. Page 24
Formatting Pages.. Page 25 - 26
Using Headers and Footers Page 27 - 30
Activity 3.... Page 31
Widows and Orphans. Page 32 33
Page, Section and Column Breaks. Page 34 37
Using Columns. Page 36 37
Activities 4 and 5.. Page 38
Font Styles and Sizes.. Page 39 41
Activity 6 Page 42
Emphasising Text
Page 42 44
Activity 7 Page 45
Using Lists.... Page 45 - 48
Activity 8 Page 48 49
Using Tables. Pages 49 60
Activity 9 Page 51
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For this section you will need these source files from your teacher:
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How to do it:
Open Word.
To open the TEXT1 file, select the Office Button in the top left of the screen then click
on Open.
Browse to your Document Production Folder, select the TEXT1 file and click
NOTE: If you are unsure of the file type you need you can select All Files. This shows
you a list of all the available files.
Document Production
Office Button and Open.
TEXT1 document
will open and looks
like this
Page |5
Use the Office Button and Save As to save the document with the filename
Document Production Task A.
Be sure to save the document as a Word Document rather than a RTF file. Save in
your Document Production Folder.
Word Document
Production Folder
Correct File Name
Save As
Word Document
Open the file TABLE1.CSV as a Word Document (Open from within Word).
NOTE: Because the TABLE1 file is not actually a Word document you will need to
select All Files in order to see it.
The file TABLE1.CSV looks like
this when it has been opened in
All Files
Page |6
Remember that .csv stands for Comma Separated Values. This means that each
piece of information in the table is separated by a comma.
Insert Table
Convert Text to
Copy the table and paste it in place of the text <Place table here> in the document
that you saved as Document Production Task A.
Table pasted in
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There are a number of techniques that could be used to move the last sentence to the
end of the first paragraph. These techniques include:
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Right Click within the highlighted area to get the drop-down menu then select Cut.
This removes the last sentence and places it on the Widows Clipboard.
Move the cursor to the end of the first paragraph and right click the mouse to obtain
the drop-down menu again. This time select Paste.
Move curser then RightClick and Paste.
How to do it:
Highlight original
information then click
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Highlight original
information then drag into
new position.
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NOTE: Whichever method you used to move the last line of the bottom paragraph,
make sure that the spacings between characters (letters) and lines match
the rest of the document. If you are not consistent in the practical exams
you will be penalised.
Move the cursor to the end of the first paragraph and press enter twice. (This will
keep the paragraph spacing the same as the rest of the document).
Now type the text School closures followed by pressing the enter key once.
Add in the extra paragraph:
The dramatic change in the weather has meant that a number of areas are
experiencing transport problems. This means that many schools across the country
have been closed.
To change the word was to is, locate the word and highlight it. Type in the word
is and it will replace the original.
To insert the word has, place the cursor between the words Counties and
reported. Type the word has while making sure there is a single space on each
side of the curser.
Finally, save the document as
Document Production Task B.
The finished document should look like
this with the following new features:
New subtitle
New paragraph
Was to Is
New word between Counties
and Reported
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Activity 1
1. Open the file TEXT2.RTF.
2. Insert the table file TABLE2.CSV as a table within the document in place of the
text <Insert Table Here>.
3. Change the document heading to Greatest Premier League goal scorers of all
4. Move the third paragraph in the document so that it becomes the last
paragraph (With 2 line spaces).
5. Add the subtitle Players and goals immediately before the paragraph that
starts This table shows the players with the highest goals tally (With 1 line
6. In the first paragraph, change the words been in existence to existed and
add the word football between their and career.
7. Add this text as a new paragraph to the end of Alan Shearers description
Alan Shearer is currently a soccer pundit working for Match of the Day.
8. Save as a Word Document using the filename Document Production
Activity 1
9. Check for errors, print, add your name and group, and then hand in to me.
NOTE 1: - The text above is bolded in order for it to stand out within each task.
You should not use bold in any of the text in your Activity 1 task.
NOTE 2: - Make sure you use the correct line spacing in your Activity 1 task. Line
spaces used in the original document should be consistently followed.
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Clip art
Digital camera
File supplied by examiner to you
Image from a website
Task C
Open the file you saved earlier Document Production Task B.
Add suitable images from clip art and from images provided.
To import an image from clip art, select the Insert tab and click on the Clip Art icon.
This will open the Clip Art pane to the right of
the document.
As there are literally thousands of clip art
images to choose from, Word has a search
feature which we can use to quickly locate
images that we may be interested in.
In this case the article is about snow so we can add this in the
search string in the Search for: box.
In the Search in: box you can select where
you want to search for the images.
Choices are; from your Personal Collection,
from Microsoft Office, from the Web or
from Everywhere.
In the Results should be: box you can also define what type of clip
art you are looking for - Clip Art, Photographs, Movies or Sounds.
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In this case you want clip art, so ensure you have checked that tick
box. When you have set up the search correctly click on
The results of the search will look something like this.
Move your cursor to the end of the document and then double
click the left mouse button on the image you want to place on the
Repeat the steps to insert a second clip art image into your
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Notice how the second image is slightly thinner but the same height. This task is
continued in the next section.
Task D requires you to place a resized SNOWBALL.JPG image at the top right of the
first paragraph.
To achieve this you will need to set Text Wrapping and then move the image into
To set the text wrapping of the image, right click the image and select the Text
Wrapping option from the drop-down menu.
Text Wrapping options include the following:
1. In Line with Text
This treats the image as a text character within a line of text and will move the
image with the text surrounding it if new text is inserted or deleted.
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2. Square
This places the image on the page and the text wraps (flows) around it. Use More
Layout Options to specify the type of wrapping you require.
3. Tight
This places the image on the page and the text wraps (flows) around it in much
the same way as with Square. The difference is that you cannot control the
distance of the text from the image for the top and bottom settings, although you
can to the left and right, using More Layout Options.
4. Behind Text
This places the image behind the text. It can be used to set a background image in
a document.
5. In Front of Text
This places an image over the top of text.
6. Top and Bottom
This places the image with the text above and below the image, but not wrapped
to the side.
7. More Layout Options
This can be used to give more options to the selected layout types above. For
example: if a Square layout is selected you can specify where you wish to flow the
text around the image and the distance of the text from the image on each side.
10.7b - Aligning Images
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This image should have the text wrapping set to Tight, and
placed with a Horizontal alignment of Left relative to the
Vertical alignment
should be Top
relative to Line.
When everything is set up, resize the image
to fit available space. The page should now
look like this.
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Activity 2
Add the image EPL.JPG (from the section 10 files folder) and rotate it through 180 degrees.
Resize it to 4cm wide, maintaining aspect ratio. Place it at the top left of the first paragraph
whilst ensuring that text wraps around the image.
EPL.JPG should be Horizontally aligned to the left margin and Vertically aligned Top, relative
to the Line.
Add the image SHEARER.JPG to the document and crop the left and right of the image so that
the players arms are within 5mm of the edge of the image. Resize the image appropriately,
whilst maintaining aspect ratio.
Place the image at the top right of the first paragraph within Shearers section, making sure
that the text wraps around the image.
SHEARER.JPG should be Horizontally aligned to right margin and Vertically aligned Top,
relative to the Line.
Add the rest of the images of all the individual football players to the document. Each image
should be placed at the top right of the first paragraph within the players section and
formatted so that text wraps around the picture. Make sure each image is resized to suit the
paragraph size whilst maintaining aspect ratio.
Each image should be and Horizontally aligned to right margin and Vertically aligned Top,
relative to the Line.
Add a football related image sourced from clip art and place it in an appropriate position
within the document. Make sure that the image is resized appropriately and that text wraps
around it.
Align the clip art image to appropriate margins and lines.
Check for errors, add your name and group, print and then hand in to me.
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Task E
Open the file you saved earlier Document Production Task B.
Change the page size to A5 and the orientation to landscape.
Set the top and bottom margins to 3cm and the left and right margins to 3.5cm.
Save the file as Document Production Task E.
How to do it
Page size
Orientation (Tall or Wide)
Page margins
10.9a Page Size
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Documents name
Page numbers
Company logo
Task F
Open the file you saved earlier Document Production Task E.
Place your name in the centre of the header.
Place the date and time on the left, an automated page number in the centre and the filename on
the right of the footer.
Save the file as Document Production Task F.
How to insert the Header
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This moves the cursor into the Header and changes the toolbar to give you extra
For Task F you were instructed to
place your name in the centre of
the header. To do this, move the
cursor over the Centre Placeholder
that says [Type Text] and type in
your name.
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To set up the page Footer, click on the Footer icon in the Header
& Footer section of the toolbar.
Choose the Blank (Three Columns) options which will let you set up all three areas of
the Footer.
Setting the Date:
For Task F you were instructed to place the date and
time on the left in the Footer. To do this click on the
Left Placeholder to highlight it, then click on the
Date & Time icon.
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To exit from the Header or the Footer you can click the Close Header
and Footer button.
Save the document as Document Production Task F.
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Activity 3
1. Open the file Weather Update.RTF.
2. Change the page size to A4 and the orientation to portrait.
3. Set all the margins to 4cm and remove the gutter.
4. Place the date on the left, the filename in the centre and the time on the right in the header.
5. Place your name on the left and an automated page number on the right in the footer.
6. Ensure that the header and footer are 2cm from the top and bottom of the page.
7. Save as a Word Document named Document Production Activity 3.
8. Check for errors, add your name and group then print and hand in to me.
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If you start a paragraph of text on one page but there is not enough room on the page
to fit in the last line of text, the single line of text which appears at the top of the next
page is called a Widow.
On the other hand, sometimes you start to type a paragraph at the bottom of a page
but only have room to fit in one line before the rest of the text spills over onto the
next page. The first line of the paragraph at the bottom of the first page is called an
NOTE: Widows and Orphans should be avoided when producing any documents.
You will be penalised if you include either of these within any of your
practical examinations.
How to avoid Widows and Orphans on the next page:
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From here select the Line and Page Breaks tab so that the window looks like this.
Select the Widow/Orphan control tick box and
click on
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Breaks are used within documents to force text onto new page or into or into the
next column (if columns are being used).
They can also be used to define areas with a different page layout. For example - one
page of a document is formatted with a portrait orientation and another page with
NOTE: For the practical examinations you will only need to use the following breaks:
1. Page Break
This forces the text onto the start of a new page. It is particularly useful for
removing Widows and Orphans from your document.
2. Column Break
This forces the text into the top of the next available column. The column may be
on the same page or the next page.
3. Section Break
A section break is used to split areas of a document with different layouts. There
are two types of section break; one forces a page break whilst changing the layout
and the other is a continuous break, which allows different layouts on the same
Task G
Open the file you saved earlier Document Production Task F.
Add the text Winter wonderland or woe as a new title at the start of the document. Keep the two
titles on the first page of the document.
Set the orientation of the first page to Portrait and the rest of the document to Landscape.
Set all of the body text except the table into two columns, with a 2cm spacing and vertical line
between the columns.
Save the file as Document Production Task G.
How to insert a Section Break on the next page:
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Page 1 set to
Move the cursor to the place where you want to insert each break (i.e. before and
after the table).
In the Page Layout tab click on Breaks icon,
followed by the Continuous option.
Place the cursor within the text of the first
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This opens the Columns window. Now change the Presets from One column to Two.
Check that your document looks like the example below and then save the file as
Document Production Task G.
2 Columns with Separating
Line BEFORE the table.
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Activity 4
Change the body text of only the first page so that it is:
Set in two columns
Uses 1cm spacing
Includes a vertical line between the columns.
Save the file with the new name of Document Production Activity 4.
Activity 5
Change the page margins to 2cm and the alignment of the header and footer to fit the
Ensure that the header and footer are 1cm from the top and bottom of each page.
Add the extra title Arctic blast grips the United Kingdom at the start of the document.
Place the two titles on a single portrait page with a single column. All other text should be on
landscape pages, in three columns with 1.5cm column spacing.
Save the file with the new name of Document Production Activity 5.
Check your work looks like the example below, add your name and group, print then hand in
to me.
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Serif fonts are often used in newspapers and books as they are easier to read than
Sans Serif fonts.
Sans Serif fonts are generally used to emphasise text (make it stand out) or for titles
and sub-titles.
NOTE: It is not sensible to use more than two different font faces on any page.
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Font sizes:
Task H
Open the file you saved earlier Document Production Task G.
Set all of the text on the first page to an 18 point Sans Serif font.
Make the sub-heading a 13 point Sans Serif font and the body text a 13 point serif font.
Save the file as Document Production Task H.
How to do it:
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To set the body text to a 13 point serif font, highlight all of the body text (including
the table) and the
sub-heading, then
using the same
method as above,
change the font
size to 13.
NOTE: Setting the font size for both the body text and the sub-heading and then
changing the font face of the sub-heading will be quicker than doing each section
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Activity 6
Set all of the text on the first page to a 24 point Sans Serif font.
Make the body text, headers and footers an appropriate 11 point Serif font.
Save the file with the new name of Document Production Activity 6.
Using Colour
Making text Bold
Underling text
Making text Italic
Different coloured text can be used to symbolise different things. For example, in this
workbook, I used the text colour of blue to emphasise key points that I am trying to
make. This draws your eye and makes it more likely that you will absorb the info.
Background colours can also be used to give different meanings. For example, I use
blue boxes for your tasks and green boxes for your activities.
Task I
Open the file you saved earlier in Document Production Task H.
Make the text Winter wonderland or woe red.
Make the name of each airport in the text stand out by making it yellow.
Make all of the text in the top row of the table an italic font. Make the words snowmen and
snow angels bold.
Underline the sub-heading.
Save the file as Document Production Task I.
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How to do it:
Highlighting Text
To highlight each airport in the text, move the cursor to the
highlight tool in the Font section and select the drop-down
arrow. From the highlight colour palette, select the colour
Yellow to use to highlight the required text.
This will change the mouse pointer to a small highlighter pen. Use this to highlight the
names of the airports. When you have completed the task you can use the
Stop Highlighting option to return the cursor to normal.
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Underlining Fonts
To underline the sub-heading, highlight the text School closures.
Select the Home tab, the Font section and click on the Underline option
Save the completed document as Document Production Task I. It should look like
Red font colour.
Airport names
highlighted yellow.
Activity 7
Make the words United Kingdom on page 1 bold, italic and underlined.
Make the name of each country in the text stand out by highlighting it in green.
Save the file with the new name of Document Production Activity 7.
Task J
Open the file TEXT3.RTF (from the section 10 files folder).
Place your name in the header, aligned to the right. Use a 14 point serif font.
Place the filename of the document in the centre of the footer.
Change the twelve items listed into a bulleted list. Use a bullet of your own choice.
Make sure that the bulleted list is indented by 3cm.
Save the file as Document Production Task J (as a Word document).
How to do it:
Open the file and create the header and footer as described in the task (Refer back to
the header and footer section in this guide if you have forgotten how).
Creating the List
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Select the type of bullet you want to use from the Bullet
Library. In this case I have chosen to use the
The bulleted list should now look like this:
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Task K
Open the file you saved earlier in Document Production Task J.
Change the bulleted list into a numbered list using roman numerals.
Save the file as Document Production Task K.
How to do it:
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NOTE: Make sure that if the bulleted list contains short items it has a colon before
the list. Also make sure that each list item starts with a lower case character and
only the last item in the list has a full stop. For example:
My favourite movies are:
the money pit
the burbs
Activity 8
Open the file named TEXT4.RTF (from the section 10 files folder). In the header:
place your name on the left
todays date in the centre
filename of the document on the right.
Make the blue text into a bulleted list, using a bullet of your own choice.
Make the green text into a numbered list, using numbers followed by a bracket (press CTRL
key to select all of the green text at once while missing out the red text).
Make the red text into a bulleted sub-list, indented from the numbered list using different
bullet points.
Save the file with the new name of Document Production Activity 8 (as a Word Document).
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2nd Feb
3rd Feb
4th Feb
5th Feb
6th Feb
7th Feb
8th Feb
For example, the table in the blue Task L box has 3 columns and 8 rows.
Move the cursor to the correct place in the document and then select Insert tab, and
click on the Table icon in the Tables section.
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2nd Feb
3rd Feb
4th Feb
5th Feb
6th Feb
7th Feb
8th Feb
Table of data
New Paragraph
Activity 9
Insert tab
Right click
Right click
Colour, shading
Breaks across page
NOTE: To add more rows than the initial eight available, you need to:
Move the cursor into the last cell of the table.
Press the <Tab> key to create the new row.
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Task M
Open the file named TEXT5.RTF (from the section 10 files folder).
Craft workshop
Merge cells 2 and 3 in the top row and cells 4 and 5 in the top row.
Save the file as Document Production Task M.
How to do it:
Open the file TEXT5.RTF and place your name on the right in the header.
Deleting Columns
To delete the second column, move the cursor to any cell in the column and right
click the mouse button to get a drop-down menu like this:
Select Delete Cells., which will open the Delete Cells window.
Select the option for Delete entire
column and then click on
Deleting Rows
Repeat this method to delete the Martial arts row.
Right mouse click in any cell in this row and select Delete Cells.
This time select the option for Delete entire row and click on
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Inserting Columns
To insert a new third column, right click the mouse in any cell in the second column
to get the drop-down menu.
Select Insert, and then Insert Columns to the
Enter the text shown in the
task into the cells.
Inserting Rows
Craft workshop
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Activity 10
Insert a new row above the row containing the word Format.
In column 1, merge the cells containing Insert, Delete and Format with the blank cells
below them.
In column 2, merge the cells containing Cells and Gridlines with the blank cells below them.
In column 3, merge the cell containing Alignment with the blank cell below it.
Save the file with the new name of Document Production Activity 10.
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Formatting Tables
Tables can be formatted so that they are aligned left, right or centrally.
Text can be wrapped around the table or not depending on your requirements. All of
these features are found in the table properties.
To access table properties, click the right mouse button in the cell of the table, and
then select Table Properties.
You then select the Table Tab within the Table Properties
The tables alignment can
be selected in the
Alignment section and
text wrapping around the
table can be switched on
or off in the Text
Wrapping section.
Cells can be formatted so that the contents are aligned both horizontally and
vertically within the cell.
Horizontal alignment can be set and changed by highlighting the relevant cells then
selecting the Home tab and use the alignment icons
within that section.
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Task N
Open the file you saved earlier in Document Production Task M.
Right align all of the cells containing numbers in the second column. Centre align all of the cells in
the top two rows.
Set the background colour of all cells in the top two rows to yellow. Ensure that there is no text
wrapped within the cells of the table.
Vertically align all data to the top of each cell.
Remove the gridlines from any unused cells.
Save the file as Document Production Task N.
How to do it:
Repeat this method to centre align the cells in the top two rows
(choosing the Center icon instead).
Top two rows
Centre Aligned
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Text Wrapping
Text wrapping is where text is too long to fit into a cell and is forced onto the next
To remove text wrapping you simply have to resize the widths of the columns so that
they fit the text within them.
To adjust the width of columns, place the cursor over the gridline
between the cells. The cursor will change to look like this:
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Double click the left mouse button to perfectly resize the column to fit the contents.
Repeat for any other column that needs resizing.
NOTE: Make sure that the completed table does not spill outside of the margins of
the page. This would be penalised in the practical exams.
No Text Wrapping
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Removing Gridlines
To remove the gridlines from the unused cell in the top corner,
right click the mouse in that cell of the table and choose
Borders and Shading.
This opens the Borders and Shading window. From here select
the Borders tab.
Click the left mouse button on each of
the lines that you wish to remove and
in the Apply to: section select the
option for Cell. Click on
Gridline removed
from unused cell
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Activity 11
Set the background colour of all cells in the first column to light grey.
Ensure that there is no text wrapped within the cells of the table.
Save the file with the new name of Document Production Activity 11.
Gridline removed
from unused cells
Vertically aligned to
Text right aligned
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Text can be aligned by selecting the text and then using the alignment icons.
The alignment icons are found in the Paragraph section under the Home tab.
Activity 12
Make only the title a 36 point sans serif font that is centre aligned and fits in a single, full
width column (Hint: you need to insert a continuous break).
Left align the third paragraph and Right align the fourth paragraph.
Make the first word grew in the story 16 points high. The second grew 20 points and the
third grew 24 points.
Save the file with the new name of Document Production Activity 12.
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Right aligned
4th paragraph
Centre aligned
2nd paragraph
Left aligned
3rd paragraph
Third paragraph
moved to end
Resized words
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Activity 13
Set the heading spacing to 12 spaces before and 24 spaces after the paragraph.
Save the file with the new name of Document Production Activity 13.
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1.5 line
Double line
On the left side of the ruler are two settings for the left margin.
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Task O
Open the file TEXT7.RTF (from the section 10 files folder).
Place your name on the left in the header.
Set the first line of the first paragraph as indented text, indented by 2.5 centimetres.
Indent the whole of the second paragraph by 2.5 centimetres.
Set the fourth and fifth paragraphs as hanging paragraphs with a 2.5 centimetre tab.
In the fifth paragraph make the text Good Use a sub-heading.
Save the file as Document Production Task O.
How to do it:
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NOTE: Hanging paragraphs are where the first line of a paragraph are aligned to the
left margin and all other lines are left hanging. For example:
Activity 14
Add the text History item 1 as a new line to the start of the document.
Format this text in the same style as the rest of the page.
Set all of the text on the first page to be spaced 5 lines apart and all other text in the
document to be single line spacing with no spacing before each paragraph and 24 point
spacing after each paragraph.
Indent the first line of each paragraph on the second page by 5 millimetres.
Save the file with the new name of Document Production Activity 14.
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NOTE: It is very important that you also read through all of your work to make sure
it is 100 percent correct.
You will lose marks in the exam if you have spelling mistakes or errors in line
spacing etc.
Make sure that bulleted or numbered lists, tables, graphs etc are not split
over two pages.
You should also make sure that you have no blank pages or widows and
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