Cooling Mirul
Cooling Mirul
Cooling Mirul
The cooling tower experiment is applied from the First Law of Thermodynamics, which is
the conservation of energy. The energy cannot be created nor destroyed. The high energy
content must be transferred to low energy content.
Firstly, the energy that enters the cooling tower is in the form of hot water. The other
energy that contributes such as heat generation from friction of both air and water, energy
losses from pipes are ignored. Besides that, the hot water was cooled from temperature T 1 to a
temperature of T2. Furthermore, the cooling of the hot water in the form of forced convection by
which air at T1 was blown over the hot water and the water exited the cooling tower at some
temperature T2. Both of the opening and the closing temperatures of the air and water were
recorded but when this data is recorded, an energy balance can be conducted on the system.
Moreover, the energy balance is a form of book keeping that accounts for the energy
entering and exiting the system. The main component of the energy balance is the enthalpy
which is defined as:
H=U + PV (1)
Where H is enthalpy, U is internal energy, P is pressure and V is volume.
The joint terms U+PV is the enthalpy, which means to heat flow. The enthalpy can be
calculated or referred from tables of data for the fluid being used. In this experiment, the fluids
used by the cooling tower are air and water. The enthalpy values can be obtained from the
thermodynamics textbook. As an example, since both initial and final temperature of the input
hot water and the output cool water were measured, the temperature T in can be referred and the
enthalpy can be recorded. Besides that, the enthalpy of the output cooled water can be similarly
referenced and an energy balance can be conducted for the water.
The equation below displays the general method to start an energy balance:
H = H out (2)
H=H H out .
A similar method is used for conducting the energy balance for air entering and leaving
the system. Besides that, there are two methods to determine the change in enthalpy. When the
air is at low pressure, it can be treated as an ideal gas and the enthalpy change can be
calculated through the use of the following equation:
H=C p T (3)
H is the change in enthalpy, T
is the specific
For convective heat transfer from a solid to a fluid the rate of heat transmission (dq/dt) is given
by the following equation:
dq = hA1 ( T - TA) dt
= temperature of fluid
dq dt = m.c.dt
= mass of solid
(T Ta)
= hA1 dt / m
Integrating gives
log10 (T - TA) log10 (To - TA) = - hA1t / 2.303.m.c
log10 (T - TA)
Where To
= element temperature at t = 0.
A plot of log10 (T - TA) versus t will give M and hence h can be found.
2.303mc M / A1
The velocity V1, developed by the gas of density, expanding freely under the influence of
pressure difference p is given by
V12 / 2 = p
Since velocity is given in terms of the velocity head H1 (cm of water) and 1cmH2O =
V12 / 2 = 98.1H1
R = 287
H 1 TA
V1 = 237.3
For the effective velocity(V) past a bank of tubes, the velocity based on full cross section has to
be adjusted according to the flow area available. When a single element is being studied, the
diameter of one elements under study is one tenth the diameter of the working section, so the
flow area is 9/10 of the full area. Hence, the effective velocity, V = 10/9* V1.
Nusselts number, Nu, is the ratio of the conductive thermal resistance of the gas to the
convective thermal resistance of the gas while Reynolds number, Re, is the ratio of the inertia
force of the gas to the viscous force of the gas.
Nu and Re for a gas with density , viscosity , speed V, thermal conductivity k and heat
transfer coefficient h can be found using the following equations:
Re = VD /
Nu = hD / k
where De is the equivalent diameter through which the gas is passing, which is given by the
following formula:
De 4
where SL and ST are the longitudinal pitch and transverse pitch of the
The objectives of this experiment are:
To investigate the effect of air velocity on wet bulb approach and the pressure drop
through the packing