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Dryden Aqua Generator

Advanced Oxidation

Your benefits at a glance

Perfect water quality better than drinking water

No Oxidants
Natural Product
Bathing water in drinking water quality:
The quality of the water treatment always consists
of combining good hydraulics, filtration, oxidation
and pH regulation and the necessary addition
of fresh water. For the good hydraulic (sufficient
circulation, avoiding dead zones) your pool expert
is responsible. Best filtration can be reached by our
DAISY (Dryden Aqua Integrated System). Organic
matter and other nutrients of algae and bacteria
are filtered to prevent their growth. Nevertheless,
it still needs an oxidation step to eliminate the
remaining pathogens. The most efficient oxidants
are free radicals - in particular the OH radicals.
These reactive molecules oxidize organics
completely and therefore do not form oxidation
byproducts. This is called Advanced Oxidation.
Since OH radicals decompose very quickly it
needs in addition to ensure a safe water quality
somewhat Depot disinfection. Most suitable for
this is a minimal amount of chlorine. In conjunction
with a DAISY 0.1mg / is enough.
Bathing water in drinking water quality can be
reached in combination with DAISY and DAGEN

Automatic disinfection
Inexpensive Oxidation

Bathing Water in drinking water quality

Dryden Aqua Generator
The DA-GEN splits in an anodic oxidation water
molecules into free radicals by hydrolysis. These are the most efficient oxidant we know. They
oxidize bacteria and organic matter in the water
without causing oxidation byproducts. That the
process takes place, it needs a amount of conductivity. We also generates a low amount of free
With DA-GEN we use an activator which is based
on magnesium chloride (MgCl2). This has the
additional advantage that the magnesium removes
phosphates and thus supports the filtration. It
takes only 1,000 - 1500US conductivity. This corresponds to 0.8 - 1.2 mg / l chloride.
The lower the concentration of the chlorides, the
more free radicals, and the less chlorine atoms are
generated. This is an equilibrium reaction. Because
we want to use for the oxidizing especially the free
radicals, we take as little conductivity as possible.
This has the added advantage that the risk of corrosion is minimized.
In order to regulate the process, we recommend to
use the DA-GEN always with a free chlorine measurement and with a pH regulation. This is the only
way to secure oxidation with a minimal content of
0.1 chlorine as a disinfection depot.
Comment: For stainless steel pools we dont
recommend the DA-GEN, because V4A stainless
steel has a limit of 600mg / l chloride.

What happens in the DA-GEN

The with magnesium chloride enriched water
flows through the hydrolysis cell. By the current
flow, the hydrolysis takes place.
The activator is splitted in Mg2 + and Cl- molecules. Mg 2+ acts as a coagulant and helps individual particles to group to filterable flakes. Cl
dissolves in water and acts as custodian disinfection throughout the system. Not used chlorine
reacts back to MgCl2 and can react again in the
Unlike in common electrolysis devices found at
the market in the DA-GEN also an Advanced
Oxidation (AOP) takes place. In this process, O3,
H2O2, O, and OH is formed. These substances
are very reactive and oxidize the pollutants and
contamination within a few seconds out of the
water. This is the secret behind the extremely
low chlorine demand.

DA-GEN Difference to the Chlorinator

1. Chloride concentration of 0.8 - 1.2mg / l =>
more free radicals
Conventional electrolysis systems produce with
common salt (NaCl) chlorine. This requires usually 3000 - 5000 mg / l of salt (conductivity 3000
- 5000US). At this high salt concentration only
few free radicals are formed additionally, but only
2. Specially coated, highly efficient, monopolar
electrodes => more free radicals
The DA-GEN is equipped with specially-coated,
monopolar electrodes. This allows the DA-GEN to
operate at such low conductivities and to produce many free radicals. The following applies: The
lower the conductivity the more free radicals are
generated. The lower the conductivity is set, the
higher process stress are exposed to the electrode. This shortens their lifespan. The lifetime of our
electrodes are approximately 10,000 hours. We
always guarantee 5,000 hours.
3. Perfect control with free chlorine measurement
Simple electrolysis systems are usually not controlled, you have only on & off mode. So you have
sometimes too much and sometimes too little
oxidation. If it is regulated then the cheaper redoX
potential is merely used. But redoX is not a reliable
indicator and not very suitable for regulation at
high conductivities. - We at Dryden Aqua always
recommend a free chlorine measurement, combined with a pH control.

4. Special DA-GEN activator

To increase the conductivity of the pool water we
dont use normal salt but a special activator based
on magnesium chloride. This naturally occurring
element is more efficient than salt. This combined
with the efficient yield of DA-GEN 3 - 5 times less
DA GEN Activator is required in comparison to
conventional salt electrolysis systems.
In addition, the magnesium binds phosphate and
other negatively charged ions in the water. This improves filtration with AFM and prevent algal and
bacterial growth by eliminating their nutrients.

5. Everything under control

thanks to WiFi on your phone
Every DA-GEN is equipped with a WiFi module. So
you always stay in control about your pool water,
no matter where you are. In addition, you can
control temperature. Very useful is also the optionally available conductivity measurement. In public
baths, the conductivity measurement is mandatory.
This prevents corrosion problems and ensures
maximum gain of free radicals.

Integration in DAISY
The low concentration of the Activator requires a
flawless and reliable water purification system.
Our Dryden Aqua Integrated System (DAISY) is the
right solution here.
DAISY consists of 3 steps:
1. Filtration with the AFM bioresistant

Dryden Aqua Generator Conclusion

The DA-GEN disinfects and cleans your pool water
to a secure, economical and ecological way. In
combination with DAISY and in compliance with
a sufficient hydraulic he creates bathing water of
drinking water quality.

Best filtration performance without biofilm

2. Coagulation and flocculation with APF and

3. Catalytic Oxidation with ACO and ZPM

ACO generated at contact with the sun free
radicals which disinfect the water and increase
the half-life of chlorine by a factor of 4



The DA-GEN extends this system to a Step 4

4. Hydrolysis with DA-GEN
Disinfection with free radicals and low chlorine


Precipitation of particles up to 0.1 micron.



Drehzahlregulierte Pumpe

1 Filtration mit AFM

2 Koagulation und Flockung mit APF und ZPM
3 Katalytische Oxidation mit ACO und ZPM


We are a marine biological company specializing in water quality and innovative,

sustainable treatment technologies. Our unique knowledge combination and
detailed understanding of the biological as well as physio-chemical reactions
has enabled us to develop a highly innovative range of products for aquaria and
swimming pools. Therefore we became leader in water treatment for public and
private swimming pools.
Our mission is: crystal clear and healthy water without any smell of chlorine. Today more than 100000 pools worldwide using our system.

Dryden Aqua, 09-2015

Who is Dryden Aqua?

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