HSE HSG 244 (Ed 1 2004) - Remotely Operated Shutoff Valves

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Remotey operated
shutoff vaives (ROSOVs)
for emergency isolation of hazardous substances


Crown copyright 2004

First published 2004

1SBN07176 28035

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What is a remotely operated shutoff valve?

Who is this guidance for?
Why is there a need for guidance?
Lessons from the Associated Octel fire
HSE response
How HSE uses good practice in assessing compliance
How to use this guidance
Meeting the standard
ALARP demonstration

Scope of the guidance


Hazardous substances included

Activities included
Topics excluded

Assessing your site

Hierarchy of measures
New installations
Existing installations
Reasonable practicability
Precautionary approach
When to consider fitting a ROSOV
Benefits of ROSOVs
Personal protective equipment
Dual hazard substances and mixtures

The selection criteria

How do the selection criteria work?
The primary selection criteria
The secondary selection criteria






Selection and operation of ROSOVs

Types of valves
Failure mode
External hazards
Consequential hazards
Dual function valves
Excess flow valves
Reliability and integrity


Appendix 1 A case-specific assessment of the reasonable

practicability of a ROSOV


Appendix 2 Summary of relevant legal requirements


References and useful addresses



Introd ucton

Why is there a need

What is a remotely
operated shutoff valve? for guidance?

In this guidance a remotely operated shutoff valve

(ROSOV) is defined as:
A valve designed, installed and maintained for the
primary purpose of achieving rapid isolation of
plant items containing hazardous substances in the
event of a failure of the primary containment system
(including, but not limited to, leaks from pipework,
flanges, and pump seals). Closure of the valve can be
initiated from a point remote from the valve itself. The
valve should be capable of closing and maintaining
tight shutoff under foreseeable conditions following
such a failure (which may include fire).



Valves perlorming the same or similar function may

also be referred to as: emergency isolation valves
(EIVs); remotely-operated block valves (RBV5); or
emergency shutdown valves (ESDVs).
This guidance will help you identify the need for remote
isolation of hazardous substances using ROSOVs, as
part of your emergency arrangements for the safe and
controlled shutdown of plant and equipment.

Who is this guidance for'?




This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety

Executive (HSE) to assist duty holders in complying
with relevant health and safety law. Following the
guidance is not compulsory and you are free to take
other equally effective action.
The guidance is for operators and managers of
hazardous installations handling, storing or processing
the hazardous substances detailed in the scope. It will
also be of interest to plant supervisors, design, process,
and maintenance engineers and safety professionals.

Throughout this guidance references to the

implementation of a ROSOV should be taken to mean
a ROSOV or other equally effective measures that will
achieve an equivalent degree of risk reduction. All
published material is listed in the References and
useful addresses section and titles appear in italics.


In an emergency, rapid isolation of vessels or process

plant is one of the most effective means of preventing
loss of containment, or limiting its size.


This guide gives you simplified criteria for deciding

when you need to provide a facility for remote isolation.


The appendices include guidance on how to make a

case-specific assessment of the reasonable practicability
of retrofitting a ROSOV to an existing installation.


10. The provision of ROSOVs was highlighted by the HSE

investigation into an incident at the Associated Octel
Company Limited at Ellesmere Port in February 1994.
The findings of the investigation into this incident
were published by HSE in 1996: The chemical release
and fire at the Associated Octel Company Limited.1

11. Another incident that has contributed to the drive for

guidance on ROSOVs was the fire on the fluidised
bed catalytic cracking unit at the BP Grangemouth
Refinery in June 2000. A report on the incident is
available on the HSE website on

Lessons from the

Associated Octel fire
12. One of the conclusions of the Associated Octel report
was that the incident escalated rapidly because it was
not possible to stop the initial release. This problem
could have been avoided if ROSOVs had been
installed (as they were elsewhere on the site). The
report described a number of lessons to be learned
from the incident including the following, which relate
directly to the provision of ROSOVs:

'Lesson 5: As part of their comprehensive risk

assessments, companies in control of chemical
process plant at major hazards sites should critically
review the provision of ROSOVs at both storage and
process vessels in which significant inventories of
dangerous substances are held.

Lesson 6: HSE, in conjunction with other interested

parties, should develop and publish additional
guidance on the provision of ROSOVs and other
methods of mitigating risks on process plant.'

HSE response
13. In response to Lesson 6, interim guidance on the
general principles of isolation of hazardous
substances was published by HSE: Chemicals
Information Sheet No 2 Emergency isolation of
process plant in the chemical indust,y.2

How HSE uses good

practice in assessing
14. The law requires that you undertake a suitable and
sufficient risk assessment to determine the measures
necessary to ensure that risks to health and safety are
adequately controlled.
15. HSE expects suitable controls to be in place to address
every significant hazard and that as a minimum those
controls must achieve the standard of recognised good
practice precautions for your industry.

16. HSE inspectors seek to secure compliance with the

law and may refer to relevant codes, standards and
guidance as illustrating good practice.
17. HSE's publication Reducing risks, protecting people
(R2P2)3 and the supporting document Assessing
compliance with the law in individual cases and the
use of good practice4 discuss HSE's policy on the
role of good practice. The latter includes a definition
of good practice in this context. Both are
available on the HSE website at www.hse.gov.uk
18. Adopting relevant good practice precautions for your
industry is a straightforward way to demonstrate that
you are controlling risks effectively. It frees you from
the need to take explicit account of the costs and
benefits of each individual risk control measure
(system of work, item of hardware etc). These will have
been considered when the good practice was
established. However, this does not mean that you will
never need to do any more to satisfy the law. You still
have a duty to consider if there is anything about your
circumstances that means further action is necessary.
19. HSE considers that this guidance represents good
practice for emergency isolation within the limitations of
the scope. However, the guidance is under continuous
review and advances in technology or new knowledge
of hazards may lead HSE inspectors to seek a higher
standard in some cases the standard set here should,
therefore, be regarded as the minimum.

How to use this guidance

20. The flowchart in Figure 1 summarises how to apply this guidance to identify where ROSOVs should be provided.

Familiarise yourself with the guidance including the Scope of

application, the relevant Legal duties and the advice on
Assessing the need for ROSOVs.

Are your circumstances wholly within the Scope of this

guidance - as stated in paragraphs 34-51?

Apply the Primary Selection Criteria - Paragraph 101.


Are ALL of the primary criteria satisfied?

If ANY of the primary criteria are NOT satisfied then you


Although you may find the general advice given on the factors
to be considered when deciding whether or not to provide a
ROSOV useful: eg for other substances not included in the
scope, the selection criteria may not be entirely appropriate and
you should either refer to other relevant Good Practice
guidance where this exists or make a case-specific risk
assessment to determine whether or not ROSOVs are required.


If ALL of the primary criteria are satisfied then this indicates

that risks are sufficiently low that a ROSOV is unlikely to be a
reasonably practicable precaution. You should of course
satisfy yourself that there is nothing clearly exceptional about
your circumstances that would invalidate this conclusion.

Adopt a precautionary approach and fit a ROSOV.

should follow EITHER Option A or Option B.

A ROSOV will provide a tangible improvement in safety.
A more detailed analysis may be costly in itself and may still
lead to the conclusion that fitment is reasonably practicable.

Refine the assessment by applying the Secondary

Selection Criteria - Paragraph 102.
Do ANY (one or more) of these secondary criteria apply?


If NONE of the secondary criteria apply then this indicates

that risks are sufficiently low that a ROSOV is unlikely to be a
reasonably practicable precaution. You should of course
satisfy yourself that there is nothing clearly exceptional about
your circumstances that would invalidate this conclusion.

Are you considering the inclusion of ROSOV5 in a NEW or
E)(ISTING installation?



For an EXISTING installation, when ANY of the secondary

criteria apply then you should follow EITHER Option C or
Option D.

Appendix 1 gives guidance on what HSE would expect to see in

a demonstration that retrofitting is not reasonably practicable in a
particular case.

If ANY of the secondary criteria apply then a ROSOV or

another equally effective measure should be implemented in
the design of a new installation in order to meet the minimum
standard required by Good Practice.

Adopt a precautionary approach and fit a ROSOV.

A ROSOV will provide a tangible improvement in safety.
A suitable and sufficient analysis of the costs and benefits
may be costly in itself and may still lead to the conclusion
that fitment is reasonably practicable.

Complete a Case-Specific Demonstration (See Appendix 1).

In some cases the additional costs associated with retrofitting
may shift the balance of the costibenefit computation.


Where the Costs are NOT Grossly Disproportionate - Fit a


Document your Conclusions & Review when Appropriate

Are the Costs of providing a ROSOV (or other equally effective

measures...) grossly disproportionate to the Benefits achieved?


Where the Costs ARE Grossly Disproportionate to the

Benefits - then a ROSOV is not a reasonably practicable

Having applied this guidance to your installation you should

include your conclusions regarding provision for emergency
isolation as part of your statutory risk assessment. The
assessment should be reviewed at appropriate intervals, and
particularly whenever there is reason to suspect that there
has been a change that may affect the conclusions.

Figure 1 How to apply ROSOVs

Meeting the standard

ALARP demonstration

21. You should compare the provision for emergency

isolation on your site against the selection criteria and
identify any areas where the precautions in place do
not meet the standard described in this guidance.

30. This guidance is limited to a consideration of a single

risk reduction measure the provision for emergency
isolation. This may be only one of a number of
measures necessary to make the risk from a particular
hazard ALARP.


22. Unless the selection criteria indicate otherwise,

ROSOVs should be incorporated into the design of a
new installation.
23. In the case of an existing installation ROSOVs should
be provided unless you can demonstrate that
retrofitting is not 'reasonably practicable' in the
circumstances (see Appendix 1).

24. A phased, prioritised programme of upgrading may be

appropriate. If necessary you can discuss with the
HSE proposed work arising from your assessments.
Where you consider that you have identified alternative
but equally (or more) effective means to control the
risk you should document these conclusions as part of
the record of your statutory risk assessment.
25. This risk assessment needs to be kept under review.
Changes in understanding of the risk, or reductions in
the costs of implementing the measure, may shift the
balance of the cost/benefit equation.

26. Following this good practice guidance does not mean

you will need additional documented demonstrations
of safety. If you use other equally effective measures
instead of a ROSOV, there is no need to perform a
separate assessment. Your demonstration that the
measures actually in place make risks as low as
reasonably practicable (ALARP) is all that is needed.

If you cannot demonstrate that you have other equally

effective measures on site and you do not have a
ROSOV where one is indicated by this guidance then
you should be able to show that fitting a ROSOV is not
reasonably practicable.

28. Appendix 1 of this guidance gives additional advice on

demonstrating reasonable practicability. Appendix 2
summarises some of the relevant legal requirements
relating to the recording of risk assessment findings in
general and the more detailed requirements imposed
on some duty holders under the Control of Major
Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH).5

If a detailed risk assessment shows that upgrading is

not reasonably practicable then the basis for this
conclusion should be documented as part of your
assessment record.

31. Where it can be shown that conformance with good

practice results in risks being reduced to the
'broadly acceptable' level (see R2P2)3 then this will
normally be accepted as demonstrating compliance
with the law.

32. Where the residual risk remains higher, in the

'ALARP region' (R2P2)3 then you should continue to
seek further reasonably practicable risk reduction
measures and, where applicable, to include these as
part of your ALARP demonstration.

33. Good practice that covers all the risks from your
work activity may not be available, so if you are
required to make an explicit ALARP demonstration,
a more rigorous analysis may be needed to
demonstrate that all measures necessary have
been implemented.

Scope of the gJdance


Hazardous substances
34. This guidance is limited to operations involving the
storage, transfer, or processing of substances that are:

classified under the Chemicals (Hazard

Information and Packaging for Supply)
Regulations 2002 (CHIP)6 as flammable, highly
flammable, extremely flammable, toxic or very

toxic; and
liquids or gases under the conditions of storage
and/or processing.

35. The general advice on what you should consider

when deciding whether or not to provide a ROSOV
may also be useful in the context of other
hazardous substances. However, these other
substances were not considered in setting the
decision criteria and so the specific result might not
be appropriate in every case.
36. When deciding if you need to provide ROSOVs for
substances not included in the scope of this
guidance, you should either:

refer to other good practice guidance written for

that substance or category of substances; or
undertake your own case-specific risk assessment.
37. Appendix 1 is a useful guide for making a casespecific risk assessment. However, you will need to
consider explicitly the hazardous properties (physical,
chemical and toxicological) of the substances you
use if the risk assessment is to be suitable and
38. Some higher flashpoint substances not classified
under CHIP as flammable are stored or processed at
temperatures above their flashpoint, or under
elevated pressures. These may be capable of forming
a flammable atmosphere following loss of
containment. This guidance will also be useful in
deciding whether or not to provide for remote
isolation of substances in this category where more
specific guidance does not currently exist.
39. Some substances will not be included in the current
CHIP Approved supply list,7 which lists dangerous

chemicals along with their EC-agreed classifications.

This may include intermediates that are not 'supplied'
and, therefore, would not be subject to CHIP To apply
this guidance you will need to self-classify the
substance according to the method described in the
CHIP Approved classification and labelllng guide6 as if it
were intended for supply.




40. Some substances may have dual classification. For

substances with both flammable and toxic properties
each hazard should be assessed separately. If different
standards are indicated then the higher standard should
be adopted.
41. This guidance may lead you to conclude that a ROSOV
is not a reasonably practicable measure for the control
of risks to health and safety. However, the Environment
Agency (EA) or the Scottish Environment Protection
Agency (SEPA) may still require you to provide for
remote isolation of dangerous substances to protect the
environment. For details of how to contact the EA and
SEPA see References and useful addresses section.

Activities induded
Onshore installations
42. This guidance is applicable at onshore installations
including chemical manufacturing sites, petrochemical
facilities and sites engaged in the storage and
distribution (excluding long distance pipelines) of
hazardous substances.
43. The guidance may be applied at all onshore facilities
where storage, transfer or processing of the specified
categories of substances takes place, irrespective of
whether the site is subject to the requirements of

Petroleum dispensing
44. Petroleum retail is subject to a licensing regime and is
outside of the scope of this guidance. The provision of
technical measures including means of safe isolation in
an emergency is covered by specific guidance and,
where appropriate, by licence conditions.

45. However, this guidance is applicable where the nonretail dispensing of fuel into vehicles takes place, eg
during vehicle manufacture.

Offshore installations and transmission

pipelines (on or offshore)
46. This guidance was produced specifically for use by
the onshore sector. Offshore installations, and


pipelines covered by the Pipelines Safety

Regulations 1996,8 are subject to specific
legislation that includes explicit requirements for
remote operation of plant, including emergency
shutdown valves. For example, the Offshore
Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and
Emergency Response) Regulations 1995
(regulation 12) and the Pipelines Safety


Regulations 1996 (regulation 1 9).8





Topcs excluded
47. This guidance does not give detailed advice on
measures for process control or pressure relief
arrangements (including reactor depressurisation and
the 'dumping' or 'quenching' of runaway reactions)
and the following issues are excluded.

Specification of valves
48. Advice on suitability of valves to perform a particular
duty, including appropriate materials of construction,
should be sought from your supplier or manufacturer.


It is frequently necessary to isolate plant containing

hazardous substances to allow for maintenance. The
requirements for safe isolation for these purposes are
not covered here. Advice on this topic may be found
in HSE's The safe isolation of plant and equipment.1

Detection systems
50. This guidance does not consider in any detail the
detection systems that are a necessary component of
a system for automatic activation of ROSOVs
(automatic shutoff valves, ASOVs).

Control of exothermic reactions

51. There is a role for remotely operated valves in the control
and emergency shutdown of exothermic reactions to
avoid runaway. The use of ROSOVs for these purposes
is outside of the scope of this guidance, but advice can
be found in the HSE publication Designing and operating
safe chemical reaction processesY'

Assessng your ste

Hierarchy of measures


52. You should be able to demonstrate that you have

considered a hierarchy of measures:

Inherently safer options (such as substitution of a

hazardous substance by a less hazardous one,
reducing the quantity of the substance stored or
processed etc).
Options for prevention and control of loss of
containment (such as preventive maintenance,
inspection, testing etc).
Mitigation measures (such as ROSOVs and bunding).

53. For existing installations, options for inherently

safer processes will be more limited. You should
still give priority to measures that prevent or limit
loss of the hazardous substance from the primary
containment over mitigation measures such as
secondary containment.
54. The guidance applies to both new and existing installations.

New instaUations
55. The design of a new installation should fully conform to
the good practice set out in this guidance.

58. Some of the additional costs associated with retrofitting,

such as downtime and loss of production, can be minimised
by co-ordinating the retrofitting with planned maintenance,
refurbishment or upgrading of the installation.

Reasonable practicability
59. HSE considers that duties to ensure health and safety
so far as is reasonably practicable (SFAIRP) and duties
to reduce risks as low as is reasonably practicable
(ALARP) are equivalent. Each calls for the same set of
tests to be applied.
60. The requirement under COMAH to take all measures
necessary' to prevent major accidents and limit their
consequences is interpreted as meaning that the risks
from major accident hazards should be reduced to ALARP.

Existing instaUations
56. For existing installations where the current provision
does not meet the standard set out in this guidance,
you should upgrade the installation so far as is
reasonably practicable. Take your current situation as
the starting point, when you assess the risk to be
reduced, for comparison with the cost of achieving that
reduction. You may take account of any measures that
are already in place when establishing the present level
of risk (without a ROSOV). However, the measures
must be effective against the same containment
failures, for example:
where items of plant are bunded there may be long
runs of interconnecting pipework outside the bund;
a ROSOV close to the plant item will provide
protection wherever a pipework failure occurs but
bunding will only mitigate releases that occur
within the bunded area.

It is recognised that there may be additional costs

associated with retrofitting measures to existing
installations and that it is appropriate to consider these
extra costs when reaching a decision on reasonable
practicability. In R2P23 Appendix 3 includes a discussion
of the relevant cost and benefits to be considered.

In some circumstances the risks from a particular

hazardous activity may be so high as to be unacceptable
for all practical purposes, whatever the associated level
of benefits. Conversely, when the level of risk is
inherently very low or has been made very low by the
application of suitable controls, then for most practical
purposes the risk can be regarded as insignificant. HSE
would not normally seek further risk reduction measures,
as the resource required would be disproportionate to
the risk. However, where further reasonably practicable
risk reduction measures can be identified then the law
requires that these be implemented.

62. Between these two extremes, a given level of risk from a

hazardous activity may be judged tolerable for the
benefits that the activity brings, provided that the risk is
made ALARP.


Where the risks are tolerable, if ALARP you should


the benefits arising from the reduction in risk

achieved by particular measures; and
the cost in time, money or trouble of
implementing those measures.

64. Only where there is a 'gross disproportion' between the

two, ie the risk reduction being insignificant in relation to
the cost, can the measures be ruled out as not

71. Together these factors represent the risk. The reduction

in risk is the benefit that must be balanced against the
cost of providing the facility.

reasonably practicable.

Further discussion of the tolerability of risk and the principle Benefits of RC)S(D\/s
of ALARP can be found in the HSE publication R2P2.3

Toxic hazards

Precautionary approach
66. When making decisions regarding the provision of risk
reduction measures it is HSE policy to adopt more
cautious estimates:

whenever there is good reason to believe that

serious harm might occur, even if the likelihood is
remote; or
when uncertainty regarding either the
consequences or the likelihood undermines
confidence in the conclusions of the risk assessment.

(Serious harm is defined as death or serious

personal injury, especially when multiple casualties
result from a single event.)

When to consIder
f I ff1 n g a A (2) S EY\/
67. You should assess the need to fit a ROSOV wherever there
is the potential for a major accident as a result of loss of
containment of a hazardous substance, the consequences
of which could be significantly reduced by rapid isolation.
68. Manual valves should never be used in situations where the
employee effecting the isolation would be placed in danger.
This is a major consideration in deciding when to use
ROSOVs. Manual valve isolation may be acceptable in
some cases where rapid isolation is not required to prevent
a major accident. However, manual valves are often fitted
mainly for maintenance work and are unlikely to be the
safest or most effective option for emergency isolation.

69. The potential for a major accident will depend on a

range of factors including:

the nature and properties of the substance;

the quantity of substance released;
the size and nature of populations at risk and their
proximity to the plant; and
the presence of other plant including confining
structures and other hazardous inventories
(escalation potential).

70. Ultimately the decision whether or not to provide remote

isolation is based on an assessment of:

the likelihood that the major accident will occur;

the consequences (in terms of the extent and
severity of harm to people).

72. For toxic hazards ROSOVs can have a significant

benefit by reducing the extent of the hazard so that
fewer people are exposed. However, since the
ROSOV may fail on demand, the risk is reduced but
not eliminated.

73. Also, people on site may be within the hazard range

irrespective of whether the release is terminated
rapidly by a ROSOV or is more prolonged due to
reliance on manual isolation. However, even in these
cases, terminating the release more rapidly will
reduce their exposure.
74. Providing a remote (or automatic) activation facility will
avoid employees having to deliberately enter a toxic
atmosphere to effect isolation manually.

Flammable hazards
75. For flammable substances, employees should not be
required to deliberately enter a flammable atmosphere to
isolate plant manually, especially as personal protective
equipment (PPE), is not a practicable solution.

76. The potential for escalation is much greater for

flammable substances, particularly in complex plant
with significant areas of congestion due to closely
spaced plant, pipework and other structures. When
ignition occurs in a congested area there is an
increased risk of a vapour cloud explosion. The
overpressure from a vapour cloud explosion may be
capable of critically damaging other plant, leading to
further loss of containment and potential casualties.

Personal protective
eq u i prnent

In accordance with the hierarchy of measures

described in the Control of Substances Hazardous to
Health Regulations (COSH H),12 provision of personal
protective equipment (PPE) is not considered an
adequate alternative to remote isolation for a new
installation for which fitting ROSOVs is considered
reasonably practicable.

78. For existing installations, the practice of manual isolation

by employees wearing PPE should only be adopted if
the cost of retrofitting ROSOVs is grossly
disproportionate to the reduction in risk.

79. Secondary containment in the form of a bund is a
measure to mitigate the consequences of a spill once it
has occurred, and therefore comes lower in the
hierarchy of controls than measures that limit the loss of
material from the primary containment system.
80. A bund may be required to contain a range of potential
releases for which a ROSOV would not be capable
including, for example, overflowing of a vessel and holes
in the vessel itself. ROSOVs and secondary containment
are not mutually exclusive and both may be required to
reduce the risks from the range of possible hazardous

Dual hazard

substances and
86. Some substances may be both toxic and flammable and
while their CHIP classification usually reflects the greater
hazard, in some circumstances the secondary hazard
may dominate. For substances with both flammable and
toxic properties the selection criteria should be applied
for each hazard separately and if different standards are
indicated then the higher standard should be adopted.

events to ALARP.

81. For a new installation, priority should be given to

reasonably practicable measures to prevent the escape
of the hazardous substance from the primary
containment system (vessel, pump, pipework etc) over
the provision of secondary containment.


In the case of simple mixtures of substances within the

scope of this guidance a similar approach may be taken,
with the standard adopted being the highest required for
each of the components.


If one component is a minor constituent, eg a small

percentage of a toxic substance in a flammable solvent,
then you should refer to Schedule 3 of the CHIP
Regulations and the Approved Classification and
Labelling Guide6 to arrive at an appropriate


In some cases the substance may have a secondary

hazard category that falls outside of the scope of this
guidance, eg for oxidisers or substances that react with
water. The secondary property should be separately
assessed, by reference to other relevant good practice
or by means of a case-specific assessment, and again
the higher standard should be adopted (see Appendix 1).

82. For existing installations where secondary containment

is already provided, the consequences of a release
within the bunded area will be mitigated. This can be
taken into account when making decisions about the
reasonable practicability of retrofitting a ROSOV.
83. However, where the pipework extends beyond the
bunded area, the principal benefits offered by the bund
will be lost in the event of a failure outside. The bund
wall may limit encroachment of the spillage on the
vessel(s) within the bund, but the resulting pooi will be
potentially much larger and may spread to other
vulnerable locations.
84. Where the hazardous substance is under pressure, eg
being pumped, then some failures that take place within
the bund could result in a jet or spray of the fluid being
projected beyond the confines of the secondary
containment. This is particularly true for some poorly
designed or inadequately maintained bunds.

85. Even for releases into the bund, bunding does nothing
to limit the size of the release but limits the size of the
pool and hence the evaporation rate. The evaporation
rate will reach a maximum once the quantity of material
released is sufficient to cover the area of the bund. This
is irrespective of whether the release is isolated manually
or remotely. However, a longer release means more
material transferred into the bund. Unless steps are
taken to control evaporation from the
liquid in the bund, eg by covering
the surface with an inert barrier, the
evaporation will continue for a
longer period with potentially adverse
results. For example, if a flammable
substance is released into the bund and
ignited, the larger quantity of fuel is likely
to result in a more prolonged fire,
increasing the risk of escalation.

The seection criteha

How do the selection

criteria work?
90. To help you decide whether to use a ROSOV in a particular
case, a number of selection criteria have been developed
based on judgements about the extent and severity of the
consequences in the event of a major accident.

91. The criteria are divided into two groups of primary and
secondary selection criteria.

Event frequencies
100. There is considerable difficulty and uncertainty
associated with determining the frequency of loss of
containment events. This guidance employs simplified
decision criteria in which greater emphasis is placed on
the scale of the potential release and the severity of the
potential consequences than on the frequency. If you
choose to employ frequency-based arguments you
should be prepared to provide a robust justification for
the frequencies used.

92. Primary selection criteria serve to quickly eliminate

low-risk cases where the hazard potential is sufficiently
low that the provision of remote isolation is unlikely to
be justified.

Th e p ri ni any'

93. Where it can be shown that all of the primary selection

criteria are satisfied, then a ROSOV would not normally
be required.

101. The following are the primary selection criteria:

94. When you apply the primary selection criteria and they
do not eliminate the need for a ROSOV, you should
choose either to provide a ROSOV or alternatively to
refine the assessment by applying the secondary criteria.
95. The secondary selection criteria identify a series of
generic circumstances in which the hazards are
considered to be so significant that you should normally
fit ROSOVs when any one or more of these criteria apply.
96. This second group of criteria are more detailed and require
a deeper analysis of the potential consequences of a loss
of containment event. If you can show that none of the
secondary selection criteria are applicable then a ROSOV
is unlikely to be a reasonably practicable measure.

If the application of the selection criteria does not eliminate

the need for a ROSOV then provision of a ROSOV is
considered to be good practice for a new installation,

98. For an existing installation, a ROSOV should normally

be fitted unless a sufficiently detailed analysis is made
to show that retrofitting is not reasonably practicable in
the circumstances.

99. Appendix 1 gives guidance on the factors that you will

need to consider in a case-specific assessment if it is
to be accepted as a suitable and sufficient

selection criteria
The maximum foreseeable release of a
hazardous substance in the event of failure to
isolate manually is less than 1 % of the
controlled quantity (Q) specified in Schedule 1,
Column 2 of the Planning (Control of Major
Accident Hazards) Regulations 1995 for the
purposes of Hazardous Substances Consent for
the named substance (Part A), or category of
substance (Part B).
Manual isolation would not require employees to
enter a flammable atmosphere and expose them
to risk of serious personal injury or death during
the attempt.
Manual isolation would not require employees to
enter an area in which the concentration of a toxic
substance exceeds a level at which a normal
healthy individual could escape unaided and
would not put them at risk of serious personal
injury or death while attempting the isolation.
The rate and duration of the release is such that
no potential for serious danger (death or serious
injury ie injury requiring an overnight stay in
hospital) can be foreseen.

The secondary
selection criteria
102. If you find that the primary selection criteria do not rule
out the need for a ROSOV then the following secondary
criteria should be used and a ROSOV fitted when one or
more of these criteria apply:

A ROSOV is required by other relevant and

authoritative guidance on good practice, eg
substance or process specific guidance such as
Safety advice for bulk chlorine installations13 or
the Liquefied Petroleum Gases Association Codes
of Practice.
The hazardous substance is present as a gas
liquefied under pressure and the circumstances
under which ROSOVs should be fitted are not
already dealt with in existing substance or
process specific and authoritative guidance on
good practice.
The valve serves to isolate a flexible loading arm,
hose or similar vulnerable item of plant where
there are frequent connections and disconnections.

The location of the potential loss of containment

is outside of any bunded area or other secondary
Failure to isolate a release of a flammable
substance, the direct consequences of which (eg

thermal radiation or overpressure) are confined to

the site, could result in escalation involving a
release of another hazardous substance with offsite consequences.
The extended release duration associated with

manual isolation (likely to be at least 20

minutes) results in an increased number of
predicted off-site fatalities when compared to
the case with a ROSOV.


Seecton and operaton









103. ROSOVs can be manually activated through push buttons

located a distance from the valve. Automatic shutoff valves
(ASOVs) activated by a detection system, eg a toxic or
flammable gas detector, can provide a more immediate

109. A remotely operated valve can be operated by a variety

of different methods such as pneumatic, hydraulic or
electrical energy sources. ROSOVs should continue to
be capable of performing their function in the event of
failure of the primary power supply, eg mechanical
springs or pressurised fluid reservoirs.

Manual activation
104. One advantage of manual activation is that an intelligent
assessment of the most appropriate measure for dealing
with a release can be made. Claims are sometimes
made that manual activation is necessary to avoid
spurious trips associated with automatic systems;
however, the root cause is often a badly designed
system rather than any inherent weakness in an
automated response.
105. Manual activation must be justifiable and the location of
push buttons must not endanger the employee. They
should be accessible and in a safe and suitable place in
relation to the hazardous event that may occur. There
should normally be at least two alternate activation points,
which should be readily identifiable both on the plant (eg
labelling) and in all relevant operating instructions.

106. Advantages of ASOVs include more rapid isolation and a
reduction in the frequency of some modes of human error.

107. Facilities for manual activation, on emergency escape

routes for example, should be provided as a backup to
automatic activation and can result in a more rapid
response in some circumstances.

Types of valves
108. The detailed selection of a particular valve, including
materials of construction, is beyond the scope of this
guidance and advice should be sought from your supplier
or manufacturer. A key feature of any valve used for
emergency isolation is the ability to achieve and maintain
tight shutoff within an appropriate timescale. Commonly
used valve types include gate valves and plug valves. But
it is important that each valve is chosen to meet the
specific requirements of your installation.

110. It may be possible to convert existing manual isolation

valves to remote operation by incorporating an actuator
and a suitable control system. The suitability of such a
conversion is beyond the scope of this guidance and
advice should be sought from the manufacturer of the
valve and/or the actuator.
111. The correct sizing of the actuator is crucial to meeting
the safety requirements specification of the ROSOV.
Undersizing may result in the valve not operating on
demand while oversizing may result in damage to the
valve or actuator assembly. The design must show an
understanding of the safety requirements and be based
on the complete system characteristics. This would
include taking into account:

the static/dynamic forces of the assembly;

the effect of the process application on these forces;

the frequency of exercising the system;

the minimum/maximum range of gas/hydraulic
pressures used for actuation; and
the fact that actuators are manufactured in
discrete sizes.

112. The competence required to carry out a successful

system design may not reside in a single organisation
(eg if the actuator and valve come from different
suppliers). However, overall responsibility for the
complete system meeting its safety requirements
specification should be clearly assigned.

Failure mode
113. Most ROSOVs provided for emergency isolation are
generally configured to close, and so isolate the hazardous
inventory, on failure. However, it should not be
automatically assumed that this results in a safe condition
in all cases. If the ability to reopen the isolation valve
following the initial shutdown (eg due to loss of utilities) is
critical to safety, then backup supplies should be provided.

External hazards
114. ROSOVs should be protected against external hazards
such as fires or explosions to ensure that:

they can be closed; and

they will continue to provide tight shutoff.

Consequential hazards
115. The benefits of ROSOVs are clear, but it is important to
recognise and address a number of new hazards that may
arise as a consequence of their installation. Some of the
nsk reduction provided by the ROSOV may be offset by
risks associated with the installation and ongoing
maintenance. The need for additional measures to tackle
these consequential hazards should not be taken as a bar
to fitting ROSOVs, but may influence the reasonable
practicability of retrofitting ROSOVs to an existing
installation. Examples of some of these consequential
hazards are listed below.

116. On complex or interconnecting plant, the location of

ROSOVs needs careful consideration due to the
potential for:

over pressurisation due to 'blocking in' a liquid

with a high expansion coefficient; and
the effects of spurious valve operation.
117. Other potential hazards associated with isolation
valves include:
the creation of damaging pressure surges ('hammer')

in long pipe runs if valves close too quickly;

introduction of a new potential leak source;
hazards associated with installation, maintenance
and testing; and
general increase in complexity of the system.

Dual function valves

121. Further advice on control system integrity can be

found in British Standards EN61 508 Functional safety
of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
safety-related systems and IEC61 511 Functional
safety: safety instrumented systems for the process
industry sector.

Excess flow valves

122. An excess flow valve is designed to remain open in
normal operation, but if the flow through the valve
exceeds a preset maximum, the valve closes. These
valves allow flow in either direction, but normally only
trigger for excess flow in the specified flow direction.
The valve setting must exceed the maximum flow rate
foreseeable in normal operation. Depending on the
particular design of valve a setting significantly higher
(perhaps as much as 50%) may be required to avoid
'chatter' and damage to the valve.

123. A catastrophic failure downstream of the valve will

result in increased flow and a pressure drop across the
valve, causing it to close. Where the downstream failure
is more limited, eg a hole or a crack, or there is
crushing of the pipework then the restricted flow may
not be sufficient to cause the valve to shut and the
release will continue.
124. Other factors are relevant when considering use of an
excess flow valve. Foreign matter can lodge in the valve
and prevent it from closing. In some applications it can
be difficult to simulate the excess flow condition for
proof testing.

125. Advantages claimed for excess flow valves include the

relative simplicity of a mechanical system and their
automatic action eliminating some potential human
errors. In the context of this guidance excess flow
valves would not normally be considered equivalent to
ROSOVs for emergency isolation. Many of the same
issues surrounding retrofitting apply, but in some cases
lower costs overall may mean that an excess flow
valve is reasonably practicable to retrofit when a
ROSOV is not.

118. In some cases, the normal process control system

includes valves, activated by process measurement
sensors and acting as part of a trip or shutdown system.

Vulnerable vessel fittings

119. Emergency isolation valves need to be capable of

achieving and maintaining tight shutoff. Some types of
control valves are designed to provide a 'throttling' action
and this type do not always provide a sufficiently tight
seal. Other types of valve used, eg in the control of batch
transfers, may be capable of achieving a tight seal. Failure
of a dual function valve may compromise both functions
and a postulated failure of the control valve may itself lead
to a requirement for an emergency isolation valve.

126. Process equipment may include small-bore

connections for items such as control system
components. Some of these, eg for level
instrumentation, may enter below the liquid level in the
vessel. Failure could, therefore, result in loss of the
vessel contents. Fittings of this type may be most
vulnerable to guillotine failure (being sheared off. An
excess flow valve, preferably located in the outlet, but
in any case as close to the vessel as practicable, may
be an acceptable alternative to a ROSOV for this type
of application.

120. Therefore, the functions of process control and

emergency isolation should normally be kept separate.
Ultimately, the test will be whether the control system
can deliver the required safety integrity level with a dual
function valve.

127. Detailed advice on the selection, installation and

maintenance of excess flow valves is beyond the scope
of this guidance. Advice should be sought from your
supplier or manufacturer.


Reliability and integrity

128. Any control system can fail. Proper maintenance and
regular proof testing of valves make a major contribution
to maintaining valve integrity.
129. Examples of potential failure modes are considered
below. If you establish how systems can fail it provides
useful information for inclusion in testing and
maintenance arrangements. Common factors identified
in previous industrial incidents where isolation systems
failed include:

failure to close on demand due to inadequate

maintenance/proof testing;
failure to shut tight leading to leakage internally
due to incorrect specification of the valve or
inadequate maintenance/proof testing;
failure of employees to activate a serviceable
valve due to inadequate training and/or unclear
large volumes released after 'successful' isolation
due to inappropriate spacing between isolation

valves rendered unserviceable by the incident, eg

damaged by fire or explosion; and
failure-to-danger of valve on loss of motive power.

Inspection and proof testing

130. You should put in place appropriate arrangements for
inspection and proof testing to reduce the likelihood of the
ROSOV to fail to operate effectively on demand, to ALARR

131. The frequency of inspection and testing required will

depend to a great extent on the confidence held in the
compatibility of the valve with the process fluids and
conditions. This confidence may be obtained through
previous operational experience, testing, knowledge of
basic materials compatibility or a combination of these.
132. The lower the level of confidence the more frequent should
be the inspection and testing of the valve. Records of
these early inspections and tests will provide the basis of
a justification for increased test and inspection intervals
as operational experience is accrued.

Appendix 1 A case-specftb
assessment of the reasonable
practbabflfty of a ROSOV



This appendix gives guidance on how to determine whether a

ROSOV is a reasonably practicable measure to mitigate the
consequences of a loss of containment of a hazardous
substance. It is limited to a consideration of the potential for
harm to human health.

Should a loss of containment occur the nature of the

hazardous substance and the processing conditions would

have a major bearing on the consequences, and so

strongly influence the decision to incorporate remote
isolation facilities.

A case-specific assessment of reasonable practicability

requires that each installation be assessed individually,
taking account of its specific design features, safety
systems and operating procedures.










fl the hazards

Gather and use data on substance properties: Toxicity, Flammability (or both)?





What if?

Identify 'initiating events' that could lead to a loss of containment (LOC)

Natural events flooding, earthquake
Man-made vehicle impact, mal-operation, lack of maintenance




What then?

Identify the corresponding hazardous (LOC) events

Estimate the frequencies of the hazardous events



Evaluate the consequences for people and the environment

Define level of harm, eg death or some defined lesser harm
Determine hazard range to defined level of harm
Identify the populations within the hazard range
Estimate the severity (eg no. killed/injured) of the consequences
Estimate the frequency of the hazardous event

the risks

Compare risk (consequence/frequency) of the LOC event with and without ROSOV

So what?

Implement ROSOV if

Record Assessment

Compare the benefit in reduction in risk (consequence/frequency) with the cost

of implementation
Decide if the cost is grossly disproportionate to the reduction in risk


Review Find ings and

Revise when necessary

The flowchart above illustrates the process of assessment in the context of ROSOVs.


Stage 1:
Look for the hazards





The first stage of the assessment is to identify and

understand the hazardous properties of the substances
under review. Information on the hazards of a particular
substance may be obtained from a variety of sources. The
foremost of these is the Material Safety Data Sheet, which
should be issued by the supplier of the substance in
accordance with the Chemicals (Hazard Information and
Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002 (SIl 689).6 An
indication of the primary hazard of a substance can be
obtained from the CHIP classification.



Dual hazard substances

Some substances may be both toxic and flammable. While the
CHIP classification usually reflects the greater hazard, in some
circumstances the secondary hazard may dominate. For
substances with both flammable and toxic properties you should
apply the criteria for each hazard separately. If different standards
are indicated then the higher standard should be adopted.

In the case of simple mixtures of substances within the scope

of this guidance, a similar approach may be taken. The
standard adopted should be the highest required for each of
the components.

If one component is a minor constituent, eg a small

percentage of a toxic substance in a flammable solvent, then
you can use the CHIP methodology to arrive at an
appropriate categorisation.
In some cases the substance may have a secondary hazard
outside of the scope of this guidance, eg for oxidisers or
substances that react with water. You should assess the
secondary property separately, by reference to other relevant
good practice or by means of a case-specific assessment,
and again adopt the higher standard.

Toxic substances
Toxic substances tend to have longer hazard ranges and
greater potential to affect larger, more remote populations
beyond the site boundary. Thermal radiation and overpressure
effects following ignited releases of flammable substances are
more likely to result in damage to other plant, and hence to
escalation, than are toxic releases.

However, there is the potential for personnel exposed to a

toxic substance to be rendered incapable of controlling or
shutting down plant safely. This can lead to further incidents
and escalation. Vulnerable occupied buildings including
Control Rooms should be identified as part of an Occupied
Buildings Assessment for the establishment. The Chemical
Industries Association publication Guidance for the Location
and Design of Occupied Buildings on Chemical Manufacturing
Sites,15 contains useful advice on this topic.
A ROSOV may reduce both the risk of harm due to direct
exposure to the toxic substance and the likelihood of
escalation of the event as a result of employees being unable
to perform essential duties.
Routes into the human body include inhalation, ingestion and
via contact with the skin. The primary route of harm following
a loss of containment event is inhalation. But there will also
be the possibility of exposure via other routes during clean-up

Flammable substances
The hazard ranges associated with fires and explosions
following the release and ignition of a flammable substance
tend to be shorter than for toxic substances, and may be
confined to the site. However, with flammable substances
there is greater potential for escalation due to the effects of
thermal radiation and/or overpressure on other items of plant
causing further loss of containment.

Other properties
Other properties of substances in addition to toxicity and
flammability can have a significant impact on the risk. A toxic
substance with a higher vapour pressure, for example, will
disperse more readily and to a greater hazard range from
the point of release.

Processing or storage
The conditions under which the substance is stored and/or
processed can also be a significant factor.
Liquids classified as Flammable, but with flashpoints above
ambient temperature, generally present a lower hazard than
those classified as Highly Flammable liquids. However,
storage or processing at elevated temperatures can result in
these substances being released above their flashpoints or
even their auto-ignition temperatures.
Substances that are gases at ambient temperature are
frequently stored as liquids under pressure. Releases from
pressurised storage are more energetic. For a given hole size,
a greater mass of substance will be released per unit time,
particularly if the substance is released in the liquid phase.

Inventory and scale

of release
Process plant typically consists of a series of larger
containments such as vessels, columns etc joined by
pipework, flanges, pumps, heat exchangers etc.
Failures are most likely to occur in and around these
interconnecting items, which often (though not always)
contain relatively small quantities of substances
themselves. But, if there is no effective (safe)
means to isolate a leak from say a pump,
then the contents of the larger
containment item may be lost.


It is important, therefore, to consider containment systems as

a whole and not just as individual vessels. Boundaries need to
be set between units of inventory. Appropriate means of
isolation, which may include ROSOVs, should be provided
between individual inventory units to limit the quantity of
substance that can be released from any single failure.
Incidents have occurred in which ROSOVs were provided and
functioned correctly; however the quantity of substance
between isolations was too large and a significant release still
took place.
The nature and scale of an emergency is often determined by
the rate at which a hazardous substance is released rather
than simply the bulk inventory. It is this rate of release that
determines the size of the liquid pool or the flammable gas
cloud formed, or the length and diameter of a jet flame.
Factors influencing the rate of release include the pressure
and the area of the breach all other things being equal, the
greater the pressure and/or the larger the bore of the
pipework, the greater the release rate. That said, larger bore
pipework tends to be less vulnerable to some of the possible
failure modes, eg impact. To an extent, the consequences
and frequency may balance each other out.

Stage 2:
Assess the hsks
A risk assessment considers a range of possible adverse
events and evaluates both the likelihood of the event and the
magnitude of the potential consequences. In this context, the
frequency and the consequences of the event, taken together,
describe the risk associated with that event.
A judgement is then made regarding the tolerability of the risk,
and the reasonable practicability of risk reduction options, by
comparison with suitable criteria.

Degree of
Risk assessments may be made with varying degrees of
rigour or quantification, and each of the elements of a risk
assessment is subject to varying degrees of uncertainty.

In some cases, professional judgement alone may be used to

assign event frequencies on a qualitative basis. In others, a
more detailed analysis of the possible causes of a failure
using techniques including fault trees may be made to
quantify the failure rate more precisely.
The consequences of an event are frequently better
characterised than the frequency. It is common to quantify the
consequences of a given event and pair the result with a
qualitative judgement as to the likelihood.

If a clear and unambiguous decision can be made then this level

of quantification is likely to be adequate. If, due to uncertainties
in the data or the assumptions made in the analysis, it is not
clear whether or not fitting a ROSOV is a reasonably practicable
option, then further quantification may be required.

In all cases, the degree of quantification required will be that

necessary to justify the decision taken. You should test the
sensitivity of your analysis to any assumptions made, eg
about event frequency or about similar factors in the
consequence assessment.

Definition: quantified
risk assessment
Ultimately, the consequences and frequencies of the range of
possible events may be fully quantified and combined into a
single risk value or relationship.

Iso-contours of individual risk can be used to determine at what

distance and in which direction a threshold risk is reached for
the purposes of comparison with tolerability criteria.
In making judgements about the reasonable practicability of a
particular safety measure, it is also necessary to consider
'societal' or 'group' risk which is essentially the risk of harm to
multiple individuals as the result of the same hazardous event.
The use of numerical risk estimates in this manner is commonly
referred to as a Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA). It will not
always be necessary, or even helpful, to perform a full QRA. In
many cases the results of a qualitative assessment will be
sufficiently clear to allow a decision to be made.

Steps in Hsk assessment

The separate steps in a risk assessment have been described more memorably as

What if,,,, What then..., Then what... and So what.



What if,,.

The first step is to identify the potential causes or
'initiating events' of a loss of containment event. These
can be split into two broad categories of event: those
arising from external events such as seismic activity or
flooding, and on-site events including failures due to
corrosion, vehicular impact or mal-operation.

Some equipment failures may have no significant effect,

warranting only minor maintenance attention such as
adjustment or resetting. Others, such as seal failures or
equipment failing to operate, may have much more
serious consequences. Identification of the critical failure
modes of the plant equipment is best achieved through
direct operating knowledge and experience.

All plant items have a set of unique failure modes, some of

which can lead to a loss of containment. A review of each
failure will serve to identify if a serious risk is present.

Plant maintenance records can be used to identify

equipment that may give rise to a loss of containment
incident. Generic information, from published sources or
held centrally within a company, can be useful but will not
take account of local conditions which will affect the
performance of equipment. Other sources of information
include reports from Hazard and Operability (HAZOP)
studies and reviews of Pipework and Instrumentation
Diagrams (PID).

It is important to establish those site-specific failure

modes whose consequences would require isolation.

Table 1 gives some examples of typical

equipment failures.

Equipment failures







Table 1 Typical Equipment Failures


Principal Failure Modes

Principal Failure Causes


Holes and ruptures

corrosion, erosion, cavitation, impact,

vibration, 'hammer'

Pipework, grants, flanged connections


Deterioration of material, wrong gasket

used, incorrect assembly of joint

Instrumentation connection
(small base tube)

Ruptures and disconnections

Impact, vibration, incorrect fitting,

incorrect make up

Flexible hoses

Holes, ruptures, disconnections

Fatigue, impact damage, misuse,

poor connection, mechanical failures


External leak

Gland seal, jointed faces


External leak

Drive shaft, apping, flanged faces,



Leaks, seals, flanged faces, soiled

connections, drains

Vibration, perished joint material,

operator error, leak past seat

Drain and simple points

Leaks at seals and flanged faces, valve

left open, full bore ruptures

Perished joint material, operator

error, impact



What f III





Initiating event

operations, ie the potential for impact damage. Also

included are incidents on adjacent plant that could
escalate, affecting the plant under consideration, ie the
'domino effect'.

It may be necessary to estimate the frequency of the

initiating events if these are to be used to estimate the
overall frequency of the hazardous event (loss of
containment). Alternatively, frequencies of hazardous
events may be assigned based on historical data
provided this is available and relevant.



external events


An external event is one that has no direct relationship

with the equipment, but which is capable of acting on the
equipment causing it to fail.
This includes all natural phenomena such as earthquakes,
high winds, flooding etc. Interference by third parties
engaged in vandalism or theft may be relevant. It includes
those activities that may be going on around the plant
such as the movement of road vehicles or lifting

human factors
In many cases, accidents and incidents are attributed to
human failure. These can include unintentional errors such
as mistakenly starting a pump, opening the wrong valve, or
failing to replace a seal. Sometimes custom and practice
procedural shortcuts can contribute to human failures.

Further guidance is available in the publication Reducing

error and influencing behaviour.16

Influences on
human failure
The table below gives some influences that increase the
likelihood of human failure.

Table 2 Influences on Human Failure

Illogical design of equipment and instruments
Constant interruptions
Information hard to find or assimilate

Job Factors

Missing or unclear instructions

Poorly maintained or unreliable equipment
High workload, time pressure

Noisy and unpleasant working conditions

Low skill and competence


IndviduaI Factors

Tired staff
Bored or disheartened staff
Individual medical problems
Poor work planning leading to high work pressure

Poor communications
Uncertainties in roles and responsibilities

Organisational Factors

Poor management of health and safety

Inadequate staffing level
Inadequate training routine emergency operations

Inadequate supervision



What if analysis for
human factors
The What if... analysis should identify those tasks where
human failures could arise. Analysis is usually done by
structured task and error analysis methods. Involvement
of operators in the analysis is essential to provide a
'reality check' of what is actually done on the plant and
what steps are feasible. Such analysis is preferable to just
relying on what is written in the operating procedure.

Key tasks
Key tasks to consider include:

normal operating duties;

sampling tasks;
start up/shut down;
cleaning and maintenance;
emergency response.

Probability estimates
Methods are available to allow the estimation of human
error probabilities. However, this should be done with
extreme caution to ensure that estimates are appropriate
for the nature of the task and the site-specific conditions.

Response times
Particular care is needed when estimating the likely time
for operators to respond to an incident. Consideration
should be given to the detection, diagnosis and action
stages of response.

How an operator will become aware that a problem
exists. Assessment of alarm priorities and frequencies, the
characteristics of the operator console displays, as well
as operators' past experience of similar problems on sites
are all useful aspects to review. Plant problems that
appear over a period of time, and where the information
available to the operators can be uncertain, are
particularly difficult to detect. When Control Rooms are
not continually staffed you need to be able to show that
plant problems can still be detected quickly and reliably.

What f.,
How an operator will determine what action, if any, is
required to respond to the problem. Training and
competence assurance, the availability of clear
operating procedures and other job aids, and the level
of supervision are all relevant factors to think about. The
existence of more than one problem can make
diagnosis more difficult.





This stage covers how a timely response is carried out.
Key aspects here include:


a reliable means of communicating with other

plant operators;
time to locate and operate the correct
isolation valve;
for manual isolation valves, consider the need
to don PPE and the potential difficulty in
operating the valve whilst wearing PPE;
for remotely operated valves, feedback needs
to be given to operators that the valve has
operated correctly;
consider that operators may hesitate if
operating the valve leads to criticism later.

A 'walk-through' of the physical aspects of the task with

operators can provide very useful information on the
minimum time needed to operate an isolation valve.
However, an allowance for additional delays due to
uncertainty, hesitation, communications problems and so
on should be added for a realistic estimate of the
response time.

Additional guidance is available in these publications

(available on the HSE website at www.hse.gov.uk):
Better alarm handling HSE Information Sheet

Human factors aspects of remote operation in

process plants
Assessing the safety of staffing arrangements for process
operations in the chemical and allied industries
Human factors integration: implementation in the onshore
and offshore industries



The second step is to identify those initiating events that
contribute to the hazardous event under consideration
the event that would be mitigated by isolation.

Hazardous events
A given hazardous event might have several potential
initiators. For example, both corrosion and impact might
be causes of a pipework failure. Similarly, each initiating
event could lead to several hazardous events. Some of
these may be effectively mitigated by a ROSOV, eq
failure of pipework due to corrosion, whilst others will
not, eg a corrosion-induced hole in a storage tank.


The third step is to evaluate the consequences of the
identified hazardous event or loss of containment. This
process involves predicting the behaviour of the
hazardous material once released from containment, in
order to determine how the concentration of the
substance will vary with distance from the release point.
To be capable of causing a major accident, toxic
substances must be present in a physical form such that
dispersion is possible in the conditions that exist at the
time of the accident.
For flammable substances, ignition (with consequent
thermal and/or overpressure effects) can occur close to the
source of the release after minimal dispersion. But in some
cases a cloud of flammable vapour may drift some distance
away from the release point (where ignition sources may be
strictly controlled) before finding a source of ignition.

In the context of this guidance, we are generally

concerned with releases of gaseous or volatile liquid
substances, which can become airborne, and be
transported some distance from the point of release.
However, even substances with relatively low vapour
pressures can form a flammable or toxic cloud, if for
example they are released under pressure, forming a
spray or mist.


What then,.1
Frequency of
hazardous event
The procedure for tracing initiating events through to
hazardous events can be made easier by the use of
logic trees. This form of analysis can be used to
generate frequencies for the hazardous events.
However, there can be considerable difficulties in
practice and it is easy to overlook initiating events and
hence underestimate the frequency of the hazardous
event. This is why it is common to turn to an analysis
of historical data.

Ihen what...
For toxic substances, the extent of the hazard is related to
the concentration of the substance to which those
affected are exposed. Critical factors in determining the
degree of harm include the concentration and the
exposure time collectively known as 'the dose'.
For flammable substances, the hazard is again related to
the concentration. But the hazard will only be realised if
the concentration is within certain critical limits and there is
a source of ignition. Some initiating events may
simultaneously provide a source of ignition, eg in the event
of a release due to vehicular impact there are also likely to
be sparks and/or hot vehicle components present.

Definition: source
A source term describes the conditions (eq temperature
and pressure) and other critical parameters, including
release rate and the physical properties of the substance
that together define the release.
Take, for example, a gas liquefied under pressure. For a
given sized hole in the containment barrier, the source term
depends on whether the substance is released as a liquid,
eq from pipework carrying liquid, or as vapour if the failure
occurs in pipework connected to the vapour space.

Ihen what...
Extent of the hazard

Secondary containment

From the source term, knowledge of the way

substances behave when dispersed into the
atmosphere, and the harm criteria, the extent of the
harmful effect or the 'hazard range' can be estimated.
The hazard range, in conjunction with data on the
population at risk, is used to determine the severity of
the consequences.

It is good practice when designing a new installation to apply

a hierarchical approach to the selection of risk reduction
measures. ROSOVs (which serve to limit the quantity of
substance released frcm the primary containment) should be
installed, if reasonably practicable, in preference to bunding,
which serves to minimise the consequences once the
material has escaped.

A detailed consideration of the techniques for modelling

the dispersion of hazardous substances is beyond the
scope of this guidance. At the time this guidance was
being prepared, plans were at an advanced stage to
make the following HTML-based tool available on HSE's
website: 'Guidance on dispersion models for the
assessment of COMAH safety cases'.

When considering the reasonable practicability of retrofithng

ROSOVs to an existing installation, existing measures,
including bunding, may be taken into account when
establishing the current risk for comparison purposes.

This work includes general guidance on dispersion

modelling, plus reviews of some of the models more
frequently employed by duty holders in preparing safety
reports submitted under the COMAH Regulations.
Another useful source is the Dutch TNO publication,
(the 'Yellow Book'), Methods for the calculation of the
physical effects of the escape of dangerous materials
(see particularly Part 2, Chapter 7 'Dispersion'). C J P
van Buijtenen. 1979. 3/L.

Harm criteria
Harm criteria describe the degree of harm, which could
be death or some specified lesser harm resulting from
exposure to the hazard.
For toxic substances, the harm criteria are commonly
expressed in the form of a 'dose', or
concentration/time relationship, though other
relationships are possible.
For flammable substances, the harm criteria are
commonly related to either the effects of exposure to
thermal radiation from, for example, pool fires, jet fires
or fireballs or, in the event of an explosion, to the
overpressure generated.

Harm criteria for overpressure may be related to the

direct effects on the human body or, more usually, be
indirectly related to the effects of overpressure on
structures which may collapse, or to the impact of
missiles generated by the explosion. It is more usual to
use the indirect relationship to the effects on structures
because these can result in harm at significantly lower

A bund may be required to contain and mitigate a range of

potential releases against which a ROSOV would not be
effective including, for example, overflowing of a vessel
and holes in the vessel itself. ROSOVs and secondary
containment are not mutually exclusive and both may be
required to reduce the risks from the range of possible
hazardous events to ALARP.

Toxic releases
For un-bunded releases of a toxic liquid at ambient
temperature, ignoring cooling effects of evaporation, the
source term is proportional to the evaporation rate from the
pool. This is dependent on the pool size, which increases as
more material is added to the pool. The more rapidly the
release is isolated, the less material will be released and the
smaller the pool formed. A smaller pool will mean a reduced
hazard range.

For a bunded release, the evaporation rate will reach a

maximum once the quantity of material released is sufficient
to cover the area of the bund. This is irrespective of whether
the release is isolated manually or remotely. However, a
longer release means more material transferred into the
bund. Unless steps are taken to control evaporation from
the liquid in the bund, eg by covering the surface with an
inert barrier, the evaporation will continue for a longer
period. People who are in the plume and unable to escape
from it, will be exposed to a given concentration of toxic
substance for longer and so accumulate a higher dose.

Flammable releases
For bunded releases of flammable liquids, the greater
quantity of fuel accumulated in the bund is likely to result
in a more prolonged fire if ignited. Adjacent plant will be
exposed to thermal radiation for a longer period,
increasing the potential for escalation. Where vessels
holding flammable substances share a common bund,
dwarf walls' or similar should be incorporated to limit the
spread of smaller releases.








I Ihen what...
A long continuous release of vapour from an evaporating
pool can lead to the formation of a larger cloud of vapour
above the lower flammable limit. This increases the extent
of the flash fire hazard.

For flammable substances, an important consideration is
the potential for escalation or domino effects'. For
example, a relatively small fire/explosion could have
direct effects that are confined to the site. But the
fire/explosion could result in loss of containment of a
more hazardous substance with the potential for
substantial off-site consequences.
In these cases, the true extent of the hazard will be
related to the escalation event, which may have a lower
event frequency but substantially more serious

Response time
The response time between the initiating event and the
release being isolated can have a significant impact on
the extent of the hazard. Even when it is possible to
effect a safe manual isolation, the additional time taken
to do so can significantly increase the release duration
and the hazard range.

A further reduction in response time, with a potential
reduction in hazard range, may be achieved if the isolation
valve is automatically activated in response to, for


The final step is to compare the risk (frequency x
consequence) of the hazardous event with suitable criteria
to determine the tolerability of that risk.
Reducing risks, protecting people: HSE's decision-making
process,3 also available online at www.hse.gov.uk
includes a discussion of the risk tolerability criteria
developed by HSE (as the regulator).


example, a detector. Such an arrangement is referred to

as an Automatic Shutoff Valve (ASOV).
Similar considerations apply when judging the reasonable
practicability of an ASOV. Although it is important to
consider the likelihood and consequence of spurious
trips, these are not by themselves a justification for not
fitting an ASOV. Spurious trips can be controlled by, for
example, the appropriate use of diverse redundant
sensors operating on a 'voting' system.

Severity of
In the context of harm to human health, the severity of the
consequences is directly related to the number of people
who may be killed or injured. Casualties can result from
direct exposure to the hazardous substance, or to the
effects of thermal radiation/overpressure in the case of
flammable hazards.

Data on the populations at risk within the specified

hazard range is used to estimate the severity of the
consequences, eg the number of persons suffering the
specified level of harm.

Directional effects
For some events, particularly toxic releases, the
extent of the harm and hence the risk will vary
according to direction. Some flammable events,
including flash fires, can also be influenced by
weather, whilst others, eg explosions, tend to be
omni-directional in their effects.

So what...
In the context of this guidance, for risks that fall into the
'Tolerable, If ALARP' region of the risk spectrum (see
SFAIRP/ALARP/AMN in the Summary of relevant legal
requirements), a ROSOV should be considered as a
measure to reduce the risk to ALARP.

Risk reduction
In this context, a ROSOV is a measure that mitigates the
consequences of a hazardous event rather than


influencing the frequency of that event. However, it is
also true that by limiting the consequences of the primary
hazardous event, the presence of a ROSOV may reduce
the probability of any associated escalation event(s).

Cost-benefit analysis
In forming judgements about the reasonable
practicability of a particular safety measure, it is
normal to use death as the criterion for harm. The
number of 'statistical fatalities' averted, for which
there are accepted monetary equivalents, are
considered when evaluating the benefits side of the
cost-benefit computation.
Serious injuries averted should also be considered
when assessing the benefits of the measure being
considered. However, although attempts have been
made to establish equivalence factors, eg ten major
injuries equal one fatality, there are as yet no generally
accepted monetary equivalents for non-lethal injuries.
When deciding whether or not to fit a ROSOV, a
comparison is made between the risk with and without
the ROSOV, and the reduction in risk is compared to the
cost of providing the ROSOV

Gross disproportion
The implementation of a risk reduction measure such as a
ROSOV will involve a cost to the duty holder. Equally, a
ROSOV is intended to reduce risk from an operation and

So vhat...
this reduction will bring about a benefit (in terms of lives
saved etc), which can be expressed in monetary terms.
The ratio of the costs to the benefits can be described as
a proportion factor (PF). The generally accepted value of
million at
avoiding a statistical fatality is approximately
the time of writing.
It should also be noted, however, that the benefits might
also include the avoidance of such things as
environmental clean-up costs, increased insurance
premiums, loss of asset value, the costs of increased
regulatory interference etc.







The measure to reduce the risk, in this case the ROSOV,

should be implemented unless the cost is grossly
disproportionate to the reduction' in risk (or an equally
effective alternative is adopted).



Providing the risk analysis is based on cautious best

estimates and the costs are realistic (not needlessly
inflated beyond the provision of a fit for purpose solution)
then, in the context of major hazards, HSE will use the
following as the basis for exercising judgement:

The proportion factor is at least 1 (and

possibly at least 2) for risks which are close
to being broadly acceptable risks.
The proportion factor is at least 10 at the
tolerable/unacceptable risk boundary.
For risks between these levels the proportion
factor is a matter of professional judgement, but
the disproportion between the costs of preventing
a fatality (CPF) and the value of a prevented fatality
(VPF) must always be gross for a measure not to
be reasonably practical.


Stage 3:
Record the
assessment flndngs
The final stage of the assessment process is to document the
findings of the assessment and the reasoning behind the
decisions taken. There is a legal requirement under the
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations to
document the findings of a risk assessment. In the context of
this guidance, it is particularly important that the findings are
documented thoroughly when they are used to justify not
implementing a ROSOV, where one is identified as good
practice by the decision criteria presented in this document.

Stage 4:
Impement ROSOV where
reasonaby practcabe


Where the conclusion of the assessment is that a ROSOV (or,
where applicable, another equally effective measure) is
reasonably practicable, then implementation should follow as
a logical consequence.









Stage 5:
Revew the
assessment pehodbaUy

Significant change

Assessment is not a once-and-for-all activity. With the

passage of time, changes in local circumstances and
advances in technology etc may alter the conclusions of the
risk assessment. For example, an increase in the size of the
local population or a decrease in the cost of providing remote
isolation may make fitment of a ROSOV a reasonably
practicable option where previously it was not.

In accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at

Work Regulations, duty holders should review and, if
necessary, modify their assessment if there is reason to
believe that it is no longer valid or if there is a significant
change (eg an increase in the population at risk) in the
matters to which it relates.
It is prudent in most cases to plan to review risk assessments
at regular intervals. There is an explicit requirement (regulation
8) for the Operators of installations subject to the Top Tier
requirements of COMAH to review their safety report at least
once every five years, or whenever necessary, to take into
account new facts or knowledge that becomes available. This
should be considered indicative of Good Practice for Operators
of other establishments handling hazardous substances.

Appencflx 2
Summary of reevant

ega reqJrements
Health and Safety at
Work etc Act

The Management of Health and Safety at Work

Regulations 1999 (SI 3242) require employers (and
where relevant the self-employed) to make a suitable
and sufficient assessment of the risks to their
employees and to persons who are not their
employees but who may be subject to risks arising
from the work activities.

Control of Major
Accident Hazards

Guidance on these regulations can be found in the

HSE publication A guide to the Control of Major
Accident Hazard Regulations 1999.


Operators of COMAH establishments (whether

'lower tier' (LT) or 'top tier' (TI)) have a duty to
prepare a Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP).
Operators of COMAH TI sites have an additional
duty to submit a safety report to the Competent
Authority (CA). The COMAH safety report should
demonstrate that the Operator has taken all
measures necessary and that the major accident
risks have been reduced to ALARP. One of the key
demonstrations will be to show that appropriate
measures have been taken to prevent and effectively
contain releases of dangerous substances.

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 places

a duty on employers to ensure so far as is
reasonably practicable' (SFAIRP) the health, safety
and welfare at work of their employees, and a duty
on employers and the self-employed to ensure that
persons other than their employees (including, in
the case of the self-employed, themselves) are
protected from risks to their health or safety arising
from the work activities.

Management of Health
and Safety at Work


Regulation 4 of the Control of Major Accident Hazards

Regulations 1999 (COMAH) (SI 743) places a duty on
the operators of establishments to which the
regulations apply to take 'all measures necessary'
(AMN) to prevent major accidents and limit their
consequences to persons and the environment.

Substances and
Explosive Atmospheres

The Dangerous Substances and Explosive

Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) (SI 2776)
implement two European Directives: the Chemical
Agents Directive (CAD) and the Explosive
Atmospheres Directive (AlEX).


These regulations deal with fires, explosions and

similar energy-releasing events (eg exothermic
chemical reactions) arising from dangerous
substances (chemical agents) and the explosive
atmospheres created by those dangerous


DSEAR modernises and repeals over 20 pieces of

old safety legislation on flammable substances,
dusts and liquids.


and usefu addresses

The chemical release and fire at the Associated Octel

Company Limited: A report of the investigation by the
Health and Safety Executive into the chemical release
and fire at the Associated Octel Company, Ellesmere
Port on 1 and 2 February 1994 Report
HSE Books 1996 ISBN 0 7176 0830 1


Emergency isolation of process plant in the chemical

industry Chemical Information Sheet CHIS2
HSE Books 1999


Reducing risks, protecting people: HSE's decisionmaking process Report HSE Books 2001

ISBN 071762151 0

Assessing compliance with the law in individual cases and

the use of good practice. Available on the HSE website:
http://www. hse.gov. uk/dst/sctdir. htm#riskassessment

5. A guide to the Control of Major Accident Hazard

Regulations 1999 HSE Books 1999 ISBN 07176 16045

Approved classification and labelling guide. Chemicals

(Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply)
Regulations 2002. Guidance on Regulations Li 31 (Fifth
edition) HSE Books 2002 ISBN 0 7176 2369 6


Approved supply list. Information approved for the

classification and labelling of substances and
preparations dangerous for supply. Chemicals (Hazard
In formation and Packaging for Supply) Regulations
2002. Approved list Li 29 (Seventh edition)
HSE Books 2002 ISBN 0 7176 2368 8

8. A guide to the Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996 L82

HSE Books ISBN 07176 11825


The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and

Explosion, and Emergency Response) Regulations
1995 The Stationery Office SI 1995 No 743

12. Control of substances hazardous to health. The

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Regulations 2002. Approved Code of Practice and
guidance L5 (Fourth edition) HSE Books 2002
ISBN 0 7176 2534 6
13. Safety advice for bulk chlorine installations H5G28
(Second edition) HSE Books 1999 ISBN 07176 16452
14. The Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 The Stationery Office SI 3242

15. Guidance for the location and design of occupied

buildings on chemical manufacturing sites (Second
edition) RC21103 Chemical Industries Association
2003 ISBN 1 85897 114 4 Details on the CIA website
at: http:Ilwww.cia.org.uklbookshop/system/index.html

16. Reducing error and influencing behaviour HSG48

(Second edition) HSE Books 1999 ISBN 0 7176 2452 8

The Environment
The Environment Agency (England and Wales) has a
general enquiry line on 08459 333111 or visit

The Scottish
Environment Protection

10. The safe isolation of plant and equipment HSE Books

1997 ISBN 0 7176 0871 9

For Scotland, the Public Affairs Department of the Scottish

Environment Protection Agency, on 01786 457700, handles
general enquiries or visit www.sepa.org.uk

ii. Designing and operating safe chemical reaction

processes HSG143 HSE Books 2000
ISBN 07176 1051 9

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of

the references listed in this publication, their future availability
cannot be guaranteed.

Remotely operated shutoff valves (ROSOVs)for emergency solation of hazardous substances

Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive


Cl 5 08/04

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