Good Practice Guidance - UK Step Change in Safety
Good Practice Guidance - UK Step Change in Safety
Good Practice Guidance - UK Step Change in Safety
d Vibration Guidelines
TOOL # 3
TOOL # 3
Conceptual Design To ensure that the use of a flexible • Safety assessment These Guidelines
hose assembly can be justified as • Technical evaluation ISO 8331
the optimum technically safe • Lifecycle cost analysis
solution, and that all lifecycle • Identification of
aspects are considered. alternative methods
Risk Analysis To identify and evaluate any risk • Risk assessment These Guidelines
posed by the use of FHAs in any • Identification of
specific application, classify the Opportunities for risk
FHAs by risk category, and to ensure reduction
that risk reduction measures have
been fully considered.
Construction To ensure that FHAs are • Installation and testing These Guidelines
/Installation transported, sorted, installed to • Storage and ISO 8331
/Commissioning design, and that commissioning transportation
is satisfactorily completed. • Hose routing
• Commissioning
TOOL # 3
TOOL # 3
d Vibration Guidelines
Fatigue failure from vibration in pipework is a common
source of leaks. Vibration causes dynamic stresses
which, if above a critical level, could initiate fatigue
cracks. Fatigue cracking can lead to through-thickness
fracture and subsequent rupture. Fatigue life of the
component can be relatively short (minutes or days)
or long (years) if the vibration is intermittent.
Remedial Action
Three of the vibration related problem areas addressed Whenever possible and practicable reduce vibration
by the offshore industry are: continuous vibration at source (reduce the level of excitation) by installing
from steady-state plant operation (the commonest); appropriate supports/dampening etc. For new
transient vibration (shock/impact loading from rapid construction the use of one piece short-bodied forgings
valve closure etc.); and vibration in flexible risers from rather than weldolet and nipple is preferred.
subsea lines.
2 Transient Vibration
1 Continuous Vibration
Transient Vibration Guidelines for Fast Acting
Guidelines for the Avoidance of Vibration Induced Valves Screening Assessment, produced for HSE
Fatigue in Process Pipework, were produced by (OTO 2002/028).
the Marine Technology Directorate (MTD). They
address: They cover theory and screening methods to assess
piping local to various types of valves. The output
a Different vibration mechanisms and their effect from the assessment, in conjunction with the SBCs
on pipework and small bore connections (SBCs) screening assessment in item 1, provides a risk rating
b Assessment methodology for the likelihood of which can be mitigated against by applying the
failure of piping systems and SBCs for the various recommendations from these same guidelines.
excitation mechanisms
c Possible design solutions/best practices for piping 3 Vibration in Flexible Risers
systems or SBCs susceptible to vibration
d Survey methods for vibration measurement and A Joint Industry Project (JIP) was established by BP,
assessment of pipework fatigue in operating plant ExxonMobil, Statoil, the HSE and Bureau Veritas.
Key Areas: In the last few years several assets that utilise flexible
risers for gas export have experienced high levels of
Identification piping noise and vibration resulting in piping failures
Good awareness programmes enable the workforce and significant reductions in gas exports rate. The
to identify and record potential threats from vibration. vortex shedding phenomenon within the flexible risers
Anomaly reports detail which system has been affected is the suspected cause.
and under what conditions this problem was observed.
The JIP deliverables include:
Assessment • Guidance to operators
Risk assessment should be applied to all main lines • Increased awareness and understanding of the
and SBCs, ensuring all types of excitation are problem
considered. The risk associated with the whole plant • Screening methods to identify if a problem might
under different operating conditions should also be be experienced
assessed. • Short-term integrity solutions
• Longer-term design guidance to avoid the problem
TOOL # 3
and safety, Getting it
integrity and right
Clear policies
a and objectives
used to achieve
Organisational improvements
b structure and
Corrosion risk used to provide
c assessment correction
and planning
d and analysis
Monitoring and
e measuring Yes No
Review the control
f system criteria?
g audit
TOOL # 3
The handbook has been commissioned as a concise The information in this guide should NOT be used to
reference tool to provide practical information to the exclusion of established and applicable codes,
illustrate the corrosion degradation mechanisms likely standards and criteria; nor should the threats and
to affect upstream oil and gas production systems, their manifestation described in this guide be seen as
structures and components. The guide outlines the exhaustive. Please notify and consult with the relevant
causes of the corrosion threats, shows typical locations technical engineering authority/discipline specialists
for their occurrence and gives examples of how the for investigation of potential threats or actual
threats may be managed. degradation that may be observed.
The guide is intended for use by plant engineers and The corrosion threats in this guide are presented either
personnel with direct and indirect responsibility for as specific corrosion mechanisms, e.g. microbial
the long term integrity of production facilities. It corrosion, erosion corrosion; or by location, e.g.
should assist system housekeeping and more formal external corrosion under insulation. In addition to
integrity audits, and should also be of value to the threats which are strictly corrosion, three other
practitioners of Integrity Management, especially those degradation processes are included in this handbook.
less familiar with corrosion issues specific to oil and They are: erosion, fatigue and fretting. In practice,
gas production plant. corrosion may be driven by two or more mechanisms.
Typically, the resultant corrosion rate is faster than
would be anticipated from a single mechanism.