Trainee Inspector of Health and Safety

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Health and Safety Executive

Candidate pack

Trainee Inspector of Health and Safety

Welcome and Introduction by Samantha Peace
Director of Field Operations Division
Trainee inspectors are crucial to the future of but exciting work.
the HSE and you will begin your career in one Trainee inspectors are closely supported by
of our Operational Divisions, based throughout their team, experienced colleagues, specialist
Great Britain. Different parts of HSE work inspectors, and world class forensic science
“Thank you for together to enforce the law through direct support. That means our inspectors have the
expressing an inspection and investigation of businesses, opportunity to develop an impressive range of
working together with other parts of HSE to skills and build a varied and interesting career.
interest in the improve workplace conditions and holding What we do is important – saving lives and
role of Trainee people to account when things go wrong. protecting people. It is both challenging and
Health and Every day is different, and inspectors spend a genuinely rewarding. If you are up for the
lot of time working independently and making challenge, then I look forward to meeting you.
Safety difficult or challenging decisions on the ground
Inspector at the at workplaces across many industry sectors
Health and and ranging from small family run businesses
to complex and large-scale multinational
Safety organisations.
Executive” Inspectors carry out inspections to assess
how well risks are being controlled, follow up
on concerns where information has suggested
that conditions are poor, investigate incidents
involving ill health, serious injury and in the
worst cases loss of life, and prosecute when
serious failings are found.
You will work on your own, with colleagues
within your local team and on occasion may
find yourself part of team brought together
from across the country to deal with major and
often high-profile incidents. It can be intense,
The Health and Safety Executive
Our Story

HSE is an independent regulator with over forty

years’ experience helping Great Britain work well. The world of work is always changing. We use
Using world leading science we have helped science to understand these changes. And that
protect millions of people from devastating injury understanding helps us all prepare for the
and suffering. workplaces of tomorrow, so Great Britain
continues to be one of the safest and best places
HSE leads the way, but doesn’t act alone. to work and do business.
Everyone has a part to play - employers, unions,
trade associations, professional bodies, We are the Health and Safety Executive.
academics and others.

Working in partnership is one of our strengths. It’s

at the heart of how we protect workers and the
At the Health and Safety Executive, we believe public.
everyone has the right to come home safe and
well from their job. That’s why our mission is to We concentrate on the most serious risks. We
prevent work-related death, injury and ill health. target industries with the greatest hazards, and
sectors with the worst risk management record.
We are proud of the support we provide to
businesses – through free guidance and advice. We are firm and fair when using our legal powers.
By giving employers the confidence to manage Inspection helps us check that serious risks are
risks correctly, we boost productivity, support the managed sensibly. When things go wrong,
economy and contribute to a fairer society. investigation helps us get to the truth and learn
HSE helps workers understand how they can stay
safe and well. We hold employers to account for their failures
and get answers for victims and make workplaces
With roots stretching back to 1833 the modern safer.
About the Role
Job Title divisions, covering many employment sectors including technical knowledge to give you the ability to enforce
construction, agriculture, general manufacturing, the law where and when you need to – as well as to
HM Trainee Inspector of Health and Safety
engineering, give appropriate advice. Once you have successfully
food and drink, entertainment, education, health completed the programme, which will take up to 3
Grade services, local and central government and domestic years, you will be promoted with an appropriate salary
You will join HSE as a Band 4 (HEO) and will promote gas. increase to a qualified HM Inspector of Health and
to a Band 3 (SEO) following successful completion of Safety.
the Regulators’ Training Programme. This recruitment campaign also offers opportunities for
trainee’s to join our Chemical Regulations Division Prior to starting the Regulators’ Training Programme in
Vacancy Reference (CRD), Energy Division (ED) and Chemicals, Explosives Spring 2023, you will have a period of on the job training
186912 and Microbiological Hazards Division (CEMHD). to get to explore the role including visiting sites with a
range of HSE colleagues. During this time you’ll also be
Location ED is an operational division that deals with sectors such introduced to different parts of the inspector role with
There are posts available in a number of our offices as major hazards, diving, offshore and onshore energy, small workshops delivered by colleagues across HSE on
across the country which are listed in the job advert on mines, quarries and gas pipelines. a regular basis to share their experience of being an
CS Jobs. You will be expected to travel between inspector, explore the skills you’ll need to develop and
HSE offices and site visits, with some overnight stays Further opportunities for four trainee inspectors to join give you some background on some of HSE’s inspection
required. Please include your location preferences on our Chemicals, Explosives and Microbiological Hazards priorities.
your application form. Division (CEMHD) who are responsible for GB-wide
regulation of onshore high hazard premises and
Contract Type installations as well as the chemical manufacturing
This role is being offered on a full-time permanent
Our work involves planning and delivering regulatory
interventions in workplaces, engaging with key industry
stakeholders, and providing assurance that major
The Role accident risks are being properly managed.
Our mission is to reduce work-related illness, injury
and death across Great Britain. You do not need to have previous health and safety
Inspectors of Health and Safety recruited during this experience as all our successful recruits will join our
campaign will normally start their career within HSE's unique regulators' training programme for new
Field Operations Division (FOD) and Construction inspectors (accredited by NEBOSH). This programme
Division (CD). These are two of HSE's operational (funded by HSE) develops your skills and legal and
About the Role
You will also learn from and work with other technical will require elements of both. You will always need to
experts as you develop in the role, and you will be able outside of normal working hours. gather the right information and evidence to support your
to call on the support and help of others to assist you, decisions. You therefore need a logical and analytical
just as you will assist them. Your individual and Not everyone will appreciate what you will be trying to mind and good organisational skills.
collective efforts will make a huge impact on the health achieve and sometimes it might be a struggle to change
and safety of others. attitudes and convince others about what is required. With our training and support, you will conduct cases in
Very occasionally you may encounter some hostility to the Magistrates' Court (except in Scotland, where the
Key Responsibilities your visit. Your training and the support you receive from legal system differs) and you may need to appear as a
As an inspector you will be involved in a range of us will give you the confidence to deal with a wide range witness in court or at an Employment Tribunal.
activities, notably inspections and investigations. Where of duty holders and difficult situations.
appropriate, you will use various legal processes such as We operate a cost recovery scheme known as Fee for
enforcement notices and prosecutions to secure health The investigation of fatalities and serious accidents may Intervention (FFI). Whilst you won't be involved in the
and safety compliance. mean visiting places where there is evidence of what has collection of the fee, you will need to notify the workplace
happened and, in some rare instances, the deceased duty holder at the time of their inspection and/or
Inspections involve proactively assessing the ability of person may still be on site. You will work with other investigation if that visit is going to be cost recoverable
employers to effectively manage risks to their employees agencies such as the Police in such circumstances as and why. You may also need to become familiar with
and others (such as contractors or members of the well pulling from the valuable experience and expertise other cost recovery regimes.
public). Investigations cover accidents, dangerous of colleagues and managers. At times, you may need to
occurrences, ill health and concerns about workplace speak with the bereaved families and witnesses. You will
conditions and your role will be to uncover what has need to be able to do this in a professional, but
happened and why. You will have to be prepared to tell empathetic manner, communicating effectively with
people that there is a breach of the law (you will be given people at every level in an organisation and in the public
lots of training to help you identify and understand this), arena.
what action needs to be taken as a result and ensure
that this action is taken. Your aim will be to identify where there are breaches of
the law and take the action required to get these
You will have the opportunity to work off site or outdoors corrected, and to help duty holders understand what they
at workplaces spread across the region surrounding your need to go to sustain compliance with the law. This
base office; occasionally might require you to take formal enforcement action. It
might require persuasion and influencing skills. Often, it
About the Role
Key Responsibilities HSE's information and recording systems.
You can expect to have a challenging, but realistic
In addition to the above, in CEMHD you will be:
Becoming a Health and Safety inspector is hugely
• Providing assurance that major accident risks are varied and rewarding, and you’ll be challenged in
being properly managed ways you won’t expect. The variety means that it is
never dull. And you have an incredible opportunity to
• Writing site strategies and carrying out make a very positive impact on peoples lives.
intervention planning

• Focussing interventions on improvements to

operator safety management systems and control In Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD), we have
of risk, including carrying out leadership one position available for trainee Inspectors, you
interventions. will play a huge part in protecting people and the
environment, regulating a wide variety of workplaces
across Great Britain where biocides,
As you might expect, this role can take you to all pesticides, industrial chemicals and consumer
sorts of workplaces and conditions, and you may chemicals are manufactured, imported, supplied and
need to access various parts of the workplace, used.
including at height. You therefore need to be
reasonably fit. Obviously, your health and safety is
paramount to us and we will provide you with a
range of personal protective clothing depending on
the workplace you are visiting. When you are in the
office, you will be dealing with the follow-up to
investigations and inspections using
Regulators' Training Programme (RTP)
And what to expect
Unit 4: Continuing Professional
A requirement for all new General and Regulatory
Unit 2: Occupational Health and Hygiene & Safety
Development (CPD):
Specialist Inspectors is to obtain a Post-Graduate Technology:
Diploma in Regulatory Occupational Health and Everyone completing the Diploma must take and pass this
Safety which is bespoke to HSE (accredited by Further technical training that is undertaken from
Unit it is spread across 3 phases. Through these you will learn
NEBOSH). This will give you the technical and legal around Year 3 (onwards)
about workplace hazards and risks, the principles of
skills you need to do your job as an effective prevention and common control strategies. Through
regulator, under-pinned by an academic qualification. At the end of each Diploma unit studied, you will be
application of these principles and strategies you will be able
This is a valuable opportunity to obtain a qualification formally assessed and are required to meet the
to assess and regulate risks across a wide range of
from one of the UK’s best regarded vocational necessary standards. In the event that you haven’t
workplaces. The Unit emphasises the need to look beyond the
awarding bodies, funded by your employer. achieved the necessary standards, we will support
immediate issues and examine the underlying management
The Diploma can take up to 3 years to complete you and provide an opportunity to re-take the
and organisational arrangements to secure ongoing
following this a year of mandatory Continuing assessment / assignment. You should understand that
compliance. You will submit two written assignments (6000
Professionally Development (CPD) will be required. if you fail to pass an assessment after two attempts,
words each) based on real inspections and an investigation.
you will normally not be able to complete the Diploma.
Ultimately, if you do not pass the Diploma, you will not
Programme Outline Unit 3: Professional Practice Competency be able to continue to work as a HSE Inspector.
The RTP consists of 4 units. The first three, assessed Framework (PPCF):
units, form the Diploma Once Units 1-3 have been completed, you will be
awarded the Diploma. After this, there will be a series
The PPCF assesses your attainment of core competencies of further technical courses (Unit 4) which will allow
Unit 1: Legal & Enforcement: associated with planning, and undertaking effective regulatory you to build upon the skills learned in earlier training
This unit provides the advanced skills and knowledge interventions including priority setting, time management, combined with your field experience so far. This unit
necessary to allow you to act independently in either inspections, investigations, enforcement notices, and legal will not be assessed.
England and Wales or Scotland. There are five proceedings. You will develop the required competencies
phases in this Unit. Through these you will learn through field work applying the knowledge and skills acquired
about regulatory law and practice, investigative during Unit 1&2.
interviewing, legal proceedings and witness
familiarisation. You will need to pass the 1.5 day You will have an operational assessor and coach to provide
Legal Assessment, which comprises 7 assessment constructive feedback and support to successfully completion
tasks at the end of this unit. of the PPCF as part of the Diploma.
Regulators' Training Programme (RTP)
continued You and your line manager will be
given detailed schedules of training
If you require any reasonable adjustments to events and assessment periods for
complete the Diploma, then HSE as an employer the whole of the training period at the
under the Equality Act 2010 has a duty to make beginning of the Diploma. You will
sure you can access qualifications and both be expected to plan foreseeable
assessments in the way most appropriate for your work and personal commitments
individual needs. We are committed to providing around this timetable. To pass the
the support you need to achieve your potential. Diploma, you must attend all
scheduled courses.
The training is a mixture of blended learning,
involving digital learning, virtual classroom tutorials, You will normally stay with your
face to face workshops and on the job training. On allocated Diploma Group throughout,
the job training will put you on the front line of our to avoid timetable clashes. If you
regulatory work, allowing you to learn from have to miss any training due to
experienced colleagues whilst discovering the unforeseeable events such as
many areas in which we operate. serious personal or family illness, we
will explore with you what alternative
As well as practicing and building your skills, you arrangements can be made.
will be contributing to our operational plans. The
face to face workshops/sessions will take place Here is an example timetable which
across HSE offices and some external venues. will be combined with your on the job
Where possible we schedule workshops from training, please note that on the job
midday Monday and finish midday Friday to reduce training will take up to 70% of your
the time spent away from home. You can count time.
travel time to and from a course for time off in lieu
calculations but not time spent during the course,
for example on evening work. If you travel to a
training course, you can claim for the initial journey
to the course and the final journey home.
Regulators' Training Programme (RTP)
continued Phase 5: Legal Assessment
This is the legal assessment consisting of 7 individual
assessments of legal knowledge and regulatory
Training commences with the Legal Unit. There are 6 Phases
to the Unit which gradually build up your regulatory knowledge practice .
and skills. The phases are:
Phase 6: Practical Legal Consolidation Courses
Phase 1: Introduction to Law and Regulation Provides practical consolidation of trainees legal
Deals with basic legal and regulatory concepts. knowledge through workshop events based around
Details the structure of courts and judiciary. the preparation and presentation of criminal cases.
Culminates in a jurisdiction-specific workshop.
Phase 2: Enforcement and Investigation Unit 1: The Legal Unit takes approximately 12
Focusses predominantly on making enforcement decisions and months to complete. There are 17 days of facilitated
drafting notices. tutorials and workshops spread across the full Unit.
Culminates in a cross-jurisdictional investigation case-study Completion of the digital learning is mandatory and
based workshop, which introduces trainees to the investigation sufficient time is provided to ensure this is completed
process, including statement-taking. prior to attendance at the tutorials and workshops.
Phase 3: Analysis and Reporting
Focusses on evidence gathering and witness interviews Unit 2: Occupational Health and Hygiene & Safety
(including suspect interviews under caution). Technology is divided into 3 phases-
Culminates in an investigation-based workshop, focussed on
evidential analysis and constructing a robust legal argument. Phase 1: Principles of Hazard and Risk Control -
Phase 4: Preparation and Presentation Cases introduces the principles of prevention as an approach
Focusses on the preparation of legally robust cases either for for controlling work health and safety risks. It looks at
prosecution, or submission to Procurator Fiscal in Scotland. how these principles are reflected in the key legal
Also covers in detail Work Related Deaths and inquests/Fatal provisions. It introduces health and safety
Accident Inquiries (FAIs). management including human factors, and explores
Culminates in a jurisdiction-specific workshop, incorporates a why it is important to look beyond the immediate
practical exercise on disclosure. concerns to identify the organisational issues requiring
action to secure long term compliance.
Regulators' Training Programme (RTP)
Phase 2: Practical Strategies for Controlling Workshop 3 consolidates the learning and through a case
Workplace Risks - builds on the principles of study provides opportunity to explore different enforcement
prevention and explores control strategies to approaches to address management failings to secure
common health and safety risks. The Phase ongoing compliance.
provides examples of common approaches to
attain compliance with key legal provisions. The The Unit has 18 days of facilitated tutorials and
associated Workshop consolidates this learning workshops, supported by mandatory digital learning. The
in an opportunity to observe some of these final phase is delivered at approximately 16 months.
control strategies in practice at HSE’s Science Assessment is through two written assignments based on
Division workshops in Buxton. operational interventions undertaken by the candidate to
critically analyse and review organisations management of
Phase 3: Risk Management: Human factors occupational health and safety risks
and Organisational Control – This phase builds
on the management concepts introduced in
Phase 1 looking at different types of management
systems and how these can be assessed during
regulatory interventions. The significance of
Human factors during any assessment of health
and safety systems is explored further and the
phase emphasises the importance of effective
management and organisational actions in
controlling risks. Health Surveillance, as part of
an effective health and safety management
system, is discussed including the elements
required to make an effective health surveillance
Candidate Profile
Person Specification Licences
Regardless of your background or qualification, you need to be committed to improving health and A full driving licence that enables you to drive in the UK is essential.
safety in the workplace.
We are looking for high calibre individuals with:
• Good communication skills, enabling you to give direction, collaborate and partner with others as
For posts in our Field Operations, Construction, Energy and
well as to influence change at all levels, occasionally you may come across an unreceptive or
confrontational audience; Chemicals, Explosives and Microbiological Hazards Divisions, 2:2
Degree or level 6 equivalent.
• Sound analytical skills to include being able to critically review numerous pieces of information,
identify significant findings, draw conclusions with reference to relevant benchmarks, make For posts in our Chemicals Regulation Division, we are looking
recommendations and articulate them in a written report. for individuals with a minimum of a 2:2 Degree or equivalent in
• The ability to plan, change and adapt and have the determination to progress multiple biology, chemistry or other relevant scientific subject .
workstreams at the same time and deliver at pace.

• Initiative and decisiveness, supporting your ability to make effective decisions;

• Confidence to take charge of situations, people and decisions

• Resilience, having inner composure, the ability to recover quickly from setbacks and learn from

• Commitment to your learning and development to achieve the Regulators' Training programme,
with the ability to proactively manage your own learning needs, continually seeking and acting on
feedback to evaluate and improve your own and the organisations performance.

• We welcome applications from Welsh language speaking candidates for our posts based/working
within Wales
Diversity and Inclusion
The Civil Service is
committed to being a What’s in it for me? What’s next?
Civil Service for
everyone We want everyone in HSE to go as far as their
talent takes them, regardless of background. You’ve taken the first step and looked through this candidate
HSE is focused on inclusion to build If you’re interested in developing your career pack to understand the skills and experience needed to
our culture and representation as a with us – starting with this interesting and perform this role. Now join us in achieving our ambitions and
place that attracts, develops, retains challenging role then please consider let us help you achieve yours.
and fully engages all the diverse applying. You’ll find that we have a truly Read More
talent across HSE. We are welcoming, respectful, engaging and
continuing to increase the enriching work culture at HSE, with plenty of
representation of currently under- opportunities for personal and professional
represented groups at all levels in development.
the organisation and have reduction
of bullying, harassment and
discrimination as a business priority.
Salary and Benefits
Whatever your role, we take your existing civil servants.
career and development seriously,
and want to enable you to build a Terms and Conditions
really successful career with HSE for Existing Civil
and the wider Civil Service. It is Servants
crucial that our employees have
the right skills to develop their For existing Civil Servants (including
careers and meet the challenges transfers/promotions into HSE NOT
ahead, and you’ll benefit from on modernised T&C’s:
regular performance and - You will retain your existing Terms
development reviews to ensure this and Conditions
development is ongoing. As a Civil
Service employee, you’ll be entitled For existing Civil Servants (including
to a large range of benefits. transfers/promotions into HSE)
already on modernised T&C’s:
Salary - You will transfer over on existing
There is a starting salary of modernised terms and conditions
£31,663 rising to £40,178 on Please refer to the attached
completion of our training document regarding T&C’s
programme which can take up to 3
years from when you start the
Posts in London receive an
additional £4,378 London
Weighting Allowance.
Standard pay rules apply for
FAQs relevant EU, EEA, Swiss or Turkish nationals who format or.
have built up the right to work in the Civil Service
certain family members of the relevant EU, EEA, If you feel that you may need a reasonable
Where will the role be based? Swiss or Turkish nationals adjustment to be made, or
you would like to discuss your requirements in
The candidate can be based nationally. The role more detail, please contact us in the first
also expects there to be frequent travel between What if I don’t have access to my instance.
HSE offices and site visits.
own car If you wish to receive a hard copy of the
You can select 2 nd and 3rd choice locations, but information, or in an alternative format
please only select locations which you can travel HSE has a small fleet of official pool cars available e.g. Audio, Braille or large font then please
to as you may be offered these in the event that to all staff to use when travelling to site on official contact:
your 1st choice is not available. business. If a pool car is not available at your office
location, then you can use a hire car for official
business, the cost of which will be met by HSE

What nationality do I need to hold What reasonable adjustments can

in order to apply? be made if I have a disability?
UK nationals We are committed to making reasonable
nationals of Commonwealth countries who have adjustments in order to support disabled job
the right to work in the UK applicants and ensure that you are not
nationals of the Republic of Ireland disadvantaged in the recruitment and
nationals from the EU, EEA or Switzerland with (or assessment process. Reasonable adjustments
eligible for) status under the European Union could include; allowing extra time during selection
Settlement Scheme (EUSS) tests; ensuring that information is provided in an
relevant EU, EEA, Swiss or Turkish nationals accessible
working in the Civil Service
FAQs – Next Steps Additionally, candidates can get more information
When will I start? on the FAQ sheet attached to the advert or,
alternatively, candidates can
visiting the HSE Careers website.
The roles will start no later than October 2022,
ready for the Spring intake for the Regulators’
Training Programme. Are equivalent degrees accepted?
Yes. We will accept a 2:2 Degree or level 6
What is the timeline for this For posts in our Chemicals Regulation Division, we
vacancy? are looking for individuals with a minimum of a 2:2
Degree or equivalent in biology, chemistry
The advert will be live between 12th April– 5th May
The sift will take place from 3 rd May or other relevant scientific subject .
The assessments will commence from 26th May
The interviews will take place from 27 th June
Successful applicants will be contacted week
commencing 8 th August

Where can I find out more

HSE will run a Information Event – details of which
will be on the advert.

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