Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R9) 2004 As Amended

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Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No.

R9) 2004
as amended
made under subregulation 235 (2) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.
This compilation was prepared on 7 October 2014 taking into account amendments up
to Civil Aviation Order 20.7.4 Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 1).
Prepared by the Legislative Drafting Section, Legal Branch, Legal Services Division,
Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Canberra.

Name of Order
This Order is the Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R9) 2004.

This Order commences on gazettal.

Replacement of section 20.7.4 of the Civil Aviation Orders

Section 20.7.4 of the Civil Aviation Orders is omitted and a new section
substituted as set out in Schedule 1.

Schedule 1

Substitution of section 20.7.4 of the Civil Aviation


Section 20.7.4
Aeroplane weight and performance limitations aeroplanes not above
5 700 kg private, aerial work (excluding agricultural) and charter

Unless CASA specifies that Civil Aviation Order 20.7.1 or 20.7.2 is to be
applied, this section applies to:
(a) propeller-driven aeroplanes having a maximum take-off weight not in
excess of 5 700 kg; and
(b) jet-engined aeroplanes having a maximum take-off weight not in excess
of 2 722 kg;
that are engaged in regular public transport operations (single engine
aeroplanes only), private operations, aerial work operations (excluding
agricultural operations) and charter operations.

In this section:
aircraft landing area means an area of land suitable for use for the landing or
take-off of aircraft.


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014C01367

Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R9) 2004

approved foreign flight manual, in relation to an aeroplane, means the flight
manual approved by the relevant regulatory aviation authority of the country
where the aeroplane is, or was, manufactured.
landing distance available means the distance specified by CASA as being
the effective operational length available for use by aircraft for landing at
certified or registered aerodromes or the distance available for landing on an
aircraft landing area.
manufacturers data manual, in relation to an aeroplane, means a publication
(however described) produced by the manufacturer of the aeroplane as a guide
for the flight crew in the operation of the aeroplane.
pressure height means the height registered on an altimeter with the sub-scale
set to 1013.2 hPa.
take-off safety speed means the speed specified on the aeroplane take-off
chart being the minimum speed to which an aeroplane must be accelerated in
establishing the take-off distance required.
take-off distance available means the distance specified by CASA as being
the effective operational length available for use by aircraft for take-off at
certified or registered aerodromes or the distance available for take-off on an
aircraft landing area.
VS is the symbol used to denote the minimum speed in a stall or the minimum
steady flight speed in the aeroplane configuration in which VS is being used.


Take-off weight limitations

An aeroplane must not take off at a weight in excess of the least of the weights
determined in accordance with subparagraphs (a) to (d):
(a) a weight at which the take-off distance required under subsection 6 for
the pressure height, temperature, runway slope (if in excess of 1%) and
wind component along the runway, is equal to or less than the take-off
distance available in the direction of take-off. Approved declared
conditions may be used instead of actual pressure height and temperature;
(b) a weight which will permit compliance with the take-off climb
requirements specified in subsection 7 taking into account ambient
temperature and pressure height. Approved declared temperature and
pressure height may be used instead of ambient conditions;
(c) a weight which will permit compliance with the en-route climb
requirements specified in subsection 8;
(d) a weight which, allowing for normal consumption of fuel and oil in flight
and taking into account either the forecast temperature and pressure or
approved declared conditions, will permit compliance with the landing
distance limitations specified in subsection 10 related to the longest
available landing length under conditions of zero wind.
Landing weight limitations
Except in an emergency, an aeroplane must not land at a weight in excess of
the least of the weights determined in accordance with subparagraphs (a) and
(a) a weight at which the landing distance required in accordance with
subsection 10 for the pressure height, temperature, runway slope (if in

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014C01367

Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R9) 2004

excess of 1%), and wind component along the runway at the time of
landing, is equal to or less than the landing distance available in the
direction of landing. Approved declared conditions may be used instead
of actual pressure height and temperature;
(b) a weight which will permit compliance with the landing climb
requirements specified in subsection 9, taking into account the elevation
of the aerodrome of landing instead of actual pressure height and



Take-off distance required

Subject to paragraph 6.3, the take-off distance required is the distance to
accelerate from a standing start with all engines operating and to achieve takeoff safety speed at a height of 50 feet above the take-off surface, multiplied by
the following factors:
(a) 1.15 for aeroplanes with maximum take-off weights of 2 000 kg or less;
(b) 1.25 for aeroplanes with maximum take-off weights of 3 500 kg or
greater; or
(c) for aeroplanes with maximum take-off weights between 2 000 kg and
3 500 kg, a factor derived by linear interpolation between 1.15 and 1.25
according to the maximum take-off weight of the aeroplane.
For aeroplanes operated on land, take-off distances are to be determined for a
level short dry grass surface. For aeroplanes operated on water, take-off
distances are to be determined taking into account the maximum crosswind
component and the most adverse water conditions for the aeroplane type.
Where there is an approved foreign flight manual or a manufacturers data
manual for an aeroplane that sets out the take-off distance required for that
aeroplane, then that aeroplane must be operated so as to comply with either
the requirements set out in paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 or the requirements relating
to take-off distance set out in either of those manuals.
Note The data contained in some manufacturers data manuals is unfactored and makes no
allowance for degraded aircraft performance. Where there is a considerable difference
between the data in a manufacturers data manual and the data in the flight manual for the
aeroplane then the manufacturers data should be treated with caution.



Take-off climb performance

In the take-off configuration with landing gear extended, an aeroplane must
have the ability to achieve a climb gradient of 6% at take-off safety speed,
without ground effect, and with all engines operating at take-off power.
En-route climb performance
Multi-engined aeroplanes engaged in charter operations under the Instrument
Flight Rules or aerial work operations under the Instrument Flight Rules must
have the ability to climb with a critical engine inoperative at a gradient of 1%
at all heights up to 5 000 feet in the standard atmosphere in the following
(a) propeller of inoperative engine stopped;
(b) undercarriage (if retractable) and flaps retracted;
(c) remaining engine(s) operating at maximum continuous power;
(d) airspeed not less than 1.2 VS.
Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014C01367

Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R9) 2004







Multi-engined aeroplanes (other than those specified in paragraph 8.1) must

have the ability to maintain height at all heights up to 5 000 feet in the
standard atmosphere in the configuration specified in subparagraphs 8.1 (a),
(b), (c) and (d).
Single-engined aeroplanes must have the ability to climb at a gradient of 4.5%
at an airspeed not less than 1.2VS at all heights up to 5 000 feet in standard
atmospheric conditions with the engine operating at maximum continuous
power, undercarriage (if retractable) and flaps retracted.
Landing climb performance
In the landing configuration with all engines operating at take-off power an
aeroplane must have the ability to climb at a gradient of 3.2% in standard
atmospheric conditions at a speed not exceeding 1.3VS.
Landing distance required
Subject to paragraphs 10.3 and 10.4, an aeroplane must not land unless the
landing distance available is equal to or greater than the distance required to
bring the aeroplane to a complete stop or, in the case of aeroplanes operated
on water, to a speed of 3 knots, following an approach to land at a speed not
less than 1.3VS maintained to within 50 feet of the landing surface. This
distance is to be measured from the point where the aeroplane first reaches a
height of 50 feet above the landing surface and must be multiplied by the
following factors:
(a) 1.15 for aeroplanes with maximum take-off weights of 2 000 kg or less;
(b) 1.43 for aeroplanes with maximum take-off weights of 4 500 kg or
(c) for aeroplanes with maximum take-off weights between 2 000 kg and
4500 kg, a factor derived by linear interpolation between 1.15 and 1.43
according to the maximum take-off weight of the aeroplane.
For aeroplanes operated on land, landing distances are to be determined for a
level short dry grass surface. For aeroplanes operated on water, landing
distances are to be determined on flat broken water.
Subject to paragraph 10.4, where there is an approved foreign flight manual or
a manufacturers data manual for an aeroplane that sets out the landing
distance required for that aeroplane, then that aeroplane must be operated so
as to comply with the requirements set out in paragraphs 10.1 and 10.2 or the
requirements relating to landing distance set out in either of those manuals.
Note The data contained in some manufacturers data manuals is unfactored and makes no
allowance for degraded aircraft performance. Where there is a considerable difference
between the data in a manufacturers data manual and the data in the flight manual for the
aeroplane then the manufacturers data should be treated with caution.


This subsection does not apply in the case of an emergency.


Aeroplane configuration and procedures

An operator of a multi-engined aeroplane engaged in charter operations or
aerial work operations, and an operator of a single-engine aeroplane engaged
in RPT operations under the Instrument Flight Rules, must include in his or
her operations manual the procedures to be followed by the pilot in the event
of an engine failure.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014C01367

Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R9) 2004

Note to Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R9) 2004

Note 1
The Civil Aviation Order (in force under the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988) as shown in this
compilation comprises Civil Aviation Order 20.7.4 amended as indicated in the Tables below.
Table of Orders
Year and

Date of notification
in Gazette/
registration on FRLI

Date of

2004 No. R9

8 December 2004

8 December 2004
(see s. 2)

CAO 20.7.4 2014

No. 1

FRLI 23 May 2014

24 May 2014 (see

s. 2)

saving or

Table of Amendments
ad. = added or inserted

am. = amended

rep.= repealed

rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected

s. 20.7.4

rs. 2004 No. R9

subs. 2

rs. CAO 20.7.4 2014 No. 1

subs. 3

am. CAO 20.7.4 2014 No. 1

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014C01367

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