Homebrew Lead Acid Battery Desulfator

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Battery Desulfator Errata

In my battery desulfator article on page 84 of HP77, the value for C2

should have been 0.0022 F, not 0.022 F. My mistake.
I have put up a Web page that will give more details to help you build and
use the desulfator circuit. I will place updates there, and will add a
guestbook soon to allow comments and questions to be posted. I
encourage a group effort in this, since I dont have all the answers.
Alastair Couper


Alastair Couper

is an energy-wasting tactic. It ultimately results in clean

battery plates, but at a steep price, especially if the
energy must come from a generator.


2000 Alastair Couper

t was twenty years ago that I left my

on-grid home, and my job as an
electronics engineer, to begin life on
an alternative energy oriented organic
farm. In the intervening years, I have
installed, maintained, and experimented
with numerous RE systems in my area.
What I have come to understand from
this experience is that off-grid life tends
to become very much focused on the
battery bank and its fate.

All power sources and loads breathe through this

crucial pathway. Batteries are heavy, toxic, inefficient,
andto the amazement of manyelectrically very
fragile. Weak or failing batteries are a very likely cause
of breakdown, especially in smaller solar-electric
Most newcomers to renewable energy are quite familiar
with using water tanks or gas tanks, and naturally use
this familiarity in trying to understand their battery
banks. Everyone knows that a bigger water tank is
better than a small one. Unfortunately, batteries are not
like tanks, and the result is trouble.
It is definitely not true that a big battery bank is
necessarily better than a small one. An oversized
battery bank can be almost impossible to charge
properly. Without a minimum daily exercise regimen, it
can become the equivalent of a couch potato. The main
culprit is sulfation, which is a gradual crystallization of
the batterys plate material, rendering it electrically
Some Theory
Past issues of Home Power (see Access) have gone
into the details of keeping lead-acid batteries healthy,
so I will only touch on the main points here. The usual
practice in maintaining a battery in good condition is to
apply a periodic equalization charge over and above
what would be a normal full charge. Unfortunately, this


Home Power #77 June / July 2000

I initially went to the Internet to find any available

information on the problem of sulfation. The search
engines turned up several commercial sites that give
useful details on the fine points of battery charging and
equalization. A second resource is the IBM patent
server (www.patents.ibm.com). I found relevant patents
there, using keywords like desulfate and rejuvenate.
What this wealth of data shows is that there are
numerous strategies for charging and electrically
desulfating batteries. Most of them were designed or
developed in the last twenty years or so. Considering
that lead-acid batteries have been around for more than
a century, this is a relatively new innovation. Virtually all
of the devices and patents I found have in common the
use of some form of pulsing charge current. This is in
contrast to the constant or slowly varying currents
generated by sources like solar-electric panels.
I distilled and simplified these various techniques, and
came up with a basic circuit that will keep small to
medium sized batteries in desulfated condition. It can
even be used to bring old, sulfated units back into
service. Use of the circuit has dramatically reduced the
need for equalization charges in my own home system.
Resonant Frequency
The technique used in this circuit relies on a little known
aspect of lead-acid batteries. They possess what is
called a resonant frequency, at a surprisingly high
frequency. The frequency is dependent on various
physical details of the batterys construction, but it is on
the order of 2 to 6 megahertz, which is in the low
ranges of the shortwave radio bands.
Figure 1: 12 Volt Battery Desulfator


Figure 2: 24 Volt Battery Desulfator

When Q1 is in the non-conducting state, current is

drawn from the battery through L2 so that capacitor C4
can be charged slowly. Then Q1 is turned on for a brief
50 microseconds, causing the charge stored in C4 to
start flowing through L1.
When Q1 is turned off again, the stored inductive
energy in L1 has to continue to flow somewhere, so it
pulses back into the battery through diode D1. This
current pulse can get as high as 6 amps. The use of an
inductor to supply this pulse is what makes it possible
to restore badly sulfated batteries with a high internal
resistance. The peak voltage drop across the battery
can initially be as high as 50 volts. With continued
treatment, this peak voltage will decrease as the
batterys internal resistance gradually declines.

This resonance is just like that of a stringed musical

instrument, where a pluck of the string creates a
vibration of a specific tone. In the case of the battery,
sulfur ions dissolved in the electrolyte take the place of
the string. A sufficiently energetic electrical pluck, or
pulse, will cause a similar vibration of these ions, back
and forth throughout the electrolyte.
When this vibrational state is
occurring, there are uncountable
collisions between the ions in the
electrolyte and the battery plates,
as the back and forth vibration
continues. It is this rhythmic beating
of the plates which causes the
breakup of the crystalline deposits,
slowly but surely, for as long as the
electrical pulsations are applied.
It is not unlike sandblasting a rough
surface, but on a micro-physical
level. This is an advantage of
electrical methods over the use of
chemicals like EDTA. Rather than
dissolving the sulfate deposit and
allowing it to settle on the bottom of
each cell, as with EDTA, the pulse
technique returns the sulfate back
into solution again.
Circuit Details
The circuit is in essence a very
widely used form of switching DCto-DC convertor, which can take a
DC voltage and step it up to a
higher level. Figure 1 shows the
version which is specifically for 12
volt systems. The basic pulse rate
is set by the venerable 555 timer
chip, U1, which switches the
MOSFET Q1 at a 1 kHz rate.

Figure 2 shows the version for use in 24 volt systems.

Its only additional feature is the use of a 79L12 voltage
regulator (component U2, Digi-Key part number
NJM79L12A-nd) to convert the 555s input voltage
down to 12 volts. Also L3 (Digi-Key part number
DN4518-nd) is increased in value over L1 in the 12 volt
unit, to compensate for the higher terminal voltage.

Lead-Acid Battery Desulfator Parts List





30 F, 16 V
0.022 F
0.047 F
100 F, 16 V
10 F, 35 V
100 F, 35 V
470 k
22 k
1 k
220 H (nominal)
1000 H
330 H
Clip leads
Board material

P channel MOSFET
Timer IC
12 V regulator
Fast recovery diode, >6 A, 100 V
Disk ceramic
Disk ceramic
Electrolytic, low impedance type
1/4 W
1/4 W
1/4 W
1/4 W
1/4 W
Ferrite inductor, 6+ A peak
Ferrite choke, 100 mA
Ferrite inductor, 6+ A peak
Aluminum project box
Alligator type, insulated (RS)
0.1" spaced copper pads

* For 12 V unit only.

** For 24 V unit only.

Cost (US$)


Total for 12 V Unit


Total for 24 V Unit


Home Power #77 June / July 2000



If an oscilloscope is available, it is easy to observe the

ringing wave form across the battery terminals. It is
likely that more than one frequency will be apparent,
due to all the wiring and other details of the setup. It
should be possible to see a small spark jump from the
leads of the pulse generator as it is connected, a result
of the high peak voltage available (keep this in mind if
your batteries are not well ventilated). Depending on
the case, and the type of inductors used for L1 and L2,
a faint audio tone can also be heard when the circuit is
operating. Digi-Key part number DN4516-nd will work
for L1, and DN7437-nd will work for L2.
There is no reverse polarity protection in this circuit, so
make sure that the leads are clearly marked. A mistake
will result in damaged components. Also, it is not a
good idea to expose the 12 volt circuit to more than 16
volts at the terminals.
See the parts table for a detailed component list. But
dont get too attached to using exactly these
components, or to buying new stuff. The homebrew
ethic is based on an ability to make do, come up with
alternatives, and recycle. My first trial units had quite a
bit that was clipped out of old junk circuit boards.
It should be emphasized that pulsing energy to and
from the battery happens at less than 100 percent
efficiency. This circuit draws about 40 mA from the
battery while in operation (less than 1 amp-hour per
day), so some additional charging source is needed.
For reconditioning a sulfated battery, I simply clip the
circuit across the battery terminals in parallel with a 30
watt solar panel.
In my initial testing, it took a month to partially reclaim a
pair of golf cart batteries that had been allowed to sit,
discharged, for almost a year. They had such a high
internal resistance that a very small current would take
the terminal voltage over 16 volts.
For use in a functioning power system, you can clip the
circuit across the main battery terminals, using as short
a lead length as possible. When external equipment,
such as an inverter, is connected across a battery bank,
then additional low impedance paths are formed. The
desulfators current pulses will happily flow down these
paths as well, and it serves no purpose for the pulses to
flow into the inverter.
I had initially thought that this shunting, or dilution, of
the current pulses away from the battery would be a
problem. This has not proven to be the case, however,
because the impedance of typical inverters at
frequencies above 1 megahertz is not very low. (Note:
impedance is just a fancy word for resistance, taking


Home Power #77 June / July 2000

into account the circuits behavior at different

One way to keep the external equipment from shunting
away the current pulse would be to take some ferrite
toroid cores and slip them over the battery leads as
they leave the bank. This will increase the high
frequency impedance without affecting the DC
performance of the circuitry.
The circuit as shown, with its approximately 6 amp peak
capacity, is probably strong enough to maintain a bank
of several hundred amp-hours. If you want to use the
circuit with larger banks, it will be necessary to select
D1, L1, and L2 for higher current capacity. You will also
need to vary the pulse width from the 555 accordingly,
so that Q1 is allowed to stay on for a longer period of
each cycle. If you want to power the circuit from an
auxiliary voltage source, so that the battery being
treated remains trickle charged, simply remove R3 and
place 12 volts across C1.
Its best to construct the unit in a shielded case.
Otherwise it is likely to generate a fair bit of radio
interference. The use of the shortest possible lead
length is also a good idea. All the components are
available from any general electronics distributor. Radio
Shack is as good a place as any for getting the case,
clip leads, circuit board, and other components.
Does It Work?
If badly sulfated batteries are treated, it is convenient to
use a trickle charger of one or two amps. In this case,
the simplest way to see that the circuit is having an
effect is to note that the terminal voltage actually drops
each day as the batteries slowly charge. This is a result
of the internal resistance of the cells decreasing as the
plates become slowly cleared of the sulfate, and more
useful plate area comes in contact with the electrolyte.
Also, the specific gravity of the cells begins to rise
slowly, evidence that the sulfate is going back into
To further check the progress, you could do a discharge
test, using a known load, to determine the useful
capacity. This would involve measuring the length of
time taken by the load to drop the battery voltage from
a high level to a low level. If you repeat this test, a
gradual lengthening of this interval should be noted.
In one system I worked with, at first the batteries would
not power even a small load. After treatment, they were
able to run loads in the neighborhood of 510 amps for
a few hours. This is far from like new condition, but it
was sufficient for them to be returned to use in the small
PV system they were taken from. I expect that further
treatment would have helped. It seems that the process


is inherently slow. Lead sulfate is just not very willing to

return into solution.
Healthy Batteries
I have used this circuit in my main system for over a
year, and have not seen the need to equalize in that
time (I do not own a generator). All of the cells
electrolyte levels remain in step with each other, and
there has been no problem with starting big loadsa
sure sign of battery health. Patience is required in
reclaiming weak and tired batteries, and no amount of
desulfating will help a battery with a shorted cell, or one
that has lost plate material through excessive use.
The device is especially useful for automotive batteries
that sit for long periods. If you use a generator for
equalization, this technique is a must. When you live
off-grid, silence is golden.
Author: Alastair Couper, Kaupo, Maui, HI 96713
Digi-Key, PO Box 677, Thief River Falls,
MN 56701-0677 800-DIGIKEY or 218-681-6674
Fax: 218-681-3380 sales@digikey.com

Mouser Electronics, 11433 Woodside Ave., Santee, CA

92071 800-346-6873 or 619-449-2300
Fax: 619-562-8796 sales@mouser.com
Radio Shack, 100 Throckmorton St., Fort Worth, TX
96102 800-843-7422 817-415-3011
Fax: 817-415-3240 support@tandy.com
Web sites of interest:
www.batterybes.com www.innovativeenergy.com
Home Power articles:
Batteries: How to Keep Them Alive for Years and
Years, by Windy Dankoff, HP69, page 46.
Batteries: What We Know About Them; How to Use
Them, by John Wiles, HP58, page 66.
Preliminary Notes from the EDTA Trenches, by Stan
Krute, HP 21, page 36.
New Life for Sulphated Lead-Acid Cells, by Richard
Perez, HP20, page 23.

Home Power #77 June / July 2000


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