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Fernndez, Snchez Andrs1, Orbes Portilla Jairo Orlando2, Jimnez Meja Ricardo3, Martnez Carlos
Eduardo4, 6Tejada Rentera Laura Marcela, 7Claros Bentez Diana Isabel, 8Ospina Flrez Ivn Camilo,
1Professor researcher at the Central University of Valle del Cauca -Tulu, Plastination Laboratory
Embalming and University Autonomous Foundation of the Americas, Headquarters Pereira. 2Profesor
Researcher IV category Medicine Program of the Technological University of Pereira UTP - Central
University of Valle del Cauca - Tulu. 3Rector Autonomous University Foundation of the Americas,
Coordinator Plastination Laboratory Embalming and Autonomous University Foundation of the Americas,
Headquarters Pereira. 4Director Technology Program in Radiology and Medical Imaging University
Foundation of the Andean Area.6.7 Third Semester Students of Medicine, Central University of Valle del
Cauca , Tulua,Valle del Cauca. 8Student Medicine, Autonomous University Foundation of the Americas,


Teaching; Didactic; Morphology; Guides, Corpse

The teaching of practical components taught in Macroscopic Anatomy Morphology Laboratory also
called amphitheatres, it is the place where students review the anatomical structures and describe the
relationships between these; however, due to problems of violence facing our country and due to the
Law of Justice and Peace, the use of cadaveric material and / or pathology becomes increasingly limited
for teaching, therefore special care material already possesses is imperative in teaching, which leads us
to use other methods of teaching and learning to achieve the competencies required in the practical
part of the subject of Medical Morphology.

Materials and methods:

So this paper wants to show that they have used different methodologies for teaching this scientific
discipline, methods ranging from dissections in animal models to the use of resources such as Anatomy
Bioscpica (Link between basic science and clinker - Pre semiology), which have produced results as
effective as classical methods of teaching this discipline. The use of simulators, Medical Imaging and
others have also contributed to the exercise in the teaching of Gross Anatomy.
On the other hand, Special Dissections with two bodies, one male and one female, belonging to the
existing pathological material in the Laboratory of Morphology of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Central Unit Valley were made, which have been preserved in formalin endovascularly. Torres (2012)
and Woodburne Russell (1961) - for dissections dissection protocols Fernandez is taken into account.
Guides and / or Book: Educational materials were designed then. Regarding guidelines, these will
contain the following items in its development: A. Introduction - B. Description of content - C. Checklist
(Silabus). D. Session anatomoclinical Cases - E. Test Questions Types. F. Crosswords and ideograms. G.
Colorin Book, wordsearches. H. Bibliographical Sources

The materials THESE Employment Practices Complementing Sessions improved the academic
performance of students compared to those that these materials are not used. 200 Students Who
dissected Animal Models and applied anatomy bioscpica simulators and 97 % said that these methods
had supplied their needs .
Use of simulators, Restoration of cadaveric materials Destined incineration , Plastination , have been
valuable tools in the Laboratory of Morphology.

Materials and methods:

So this paper wants to show that they have used different methodologies for teaching this scientific
discipline, methods ranging from dissections in animal models to the use of resources such as Anatomy
Bioscpica (Link between basic science and clinker - Pre semiology), which have produced results as
effective as classical methods of teaching this discipline. The use of simulators, Medical Imaging and others
have also contributed to the exercise in the teaching of Gross Anatomy.
On the other hand, Special Dissections with two bodies, one male and one female, belonging to the
existing pathological material in the Laboratory of Morphology of the Faculty of Health Sciences Central
Unit Valley were made, which have been preserved in formalin endovascularly. Torres (2012) and
Woodburne Russell (1961) - for dissections dissection protocols Fernandez is taken into account. Guides
and / or Book: Educational materials were designed then. Regarding guidelines, these will contain the
following items in its development: A. Introduction - B. Description of content - C. Checklist (Silabus). D.
Session anatomoclinical Cases - E. Test Questions Types. F. Crosswords and ideograms. G. Colorin Book,
wordsearches. H. Bibliographical Sources


The materials THESE Employment Practices Complementing Sessions improved the academic performance
of students compared to those that these materials are not used. 200 Students Who dissected Animal
Models and applied anatomy bioscpica simulators and 97 % said that these methods had supplied their
needs .
Use of simulators, Restoration of cadaveric materials Destined incineration , Plastination , have been
valuable tools in the Laboratory of Morphology.


Moments of crisis are appropriate to outflank creativity and generate new forms of knowledge through the
incorporation of ICTs in teaching morphology, various techniques cadaverous preservation including
plastination and employment Anatomy Bioscpica as liaison between basic and clinical are essential in the
teaching of this discipline.


Fernndez, S.A., J.L. Torres. Manual of Human Dissection Fernndez - Torres. 1 Edition. Editorial Universidad
Libre - Cali District. (2010). ISBN: 978-958-8630-16-8
Fernndez, S.A., J.L. Torres. Bioscpica Anatomy: A link between the Basic and Clinical. 1 Edition. Editorial
Universidad Libre - Cali District. (2009). ISBN: 978-959-8630-17-5
Ricardo Jimenez, Andres Fernandez, Jairo Orbs, Recovery With Plastination Technique of Formalin Fixe and
Anatomical Specimens for Teaching in Higher education Morphology or Museum Exhibitions, Plastination
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ICP 2014 Event Type: Congress Scope: Performed on: 2014-07- 14,
Andres Fernandez, Ricardo Jimenez, Jairo Orbs approach to the teaching of the morphological through
training in integrated curricula in the context of Family and Community Medicine sciences. XVI ARGENTINE

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