Olam US Brochure

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Quality Spices and Vegetables

You Can Count On

We offer our customers a fine selection of spices, specialty vegetables
and tomato ingredients that are unparalleled for their taste, quality
and consistency.

Whatever be the needs of

our customers, we have
a solution for the same,
providing sauces, toppings
and spices to deliver just the
right taste in their product.
Were the Brand behind
the Brands!

Eric Fisher
Director of R & D
M.S. Food Science
20 Year Industry Veteran

We are the largest supplier of dehydrated onion, garlic, capsicum

and tomato products. Using only the highest quality ingredients
wherever they are grown, we consistently reinforce our leading
position as a creditable supply chain manager through our
continuous focus on operational improvements and product
innovation. Accordingly, our state-of-the-art tomato processing
operations in California are now the largest supply source of
organic tomato paste and diced and value-added tomato products
in the USA.
Meeting All Your Garlic and Onion Needs
We offer a wide variety of garlic and onion, from dehydrated to
pureed and roasted. Over the years, our processing operations
in California have earned a stellar reputation for producing safe

Choice Vegetables

Selecting The Finest Tomato Ingredients

Olams proprietary Controlled Moisture (CM) Vegetables bring you

Our Global Innovation and Nutrition Center is the heart of our

the best of superior performance, concentrated servings, vivid color

tomato ingredient business. Located in the tomato hub of the world,

and unparalleled flavor. By controlling moisture through our propriety

California and within our modern processing facility in Lemoore,

processes, we gently eliminate excess water from the vegetables.

our research and development team is a leader in product

This means less water to lose in your finished foods and better

development for all tomato based products, from pure pastes

overall performance in fresh, frozen and refrigerated applications.

and sauces to purees and salsas. Our high-tech plant in Williams

The proof is in the product: pizza crusts and dough keep their

concentrates on both our organic and retail packaging businesses,

crispness; sauces, dips and spreads stay true to their original flavor;

producing millions of cases of tomato products for some of the

and the sogginess in omelets and other dishes is totally eliminated.

worlds largest branded food companies. Today, Olams global reach

is unmatched in the industry, providing us with premium market
intelligence on the global tomato supply chain, from China
to Africa to Southern Europe.

and traceable garlic and onion products that are consistent, great
tasting and available all through the year.

Olam in the United States

Olam in the United States

Superior Grade Edible Nut Ingredients

Olam is a leading supplier of Edible Nut Ingredients to customers worldwide,
sourcing and processing these across all major origins. Our strong presence
in these origins enables us to offer reliable, year round supply at competitive
prices. In the USA, we process peanuts and manufacture peanut ingredients,
grow and market almonds and distribute cashews sourced from all 15 cashew
origins around the globe.

Manufacturers can choose

to source their peanuts and
nut ingredients from many
different processors. Our
attention to detail and total
commitment to customers,
regardless of scope and scale,
differentiates us from the rest
of the processors.

Jim Fenn
COO Olam Edible Nuts and 4th Generation Peanut Farmer

Peanut Processing and Ingredient Manufacturing

Almond Sourcing and Distribution

Marketing and Distributing Cashews

Olams primary objective is to enhance product quality, increasing

We source almonds both from our own farms and neighboring

Cashew origination was Olams first business when we started

value for our customers through the utilization of proprietary

orchards in Central California. By sourcing several products from

in Nigeria in 1989. Today, we are the number one supply chain

technologies, sound GMPs, and a proven HACCP Plan including

many multi-crop growers within the same region, we enjoy an edge

manager of cashews globally. We operate in all of the worlds

Micro Kill Steps validated by Deibel Laboratories. As the largest

in terms of market visibility and efficiency. From our office in Fresno,

producing and consuming regions, and in fact, are the only fully

independent custom peanut processor in the USA, our state-

our marketing team distributes these to Olam operations around

integrated player in the cashew supply chain across all the major

of-the-art operations are strategically located in the three major

the globe.

processing origins.

peanut growing regions and are managed by our committed and

experienced team.

In the USA, our team of product experts is the link between our
origins and customers, providing unique strategic insights into

We have diligently developed the industrys premier foreign material

the cashew market. Our sourcing systems enable us to offer

removal system, efforts that have earned us the moniker The

full traceability to our customers. We also provide supply chain

Industrys Problem Solvers. As the premier global supplier of edible

solutions such as JIT delivery and VMI to deliver our high quality

nut ingredients to major confectionery and snack nut manufacturers,

cashew and cashew ingredients from several origins to branded

we leverage technological efficiencies to seamlessly meet our

and private label manufacturers in the USA.

customers needs at competitive prices. In short, we partner with

our customers in reducing their product liability risks, improving their

Olam in the United States

operational efficiencies and enhancing their return on assets.

Olam in the United States

Top Quality Cocoa, Coffee

and Dairy Products
Our marketing offices in the USA for our cocoa and coffee businesses
complete the Olam supply chain for our sourcing operations across Africa,
Asia and South and Central America. Our dairy operation sources dairy
products from the USA for export and distributes within the USA dairy
products imported from other Olam origins.

Olams expertise in coffee begins

at the source where coffee is
grown, and continues right through
to the cup. There are no breaks in
the chain from the coffee bush to
the door of our roaster customer.
This is what makes Olam unique in
a business obsessed with quality
and traceability.

George Saffadi
SVP Olam Coffee, Exchange Certified Cupper

Making Cocoa Marketing and Distribution More Effective

Green Coffee and Specialty Coffee Sourcing

Optimizing Dairy Sourcing and Distribution

Olam is the leading supply chain manager of cocoa beans,

Olam is today amongst the leading supply chain managers of

Today, Olam participates in the entire gamut of products which

being physically present in all the major exporting origins in

coffee and the largest shipper of Robusta coffees worldwide. We

constitute the dairy trade and is able to offer customers a wide

Africa, Asia and South America. Over time, we have also

are able to offer our customers a basket of coffees to meet their

spectrum of choices from high end applications to commodity

built strong relationships with our supply chain stakeholders -

requirements and also to suggest some alternative blends. Our

grade dairy products. Centrally-based in Chicago, the Olam dairy

farmers, local co-ops, NGOs and our main customer, the

coffee team in the USA comprises several renowned cupping

business comprises a team of dairy experts, each with extensive

global chocolate industry.

experts with decades of experience in tasting coffee. Our Sonoma

experience in the dairy industry.

Also the leader in traceable cocoa products, with a wide range

of certified and organic cocoa, Olam USA offers US chocolate
manufacturers a complete range of cocoa beans and cocoa

County based Olam Specialty Coffee team scours the globe for
the best coffees, while our bi-coastal logistics team secures and
delivers this green coffee right to the door of the roaster in USA.

butters. In addition, we provide a host of risk management solutions

to both our suppliers and to the chocolate industry.

Olam in the United States

Olam in the United States

A World Leader in Cotton

High Tech Agri-Commodity Farming

Olam is one of the worlds largest cotton companies with a physical

presence in most of the producing and consuming countries. We have a
diversified operation in the USA which includes managing our own ginning
operations, warehousing and logistics, and risk management.

Olam is dedicated to delivering agri-commodities from the worlds

farmlands to the brands by managing supply chain assets, investing in
sustainable practices, and improving the lives of our agricultural partners.

Sam Etheridge

Olam is one of the worlds

largest cotton companies,
with a strong presence in most
producing and consuming
countries. This allows us to
supply all growths of cotton
to the global textile market.
Our continued success
can be attributed to quality
products, services and valued
relationships with our suppliers,
growers and cotton spinners.

VP Olam Cotton and Olam USAs first employee

Cotton was the first product for us in the USA, and paved

With warehousing and logistics being key factors in our business,

Our US farming operations are based in California, which has over

Similarly, converting our tractors and harvester fleet to tier-3

the way for expansion into all the other Olam products. Since

we have complemented our Arizona and California warehousing

seven million acres of irrigated farmland, a unique climate and

engines has reduced our NOx and hydrocarbon emissions by 50%.

sourcing cotton from North Carolina farmers, we have taken

scope with additional storage facilities in Dallas and Memphis.

produces more than 70 different crops such as almonds, walnuts,

In addition, we have installed weather stations and soil moisture

significant strides in the cotton business and have established

Our Memphis warehouse enables us to participate in tendering

pistachios, tomatoes, garlic, onions and cotton.

probes on our farmlands to ensure our irrigation timing is effective.

ourselves across the cotton belt in the USA. We have a presence

opportunities on the ICE futures exchange, while our marketing and

in all producing States as well as representation in numerous

risk management solutions are directed from Dallas (Texas supplies

Our farming operations continue to cultivate our global approach

Olams farming operations are committed to strict food safety

industry bodies.

nearly 50% of the total US crop). We also have considerable

to sustainability by utilizing the latest technologies. For example,

controls and tracking systems. We employ Good Agricultural

installing drip irrigation on farmlands has reduced our water usage

Practices (GAP) which include minimizing the use of fertilizers and

by 20% and reduced the number of tractor passes through the

pesticides and enforcing worker hygiene and safety procedures.

Our business in the USA is also geographically diversified, with a

presence in Texas, Tennessee, California and Arizona. Our ginning

representation in the main cotton growing areas of West Texas

(Lubbock) and California (Fresno).

field resulting in a 20% reduction in diesel use.

and warehousing infrastructure is based in the latter two states.

Olam in the United States

Olam in the United States

Embracing A Global
Sustainability Approach
An international agricultural supply chain business on our scale has significant
social, environmental and economic impacts. We recognize that we are not just
accountable for our results but also how we achieve them. We remain focused
on our impact on rural livelihood improvement; pre-financing; traceability;
environment; biodiversity management; food security and social welfare.

Increasing small farmer productivity

and helping them access markets
is key to making progress against
global hunger and poverty.
Organizations like Olam help to
create and supply the markets that
can help farmers increase their
incomes and build better lives.

Richard Rogers
Senior Programme Officer
Agricultural Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Our Sustainability Principles

Partnerships are Key

Improve the livelihoods of the farmers and communities we

We believe that one of the most effective ways to fulfilling

operate in through initiatives that enhance productivity

and returns
Form alliances with partners who bring beneficial skills and

knowledge to our business

Ensure a safe, healthy and productive workplace for our people
and those who work in our operations
Fully participate in professional associations at international and
national levels to further develop our key goals
Understand the impact of our operations on the environment
through an energy, carbon and freshwater footprint analyses
Assess the ongoing impact of our programs on the community
and the workplace

Putting Global Sustainability Principles Into

Local Practice

responsible stewardship is through partnerships. From NGOs in

Our commitment to sustainability is inseparable from our global

farming practices, conservation, health and education, to national

culture, and is accordingly applied locally in each of the countries

governments and international donors, these partnerships are intrinsic

where we operate. We actively invest in livelihoods, welfare and

to our sustainability. This approach enables us to access

local economies in Americas rural agricultural communities, to

over 1.4m farmers through over 100 projects in 27 countries.

create lasting positive change. Land use and water conservation are

One of our key partners is The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation who
collaborates with us on two main programs in Africa The Cocoa
Livelihoods Program and the Africa Cashew Initiative.
This partnership, with a combined reach of 350,000 households,
facilitates sustainable knowledge transfer to improve productivity, yield
and crop quality, leading ultimately to increasing long term income.

fundamental contemporary issues, and we strive to develop new

technologies and partnerships that will improve our processes.

From Principle to Action

Some examples of how our principles translate into tangible local
actions include:
Opening a mothballed plant in an area with extremely high

unemployment thus bringing hundreds of outsourced jobs

back to the USA.
Reduction of our farm footprint via management improvements,
waste reduction, strategic energy partnerships and water-use
efficiencies saved almost 150 million gallons in 2008.
In our tomato operations, 85% of the bio-waste is reutilized as
cattle feed, and the remainder is used as an organic fertilizer.
We operate the only geothermally-powered dehydrator in the
industry, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
We are improving industrial processing through strategic

partnerships with the Gas Technology Institute and PG&E,

to reduce heat, energy and light output.

Olam in the United States

Olam in the United States


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