Zero Liquid Discharge
Zero Liquid Discharge
Zero Liquid Discharge
CHE 6405
Water Pollution and Control
Submitted to
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET
Submitted by
Student No. 1015022027
Student No. 1015022029
Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET
Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) refers to a treatment process in which the plant discharges no
liquid effluent into surface waters, in effect completely eliminating the environmental
pollution associated with treatment. Apart from this benefit, a ZLD process also makes
effective use of wastewater treatment, recycling, and reuse, thereby contributing to water
conservation through reduced intake of fresh water. This paper includes effluent treatment
methods, the prospect of ZLD in Bangladesh, the benefits & challenges and equipment
overviews. Zero discharge solutions can be accomplished by concentrating the effluent using
various techniques, including membrane-based and multiple effect evaporation-based
systems, and recovery and recycling of water.
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................ii
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES......................................................................... iv
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
2.1.1 Screening................................................................................................................ 3
2.1.2 Flow Equalization .................................................................................................. 3
2.1.3 Sedimentation and Filtration .................................................................................. 4
2.1.4 Aeration.................................................................................................................. 4
Evaporator ................................................................................................................ 19
Crystallizer ............................................................................................................... 21
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 22
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 23
Table 2-1: Wastewater Treatment Levels and Processes [3] ..................................................... 3
Table 2-2: Biological Treatment Processes ............................................................................... 5
In the past several decades, industrial production has increased in Bangladesh. Water
consumption for industrial use has consequently risen and will continue to rise. Ecological
issues are an integral and important part of the environmental issues challenging Bangladesh.
Poor air quality, water pollution, and garbage all affect the quality of food and the
environment necessary for ecosystems to thrive. Nowadays, Environmental concerns are
steadily increasing, and regulatory authorities are constantly tightening the environmental
standards, insisting that industries adopt advanced wastewater treatment technologies,
including ZLD solutions.
Today few industries are concerned with developing ZLD solutions that address some of the
following challenges:
1. Innovative and customized solution offerings
2. Highly corrosive effluent and the selection of metallurgy
3. Recovery of pure process condensate for reuse and recycling
4. Operating temperature and pressures and scaling and fouling tendency
5. Continuous operation of the system with minimization of cleaning-in-place (CIP) effluents
6. Selection of appropriate type of evaporator effects in multi effect evaporation system
7. Optimization of CAPEX and OPEX for ZLD solutions.
The elimination of the liquid waste effluent stream from the plant
The recycling of recovered water and solids
The establishment of no liquid pollutant norms.
If implemented correctly, ZLD has the potential not just to alleviate concerns of effluent
discharge but also to lead to water conservation, which is critical for regions experiencing
water scarcity.
Typically, ZLD systems are used where there are environmental limitations such as water
insufficiency and where strong environmental regulations are obligatory; either because water
resources are scarce or an industrys activity is highly polluting. In principle, the end goal of
ZLD is to eliminate (to the extent feasible) the discharge or disposal of liquid waste from a
facility, wherein no wastewater gets discharged to surface water bodies. This is ultimately
accomplished by recycling, reusing or reducing the volume of waste stream, primarily
including water-based streams. The non-water components of a wastewater come from either
the manufacturing process itself or from a cleaning process and can include any number of
materials, chemicals, oils or solids. Typical waste streams that produce large volumes of
wastewater include cooling tower blowdown, gas scrubber blowdown, ion-exchange
regeneration effluent and rinses, plant wash down and rain water runoff, and process wastes.
These come from a wide variety of industries, including but certainly not limited to:
Metal Working
Metal Finishing
Water Treatment
Material Recycling
Effluent can be treated in a number of different ways depending on the level of treatment
required. These levels are known as preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary (or
advanced) [1]. Conventional wastewater treatment consists of a combination of physical,
chemical, and biological processes (Table 2-1) and operations to remove solids, organic
matter and, sometimes, nutrients from wastewater [2]. Many of these processes will be used
together in a single treatment plant.
Table 2-1: Wastewater Treatment Levels and Processes [3]
Treatment Level
Physical and
Biological and
Physical, chemical
and biological
determine the required volume of an equalization tank the hourly variation of flow needs to
be determined.
2.1.3 Sedimentation and Filtration
The flocs formed in flocculation are large enough to be removed by gravitational settling,
also known as sedimentation. This is achieved in a tank referred to as the sedimentation tank,
settling tank or clarifier. Sedimentation is also used to remove grit and suspended solids, to
produce clarified effluent, and to thicken the sludge produced in biological treatment.
Flocculation and sedimentation should remove most of the suspended solids and a portion of
the BOD [5].
2.1.4 Aeration
Aeration is required in biological treatment processes to provide oxygen to the microorganisms that breakdown the organic waste. Two main methods are used for this, either
mechanical agitation of the water so that air from the atmosphere enters the water, or by
introducing air into the tank through diffusers.
environmental view point but can corrode stainless steel therefore plastic or appropriately
coated pumps and pipes must be used.
2.2.2 Chemical Coagulation and Flocculation
Coagulation is a complex process but generally refers to collecting into a larger mass the
minute solid particles dispersed in a liquid. Chemical coagulants such as aluminium sulphate
(alum) or ferric sulphate may be added to wastewater to improve the attraction of fine
particles so that they come together and form larger particles called flocs. A chemical
flocculent, usually a polyelectrolyte, enhances the flocculation process by bringing together
particles to form larger flocs, which settle out more quickly Flocculation is aided by
gentle mixing which causes the particles to collide.
These microorganisms use components of the effluent as their food and in doing so break
them down to fewer complexes and less hazardous compounds. In the process the
microorganisms increase in number.
There are two main types of processes, these involve suspended microbial growth (e.g.
activated sludge) and attached microbial growth (e.g. fixed film). With both approaches large
populations of microorganisms are brought into contact with effluent in the presence of an
excess of oxygen. In both systems the microbial population has to be retained in a tank
referred to as the reactor. With suspended growth systems microbes grow in small aggregates
or flocs (this is known as activated sludge).
2.3.1 Activated Sludge
Activated sludge (AS) leaves the reactor with the treated effluent but is settled out in a
clarifier and returned to the aeration unit to recycle the bacteria. If the amount of AS is
excessive some may be disposed of rather than being recycled.
2.3.2 Fixed Film
In fixed film systems the microbial population grows as a thin layer (a bio-film) on the
surface of an inert support medium. The classical fixed film system is known as a percolating
or biological filter and uses small stones as a medium to support microbial growth. In the
more modern system microbes grow on plastic supports. In the traditional percolating filters
effluent is sprayed over the medium and trickles through a packed bed with oxygen entering
from the air. In more recent reactor designs, the medium (usually plastic) is submerged in
effluent and air is blown into the base of the reactor. Submerged fixed film reactors using
plastic media require much less land. Fixed film systems require a final clarifier to remove
particles of biofilm that become detached from the medium.
Biological treatment plants must be carefully managed as they use live microorganisms to
digest the pollutants. For example some of the compounds in the wastewater may be toxic to
the bacteria used, and pre-treatment with physical operations or chemical processes may be
necessary. It is also important to monitor and control pH as adverse pH may result in death of
the microorganisms. The ETP must be properly aerated and must be operated 24 hours a day,
365 days a year to ensure that the bacteria are provided with sufficient food (i.e.
wastewater) and oxygen to keep them alive. Like humans, microorganisms need a balanced
diet with sources of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur.
The textile sector is the backbone of Bangladeshs economy. However, the industry is faced
with many challenges due to high resource (energy, water and chemical) footprint and its
consequent environmental impact. Water usage by the textile industry in Bangladesh is
estimated to be 1,500 million cubic meters, which is principally made of groundwater.
Around 70% of this water consumption takes place in the wet processing of textiles, which
involves washing, dyeing, and finishing of textiles. Besides high water footprint, the textile
industry also faces the challenge of dealing with the problem of effluent discharge and the
use of coagulants and chemicals for its treatment.
Realizing the scale of these issues and the urgent need for addressing them, Bangladesh
Government has issued the Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Regulation for the textile sector.
This poses a huge challenge for the industry, particularly for the small and medium sized
units. The key to its successful implementation would be a cautious and practical approach
and view this as an opportunity to deal with the pressing environmental challenges in a
sustainable manner [6].
The capitals groundwater levels are falling rapidly due to excessive extractions to meet the
needs of its growing population, said Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority. The
capitals underground water level has dropped to 60 meters below ground level, according to
DWASA. In 2011, the capitals ground water level was 51 meters below the ground level,
according to a study of Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation. The groundwater
levels in the capital are falling by two to three meters each year, according DWASA [9].
3.1.2 National Standards for Wastewater
Effluent from textile dyeing industries must meet the national effluent discharge quality
standards set by the Government of Bangladesh, including the Quality Standards for
Classified Industries (Table 3-1), and may also need to meet additional standards set by
international textile buyers. Consequently any ETP must be designed and operated in such a
way that it treats the wastewater to these standards [10].
Table 3-1: Discharge Quality Standard for Classified Industries - Composite Textile Plant
and Large Processing Units
Total Chromium
Phenolic Compounds
The regulations state that these quality standards must be ensured from the moment of going
into trial production for industrial units. They also state that the Department of Environment
can undertake spot checks at any time and the pollution levels must not exceed these quality
standards. Furthermore, the quality standards may be enforced in a more stringent manner if
considered necessary in view of the environmental conditions of a particular situation [11].
The waste discharge quality standards differ according to the point of disposal. So, the
standards are different for inland surface water (ponds, tanks, water bodies, water holes,
canals, river, springs or estuaries); public sewers (any sewer connected with fully combined
processing plant including primary and secondary treatment); and irrigated land defined as an
appropriately irrigated plantation area of specified crops based on quantity and quality of
wastewater [11].
Bangladesh Government is planning to lower the current limiting standards such as BOD
level to 30 mg/L from 50 mg/L, COD level to 150 mg/L from 200 mg/L. But with current
technology this is not possible to attain such result, so improvement of technology and
current process must be introduced.
Implementation of ZLD had encouraged the industry to closely monitor water usage,
avoiding of wastages and to promote recycling. For example, the textile dyeing
industry moved from conventional Winches which used more water (1:16 Liquor of
Fabric weight to Water volume) to less water consuming Soft Flow Machines with
1:8 Liquor ratio and many are increasingly moving towards even lower water
consuming Air flow Machines with 1:3.5 Liquor ratios to increase their production
while generating lower volumes of effluent.
The high recovery of water (>90-95%) and the recovery of salt has mitigated the
higher cost of operation of a ZLD system.
The implementation of ZLD paved the way for a more sustainable growth of the
industry while meeting most stringent environmental norms.
The environmental problems created earlier has been arrested and the degraded land
and water bodies are slowly recovering back
Sustainable growth of the industry also implies growth in economy and sustainable
livelihood for many people who are dependent on the textile dyeing cluster either
directly or indirectly.
ZLD results in generation of hazardous solid wastes (particularly waste mixed salt)
causing disposal challenges, which is being stored in storage yards within the CETPs.
For the chemical sludge, the best way to dispose it off is its gainful utilization for
cement co-processing but it needs tie up with a willing/recipient cement company.
The high cost of operation of a ZLD is also a major challenge. The recovery of water
and salt (Sodium sulphate and brine) offsets this costs significantly, but it would apply
only to water scarce areas where the cost of water is high.
High Carbon foot print of a ZLD facility is another major concern. The typical power
consumption ranges from 8 to 10 kW/m3. The thermal evaporators alone consume
about 20-40 kW/m3 in addition to several tons of firewood for the boilers.
Non uniform application of ZLD standards across the country for similar industries
has serious impact on the competitiveness of the local industry.
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) represents the ultimate cutting-edge treatment system for the
total elimination of wastewater effluent into neighboring waterways. The ZLD System
removes dissolved solids from the wastewater and returns distilled water to the process
(source). Reverse osmosis (membrane filtration) may be used to concentrate a portion of the
waste stream and return the clean permeate to the process. In this case, a much smaller
volume (the reject) will require evaporation, thus enhancing performance and reducing power
consumption. In many cases, falling film evaporation is used to further concentrate the brine
prior to crystallization [12].
For over 30 years vapor compression evaporation has been the most useful technology to
achieve zero liquid discharge. Evaporation recovers about 95 % of a wastewater as distillate
for reuse. Waste brine can then be reduced to solids in a crystallizer/dewatering device.
However, evaporation alone can be an expensive option when flow rates are considerable.
One way to solve this problem is to integrate membrane processes with evaporation. These
technologies are nowadays often combined to provide complete ZLD-systems. The most
common membrane processes used so far are reverse osmosis (RO) and electro-dialysis
reversal (EDR). By combining these technologies with evaporation and crystallization ZLDsystems have become less expensive. They are however combined differently depending on
the circumstances, see chapter general guidelines. Together with these components, a variety
of other well-known water treatment technologies are used in ZLD-systems for pre-treatment
and polishing treatment [13]. These treatments are:
pH adjustment
mixed/separate bed
oil/water separator
carbon adsorption
The variation of ZLD-systems are, as previously mentioned, endless. Below, I have tried to
display a couple of ZLD-systems applied in different industries. The power plant system, see
figure 1, is the most general system, while the other two, see figure 2 and 3, are commercial
ZLD-systems from two water treatment companies.
Landfill (LF)
Product water is produced by the RO, BC, and CRYST process steps. Processing steps for the
wastewater treatment, beginning with concentrate (conc.), are as follows [14]:
Scheme 1A:
Scheme 1B:
Scheme 2A:
conc. LS RO BC
Scheme 2B:
Scheme 3:
conc. LS RO
Solids produced from the lime softening and crystallization steps go to a landfill.
If the water flow rate is small, not many components are necessary. The following general
guidelines are accepted today [13]:
5.3 Evaporator
Evaporators come in all sizes and shapes, for example; falling film-, rising film-, forced
circulation and scraped surface/thin film- and combination evaporator. Evaporators produce a
distillate stream that is very clean, typically containing less than 10 ppm of TDS one of the
main reasons why evaporators are used in a ZLD-system. The most prevalent type is the
falling film evaporator, also called brine concentrator, see figure 4. This evaporator can treat
RO or EDR concentrates to a total solids (TS) concentration of 300 000 ppm. At this value
the boiling point rise of the brine results in either an excessively large heat-transfer area
(large capital cost) or an excessively large temperature difference (large operating cost).
Values higher than this makes the combination of a crystallizer and an evaporator more
economical than an evaporator alone.
Figure 5-3: A falling film evaporator, also called a brine concentrator [16]
5.4 Crystallizer
ELGs (Effluent Limiting Guidelines) do change and that requires the manufacturer to act or
to face the consequences of not meeting the guidelines. More often, ELGs become stricter
over time, and the manufacturing facility ends up needing to purchase additional water
treatment equipment and chemicals or to replace their wastewater treatment system
altogether. Adding or replacing water treatment equipment often means adding personnel to
operate it and capital money to purchase it. The additional water treatment costs also
contribute to higher operating costs overall. A zero liquid discharge system eliminates the
need to react to changing ELGs because there is no longer any wastewater that has to meet
the limits. These systems can be used as a stand-alone treatment following wastewater
treatment, or they can be used in conjunction with an industrial water reuse system.
Combining water reuse and ZLD means the added benefit of cost savings on water purchases.
In fact, with the right pretreatment process, the solid waste from the ZLD system can be
disposed in a landfill as non-hazardous waste.
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