A Robot For Harvesting Sweet-Pepper in Greenhouses

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Ref: C0114

A robot for harvesting sweet-pepper in greenhouses

Jochen Hemming*, C. Wouter Bac, Bart A.J. van Tuijl, Ruud Barth, Jan Bontsema and Erik
Pekkeriet, Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture, Wageningen University and Research
Centre, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Eldert J. van Henten, Farm Technology Group, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB, Wageningen, The Netherlands
*Corresponding author: tel.: +31-317-486710, e-mail: jochen.hemming@wur.nl

This paper describes the results of the development of a robot for harvesting sweet-peppers
in greenhouses. A description is given of the working environment of the robot and its design
objectives. The base of the robot consists out of two carrier modules. On the first, the manipulator, the control electronics and the computers are located. To assure maximum flexibility
the realized manipulator prototype has nine degrees-of-freedom. On the second, the sensors
and illumination are placed. The coupled modules can move in between the crop rows on the
greenhouse rail system. The heights of the modules can be adjusted to match the height of
the crop. On the sensor carrier module two 5 megapixel colour cameras and a Time of Flight
camera are installed. The colour images and three dimensional (3D) data were calibrated
and registered. Around the sensors, a lighting rig is placed to illuminate the scene. The sensor system is mounted on a linear motorized slide and can be horizontally moved in and out
of the workspace of the manipulator. Machine vision software localises ripe fruits and obstacles in 3D. For fruit detection different approaches have been developed. One option is to
initiate fruit detection by simple red colour blob detection. Another option is to perform fruit
localization in two sequential steps. First Regions of Interest in the RGB image are selected
which is suspected to contain target fruits. Next the fruit localization is performed in the corresponding 3D data, based on 3D point cloud template matching. Obstacle detection algorithms are used to localise plant stems and non-target fruits using the small baseline stereo
images. In order to harvest the fruits, a motion planning module assures a collision free path
for the manipulator to position the end-effector at the harvesting position. Two different types
of end-effectors were designed and tested. The Fin-Ray gripper features a combined grip
and cut mechanism. This end-effector first grips the fruit and after that the peduncle of the
fruit is cut. The Lip-type end-effector, first stabilizes the fruit using a suction cup after which
two rings enclose the fruit and cut the peduncle of the fruit. Both end effectors have a miniature RGB and a ToF camera for refining the fruit position and to determine the fruit pose. The
main software platform of the robot was implemented for the Linux operating system and
uses the open source middleware Robot Operating System (ROS). The coordinating control
structure is based on a finite state machine and includes diagnostic tools and performance
measures. The system was tested under simplified laboratory conditions in 2013. During
these early tests 189 out of 194 fruit could be detected (97%), 167 fruits could be reached
(86% of all fruits) and 154 picked (79% of all fruits). In spring 2014 final system integration
took place. In a commercial greenhouse it was proven that the system is able to harvest
pepper fruits fully autonomously.
Keywords: horticulture, automation, field-test, fruit-detection, obstacle-detection

Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 www.eurageng.eu



Currently there is a high demand to automate labour in modern greenhouses. The availability
of skilled labour that accepts repetitive tasks is decreasing rapidly. Furthermore, the climate
conditions of the working environment in greenhouses are harsh. A comprehensive review
about the state-of-the-art in robotic fruit harvesting and challenges ahead is recently published by Bac et al. (2014) and shows that over the past three decades research has been
carried out for about 50 systems the harvest e.g. apples, oranges, tomatoes, cucumbers
strawberries and melons. The European FP7 project CROPS (CROPS-project, 2014) is developing a modular robotic system for several different tasks (harvesting apples, grapes,
sweet peppers and spraying). The objective of this paper is to describe the major hardware
and software components of the robot developed for harvesting sweet-peppers (Capsicum
annum) in a greenhouse.

Working environment of the robot, design objectives and requirements

The system for robotic harvesting sweet-peppers is designed for the current common practice V-cropping system of sweet-peppers in the Netherlands. This practice uses a strategy
where the plants are grown in heated glasshouses on gutters with stone wool substrate slabs
with automatic water and nutrient supply. A typical set-up uses 8 m wide compartments
which contain 6 plant rows with a row distance of 1.33 m and an average plant distance in
the row of about 0.2 m. Heating pipes mounted on the ground are used as a rail for crop
maintenance trollies and to transport harvested fruit. Each main stem of the plant is supported by a plastic wire which is wrapped in intervals around the stem to support the plant. 20
weeks after planting plant length is about 160 cm. This length is doubled at week 40, the end
of the season. In summer, the minimum temperature in the greenhouse is about 18 degrees
Celsius (C) and can reach up to 35 C. In autumn, the minimum temperature can be as low
as 13 C. Relative humidity (RH) is highest in the early morning hours where the level can
exceed 90%. Most of the time RH is above 70%. First of all, the robot is required to be able
to operate in the environment described. Detection and localization of the fruits to harvest is
as well mandatory as the possibility to reach and detach the fruit. The most important variable requirement is that the robot must have a high success rate for fruit harvesting followed
by the requirement that the robot must avoid stem damage and must not damage fruits.
The requirements for a robotic system in this working environment have been comprehensively described in Hemming et al. (2011).

The modular robot system


Hardware modules

Figure 1 shows a the complete integrated robotic system inside a sweet-pepper greenhouse.
The system is powered with a cable connected to the power grid. In the following sections
the different hardware modules will be described.

Carrier platform

The base of the robot consists out of two carrier modules, a manipulator module and a sensor module (Figure 1). On the first module, the manipulator with end-effector, the air compressor for the pneumatics, the control electronics and the computers are mounted. On the
second module, sensors for fruit and obstacle detection and illumination are placed. The
coupled modules can move in between the crop rows on the greenhouse rail system. The
heights of the modules can be adjusted by inserting additional metal frame segments to
match the height of the ripe fruits in the crop.

Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 www.eurageng.eu


Illumination rig
Computers and
Control Electronics

User interface

Vertical slide


Air compressor
Manipulator module

Horizontal slide

Sensor module

Figure 1: Integrated robotic system for harvesting sweet-pepper fruit.


Robotic manipulator

A 9 degree of freedom (DoF) redundant and

modular manipulator turned out to be the most
promising concept for this cluttered and space
limited application and was realized (Bauer et
al., 2013, 2014; Schuetz et al., 2014). Figure 2
shows a rendering of the 9 DoF robotic manipulator. As the other applications of the
CROPS project (apple harvesting, precision
spraying) have different requirements the 9
DoF version can easily be converted into a 7
DoF version with less complexity. The 7 DoF
version is shown in Figure 1. To fulfil the requirements for the environmental conditions
stated above the manipulator has sealed drive
modules and is splash-waterproof.

Figure 2: Rendering of the 9 DoF

robotic manipulator

Overview cameras and illumination

On the sensor module (Figure 1) two 5 megapixel 2/3 CCD RGB colour cameras (Prosilica
GC2450C, Allied Vision Technologies GmbH, Germany) with a horizontal baseline of 0.033
m are installed. In addition a 3D Time of Flight (ToF) camera (Swiss Ranger SR400011, Mesa, Switzerland) is mounted close to the colour cameras (Figure 3). Around the sensors, a
lighting rig was placed to illuminate the scene. This rig consists out of a 5x6 grid of 50 watt,
230 volt halogen lamps. The sensor system is mounted on a linear motorized slide and can

Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 www.eurageng.eu


be horizontally moved in and out of the workspace of the manipulator. In this way, the sensors and manipulator can share the same workspace without colliding during operation.

Right and left

colour camera

ToF camera

Figure 3: Colour camera stereo set-up and Time of Flight camera on the main sensor rig.

End-effector and mini cameras

Two different types of end-effectors for detaching sweet-pepper fruits from the plant were
realized. The first one, the Fin-Ray gripper, features a combined grip and cut mechanism.
This end-effector first grips the fruit after the peduncle is cut. (Gauchel & Saller, 2012). The
second end-effector, the Lip-type end-effector, first stabilizes the fruit using a suction cup
after which two rings with a lip each enclose the fruit and cut the fruit peduncle. Both types of
end effectors have integrated LED illumination as well as two cameras; a miniature remote
head RGB colour camera (VRMagic, Mannheim, Germany) and a small-size 3D Time of
Flight camera. CamBoard nano (Pmdtechnologies Gmbh, Siegen, Germany).

Figure 2: Fin-Ray type end-effector


Figure 3: Lip-type end-effector

Computational hardware and communication interfaces

For the high level control and to interface the various sensors an off-the shelf industrial PC is
used. The sensors are connected to the system by either gigabit Ethernet (GigE) interface or
USB connection. The controller of the robot manipulator is realized by using the xPC target
real-time software environment from MathWorks (Natick, USA) on a dedicated x86-based
PC. The drive units and end-effectors of the manipulator are connected to the real-time PC
using EtherCAT and CAN-bus interfaces. The real-time unit is connected to the ROS network
(see section 3.2) by an Ethernet (UDP) link. Selected sub tasks like the computational intensive image processing can be executed on an additional laptop which is linked to the system
by Ethernet using the master slave functionality of ROS. For the low level control of the endeffectors (open and close gripper, suction, open and close knife, status feedback) microcontrollers are used. These controllers communicate with the system by digital I/O and CAN interface.

Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 www.eurageng.eu



Software modules

Most software development of the robot is done using the Robot Operating System (ROS,
version Groovy, C++) an open source robot middleware running on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04).
ROS encourages object-oriented development and manages parallel execution of software
modules, denoted nodes, and administrates Ethernet based communication between nodes
(message passing). Details on the software framework developed for this application are
described by Barth et al. (2014).

Fruit detection, maturity determination and 3d localization

Fruit detection and localization take place at two different levels. First, a side-view image of
the crop row is taken by the cameras on the sensor rig. The colour image of the camera
mounted next to the ToF camera is pixel-wise registered to the ToF image. The method applied is based on the assumption that the objects in the scene belong to the same plane. As
a result, the colour data match its corresponding 3D measurements from the ToF camera.
Figure 4 shows the registered images of the colour camera (left) and the corresponding distance image of the Tof camera (right) of an example scene with artificial fruit and plants in
the laboratory. Fruit ripeness is determined by analysing the level of red coloration of the
sweet-pepper fruit. For fruit detection different approaches have been developed. One approach is by simple red colour blob detection. This blob detection is followed by morphological image processing operations to clean up noise. In the next step the corresponding x,y
and z real world values from the ToF sensor is extracted for the centre of each detected fruit
(Figure 4, middle). Another approach is to localize fruit with an algorithm that is using two
sequential steps. This algorithm first selects regions of interest in the RGB image which are
suspected to contain target fruits. Next the fruit localization is performed in the corresponding
3D data from the ToF camera, based on 3D point cloud template matching. Moreover an
adaptive sensor fusion algorithm was developed and implemented (Vitzrabin & Edan, 2013).
It provides one output based on multiple feature data inputs, such as the two different fruit
detection algorithms described above.

Figure 4: Registered images of the colour camera (left) and the corresponding distance image of the
Tof camera (right) and the localized fruits (middle)

The position obtained from the first level localization can differ with the real fruit position due
to noise in the ToF camera and/or calibration and registration inaccuracies. Therefore a second level for fruit detection and localization was added. On the second level the cameras on
the end-effector are used to refine the found fruit position on the first level. For this purpose
the end-effector is positioned 25 cm in front of the detected fruit position and a colour and
ToF image from the cameras on the end-effector are acquired. As for the overview cameras
fruit detection in these images is performed by red colour blob detection. In the next step the

Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 www.eurageng.eu


corresponding x,y and z real world coordinates from the ToF camera is extracted for the centre of each detected fruit (Figure 5). From the data of the cameras on the end-effector not
only the position but also the fruit orientation is estimated. This information can be used to
determine the best grasp pose for the end-effector (Eizicovits & Berman, 2014). The target
robot position and orientation to grip and detach the fruit is updated with this information.

Figure 5: Images of the cameras on the end-effector. Registered colour image (left), registered ToF
distance image (right)


Obstacle localization

Obstacles block access to the fruit and reduce visibility. Fruits can be occluded by other fruits
and leaves causing difficulties for fruit localization (Kapach et al., 2012). The integrated obstacle detection is currently able to detect and map hard obstacles such as the plant stems
and non-target fruits. The method makes use of a set of small baseline stereo images acquired by the two overview colour cameras on the main platform. The small baseline of 3.3
cm was taken to improve matching score of stereo-vision and to decrease occlusion of the
stem. Support wires were used as a visual cue to localize the plant stem because wires are
twisted around the stem and can be distinguished from the vegetation. More details on the
obstacle localization are described in Bac et al. (2014) and Bac et al. (2013).

Motion planning

A motion planner that detects and prevents robot self-collisions and collisions with other
parts of the platform is implemented in the real time xPC controller of the manipulator (Baur
et al., 2014). After receiving a goal position, the controller checks the path execution and
reports problems to the main control software. A software module which uses the Rapidlyexploring Random Tree (RRT) robotic path planning algorithm for motion planning is under
development for this application within the ROS MoveIt framework.

Mission control and task planning

The coordinating control structure of the robot is based on a finite state machine and includes diagnostic tools and performance measures registration of the harvesting operation.
The state machine based framework has proven to be useful for coordinating and sequencing of operations. It logically arranges the computations to be performed by all ROS nodes.
The algorithmic sequence to be executed is defined with a flowchart, which can be directly
translated into the state machine. It contains three main functionalities: initialization, sensing
and harvesting. The detailed flowchart for the pepper harvesting application is given in Barth
et al. (2014).

Experimental results

The system was tested under simplified laboratory conditions with unoccluded single fruits in
2013. During these early tests 189 out of 194 fruit could be detected (97%), 167 fruits could
be reached (86% of all fruits) and 154 picked (79% of all fruits). For images acquired with

Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 www.eurageng.eu


the overview cameras in a commercial greenhouse a true positive rate for fruit detection of
0.87 could be achieved (see Table 1).
Table 1: Fruit detection summary. True positive rate TPR) and false positive rate (FPR)

Number of

Number of





In spring 2014 the final integrated system was tested in a commercial sweet-pepper greenhouse (Figure 6) and it was proven that the system is able to harvest pepper fruits fully autonomously. The final performance determination of the system is still ongoing.

Figure 6: Harvesting robot in the greenhouse

Conclusions and outlook

This paper reports on a modular concept of an autonomous robot for harvesting sweetpepper in the real world environment. The objective to build a system which is able to fully
autonomously harvest fruits was reached. Due to the complexity of the task and the limited
visibility of the targets multiple sensors are used for fruit and obstacle localization. One of the
major parts of the system is a redundant and modular manipulator with 9 DoF. Two types of
end-effectors to detach fruit have been developed and tested. Concerning software, the ROS
framework has worked to satisfaction and due to its modular nature has simplified integration
of components developed by different project partners. Future work is to determine the performance of the robot in terms of harvest success rate, cycle times and causes of failures.


This research was partly funded by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme (CROPS GA No. 246252) and by the Dutch Product Board for Horticulture (PT).
The authors would like to thank all the other partners of the CROPS project consortium. The
robotic harvester described in this paper is the result of a close co-operation of all partners.

Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 www.eurageng.eu



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Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 www.eurageng.eu


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