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Opportunities for
Young Inventors

"Genius is one percent inspiration

and ninety-nine percent
Thomas Edison
"I invent nothing. I rediscover."
Auguste Rodin

"Before he can create, man must

have a deep awareness of the
world around himhe must be
able to really see, hear, feel, touch,
and move."
Harold A. Rothbart
"Discovery consists of seeing what
everybody has seen and thinking
what nobody has thought."
Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi
"The only difference between a
stumbling block and a stepping
stone is the way you approach it."
American Proverb
"It is by being conversant with the
inventions of others that we learn
to invent; as by reading the
thoughts of others, we learn to
Sir Joshua Reynolds
"Inventiveness is historically one of
the strongest driving forces in
human affairs. If students can
comprehend invention, they can
better understand the past and the
present and predict the future
more reliably."
B. Edward Shlesinger, Jr.
"Imagination is more important
than knowledge."
Albert Einstein

Inventions are everywhere! Take a minute to look around and count the various
inventions that influence your daily routine. From telephones and televisions to
automobiles and computers, inventions have transformed every aspect of human
Since inventions play such a vital role in our lives, it is important to help children
better understand the past, present and future impact of these marvelous
innovations and their inventors. As the technology of the 21st century evolves and
new technology develops, children will need advanced skills and tools to deal
with new situations, responsibilities and roles. In order to help tomorrow's leaders
effectively handle a more complex and technical world, it is crucial for teachers to
help them learn how to solve diverse problems, make accurate decisions, think
creatively, and communicate and share significant ideas.
By teaching the inventing process, teachers can encourage the growth of
creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. Interdisciplinary by
nature, students have an opportunity to solve real-world problems in a way that
is fun and frequently enhances their self-image. Inventions offer a curriculum
opportunity where everyone can succeed!
Since inventions play such a vital role in our lives, it is important to help students
understand the past, present, and future impact of the many marvelous
innovations along with the personal histories of their inventors. As the technology
of the twenty-first century evolves, children will need advanced skills and tools
to deal with new situations, responsibilities, and roles. In order to help tomorrow's
leaders effectively handle a more complex and technical world, it is critical for
teachers to provide opportunities for students to solve diverse problems, make
accurate decisions, think creatively, and communicate to share significant ideas.
These ideas might just provide the springboard to produce new technologies that
might make the world a better place for all people.
This invention guide provides a comprehensive listing of K-12 invention resources
including fiction and nonfiction books, kits, activity books, teacher materials,
videos, CD-ROMs, student contests, organizations and associations, and Internet
sites. In addition, this resource also contains a collection of discussion questions
and student activities designed to develop inventive and creative thinking skills.
We hope this publication will help students learn more about a wide variety of
inventions and inventors, as well as find exciting ways to turn their own creative
ideas into successful inventions for the future. The ideas can be used to challange
students to create, produced, and invent new ideas and technologies to make the
world a better place.

"Everything that can be invented has been invented."

Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patentes, 1899

I n v e n t i o n
Q u e s t s
This list of questions is designed to develop students' critical and creative thinking skills,
as well as increase their knowledge about invention. Students can discuss these questions
in small or large groups or use them as springboards for more advanced research projects.

Who was the greatest inventor of all

time? Explain why this individual
deserves this distinction.
How have inventions changed the course
of history?
How do inventions and events influence
each other?
How has nature influenced the
development of new inventions? Describe
some inventions that were inspired by a
natural object or event.
What invention would you miss the most
if it disappeared?
How would the world be different if
electricity was never invented?
How have inventions such as the fax
machine, modem, computer, laser printer,
and scanner revolutionized the work
place? Describe the advantages and
disadvantages of each machine.
If you could get rid of one invention,
what would it be? Why would you
eliminate this invention?
Describe and compare the inventing styles
of Thomas Edison, Leonardo Da Vinci,
Buckminster Fuller, George Washington
Carver, Alexander Graham Bell, and Eli
Whitney. What characteristics do these
inventors have in common?
If you could interview any inventor from
the past or present, who would it be?
Why? What questions would you ask
him/her? What invention(s) would you
like to discuss?
How did the invention of the automobile
change the economy, work force, family
life, entertainment, and courtship

What invention annoys you the most?

Why? Do others agree with this opinion?
How would you change this invention to
make it more acceptable?

Describe the reasons why people invent.

How have the following inventions

changed in the past twenty years:
television, airplane, watch, iron, radio,
battery, and stove? How do you think
these inventions will change in the future?

What is invention? What is discovery?

Describe the differences between both
terms and discuss how one affects the

What are the advantages and

disadvantages of working as an inventor
for a large company?
What forces drive invention? Discuss
which forces have the most influence over
the invention process.
What traits do most inventors have in
common? What other professions share
these traits?
How have inventions such as the food
processor, blender, and microwave
transformed food preparation in the
Describe how inventions mirror the
civilizations from which they were
What period in history has created the
most inventions? Why?
Who were the most creative/inventive
people in the history of civilization?
What countries have produced the most
inventions? Are these countries still
actively involved in the invention process?
What countries continue to produce
inventions at a staggering rate? What
countries are at the leading edge of
Discuss the hurdles women have had to
overcome to invent and receive patents.

What inventions will become obsolete by

the year 2050? Why?

Do the times make the inventor or does

the inventor make the times?
How do the accomplishments of American
inventors compare to their European
How does human technology affect the
environment? How does this technology
disturb the ecological balance of oceans,
rain forests, and other natural habitats?
How can humans protect these places?
How do people react to new inventions?
Describe how people first reacted to
electricity, automobiles, televisions,
telephones, and other major inventions. If
you were alive when these inventions
were introduced to society, how would
you have reacted to them? Why?
What inventions caused the most
commotion/excitement in the 1950's,
1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's? Describe
how these inventions are viewed today.
Do they still cause excitement?
What inventions are both harmful and
helpful to humans? Describe the
inventions that have been most
detrimental and/or beneficial to human
How do inventions affect our daily lives?

Rube Goldberg Devices

Rube Goldberg is a cartoonist who drew complex contraptions for
simple tasks. His cartoons featured Professor Lucifer Gorgonzola
Butts, an outlandish inventor. One of his inventions was an
automatic stamp licker that consisted of a small robot who
tipped over a bottle of ants onto a sheet of postage stamps that
was upside down on the table next to a hungry anteater that hadn't
eaten for three days.
Invite students to create their own Rube Goldberg device
out of the following items:

Frying Pan
Tea Kettle

Create A
Have students use
different gadgets,
animals, and
objects to design
an outrageous
Rube Goldberg-style
Automatic Pet Feeder
Bathtub Cleaner
Burglar Alarm
Crevice Cleaner
Dog Walker
Door Opener
Electric Duster
Leaf Remover
Pizza Making Machine

Have students create a new

invention by combining two
or more items from the
following list.

"Yankee Ingenuity"

Regardless of what part of the country

you live in, your state has probably
given birth to many inventors and their
unique innovations. Check out the story
During the invention process, it is very important to
that appeared in the Hartford Courant
keep an inventor's notebook. This notebook should act
as an ongoing log/diary of a person's inventive thinking. (October 21, 1990, Section D) of Anita
Dembiczak of Sun Hill Industries who
This notebook should include the following information:
holds the patent for the giant pumpkin
leaf bags people fill each fall to
decorate their lawns. Have students
Scale Drawings
research to create inventor profiles
using the "Inventor Research Guide" for
suggestions. Use this research
Brainstorm Lists
information to write interview questions
Special Events
that you might ask this inventor if they
were still alive. Arrange a live interview
Progress Reports
with a partner. Pretend to be the famous
inventor by dressing up and sharing the
information you learned through your
See if any of the inventors who are
Use a spiral, bound or stitched notebook.
living in your state or region would be
Number each page consecutively.
willing to grant an interview and share
Don't leave space between entries.
the story of their own particular
Date and sign each entry.
invention process. This could be a
Record notes and sketches in ink.
Have a witness sign and date the notebook once a week. terrific Type I presentation!

Inventor's Notebook

Notebook Tips

A c t
Bring in various kitchen gadgets and
see if students can guess what they are
and how they work.
Apple Corer
Cheese Grater
Egg Slicer
Egg Separator
Garlic Press
Grapefruit Sectioner
Juice Squeezer
Meat Mallet
Melon Scoop
Nut Cracker
Pastry Blender
Spaghetti Tongs
Steamer Basket
Tea Ball
Extension: Bring in antique kitchen
gadgets from the early to mid 1900's.
Invite students to brainstorm possible
names and uses for each item.
Extension: Ask students to think of other
uses for common kitchen utensils such
as a spatula, fork, knife, spoon,
measuring cup, pizza cutter, strainer,
and peeler.
Extension: Invite students to create a
new kitchen gadget that will perform one
of the following tasks: insert melted
butter into a freshly baked loaf of bread,
remove seeds from a citrus fruit, apply
melted chocolate to homebaked goods,
squeeze tea bags, pick pickles from a
jar, or remove chicken skin.
Extension: Have students create an allpurpose kitchen utensil that can do five
or more different tasks.
Extension: Invite students to discuss
how gadgets have transformed life in
the kitchen. Have them describe the
differences/similarities between food
preparation in the 1890's and 1990's.

Set Up An Inventor's Workshop

All inventors need a place to tinker, build, experiment, and solve
problems. An inventor's workshop provides a great place to play with ideas
and jumpstart inventive thinking. This workspace should contain plenty of
light and a large variety of tools, equipment, materials, and safety supplies.
The following list contains a variety of items that can be included in an
inventor's workshop.

Aluminum Foil
Bulb Holder
Circuit Board
Craft Knife
Crocodile Clips
Cutting Mat
Duct Tape
Electric Wire
Electrical Motor
Electronic Parts
Erector Set
Eye Dropper
First Aid Kit
Flash Light
Foam Board
Graph Paper

Hand Drill
Hand Saw
Magic Markers
Magnifying Glass
Masking Tape
Measuring Cups
Measuring Spoons
Measuring Tape
Metal Parts
Modeling Clay
Nuts and Bolts
Paper Bags
Paper Clips
Paper Towels
Paper Tubes
Pipe Cleaners
Plastic Bags
Plastic Bottles
Plastic Containers
Plastic Tubing
Reference Materials
Rubber Bands
Safety Glasses
Safety Pins

Sand Paper
Screw Drivers
Spray Bottle
Tape Rule
Telephone Book
Thread Spools
Twist Ties
Two-Sided Tape
Wire Strippers
Wood Scraps
Yard Stick
Ziploc Bags

"Creative intelligence
in its various forms
and activities is
what makes man."
James Harvey Robinson


Inventor's Name
Dates of Birth/Death
Describe the inventor's early life.
Describe the inventor's education and career.
What was the inventor's most important contribution?
What was the process they went through? Make a
timeline of the significant developments along the way,
from the first "Ah, ha! To, "There, it's done!"
Explain what the invention does. Make a prototype, if

The following list of people made significant

contributions to our lives. Some of the inventions make
life more entertaining, adventurous, and have
dramatically improved human health. Choose an
inventor from list below. Research to collect interesting
information about the invention process.
Alexander Graham Bell
Vincent Bendix
Martha Hunt
Louis Braille
Eli Whitney
Leonardo da Vince
Elias Howe
Gugliemo Marconi
Maria E. Allen
Samuel Colt
Melitta Bentz
George Eastman
Robert Fulton
Samuel Morse
Orville and Wilber Wright
James Watt
Benjamin Franklin
Virginia Apgar
Mary Davidson Kenner
Stephine Kwolek
Henry Bessemer
George Fuller
John Ericsson
Martina Kempf
H. I. (Harriet) Irwin
George Westinghouse
Chester Carlson
Johannes Gutenburg
Elijah McCoy
George Washington Carver
Henry Ford

Ida Forbes
Levi Strauss
Alfred B. Nobel
Rudolph Diesel
Marion Donovan
A. Write a script and perform a dramatization of how
they came to their discovery. Create the setting,
costumes, and dialogue that would be appropriate
for the time and place. What earlier experiences
influenced the inventor's later work? Were there
other inventions that preceded this one that the
inventor "piggy-backed" on?
B. Create an "Invention Log" that this famous person
might have kept. What were the major experiments
or events that led to their achievement?


Howard Aiken


Alice King Chatham

Helmet used by Chuck

Yeager when he broke
the sound barrier

Margaret Grimaldi

Space Shuttle Escape


Leo Baekeland


Alexander Fleming


Robert Goddard


Charles Goodyear

Vulcanization of Rubber

Sarah G. Goode

Folding Bed

Katherine Burr Blodgett

Nonreflecting Galss

Frances Gabe

Self-cleaning House

Peter Hodgson

Silly Putty

John Pemberton


Wilhelm C. Roentgen


Anne Connelly

Fire Escape

Mary Anderson

Windshield Wiper

Spencer Silver

Post-it Notes

Vladimir Zworykin


C. Create an editorial cartoon that demonstrates the

positive or negative impact the invention might
have on people, the environment, or the world in
D. Create a timeline of the significant historical events
that occurred ten years before and ten years after
one of these inventions.


There are thousands of inventions that have
dramatically affected human existence. Using the
following timeline as a sample, construct your own
'personal' invention timeline to illustrate the
innovations that you feel have had a significant impact
on your life and that of your family and friends.

Design an ad that would have appeared to promote

the sale of one of the following inventions. Remember
to make it historically accurate. How would it have
changed people's lives during the time when it was
Invention List








Polio Vaccine


Safety Pin


Compact Disc


Air Conditioning

3000 BC



Tape Recorder


Sewing Machine






Steam Locomotive




Magnetic Compass



1,750,000 BC

Flint Tools


Frozen Food


Cotton Gin


Atomic Bomb


Motion Picture

100 BC




Vacuum Cleaner
Chewing Gum
Lawn Mower
Canned Food
Video Camera


"What's in a Name"

a. Knitting machine

These pictures come from actual applications for

patents. Can you correctly identify what each invention
was supposed to do?

b. Needle threader
c. Btcycle seat to discourage

a. One-person movie theater

a. Mouthpiece to prevent snoring
b. Foul-weather shelter
b. Whistle for hikers
c. Germ-free suit for surgeons
c. Device to keep teeth from

a. Sunshade for a baby seat

a. Solar-powered, fan-cooled hat

b. Grapefruit-squirt sheild

b. Advertising sign foa a hat


c. Pin holder
c. Boomerang hat

a. Swing to provide power for a washing

b. Schoolroom scale
c. Chair for protrait

a. Seats for
movie theaters
b. Barbershop
chairs for
c. Mechanical
horses for
teaching riding


Bertolt Brech said: "Intelligence is not to make no
mistakes, but quickly to see how to make them good."
Investigate to find out about some of the most
interesting inventions that happened by mistake. What
were the circumstances that led to the discovery of
popular items such as the ones listed below?

Very few products and inventions have names that

describe what they do. For example, the word "aspirin"
does not give any clue that this product relieves pain.
Make a list of ten items whose names fail to tell what
function the item serves. Then create a new name. For
example, a chair might be renamed as a 'sitdownon.'

Ice Cream Cones

Create an "Inventors Wall of Fame." Have students

gather facts about an inventor and create a poster
display for the exhibit. Include sketches and descriptions
of the invention.

Maple Syrup
Potato Chips

Many famous inventors of the past were men. Why? Do

women today have equal opportunities to be inventors?
Research to find the names of some female inventors in
the past and some in the present who have made
innovative contributions during your lifetime.


Read biographies of famous female inventors who have

made incredible contributions to the invention world from
the following websites. Learn about women inventing in
traditionally male fields, why women are a minority of
patent holders and how that is rapidly changing.


Post-it Notes

Piggy Banks
Silly Putty

Levi Jeans

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Invention Detective
Explore the origins of various intriguing inventions. For
example, how were earmuffs invented? Did you know
that potato chips were an edible accident? Who
developed the concept of a 'sandwich?'

Get Those Creative

Juices Flowing!

Brainstorming is a creative thinking process inventor's
use when they attempt to come up with new ideas.
Sometimes the ideas really come in a flash, like
lightning! Whenever inventors brainstorm, they try to
come up with as many ideas as possible, no matter
how crazy or of-the-wall they may seem. The idea is
to look at something that is familiar and see it inn a
totally new way!

Rules: for Brainstorming

1. Produce as many ideas as
2. Hitchhike on other's ideas.
3. Do not criticize ideas.
4. Think of wild and unusual ideas.


Find a problem that needs solving. What do people need to make like simpler
and easier?
What make life more fun and entertaining?
Think of as many solutions as you can. The greater the number, no matter how
far out or crazy they may seem, the better the chance that you will come up with
something truly creative.
Choose the solution that you feel is the best. Establish criteria to help you judge.
Which one does the job in the simplest, most creative way? Which is the best
solution for the problem?
Make a diagram or illustration of your mental picture.
Keep a log of all of you thoughts, of your insights along the way. Include your
diagrams and sketches. Be sure to date everything.
Check references to be sure that your idea is truly unique. Has anyone else
thought of something that might resemble it? Other similar inventions might help
you refine your ideas.
Build a model of your invention. The first one is called a "breadboard." It a like a
rough draft in writing where you get the basic idea across. As you continue to
improve your idea, your final model, the exact model of your invention will be
called a "prototype."
You will need to see if your model actually works. Does it do what it is assigned
to do? Is it safe?
Can you improve on the design in any way to make it even better?
You need to fill out the proper forms from the United States Patent Office so that
someone else cannot claim that they discovered your invention.
Now that you have something that is unique, a "one-of-a-kind," how will you
advertise it? Who will need your invention? What is the best way to get the word
out to those people who will want to know about it and want to use it?

Try an Idea Checklist!

Invite students to use an idea checklist
(like SCAMPER) to think of more
flexible and original ideas.
Have students use the SCAMPER
technique with the following objects:
Eyeglasses, umbrella, safety pin,
balloon, tire, mug, belt, slipper, boat,
key, candle, spoon, and toothbrush.

Modify, Magnify, Minify
Put To Other Uses
Reverse, Rearrange


Fiction Books
Dreamland. (1996). Written by Roni Schotter.
Illustrated by Kevin Hawkes. Published by Orchard
Books. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-531-09508-8. 40 pages.
(Ages 5-8). In this magical story, Theo, a young boy
who works in his family's tailor shop, draws a series of
dream machines with chutes, slides, ladders, and
leversThe Spinning Machine, The Hoist and Spring,
and Head in the Clouds. Theo's dream machines
eventually come to life as part of an amusement park
built by his uncle Gurney, a fellow dreamer who says,
"There's more to life than measuring and cutting and
keeping to a pattern...There's think and wonder, and
best of all, imagine."
The Flying Dragon Room. (1996). Written by Audrey
Wood. Illustrated by Mark Teague. Published by
Scholastic. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-590-48193-2. 32
pages. (Ages 4-8). In this imaginative tale, Mrs.
Jenkins, a housepainter, lends her special box of tools
to Patrick and invites him to make whatever he wants.
One week later, he takes his parents and Mrs. Jenkins
on a magical tour through his newly created world
the Subterranean Room and its small creature garden,
the Bubble Room, the Friendly Wild Animal Room,
and more. This wonderful story ends with an invitation
to visit Mrs. Jenkins Dragon Room, a special place
where imaginations soar.
The Gadget War. (1991). Written by Betsy Duffey.
Published by Penguin Books. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-670-84152-8. 64 pages. (Ages 8-14). This book
introduces youngsters to the negative and positive
aspects of competition. In this story Kelley is the
undisputed gadget champion of the third grade until
Albert Einstein Jones, an alumnus of Young Inventor's
Camp, moves into her territory. Soon after Albert
makes his presence known, a battle ensues between the
two and escalates to an "I can top that" gadget war.

Ask students to brainstorm a list of

solutions for the following problems:
Contacting a person on a boat that has no phone
Finding a lost pet in a dense forest
Heating a cup of soup on a hike in the mountains
Keeping a casserole from spilling during the car ride to a party
Keeping a pencil tip from breaking
Preventing dust from collecting on a favorite model airplane

Samuel Todd's Book of Great Inventions. (1991).

Written by E.L. Konigsburg. Published by Atheneum
Books. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-689-31680-1. 32 pages.
(Ages 4-7). This humorous and thought-provoking book
takes a look at the world through the eyes of Samuel
Todd, a reflective child who thinks about all the
inventions that make a difference in his lifefrom
mirrors and Velcro to backpacks and french fries.

Try A Direct Analogy!

A direct analogy is a simple comparison
between two objects, ideas or concepts.
Invite students to answer the following
How is a _______ like a _______?
Have them compare items such as an owl
and scientist, elephant and vacuum cleaner,
belt and snake, cloud and mushroom, tire
and balloon, car and clock, or shoe and

Don't Miss
These Great
Fiction Books!
Ben and Me. (1939). Written by Robert Lawson. Published
by Little, Brown and Company. Paperback. ISBN:
0-316-51730-5. 114 pages. (Ages 8-12).
Captain Snap and the Children of Vinegar Lane. (1989).
Written by Roni Schotter. Illustrated by Marcia Sewall.
Published by Orchard Books. Paperback. ISBN:
0-531-07038-7. 32 pages. (Ages 4-8).
Dear Mr. Henshaw. (1983). Written by Beverly Cleary.
Published by William Morrow. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-688-02405-X. 144 pages. (Ages 8-12).
Ruby Mae Has Something to Say. (1992). Written by
David Small. Published by Crown. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-517-58248-1. 32 pages. (Ages 4-8).


Nonfiction Books
The Age of Technology: 19th Century American
Inventors. (1997). Edited by David C. King.
Published by Discovery Enterprises. Paperback. ISBN:
1-878668-64-1. 64 pages. (Ages 11 and up). This
intriguing anthology features lab notes, peer criticism,
journals, and letters from some of America's greatest
inventors including Eli Whitney, Thomas Edison and
Benjamin Banneker.

DK Pockets: Inventions. (1995). Written by Eryl

Davies. Published by DK Publishing. Distributed by
Houghton Mifflin. Paperback. ISBN: 1-56458-889-0.
160 pages. (Ages 12 and up). This comprehensive,
pocket-sized reference book contains essential facts,
charts, lists, and full-color photographs that introduce
the reader to the world of inventions and their

Amazing Pop-up House of Inventions. (2000).

Written b y Robert Crowther. Published by
Candlewick Press. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-763608-10-6.
12 pages. (Ages 4 to 8). In this remarkable, elaborate
pop-up book by a master paper engineer, readers learn
scads of fun facts about everyday household items,
such as CDs, nylon stockings, skateboards,
refrigerators, belt buckles, piggy banks, pens, cameras,
and sandwiches. Trivia buffs and regular humans alike
will gawk in delighted wonder at this interactive, 3-D
paper extravaganza, with oven doors you can open,
videos you can insert into a VCR, model train sets you
can spin around a track, and a shower curtain you can
pull back. Discover some incredible, entertaining, and
amusing facts about objects you never looked twice at

Eyewitness Science: Technology. (1995). Written by

Roger Bridgman. Published by DK Publishing.
Distributed by Houghton Mifflin. Hardcover. ISBN:
1-56458-883-1. 64 pages. (Ages 8 and up). This
colorful resource uses photographs, illustrations and
accurate facts to explore the ways technology has
transformed everyday life. This fascinating book
describes how technology has affected materials
(metal, glass, wood, and plastic) and other aspects of
daily living (communication, measurement, industry,
medicine, and electronics/computers). Another title of
interest includes: Eyewitness Science: Electronics
(ISBN: 1-56458-324-4).

The Children's Atlas of Scientific Discoveries and

Inventions: The Earliest Discoveries of Humans
and the Flights of Imagination Which Brought
About. (1997) Written by Andrew Dunn. Published by
Millbrook Press. Paperback. ASIN: 0-761302-41-7. 96
pages. (Ages 9 to 12). Beginning with the discovery
of fire, this comprehensive book traces discoveries and
inventions right up through history to the future of
space travel. In sections entitled "Technology and the
Birth of Ideas," "Communications and Travel,"
"Learning About Life," and "Astronomy and
Cosmology," factual information is highlighted with
full-color illustrations, photographs, maps, charts, and
graphs. The wealth of wonders contained in these
pages is sure to inspire ideas in the minds of eager
readers and aspiring inventors.

"Nothing is more important than to see

the sources of invention, which are, in
my opinion, more interesting than the
inventions themselves."
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz

Feminine Ingenuity: How Women Inventors

Changed America. (1994). Written by Anne L.
Macdonald. Published by Random House. Paperback.
ISBN: 0-345-38314-1. 528 pages. (Ages 16 and up).
The author uses information obtained from the U.S.
Patent Office archives, magazines, fairs and
expositions, journals, lectures, and manuscripts to
discuss patent-holding women and their contributions
to technology, science and engineering.

Theme-Based Magazines
The following magazines contain inventionrelated information. These magazine back issues
were published by Cobblestone Publishing, 7
School Street, Peterborough, NH 03458-1454.
800-821-0115. Price: $4.50, 10% shipping and
handling. 48 pages. (Grades 4-9).
African American Inventors
Thomas Edison
Women Inventors

Inventions of the World


Nonfiction Books
Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious
Inventions by Women. (2000). Written by Catherine
Thimmesh. Published by Houghton Mifflin. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0-395937-44-2. 64 pages. (Ages 9 to 12). This
very attractive, informative book will find an audience
among browsers and report writers alike. Ten women
and two girls are given a few pages each. Included are
Mary Anderson, who invented the windshield wiper
(after she was told it wouldn't work); Ruth Wakefield,
who, by throwing chunks of chocolate in her cookie
batter, gave Toll House cookies to the world; and young
Becky Schroeder, who invented Glo-paper because she
wanted to write in the dark. The text is written in a
fresh, breezy manner, but it is the artwork that is really
outstanding. The endpapers list women inventors,
beginning at 3000 B.C., when silk was invented by a
Chinese empress. The final section tells girls how to
patent their inventions, and an informed bibliography
and Web site list will help them do just that.

History and Invention Series: The Clock and How It

Changed the World. (1995). Written by Michael
Pollard. Published by Facts On File. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-8160-3142-8. 48 pages. (Ages 9 and up). This volume
traces the historical development of the clock and
describes the impact this invention has had on the world.
This book contains well-written text accompanied by
full-color illustrations, photographs, and maps.

Great Inventions. (1995). Edited by Richard Wood.

Published by Time-Life. ISBN: 0-7835-4766-8. 64
pages. (Ages 8 and up). This visually appealing
resource uses colorful photographs, illustrations,
labeled diagrams, lively text, interactive questions,
timelines, and an illustrated fold-out to show how
inventions define the way people work, play, prosper,
and communicate. This book takes a close-up look at
the origins, functions, inner workings, and impacts of
various inventions such as umbrellas, conveyor belts,
fax machines, games, weapons, and cars.

History and Invention Series: The Wheel and How It

Changed the World. (1995). Written by Ian Locke.
Published by Facts On File. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-8160-3143-6. 48 pages. (Ages 9 and up). This book
invites youngsters to travel back in time and follow the
invention and reinvention of the wheel. From early
potter's wheels and medieval torture wheels to 19th
century flywheels, students will enjoy learning how past
civilizations have adapted and used this prehistoric
invention. This book contains well-written text
accompanied by full-color illustrations, photographs,
and maps.

Historical Inventions on File. (1994). Written by The

Diagram Group. Published by Facts On File. Loose-leaf
Bound. ISBN: 0-8160-2911-3. 288 pages. (Ages 9 and
up). This volume takes students step-by-step through
the development of some of the world's greatest
inventions, describes the science and technology behind
each invention, presents more than sixty-five hands-on
projects, and provides accurate timelines and
chronologies. Students will enjoy using this
comprehensive resource to learn about the origins and
impacts of dozens of inventions such as the refracting
telescope, sundial, telegraph, windmill, and loom.

"Inventing is a combination of brains and

materials. The more brains you use, the
less material you need."
Charles F. Kettering

History and Invention Series: The Light Bulb and

How It Changed the World. (1995). Written by
Michael Pollard. Published by Facts On File. ISBN:
0-8160-3145-2. 48 pages. (Ages 9 and up). This
interesting resource reviews the electric inventions that
preceded Thomas Edison's light bulb (battery, telegraph,
and telephone) and discusses how electricity has been
generated, supplied, and used ever since. This book
contains well-written text accompanied by full-color
illustrations, photographs, and maps.

Ideas That Changed the World Series. (1995). Written

by Philip Wilkinson. Illustrated by Robert Ingpen.
Published by Chelsea House. Hardcover. 96 pages.
(Ages 10 and up). This series uses stunning illustrations
and accurate text to document the progress of ideas that
transformed the world. From the first stone tools to the
most advanced computer technology, these books
describe the moment of invention, the key people
involved, and how the ideas developed.
Titles of interest include:
Art and Technology Through the Ages
(ISBN: 0-7910-2769-4)
The Early Inventions (ISBN: 0-7910-2766-X)
The Industrial Revolution (ISBN: 0-7910-2767-8)
Transportation (ISBN: 0-7910-2768-6)


Nonfiction Books
Imaginitive Inventions: The Who, What, Where,
When, and Why of Roller Skates, Potato Chips,
Marbles, and Pie (and More!). (2001). Written by
Charise Mericle Harper. Published by Little, Brown, &
Company. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-316347-25-6. 32 pages.
(Ages 4 to 8). This edifying volume explains how such
everyday things such as gum, skates, and potato chips
came to be. The book is pleasently illustrated with
naive portraits of inventors at work, frames spread with
a thematic border, and trivia about the subjects. With its
crazy-quilt visual patterns, bouncy stanzas and fun
facts, this miscellany zigzags between informational
and whimsical.
Invention in America. (1995). Written by Russell
Bourne. Published by Fulcrum Publishing. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1-55591-231-1. 152 pages. (Ages 10 and up).
This book uses lively and instructive images from the
Library of Congress to introduce readers to American
inventions. This insightful resource focuses on the
impact technological progress has had on the American
Inventions That Changed Modern Life. (1994).
Written by L. Markham. Published by Raintree SteckVaughn. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-8114-4930-0. 48 pages.
(Ages 9-14). This volume from the 20 Events series
describes twenty inventions that have had a significant
impact on the modern world. The author presents
detailed information about important inventions such as
the steam engine, electric light bulb, sewing machine,
telephone, television, and computer. This book also
includes colorful photographs, charts, diagrams, a
glossary, and a reading list. Other titles of interest from
this series include: Discoveries That Changed Science
(1995) and Transportation Milestones and
Breakthroughs (1995).
Inventors. (1996). Written by Martin W. Sandler.
Published by HarperCollins. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-06-024923-4. 96 pages. (Ages 8 and up). The author
uses hundreds of vintage photographs from the archives
of the Library of Congress to explore great American
inventors. He discusses how these creative individuals
have revolutionized life through their world-altering
inventions such as the telegraph, television, airplane,
skyscraper, and much more.

Mistakes That Worked. (1991). Written by Charlotte

F. Jones. Illustrated by John O'Brien. Published by
Doubleday. Paperback. ISBN: 0-385-32043-4. 96
pages. (Ages 8-12). Students will enjoy reading this
fascinating book about the role serendipity played in the
development of such inventions as penicillin, potato
chips, trouser cuffs, Silly Putty, Post-It Notes, and the
Nature Got There First: Inventions Inspired by
Nature. (1995). Written by Phil Gates. Published by
Kingfisher Books. Distributed by Raintree SteckVaughn. Hardcover. ISBN: 1-85697-587-8. 80 pages.
(Ages 9-13). This exciting resource explores the
parallels between natural solutions and man-made
inventions. The author uses close-up photographs,
illustrations and lively text to describe how nature has
inspired various inventions such as jet engines, Velcro,
chisels, outerwear, and much more.
The Picture History of Great Inventors. (1994).
Written by Gillian Clements. Published by Alfred A.
Knopf. Paperback. ISBN: 0-679-84787-1. 80 pages.
(Ages 8-12). This illustrated resource presents a
decade-by-decade look at the achievements of many of
the world's greatest inventors. In addition to facts and
anecdotes about individual inventors, this book also
provides a pictorial timeline of major events at the
bottom of each page.
Possible Dreams: Enthusiasm for Technology in
America. (1992). Edited by John L. Wright. Published
by Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village.
Distributed by Independent Publishers Group.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-933728-35-2. 128 pages. (Ages 12
and up). This book explores American invention from
Benjamin Franklin's legendary kite to nuclear weapons.
Colorful photographs and more than 100 period
illustrations fill the pages of this useful reference.

"At first people refuse to believe that a

strange new thing can be done, then they
begin to hope it can be done, then they
see it can be donethen it is done and all
the world wonders why it was not done
centuries ago."
Frances Hodgson Burnett


Nonfiction Books
Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions. (1994).
Written by Richard Platt. Published by DK Publishing.
Distributed by Houghton Mifflin. Hardcover. ISBN:
1-56458-675-8. 64 pages. (Ages 8 and up). This
outstanding reference book charts the entire history of
human ingenuity from the first prehistoric tools and
weapons created 600,000 years ago to the future of
genetic engineering and microelectronics. Featuring
more than 400 inventions that changed the world, this
resource contains a running chronology of world events
and arranges the inventions chronologically (date, name
of inventor, country of origin, and a brief description
accompanies each entry) and thematically (entries are
organized into four categoriescounting and
communication, daily life and health, agriculture and
industry, and travel and conquest). Accurate
information, hundreds of photographs and colorful
illustrations fill the pages of this fascinating resource.
Other titles of interest include: Visual Timeline of
Transportation written by Anthony Wilson (ISBN:
1-56458-880-7) and Visual Timeline of the Twentieth
Century written by Simon Adams (ISBN:
They All Laughed...From Light Bulbs to Lasers: The
Fascinating Stories Behind The Great Inventions
That Have Changed Our Lives. (1993). Written by Ira
Flatow. Published by HarperCollins. Paperback. ISBN:
0-06-092415-2. 256 pages. (Ages 12 and up). This
exciting resource takes a behind-the-scenes look at the
development and evolution of various inventions.
Students will enjoy reading about how the first
commercial fax machine was invented in 1843, how a
melted candy bar led to the microwave oven, and the
truth about Ben Franklin's famous kite experiments.
Toys! Amazing Stories Behind Some Great
Inventions. (2000). Written by Don Wulffson.
Publisged by Henry Holt. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-805061-96-7. 128 pages. Ages (9 to 12). This book
containes quirky tales behind more than two dozen
novelties, gadgets, and games, from playing cards and
wind-up toys to Play-Doh. Some (tops, seesaws) have
long histories, some (whoopee cushions) only seem to
have been around forever, and some (Trivial Pursuit)
are of recent vintage. The generalizations may
sometimes shade over into oversimplifications, but the
accounts of the origins of super balls, Raggedy Ann,
Legos, Twister, Pong and the like will give middle

graders new insight into their parents' misspent youths

and a bibliography and a list of Web sites will give readers
who want all the details a head start.
The Usborne Book of Inventors. (1994). Written by
Struan Reid and Patricia Fara. Published by EDC.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-7460-0705-1. 48 pages. (Ages 8-12).
This book uses charts, illustrations, detailed cutaways,
diagrams, archival photographs, and informative
descriptions to chronicle the successes and failures of
some of the world's most famous inventors such as
Galileo Galilei, Henry Ford, Johannes Gutenberg, and
Thomas Edison.
Visual Timeline of Inventions. (2001). Written by
Richard Platt. Published by DK Publishing. Distributed by
Houghton Mifflin. Hardcover. ISBN: 1-564586-75-8. 64
pages. (Ages 4 to 8). Clear photographs and drawings set
against a bright white background will attract readers to
this book. A time line of world events anchors each page,
with the remainder of the page divided into four sections:
"Counting & Communication"; "Daily Life & Health";
"Agriculture & Industry"; and "Travel & Conquest." This
is a fascinating book to browse, leading readers on a
sweep through history extending from the discovery of
fire and the making of the wheel to the invention of virtual
What's Inside? Great Inventions. (1993). Written by
Dorling Kindersley. Published by DK Publishing.
Distributed by Houghton Mifflin. Hardcover. ISBN: 156458-220-5. 18 pages. (Ages 4-8). This clever
introductory text uses clear photographs, cutaway
illustrations and brief captions to illustrate the function
and inner workings of historical inventions such as the
radio, flush toilet and telephone.
Working at Inventing: Thomas A. Edison and the
Menlo Park Experience. (1989). Edited by William S.
Pretzer. Published by Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield
Village. Distributed by Independent Publishers Group.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-933728-34-4. 142 pages. (Ages 12
and up). Thomas Edison hand-picked a select group of
craftsmen to help him develop the phonograph, electric
light bulb, and more at his successful Menlo Park
Laboratory. This book recreates this exciting experience
through photographs, drawings, reproductions of the
inventors' detailed drawings, and manuscript excerpts.


How Things Work

How Things Work. (1996). Written by Ian Graham.
Published by Time-Life. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-8094-9249-0. 64 pages. (Ages 8 and up). This
dynamic reference uses colorful illustrations,
photographs, cutaways, labeled diagrams, and lively
text to explain the basic functions and principles
behind machines such as fax machines, microwave
ovens, windmills, cars, binoculars, and computers.
This resource also includes interactive questions,
activities, and an illustrated fold-out.
Machines and How They Work. (1991). Written by
David Burnie. Published by DK Publishing, Inc.
Distributed by Houghton Mifflin. Hardcover. ISBN:
1-879431-15-7. 64 pages. (Ages 8 and up). This book
uses detailed, full-color cutaway illustrations to
explore the functions and inner workings of different
machines such as clocks, steam engines, bulldozers,
bicycles, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, cameras, and
101 Questions and Answers: How Things Work.
(1995). Written by Ian Graham. Published by Facts On
File. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-8160-3218-1. 48 pages.
(Ages 8 and up). This resource takes a close-up look at
the inner workings of various machines and everyday
devices. This informative book uses clear explanations
and colorful drawings and diagrams to show
youngsters how different inventions work.

Videos About
The Invention Process
and Amazing Inventors
From Dreams to Reality: A Tribute to
Minority Inventors. Available from a local
Patent and Trademark Depository Library or the
Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, Washington, DC 20231.
Price: Free. (Grades 3-12). This award-winning
video takes a look at the experiences of minority
inventors and shows students that dreams can
become reality through hard work and

Scholastic First Encyclopedia: How Things Work.

(1995). Written by Claire Llewellyn. Edited by
Scholastic Reference Editors. Published by Scholastic.
Hardcover. ISBN: 0-590-47529-0. 96 pages. (Ages 6
and up). This helpful resource explains how everyday
items such as guitars, bridges and clocks are made,
built and used. This book contains colorful
photographs, detailed illustrations, diagrams, and
interesting facts.
Stephen Biesty's Incredible Cross-Sections. (1992).
Written by Richard Platt. Illustrated by Stephen Biesty.
Published by Alfred A. Knopf. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-679-81411-6. 48 pages. (Ages 8 and up). This
resource contains a unique collection of cross-sections
that explain the inner workings of real machines and
buildings from around the world. Youngsters will
enjoy looking at Stephen Biesty's incredibly detailed
cutaway illustrations of different structures (castle,
factory, subway station) and machines (submarine,
tank, space shuttle).
The Ultimate Book of Cross-Sections. (1996).
Published by DK Publishing, Inc. Distributed by
Houghton Mifflin. Hardcover. ISBN: 1-7894-1195-4.
304 pages. (Ages 8 and up). This fascinating book uses
informative text and detailed, full-color cutaway
illustrations to explore the inner workings of various
vehicles and machines such as cars, trains, trucks,
tanks, bulldozers, rescue vehicles, record breakers,
planes, ships, jets, and spacecraft.
The Way Things Work. (1988). Written by David
Macaulay. Published by Houghton Mifflin. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0-395-42857-2. 384 pages. (Ages 8 and up).
This award-winning reference uses detailed cutaway
illustrations, diagrams, and fascinating explanations to
describe the inner workings of hundreds of everyday
gadgets and machines such as zippers, hang gliders,
televisions, musical instruments, and refrigerators.
Arranged in four sections (Movement, Harnessing the
Elements, Working with Waves, and Electricity &
Automation), this comprehensive book demonstrates
how machines work and how they are connected to
other inventions. This entertaining and informative
publication also uses humorous analogies about a
woolly mammoth to illustrate the scientific principles
behind various inventions.


A Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin. (1990).
Written by David Adler. Illustrated by John and
Alexandra Wallner. Published by Holiday House.
Hardcover. ISBN: 0-8234-0792-6. 32 pages. (Ages 48).
A Picture Book of Thomas Alva Edison. (1996).
Written by David Adler. Illustrated by John and
Alexandra Wallner. Published by Holiday House.
Hardcover. ISBN: 0-8234-1246-6. 32 pages. (Ages 48).
A Pocketful of Goobers: A Story about George
Washington Carver. (1986). Written by Barbara
Mitchell. Illustrated by Peter E. Hanson. Published by
Carolrhoda Books. Paperback. ISBN: 0-87614-474-1.
64 pages. (Ages 8-12).

Galileo and the Universe. (1995). Written by Steve

Parker. Published by Chelsea House. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-7190-3008-3. 32 pages. (Ages 8 and up).
Great Black Heroes: Five Notable Inventors. (1995).
Written by Wade Hudson. Illustrated by Ron Garnett.
Published by Scholastic. Paperback. ISBN:
0-590-48033-2. 48 pages. (Ages 7-9).
Great Lives: Invention and Technology. (1991).
Written by Milton Lomask. Published by Atheneum
Books. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-684-19106-7. 288 pages.
(Ages 9-12). This collection contains the profiles of
twenty-seven inventors and technologists whose
discoveries have radically changed the world. Students
will enjoy reading about the ideas and accomplishments
of such famous individuals as Thomas Edison, Orville
and Wilbur Wright, Enrico Fermi, and Robert Goddard.

American Profiles Series: Twentieth Century

Inventors. (1991). Written by Nathan Aaseng.
Published by Facts On File. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-81602485-5. 144 pages. (Ages 10 and up).

Guglielmo Marconi and Radio. (1995). Written by

Steve Parker. Published by Chelsea House. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0-7910-3009-1. 32 pages. (Ages 8 and up).

American Profiles Series: Women Inventors. (1997).

Written by Linda Jacobs Altman. Published by Facts On
File. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-8160-3385-4. 128 pages.
(Ages 10 and up).

Henry Ford: Young Man With Ideas. (1986). Written

by Hazel B. Aird and Catherine Ruddiman. Published
by Macmillan. Paperback. ISBN: 0-02-041910-4. 192
pages. (Ages 8-12).

Benjamin Franklin and Electricity. (1995). Written

by Steve Parker. Published by Chelsea House.
Hardcover. ISBN: 0-7910-3006-7. 32 pages. (Ages 8
and up).

The Importance of Benjamin Franklin. (1992).

Written by Gail B. Stewart. Published by Lucent Books.
Distributed by Greenhaven Press. Hardcover. ISBN:
1-56006-026-3. 112 pages. (Ages 9 and up).

Black Pioneers of Science and Invention. (1970).

Written by Louis Haber. Published by Harcourt Brace
and Company. Paperback. ISBN: 0-15-208566-1. 192
pages. (Ages 10 and up).

Louis Braille: The Boy Who Invented Books for the

Blind. (1991). Written by Margaret Davidson.
Illustrated by Janet Compere. Published by Scholastic.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-590-44350-X. 80 pages. (Ages 710).

Click! A Story about George Eastman. (1986).

Written by Barbara Mitchell. Illustrated by Jan Hosking
Smith. Published by Carolrhoda Books. Paperback.
ISBN: 0-87614-472-5. 64 pages. (Ages 8-12).
Fine Print: A Story about Johann Gutenberg.
(1991). Written by Joann Johansen Burch. Illustrated by
Kent Alan Aldrich. Published by Carolrhoda Books.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-87614-565-9. 64 pages. (Ages 812).

Nikola Tesla: A Spark of Genius. (1994). Written by

Carol Dommermuth-Costa. Published by Lerner
Publications. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-8225-4920-4. 144
pages. (Ages 10 and up).
Outward Dreams: Black Inventors and Their
Inventions. (1991). Written by Jim Haskins. Published
by Walker and Company. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-8027-6993-4. 128 pages. (Ages 8 and up).


Pioneer Plowmaker: A Story about John Deere.
(1990). Written by David R. Collins. Illustrated by Steve
Michaels. Published by Carolrhoda Books. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0-87614-424-5. 64 pages. (Ages 8-12).
Starry Messenger: Galileo Galilei. (1996). Written by
Peter Sis. Published by Farrar. Hardcover. ISBN:
0-374-37191-1. 40 pages. (Ages 6 and up).
The Story of Thomas Alva Edison, Inventor: The
Wizard of Menlo Park. (1990). Written by Margaret
Davidson. Published by Scholastic. Paperback. ISBN: 0590-42403-3. 64 pages. (Ages 7-10).
Thomas Alva Edison, Great Inventor. (1996). Written
by Nancy Levinson. Published by Scholastic.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-590-52767-3. 64 pages. (Ages 812).
Thomas Alva Edison: The King of Inventors. (1995).
Written by David C. King. Published by Discovery
Enterprises. Paperback. ISBN: 1-878668-55-2. 88
pages. (Ages 10 and up).
Thomas Edison and Electricity. (1995). Written by
Steve Parker. Published by Chelsea House. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0-7910-3012-1. 32 pages. (Ages 8 and up).

The Wright Brothers and Aviation. (1995). Written by

Steve Parker. Published by Chelsea House. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0-7910-3013-X. 32 pages. (Ages 8 and up).

Tips From A Kid Inventor

Graham Beattie, a Grade 5 student from Toronto,
Canada who developed a knapsack that electronically
checks its contents, has some advice to share with
other student inventors:
Get an idea. Your idea should be original and you
should be able to carry it out.
Do careful research on the processes required to
make your invention work.
Make a complete list of materials you are going to
need. Warehouses are great places to buy
electronic equipment.
After you have planned your invention on paper,
make a prototype to see if it really works. There
will probably be some problems. Solve them!
Remember to keep an inventor's journal and list
your ideas, modifications, resources, failures,
successes, and all of the steps you took each
day. Have an adult sign it at regular intervals. You
may want to patent your invention. If you do,your
inventor's journal is essential evidence of the
originality of your ideas.

Thomas Edison: Great American Inventor. (1995).

Written by Shelley Bedik. Published by Scholastic.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-590-48357-9. 32 pages. (Ages 5-8).

Answers for
We'll Race You, Henry: A Story about Henry Ford.
(1986). Written by Barbara Mitchell. Illustrated by
Kathy Haubrich. Published by Carolrhoda Books.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-87614-471-7. 64 pages. (Ages 812).
The Wizard of Sound: A Story about Thomas
Edison. (1991). Written by Barbara Mitchell. Illustrated
by Hetty Mitchell. Published by Carolrhoda Books.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-87614-563-2. 64 pages. (Ages 812).
The Wright Brothers: How They Invented the
Airplane. (1991). Written by Russell Freedman.
Published by Holiday House. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-82340875-2. 144 pages. (Ages 8 and up).

Just for Students

(See Page 27)
Invention Scramblers: Alexander Graham Bell
(Telephone), Henry Ford (Automobile), Chester
Greenwood (Earmuffs), Whitcomb Judson (Zipper), Eva
Landman (Umbrella), Joseph Merlin (Roller Skates),
James Naismith (Basketball), Levi Straus (Jeans), Ruth
Wakefield (Chocolate Chip Cookies), Eli Whitney
(Cotton Gin).
Mystery Inventions: Ivory Soap, Chewing Gum, Frisbee,
Velcro, Drinking Straw, Submarine, Air Conditioner,
Light Bulb, Sewing Machine.
Who Am I?: Mark Twain, Thomas Edison (1,093
patents), George Washington.


Activity Books and Kits

The Ben Franklin Book of Easy and Incredible
Experiments: Activities, Projects, and Science Fun.
(1995). Written by Franklin Institute Science Museum
Staff. Published by John Wiley and Sons. Paperback.
ISBN: 0-471-07638-4. 131 pages. (Ages 8 and up). This
hands-on activity book contains experiments and
projects that focus on some of Benjamin Franklin's
favorite topicsobservation and experimentation,
meteorology, electricity, sound and music, paper and
printing, and lenses and vision. The activities in this
exciting resource invite students to build an optical eye
shop, make a weather station, create an orchestra,
construct a printing press, and much more.
Boston Museum of Science Inventor's Workshop.
(1994). Written by Belinda Recio. Published by
Running Press. ISBN: 1-56138-459-3. (Ages 8 and up).
This entertaining kit includes a 64-page fully-illustrated
handbook about inventions and inventive thinking, a
working electric motor, and a pack of inventor's
materials including a propeller, gears, and much more.
Students can use this kit to develop their thinking skills,
generate new ideas, learn scientific principles, and
invent new devices such as a time-keeping machine, a
music maker, and a telescoping machine.
Inventing Stuff. (1995). Written by Ed Sobey.
Published by Dale Seymour. Paperback. ISBN: 086651-937-8. 64 pages. (Ages 10 and up). This useful
resource shows students how to tap their creativity and
ingenuity and invent toys, games, and solutions to
everyday problems. The author presents a series of
challenges that invite students to gather and modify
ideas and develop working inventions. In addition to
providing interesting student activities, experiments and
helpful advice, this book also contains suggestions for
teachers and parents who are looking for ways to
encourage student involvement in the invention process.
Inventors Workshop. (1981). Written by Alan
McCormack. Published by Fearon Teacher Aids.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-8224-9783-2. 96 pages. (Ages 8
and up). The author combines elements of mystery,
humor, fantasy, and scientific principles to develop
twenty-five challenging projects that invite students to
create fun-to-make inventions, gadgets and devices.
Youngsters will enjoy using easy-to-find materials to
construct a bubble-making machine, a toothpaste
dispenser, a candle-powered steamboat, and much more.

Lucky Science: Accidental Discoveries from Gravity

to Velcro, with Experiments. (1994). Written by
Royston Roberts and Jeanie Roberts. Published by John
Wiley and Sons. Paperback. ISBN: 0-471-00954-7. 128
pages. (Ages 10-15). This fun, easy-to-follow activity
book contains twenty experiments that recreate
accidental scientific breakthroughs from history. The
authors invite students to roll up their sleeves and relive
serendipitous discoveries such as gravity, photography,
Velcro, Silly Putty, and Corn Flakes. In addition to
simple activities, this resource also includes amusing
historical anecdotes and colorful biographical sketches
of the lucky people who made these accidental
Steven Caney's Invention Book. (1985). Written by
Steven Caney. Published by Workman Publishing.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-89480-076-0. 208 pages. (Ages 814). This book presents a comprehensive introduction to
the world of inventing. Young inventors will treasure
this fascinating collection of illustrations, diagrams,
photographs, charts, activity ideas, advice, facts, and
stories. This resource highlights each step of the
invention process: getting started, creating an inventor's
workshop, keeping a notebook, planning, developing
prototypes and product names, applying for patents, and
marketing the final product. The author also provides
twenty-five intriguing stories about common inventions
such as chocolate chip cookies, earmuffs, milk bottles,
and zippers.
The Thomas Edison Book of Easy and Incredible
Experiments: Activities, Projects, and Science Fun
for All Ages. (1988). Written by The Thomas Alva
Edison Foundation. Published by John Wiley and Sons.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-471-62090-4. 160 pages. (Ages 8
and up). This activity book invites youngsters to
conduct scientific experiments and activities based on
some of Thomas Edison's favorite topicschemistry,
electricity, magnetism, electrochemistry, physics,
energy, and environmental studies. This resource
contains illustrations, step-by-step instructions for
experiments, and stories and pictures about Thomas
Edison. Scientific "tinkering" is definitely encouraged!

"Invention breeds invention."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Teacher Materials
From Indian Corn to Outer Space: Women Invent
in America. (1995). Written by Ellen H. Showell and
Fred M.B. Amram. Published by Cobblestone
Publishing. Paperback. ISBN: 0-942389-10-7. 160
pages. (Grades 4-9). This outstanding book takes a
close-up look at the lives and accomplishments of
women inventors in America. This resource contains a
collection of descriptive summaries, engaging firstperson narratives, photographs and illustrations, and
interdisciplinary, hands-on classroom activities
(projects, discussion questions, puzzles, games, and
contests). In addition to learning about famous women
inventors, readers also explore the invention process
from idea generation to patent acquisition. Extensive
appendices include lists of invention programs,
contests, books, magazines, videos, kits, camps, great
places to visit, and much more.
Invent: A Simulation of Inventors and the Invention
Process. (1994). Written by Beth Arner. Published by
Interact. (Grades 4-8). Based on the recommendations
of Benjamin Bloom (higher level thinking skills) and
Howard Gardner (multiple intelligences), this
simulation challenges students to develop their problem
solving, creativity, communication, and research skills.
Activities invite students to research a famous inventor
and his/her invention, design their own Rube Goldberg
invention, develop an original invention that would help
a familiar character in literature, create a personal
invention, keep an invention log, conduct a survey,
patent and market their own invention, explain the
benefits and hazards of their invention, and participate
in a Thomas Edison Day (culminating activity that
invites students to display their inventions,
advertisements, patents, and drawings).
Inventing, Inventions, Inventors: A Teaching
Resource Book. (1989). Written by Jerry D. Flack.
Published by Teacher Ideas Press. Paperback. ISBN: 087287-747-7. 148 pages. (Grades 4-12). This
informative resource book provides dozens of exciting
ways to integrate the study of invention into the regular
curriculum. In addition to a collection of enrichment
activities and creative thinking exercises, this volume
also includes information about the invention process,
descriptions of creative thinking techniques, quotations
about inventing, a list of invention contests and
programs, and a resource bibliography.

Inventions & Extensions: High-Interest, Creative

Thinking Activities. (1991). Written by Doris Spivack
and Geri Blond. Published by Incentive Publications.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-86530-209-X. 64 pages. (Grades 37). This collection of more than thirty units taps into kids'
natural curiosity about how things work. Each unit
focuses on a famous invention (telephone, dictionary,
Braille alphabet, etc.) and its inventor. This unique
resource is designed to help teachers promote amazing
discoveries in their own classroom.
Inventions, Inventors and You. (1985). Written by
Dianne Draze. Published by Dandy Lion Publications.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-931724-35-X. 64 pages. (Grades 37). This activity/resource book discusses the
characteristics of inventors, describes worthwhile
inventions and how these innovations influence our lives,
takes a close-up look at creativity and idea development,
and provides techniques for promoting inventive and
creative thinking skills. This resource contains directed
lessons, warm-up questions, learning centers,
reproducible worksheets, project ideas, and a reference
Inventors: A Source Guide for Self-Directed Units.
(1989). Written by Sally J. Patton and Margaret Maletis.
Published by Zephyr Press. Paperback. ISBN: 0-91370535-7. 72 pages. (Grades 2-6). This book examines the
lives of Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin,
Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, George
Washington Carver, and Orville and Wilbur Wright. The
authors include in-depth background information for the
teacher, up to 100 reproducible activities, a
comprehensive listing of reference materials, and a
complete bibliography.
Untrapping Your Inventiveness: Lessons in Creative
Thinking and the Inventive Process. (1992). Written by
Janet DiSilvestro and Judy Riley. Illustrated by Christina
Smith. Published by Creative Learning Press. Paperback.
ISBN: 0-93638-61. 192 pages. (Grades 5-12). This
creativity unit is designed to motivate and inspire
students to develop their creative and inventive thinking
skills. Based on the Enrichment Triad Model and
Creative Problem Solving, this collection of activities
moves students through the processes and skills needed
for creative thinking and inventing. Each lesson contains
a list of objectives, Type II skills, materials, warm-ups,
activities, questions, debriefing ideas, charts, and forms.


Organizations and Associations

Affiliated Inventors Foundation
1405 Potter Drive, #107
Colorado Springs, CO 80909-3516
Fax: (719) 380-1234
American Intellectual Property Law
2001 Jefferson Davis Highway,
Suite 203
Arlington, VA 22202
Phone: (703) 415-0780
Fax: (703) 415-0786
The American Society of Inventors,
Inc. (ASI)
P.O. Box 58426
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: (215) 546-6601
Bruce Sawyer Inventor Center
606 Healdsburg Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (707) 524-1773

Innovation Institute
901 South National Avenue
Springfield, MO 65804
Phone: (417) 836-5671
Intellectual Property Owners (IPO)
1255 Twenty-Third Street NW,
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (202) 466-2396
Fax: (202) 466-2893

National Congress of Inventor

Organizations (NCIO)
P.O. Box 93669
Los Angeles, CA 90093-6690
Toll Free: (888) 695-4450
Fax: (213) 947-1079
National Inventive Thinking
Association (NITA)
P.O. Box 836202
Richardson, TX 75083
Phone: (972) 448-2847

Inventors Assistance League

International (IMI)
National Inventors Foundation (NIF)
403 South Central Avenue
Glendale, CA 91204
Phone: (818) 246-6548
Toll Free: (877) 433-2246
Inventure Place
National Inventors Hall of Fame
221 South Broadway Street
Akron, OH 44308
Phone: (330) 762-4463
Fax: (330) 762-6313

Project XL
Office of Public Affairs
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Washington, DC 20231
Phone: (703) 305-8341
Project XL, an outreach program of the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, is designed to encourage the development
of inventive thinking and problem solving skills through
national and regional workshops, teaching materials and kits,
and programs offered in partnership with the National
Inventive Thinking Association and other private and public
organizations. They offer free copies of the following
publications: Inventive Thinking Curriculum Project, Black
Innovators: Inspiring a New Generation, and Inventive
Thinking Resources Directory.

This association promotes inventive

and creative thinking through
education and the networking of
community and national resources.
They provide information and ideas
through a newsletter, a network of
schools, and an annual conference
(National Creative and Inventive
Thinking Skills Conference and
Workshops). For membership
information contact the above address.
United Inventors Association of the
United States
P.O. Box 23447
Rochester, NY 14692-3447
Phone: (716) 264-1778
Fax: (301) 963-7403

United States Copyright Office

Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20559-6000
Information Line: (202) 707-3000
Forms Hotline: (202) 707-9100
United States Patent and
Trademark Office
U.S. Department of Commerce
Crystal Park 3, Suite 441
Washington, DC 20231
General Info. Line: (800) 786-9199
Phone: (703) 308-HELP
General Information Services Division
Crystal Plaza 3, Room 2C02,
Washington, DC 20231


Enter A

Duracell/NSTA Scholarship

This contest challenges students to design and build an original

working device that is powered by Duracell batteries. The
invention must be portable, self-contained and able to operate
independent of supplementary equipment. Students are asked to
submit a typed, double-spaced description of the device (no
longer than two pages), a photograph, a wiring diagram, and an
official entry form.
Grade Levels: 7-12 (individuals or pairs).
Prizes: Prizes include U.S. savings bonds, certificates,
computers, publications, and Duracell gifts, over $100,000 in
Contact: National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), 1840
Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201-3000. Phone: (703)
243-7100, Fax: (301) 942-2777, E-mail:

Young Game Inventors Contest

Students under the age of thirteen are invited to

create an original board game, including complete rules and
game board.
Grade Levels: K-8.
Prizes: Prizes include a $10,000 savings bond, certificates,
seals of achievement, games, toys, magazine subscriptions, and
the grand-prize winner receives an all expense-paid trip to San
Francisco, a chance to have his/her game manufactured by
University Games, a shopping spree, and much more.

Young Inventors Awards Program

The Craftsman/NSTA Young Inventors Awards

Program challenges students to use creativity and imagination
along with science, technology, and mecanical ability to
invent or modify a tool. This competition began in 1996.
Grade Levels: 2-8 (individaul).
Prizes: The two natrional winners (one from grades 2-5 and
one from grades 6-8) will each receive a $10,000 U.S. EE
Savings Bond. The 10 national finalists (five from each grade
catagory) will each receive a $5,000 U.S. Series EE Savings
bond. The 12 second-place regional winners (six from each
grade category) will each receive a $500 U.S. Series EE
Savings Bond. The 12 third-place regional winners (six from
each grade category) will each receive a $250 U.S. Series EE
Savings Bond.

Young Inventors Program

This national recognition program invites students

to create original inventions based on one or more of the
following categories: Health, Business/Office, Household/
Food, Agriculture, New Technology, Leisure Time/
Entertainment, Transportation/Travel, and Environment.
Each contest entry should include the title of the invention, a
typewritten description that explains how it works and the
source of the idea, and drawings, photographs or videotapes
of the invention. National finalists will be asked to submit
Grade Levels: 7-12.

Contact: University Games. Phone: (415) 503-1600, Ext. 736,


"Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise

tends to make it bloom, while
discouragement often nips it in the bud. Any
of us will put out more and better ideas if our
efforts are appreciated."
Alex F. Osborn

Prizes: Prizes include certificates of participation and

achievement. The national winner will be recognized at the
National Creative and Inventive Thinking Skills Conference.
Contact: National Inventive Thinking Association, P.O. Box
836202, Richardson, TX 75083 or Project XL, Office of
Public Affairs, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office,
Washington, DC 20231.


Spotlight on Type III Enrichment

Written By
John Xu

The History of Making The WizardTM

Our teacher explained that a Type III Enrichment Project should be related to a subject in which you have a great interest, it
should be something you enjoy doing, it requires research, and it involves something you create on your own. The teacher
gave our class a handout sheet and explained the ten steps of a Type III Project. She also showed us a variety of Type III
projects and Management Plans that other students had done.
I thought about my interest areas. The first ones that I thought of were music and cars. I planned to invent a better violin
shoulder rest or something that helped prevent an accident when a driver falls asleep or loses consciousness while driving. I
studied inventors and inventions. I read many books from my class collection and public libraries about invention and
On March 29, 1996 while my dad and I were picking up a Steven Caney book about inventions from the public library, a thief
broke into our car and stole my violin. After that happened, I decided to invent a security system for valuables so that this
would never happen to me again. I borrowed books from the library about electricity and electronics and studied them for
about two weeks.
My first solution was to make a circuit that had a wire connected to the pocket of your pants. To steal the object, the thief would
have to cut the wire. If he did, the circuit inside would cause the buzzer to start buzzing. I realized that the wired security
system wouldn't be convenient because you would have to be connected to your valuable object all the time. I decided a
wireless control would be better.
The only type of wireless control I knew about was radio control, which I learned from my toy radio controlled car. I noticed that
the car would not move when I did not press a button. But when I did press the button, the transmitter sent a radio signal to the
receiver. The signal made the car go forward. But when I was far away from the race car, it would not move. That was because
the signal from the transmitter couldn't get to the receiver. I got the idea that I could just replace the car motor with an alarm so
that when the transmitter sent a radio signal to the receiver, it would keep the alarm off. But when a thief steals an object with
the receiver inside and takes it a certain distance from the transmitter, the radio signal from the transmitter can't get to the
receiver and the alarm will sound.
I purchased a battery holder, a switch, and a buzzer. From a toy radio controlled car, I took a receiver and a transmitter,
changed the circuit, and added the buzzer and battery holder. My prototype was finished!
I typed up information about the ideas, features, technology, and instructions on how to use my invention which I named The
WizardTM. Then I thought of disguising The Wizard TM as something that people would bring along on vacation, such as a
toothpaste box or a soap box, so that thieves would not be able to recognize the security device once it becomes popular.
I created a display board for our Type III Fair. In our classroom we had a very successful Type III Fair. We each brought in our
projects and displayed them at an Open House for parents, other classes, and visitors.
Since then, I have been thinking of ways to further improve The WizardTM. For example, I am planning to make it smaller and
make it use less battery power.

John Xu was a nine year-old fourth grader in a full-time gifted program at Palmerston Avenue Public
School in Toronto, Canada when he invented The WizardTM during the spring term of 1996.


Before beginning Type III projects each student completed an in-depth study of an eminent person in an
area of personal interest to the student. Particular attention was paid to the talent development of the
individual and characteristics which led to his/her achievements. Children, like John, who were interested
in invention, learned from their biographical investigations that inventors "tinkered" as children, learned to
deal with failures in a positive way, showed perseverance and task commitment, and worked very hard
over a long period of time. An understanding of these common traits seemed to provide emotional support for the
inventors in class who encountered difficulties in the development of their Type III projects. The students worked on their
Type III projects in class each Friday afternoon for 12 to 14 weeks. This provided a good chunk of working time with few
interruptions and other distractions. An inventors' corner was set up in the classroom with resource materials. During Type
III work time, the inventors frequently offered eachother support and advice.
Joanne Elmer is a teacher in Toronto, Canada and is a graduate of the Teaching For Talent Development program at the
University of Connecticut. In her five years as a teacher in a pull-out gifted program for Grade 7 and 8 students and as a
teacher in a full-time Grade 4, 5, 6 gifted program, she has had extensive experience in facilitating the development of
Type III Enrichment Projects.


Published by
Publishing. Price:
$19.99. Platform: Mac
OS, Windows 95 / 98 /
Me. Media: CD-ROM.
ASIN: B00004UB6M.
InventorLabs invites you to enter
the world of three great inventors who gave wingsand
wheelsto all mankind. Meet the Wright brothers and help
them build their revolutionary flying machine. Visit the
turn-of-the-century workshop of Gottlieb Daimler, and
explore his groundbreaking 1901 Mercedes automobile.
Then tour George Stephenson's cottage, where you will
reinvent the world's first practical steam locomotive.
Science springs to life in a fascinating, hands-on celebration
of man in motion.
You'll be transported to another world to wander through
each workroom, to open drawers, examine tools, and
explore real drawings, patents, and notebooks. Meet the
extraordinary men who invented the future. Probe the
innermost workings of their remarkable vehicles. Then test
your wits by conducting dozens of experiments, each with
many unique outcomes. Like the great inventors, you will
learn from your failures as much as your accomplishments.
Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions.
Published by Sierra Attractions. Price: $9.99. Platform: Mac
OS, Windows 95 / 98 / Me. Media: CD-ROM. ASIN:
Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions gives
players a goal, such as knocking a blimp out of the air or
blowing up a brick wall so a ball can escape. Players must
build a functional machine that meets the goal, using a
basket of wacky machine parts. Switches, levers, fire, wind,
and electricitynot to mention good, old-fashioned
gravityare the engines you use to power your
contraptions. Place them within mechanisms, flip them,
shrink or grow them to fitanything you can think of, as
long as it achieves the contraption's specified task.
Widget Workshop. Published by Maxis. Phone: (800) 9252669. Price: $34.95. Platform: Macintosh and Windows.
Media: CD-ROM. (Ages 8 and up). This virtual inventor's
workshop invites youngsters to create unique contraptions
with dozens of parts and pieces including pendulums, light
switches, sound transformers, cannons, human and animal
hearts, and much more. In addition to constructing gadgets
and wacky inventions, learners can also solve widget
puzzles, conduct experiments, play interactive games, and
explore various principles of math and science.

Check Out These Great Resources!

Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
Phone: (202) 512-1800
Fax: (202) 512-2250
The Superintendent of Documents prints various
publications related to patents and trademarks. Some
titles include: Basic Facts about Registering a
Trademark ($3.25), General Information
Concerning Patents ($4.75), Official Gazette of the
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Patents (Annual Subscription$1465.00; weekly
journal), and Official Gazette of the United States
Patent and Trademark OfficeTrademarks
(Annual Subscription$1015.00; weekly journal).

Inventive Women
Poster Set.


Published by the National

Women's History Project,
7738 Bell Road, Windsor, CA
95492. (707) 838-6000.
Order Number: 4905. (Ages
10 and up). This collection of
full-color, multicultural
posters honors eleven
women inventors and their
patented inventions.

Invite students to
invent a new...
Dessert for people who like
chocolate and strawberries
Mode of transportation
Olympic event or outdoor game
Piece of equipment to
revolutionize a sport
Shoes or sneakers
Toothpaste or mouthwash flavor


Invention Web Sites

The following web sites will assist students in finding out
more about the mothers and fathers of invention who used
their intelligence in creative, productive ways to make this
world a better place. Students can actually see many the
inventions by touring the Invention Museum websites.
This site helps students from ages 8 - 16 become
constructive designers, inventors, and builders of future
inventions. Students can download Top Secret toy plans,
buy tools, parts, and supplies, join the Build-It-Yourself Hot
Shot Inventors Crew, and demonstrate their toy inventions.
Students learn to design, invent, and build whimsical
remote control and programmable toys mostly from
recycled materials used in conjunction with Lego parts,
K'nex, Radio Shack, and the local hardware store.

InfoBank on the Web that has a Kid Tours Home page

where they are looking for all ideas, BIG or small to help
create a larger "kid-made" InfoBank. There is a student
article on the invention of Braille and "Mystery
Impossible," an interactive portion where students work as
detectives to find "fact-clues," solve riddles and puzzles,
and investigate strange mysteries. It is an example of what
students could invent on the Worldwide Web.
The Invention Dimension offers a wide array of
information, from the Inventor's Handbook to the Inventor
of the Week Archives. Maintained by the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), it has an invention 'Trivia
Challenge', a new book on American inventors, Inventing
Modern America, and a variety of contest and awards.

This scholarly community is dedicated to addressing the
creation, maintenance, protection, and transfer of
intellectual property assets in today's global economy.
Because of the global information explosion created by the
Internet, issues of whether and how to protect creativity
and innovation in the arts and technology are increasingly
important. Opportunities to register for courses, seminars,
and special events are provided.

This site offers step-by-step advice of what to do if you
have an IDEA. There is an illustration of the inventingpatenting process along with the InventNET Forum.
Students can read the on-going discussions, search the
discussion archives, ask questions, and share experiences
with other inventors. Students learn how to protect
themselves against dishonest Invention Submission and
Marketing companies.

Details about the FlossPro, the Krumstick, the Recycle
Cycle and a device that launches rubber bands from a
laser pointer are all available at this handy site. Who
knows what these crazy ideas may make you think of!

This site is designed for anyone who has ever said, "I've
got a great ideanow what do I do?" It is also THE sot for
anyone who is searching for the Next HOT product. The
magazine site and the accompanying links lead students
to the wonderful world of invention.

This site helps teachers take students through the steps of
inventing a better pencil. The invention process takes
students back and forth from two distinct thinking states;
creative/non-judgemental and critical/judgemental.
Exercise your students' critical thinking abilities by having
them examine and brainstorm ways to improve this
essential tool.
This site demonstrates the sixth grade project of Steven
Toleikis', who challenged his students to invent some way
to turn written research reports into a HyperCard project
they call, The HyperZone. This is a student-created

This site has free information about getting your invention
on television. The concept of "inventigration," combining
consumer needs and industrial needs to create a new
product with a commitment to a code of moral or artistic
values is explained.
This site has links that cover a wide range of inventors and
their inventions. Thomas Edison is the featured inventor,
along with African-American Colonial inventors. Check out
the medical inventions, along with the monthly-featured


Invention Web Sites

This site contains student activity sheets and Teacher's
Guides for technology programs using Lego Dacta. The
activities relate to building simple machines by connecting
gears and pulleys. Directions for keeping an inventor's log
are provided along with investigations that encourage
students to document their findings as they move into the
design area of technology.
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space
Museum (NASM) maintains the largest collection of
historic air and spacecraft in the world. It is a major center
for research into the history, science, and technology of
aviation and space flight.
Part museum and part laboratory, The Inventure Place is
designed to encourage curiosity and creativity. Contents
include a National Inventors Hall of Fame that has an
alphabetical list of inventors with links to biographical
information. It has descriptions of programs, activities,
competitions, and links to other invention sites on the
Internet. It also links student inventors with hands-on
museums in American and around the world. The
Inventors Museum offers a virtual museum to student
inventors of the future.
Croatian-born Nikola Tesla was an inventor whose ideas,
such as alternating electrical current, rivaled, and in some
cases, excelled, those of his contemporary, Thomas
Edison. His patents number about 700 and include some
for radio transmission that predate those of Marconi. Tesla
has been referred to as "the greatest inventor ever
This site provides guidance for students who wish to
pursue the patent process through the use of an invention
journal, patent search, and invention evaluation For
$29.95 students can join the "Inventioneer Club," where
they receive specialized suggestions with their own
invention from "Ask Dr. Ed.". The site has a list of 'Try This!
Projects' for those kids who need a jump-start and an
Inventioneers Invention Competition with $5000 in prize

monies for those with different motivational needs! Check

out the kid's museum of ingenious patents. Experiment
with individual or team in-class inventing activities. The
site even supports an "Invent for Peace" initiative.
The Lemelson Center is a place to explore the exciting
world of invention. Students, teachers, inventors, and
history buffs, alike, will find things they can use here. A
special feature is a spotlight on famous American
inventors such as Eli Whitney and Ben Franklin along with
African-Americans who made their mark in the invention
world. The Center for Invention at the Smithsonian has
lots of links to Invention Museums all over the world.
Lasers and electromobiles, lunar learning, phantom
fingers and robot ants are just a few of the intriguing
inventions on this site about innovation. Meet the "Lady
Edison's," the female inventors of the 20th century like
Beulah Henry. She invented an umbrella design that was
showcased by Lord and Taylor and earned her $50,000.
Beulah earned her first patent in 1912 at the age of 25 for
an ice cream freezer.
"It is the principle of American law that an author of a work
may reap the fruits of his or her intellectual creativity for a
limited period of time."
This site provides students with national and international
copyright laws that govern and protect intellectual
products such as books and plays. A history and overview
of the patent process are provided. Students may also
search copyright records and secure forms that they may
need to protect their own invented products. There is also
a section entitled "Frequently Asked Question."
The "Tailless monoplane With Longitudinal Side Wings,"
designed by Philadelphian Edward F. Wagner in 1936 is
just the type of invention that would make Rube Goldberg
proud. It joins a parade of wacky patents, including the
pat-on-the-back apparatus, the self-waiting table, and the
nose shaper designed by patent attorney, Michael J.
Colitz Jr.


Travel Back in Time

Mechanical inventions, or technology, make our lives today
very different than those of our ancestors. Imagine life without
television, cars, computers or telephones. Our grandparents
sometimes remind us of what this was like. Now imagine
life without books to read or electricity. It would not
be possible to predict weather, like hurricanes, from
satellites. Step further back in time and think about
had at
what it would be like without the tools to make cotton
the time. It was
clothing. Now, imagine living in the very early
this time
history of humankind. How would you build a
that people also
shelter; how would you get food and cook?
began to farm land for
These questions were asked by humans
instead of hunting
during the Stone Age. As they began to find
and gathering.
solutions to these problems, they created
In the periods of time
technology. Humans began making tools
that followed, humans
out of stone and then later developed
discovered power. They
more elaborate things, like bows and
the energy of wind,
arrows. They also learned how to
water and horses to save their own
bake the earth with fire to make
It was also during this time
pottery that could hold food
that soap was invented, an important
and be used for grinding.
invention that allowed people to avoid
Over the next few
and smell better!
thousands of years,
In the 1400s, the printing press was
people discovered how
an instrument that radically improved
to take metals, like
communication. Because of the press, people
Iron and Bronze,
could exchange ideas without ever meeting each
from the earth. This
other. Transportation also improved, allowing
discovery was
people to see more of the world. Then came the
very important
cotton gin and the typewriter; then the telephone,
because they
electricity and the car. In just the past twenty
were the
years, inventors have given us the personal
computer, the FAX machine and the CD player. As
you can tell, humanity is creating technology faster and
faster these days, making our lives more and more different
from early humans.
What do you think is the most important invention? Why?
Bermuda Biological Station for Research

Videotapes & Teacher Training Guides

Two outstanding invention resources for teachers
from PBS's Scientific American Frontiers series:
Inventing the Future (show 701October 23, 1996)
Robots Alive! (show 705April 9, 1997)

For further information contact:

Scientific American Frontiers
105 Terry Drive, Suite 120
Newtown, PA 18940-3425
Phone: 800-315-5010


Have a problem?

Got an idea?

Invent a solution!

ITM Idea to Market

Do you have an idea for a product that the world just can't live without? Come to ITM.
ITM is a non-profit organization desiged to help people with innovative ideas through the invention process.
Take a little time and see how we can help you bring your ideas from your mind to the marketplace. ITM
members hold a storehouse of experience they willingly share with newcomes. They include:

Building a prototype
Patents and trademark
Manufacturing your product
Marketing your product
Packaging your product
Distribution of your product
Writing a business plan

Copyrights/royalties, licensing
Trade shows
Writing press releases
Media exposure
And much much more

Address: ITM, P.O. Box 12248, Santa Rosa, CA 95406

Phone: 800-486-3210

Read About Kid Inventors!

Be An Inventor. (1987). Written by Barbara Taylor. Published by Harcourt Brace and
Company, 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101. Price: $11.95. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0-15-205950-4. 80 pages. (Ages 8-12). This resource introduces children to the
exciting world of inventing and provides practical tips for generating and developing ideas,
obtaining a patent, and selling and marketing an invention. The author also presents stories
about children inventors, describes characteristics that inventors have in common, discusses
the development of unusual inventions such as earmuffs and chewing gum, and provides activities, exercises, questions,
diagrams, photographs, illustrations, a listing of inventors' associations and shows, and a suggested reading list.
Brainstorm! The Stories of Twenty American Kid Inventors. (1995). Written by Tom Tucker. Illustrated by Richard
Loehle. Published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 19 Union Square West, New York, NY 10003. Price: $15.00. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0-374-30944-2. 144 pages. (Ages 10-14). This book contains inspirational stories about twenty young American
inventors such as Chester Greenwood (creator of earmuffs), Ralph Samuelson (originator of water-skiing), Vanessa Hess
(inventor of colored car wax), and Jerrald Spencer (creator of an electronic gizmo for toys). In addition to these
remarkable stories, this resource also includes step-by-step advice for young inventors who are interested in turning their
own great ideas into inventions of the future.
Girls & Young Women Inventing: Twenty True Stories About Inventors, Plus How You Can Be One Yourself.
(1995). Written by Frances Karnes and Suzanne M. Bean. Published by Free Spirit Publishing, 400 First Avenue North,
Suite 616, Minneapolis, MN 55401. Price: $12.95. Paperback. ISBN: 0-915793-89-X. 168 pages. (Ages 11 and up). This
inspirational collection of stories focuses on the lives of twenty young female inventors and their inventions. These
fascinating first-person accounts describe how each inventor came up with her idea, who helped her, what problems she
faced, and how she solved her problems. This remarkable book also contains information about the invention process,
tips for keeping an inventor's notebook, facts about female inventors in history, quotations about inventing and creativity,
information about inventor associations and organizations, and a list of books for further reading.


Mystery Inventions

__ __ __ __ __

Accidental Floater

__ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __

Flavored Chicle

Empty Pie Pan Offspring

__ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __

Man-Made Sticky Burrs

A Sipper's Delight

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Underwater Diver

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Cool Contraption

__ __ __

Bright Illuminator
Electric Stitcher

__ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __


Match the inve

ntor to his/her

Who Am I?


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xredaenla haam
rnhey dfro
strehec odwno
cmbtwohi donj
vea dnmnala
seojhp lrnime
smjae ntihsiam
vlie sratus
tuhr fwekaldie
lei ytnwehi


llrero stksae
cltohocae phci

ttnoco ngi

What famous
American auth
or received a
patent in 187
1 for pants su
Who was the
first inductee
into America's
National Inve
ntor's Hall of
me and holds
the world reco
rd for number
of U.S.
Who signed th
e first U.S.
patent bill into

See page 17 for answers.

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