Sample Directory Format - C&G
Sample Directory Format - C&G
Sample Directory Format - C&G
DELA CRUZ, Kriselda Lapuz
21 September 1983
18 Col. Bravo St., Zone 9 Signal Village, Taguig, Metro Manila
8910357 / 0917-4216784
Member - MITSCA
Thesis: A DFT Study on the Enantioselectivity of Pd-Catalyzed Allylic Substitution of rac-1,3Diphenyl-2-propenyl Acetate using Phosphino-Oxazoline Ligands
Feasibility Study / Design: Virgin Coconut Oil (ITDI Modified Wet Process)
Whatever hardships in life we encounter, we can triumph as long as we dont give up.
MARQUEZ, Carole Joy Mintu
Joy / Yoj
21 October 1983
No. 75 A. Mendoza St. Sucat, Paraaque City
5712990 / 0917-3087201
Treasurer IE Graduating Class
Thesis: A DFT Study on the Enantioselectivity of Asymmetric Allylic Substitution Reaction using
Substituted Pyridine Pyrrolidine Ligands
Feasibility Study / Design: Virgin Coconut Oil (ITDI Modified Wet Process)
A man should never be ashamed to own he has been wrong because this only shows that he is
wiser today than yesterday.