ReactivePower IEEE Final
ReactivePower IEEE Final
ReactivePower IEEE Final
regulation. For the most part, new wind plants use doubly-fed
asynchronous generators or full-conversion machines with
considerable dynamic reactive and voltage capability. If
needed to meet interconnection requirements, the reactive
power capability of solar and wind plants can be further
enhanced by the adding of SVC, STATCOMS and other
reactive support equipment at the plant level. Currently,
inverter-based reactive capability is more costly compared to
the same capability supplied by synchronous machines. Partly
for this reason, FERC stipulated in Order 661-A (applicable to
wind generators) that a site-specific study must be conducted
by the transmission operator to justify the reactive capability
requirement up to 0.95 lag to lead at the point of
interconnection [1]. For solar PV, it is expected that similar
interconnection requirements for power factor range and lowvoltage ride through will be formulated in the near future.
Inverters used for solar PV and wind plants can provide
reactive capability at partial output, but any inverter-based
reactive capability at full power implies that the converter
need to be sized larger to handle full active and reactive
Nonetheless, variable generation resources such as wind
and solar PV are often located in remote locations, with weak
transmission connections. It is not uncommon for wind parks
and solar PV sites to have short circuit ratios (i.e., ratios of
three-phase short circuit mega volt-amperes (MVA) divided
by nominal MVA rating of the plant) of 5 or less. Voltage
support in systems like this is a vital ancillary service to
prevent voltage instability and ensure good power transfer.
Voltage regulation in distribution systems is normally
performed at the distribution substation level and distribution
voltage regulation by distributed resources is not allowed by
IEEE 1547 [2]. Normally, distributed resources operate with
fixed power factor with respect to the local system. Currently,
the IEEE 1547 working group is addressing issues of high
penetration of variable generators on distribution systems.
The main focus of this paper is the interconnection of variable
generators on the bulk transmission system. Section II
discusses the reactive capability of synchronous generators, as
reactive power requirements where historically tailored to
these type of machines. Section III and IV discusses the
reactive ability of wind and solar generators, as these
machines and the power plants they are employed in have
different topologies than conventional plants their ability to
provide reactive power support will be different than a
synchronous machine. Section V discusses the difference
Non-dynamic reactive sources, such as supplemental
mechanically switchable capacitors or reactors, can be
installed to increase total (but not dynamic) reactive
capability. Breaker times are in the range of cycles, not
seconds. However, once disconnected, capacitors cannot be
re-inserted without first being discharged (unless synchronous
switching is used). Normally, discharge takes five minutes.
Rapid discharge transformers can be applied to execute
discharge in a few seconds. Good engineering practice
requires that consideration be given to operation of switched
reactive resources. For example, it is sometimes required that
lagging reactive capability be placed in service as a function
of variable generation output, irrespective of system voltage
conditions. A Transmission Operator may require, for
example, that capacitors be placed in service to compensate
for transmission reactive losses whenever the output of a wind
park exceeds 90% of rated capability. If the system voltage is
high and the turbines are already operating at the leading
power factor limit, placing capacitors in service may cause a
high transient and steady-state overvoltage that can result in
turbine tripping and other operational difficulties. It may be
necessary to adjust transformer taps to bias turbine voltages in
a safe direction if such operation is necessary.
Reactive capability on transmission systems is typically
deployed in voltage regulation mode. The transmission
system operator provides a voltage schedule and the generator
(conventional or variable generation) is expected to adjust
reactive output to keep the voltage close to the set point level.
Normally this is done by either regulating the resources
terminal voltage on the low side of the resources main
transformer. Another emerging practice is to adjust reactive
output per a reactive droop characteristic, using the
transmission voltage. Reactive droop in the range of 2% to
10% is typically employed. A typical droop of 4% simply
means that the resource will adjust reactive output linearly
with deviation from scheduled voltage so that full reactive
capability is deployed when the measured voltage deviates
from the scheduled voltage by more than 4%. A 1% deviation
results in 25% of available reactive capability being deployed,
etc. A voltage deviation less than the deadband limit would
not require the resource to change reactive power output.
The specifications of the reactive droop requirement (e.g.,
the deadband of the droop response, together with the
response time to voltage changes) may lead to requirements
for dynamic reactive power support as well as potentially fastacting plant controller behavior. Reactive droop capability
has yet to be demonstrated in the field for solar PV plants,
although there are no technical impediments to the
implementation of such a control scheme. Individual wind
generators and solar PV inverters typically follow a power
factor, or reactive power, set point. The power factor set point
can be adjusted by a plant-level volt/var regulator, thus
allowing the generators to participate in voltage control. In
Abraham Ellis (SM02) is a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia
National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he leads the PV
grid integration program area. Prior to joining Sandia, he worked in the
Transmission Planning and Operations at Public Service Company of New
Mexico, where he was responsible for transmission expansion and generation
interconnection studies. He has served as Chairman of the IEEE Dynamic
Performance of Wind Power Generation Working Group, and currently chairs
the WECC Renewable Energy Modeling Task Force (REMTF). Abraham
received a MSEE and Ph.D. degrees in Power Systems from New Mexico
State University in 1995 and 2000, respectively. Abraham is a registered
Professional Engineer in New Mexico.
Chris Barker received his Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering
from Northeastern University in 2003 and received his professional
engineering license in California in 2007. He currently works for BEW/DNV
as a Power Systems Engineer providing consultant work for utilities and
project developers. Prior to joining BEW, Christopher worked for SunPower
for seven years first as a Project Engineer responsible for the execution of
utility scale interconnected solar power plants and later manager of System
Brendan Kirby (M76, SM98) is a private consultant with numerous clients
including National Renewable Energy Laboratory, AWEA, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, EPRI, Hawaii PUC and others. He served on the NERC
Standards Committee. He recently retired from the Oak Ridge National
Laboratorys Power Systems Research Program. He has 36 years of electric
utility experience and has published over 150 papers, articles, and reports on
ancillary services, wind integration, restructuring, the use of responsive load
as a bulk system reliability resource, and power system reliability. He has a
patent for responsive loads providing real-power regulation and is the author
of a NERC certified course on Introduction to Bulk Power Systems: Physics /
Economics / Regulatory Policy. Brendan is a licensed Professional Engineer
with a M.S degree in Electrical Engineering (Power Option) from CarnegieMellon University and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Lehigh
University. Publications are available at, e-mail
Joseph Williams (M05) received his Master of Engineering (in Electrical
Engineering) from the University of Idaho. He currently works as a
renewable integration engineer for Sandia National Laboratories. Prior to
joining Sandia Labs Mr. Williams has worked as a transmission planning
engineer for Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, and an Engineer for
Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding. Mr. Williams is a registered Professional
Engineer in the state of Oklahoma.