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Philippine College of Criminology

Sales st., Sta. Cruz, Manila

Logic: Midterm Examinations

Multiple choice (2 pts. each)

1. It is the representation of the essence of a thing in the mind.

a. Term
b. Sign
c. Idea
d. None of the above
2. A statement which explains what a thing is.
a. Argument
b. Definition
c. Premise
d. None of the above
3. It is considered the first act of the mind.
a. Reasoning
b. Judgment
c. Simple apprehension
d. Mental operation
4. It is the sum-total of all the qualities, which constitute the meaning of a term.
a. Extension of a term
b. Comprehension of a term
c. Absolute extension
d. Functional Extension
5. Which among the following is not an Extension of term.
a. Rody Duterte
b. Manila Law College
c. Director General
d. Baguio Beans
6. All are considered Comprehension of term, except:
a. Sales street
b. Gadgets
c. Church
d. Schools
7. It is a term that is used with totally different meanings in at least two occurrences or when
the term admits two entirely different meaning in the same context.
a. Analogous
b. Equivocal
c. Univocal
d. Connotation
8. When a term admits only one meaning.
a. Analogous
b. Equivocal

c. Univocal
d. Denotation
9. All are considered Univocal, except:
a. Policeman has a GUN. Security Guard has a GUN.
b. Toyota is a CAR. Mazda is a CAR.
c. PCCR is a School. Adamson University is a School.
d. Sophia washes the Dishes. Sophia loves to eat Filipino Dishes.
10. Philosophy comes from the two Greek words Philein which means LOVE and
Sophia which means WISDOM, is an example of:
a. Lexical Definition
b. Stipulative Definition
c. Etymological Definition
d. Real Definition
11. The terms Cyberspace, browser, and hacker are examples of Stipulative Definition
a. It is used to report the meaning that a word already has in a language.
b. The definition assigns a meaning to a word for the first time.
c. It gives the nature of a thing.
d. It gives the simple meaning of a term without going into the nature of a thing.
12. Calamity means Disaster, is an example of:
a. Lexical definition
b. Stipulative definition
c. Nominal definition
d. None of the above
13. Every Definition consists of two parts: the Definiendum and __________.
a. Defiens
b. Deficiens
c. Definuens
d. Definiens
14. This is the second mental operation by which the mind compares two ideas and thereby
pronounces either agreement or disagreement.
a. Simple apprehension
b. Reasoning
c. Judgment
d. Abstraction
15. Which of the following statement is correct:
a. A proposition is a statement that neither affirms nor denies the judgment.
b. A proposition is a statement that affirms and denies the judgment.
c. A proposition is a statement that either affirms or denies the judgment.
d. A proposition is a statement that affirms the judgment.

Enumeration: (10 points)

Logical properties of Terms
Kinds of functional extension
Kinds of Terms according to Comprehension
Elements of Sign


Arrange the ideas from greater to lesser comprehension (10 points)

1. furniture, beddings, bed

2. leader, king, man
3. hero, Aguinaldo, person
4. animal, dog, mammal
5. world, continent, Asia
6. Mango, plant, tree
7. gadget, Scanner, technology
8. Doughnut, food, sweets
9. Maserati, vehicle, car
10. Asian, Filipino, Man

Determine whether the following propositions are: A,E,I,or O (10 points)

1. Some pccr students failed to take the final exam.
2. Three pccr students failed the exam.
3. Every Filipino citizen deserves a second chance.
4. No thief of candles and flowers is admirable.
5. Jose Rizal is our national Hero.
6. All Pccr students are humble and intelligent.
7. Some government agencies are corrupt.
8. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.
9. None of the top executives attended my party.
10. Seven students got a grade of 100%.

V. Draw Venn diagrams for the following propositions (5 points each)

1. Some laboratory equipment is easy to use.
2. All drugs are regulated.
3. No tax audits are pleasant experiences for cheaters.
4. Some Police officers are not risk-takers.

Forget all the reasons it wont work and believe the one reason that it will.
Good luck guys! You can do it!

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