Philosophy 1st Exam

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Jose Diva Avelino Junior National High School

HIpona, Pontevedra, Capiz

S.Y 2019-2020

First Periodical Test

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person
Grade 12 GAS, HE A and HE B

I. Multiple choice.
Instruction: Read the statements carefully and select the letter of the correct answer. Write it on your answer

1. According to him all ideas and views are based on perception and our reality is based on what we can
sense and perceive.
a. Aristotle b. Plato c. Socrates d. Epicurus
2. A theory that proposes that everything that exists is based on an idea or template that can only be
perceived in the mind.
a. Theory of Evolution b. Theory of forms c. Dialectec d. Academy
3. He was a known advocate of living a simple and virtuous life.
a. Socrates b. Pythagoras c. Heraclitus d. Diagones
4. It is a method of inquiry where two opposing ideas are discussed in an attempt to arrive at a new
a. dialectic b. academy c. philosophy d. reasoning
5. It is the branch of Philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human action.
a. Ethics b. Epistemology c. Aesthetics d. Metaphysics
6. It is a branch of Philosophy that focuses on beauty and what makes things beautiful.
a. Ethics b. Epistemology c. Aesthetics d. Metaphysics
7. It is a Filipino attitude which literally means living everything to God.
a. Bayanihan b. utang na loob . c. pakikisama d. bayanihan
8. It is the clear awareness and understanding of something.
a. knowledge b. courage c. intellect d. determinations
9. These are statements that are observed to be real or truthful.
a. facts b. opinion c. consensus d. knowledge
10. It is a branch of philosophy that discusses the nature of knowledge and knowing.
a. Aesthetics b.Logic c. Methaphysics d. Epistemology
11. He was the one who founded Phenomenology,
a. Rene Descartes b. Edmund Husserl c. Immanuel Kant d. Soren Kierkegard
12. It is an argument where force, coercion, or the threat of force, is given as a justification for a conclusion.
a. appeal to force b. appeal against the person c. False Cause d. Division
13. It is a tendency to judge a person’s personality by his or her actions, without regard for external factors
or influences.
a. correspondence b. framing c. hindsight d. cultural bias
14. It is an argument that attacks the person presenting the argument rather than the argument itself.
a. ad hominem b. ad baculum c. false cause d. begging questions
15. It is assuming that what is true of a part is true for the whole.
a. ad hominem b. division c. composition d. cultural bias

Test II. Identify if what fallacies and biases are stated below. Select the letter of the correct answer in the
box. For questions 16-20 check the answers on box no. 1 and 21-25 on box no. 2.
Box No. 1
a. ad hominem b. appeal to force c. appeal to emotion d. appeal to popular
e. appeal to tradition f. begging the questions g. cause-and-effect h.fallacy of composition
i. fallacy of division

Box No. 2
a.correspondence b. confirmation bias c. framing d. hindsight e. conflict of interest
f. cultural bias
16. We cannot accept John’s opinion about Christianity because he is an atheist.
17. I always had bread for breakfast, then one time I ate oatmeal and after that it rains. I will never eat
oatmeal again.
18. You come from the family of teachers, therefore you will become a teacher as well.
19.Tony wants us to believe that life was an “accident” when he spent most of his time in jail and doesn’t
have any idea about creation.
20 Every student now is playing Mobile Legends so you should play as well.
21. Lea is pregnant, it’s not shocking anymore because she used to go out with boys often.
22. I was in a restaurant and I happen to eat with some Koreans. I find it noisy and judge them without
manners because of the slurping noise when they have soup later did I realize that it is their culture as
23 I already feel that you are the next person to get married.
24.There is a rise in suicide cases in the country but people must also look at other aspects of the case
especially if there is foul plays.
25. Politicians who are doctors will more likely focus on health and medicine for it is there field of interest.

Test III.True or False. Read the statement below and write True if the statement is True and F if it is False.

26. Facts are statements that are observed to be real or truthful.

27. Explanations are series of arguments that that provide reasons to convince the listener and the reader
that a claim or opinion is truthful.
28. Our personal views and biases may affect our opinions about things.
29. Through self-determination, man is fully aware of his actions and has a clear perception of oneself.
30. Morality enables us to interact with one another.
31. The body and the spirit is inseparable.
32. The very essence of transcendence is to explore our limitations, identify possibilities for the development
and change for the better.
33. As a human being, we are entitled as “stewards” of God’s creation.
34. Our dignity gives as the right to be valued and respected.
35. Frugality is the ability to regulate one’s action and behavior.

Test IV. Fact or Opinion. Write F if it states fact and O if it states an opinion.

36. Blue Ternate Flowers can help us in relieving stress.

37. In the year 2030, there will be no more books because every student will use tablets instead.
38, The Earth is the only planet where life exists.
39. I believe that everything here on Earth are created by a Supernatural being.
40. Eating salty foods often can lead to major kidney decease’s.

Test V. Define the following in 2 sentences. You will be given 2 points each.

41-42. Self-determination
43-44. Self-awareness
45-46. Frugality
47-48. Prudence
49-50. Embodiment.

2 points – answered in two (2) sentences with complete thought.
1 points – answered in one (1) sentence only and the thoughts are incomplete.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Fredlyn Ian Ane F. Catalan Lynnete L. Bonita, MT-I

Teacher SHS Coordinator

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