The Hometown News: 40 Days of Prayer and Contemplation

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1711 Grant Street

Hopewell, VA 23860

The Hometown News

June, 2010

40 Days of Prayer and Contemplation by Pastor Voss

“Therefore I tell you, whatever Young Adults) and we have also

Inside this issue:
you ask for in prayer, believe discussed goals to reach out to our
that you have received it, and Critical Targets.
Finance/Stewardship 2
it will be yours.” - Mark 11:24 It is appropriate that we now take a
break from planning and pray
about where God has led us and Strengthening the Bond 4
There is no doubt we have been im-
plementing and discussing many where He is leading us. For this
changes as a congregation. We reason, immediately after the Con- Nazareth Youth 6
gregational Goal Planning Meeting Missions/Outreach
have created a new mission state-
ment, we have decided upon our on June 6th, we, as a church, will
Synod News 9
Critical Targets (Children and move into 40 days of prayer.
During this time, it is our hope that
we focus on praying to the LORD Pastor’s Corner 10
for His guidance and to bless us
with unity as we move into service
for His mission.
We will use “Light of Life” a prayer
and meditation series based on the
Gospel of John.

Light of Life: A Personal Journey of Prayer and Meditation

We all hunger for a deeper, richer, more meaningful spiritual life. At
the same time, we are unsure how to go about it or where to find it.
Ironically, the answer to our need is right before us the whole time: the
Bible. Throughout the history of the Church, the Holy Scriptures have
been the bedrock of Christian prayer and devotional meditation.
God’s Word is life and gives life. By means of His sure and certain
Word of promise, our Lord gives us what we need the most: trust in
Him, a sure and certain anchor of knowing what God wants for us and
what He gives to us through His Son, Jesus Christ.
The Hometown News is
You have three options to receive the Light of Life daily devo-
a publication of
tions: 1) Sign up for Twitter updates at 2) Sign-
Nazareth Evangelical
up for daily e-mails (send an e-mail to
Lutheran Church.
stating you would like to receive a daily e-mail) 3) Pick up a hard
copy of this devotion from the Narthex or church office. Member of the
The journey begins June 7! Join us in prayer! Lutheran Church—
Missouri Synod.
Page 2 The Hometown News

Joint Meeting of the Boards of Finance and Stewardship

These boards met on May 16. Tina and William were unable to attend. After an opening prayer by Al,
Marilyn conducted the Board of Finance portion of the meeting. Reports were examined and it was noted
that some of the gap between budget income and expense has been reduced. Budget income, however, is
still lagging. Both of these concerns will continue to be closely monitored. There was a sizeable increase
in the recent water/sewer/refuse bill over the previous bill. Some charges, inadvertently, were charges to
the worship supplies account and will be moved to the proper accounts.
Al reviewed the previous Stewardship meeting. He is waiting for a response from the District LCEF
office regarding the guest speaker for our fall Consecrated Stewards program. After the Mission and Min-
istry Statement goals for our congregation have been fully established, The Board of Stewardship will fi-
nalize a Mission and Ministry Statement for the Board. How can the Boards of Finance and Stewardship
best support the congregation’s mission and ministry, especially the children’s and young adults’ ministries
that were identified as the critical targets? That is the question for our boards! Al noted that both boards
are at the forefront in carrying out the mission and ministry of Nazareth by the use of wise and prudent
management of the needed and available resources. It is also important that the members of both boards
willing and enthusiastically support this work of mission and ministry at Nazareth.
The boards will meet again separately at 8:45 AM on June 20.

June Birthdays
June 5 Dawn Lineman
June 10 Sue Skalleberg

June 11 Joe Cavin

June 16 Marilyn Antunes
June 16 Becky Burdette
June 20 Annette Dry Psalm 133

June 20 Chris Graham

How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in unity!

It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron's beard,
down upon the collar of his robes.

It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.
June, 2010 Page 3

The Hometown News

EDITOR: Susan Skalleberg
Thank you to all who submitted articles and information to this
We encourage you to submit your articles and ideas electronically
to: or call 731-6959
Newsletter information is due in by the third Sunday of the month.
We are looking for regular contributors to the Hometown News.
If there is a certain article you would like to write on a regular
basis, please let us know so we can discuss it with you. Young and Glory to God on the highest and praise to the lead-
old are encouraged to volunteer for this very important newslet- ers of each Committee who have provided updates
ter. to the congregation this month. Our communica-
tion with one another not only keeps us united in
The Hometown News is posted online at the same time it is
mailed. Please consider reading it online so we can save on post- Mission, but engaged with each other and the op-
age and paper. It can be found on the home page of our church portunities to serve in our church.

May and June are the months for Confirmations and Graduations. Why not open an LCEF StewardAc-
count® in the recipient’s name as your gift to get him/her established on the path to good stewardship?
Once deposited, your gift will continue to grow with competitive rates while supporting the mission and
ministries of LCMS churches and schools. As an added benefit, you can continue to deposit gifts for spe-
cial occasions into that account. A Stew-
ardAccount®, which can be opened with
a $100 deposit, is similar to a money mar-
ket account and has the following benefits
and options: free check writing ($250 or
more) with monthly statements, VISA®
debit card, and *Electronic funds transfer.
For more information, see your LCEF
congregational representative, call 800
843-5233, or check the website at
*LCEF StewardAccount access features
provided through UMB Bank, n.a.
Page 4 The Hometown News

Elders’ Meeting Report

We met on May 10th and opened jointly with a devotional Men, it’s time to get together and talk
from Psalm 135 and then prayed together. Then the elders about what it means to be a man from
and deacons split apart. The elders discussed the following: God’s point of view. Join us for a night
of discussion, competition, food, and
1. We would like to support our Pastor's desire to try an ear-
lier Sunday Divine Worship Time. The time we would like to most importantly, study of God’s
recommend (after discussion with the Deacons) is 8:30-9:30 Word. Can you bring a food item? If
Bible Study followed by coffee and fellowship and Divine so, call or e-mail Pastor Voss. What
Worship at 10:00. can you bring? Pizza, wings, chips, hot
dogs, dessert, or anything else!
2. We would like to have at least one more meeting to dis-
cuss our goals for supporting our critical targets.

3. We will support Pastor's attendance at the National Lu-

theran School Funding Academy – May 17-19.

4. We are going to support our Pastor and church with 40 STRENGTHENING

Days of Prayer.
We have prayerfully considered this and believe we, as a THE BOND
church, need to take a break from mission planning and move
into prayer. It is time to be comforted and reassured by the
LORD. So, Pastor will not be scheduling any mission planning
meetings for at least 40 days after he returns. We can use
this time to think about what we have done thus far and pray
about our direction – but mainly to be refreshed in the
LORD. During that time, we will talk about what we have
done thus far this year, but we will not be making new
plans. Come mid-July, we can move forward again.

Friday, June 11, 7PM
Deacons’ Meeting Report
Deacons meeting May 10th. 2010. Present were Bonnie NAZARETH COLISEUM
Foxx, Thelma Klein, Carol Slimmen, and Karen Van Worth.
Only one application turned in for the Koehler Scholarship
Fund. Others have till the end of May to apply. People that
could use visits or phone calls: (Contact Deacons for this in-
formation). We planned for the missionary dinner on June
5th. Discussed congregational meeting on June 6th.
Next meeting will be June 14th
June, 2010 Page 5

Pray for One Another Prayer List updated as of May 23, 2010
For our brothers and sisters in Christ in nursing homes -
Velma Fleming, HHCC (227)
Mildred Skroback, HHCC
For our brothers and sisters in Christ who are home-bound -
Mary Petik
For our members and friends serving our country in the military -
Bruce Layne Danny Petik Chris & Jenny Graham Dustin Petik
James Eckenrode David Petik
Jeff & Stacey Crossen Courtney Williams Michael McKinzie
Jeffrey Head Steve Foxx Brandon Edwards
For our members and friends away at college –
Landry Doane Casey Davis Brandon Edwards
For our members who are sick, hospitalized, in need of spiritual care or recuperating—
Evelyn Rayner Rowena Carter
Tina Doane Annette Dry Jordan Layne Kathy Beahm
For our friends who are sick, hospitalized or recuperating
Jonathan Weston Connie Williamson Rita Joyner
Joann Miller Jeff Walter Phyllis Kane Suzie Hilton Dorothy Kunkel Regina Davis
Freddie Gonzalez Kay Slade Bernard Carter Johnnie Ingram
For the families of the Saints departed.
Ilse Appleby

Bible Study and Adult Confirmation

Whether you are young or old, Be prepared to share, lis- WEDNESDAYS 7:00 PM
visitor or pillar, we have a Bible ten, and learn from God’s Jean Joyner leads a Bible
Study for you! Word. This is an entry Study on Friendship in the
level class, we keep it Conference Room.
SUNDAYS 9:30 AM simple.
Meet in the “Old Church” Room
at 9:30 AM for a Bible Study on Steve Foxx leads a Bible
Arnie Slimmen leads an Study on the Book of Reve-
Hebrews led by Al Schneider. eight week adult confir- lation in the Old Church
mation class in the Room.
Pastor Voss leads a discussion church basement meeting
and Bible Study on the official room. If you are new to
LCMS position on current the Lutheran faith and/or Join us at 6PM on Wednes-
events, called “This We Be- would like to join our days for a meal and fellow-
lieve” in the conference room. church, please contact Ar- ship!
We discuss everything from nie to join in. .
abortion to capital punishment.
Page 6 The Hometown News

Nazareth Youth
Fund Raising – The youth will sponsor a car wash and bake
sale on June 12 from 9 am to 1 pm in the church parking lot. All
funds will go towards their mission trip in July, 2010.

Youth Retreat – The Youth are planning a mini retreat for

June 12 after the car wash and bake sale. They will be camping
at the Doane’s place at Lake Chesdan. The parents have been
invited to attend the retreat. On Saturday evening the group will
gather around a campfire and praise the Lord in song. The
Youth will be leading us in worship Sunday morning.

Mission Trip – The youth continue to prepare for their upcoming mission trip. We are asking the
congregation for their continued prayers and support for this event.
Your editor apologizes for overlooking this article and one other that were to appear in the May issue.

Board of Missions and Outreach

Yard Sale Update – The Board decided the

yard sale would be held on October 23. The
board is also looking at making this part of a
Fall Festival.

TriCities Crisis Pregnancy Program – The

board will continue to support the TriCities
Crisis Pregnancy Program with collections
from the Baby Bottle Program. This will run
from Mother’s Day through Father’s Day.

Tappert Missionaries in France – on Saturday, June 5, Nazareth will welcome Phillip and Sally Tap-
pert who are missionaries in France. They will be here that evening to speak about how they
spread the Word of God. Dinner will be provided and a goodwill offering will be taken to support
their ministry.

Hopewell Food Pantry – The Hopewell Food Pantry board send a letter of thanks for the $342.42
donated to them through the Souper Bowl of Caring.

At the Congregational meeting held on April 10, the Boards of Missions and Outreach were directed
to no longer function as one board. Martha Staples and Ann Hanford, the chairpersons of the
boards, will ask the congregation to reconsider this for the boards until the end of their terms be-
cause the boards had already made plans to function as one for 2010.
June, 2010 Page 7

Praise and Thanksgiving – ‘Look Underneath!’

Have you ever committed an error, especially a
public one, that you felt HORRIBLE about? Perhaps
another person involved approached you about it, and
you felt even WORSE. Then maybe that person dealt
with you sweetly and kindly, and you felt a little less
worse, but very GUILTY. Perhaps you even became de-
fensive about it. Or maybe even saying I’m sorry didn’t
help you too much.
I have been there, too. One day recently I realized
God was giving me a GIFT…the gift of forgiveness,
through the person I had wronged. Praise be to our
Living Lord for the gifts he daily bestows! I also thank Dr. Maier Seminar Planning Meeting
Him for the person who dealt gently with me. When
Wednesday, June 16, 5:30 PM
something potentially ugly happens, let us remember
to look underneath for God’s everlasting GRACE!

This issue of
September 24-26, 2010
The Hometown News is sponsored
Holiday Inn Select—Koger South
by Ernest Wallet
1021 Koger Center Blvd.
in Loving Memory for
Richmond, VA 23235
his wife,
Esther Koren Wallet Deadline for Registration: August 23, 2010

Church Website Statistics for May (

99 different people visited for a total of 225 Visits
3:23 Average time on Site 33.78% of our visitors were new visitors
Page 8 The Hometown News

Thank You
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
May 23, 2010 will hold a very special place in my heart—the day of my Confirmation. I would like
to thank you for your prayers throughout this journey of Confirmation, your confidence in me to
take this next step of Faith and for the Grace of God that continually guides me down the Lord’s
path. Thank you to Mrs. Plvan, Mrs. Cindy and my mom for being teachers of Confirmation.
Also, thank you to Pastor Voss for his teaching, wisdom from God’s scripture and patience with
me. Thank you for coming downstairs in fellowship and support. And thank you for all the food,
gifts and special moments that I will take with me. It is a constant reminder that God, through His
goodness and mercy, is not finished with me yet and has great plans for me.
Joey and I would not have been able to do this without the love and support from our families.
We love you!
“I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Corinthians 1:4
Your Sister in Christ, Madison Van Worth

From the Reierson Family:

Thank you to all who shared in Joey's confirmation.
Thank you to all who helped in the kitchen.
Thank you especially to all of you who have cared for and encouraged
him over the years.
You all are God's gift to us and we are blessed to call you our family!!!!
You truly made him feel loved, THANK YOU!


This coming Saturday the 5th, from 4 to 6 PM, Nazareth Lutheran Church is honored to host
Missionaries Phillip Tappert and his wife Sally. Phillip and Sally have been missionaries to
France for 19 years!

You may be surprised to know that less than two percent of the French are church go-
ing Christians. Also, we will hear, first hand, how many of the laws of France are prohibitive to
spreading the Gospel of Christ.

Join us as we listen to the challenges and blessings in the Lord's ministry through Phillip and
Sally. This will be a terrific opportunity to learn from them, talk with them, and pray for their work
in the name of our savior Jesus Christ.

We will have a barbeque dinner and there will be a free-will offering for their ministry. Please
consider supporting their missionary work by joining with your fellow members this Saturday.
June, 2010 Page 9

Disctrict and Synod News

Synodical Convention
A series of pre-convention meetings will be held at 7 locations throughout our district from June
6-16. Our circuit will hold a pre-convention meeting on:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 - 7:30 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran Church
2315 Parham Rd
Richmond, VA 23229



Reggie McNeal joins us this summer and challenges us to get up and go –

be the church – out there. Reaching people with the message of Jesus
means we really must be living letters in all the areas and places of our
lives. Reggie brings his knowledge and experience of working with peo-
ple, congregations, and denominations to this gathering as he shares what
it means to be part of the missional movement that is needed to reach
people today. He has words of encouragement for congregations who
are seeking ways to faithfully share Jesus. We look forward to welcoming
Reggie back to Tending the Flame this July 30th through August 1st.

Youth Program Andrew Kassouf is back to lead the youth program and we are excited to also have
Echelon, an incredible Christian band. Echelon will be helping throughout the Gathering with the youth
program. Fresh from the National Youth Gathering, they will be pumped and filled with stories to
share. Think about this – sometimes, Living Letters come with notes! Junior and Senior
High Youth will not want to miss this opportunity.

The Children’s Program is about more than writing their letters. They will once again be able to fel-
lowship, play, rejoice, sing, have fun, play games, and learn! A great children’s ministry team will serve
your children.

Save $30 and register early!

Early Bird registration is $60 (must be postmarked by June 15)
Thank you
From my family, thank you to the congregation for your support during my
father’s passing into the Kingdom of Heaven and also during our vacation
time. We have been given time and space to mourn but also to celebrate my
father’s God given faith and then finally, to relax. We stayed in Kill Devil
Hills and fittingly, we found an LCMS church nearby where we celebrated
Christ’s victory over death and, yes, the devil.
Thank you for the generous offering you collected for our family while we
were gone. It certainly is appreciated and has made life much easier for us
during this time.

Teacher’s Retreat
Last fall, our Teacher’s Retreat had to be cancelled. The information from that retreat is still perti-
nent and will be presented to all teachers of youth or adults. It is my hope that you can attend our
“Teacher’s Forum” on Saturday, July 11, from 8:30 AM—noon. Bagels, donuts, juice, and coffee
will be served. We will meet in the church basement.

Worship Time Research

I have shared some thoughts with the Elder’s regarding worship time. I have wondered if our 11
AM worship time may actually be hurting our ability to reach out to our community. 11 AM wor-
ship is a time that many may choose not to attend because it is so late in the morning. I have sug-
gested that we investigate, consider, and discuss moving worship to 10AM.
I understand that changing the worship time would affect all other Sunday meetings and classes.
For example, this would mean Bible Study from 8:30 – 9:30 AM, so this is something we will want to
discuss in detail. I will be doing research within our congregation and with other pastors in this
area, but I do ask that input be given in this meeting if possible with concerns and/or support for
the idea. If this idea gains some momentum, then I will schedule short open forums to get feedback
from the congregation. If the worship time were to be changed, it would first be presented to the
congregation for approval.

Lutheran School Funding Academy

I learned so much at the Lutheran School Funding Academy! It really helped to speak with repre-
sentatives of the LCEF and Directors of Lutheran Schools in our District. They provided a lot of
great advice, should we decide as a congregation to move forward with this. One of the goals for
our church is to have a feasibility study performed for a pre-school and having our financial eggs in
order will be a must should we decide to consider this goal past 2010. The LCEF will pay a visit to
us in late June to discuss the first steps in the process of finding out if the Lord desires we move in
this direction.

Church Organist
An advertisement has been placed with the Richmond Area Organist Guild. We hope to get re-
sponses within the next month and begin interviews shortly after. In the meantime, I am so thankful
that we have Pam who is such a blessing to this congregation. We are in good hands with her until
the Lord directs us to our long-term organist. Thank you Pam!
Nazareth Lutheran Church
1711 Grant Street
Hopewell, VA 23860


Nazareth Evangelical
Lutheran Church

"Reaching out to all in faith

and love, sharing the Good
News of Jesus Christ, and
serving joyfully!"

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