Bulletin - June 7, 2020

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The Most Holy Trinity - Year A

Sunday June 7, 2020

This week, the Sanctuary Lamp burns in
The Lord, a God merciful and gracious. (Exodus 34) + Christine & James Nation
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and
the commuion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. (2 Cor) The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s
God sent his only-begotten Son in order that the world might presence in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.
be saved through him. ( John 3) If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one
Today we celebrate the week, the stipend is $35.00
essence of our faith manifested in
our lives: the loving providence Mass Intentions
of the Creator who continually June 9 - June 14, 2020
invites us back to him; the As we gather, let us remember and pray for . . .
selfless servanthood of the Tues. ~ ………….St. Ephrem………………. June 9
Redeemer who “emptied” + Zoe Honsberger (by St. Helen CWL)
himself to become like us in Wed. ~ ………………………………………. June 10th
order that we might become like + Manuel daSilva (by Maria daSilva)
him; the joyful love of the Spirit
that is the unique unity of the Thurs. ~ …………St. Barnabas……...………. June 11th
Father and Son. + Suzette Benoit (by Nancy Winslow)
As revealed to us by Jesus, our God is a God not of
endings but beginnings; a God who does not demand the ……….………………………………. June 12th
payment of debts but who constantly offers unconditional Fri. ~ In Thanksgiving - 24th Anniversary
and unlimited chances to begin again; a God who does not of Fr. Chris’ Ordination
take satisfaction in our failures but rejoices in lifting us up (by a parishioner)
from our brokenness, despair and estrangement from him ………St. Anthony of Padua…...…. June 13th
and from one another. Sat. ~ + Georgina MacQuarrie
In today’s Gospel, Jesus challenges Nicodemus to move (by Theresa MacDonald)
beyond old, incomplete and “childlike” images of God in
Sun. ~ The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ June 14th
order to grow toward a more complete, “adult” faith that
recognizes the God who works and moves from his Spirit of + Guglielmo & Angela Ricci
unfathomable love; the God who constantly takes the (by Ricci Family)
initiative to be reconciled with us, despite our failings; the For the People of St. Helen Church
God who is not removed from his creation but constantly
present in every act of love and compassion and forgiveness.
May we who settle in for a quarantine at home remember
MASS INTENTIONS those who have no home.
Fr. Chris celebrates a private Mass each day for our During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms
Parishioners and our community. He offers all scheduled around each other, let us yet find ways to be the loving
Mass intentions. To schedule a new Mass intention for your embrace of God to our neighbors.
loved ones, please contact the office via phone or email and We ask this through Christ the Healer. Amen.
your call will be returned.
PANDEMIC PRAYER FROM CATHOLIC We continue to follow strictly the directions of the
THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, CHICAGO: Government of Ontario and local health authorities as to
May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those when the lockdown will be lifted. This week, Premier Ford
whose lives are at stake. extended the emergency closures until at least June 30th.
May we who have no risk factors remember those most With the other dioceses in Ontario, we are awaiting
vulnerable. guidelines being prepared under the auspices of the Bishops
May we who have the luxury of working from home of Ontario to safely reopen our churches. These guidelines
remember those who must choose between preserving their will then be implemented at the diocesan level. We are
health or making their rent. mindful that preparations for the return to celebrations of the
May we who have the flexibility to care for our children Mass and sacraments will take a great deal of organization
when their schools close remember those who have no and work in order to maintain a healthy environment to
options. prevent further spread of the coronavirus. Some initial
May we who have to cancel our trips remember those that guidance has been sent to parishes to begin their preparation.
have no place to go. In light of the above, we foresee that our churches will
May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of remain closed at least until the end of June. If the
the economic market remember those who have no margin at government’s emergency orders are lifted sooner, we will
all. adjust accordingly.
Advertise your
business or service
in this space.
For more info email:
1. Pre-Authorized giving (monthly automatic withdrawal): contact the office

2. E-transfer: use our business email address with your

bank: donations@sthelenscatholic.ca
If you would like to use this convenient method through your bank, please follow these
instructions (some banks charge a fee):
Go online and log into your bank account. Select Interac e-transfer and select a
recipient – the first time you will have to add recipient by putting in
donations@sthelenscatholic.ca (after the first time it will then stay on your list of
recipients). Input amount to send and complete the transaction. Note in the memo area
what your donation is for; Sunday Offertory (SO), Facility Maintenance (FM) and
Building Fund (BF). (Please include your ID# in the memo - contact the office if you
do not have a parish ID.)
Example - SO $20 One transaction can be made for all three if you wish. Such a
notation could look like this: SO $xx, FM $xx, BF $xx. If your transaction does not
work the first time, please try the next day as the Diocese can only receive a set amount
of donations in a 24-hour period. If you have any questions, please email or call the

3. Regular mail: send your weekly offertory envelope or cheque payable to St. Helen
Church to:
St. Helen Church
4106 Mountain St.
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7

4. Drop off: This option is not encouraged during the COVID 19 pandemic.
If absolutely necessary, you may drop off your envelope by calling the office to arrange a

5. Credit card or Paypal (Canada Helps link): https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/49448

(tax receipt is issued by Canada Helps, they retain a nominal percentage as fee)

COVID 19 pandemic
Thank you for considering the financial needs of our parish during the COVID 19 pandemic. We
understand and appreciate that financial pressure on families is different today than it was even a
few months ago. We are also carefully managing the expenses at the parish and are deeply
grateful for any help you can provide. Thank you and be assured of our continued prayers and
best wishes.

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