Pentecost Sunday - Year A

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Pentecost Sunday - Year A

Sunday May 31, 2020

Congratulations on the Anniversary
PENTECOST of your Priestly Ordination!
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to We extend our congratulations to Fr. Chris on his
speak. (Acts 2) 24th Anniversary of Priesthood. On May 31st 1996,
In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. (1 Cor) on the Feast of the Visitation of the BVM, our pastor
As the Father has sent me, so I send you. Receive the Holy was ordained to the ministerial priesthood at Sacred
Spirit. ( John 20) Heart Cathedral in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan by
The feast of Pentecost Bishop Blaise Morand. Fr. Chris, we thank you for
celebrates the unseen, your faithful and loving service to the Church.
immeasurable presence of God in
our lives and in our Church - the Mass Intentions for June 2 - June 7, 2020
ruah that animates us to do the As we gather, let us remember and pray for . . .
work of the Gospel of the Risen Tues. ~ ………………………………………. June 2
One, the ruah that makes God’s + Malcolm Tubener (by Nancy Winslow)
will our will, the ruah of God
living in us and transforming us Wed. ~ St. Charles Lwanga & Companions June 3rd
so that we might bring his life + Vito Di Iorio
and love to our broken world. (by Helen & Gino Francavilla)
God “breathes” his Spirit into our Thurs. ~ + Maria Ghirardi (by the Family) June 4th
souls that we may live in his life and love; God ignites the
“fire” of his Spirit within our hearts and minds that we may Fri. ~ …………... St. Boniface……………. June 5th
seek God in all things in order to realize the coming of his + Matteo Mancini (by the Family)
reign. ………………………………………. June 6th
Today we celebrate the gift of God’s Spirit: the Spirit that Sat. ~
For the People of St. Helen Parish
enables us to love as selflessly and as totally as God loved us
enough to become one of us, to die for us and to rise for us; Sun. ~ ………The Most Holy Trinity…..…. June 7th
Intn’s of Hendriks & deKoning
the Spirit that takes us beyond empty legalisms and static
measurements of “mine” and “yours” to create a community Families - L&D
of compassion, reconciliation and justice centered in “us”; (by Helen & Andy Hendriks)
+ Camillo Ditomasso
the Spirit that enables us to re-create our world in the peace
and mercy of God. (by Maria Ditomasso)
In Jesus’ “breathing” upon them the new life of the Spirit,
the community of the Resurrection – the Church – takes exhibit fewer anti-social tendencies, and are more successful
flight. That same Spirit continues to “blow” through today’s with their peers. They are far more likely to graduate high
Church to give life and direction to our mission and ministry school and far less likely to take up smoking, use alcohol or
to preach the Gospel to every nation, to proclaim the drugs, or experiment with sex. The list of benefits goes on
forgiveness and reconciliation in God's name, to baptize all and on.
humanity into the life of Jesus' Resurrection. And it’s no surprise. We bring all our hungers to the table -
The Spirit of God enables the Eleven – and us – to do physical, emotional, social, and spiritual—and all of them
things they could not do their own: to understand the “truth” can be fed. The meal doesn’t have to be like a Norman
of God’s great love for his people that is embodied in the Rockwell painting - everyone smiling around an orderly
Risen Christ, and then to boldly proclaim the Gospel of table. There may even be teasing and taunting and spilled
Christ. The Spirit empowers us with the grace to do the milk. It doesn’t matter. The fact that you are there together,
difficult work of Gospel justice, forgiveness and compassion. sharing your lives, and being present to one another is how
The miracle of Pentecost (Acts 2) is the Spirit’s the magic happens.
overcoming the barriers of language and perception to open Family mealtime prepares us to be really present to one
not only the minds of the Apostles’ hearers but their hearts as another so we can better appreciate the Real Presence of
well to understanding and embracing the Word of God. Christ in the Eucharist. It can be a school where we learn to
pray about what really matters to us, day by day, and the
THE POWER OF FAMILY MEALS place where we practice forgiveness, both giving and
(excerpts from article by Tom McGrath for Loyola Press) receiving. It’s the place to bring our needs and know they
My parents weren’t big on having too many rules, but one will be met. In effect, it becomes a great place to prepare our
of the few non-negotiables in our home was that we were all minds and hearts to move from the family table to the table
at the dinner table at 5:15 pm. I’d drop what I was doing and of the Lord in our parish.
set off at top speed, desperately trying to make it home by So after all these years I’m glad my parents were so strict
5:15, the appointed dinner hour in our home. I’m so glad about the family meal. My wife and I held fast to this
they insisted. practice with our own daughters. And that memory of me
According to the mountains of research, children who running frantically always ends well—catching my breath
enjoy regular meals with their family do better in school, and taking my place as my family says together, “Bless us O
Lord, and these, thy gifts…”
1. Pre-Authorized giving (monthly automatic withdrawal): contact the office

2. E-transfer: use our business email address with your

If you would like to use this convenient method through your bank, please follow these
instructions (some banks charge a fee):
Go online and log into your bank account. Select Interac e-transfer and select a
recipient – the first time you will have to add recipient by putting in (after the first time it will then stay on your list of
recipients). Input amount to send and complete the transaction. Note in the memo area
what your donation is for; Sunday Offertory (SO), Facility Maintenance (FM) and
Building Fund (BF). (Please include your ID# in the memo - contact the office if you
do not have a parish ID.)
Example - SO $20 One transaction can be made for all three if you wish. Such a
notation could look like this: SO $xx, FM $xx, BF $xx. If your transaction does not
work the first time, please try the next day as the Diocese can only receive a set amount
of donations in a 24-hour period. If you have any questions, please email or call the

3. Regular mail: send your weekly offertory envelope or cheque payable to St. Helen
Church to:
St. Helen Church
4106 Mountain St.
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7

4. Drop off: This option is not encouraged during the COVID 19 pandemic.
If absolutely necessary, you may drop off your envelope by calling the office to arrange a

5. Credit card or Paypal (Canada Helps link):
(tax receipt is issued by Canada Helps, they retain a nominal percentage as fee)

COVID 19 pandemic
Thank you for considering the financial needs of our parish during the COVID 19 pandemic. We
understand and appreciate that financial pressure on families is different today than it was even a
few months ago. We are also carefully managing the expenses at the parish and are deeply
grateful for any help you can provide. Thank you and be assured of our continued prayers and
best wishes.

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