The Queen of Embers

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The Queen of Embers

A Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Adventure

by Sami Uusitalo

Written and Designed by

Sami Uusitalo (

Maps made with Paper by Fifty Three.

This work was inspired, amongst other things, by: Tamurkhan: Throne of Chaos, The Forges of Nuln,
Bioshock Infinite, The Dark Knight Returns, Lone Wolf and Cub, Sigmars Heirs

This is a completely unofficial, fan-written adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition.
All relevant trademarks and copyrights are used without permission and in no way intended to challenge
their ownership by Fantasy Flight Games and Games Workshop.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Games Workshop Limited 1986, 2005. This edition Games Workshop
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insignia/devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products
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The forge has gone quiet;

The anvil lies mute.
The forge has gone quiet;
No more does the Hammer fall.
Only fading embers remain
And my hearth grows cold.
One kiss from You
To rekindle it all.
The forge has gone quiet;
The bellows blow no more.
The forge has gone quiet;
The smiths have gone home.
Only fading embers remain
And my hearth grows cold.
One caress from You
To light the fire anew.
The forge has gone quiet;
Only cinders remain.
My hearth has grown cold
And darkness falls.
Did I wait in vain for
My Queen of Embers?
- The Queen of Embers, author unknown

The Queen of Embers is a Warhammer Fantasy
Roleplay adventure for player characters well into
their second careers. All the information necessary to
run this adventure is provided, but for the best
possible play experience it is recommended that in
addition to the WFRP Core rulebook you also have
access to Tome of Corruption and Forges of Nuln.

There seems to be a connection between Morrslieb

and the Spinsters Eye that many Celestial Wizards find
troubling. What is more, any Astromancer studying
the star is soon plagued by horrible nightmares and
visions they refuse to elaborate upon. As a result the
Celestial Order has banned all studies of the Eye until
further notice.

The events of The Queen of Embers take place in Nuln

and Wissenland over eight connected chapters and
take weeks or even months of the player characters
time, and several gaming sessions, to complete. With
some work, several chapters can be used as standalone scenarios in other campaigns or interludes
between other adventures. Converting The Queen of
Embers to other editions of WFRP should be rather a
straightforward affair.

The Spinsters Eye does indeed hide a secret: a

Daemon of Slaanesh is trapped within it. She is
Pyrenzhia and she was once a Daemon-Queen. Like all
powerful Slaaneshi daemons, Pyrenzhia is a unique
expression of the Dark Princes mood and emotion at
the time of her creation. In her case, the emotion is
something quite foreign and loathsome to the Prince
of Pleasure, something too mortal unrequited love.
Despite all her allure and influence, Pyrenzhia has
never been able to entice Slaanesh to reciprocate her
love. Instead, she is an anathema to the Prince of
Pleasure, a reflection of mans denial of His love.
Pyrenzhia desires nothing more than to show her god
and master her true nature, to prove her mettle and
devotion to Him.

Life in the Empire can a harsh and unforgiving
existence and many people seek solace in superstition
and old beliefs to find a sense of security and control.
Superstitious folk all over the Empire turn to odd
beliefs and rituals to appease the gods and secure
continued good fortune every day. Most of these
superstitions are ancient and their origins lost to the
ages, yet people observe them without question.

Pyrenzhia grew to be a powerful entity. Not quite as

mighty as a Keeper of Secrets, but a Daemon-Queen
with her own harem of Daemonettes bound to her will
nonetheless. Determined to win Slaaneshs love,
Pyrenzhia mustered an army and descended upon the
world of men. She would gift Slaanesh with the most
beautiful of the cities of men and make its citizens
slaves to His will. Then her master would surely
recognise the depth of her love for Him.

One such belief concerns a distant constellation of

stars known as the Spinster. It is ascendant during the
winter months, especially around New Year, and is
believed to be the protector of lovers. Indeed, every
time the Spinster is in the sky, young lovers sneak out
for a secret tryst under the night sky.

The great library of Nuln displays a lone painting in

one of its side rooms. The painting is said to be from
the Age of Three Emperors and believed to picture the
Elector Count of Wissenland slaying a Daemon of
Slaanesh with his Runefang. Even though the full story
is long forgotten, the painting reveals the truth Pyrenzhia failed. The Runefang banished her back to
the Realm of Chaos.

However, for one night every year, usually around

Geheimnisnacht, a single star in the constellation - the
Spinsters Eye - shines upon all widows and widowers,
lovers lost, and those betrayed by love. It is believed
that a request made to the Spinster under the Eyes
cold stare is answered. Thus, many seek to speak to a
dead spouse for one last time or ask for unrequited
love to be reciprocated.

Disgusted and disappointed, Slaanesh punished

Pyrenzhia by banishing her beyond the stars where

she was imprisoned by powerful hexagrammatic

equations of dark magic. Every time Morrslieb is full,
she is allowed a brief glimpse at Nuln to remind her of
her failure.

all into an all-consuming maelstrom that revolves

around the Countess.
All the factions described below have a part to play in
the coming events and the characters will interact
with all of them during the adventure. Some of them
are allies, some are enemies, and some may start as
one to become the other later on. The key factions are
shortly described below to give the GM an overview of
their motivations and goals. These will be expanded
further when the events of the adventure call for it.

The Queen of Embers

Elector Countess Emmanuelle von Liebwitz, Grand
Countess of Wissenland, Countess of Nuln, and
Duchess of Meissen is the Sun the political and social
life of Nuln revolves around. Her court is a collection
of advisors and nobles, hangers-on and sycophants,
circling her in ever widening orbits, all seeking to gain
her favour. Every now and then some poor soul flies
too close and ends up burning his wings.

Countess Emmanuelle von Liebwitz

Avoiding the brutal winters of Wissenland is not the
sole reason why Countess Emmanuelle seeks to
separate Nuln from Wissenland, but it is definitely a
welcome benefit. Along with the deplorable weather,
Wissenlands uncouth burghers and uncivilized
commoners with their mundane problems are a
constant distraction depriving her of time better spent
attending matters more deserving of her attention,
not to mention taxing to Nulns coffers.

Rumors about the Countess promiscuous lifestyle and

gossipmongers tales of yet another new lover seen
sneaking from her chambers are familiar to all
Nulners. Yet she is widely loved and respected even
though some think she is too frivolous to be much of a
Slaanesh is associated with all the different emotions
that comprise pleasure, but He is also Purpose. This
Purpose is expressed in mortal creatures as their
pursuit of, and need for, pleasure. To many, Countess
Emmanuelle von Liebwitz is the embodiment of mortal
pursuit of pleasure. Naturally it follows that Slaaneshi
Cultists have tried to corrupt her and show her the
truth that is the Lord of Pleasure.

Conversely, the Countess loves everything about Nuln

- its culture, its wealth, even its politics - and wants to
dedicate all her time to the Jewel of the Empire.
Especially now, when it is once again one of the richest
and most influential cities in the Old World. Nuln
escaped the devastation of the Storm of Chaos for the
most part and equipping Karl Franzs armies filled the
citys coffers with gold. The merchants enjoyed
unforeseen profits as cannons and steam tanks were
rolled out to bolster the war effort.

So far, Emmanuelle has resisted all attempts to

corrupt her. And this has the Cult Magus covet her
even more. This has in turn attracted the attention of
Slaanesh and evoked feelings of Unrequited Love in
Him. Slaaneshs feelings feed Pyrenzhia - the
embodiment of those feelings - as she stirs in her
prison. Already she is able to reach out, send the weak
and the willing visions and dreams when Morrslieb is

Emmanuelle seeks to divorce Nuln from Wissenland

altogether, but she needs to find a way to retain Nuln
with her own Electoral vote while Wissenland would
receive its own. With the help of her colleague in
Talabheim, she has started negotiations with the
Emperor regarding large loans to the Imperial war
coffers. She has also promised Elector Count von
Raukov military and financial support in rebuilding
Ostland in exchange for his vote.

Pieces on the Board

The Queen of Embers takes place in Nuln where
Pyrenzhia is about to return. This is not a tale of an evil
sorcerer or a single cult seeking to summon the
Daemon-Queen, however. Instead, her presence
affects several different factions with very human
goals, heightening their ambitions and drawing them

Understandably, her plan has the other Elector Counts

worried. Still, many discount the Countess on the
account of her reputation and expect her to abandon
the plan when some other fancy takes her. Some,
however, give her more credit and presume this is an

elaborate scheme to increase her power while diluting


the Marienburg class Land Ship a ship moving on

wheels, powered by a steam engine. The project came
to a halt for various reasons, the biggest of which was
a horrible accident at the Geldman & Zachs foundry
when an experimental steam engine exploded.

The Saltpeter Men

The Gunnery School, the foundries, the Engineering
School one could say Nuln lives by guns and
gunpowder. Especially now, as a source of the citys
new found wealth, gunpowder is Nulns lifeblood and
in order to make gunpowder one needs saltpeter. The
sudden increase in demand for saltpeter means one
group in particular has suddenly become very
powerful and influential the Saltpeter Men.

The war in the North ended before they could finish

the project and the men found themselves with
unfinished Land Ships no one wanted. And they
couldnt even get them to work.
So, the Guiding Hands attempt to build a Land Ship
ended in an unmitigated disaster and left the men in
dire straits financially. That was when the Merchants
were approached by a mysterious Dwarf who offered
to help. The sinister looking Dwarf promised to finish
the Land Ships if, in return, they helped him have six
bell-towers built.

These ruthless men have a mandate to ensure Nuln

has access to necessary levels of saltpeter, and
gunpowder, at all times. They have basically been
given carte blanche to make sure the need for this
essential resource is met no matter what.
The Saltpeter Men are supposed to answer to the
Countess but are growing more independent and
secretive by the day. Unscrupulous and corrupt even
before the war, they are now akin to a secret police
with very few limitations to their power. People feel
they abuse their position and that they are all corrupt.

The Guiding Hand accepted the offer and took

blueprints of the towers to one professor Hausdorff
from the Engineering School with whom they already
collaborated. The professor convinced the Countess
and the towers were built on an expedited schedule.
As a sign of trust, and to seal their business
arrangement, the Dwarf invited the Merchants to join
him in an ancient Dwarfen ritual. The men agreed
mostly because they didnt want to offend the Dwarf.

They are a clandestine group, their structure, numbers

and ultimate goals veiled in secrecy. Not much is
known about their organization except it is supposedly
run by a small clique of Pyromancer-Alchemists and a
mysterious, unknown leader. The Saltpeter Men are
influential, but their leader has his eyes set on an even
more powerful position.

So far, the Dwarf hasnt delivered on his promise and

the Land Ships remain unfinished. What is more, the
Merchants find their workers getting more restless
and troublesome by the day.

The Guiding Hand

The Dawi Zharr

The Guiding Hand is a cult of Handrich; a fraternity of

greedy, venal men who gather to offer their thanks to
the God of Trade, drink, and collude to fix prices,
lower taxes, and undermine their competition. Four
Nulner Merchants make up the Guiding Hand: Viktor
Geldman, Markus Zachs, Meryle Lintz, and Bruder
Lehmann. They are all brilliant men, but absolutely
ruthless with their workers and utterly merciless when
it comes to their competitors.

The sinister looking Dwarf who approached the

Guiding Hand is Bhakrak the Blackened, one of the
feared Sorcerer-Prophets of the evil and self-centered
race of Chaos Dwarfs.
Some years ago Bhakrak had led his troops into the
Black Mountains in search of a rumoured lost mine.
Instead of the mine, the baleful light of Morrslieb
revealed an ancient temple hidden between the
windswept peaks. The black stone structure had lain
undisturbed for centuries, until the Dawi Zharr

At the height of the Storm of Chaos, the four

Merchants, looking to profit from the war effort,
sought to create a more powerful, more efficient
version of the iconic steam tank. Their insane idea was

Land Ships come from Forge Worlds Tamurkhan:

Throne of Chaos. The backstory has been modified to
suit the needs of this adventure.

stumbled upon it. A sudden blizzard forced them to

retreat inside - and Bhakrak found his destiny.

shielded the young man and gave him new breath. She
made him the Fireborn.

Faded murals depicted a she-daemon tearing down

the human city of Nuln. Bhakrak felt instantly and
instinctively that he was guided here by Hashut, the
daemon-god of the Chaos Dwarfs. What Bhakrak
doesnt know, is he was actually touched by the
stirring will of Pyrenzhia.

Soon, word spread of a young man who had been

disfigured by the flames only to carry the fires of
revolution inside him. They call him the Fireborn, or
the Sootstained Prophet. Ever since the accident the
young man has had an air of irresistible charisma and
purpose about him.

The Daemon-Queen manipulated Bhakrak to believe

he was exalted by his god and given a holy mission
to solve the Great Equation. Guided by his visions, and
careful not to alert his jealous brethren to his findings
Bhakrak took his most loyal followers and made his
way to Nuln. He could feel it Nuln was a nexus of
geomantic energies a node of fire and ash sacred to
the Father of Darkness. How else could it be the
center of human endeavors with soot, and ash, and
gunpowder? He would burn it all down in His glory,
and the Great Equation was the key to achieving this.

It started with small groups of people coming to listen

to the man who had survived so miraculously. With a
soft, but strong voice and eyes burning with purpose
the young man preaches about the greed of
merchants and the corruption and venality of the
Saltpeter Men. He urges workers to demand safer
working conditions and higher wages; and he tells
them to rise up against the men who have grown rich
and fat off of their labor.
He carries a simple wooden sword, blackened in a
forges flames, with him that has become a symbol for
what he stands for. They call it the 13 Runefang, and
his followers use the numeral XIII as their sign. The
Runefangs are symbols of the Elector Counts power
and his is the 13 - the Runefang of the People. His
cause is gaining more followers by the day. The fires of
revolution are rising.

Through his spies in the foundries he learned of the

Guiding Hand and their ridiculous Land Ships. He had
resolved enough of the Equation to know he needed
to build six bell-towers to power the great ritual. He
approached the Guiding Hand and manipulated them
to ensure the towers were built. With this
collaboration Bhakrak achieved two things. Firstly, the
towers were a geomantic focus for a ritual that was
part of the Great Equation. Secondly, professor
Hausdorff would help solving the Equation.

Enter the Heroes

The Queen of Embers takes place over the course of
eight chapters that start in Nuln and see the PCs travel
to several places in Wissenland before their return to
Nuln for the adventures climactic end. Below is a
short synopsis of the eight chapters.

Bhakrak doesnt know what solving the Great Equation

does exactly, but he feels the holy presence within.
The towers are built; the Equation is almost solved.
Soon, he will see Nuln burn for the glory of Hashut.

Adventure Synopsis
The first attempt by the Guiding Hand to build a land
ship ended in a disaster. The experimental steam
engine didnt fire up properly and a young apprentice
was sent to find out what the problem was. Without
warning the malfunctioning machine exploded in a
fiery blast that killed a dozen men.

Chapter 1 The action begins in Nuln on

Geheimnisnacht. The Countess wants the
city fully illuminated on this ominous night
and the PCs have been hired as protection
to a lamplighter. They run into some
strange things before stopping a group of
human traffickers.

Maybe the stars were aligned just right; or maybe it

was the work being done on the Great Equation; or
perhaps it was destiny. The fact is, the young man was
saved, and transformed, by Pyrenzhias will. She

Chapter 2 Their heroics in the first chapter dont go

unnoticed and the PCs are dispatched to
investigate a foul stench that has fallen
over the city. During their investigations

they encounter both XIII and the Saltpeter

Men before their investigation leads them
to a site of a dark ritual and a mutated
professor and the first signs of a greater
plot against Nuln.

Chapter 8 Our heroes return to Nuln. They have to

tie up loose ends from chapters 5 through
7 and recruit allies made earlier in the
adventure in order to stop Pyrenzhia. To
complicate matters the Countess is having
a ball, a revolution begins, and the Chaos
Dwarfs decide it is time for Nuln to burn.

Chapter 3 The Countess plan to divorce Nuln from

Wissenland moves forward. Previous
events have earned the PCs the trust of
one the Countess chief advisors and now
the Countess herself has a mission for
them. They have to escort her chief legal
advisor to Wissenburg with a rather
peculiar ride.

Advice on Running the Adventure

Here is some advice on running The Queen of Embers.
First of all, you should prepare by reading through
the whole adventure before running it. This way
you gain an understanding of the big picture and
know what is to come. The adventure in itself is
rather straightforward, but the plot is not. Instead,
it is rather complicated with several factions and
NPCs with overlapping goals. Reading through the
whole adventure beforehand helps you
understand their place and purpose within the
adventure as a whole.

Chapter 4 The PCs help the legal advisor and find

themselves at a party in Wissenburg trying
to protect a local luminary in order to
secure his support. After preventing one
murder, they find there has been another
as part of a plot against Nuln and the
Countess. They gain a surprising new ally
and find out that the advisor left behind
notes that point to three different
locations in Wissenland.

Any one character class or career isnt absolutely

necessary, but having an Elf in the party can be
helpful and provide interesting roleplaying
opportunities. Also, having a Wizard can be helpful
considering the PCs will encounter some
spellcasters. At least one character should have
Read/Write skill (at the very minimum the party
should be accompanied by an NPC with this skill).

The PCs are free to choose the order in

which they visit the locations in chapters
five through seven.
Chapter 5 Following the clues from chapter 4, the
hunt down a forbidden book only to find
out the person carrying it is being pursued
by a fanatical Verenean Investigator. If
they manage to get the book, they get
valuable information on Pyrenzhia.

Please take a look at Forges of Nuln for more

information on the city. Also, the website features excellent
maps of Nuln.
There are a few instances where the PCs are given
missions by very powerful and influential NPCs.
However, this doesnt have to mean the players
need to feel railroaded. Character motivation plays
an important part in ensuring this and you should
strive to ensure the characters have a personal
stake in the fate of Nuln. This can be included
already in character creation. If you are using
existing characters, opportunities to create these
ties are provided in the early chapters.

Chapter 6 The PCs are thrown in the middle of a

conflict between a band of mercenaries
and the Elves. If they manage to navigate
the precarious situation successfully, they
are rewarded with evidence regarding a
plan to infiltrate the Countess coming ball
to celebrate the Nuln/Wissenland
Chapter 7 The characters infiltrate a salt mine of one
of the Guiding Hand Merchants and find
out the men have been co-operating with
the Chaos Dwarfs.

Even though the through-line of the adventure is

rather straightforward, emphasis has been put on
character choice in individual scenes. Be prepared


to react to the choices and approaches your

players take and adjust the adventure accordingly.
Let the players shape their story and always
remember their characters are the heroes of the
Take notes. The choices and interactions the party
has with different factions and NPCs during the
adventure will have repercussions in the final
chapter. Encourage your players to take notes. At
the start of each session recap what has happened

Here is a timeline of the events preceding Chapter I.

Please note the timeline references some NPCs and
events that are introduced later. Return to this chart
after you have finished reading through the

Sometime During
the Age of Three Emperors
Storm of Chaos

Finally, and most importantly, make this adventure

yours. No one knows your and your players
preferences better than you. Add new parts, take
out parts you dont like, adjust and modify when
necessary. The goal is to create, together with your
players, a story you all enjoy.

Pyrenzhia fails to conquer Nuln. Slaanesh

banishes her 'beyond the stars'.
The Guiding Hand start the Land Ship project.
The Saltpeter Men start gaining power.

Storm of Chaos Ends


The Land Ship project is in trouble. Hexenstern

joins the Astrologers' Guild of Mordheim* .
*See Chapter III
Bhakrak the Blackened finds
the ancient temple.
Bhakrak arrives at Nuln, begins work
with the Great Equation .

There are certain recurring themes that run through

this adventure to tie the different chapters and events
together in a narrative whole. These are:

Thornroot becomes the Countess' food taster.*

*see Chapter IV
The Countess declares effort to separate Nuln
from Wissenland, appoints Rosalia Schultz*.
*see Chapter III
Explosion at the foundry, the Sootstained
Prophet is 'born'.

Countess Emmanuelle von Liebwitz. Her influence

is felt everywhere. Love for her manifests in a
myriad of ways.
Last Hexenstag

Hexenstern foils an attempt at the Countess' life.

Gunpowder, ash, and fire.

Bhakrak approaches the Guiding Hand.

Dark magic, sorcerous equations, constellations,


Construction of the bell towers begins. Professor

Hausdorff* starts work on the Great Equation.

Pyrenzhias influence and the power ambitions

and desires have over people.

*see Chapter II
The Sootstained Prophet starts gaining
followers who call themselves XIII.

The conflict between workers and the merchant


The Guiding Hand sells the Emmanuelle *

to Captain Glaubrecht
*see Chapter III
Hexenstern suspects a plot against Nuln and
contacts Schultz*

Racial tensions between Men and Elves.

The weather changes towards autumn and winter.
It gets darker and colder as the adventure

This Geheimnistag

Awarding Experience
The PCs are expected to gain around 150 to 250
experience points per chapter. Grant higher amounts
if they complete side plots and always award good

*see Chapter IV
Adventure begins with Chapter I

Chapter I
The adventure begins in Nuln on Geheimnisnacht, the
Night of Mystery. Like Hexensnacht Geheimnisnacht
sees the twin moons Morrslieb and Mannslieb full on
the night sky and the veil between worlds grows thin.
It is a night of magic and dark powers when no-one in
their right mind ventures out.

knows this) goes that, when young Magnus was just

starting his crusade to save the Empire he performed
one of his first miracles on this square. A well-known
gathering place at the time for Merchants, many of
them had been complaining about their wares
combusting spontaneously and seeing grinning faces
in the flames. Magnus arrived at the square. He
poured some gunpowder on the ground, said a payer
to Sigmar, and set the gunpowder alight. Then he
called forth and exorcised a ravenous fire-spirit from
the Merchants wares in front of dozens of witnesses.
Since then the place has been known as Gunpowder

Last Hexensnacht (the Witching Night) there was an

attempt at Countess Emmanuelles life. She was saved
by the timely intervention of Astromancer Tychonus
Hexenstern, who read signs of the coming attack in
the stars and rushed to stop the assassination
attempt. The attack claimed the life of her former
court astrologer, and Hexensterns mentor, however.

Tonight, there are no Merchants peddling their wares.

Instead, the square is full of armed men, lamplighters,
and priests. Cold night air is filled with anxious barks
and growls of muzzled dogs, nervous coughs from the
gathered men, and barked orders from City Watch

The events of that night left the Countess so terrified

she ordered certain measures to be taken. Six belltowers were built, their sole purpose to toll on every
Hexensnacht and Geheimnisnacht to scare away evil
spirits. Furthermore, she ordered every lamp and light
lit through the dark hours of these accursed nights.
This is where the player characters come in.

The PCs stand and wait with the Lamplighter they are
to escort tonight, Amadeus Lichtmann (for stats see p.
87). They have been assigned a district in Shantytown
and will be paid 5 gc each after sunrise. Their job is to
escort Amadeus and make sure all street lights are lit
all through the night.

The characters find themselves on escort duty this

Geheimnisnacht. There are numerous ways how the
PCs can end up in this situation. Any PCs in Warrior
careers could have been hired by the city, or
appointed here by their superiors. Wizards could have
received the order form their mentor or Order. The
same goes for Priests and Initiates. Academic
characters could be sent here to write down
everything that happens tonight. Or the PCs could be
here just to make a few extra gold crowns.

Stern-faced Sigmarite Priests walk from one group to

another. Each is followed by Initiates carrying smoking
censers and chanting somber hymns. One of the
Priests comes over to the PCs group and stops in front
of each of them to recite a prayer from the Deus
Sigmar. Then he plants a prayer ribbon on their
armour or clothing. Next, an Initiate steps forth and
presses a hot wax seal on the ribbon, attaching it to
the PCs equipment. Wearing this Prayer Ribbon
grants the same effect as the spell Armour of
Righteousness from the Lore of Sigmar (WFRP Core p.
166). Removing the seal removes the effect.
Otherwise, the effect lasts until sunrise.

As you start, go through each PCs reason and

motivation for being here. You can do it already
during character creation or describe it in a short
montage at the start of the session. Alternately, you
can hand the narrative reins to your players and let
them explain how they ended up here.

Gunpowder Square

The Priest moves on to the next group and the PCs are
sent on their way.

The night starts at Gunpowder Square. It is a little

square in Nulns Handelbezirk (trade district) made
famous by Magnus the Pious. The story (every Nulner



something that will follow them, or try to put out the


Shantytown is the disgrace of Nuln. It is the part of

town where all the diseased and other untouchables
live, and where mutants are whispered to ascend from
the sewers. The district is a haven for thieves and

The alley leads to the waterfront and a small, crooked

pier. At the end of the pier stands a couple looking up
at the night sky. A young Burghers son has fallen in
love with a simple peasant girl and the two snuck out
to ask the Spinster for a way to be together.

Shantytown is a maze of narrow, muddy streets that

snake between wooden shanties, shabby cottages,
and illicit businesses. Dilapidated houses lean into
each other like a row of rotten teeth. It is the PCs duty
to move through the district going from one street
light to the next. Luckily (or unluckily), most side
streets and back alleys dont have street lamps.

An Average (+0) Perception Test reveals the shadowy

figure sneaking closer to the couple. The figure is
actually the girls mutated brother who fears the
Burghers son will steal his sister away from him. The
Mutant, its fragile mind affected by Morrliebs glare, is
here to kill the boy (use Mutant stats, WFRP p.230).
There are several ways to solve the situation. Play
these up for dramatic effect.

Amadeus Lichtmann is a recently recruited

Lamplighter. Usually friendly and talkative,
Geheimnisnacht makes the young man more than a
little nervous and fidgety. For the first couple of lamps
his hands shake so much he cant seem to light them.
A few encouraging words go a long way to help him
calm down. Amadeus can inform the PCs about the
events of last Hexensnacht if they havent heard about
them already (the assassination attempt and resulting

The streets are devoid of people, but eyes peek from

behind parted curtains and weird sounds echo down
the narrow streets. There is a strange, coppery taste
to the night air.

The following three optional encounters are meant to

evoke the strangeness and mysteriousness of
Geheimnisnacht. Use as many of these encounters as
you see fit. You can also ask a player or two to
describe a memory their character has regarding a
past Night of Mystery.

Optional Encounter 1 The Spinsters Eye

The PCs make their way deeper into Shantytown.
Amadeus lights another street lamp and its pale
yellow light catches a shadowy figure running on all
fours. It disappears into a narrow alley between two
dilapidated houses. A Routine (+10) Perception Test
reveals it to be about the size of a man.

The PCs can warn the couple. In that case, the

girl recognizes her brother. She can, with a
little help from the PCs, ensure her brother
she is not about to leave him. This requires
good roleplaying and a successful Average
(+0) Charm Test.
A successful Average (+0) Intimidate Test
scares the Mutant away.
They can distract the Mutant (or let the sister
do it) and then try to sneak up on it. This
requires an Opposed Silent Move Test
against the Mutants Perception (31%).
They can attack and kill the mutant. If they
capture it, City Watch will come to collect it.
Or they can find some other solution. Let
them be creative.
If the Mutant is wounded, it tries to flee. The
sister tries to stop the PCs from killing her
If they fail dramatically in any test or do
nothing, the Mutant attacks the boy. If they
still do not interfere, the Mutant kills the boy.
This probably calls for an Insanity Check.

If the PCs solve the situation, the couple, or Amadeus,

tells them about the Spinsters Eye (see p.4). Or, have
them make a Routine (+10) Common Knowledge (the
Empire) Test.

If the PCs hesitate to follow the figure, Amadeus

suggests they check it out to make sure it is not


Optional Encounter 2 The Candlemaker

fire or reducing it to 0 Wounds destroys the creature

as well.

Amadeus notices he is running out of candles. There is

no reason to worry though, as a familiar
candlemakers shop lies nearby. The shop is indeed
close by, but upon arrival they find the door eerily
ajar. The shop, a dark, cramped space full of candles of
all sizes and shapes, seems to be abandoned. Anyone
with Sixth Sense has a bad feeling about this place. Let
the PCs proceed into the shop and look around before
they see light shining from under a trapdoor and hear
muffled noises.

If they want to turn the candlemaker over to the

authorities, a City Watch patrol is not far away.

Optional Encounter 3 Whats in a Name?

This encounter takes place on an unnamed street in
Shantytown. Amadeus lights another street lamp and
the group prepares to move on to the next one, when
one of the characters notices that the lamps behind
are going gone dark one after another. Let the PCs
ponder what to do for moment. There is no sign of
anyone in the darkness, and it is eerily quiet. Turn up
the tension by asking for Initiative Rolls. When they
decide on a course of action, the lamp they just lit
goes out. Suddenly, it is pitch black.

Ascending the short stairs the PCs see the

candlemaker, a thin and haggard figure, fighting to
keep rows of freshly made candles lit. A nauseating
stench rises from a large tub that seems to be full of
some kind of waxy goo. A closer look reveals a ghoullike creature slowly rising from the tub. The sweating,
wheezing candlemaker pleads for help to keep the
candles from going out.

Go through a quick round asking each player what

their character does (dont give them any time to
plan). Candles or light-based spells do not pierce the
darkness. No-one attacks them though. What happens
instead, is a PC (choose one, or pick the one with
lowest WP) hears someone whisper her name right
next to her ear. Again, give the PCs a chance to freak
out. Then, the street lamps light back up one at a time,
like something or someone was slowly retreating away
from them.

What is happening here then? The candlemaker was

commissioned by a nefarious figure (a Necromancer)
for candles made of human fat. The candlemaker, in
need of all the work he can get, took the job. He lured
a beggar into his shop and killed him, then started to
work on the candles using the tub.
Then Geheimnisnacht happened and something
animated the corpse in the tub. It seems to be
mystically connected to the candles made from its fat.
The more candles are lit the weaker it seems to be,
but a breeze from the tub keeps putting out the
flames. Sooner or later they all burn out and the
creature attacks. An Average (+0) Intelligence Test or
a PC with Witchsight is needed to understand this, if
the players dont figure it out on their own. The
candlemaker tries to explain it to them, but his panic
makes him hard to understand. Insanity Check is in
order for anyone who learns the truth about the
creature and the candles.

At first, the PCs may not notice anything is amiss.

However, when it comes up the PC who heard the
whisper cannot remember her name to save her life.
Even in the case she is told her name she forgets it
right away. The name comes back to her at sunrise.
Who took it and what was it used for? The character
will probably never find out.

The Orphanage
On the far side of the PCs appointed district lies a
small orphanage run the Cult of Manann. For several
years, Annyke Buuren - an elderly Temple Guard - has
been running an orphanage for children who have lost
their parents to the Reik. However, years on the river
and the unsavory conditions of Shantytown have left
her with chronic Weevil Cough and deteriorating

Use Zombie stats from WFRP Core p. 231 for the

creature. It attacks everyone coming near the tub. It
wont be able to leave the tub until all the candles are
extinguished. It is destroyed if all the candles are lit. It
takes combined 4 levels of success in Agility Tests to
light all the candles. Conversely, combined 4 levels of
failure puts out the candles. Setting the creature on

Those seeking to exploit others often have a keen eye

for human weakness. So it was with Annyke as well.


She has treated her cough with Black Lotus long

enough to developed a serious addiction. The men
providing her with the drug promised her enough
money and Black Lotus to treat her condition for a
long while. All she had to do in exchange was to mix a
vial of poison in the orphans food, get her belongings
and never return. Earlier tonight, she did just that.

however, knows the PCs are here as city officials and

doesnt dare to attack them outright. He was counting
on not being disturbed on Geheimnisnacht so his
cover is simple and straightforward: He was fetched
here by the alarmed Temple Guard who attended the
place and now they are taking the bodies to the
nearest Garden of Morr.

When the characters arrive at the orphanage (it is too

small to have a proper name), they see a Priest of
Morr instructing a group of surly men (All the PCs
know that Geheimnisnacht is a sacred night to the
followers of Morr). They are loading small bodies onto
a cart. Once they notice the PCs, the men stop what
they are doing to regard the newcomers. The Priest of
Morr approaches the group and introduces himself as
Father Baer. He seems unwilling to loiter and the men
hes with are visibly suspicious.

The Temple Guard

She is nowhere to be seen. The Priest says, rather
ominously, that the woman left as soon as they got
here, scared of the evil forces clearly afoot.
Furthermore, the Priest says she had allegedly
witnessed a hag-like creature drift through the wall
and start sucking life energy from the orphans. That
was when she ran to fetch the Priest.

Investigating the Orphanage

Father Baer is quick to tell them that it seems some

foul creature has claimed the lives of these poor little
souls. He was fetched by the alarmed Temple Guard
who attended the place and they are now taking the
bodies to the nearest Garden of Morr for last rites.
These are, of course, all lies. The men are members of
a notorious group of human traffickers. Orphans are
perfect targets for them as no-one ever comes looking
for them.

The Temple Guard indeed seems to have left.

However, if she left in a hurry, she took the time to
take most of her stuff with her. An Average (+0)
Perception Test finds a small vial hidden under her
bedding. Another successful Heal, Prepare Poison, or
suitable Common Knowledge Test suggests the vial
smells of a potent sedative. This poison was
administered to make the orphans unconscious and
corpse-like for a few hours.

Uncovering the Scam

There is no sign of any kind of supernatural creature.

There are no signs of fighting.

The purpose of this scene is to get the PCs to do the

right thing and save the orphans. This way, Master
Hexenstern has a reason to recruit the heroes of
Geheimnistag the following morning. So, it is
imperative the PCs take interest in this scene. How to
ensure that then? First of all, they should get the
feeling that something fishy is going on here as soon
as they arrive at the scene. Any character with Sixth
Sense gets the feeling that something is wrong.
Furthermore, all the men (number of PCs + 2 + the
Priest) look armed and dangerous. If everything else
fails, Amadeus tries to convince them something is
afoot, or one of the orphans on the cart moans indicating she is very much alive.

Investigating the Cart

The problem with investigating the cart is that the
men guarding it wont let the PCs inspect the bodies
too closely. They state that on a night like this one has
to be careful with corpses. A suitable skill or a ruse is
The bodies are covered with a cloth. At first glance the
orphans look dead. A closer inspection reveals their
lips smell the same as the vial found inside the
orphanage. They also have the faintest pulse.

The Kislevite Witch

Questioning the Priest

When the PCs start to get too nosy Father Baer tries to
scapegoat a Kislevite Wise Woman living nearby,
saying the Temple Guard witnessed the Witch skulking

Father Baer (in reality a Smuggler and human

trafficker called Aldred Baer, for stats see p.88) wants
to get rid of the characters as quickly as possible. He,


around. The hag-like creature that drifted through the

wall must have been the Witch!

at bay). The Wise Woman looks up and says with a

heavy Kislevite accent: I was expecting you.

The Wise Woman lives just two blocks away. Father

Baer is willing to send two of his men, Gotz and Jorg,
with the PCs should they be willing to go take care of
the Hag right away.

Dazhia is not guilty of killing the children. Give the PCs

a moment to talk to the Wise Woman. She knows
Kislevite orphans have gone missing in the past. And
she knows the PCs are not to blame (maybe the spirits
told her, maybe someone saw them lighting the
lamps). She is quick to see through the fake Priests
ruse and calls them on it. When the Thugs realize that
the PCs are hesitant about killing Dazhia, or that the
Hag blames them, they do what they were sent here
to do - kill the PCs and the Hag. If the PCs kill the Hag,
the men still try to kill them.

As the PCs leave towards the Kislevite, the Priest and

the rest of his men take the cart towards the
waterfront. All characters from Nuln are allowed an
Easy (+20) Intelligence Test to remember there is no
Garden of Morr in that direction.

Kill them!

If the Hag is attacked at any time, or if it seems the

characters have trouble defeating Gotz and Jorg, a
group of Kislevite labourers joins the fight. The Thugs
fight until one of them is dead or unconscious, and
then the other one surrenders. Dazhia only fights in

If the party uncovers the scam, refuses to go after the

Kislevite, or the Priest thinks the jig is up he orders his
men to kill them (see p.88). Baer himself and two
other men take the cart and flee towards the
waterfront where a river boat is waiting. The men fight
until they are clearly outnumbered then try to flee.

Once the fight is over, Dazhia urges the PCs to stop the
fake Priest before he can get away with the children. If
some of them are heavily wounded, she gives them a
Healing Draught. A couple Kislevite Labourers join
them, if you think the PCs need a helping hand.

Kislev Town
A small part of Shantytown is populated by the
Kislevite immigrants living in Nuln. It is called Kislev
Town and most of the Kislevites who live there are
labourers and their families. Dazhia the Wise Woman
is their de facto leader. The shanties and wooden
sheds that make up Kislev Town have a distinct
northern feel to them with skilled woodwork and bear
motifs clearly at display.

The Persistent Viper

Father Baer is rushing towards the waterfront and The
Persistent Viper waiting there. The captain of that
notorious river boat is Balthanyir, a Dark Elf (see Reik
Lionfish sidebar). The PCs catch the Thugs just as they
arrive at the pier. When Balthanyir realises his men
have been followed, he orders all witnesses killed on
the spot. He will not respond to any reasoning or
negotiating. So, most likely a fight ensues.

Kislev Town, like rest of the city, looks quiet and

abandoned. Tolling of the protective bells is barely
audible here. Amadeus points to the end of a street the Hag lives there. Knee high mist lingers over the
street and wooden wind chimes clatter hollowly.
Stuffed animal heads and weird charms are mounted
on lintels. It looks very much like the last place you
want to enter on a night like this.

Depending on how much action the PCs have already

seen tonight and how big of a fight you want to make
this, you have several options.

But enter they must. The Hags cabin lies at the end of
the street. As they approach, the PCs feel eyes upon
them and hear something akin to soft drumming. A
faded cloth serves as a makeshift door. The small hut
is lit by a single candle. A motley collection of herbs,
jars, and charms litters the place and the air is heavy
with strong aromas. Dazhia (see p.87) sits by the
candle softly banging a witch drum (to keep evil spirits


The PCs face Father Baer and one or two

A City Watch patrol is nearby and arrives at
the scene in 1d10/2 Rounds. Their arrival may
be enough to stop the fight and the Thugs
The Kislevite Labourers and/or City Watch
and the Thugs engage in a fight. Make their

fight background to the PCs fight and dont

bother with dice rolls.
Balthanyirs priority is to escape. He orders
some of his crew (Thugs) to unfasten the
boat. If you want to make the fight
considerably more difficult, have Balthanyir
(see p.89) join Baer to fight the PCs. He will
not fight to death and surrenders when he
realizes the fight is lost (he knows he will be
able to escape sooner rather than later).

Reik Lionfish
The Reik Lionfish is a rare venomous fish that lives
in the Reik. Venomous spines that protrude from
the body, similar to a mane, give it the name
lionfish. It is known to sneak aboard river boats
with bilge water and sting crew members.
The Reik Lionfish is also a nickname for a
mysterious criminal organization operating all along
the Reik. It has no official name, and the Reik
Lionfish name comes from the black silhouette it
sometimes brands cargo with.

Here are a few options to make the fight more

Besides, the Reik Lionfish is a suitable metaphor to

a dangerous organization of smugglers, pirates, and
assassins. Riverwardens whisper that an outcast Elf
family in Marienburg is actually an exiled Dark Elf
bloodline that runs the organization and uses it to
spy on the Empire.

Save the cart! Two thugs try to push the cart

aboard. They must be stopped and the cart
must not be allowed to fall into the river.
The Thugs unfastening the boat must be
Barrels, crates of fruit, and the river boat
provide props for the fight.

Once the fight is over, all the Thugs as well as the PCs
are escorted to the nearest Watch station. This takes
us straight to Chapter II.


Chapter II
This chapter picks up right where the first one ended.
It is already past sunrise and the PCs are being
questioned about last nights events at the City Watch
station. They have been held here for hours as one
clerk after another comes to ask them the same
questions over and over again. They are not suspected
of anything, probably, but should be feeling suitably
tired, hungry, bored, and frustrated.

sulphur and something not of this world. Folks are

retching or covering their faces with a piece of cloth or
their sleeves.
The Wizard buys them breakfast and pays them what
they are owed from last night. While doing that he
introduces himself as Tychonus Hexenstern, a Celestial
Wizard and the Countess chief advisor in all matters
astrological (see p.90) He thanks them for their service
and says that he could really use their help now.

Any surviving Thugs and Balthanyir are locked up. The

Watchmen dont allow anyone to talk to them, but if
the PCs insist they will probably find a way. Balthanyir
doesnt say a word, only stares at them with eyes dead
as a sharks (he most likely manages to escape later).

The problem? The stench. It started sometime last

night and Master Hexenstern suspects dark sorcery.
He says he read hints of something sinister in the
stars, but it was the odours otherworldly quality and
the fact the Winds of Magic flow strangely that
convinced him. Any character with Witchsight can
confirm this. The Winds of Magic look like a disturbed
pond at the moment.

Once the PCs are close to a breaking point a Wizard

enters the Watch station. He walks up to the Sergeant
and whispers a few words in his ear. The Sergeant
points at the PCs and the Wizard nods a quick thank
you. He approaches the PCs and says: Im sure you
are tired and hungry after a long and busy night. If
youll allow me, I would like to offer you breakfast so
that we can converse in a more pleasant milieu. I
would like to discuss a certain matter with capable
people such as yourselves.

Now, he needs the PCs look into this. Why them?

Well, they just proved themselves to be a capable
punch and he wants outsiders, someone only he
knows about. Master Hexenstern doesnt have much
more information to share. It seems the stench is
stronger on the other side of the river so maybe they
should start there.

Hopefully, the PCs agree to join him as the next part of

the adventure hinges on it. If they seem unwilling to
follow him, the Wizard tells them that he has their
payment from last night and there is plenty more
where that came from. And if they dont take up the
Wizards offer there is no telling when they will be let

As payment, he promises them 10 gc plus another 5 gc

if they bring however is responsible to his attention. If
some of the PCs are heavily wounded he advises them
to start at the Temple of Shallya. Mentioning his name
guarantees they get treated immediately.


Investigating the Stench

A small group of upset citizens has gathered outside

the station house. They fling rotten vegetables at the
windows and guards standing outside and demand to
see the captured Elf child killer. Apparently word of
last nights events is spreading fast.

The horrible stench seems to originate somewhere in

Faulestadt. Faulestadt is the newest part of Nuln. It
was created when all industries that create foul
odours or handle offensive material were moved to
one place. It is a busy district of tanners, dyers,
slaughterhouses, and, of course, the foundries. On a
good day the air is thick with the smell of blood,
sweat, and acrid chemicals. Now, the conditions are
almost unbearable. Everyone goes about wearing a
scarf, a cloth, or a mask of some kind.

The Wizard knows a suitable tavern serving breakfast

in Handelbezirk. On the way there the characters
cannot help but notice an awful stench hanging over
the city. It is almost indescribable with a hint of


Ask for a Gossip Test or two. The level of success

determines the time or the amount of coin the PCs
need to drop to get any information. Eventually, they
find out the following:

After a few minutes, a City Watch patrol disbands the

gathering. The Agitator and his mates flee from the

The War for Dung

The stench started sometime last night.

No-one seems to know where it comes from.
Most seek to blame their neighbor or
Many people remember waking up to
nightmares. Most dont remember what it
was about. Some might remember minor,
obscure details like eyes in the stars or
laughing flames.
There is a feud between local Dung Collectors
and some Tileans pushing in on their turf.
This has been going on for a fortnight now.
Maybe they have something to do with the
stench; they are handling dung after all. This
is a clue that will lead the PCs to the next
scene, so they should hear it from several

Dung Collectors are tasked with keeping the citys

thoroughfares and streets clean. Shoveling offal all day
is not the most lucrative job, but at least the Dung
Collectors in Nuln do better than their counterparts
elsewhere. This is because they can sell the dried dung
to the Saltpeter Men who use it to make saltpeter. At
one time, the Collectors tried their hand at making it
themselves, but the Saltpeter Men put a quick and
violent end to that.
As a whole, collecting dung and selling it to the
Saltpeter Men is a lucrative business. That is why
Tilean crime boss Silvio Corlusbeni has declared a war
on the Dung Collectors, trying to take over their turf.
After the PCs have heard rumors of the war for dung,
have them walk into this scene. A Dung Collectors
cart, full of offal, is blocking the street. Three men, all
clearly Tilean, circle the lone Dung Collector armed
with a shovel. The Tileans look for an opening and
attack as soon as they see it (see p.91). They quickly
disarm the Collector and throw him into the cart
intending to drown the poor man in the offal. Fearing
violence, bystanders are quick to disappear. It is up to
the PCs to save the man. They have approximately 5
rounds before the Dung Collector dies.

Industrielplatz is the most important part of
Faulestadt. The foundries and forges that feed the
Imperial Gunnery School are located there.
Furthermore, there are several smaller artillery
workshops. No place in Nuln has as high casualty rates
as Industrielplatz, including the City Watch.
Eventually, their investigation brings the PCs here and
that is when they see the following. An Agitator stands
on top of a barrel of gunpowder and preaches
animatedly to a small crowd. He has couple partners
handing out pamphlets. The message of the speech is
the same as in the pamphlets: Join XIII. Join the
revolution. Rally behind the 13 Runefang as he
liberates the workers from their ghastly working
conditions and cuts the chains merchants use to
shackle them with. The pamphlet is signed XIII and the
Agitator and his mates have painted XIII on their
foreheads with gunpowder or oil.

If the PCs ask what is going on, they are told that these
men are followers of someone called the Sootstained
Prophet. The prophet survived some kind of a horrible
accident and has been demanding better workers
rights ever since.

Challenging the Tileans works if they succeed

in a Challenging (-10) Intimidation Test
(Average if the PCs outnumber the Tileans).
Bribery can also work.
Chase the men off for long enough to pull the
man out of the cart. A coordinated charge will
do the trick.
Attacking the Tileans. They fight until at least
one of them is heavily wounded and then try
to flee.
Award and encourage imaginative problem
solving and good roleplaying.
Of course, they can watch the man die and
not interfere, or approach the Tileans
afterwards. This is a valid option as well.

After this scene, there are a few options open for the
PCs. They can approach the Dung Collectors, or they


can be approached for help. Alternately, they can

approach Corlusbeni. Both options lead the PCs to the
Sootstained Prophet.

A Rogue character can get an audience with

Corlusbeni with little trouble. Others must succeed in
an Average (+0) Charm or Blather Test or surrender
their weapons and suffer through a pat down that
could see a small item or a few coins disappear.
Corlusbeni sits at a round table enjoying a drink and
the companionship of a woman of easy virtue. He has
heard about the incident earlier and treats them

In case the characters are worn too thin, the pacing of

the narrative demands it, or you are just pressed for
time, you can pass the dung war almost entirely. After
the above scene XIII contact the PCs directly having
seen them save the Dung Collector (move straight to
XIII below). Or, alternately, you can use the whole
dung situation as set dressing with either one or both
sides wreaking havoc on the partys plans.

Just like Reiner Holt, Corlusbeni knows where the

stench originates. It is not with his dung though and he
makes this very clear to the PCs. He is willing to tell
them what they want to know, but for a price of
course. It surprises no-one that he wants them to do
something for him. The Tilean has a spy inside XIII, but
he hasnt heard from the man in a couple of days. He
wants the PCs to find out what has happened to the

The Dung Collective

The Dung Collectors of Nuln live in a camp outside
Nuln. They dry their merchandise there to sell it later
to the Saltpeter Men. It is not the most sanitary place
and the smell is horrible but not the stench they are
after. Most of the tents are in relatively good
condition, which tells something about how good the
dung business is at the moment.

Whether the PCs get here via the Dung Collectors or
the Tileans, it is time for the characters to meet one of
the most important NPCs of this story. Finding XIII and
their leader is easier said than done. Holt and
Corlusbeni both point them to the direction of the
Geldman & Zachs Foundry. XIII are known to spread
their propaganda around such large foundries. Make
the characters work for finding XIII and reward clever
roleplaying. For example, they could:

The leader of the Collectors is Reiner Holt, a wiry man

of indeterminate age with leathery skin and a firm
handshake. He knows where the stench originates, but
the PCs must first help him with something. Only then
will he tell them what he knows.
Reiners problem is that Corlusbeni has bribed one of
the Saltpeter Men for an official document that
guarantees they only buy dung from one designated
operator in the future. This operator would naturally
be Corlusbeni. If the PCs can steal the document and
deliver it to Reiner Holt, he can change it so that the
Collective is named as the designated operator. The
document is in a Saltpeter Men compound in the
Industrielplatz. To get inside, Holt suggests the
characters get in touch with XIII. It is rumoured they
are planning to strike against the Saltpeter Men.

The Tileans

Alternately, the PCs approach the Tileans. Crime Lord

Silvio Corlusbeni has taken over the Sigmars
Outhouse tavern (see p.92). The decrepit watering
hole lies between a slaughterhouse and a dyer in
eastern Faulestadt. It is a two-storey building that
leans slightly to the left. The Tileans, all dressed in
Tilean style and proud of their accent, man most of
the tables playing cards or dice.

Try getting a job at the foundry (note that if

they enter the Geldman & Zachs Foundry
they see the unfinished Land Ships).
Try eavesdropping the workers.
Wait until a shift ends and talk to workers in
nearby taverns.
Or they could look for XIII sign (clothing,
tattoos etc.).
Talk about their hatred of the merchant class
and hope the right people hear them.
Succeed in Bribe, Blather, or Gossip Tests
with the right people.

XIII welcome almost all comers, but they are wary of

infiltrators. Any character who looks like a Noble etc.
better disguise herself. After the PCs have successfully
made contact they are introduced to Eustasius
Eilhardt, one of the Sootstained Prophets most



fervent followers and the Agitator they saw earlier. He

takes them to the XIII base.

PCs as believers in the 13 Runefang. He does not call

himself by any name. If they ask, he says: The others
call me Fireborn, or the Sootstained Prophet, but what
I am called matters little. What matters is what we

All Your Bases Are Belong to Us

There are two Geldman & Zachs Foundries. One
operational (and building the Land Ships) and one
abandoned after the accident with the experimental
steam engine. XIII and their leader are staying at the
abandoned Geldman & Zachs Foundry where the
fateful explosion happened.

And what do we do? We are the fires of revolution

that will cleanse this city of corruption, greed, and
exploitation. We are the 13 Runefang, the Blade of
the People. As they listen to him, the PCs find
themselves drawn to his words. There is something
mesmerizing about the Sootstained Prophet, an
inspiring quality that captures your attention and
kindles something inside you. An Average (+0)
Perception Test (as it is difficult to draw your
attention away from him) notices that everyone in the
room has stopped to listen to him. He picks the sword
up and runs his fingers along the wooden blade.

The large stone building is dilapidated and forlorn,

almost like a blackened sepulchre. The revolutionaries
are shacked up in the large main hall. Very little is left
of the roof and the floor is still covered in soot. There
are about two dozen men and women here, huddled
around small campfires. They dont seem to have
much, but there is optimism and hope in their eyes.

This is my Runefang. This is the sword that will set my

people free. He pauses.

The Sootstained Prophet

The Fireborn and his closest aides stay in one of the
side halls, a room where they manufactured the
experimental steam engines. Eilhardt disappears
through a crack between two huge metal doors. The
PCs have a few minutes to linger around, to meet the
revolutionaries. One of them motions with a bandaged
hand for them to come over. They are offered a place
by the fire, a bowl of hot soup, and they are welcomed
among XIII. An Average (+0) Perception Test notices a
canvas covering something in the corner. If the PCs
check it out, it is a stack of gunpowder kegs.

These engravings on the blade They seem to foretell

what Im to do. I have no recollection of carving them,
but more appear as my journey progresses What
does the blade augur? The fire rising, first blood, and a
blow against the oppressor. The true revolution starts
tonight, and we could use your help.
The Fireborn coughs up blood and stops talking.
Eustasius Eilhardt joins the discussion and reveals that
the plan is to strike against the hated Saltpeter Men by
attacking their compound to release captured
revolutionaries. It is assumed the PCs join the attack.

Time to meet the Prophet. After a few minutes the PCs

are invited into the room behind the huge doors. A
young man sits on a rusted gun barrel by a fire. There
are few other men in the room, all armed. The young
man motions for them to sit with him. His face is
covered in severe scars from the explosion, but his
eyes burn with determination. He is dressed in a
combination of workers clothes, a scarf, and brown
hooded robes (Academic characters with a suitable
skill notice he bears some resemblance to woodcuts of
Magnus the Pious). His hands are wrapped in
sootstained bandages (see p. 93).

The Plan
The compound is in Industrielplatz and it is one of the
places where the Saltpeter Men make saltpeter. Their
leader is one Gregor Kohlhausen, a Bright WizardAlchemist (the Saltpeter Men employ a few
Pyromancers to invent more efficient methods of
creating gunpowder). There are supposed to be
around half a dozen Saltpeter Men and a handful of
labourers. The prisoners are kept in the main building.
Besides the Fireborn and Eilhardt only a handful of
revolutionaries take part in the operation (most are
not suited for this kind of action yet).

A simple, fire-blackened wooden sword rests against

the barrel by his side. An Average (+0) Perception Test
suggests engraved images on the blade above the hilt.
The mans voice is surprisingly soft as he welcomes the

The plan is to infiltrate the compound after sunset

(but before nighttime as attacking sleeping enemies


would be dishonorable). All suggestions by the PCs are

welcomed. Make sure to include the PCs heavily in the
plan, encourage them to employ their skills and
expertise in other words, let them shine. For
example, they could use either the Dung Collectors or
the Tileans to infiltrate the compound. Or they could
find a way to sneak in using the sewers or roofs of
neighboring buildings. They can stage a distraction, or
capture a Saltpeter Man to interrogate him and take
his outfit.

your narrative good sense to prepare and react to

their plans.
Staking out the compound reveals there are five
Saltpeter Men within (see p.94). The Saltpeter Men
are there to observe and manage the process of
saltpeter creation. They always leave the compound in
Leader of the five men is Gregor Kohlhausen, a
Pyromancer (see p.94). When attacked, his priority is
to get all the documents (including the Tilean
agreement) to safety and exit the compound. He is
aware of his surroundings and tries not to burn the
whole city down, but will definitely defend himself.
Kohlhausen is the leader and his death or capture
means the rest of the compound surrenders.

The Queen of Embers

After the plans are finalized and everyone knows their
part the PCs find themselves with everyone else in the
main hall waiting for sunset. The mood is nervous and
impatient. Many fidget their equipment nervously or
pace back and forth. Suddenly, the Prophet, sitting by
the fire starts singing. In a soft voice he starts an old
folk song familiar to every Nulner: the Queen of
Embers. Everyone stops to listen, then some join in.
Soon, the blackened hall echoes with their singing.

The labourers do all the menial work. There are six of

them and they only fight to defend their lives.
There is an alarm bell. It is rung in case of emergency
such as fire. The Saltpeter Men will try to ring it as
soon as they realize an attack is underway. It will take
the City Watch (expecting fire) 1d10 Rounds to arrive.

Then it is time to go.

The Saltpeter Men

Three captured XIII members are kept, chained, in the

main building. They have been severely tortured and
unable to walk without help. One of them is
Corlusbenis spy. The Spy actually decided to leave
Corlusbenis gang to join the revolutionaries and
admits as much.

The Storm of Chaos saw Nuln rise to prominence and

wealth as the war effort demanded more guns and
gunpowder to defeat the Chaos hordes in the North.
This meant the Saltpeter Men suddenly became
instrumental to the citys success, and their power and
influence saw a meteoric rise. They were basically
given an open mandate to secure Nuln has an
adequate gunpowder stock at all times.

The agreement the Dung Collectors want is in the

main building, inside a lockbox. A Challenging (-10)
Lockpick Test or a Routine (+10) Strength Test is
needed to open the box. The box also contains 21 gc
and inventory calculations.

What had started as a collective of independent

operators grew into a bloated and venal organization
that often resorts to methods bordering on
extrajudicial and where corruption is rife. Now, the
organizations importance to the war effort and the
open mandate has effectively transformed it into a
secret police terrorizing Nulners in the name of
internal security. Their internal structure is shrouded
in secrecy, but it is known that three Bright Wizards
hold important positions.

The Sootstained Prophet fights ferociously and

without any regard for his own safety. Eustasius
Eilhardt is never far away from his side. Once the
captives are freed, the revolutionaries look to leave.
They are not here to kill everyone just for the sake of
killing. It is imperative that the Sootstained Prophet
survives this scene. He is given a Fate Point to ensure

The Compound

In case the PCs get into too much trouble there are
always revolutionaries around to come to their aid. If
an opportunity presents itself, have the Prophet save
one of the PCs (but dont force it).

It is impossible to cover all the options available for

the PCs. So, use the information provided here and


Map of the Saltpeter Men compound

The Ferryman
1 Walled workshop with barrels, furnaces, cauldrons
and tubs for boiling and leaching

Whether the characters sided with the Dung Collectors

or the Tileans they get the same lead if they got (or
destroyed) the document, or discovered the spys
whereabouts. If you skipped the war for dung
altogether, the Sootstained Prophet will give them the

2 Workshop with access to water and barrels on a

framework of joists
3 Firewood

Nor Holt or Corlusbeni know exactly where stench

comes from, but they know who knows. Ferryman
Wenn was heard drunkenly blathering how he knows
where the stench came from. He was last seen in the
Cannon Ball tavern near Faulestadt docks. The PCs can
try to Haggle a few coins for their troubles from Holt
or Corlusbeni.

4 Brass-walled cauldrons for boiling

5 Barrels of dung
6 Gunpowder ready to be shipped
7 Pier
8 Well

The Cannon Ball tavern is easily recognizable by a pile

of cannon balls stacked next to the entrance. Wenn is
not so easy to find. Once they convince the proprietor
they mean the Ferryman no harm, he tells them Wenn
came in this morning and wanted a drink. He looked
shaken up. Once he got drunk, he started blathering
how he knew where the stench came from and how

9 Main house; the labourers sleep here.

10 Main house; the Saltpeter Mens quarters. The
lockbox and the captives are held here.
11 - Shed


no-one would believe him if he told them. The

proprietor remembers he drank with some Tileans
before passing out. Then, he was thrown out.

them. He took them to the island, and waited by his

ferry for their return. Soon, he started hearing strange
sounds and chanting. He could smell the distinct odour
of burning gunpowder. Then came weird lights and
growls no words can describe. He remembers hearing
screams and a horrible stench billowed forth from the
ruined spa. He was just about to leave, when one of
the cloaked men ran to the ferry and they took off. He
left the man at the docks and then got drunk to stop
the shivering.

The passed out Ferryman was found by two Dung

Collectors who carried him aside. Drunkenly, he told
them he knew where the stench originates. The PCs,
after asking around or succeeding in an Average (+0)
Search Test, find him where the Dung Collectors left
him - sleeping against a smokehouse wall.

The PCs first thought is that the man himself is the

It takes a full gold crown and an Average (+0) Charm
source of the stench. A bucket of water or a sharp kick
Test to convince Wenn to take them to the isle. If they
wakes him up. The skinny man with rotting teeth and
cannot convince him, he can give the PCs instructions
thinning hair reeks of alcohol. He is irritated and hurls
or the name of another ferryman who can take them
insults and curses at everything that moves. It takes a
there for 1 gc.
Charm or Intimidate Test, or
Getting Help
promises of a pint, to get his
It takes half an hour to get to the
attention. Eventually, he tells
unnamed isle. It is heavily
If the PCs go for help at any point, Master
them what they want to hear,
overgrown and whats left of the
Hexenstern assures them he will go to the
but make them suffer the old
spa ruins is barely visible. Wenn
proper authorities while they should get
points them to where the spas
loudmouth for a bit first.
back to the investigation before the trail
large pool was. The men went
runs cold.
Unnamed Isle on the Reik
There is a small, unnamed island on the Reik just
outside Nuln. It is rumored to be a cursed place and
generally avoided by all decent river folk. Only
Smugglers use the overgrown ruins as a hideout every
now and then until River Wardens eventually raid the
island and flush them out.

Brushing aside undergrowth finds the signs from

Geheimnisnacht are still visible. Several men have
walked through here. The isle is eerily quiet except for
the haunting, ethereal singing of some unknown birds.
The stench is surprisingly bearable, because of a
breeze blowing from the river. The ruins are quickly
reached. It is hard to tell this was a spa once, but a
Routine (+10) Perception Test reveals a crumbled
statue of Shallya and the large pool is still recognizable
as such.

Century and a half ago plague struck Nuln. Large parts

of the city were cordoned-off, but the plague showed
no signs of stopping. The nobility started to panic and
looked for a place to seclude themselves to. A small
island on the Reik just outside the city housed a spa
that was believed to be blessed by Shallya and bathing
there was supposed to cure all ills. The nobles fled
there en masse. Once the plague had passed, boats
came to retrieve them. The rescuers found that the
plague hadnt touched them, but the Nobles quarrels
and infighting had escalated to a level where only a
handful of them remained alive. As a result, the
islands name was stricken from all records and it was
declared cursed and off-limits. Today, the name of the
island and the spa is long forgotten, and no one goes
there. Except Ferryman Wenn.

The Ritual
The characters have to descend a short flight of
broken, overgrown stairs to get to the bottom of the
pool. Branches and roots form a canopy over the pool
making it look like a cavern. A light source is needed to
explore the area. Anyone with Sixth Sense or
Witchsight (dhar is strong here) has a very bad feeling
about the place.
The walls are covered with esoteric sigils drawn in
blood and hexagrammatical equations the PCs have no
way of interpreting (Wizards and Engineers recognize
them as mathematical equations with magical
significance). A magical circle has been burned on the

Ferryman Wenn took a group of cloaked men to the

isle on Geheimnisnacht. He thinks there were six of


Some Dwarfs Just Want to Watch the World Burn

ground with gunpowder. Furthermore, there are six
smaller circles evenly spaced around the larger circle.
This is where the cloaked men were standing when
they performed the ritual. Now, only five partly
burned and blackened cloaks remain (One cloak is
missing. It belongs to the man who got away with
Ferryman Wenn).

The things Bhakrak the Blackened (see p.118) saw in the

lost mountain temple convinced the Chaos Dwarf that Nuln
is built on sacred ground. The city is a node of magical
energies, a nexus of fire and darkness. The fact that its the
Empires capital of gunpowder production attests to this.
And he wants to see it burn in the name of his daemon-god
Hashut, the Father of Darkness.

Examining the cloaks reveals they are dark grey and

one or two still have a recognizable emblem attached.
It is the emblem of the College of Engineering and
recognizable to any character of a suitable career or
with a skill like Engineering, Heraldry, or Common
Knowledge (Nuln). This is the main clue found here so
make sure the PCs get it (also, see sidebar Some
Dwarfs Just Want to Watch the World Burn). An
Average (+0) Search Test finds a blackened key under
one of the cloaks (it unlocks a door in the mathematics
department, see below).

Bhakrak has been hiding in Nuln for almost two years now.
He has found the city fertile ground for experiments in
daemonsmithing. Visions revealed to him during his
meditations on the true nature of fire and darkness
revealed the Great Equation to him. However, he soon
discovered it was too complicated and he needed help.
The men of the Guiding Hand were in trouble. They wanted
to build a more powerful, more efficient version of the
iconic steam tank. Their answer was the Marienburg class
Land Ship a ship moving on wheels, powered by a steam
engine. The war in the North ended before they could
finish the project. Soon they found themselves with
unfinished land ships no one wanted. And they couldnt
even get them to work.

Dont Touch That!

If at any time a character steps inside the large magical
circle, she is immediately attacked. Dhar is still strong
here and the veil between worlds is thin. As soon as
someone breaks the circle an Ashbringer, one of the
Daemonettes dedicated to Pyrenzhia, reaches through
the veil (see p.116).

Through his spies in the foundries Bhakrak the Blackened

learned of their dilemma and approached the Guiding
Hand. His offer: he would help them finish the ships and in
return they would help him have six bell-towers built.
Bhakrak the Blackened told them he wanted the towers
built so he would get his Dwarfs some work. The Hand
would get to provide materials. The Dwarf gave them
rough blue prints and the Guiding Hand took them to
professor Hausdorff from the College of Engineering. They
were already collaborating with him on the land ships
steam engine.

With a scream of a forbidden act of love time and

space are torn apart and a coal-black scythe-like
pincer attacks from midair. It attacks only once and
disappears in a shower of embers and strong smell of
sulphur. If you feel generous, the character gets to
attempt Parry or Dodge. Anyone witnessing the sight
must take an Insanity Check. The wound, if there is
any, feels like a burn but bleeds like a cut. Later, ask
for a Willpower Test. If successful, the throbbing
wound actually feels pleasurable.

With this collaboration Bhakrak achieved two things.

Firstly, the towers were a geomantic focus for a ritual that
was part of the Great Equation. Secondly, the professor
would help solve the Equation. The Guiding Hand know
nothing about his plans. With the help of Hausdorff and his
students Bhakrak was soon able to perform the ritual,
although all he knew was that it will set great events in
motion and see Nuln burn (with the ritual the
hexagrammatical chains binding Pyrezhia begin to unravel
and the geomantic part of the spell assures she will
manifest in Nuln in due time next time Morrslieb is full to
be precise).

After the PCs have found the College of Engineering

emblem, they are ready to leave. The stench sticks to
their clothing for several days. Anyone with Super
Numerate skill has nightmares about the strange
equations every night until a successful Willpower
Test is made.


College of Engineering

with professor Hausdorff and had recently put in late


The College of Engineering in Nuln was built to rival its

famous correspondent in Altdorf. The Countess
poured money on the project and Dwarfs built a grand
building indeed. It was staffed with the greatest minds
and the facilities were unrivaled. Unfortunately, it was
not meant to last. Treachery and deception caused the
grand building to burn down. All new creations were

After seeing the hexagrammatical equations in the

ritual site, it is possible the PCs deduce this on their

The Mathematics Department

Entering the College is not too difficult, but wandering
around asking questions and looking for missing
people is going to attract attention. The PCs are not
allowed to enter the main building without an escort
(a guard or a student) or a really good explanation.
Disguising oneself as a student or a guard allows them
to go almost anywhere. With an escort they are
allowed to enter all communal areas. Sneaking around
is not too difficult, but getting to the more off-limits
areas is more challenging.

Renovations were funded much less generously and

the building remains unfinished. The building is still
formidable; the college itself is built like a castle,
surrounded by barracks and students quarters. An
archway punctures a tall spiked wall unfinished in
places and lets into an unkempt yard. Everything is
either unfinished or already falling in disrepair. There
are some guards, but dont take much interest in who
comes and goes. Its like the College is a slumbering
giant in danger of never waking up from its

Professor Hausdorffs Room

The faculty has rooms on the second floor. These are
relatively nice rooms although often a bit worn and
shabby. Professor Hausdorffs room is locked. It takes
a Challenging (-10) Lockpick Test to open it.
Additionally, the PCs must avoid being seen or distract
their escort.

The characters most likely find their way here because

of the emblem. If they do not recognize the emblem, it
is not too difficult to find someone who does. Their
first stop is either talking to some students on the yard
or visiting the enrollment offices, which are near the
front archway. The students are happy to talk to
anyone civil. The enrollment officers might take some
coaxing (and maybe a Charm Test, or a character with
a suitable appearance/career/skill). The emblem itself
does not give any indication whom it belongs to or
from which department that person hails from.

The room is almost empty. Judging by the stuffy air

and the amount of dust, no one has stayed here in
quite a while. If asked about this, other faculty and
mathematics students can tell them that professor
Hausdorff moved most of his belongings to the
mathematics department to fully dedicate his time on
his latest project.

Asking about missing students yields more results. The

clerks dont know anything about it, but the students
have noticed several of their friends missing from their
quarters. These are their friends who are missing, so
the PCs would be wise to not appear creepy with their
questions (you can ask for a Charm Test). Of course,
they can pull rank and say they are on official city
business. It appears all the missing students are from
the mathematics department.

An open gallery with catwalks and balconies that rises
from the ground floor to the roof is where all the work
and classes take place. A place that once was a
beehive of activity now has small groups of students
scattered here and there. Besides the common halls,
the mathematics department has several smaller halls
and classrooms. Most of these are what youd expect.
There is a lecture or two in progress.

The students quarters run along the front of the

building on the ground and first floors. The missing
students rooms are typical for engineering students
except for the unusually large amounts of scrolls and
sheets of really advanced calculations and equations.
The friends say they were all involved in some project

There is a single classroom that is dedicated to

Professor Hausdorffs students. This room is near a
corner of the main building and it has been closed to
everyone except his students because of a secret


project (for weeks now). Their escort will not allow

them to enter so they have to find a way to either
distract him or return here later. The door is locked. If
they found the blackened key amongst the cloaks on
the isle, it fits this lock. Otherwise, it takes a
Challenging (-10) Lockpick or Strength Test to open.
Too much time or noise attracts a faculty member.

Professor Hausdorff (see p.95) sits behind his big desk,

barely visible behind tall stacks of books and scrolls.
He has grey hair and youngish features. Once he steps
out from behind his desk however, he is revealed as a
Mutant (this calls for another Insanity Check). A
writhing mass of three purple blue tentacles covers
the left side of his body and he has a third eye on the
back of his neck. He uses a tentacle to habitually
adjust his spectacles.

The room has several large blackboards covered in

schematics, calculations, and equations (similar to the
ones at the ritual site). Several seem to feature
constellations and trajectories. And, importantly, laid
out on the table are blueprints of the six bell towers
Countess Emmanuelle ordered built after last
Hexensnacht. There is also a map of the city with
wooden miniatures of the bell towers. The map is
covered with markings and calculations. The room is
littered with quills, chalks, astrolabes, abacuses, and
trays of food. It is clear that someone has spent long
hours here.

The professor is a broken man and willing to tell the

characters everything he knows. Like the rest of the
College of Engineering the mathematics department is
struggling and professor Hausdorff has been looking
for extra funding. One night he was approached in his
office by four unknown, rich-looking, men (the Guiding
Hand) who offered him a solution. They presented him
with preliminary plans for bell towers that would help
keep the city safer on nights like Hexensnacht. They
claimed to be just concerned citizens and asked for
nothing in return. All Hausdorff had to do was
convince the Countess to have the towers built.

There is also a door that leads to one of the towers

and professor Hausdorffs office.

The Countess, still shaken from last Hexensnacht,

approved the plan on the spot and the mathematics
department was commissioned to design and build six
bell towers. The extra money allowed Hausdorff to
enroll new students and acquisition new research
equipment. Soon after, the four men returned and
introduced him to a sinister-looking Dwarf. The Dwarf
needed help in solving an equation that was
unsolvable. They told him it was all about a new
design for a steam engine, but Hausdorff soon figured
out that was a lie. By then, however, he was already
mesmerized by the unsolvable equation.

The Tower and Professor Hausdorffs Office

Stepping through the door is like stepping into another
dimension. The professor had the entire interior of the
tower rebuilt. The stairway is now a spiraling manifold,
an affront to Euclidean geometry. At times the stairs
seem to turn unto themselves and the walls form
impossible angles. Climbing is not so much a physical
as a mental challenge.
The PCs need the number of PCs climbing +2 levels of
successes in Average (+0) Intelligence Tests to reach
the professors office at the top. Each round of tests
means 10 minutes spent climbing. The experience is
rather disorienting. If they have not failed too many
Insanity Checks so far, you might ask for one here.
Any character with Witchsight notices that the tower
siphons Winds of Magic to the top and turns them into

Before long Hausdorff was obsessed with the

mathematical dilemma. He enrolled his best students
to work on small parts of the problem. Nightmares of
stars devouring him started to plague him. Then those
nightmares morphed into an epiphany and he had his
tower reconstructed. The tower seemed to increase
his mental capacity and helped solve the dilemma, but
the price was high his body grew a mutation.

The office is at the top floor. The walls are covered in

magical, hexagrammatical equations identical to those
at the ritual site. The room is a mess of mathematical
and astrological instruments, notes, books and
parchments. A spyglass is pointed at the sky through
an open window.

A week ago the sinister Dwarf returned. He said the

stars were right to perform a ritual that would be the
final key to solving the equation. Excited Hausdorff
brought his students to the small isle as instructed.
They performed the ritual under the Dwarfs
supervision and then everything went awry. The veil


between worlds was briefly ripped apart and the

horrible stench billowed forth. His students were
murdered by fire and shadow given form. Hausdorff
barely escaped and has been hiding in this tower,
contemplating suicide, ever since. He feels he
betrayed his students to some dark power and is to
blame for their deaths. He confirms that the
completion of the ritual was the source of the horrible
stench. He accepts any punishment without

Hexenstern is another good option. The Astromancer

promises to take care of everything.

Decisions, Decisions

The Sinister Dwarf and the Bell Towers

Its time for some difficult decisions. Professor

Hausdorff seems to truly repent his actions. He
doesnt know what the ritual was about or what the
equation was about in the end. He doesnt know who
the Dwarf is, what happened to him, or where to find
him. He doesnt know who the mysterious four men

The sinister Dwarf and the bell towers both come up

in this chapter. The characters may feel like their job is
not done until they follow these leads. This is
discussed in the next chapter.

Going to Master Hexenstern. The Wizard can be

found in his tower in Altestadt. He listens to their story
and promises to take care of everything. He then pays
them what they are due. He instructs them to not say
a word about this to anyone because of the sensitive
nature of the matter. They may very well see
professor Hausdorff again in Chapter VIII.

The stench dissipates in a couple of days.

This concludes Chapter II.

There is no big fight scene to conclude this chapter, so

you have to convey the weight of this decision to the
players. They have stumbled on a situation that could
have potentially embarrassing ramifications to some
very powerful people. What they decide here will
affect many.
Hausdorff is a respected figure who designed the bell
towers that are supposed to protect the city. The job
was commissioned by the Countess and the towers
were blessed by the temple of Sigmar. To claim they
are some sort of beacons for Ruinous Powers is to
court disaster. Anything that would bring shame on
the Countess or the Sigmarites will most likely land
them in hot water. Master Hexenstern can point this
out to them.
Letting Hausdorff go is an option. When they report
back to Master Hexenstern, he does not approve
(unless they lie to him). However, he pays them what
they are owed.
Killing Hausdorff causes trouble only if they were seen
entering the mathematics department. And even then
his mutations are there for all to see, so the PCs are
not in too much trouble.
Capturing Hausdorff is probably the safest bet. Taking
him to the Watch is a reasonable course of action and
they promise to take care of it. Taking him to Master


Chapter III
After the hectic events of earlier chapters, the
characters now have a chance to catch their breath.
This is a good chance for you to introduce some
interesting NPCs and locations. This is also a good time
to insert a short scenario or two if you want. Use this
interlude to make Nuln feel alive and give the
characters a reason to care about the fate of the city
and its inhabitants. It will pay off in later chapters.

their hideout. Or, it can be part of a larger side plot

(see The Reik Lionfish Side Plot below). In case you
want to further expand the Kislevite part, please take
a look at Little Kislev by Dave Graffam and Wim van
Gruisen for ideas.


This chapter features several optional encounters and

story hooks that you can use. Furthermore, a list of
rumours is provided. You should make sure the
characters hear most of them before they leave Nuln
at the end of this chapter.

Make sure the PCs hear most of these rumours

before they leave Nuln.
Elves tried to kidnap children from an orphanage in
Shantytown. One Elf was captured, but managed to
escape, killing two Watchmen in the process.

Optional Encounter: Kislevite Ambassador

The Sootstained Prophet will free us from

oppression. They say he carries an actual Runefang.
They say he was in some sort of accident and badly

If the characters saved the orphans in Chapter I, they

are invited to a rather fine Kislevite restaurant in the
wealthy Altestadt. The invitation is signed by
Aleksandra Korikovna, Ambassador to the Ice Queen
of Kislev in Nuln (see p.96). The PCs should at least
attempt to dress decently, but are not denied entry if
they come in their adventuring gear.

The Saltpeter Men have been even more aggressive

lately. Arresting people and dragging them into the
Iron Tower.

Aleksandra is an Ice Witch. She is a tall, beautiful

Kislevite woman whose blond almost white - hair
sparkles like it was covered with tiny flecks of ice. Her
piercing blue eyes and arched eyebrows give her a
perpetually stern, almost unwelcoming, expression.

There is some sort of dung feud going on in

The Countess seeks to separate Nuln from
Wissenland. Good riddance I say. Those country
yokels wont be missed.

The Ice Witch introduces the characters to traditional

Kislevite cuisine. As they dine she thanks the
characters for saving the Kislevite orphans. They are
one of the most vulnerable groups in the city and she
has taken it upon herself to be their protector.
Kidnappings like these are sadly common along the

The war has left many refugees homeless. Some say

they are like a swarm of locusts eating everything
on their way. Hope they are not headed here.
They say the Geldman & Zachs Foundry is in serious
financial trouble.
They say the source of yesterdays horrible stench
was Bretonnian cooking.

This is a chance for the PCs to meet a relatively

powerful NPC who can be of use to them later in
chapter VIII. If need be, Aleksandra can be used as a
replacement character. If you want to expand the Reik
Lionfish thread from Chapter I, Aleksandra employs
the PCs to look further into the matter. It can be a
short encounter where the PCs track the criminals to


Optional Encounter: Envoy in Trouble

says they shouldnt. These men are bad news. They

will take the vendor into the Iron Tower. Few taken
there ever return and those that do are forever

This encounter is a repercussion of the events in

Chapter I. Many Nulners are mistrustful and closedminded and find the Elves suspicious with their alien
appearance and strange ways. If Balthanyir the DarkElf was captured or anyone besides the PCs saw him
on board the Persistent Viper, people seize the
opportunity to direct their anger at the alleged Elven
child kidnappers. Unfortunately, their rage is
misguidedly directed at the Elven population of Nuln.

The Iron Tower rises from the center of the River Reik
black and menacing. It is a prison traditionally used by
Witch Hunters, but has recently served the Saltpeter
Men. Chilling rumors of torture abound.
If the PCs persist, the encounter will most likely come
to blows unless the Saltpeter Men are severely
outnumbered. Make sure the characters face the
consequences of their actions later. They might find
the vendor - or his family - gone the next day.

Marienne Mithaliel, an Elf Envoy (see p.96), was on her

way to a meeting with city officials when she was
spotted by an angry mob. Her harassment started with
insults, but soon escalated to thrown vegetables, then
rocks, and threats of physical violence. Envoy Mithaliel
and her two bodyguards are three blocks away from
the officials estate. The mob is mostly street rabble
but there is quite a lot them.

Further Investigations
Previous chapters may have left some loose ends the
characters may want to look into.

The Sinister Dwarf

If the characters want to save the Envoy they have to

act fast. Perhaps the PCs want to try a diplomatic
approach. Perhaps they try to escort her through the
crowd. Perhaps they threaten the mob. Allow them to
choose their own approach. Most of the mob
disperses at the sight of first blood. For the mob, use
Beggar stats, WFRP p.233.

The characters may want to follow up on the sinister

Dwarf. Bhakrak the Blackened has a part to play later
on, so they will not find him at this point. If they
mention the Dwarf to Master Hexenstern, he promises
to look into it.
You may throw them a red herring and let them go
harass the decent Dwarf folk of Nuln. Reward them for
their persistence with one senior Dwarf Engineer
telling them about whispers of the Dawi Zharr in Nuln.
He is quick to denounce such rumors as complete
nonsense, however. He most likely reveals this
information to a Dwarf or a Sigmarite, or, surprisingly,
an Elf if the Elf brings up the presence of the Druchii

If the Envoy is saved she is thankful. If there is another

Elf present, she reveals that these attacks have been
frequent ever since Geheimnisnacht and many Elves
consider leaving the city. Make a note how the PCs
deal with this situation. They will meet Marienne
Mithaliel again later.

Optional Encounter: Shadow of the Iron Tower

A market square; it is a busy day and business is good.
Customers mingle with vendors and street artists.

If they still insist on looking for the Dwarf, just tell

them straight out it seems they have no clues to
follow at this point, but they have a gut feeling they
will hear from the Dwarf again. Then it is time to
distract the players with something else to do.

Suddenly, two men in black tunics and hooded cloaks Saltpeter Men - push through the crowd. They stop at
a street vendors stand and demand to know his
name. People look very uncomfortable; avoid looking
at the Saltpeter Men, and try to leave on the sly. The
vendor has a look of absolute terror on his face as the
men drag him away.

The Bell Towers

Another matter the PCs might want to a closer look at.
There are six strongly built stone towers, all three
stories high. Grinning gargoyles look down from the
eaves and the walls are decorated with coats of arms,
skulls, and statues of celebrated historical figures.

The characters may want to try to stop the Saltpeter

Men. A citizen grabs one of the PCs by the hand and


Each tower is dedicated to an Imperial hero like

Emperor Mandred I, the Ratslayer; and the current
Emperor, Karl Franz. The tower closest to the Grand
Palace in Altestadt is naturally dedicated to Magnus
the Pious.

The Astrologers Guild of Mordheim

A twin-tailed comet destroyed the city of Mordheim in the
Imperial Year 1999. The comet was believed to herald the
second coming of Sigmar. Masses flocked to the city to
witness the miracle, but grew hedonistic and decadent. It is
said daemons walked the streets. At the stroke of midnight,
the comet believed to be Sigmars Wrath destroyed

Each tower has a great bell on the third floor. The bells
are rung only on Hexensnacht and Geheimnisnacht
and during great emergencies to ward off evil spirits
and protect the city and its inhabitants. Honorary
guard of four Bell-Keepers mans the towers at all
times. In addition, each tower serves as a Watch
station for the city guard. This means there are
1d10+2 Watchmen present at any time. The BellKeepers are elite soldiers handpicked for the duty by
the High Constable.

An angry mob of survivors flocked to the observatory

outside the city proper blaming the Astrologers Guild of
Mordheim, demanding to know why there hadnt been any
warning. The mob forced their way inside and found only
the Guild Master catatonic and mutated from gazing too
long at the comet made of Warpstone. Someone, or
something, had helped the other nine Astrologers escape.
The mob crucified the Guild Master to the doors and burned
the observatory.

This is everything there is to learn about the towers at

this time. Again, if they insist, just tell them straight
out it seems they have no clues to follow at this point.

In 2303 Magnus the Pious cleansed cursed Mordheim by

burning it to the ground. Furthermore, he ordered the name
of Mordheim cleansed from all records.

Master Hexenstern
Perhaps the characters want to take a closer look at
the court Wizard who hired them. You should
encourage this, especially if there is a PC Wizard in
your group and you want to use Hexenstern as a side

Since 2000 there have been nine members in the

Astrologers Guild of Mordheim. Only the Guild Master
knows what saved them. The Guild, however, holds very
strong Sigmarite views. They believe that Sigmars Wrath
destroyed Mordheim. It was their duty not to interfere, but
to witness and record the momentous event. The Guild
holds that Sigmar periodically tests the will and strength of
His Empire. Those found wanting are destroyed.

Tychonus Hexenstern is an Astromancer, a Wizard

from the Celestial College of Magic. Last Hexensnacht
there was an attempt at the Countess life. Hexenstern
caught a glimpse of the assassination attempt in the
stars and raced to the Palace to stop it. He arrived just
in time to save the Countess but Hexensterns
mentor was mortally wounded.

The mission of the Guild is two-fold. On one hand, they

observe the skies for a sign from Sigmar that another test is
coming. On the other, they have taken it upon themselves to
recover and protect Mordheims legacy. They collect and
restore lost tomes. They record folk tales and family
histories. All this makes them a dangerous cult in the eyes of
the Witch Hunters. When the Colleges of Magic were
founded the Guild found a natural hiding place within the
Celestial College (although, not all 9 are Astromancers).

As a token of her gratitude Emmanuelle named

Tychonus a successor to his mentor as her private
augur and Advisor on All Matters Celestial.
A successful Gossip Test with the right people and a
handful of Karls reveals this:

Hexenstern was recruited after the Storm of Chaos. The

Guild was looking to replace a lost member and the stars
guided them to Hexenstern. He accepted, as they knew he
would, and was sent to Nuln. The smuggled tomes are all
banned books about Mordheim. He strongly believes signs
point to Nuln being next to experience Sigmars Wrath.

Saving the Countess seems a little

convenient, especially when the attack saw
his mentor die. Sounds almost like the attack
was staged. (It was not)
There are rumors of the attacker: the Reik
Lionfish, Ratmen, Cultists. Take your pick.
Hexenstern and the Countess have never
revealed who attacked them and never will. It


is not important for this adventure. Of course,

you can always expand on this and make it a
hook for the PCs to follow.
A servant working at the Palace reveals
Hexenstern and the Countess had a brief
affair. But after a while she moved on to
other things and he never cared for her that
much to begin with. As a matter of fact,
Hexenstern seems to rather dislike Nobles.
Asking around the docks or from rogue-types,
they learn that Smuggler Jonas Lochner of the
Forgotten Wish sneaks him old tomes every
now and then. It is all very secretive. The PCs
will meet the Smuggler in Chapter V.
Inquiring about professor Hausdorff, it seems
the whole matter has been swept under the

reinforced gateways and decorated doors that they

lose count. The Palace is a maze of hallways and
Finally, the Messenger stops in front of decorated
double doors. Master Hexenstern is there waiting for
the PCs. First, he hands them all (except Nobles and
other well-dressed characters) dark blue cloaks with
instructions to wear them over their own clothes. This
helps make them all look presentable. Next, he gives
them a few directions. Do not speak unless spoken to.
Do not approach her unless she asks. Do not question
her. And, whatever you do, do not comment on her
age. If they say something stupid, theyll be thrown
out. If they do something stupid, theyll get jailed or
Just as they are about to enter the room, the doors
burst open and a man seething with anger barges out.
The man has the look of a Merchant about him. This is
Bruder Lehmann and the Countess has just turned
down his proposal of marriage in a rather coldhearted
fashion. The PCs will meet this man again later in
Chapter VII.

Hexenstern serves an important role in getting the PCs

involved in the plot, and has a role to play in the final
chapter as well. You can craft a side plot around him
and his background (see sidebar). He is also a red
herring. It is a common roleplaying trope that the NPC
who initially hires the PCs, or the powerful wizard who
first appears to be an ally, is the actual villain of the
piece. Use this to your advantage. Have the PCs
believe Hexenstern is the power behind the throne,
the evil puppet master. He isnt, but they dont know
that yet.

Emmanuelle von Liebwitz

Master Hexenstern leads them through the double
doors. A Valet standing by the doors announces them
in a shrill voice.

Meeting the Countess

An art gallery opens before them. The decorated

ceiling is high and the walls are covered from floor to
roof with paintings. The Countess of Nuln sits on a
high chair in the middle of the room. She is every bit
as regal as one would expect beautiful, refined, and
dressed in a gown so expensive it could pay for a small
Reikland town. She is surrounded by some kind of
strange assembly of small mirrors and pulleys. A young
Bretonnian judging by his clothing and accent
fusses about the construction.

Once you feel ready to move on with the main

storyline, Master Hexenstern sends a Messenger to
fetch the characters. The message is rather
straightforward: the Countess wants to see you now.
The Messenger escorts them into the Old City. Clean
streets are lined with fine restaurants and specialty
shops, theatres and museums. People wear the latest,
often flamboyant, fashions. Parks and squares
decorated with fountains and statues of historical
figures create a feeling of spaciousness. The closer
they get to the Palace the bigger and more beautiful
the estates get.

Hexenstern informs them, in a low voice, that the

man, an up-and-coming Bretonnian artist Alain Celfy,
is showcasing an invention of his - a system that allows
one to paint self-portraits almost anywhere without
the need for cumbersome full-body mirrors and
adequate lighting. He instructs them to pay no mind to
the Bretonnian.

The Emmanuelleplatz is a wide road leading to the

Palace. It is magnificent. Spires and turrets reach out
to the skies, stairs and walkways crisscross to connect
decorated balconies. Dozens of elite soldiers stand on
guard. The Messenger leads them through so many


There are others in the room as well besides them and

half a dozen guardsmen. An elderly woman, the
Countess chaperone, sits embroidering by a small
table. Scratching quills fly as a couple of scribes write
down minutes from an earlier meeting. A surprisingly
skinny, sinewy, Halfling sits by a small table full of fruit
and wine and scrutinizes them slyly. He is the
Countess Official Food Taster (and much more, see p.
104). A stylish woman dressed in a simple but
fashionable gown and a symbol of Verena nods at
Master Hexenstern as they enter and joins them as
they approach the Countess.

powerful individuals in the Empire. There is

tremendous social pressure to say yes. Furthermore,
in the moment they have no way of knowing if a
refusal might get them jailed or exiled.
The challenge with this scene is that on the one hand
the characters should feel pressured to say yes while
at the same time the players may feel railroaded. You
can actually riff off of this and use that as motivation
for the characters the faster they get this thing done
the faster they can go about their business. As a backup plan you have both Master Hexenstern and
barrister Schultz to convince the characters to take the
job. Compensation promises to be worth it, and it
doesnt hurt having an Elector Countess owe you one,
does it.

Master Hexenstern introduces them all by name and

deed. It turns out the stylish woman is Rosalia
Schultz , the first female barrister in Nuln (see p.101).
Emmanuelle regards each and every one of the PCs for
a few seconds and then returns to her self-portrait.

The Look

Without looking at them she says: As you might have

heard I am in the process of seeing Nuln divorced from
Wissenland and given its own Electoral vote. This
rather tedious and time-consuming enterprise is finally
thank the gods about to reach its conclusion.
Barrister Schultz here, my chief counselor in all
complex legal - I feel I should say - absurdities
regarding the affair, needs to travel to Wissenburg to
finalize some matters.

When they exit the audience chamber

Hexenstern and Rosalia share a
mischievous grin. They point to a PC and
knowingly state that he (or she) got The
Look. They will not elaborate, but it is
implied the Countess has her eye on the
PC. This can be used as further motivation
for the PC and a source for possible Lost
Heart Disorder later.

My advisors tell me several of my fellow Elector

Counts are looking to seize this opportunity to harm
both my endeavors and barrister Schultz. I cannot
allow that. Master Hexenstern tells me you are just the
kind of folk to help me in this matter. To cut to the
chase, I need you to escort barrister Schultz to
Wissenburg and guarantee her safety. Master
Hexenstern will fill you in with the finer details. What
say you?

What Did We Just Agree To?

Master Hexenstern fills them in on the details.

Any question about details like compensation will be

referred to Hexenstern to be sorted out later. All the
Countess wants to hear from them is either a yes or a
no. Once she has, their business here is concluded and
they are escorted out.

We are being railroaded!

What if they say no? Well, they really shouldnt. The
PCs are in the presence of one of the most iconic,

Rosalia Schultz is from Forges of Nuln, p. 23.


They will be paid 60 gc each, 30 once they

reach Wissenburg and the rest upon Schultzs
safe return to Nuln. He can be Haggled up to
80 gc.
They are provided with transport. They
should find Captain Glaubrecht near the
South Gate.
To provide distraction, a military unit lead by
Captain Tannfelder (see p.116) leaves Nuln
simultaneously. The Countess spies are
spreading word this is the real escort.
If they want to hire additional help, its their
job to pay for it and make sure all hirelings
are trustworthy.

The Wonder of the Age

the boiler. On the plus side, they can sleep on the ship
and save on coaching inn costs

Finding Captain Glaubrecht turns out to be very easy.

For one, a huge ship on wheels is rather easy to spot.
The plan clearly is that no one in their right minds
would try to sneak anything in something so notsneaky.

Road to Wissenburg

Three men in ornate

Show us the Money!
doublets and fur
lined cloaks are
The experimental steam engine on
having a heated
the first Land Ship exploded (and
conversation with a
created the Fireborn), so the
man in a large,
Guiding Hand (see p.117) sold its
feather topped hat. A
useless wreck to Captain
successful Routine
Glaubrecht. The Captain took the
(+10) Perception Test
wreck to his old friend Urgrim
overhears the
Fireforge, and the Dwarf was able
to fix the damned thing.
demanding an
Glaubrecht hasnt paid for it in full
overdue payment
yet, and the Guiding Hand
from the Captain.
(Glaubrecht doesnt know they call
Before things get out
themselves that) want the rest of
of hand, an ogre
their money, or their now
leans over the side of
working ship back.
the land ship and growls menacingly. This encourages
the trio to retreat, with threats of consequences if
they dont get their money.
Captain Wolfgang Wolf Glaubrecht turns to the PCs
and greets them by removing his hat in a grandiose
gesture. He informs them that Barrister Rosalia Schultz
is already aboard the ship.

The trip from Nuln to Wissenberg takes approximately

four days. Of course, such guidelines are only
directional. Feel free to adjust the length of the
journey to suit your pacing and narrative needs.
Excuses to make the trip longer include bad
weather, the steam engine breaking down,
Roadwardens cordoning off roads, and being forced
to take a detour etc. Or, you can just determine that
the trip takes as many days as you need.
Below are a few optional encounters to liven up the
trip. This is also a good place to enter a short
scenario if you want.
The journey is a good opportunity for the PCs to get
to know the Captain and Rosalia better (see Love is
in the Air sidebar below). Rosalia is an excellent
conversationalist, but she soon grows bored of
hiding inside her cabin all the time. At some point
when they have dropped the anchor; a hustle to
find the missing barrister is in order. It turns out she
just went out to get some fresh air.

Optional Encounter: Zealots

Word of the Sootstained Prophets exploits travels fast
and it doesnt take long for people to realize the
Emmanuelle is in fact the Land Ship that birthed the
Prophet. Soon a rag tag band of followers starts to
follow the ship. They pray to the gods, self-flagellate,
and sing hymns praising their moving shrine. Some
even try to physically attach themselves to the rear

The Land Ship, the Emmanuelle, is a sight to see. It is a

bulky, armored ship that travels on two sets of wheels.
The front wheels are small while the back pair is huge.
The aft and forecastle are covered in decorative work.
The crows nest looks more like a Sigmarite Priests
pulpit. An oversized and rather untrustworthy boiler
powers the steam engine. A heavy blunderbuss is
installed to the prow. Additionally, the Ogre they just
saw carries a small cannon. For more on the
Emmanuelle and her crew, see p. 97-100.

It starts to get annoying real fast and the Captain asks

the PCs to do something about the Zealots. Every time
they stop the Zealots crowd them, wanting to touch
the operators of the holy engine.
Many villagers and other travelers leave small
offerings by the Ship, or throw them aboard. The ship
generates around 2 gc in small coins every day.

The Captain welcomes them aboard. His crew at the

moment consists of Hrug, the Ogre, and Urgrim
Fireforge, the Dwarf Engineer in charge of the boiler
and the steam engine. This means the PCs have to
work for their upkeep. They can use any special skills
they have, or just do menial jobs like shovel coal for

Optional Encounter: Sell-swords

The ruse to hide Rosalia in the Land Ship didnt fool
one Elector Count. He hired some Sell-Swords to


launch an ambush (stats WFRP core p. 235). At a

suitably dramatic moment, the number of PCs x 2
riders catch up to the Emmanuelle and attack with
short bows. Two of them have Incendiaries (small
template, Agility Test to avoid catching fire).

The Reik Lionfish Side Plot

In case you want to include a side plot with the Reik
Lionfish consider the following. Captain Glaubrecht
owes the Guiding Hand a considerable sum. This
assignment from the city is good income, but he is still

The PCs have to help the Captain steer the ship (an
exercise in luck and finesse to avoid tipping it over).
Urgrim needs help from a character with suitable skills
to prevent the boiler from blowing up. The heavy
blunderbuss at the front needs to be manned. And, of
course, the characters can attack from the deck. If the
Zealots are around, they can be more trouble than
help. Make the battle as cinematic as possible, a wild
ride from one dangerous situation to another.

Soon after the Relentless Viper (from Chapter I) was

confiscated by the authorities a certain sealed box
was removed from the cargo hold and sold on the
black market. Glaubrecht bought it in the hopes he
will get good money for it in Wissenburg.
What is in the box? It is up to you, but probably
something highly illegal. Black Lotus? Warpstone?
Blue prints for an experimental volley gun? Certainly
something important enough for the Lionfish to come
after it. They start by leaving subtle threats, but soon
resort to more violent methods.

Arriving at Wissenburg concludes this chapter.

Love is in the Air

Pyrenzhias presence grows stronger and it
is only appropriate that her influence affects
the PCs as well. Both Rosalia and Captain
Glaubrecht make good love interests, but be
aware that any relationship with Rosalia is
going to have a dramatic end. Of course, if
your players are up for it, encourage them
to play out a love affair between their

If Captain Glaubrecht becomes a PCs love interest

(see other sidebar) consider mixing this side plot with


Chapter IV
Wissenburg is the provincial capital of Wissenland. It is
a bustling town of 9000 people governed by the town
council. For an excellent source on Wissenburg and
Wissenland please see Wissenland: Under Nulns
Shadow by Alfred Nuez Jr.

is supposed to get it tonight during a party the Baron

is hosting.
There is a problem, however (like there always is).
Someone has made a death-threat against von
Brunkhorst. Rosalias spies (possibly the PCs earlier)
have found out that the Assassin will attend the party
wearing something blue.

The arrival of something like a Land Ship is an event in

itself and people flock to see the miraculous
contraption. The Watch have trouble deciding
whether they should let the ship enter Wissenburg or
not. A bribe or good use of Blather or Charm will
convince them. The Countess town mansion is easy to
find and the PCs are allowed to stay there. Upon
arrival Rosalia Schultz sees that they are paid.

Rosalia wants the PCs to attend the party either as

employees (servants, guards, cooks etc.) or as her
personal guards/assistants etc. Making sure something
happens to a cook so a PC can take his place can be
amusing, or it can be a drag. Spend as much time on
this as you think will amuse the players. Alternately,
you can use a short montage to describe how each of
them finds a way into the party. Use your narrative

Captain Tannfelders unit arrives a few days later.

Several attacks were made against them and he lost
two men. If need be, Captain Tannfelder can be used
as a replacement character (In this case, you need to
make minor adjustments to coming scenes).

The von Brunkhorst Party

Imperial Politics

First of all, Forges of Nuln and the Edge of Night both

feature parties (masked balls, this is not a masked ball)
that you can use as a source of inspiration and ideas
for further guests. Only the most important attendees
are described here. Feel free to insert any guest you
see fit. Use suitable Noble, Servant, and Guard stats
from WFRP core rulebook as needed.

Sorting out all remaining legal complexities takes

Rosalia several days. Adjust the time according to your
narrative needs. This is another good opportunity to
enter a short scenario or two. Of course, Rosalia can
always introduce the PCs to some good old Imperial
backstabbing by dispatching them on errands like
stealing a letter, intercepting a messenger, or
convincing a politician to reconsider his vote. In case
you want to further expand the political aspects of this
adventure please take a look at Averlands Disputed
Electorship by Rob Harper for inspiration.

The information here depicts events as they unfold

without interference from the PCs. Adjust and adapt
based on their actions.

Baron von Brunkhorsts Mansion

Baron von Brunkhorsts mansion is a two-storey
mansion in the rich part of Wissenburg. The Baron
relishes the opportunity to display his wealth to the
cream of Wissenburg. Expensive rugs and paintings
decorate the halls. Huge chandeliers light the banquet
room. No expenses have been spared on food and

Once you feel the PCs are ready to proceed with the
main plot, Rosalia summons them to the mansion. She
is almost done with her tasks here, but there is one
final hurdle to cross. Wissenburg town council needs
to vote on certain edicts (Dont ask, its all very
technical) and she has secured the needed votes
except for one. Baron Oswald von Brunkhorst has
agreed in principle but being the shrewd barrister she
is Rosalia wants to see his seal on the agreement. She


Von Brunkhorst Mansion

14 - Von Brunkhorsts man cave. A private

sanctuary where he entertains his inner circle
of friends. His collection of pornographic
woodcuts covers the walls. The door is locked.
There are two sets of keys to the cellar. Von
Brunkhorst and the head of house guard
Ehrwig Ober both have one.
Second floor is off limits to the guests. The
master bedroom and a few guestrooms are
found there.

The Murderer
Contrary to what the characters might expect,
the Assassin is not present when the party
starts. For years now, Oswald von Brunkhorst
has been an avid collector of pornographic
woodcuts - especially ones featuring Countess
von Liebwitz. It is illegal to produce and own
such images. So, naturally a small but active
underground market has sprung up. One mans skill
engraving these graphic images is superior blockcutter Hugo Haefner of Wissenburg (see p.102).
Despite being rheumatic and half-blind, the elderly
artisan still designs and carves images.

1 Stables
2 Servants quarters
3 The garden. A fountain made of Tilean marble
dominates the scenery. The guests are free to
mingle among red decorative lanterns.

A while ago Von Brunkhorst ordered several woodcuts

of Countess von Liebwitz from Haefner. He recently
received them and they were perfect. However, being
a cheap bastard, the Baron refused to pay. He figured
Haefner cant go to the authorities as it is illegal to
create such images.

4 Well
5 Pantry
6 Kitchen
7 Vestibule. Everyone is expected to leave to their
weapons here.

Haefner is furious. He plans to infiltrate tonights party

and give von Brunkhorst one final chance to pay. If he
refuses, Haefner has a plan B. His daughter, Dora, is a
street entertainer a dancer and a knife-thrower (see
p.103). Doras lover, Dietl, infiltrates the party as a
guard. He will wear a blue sash to point him out to his
fellow conspirators.

8 Gallery. Expensive paintings cover the walls.


9 Stairs to 2 floor.
10 Stairs to the wine cellar.
11 The great hall. This is where the guests mingle,
dance and eat. A door leads into the garden.

Haefner has been banned from entering the grounds

so Dietl lets him in during the party. Haefner confronts
von Brunkhorst and demands his money. If that
doesnt work, Dietl lets Haefners daughter in via a
servants entrance next. During her performance Dora

12 Servants entrance
13 The wine cellar


uses throwing knives to - hopefully - scare the Baron

to loosen his purse strings.

Kristoforo Essel, the Baritone of Bgenhafen A

charismatic man in his fifties with an aura of refined
elegance, an impeccable sense for proper etiquette,
and just the slightest touch of make-up. He is an opera
singer touring Wissenland at the moment. Well, that is
his cover. Kristoforo is actually an Elector Counts spy
here to sabotage Rosalias efforts.

The Host and His Staff

Oswald von Brunkhorst is a portly man whose family
owns rich silver mines in the Black Mountains (see
p.101). He has a tendency to speak more loudly than
the situation calls for and hes rather blunt with his
words. Baron von Brunkhorsts thin hair and scanty
beard might give him a slightly scruffy look, but his
cold, cruel eyes betray the shrewd opportunist inside.
Oswald von Brunkhorst is dressed in expensive, frilled
Bretonnian silks. He knows there is a threat against his
life but doesnt take it seriously. He is also a
connoisseur of pornographic woodcuts.

Joanna Grenz, Priestess of Verena This petite,

elderly woman is dressed in simple Verenean robes
and a brown shawl. She has heard of a Verenean
Zealot wreaking havoc around Wissenland. If asked
about the separation plan, she confirms that the legal
side seems legitimate. Use this NPC to foreshadow the
events of Chapter V, especially if you place the events
of that chapter in Wissenburg.

Goran Brunch The Halfling head chef is a stressed

out perfectionist who makes everyones life in the
kitchen a living hell. His shrill voice carries all the way
to the great hall.

Vladimir Tyudor, the Ice King of Kislev This selftitled ice trader could attend the party. For more on
him see The Ice King of Kislev by this author.

Liebrecht Aulen The Steward is in charge of the

party. All servants and maids answer to him. A willowy
man with grey hair Liebrecht is classically trained and
incredibly efficient. He knows everyone here by name.

Josef Kaster, the Tax Collector A spectacled man

disliked by most in the city. He has a habit of crashing
these parties and drinking too much. To make matters
worse he is a mean drunk. Threadbare clothes and
shaking hands are telltale signs of advancing

Ehrwig Ober - In charge of von Brunkhorsts personal

guard and security at the party. A burly man with
impressive handlebar-moustache. He seems fair and
competent, if a bit laid back.

Something Blue
These guests are wearing something blue and bound
to attract the PCs attention.

Notable Guests
Angelica Rhomberg The buxom redhead wearing a
blue gown is Angelica Rhomberg, daughter of a local
Burgher, and a Cultist of Slaanesh (see p.102). Baron
von Brunkhorsts party presents a great opportunity
for her. She is aware that the Baron is a connoisseur of
pornographic images and seems like a prime recruit
for their cult - Keepers of the Velvet Throne. Angelica is
here to indulge in hedonistic pleasures (and entice
others), approach suitable new recruits, and see von
Brunkhorsts collection.

Lady von Brunkhorst The wife of Baron von

Brunkhorst. As soon as she has one drink in her, she
cannot stop badmouthing Countess von Liebwitz. The
more she drinks the more personal and vile her insults
get. She feels absolutely betrayed by the separation
plan (not to mention her husband stands to lose
considerable influence).
Tobias Heileman, Trader An experienced trader who
owns several river barges that travel all the way to
Altdorf and Averheim. He is quick to note how
separating Nuln from Wissenland is an opportunity in
disguise. He is frustrated with the Saltpeter Men
though. Their actions and illegal seizures are starting
to disrupt business. Optional: Tobias Heileman is
associated with the Reik Lionfish and is here to deliver
a warning.

Dietl A young man with neatly trimmed beard. He is

here disguised as a guard and not making a
particularly good impression (he is doing a bit of a
guard caricature). Dietl is Haefners daughters lover
and he is here to help execute Hugos plan. He wears a
blue sash around his waist to indicate him to his fellow


Arman Lang A Thief. Skinny and pale man with bad

teeth. He is dressed like an artist, with a blue scarf. He
walks around with a bottle of red wine in one hand
and pretends to be appraising von Brunkhorsts art
collection. His goal is to nick the key to the private
room in the cellar and walk away with something

7:10 - Angelica takes Josef Kaster, the Taxman, by the

hand and leads him into the garden. She offers
him some Black Lotus behind the fountain.
7:20 - Rosalia tries to approach von Brunkhorst but
Lady von Brunkhorst interrupts her, rudely. The
Baroness knows why Rosalia is here and will
have none of it. The obnoxious lady guards von
Brunkhorst like a hawk for the rest of the
evening unless the PCs find a way to distract

Timeline for the Party

This is a general guideline. Be prepared to move
events or change times to keep the action flowing and
the players interested.

7:30 Arman Lang skulks around trying to find an

entrance to the cellar. Enticed by Angelica,
Josef Kaster now intoxicated seeks Arman
out to pick a fight with him. Guards or PCs need
to break it up. Josef protests, saying a woman
complained the artist had groped her. The
stolen key is found. PCs can try to Sleight of
Hand the keys. Arman Lang is thrown out.

4:00 Employed PCs report to duty and are given a

short introduction to their duties.
5:30 The band arrives and starts setting up. An
Average (+0) Perception Test confirms: no blue
6:00 Guests start to arrive. A Valet announces each

7:45 The smitten Kristoforo Essel is so enthralled

with Rosalia he forgets his mission and starts an
impromptu recital in her honour instead.

6:05 Dietl the fake guard arrives through the

backdoor, late for work. He is wearing a blue

8:00 There is a messenger at the front gate asking

for Rosalia. The messenger gives her a note.
After reading it, she seems concerned, but will
not elaborate. If she is a PCs love interest,
then: Ill tell you later. The note is from
Samael Mortengeist (see below). If Rosalia
doesnt have von Brunkhorsts signature yet,
she wants it now. As soon as she has it, she
returns to her room at the mansion. She
demands the PCs stay behind to protect the
Baron (see The Second Assassin of the Night

6:10 Rosalia Schultz arrives, possibly with some PCs.

6:15 Arman Lang arrives. PCs notice his blue scarf.
6:20 Angelica Rhomberg arrives. Her blue gown is
impossible to miss.
6:30 Oswald von Brunkhorst makes a toast and
wishes his guests welcome. Any PC servants
etc. are needed in the main hall.
6:45 The band starts to play. Dancing. Kristoforo
Essel, who supposed to be here to sabotage
Rosalia, lays his eyes on her for the first time
and is instantly smitten. He asks her to dance.

8:15 Angelica Rhomberg approaches von Brunkhorst.

His wife doesnt look pleased. The PCs need
Acute Hearing or need to be very close to hear
her suggest they go somewhere quieter. He
looks intrigued.

6:50 Baron von Brunkhorsts wife starts to

badmouth the Countess.

8:20 Deitl comes to the front gate for a change of

guard. As soon as he is alone, he lets the blockcutter Hugo Haefner in.

7:00 - An Average (+0) Perception Test to notice

Arman Lang lifting head guard Ehrwig Obers
keyring. Another Test to notice Angelica
noticing the same.

8:30 Furious Hugo Haefner barges into the main hall

looking for von Brunkhorst. He demands,
loudly, for the money he is owed (he doesnt
say for what). Von Brunkhorst coldly orders


The Second Assassin of the Night

the blind fool tossed out. The protesting old

man is dragged out.

There is no sign something is wrong until the PCs

reach the hallway outside Rosalia Schultzs study. In
the dimly lit corridor a figure is bent over by the door,
groaning in pain. Blood flows profusely between his
fingers as Captain Tannfelder holds a hand to his right
eye. Clearly in pain, he lets out a guttural groan and
points inside the study. His sword, covered in his
blood, lies on the floor. Any character with Surgery
can try a Hard (-20) Heal Test to save his eye (Golden
Tears from Tome of Salvation works as well).

8:45 Von Brunkhorst invites his closest friends and

hunting buddies for a pipeful of the finest
Tobaroan and some vintage Averland Red.
Angelica Rhomberg is invited. They go to von
Brunkhorsts man cave in the cellar. He reveals
the truth about Hugo Haefner and the
9:15 The men leave the man cave. Von Brunkhorst
and Angelica stay behind and she tries to
seduce him.

The study is lined by bookshelves. An oak desk

occupies the right side of the room and a circle of
chairs surrounds a table at the center of the room. A
fireplace on the far wall lights the room and a
crumpled body in front of it. A cloaked figure dashes
out through a door at the opposite end of the room.
Books and scrolls burn in the fireplace.

9:30 Deitl sneaks into the garden and lets a robed

figure in via the servants entrance. Lady von
Brunkhorst looks for his husband.
9:45 Angelica and von Brunkhorst return upstairs.
Lady von Brunkhorst has a fit. Deitl sneaks into
the garden again to set up fireworks.


10:00 The band announce the final, surprise, act of

the night. Von Brunkhorst is brought to the
front row. The band starts to play. The
fireworks start. A robed woman - a dancer steps forth. Dora, Haefners daughter, starts
her performance, and halfway through lets
her robe drop. She is wearing a midnight blue
outfit. If Dora is not stopped she draws forth
two throwing knives and throws them. The
first nails von Brunkhorst to his chair, the
second grazes his cheek. She hisses:
Greetings from Hugo Haefner. Consider this
is your final warning! If not stopped, she
escapes via the garden with Deitl.

The body is Rosalias. She is dead, stabbed several

times with a poisoned blade. If she had an affair with
one of the characters, then she musters enough
strength to whisper a final good bye. If they dont
realize to save the notes from the fire, Captain
Tannfelder orders them to do so. Let them make a
Test or two, but the end result is the same (they dont
know that). More on the notes below.

Chasing the Assassin

The Assassin a Druchii member of the Reik Lionfish
bolts from the study into a long hallway. Reaching the
end of the corridor she barges through a door into the
Countess private salon. Stopping briefly to regard her
surroundings the Dark-Elf dashes through another
door to a huge, hall-like walk-in closet. The PCs catch
up to her there.

The party is over. Questioning von Brunkhorst and/or

Dora and Deitl helps answer any questions the PCs
may have. If the PCs helped catch Dora and Deitl,the
Baron rewards them with 20 gc. The PCs can help
wrap things up, but head guard Ehrwig Ober takes
charge. The City Watch is fetched, unless it would
shame von Brunkhorst. If the PCs convince the Baron
to pay his debt to Haefner, make sure Hugo rewards
the PCs later with a gift or by returning the favour.

Treat the chase as Combat Movement with both sides

taking Running Actions. The Assassin has a 10 half
action lead on the PCs. The chase last 5 Rounds. Have
the players make Agility Tests each round. Every
success means they catch up by 1 half action.

There is a slight drizzle as they return to the mansion.



PCs are about to find out - much more than a simple

servant. The Halfling stops to brush water from his
sleeves, and then dismisses his bodyguards with a
slight nod. Turning to the PCs, the stern Halfling says:
We need to talk.

Four dozen complete outfits on mannequins in neat

rows of eight in a dimly lit room. That is the mise en
scne for their fight with the Assassin (see p.103).
There is a small ventilation window at the back the
room. The Assassin tries to either escape through
there (3 Rounds to force it open and crawl through) or
divert the PCs enough to escape via the door. While
looking for a way out, she tries to pick them off one at
a time.

Thyrus Thornroot starts by revealing he is the secret

head of the Saltpeter Men (for stats and more on
Thyrus Thornroot see p.104), the Countess poisoner
and the head of her network of spies. In fact, besides
the Countess, no one knows about the matter to be
discussed here next. Just a few days ago, Thyrus
Thornroot learned of a plot against Nuln and the
Countess. This threat is internal and much more
serious than anything coming from the other Elector

Once the Assassin enters, she first uses two Move

Actions to hide amongst the mannequins. Then she
puts on one of the outfits (2 full actions). Finally, if
there is time, she reapplies poison to her blade.
This fight is all about tension, a prolonged game of cat
and mouse. Ask your players to describe what they do,
how they are equipped, how they communicate (the
Druchii understands Reikspiel). Describe moving
shadows and strange sounds. The mannequins look
rather creepy in the dark.

How did he learn about the conspiracy? From Rosalia

(actually he learnt it by spying on Rosalia). Apparently,
she discovered something while investigating the
legalities of the separation plan. Thyrus Thornroot
started towards Wissenburg immediately, but, alas,
arrived too late. Thyrus doesnt know what Rosalia

Keep Tests player facing as often as you can,

meaning prefer player tests over NPC tests.
For example, rather have a player test
Perception than have the Elf test
Its dark. Do they have light sources?
The Assassin tries to distract them with
sounds and shadows.
She disguises herself as a mannequin and
attacks a when a solitary character is close. A
Perception Test or she gets Surprise.
Introducing fire to the room is a very bad
If they fetch back-up, she makes a break for
She absolutely fights to the bitter end. If
captured, she swallows her tongue.

Investigating the badly burnt notes rescued from the

fireplace reveals the following clues:

Once the Assassin is dead or escapes, the characters

should return to the study.

Food Taster, Poisoner, Halfling, Spy

Just minutes after the characters have killed the
Assassin (or she escaped) and Rosalias body has been
attended to, the Countess chief food taster arrives
with two Saltpeter Men. Thyrus Thornroot is as the

The Esoteric History of Nuln and Wissenland is

mentioned several times. Looks like it
contains some crucial information. Someone
called Eberhardtus Hagen is believed to have
a copy of this rare tome. You can add a
location here if you want. Otherwise, they
have to ask around where to find Eberhardtus
Hagen. Anyone with Academic Knowledge or
Arcane Lore reckons the book is forbidden
and therefore sought by Witch Hunters. (see
Chapter V)
Someone called Emil Gruden from
Horngarten is expected to manufacture
something of significance and send it to Nuln.
(see Chapter VI)
This clue is found either on the dead Assassin,
or if she escaped, on the floor among the
mannequins. A piece of parchment with
instructions to kill Rosalia Schultz. The agreed
price is 100 gc and there is a charcoal drawing

Thyrus Thornroot was heavily inspired by the

character of Abeno Kaii from Lone Wolf and Cub.


of her (that is why the Elf didnt destroy it).

There is a seal with a boars head and initials
B.L. on the note. Any Noble, a PC with
Common Knowledge (Nuln), and Thyrus
Thornroot recognizes it as the personal seal
of one Bruder Lehmann, a Wissenland
Merchant and salt mine owner.
Some badly burnt letters still show the
signature of one Samael Mortengeist (this
includes the note Rosalia received during the
party). Who is he? Is he an ally or an enemy?
In fact, he is an ally. Mortengeist is a
Shadowmancer - a Wizard of the Grey Order.
This NPC is first and foremost a crutch for you
to lean on when needed. Introduce him at a
time the PCs get stuck or miss a vital piece of
information. He is also available as a
replacement character. For more on Samael
Mortengeist see p.105.

We Are Being
Railroaded! Again!
A bit begrudgingly Thyrus
Thornroot asks the
characters to investigate the
conspiracy. It seems he
doesnt like having to trust
adventurers (Hes lying. He
is happy to employ such
disposable assets.). Your
players should feel like they
have a choice here. They
can negotiate their terms
(ask for a Haggle Test).
Thyrus Thornroot is
prepared to promise them a
generous reward - money,
houses, titles (He has no
intention of delivering on
his promise.) He even
agrees to an advance

a serious offense. Furthermore, technically they

failed to protect Rosalia and are therefore duty-bound
to help solve her murder.

Investigating the Plot

Next three chapters describe the heroes
investigations into the plot against Nuln. They dont
have to visit all three locations. However, each
location provides them helpful information, potential
allies, and reveals more of the backstory.

They can investigate these locations in the order of

their choosing. Or, alternately, you can determine the
order based on narrative needs and pacing. Chapters V
VII are not set in any fixed locations to leave you
room for creative geographical positioning. This way,
you can decide how much travelling there is between
locations. The Emmanuelle and her crew are still at the
PCs service. And, once again, interludes between
chapters are prime opportunities to
Triumvirate of Secret Protectors
insert your own encounters and short
scenarios. Here are two optional
It took the combined efforts of three
encounters to give the journey some
people, suspicious by nature to the point
added colour.
of being paranoid, to notice something
foul is afoot in Nuln. Rosalia Schultz, an
Optional Encounter: Why
inquisitive barrister, Tychonus Hexenstern,
Doesnt She Love Us Anymore?
a member of the Astrologers Guild of
Mordheim, and Samael Mortengeist, a
A couple peasant girls shyly come up
Grey Wizard.
to a female character and ask: Lady,
At first, Hexenstern noticed something
strange about the six bell towers. Not
trusting Thyrus Thornroot, he chose to
take it up with Rosalia. She was convinced
having already found some clues
concerning the Guiding Hand. In turn, the
barrister approach Mortengeist, a Grey
Wizard, and asked him to investigate.
Together they were able to piece together
these clues.

why does the Mother-Countess want

to get rid of us? Why does she want
to get rid of Wissenland? Doesnt she
love us anymore? What did we do

Optional Encounter: The


The Emmanuelle arrives at a small

village just before dusk. The village
seems eerily quiet. If the PCs stop for supplies they
find out the village is deserted.

All the groundwork you have done with character

motivation and buy-in pays of here. The players should
want to save Nuln and their friends and families. If
they hesitate or refuse Thyrus Thornroot has several
aces up his sleeve. By now, he knows the PCs were
involved in the attack on the Saltpeter Men compound

A crooked, dilapidated observatory rises on a nearby

hill. As the sun sets they see that there are lights at the
observatory. Before the PCs get there, they see a
group of Skaven sneaking in the darkness towards the
village. The Ratmen proceed to ransack the village.


The observatory has been taken over by a Skaven Grey

Seer. The Skaven Sorcerer saw in his divinations a
presence from behind the stars drawing closer. It
wanted to observe the night sky for signs. Having
previously provided the man with Warpstone the Grey
Seer knew of an observatory with a lone Wizard.
The Grey Seer took its most trusted warriors and
invaded the observatory and the nearby village. The
villagers are captured in cages ready to be transported
underground. Some of them may have escaped into
the nearby woods. The Wizard is dead.
If the PCs defeat the dozen Skaven and the Grey Seer,
the observatory reveals the following information:

The Wizard was a member of the Celestial

Order. He was also a member of something
called The Astrologers Guild of Mordheim. He
has an ancient medallion depicting an
observatory and a falling comet.
He was studying geomantic sorcery how
placement of buildings and structures can
affect the Winds of Magic.
A letter from Master Hexenstern inquiring
about the Wizards studies. Hexensterns
letter has the same observatory and falling
comet symbol.


Chapter V
This chapter sees our heroes track down Eberhardtus
Hagen and the tome The Esoteric History of Nuln and
Wissenland. The challenge is a zealous Verenean
Investigator has been wreaking havoc across
Wissenland recently. Right now, he is terrorizing Scroll
Quarter. And it just so happens that is where Hagens
bookstore is located.

Protection Racket
It is beyond the scope of this adventure, but
here is a good opportunity to expand the Reik
Lionfish side plot. Especially, if the Assassin
escaped in Chapter IV and/or you are using
Captain Glaubrechts side plot. Joanna Grentz
has a friend with connections to the
underbelly of Wissenburg.

You can place Scroll Quarter as close as Wissenburg. In

that case, make sure to foreshadow the events of this
chapter already during Chapter IV. For example, the
PCs overhear discussions about fanatical Zealots of
Verena terrorizing the city. As a result there are
rumours the town council is considering cordoning off
Scroll Quarter. Conversely, Scroll Quarter can be part
of almost any town in Wissenland as long as it is big
enough for a part of it to be cordoned off.

This friend looking to help but not knowing

better went to the Reik Lionfish for help.
Now, Grentz, unsure whether she is a guest or
a captive, is held in a Lionfish base. You can
create a whole scenario around finding and
infiltrating the secret base to rescue the

Finding Eberhardtus Hagen

Once they get to talk to her, she tells them

Eberhardtus Hagen has a shop in Scroll Quarter.

Rosalias notes mention that Eberhardtus Hagen is in

the possession of a copy of The Esoteric History of
Nuln and Wissenland. It follows that the PCs first step
is to find out who Eberhardtus Hagen is and where to
find him. Whether you decide to place this chapter in
the provincial capital or somewhere else in
Wissenland the PCs can still start their inquiries in
Wissenburg. Their first clue is Hagens obvious
connection to books and old tomes.

If the characters previously investigated Tychonus

Hexenstern in Nuln, they may remember rumours
about Jonas Lochner smuggling books to him. This is
an opportunity to get Captain Glaubrecht involved. He
has lots of useful contacts and knows how to handle
delinquents. Some legwork, a handful of coins, and
maybe a few Tests, lead to Calvin Lustig. Lustig is a
Fence claiming the docks as his turf where he is found
in a tiny shack of an office. Applying some monetary or
physical persuasion encourages the man to spill the
beans. Lustig divulges that the Smuggler Jonas Lochner
is known to traffic with wizard-types. He points them
towards the Smugglers last known location, Scroll
Quarter, but tries to pluck a few extra coins for his

Approaching followers of Verena, printers, other book

collectors, or Wizards is a good starting point.
Priestess Joanna Grentz from von Brunkhorsts party in
chapter IV is a good lead. Whether Hagen is in
Wissenburg or elsewhere determines how hard these
people are to find. If Scroll Quarter is in Wissenburg,
most of these people are either caught inside or trying
to stay away from the district at all cost.

Whether it is through a few simple rolls, a quick

discussion with Joanna Grentz or Calvin Lustig, or
longer investigation our heroes eventually learn they
need to make their way to Scroll Quarter.

Depending on how much time you want to spend on

this, finding Joanna Grentz, for example, can be quite
challenging. Maybe she has friends who shelter her
from the Verenean Investigator. The PCs have to find a
way to convince these friends of their good intentions.
Or, for example, stake out the house where she is
hiding to find a way to charm or sneak their way in.

Trouble in Scroll Quarter

Scroll Quarter is a relative maze of narrow
cobblestone streets, winding flights of stairs and


houses leaning precariously over the streets. Like its

name suggests Scroll Quarter is home to printing
presses, scriveners, booksellers, small libraries, bookbinders, and a temple of Verena. It is a lively district
where academics and clergy mingle in the libraries and
temples. Students gather on street corners for lively

but Charm, Intimidate, or a handful of coins takes care

of that problem.

Eberhardtus Hagens Shop

There are no street names to go by, so finding Hagens
shop is a challenge. Entering the district is like entering
some nightmare realm that, although resembling an
Imperial town, could not possibly be one. Most
streets look abandoned and silent. If the PCs see
someone they quickly slink away. Then, turning a
corner they see a pile of burning books and scrolls. Air
is thick with ash and smoldering pieces of paper.

Today, all that seems like a distant memory. At the

center of the district lies a small square. Several days
ago (adjust accordingly) a Verenean Investigator by
the name of Luther Sagebrecht invaded the square
with his band of fanatics and announced all of Scroll
Quarter under investigation for acts of heresy and

If the PCs asked for directions before they entered the

district, they eventually find the place. Each level of
success in a Challenging (-10) Navigation Test reduces
the time spent wandering around with 5 minutes
(start from 20). If they didnt ask for directions you
might give a PC with Orientation/Navigation a chance
to shine. Otherwise, they have to find someone and
ask. This requires getting hold of someone or
convincing someone to open their door. If you want,
for every five minutes that passes they have one of
these encounters:

Immediately, Sagebrechts fanatics started conducting

illegal searches and arrests in the name of Verena.
Workshops were emptied and printing presses
destroyed as they searched for heretical material.
Horror and death had come to Scroll Quarter.
Once a venerable scourge of Ruinous Powers Luther
Sagebrecht is now but a shadow of his former self.
Two decades of tracking heretical texts and chasing
cultists have left his mind broken and unhinged. He
sees hints of blasphemy everywhere he looks. In his
mind, printed books in particular are an affront to
Verena and must be destroyed.

Cordon Sanitaire
The town councils reaction to the atrocities
committed in Verenas name is to do nothing. The cult
of Verena is very influential in Nuln and Wissenland.
Moreover, several high-ranking Sigmarites feel
Sagebrechts zealous actions serve as a cautionary
example - a reminder of the corrupting influence of
the enemy within. This has left the council too divided
to reach any kind of resolution. They ordered a cordon
sanitaire around the district and hope for the problem
to go away on its own.

No-one in town knows what exactly is happening

inside Scroll Quarter. Rumours of atrocities and stories
of escapees abound. Every street leading to the
district is blockaded with barrels, crates, and junk.
Worried people flock to the blockades looking for
news about friends and relatives trapped inside.
Nervous Watchmen try to ensure no-one leaves the
district. They are not supposed to let anyone in either,


A group of people flee from something. Time

for quick decisions. 4 Rounds later 3 Zealots
come running down the street. If they spot
the PCs, they demand to know where the
people fled. They are not interested in the
PCs unless provoked.
A door opens and a woman beckons them in,
promising a safe haven. As soon as they
enter, several men with improvised weapons
(number of PCs +1) step forth and demand
whatever food they have. They are not Thugs
but desperate citizens. Use Proprietor stats
(WFRP p.235). It is rather easy to convince
them to lower their weapons.
Screaming. Someone screams and cries for
help. The screams echo and it is impossible to
find their source before they die out.
A group of students carry stacks of scrolls and
writing equipment. A Zealot with a lash leads
them towards the central square.
In the middle of a street, Otto Vogel (see
below) squats to pick up a piece of
smoldering book. He uses it to light his pipe,
then slowly walks up to the PCs and asks

whether they have seen a skulking

Bretonnian around (see sidebar).
An abandoned palanquin sits in the middle of
a street. It has been ransacked. A beggar is
scavenging a dead porter for any gold teeth.

want. To get the whole story of this section, they have

to visit all three locations.

The Forgotten Wish

Jonas Lochner arrived at Scroll Quarter just before the

horrors started. He was promised
Door to Hagens shop is off its
good money to get a certain book
hinges. The shop is completely
A Fistful of Karls
from Eberhardtus Hagen (an old
trashed. Books are littered all
associate) and deliver it to Master
over the floors. Ink stains are
Otto Vogel is a grizzled veteran BountyHexenstern in Nuln (another old
everywhere. There is some
Hunter (see p.106). He has been hired by
associate). Suddenly, all hell broke
blood on the counter (no one
some Bretonnians to track down Anton
loose. His crew deserted him.
died here so not that much).
Louis and kill him. He is to destroy the
Knowing it takes time and money
Investigating the mess bags
guillotine as well. Vogel is a wild card, an
to find a replacement crew he
them a clue Hagens secret
NPC you can use in case the PCs get stuck,
contacted Father Barthelm, a Priest
ledger hidden under the
need more muscle, or you just want to mix
of Verena, and offered him a deal.
counter. It will take some time
things up.
He helps the Priest evacuate
to leaf through it, but one
precious books before these crazies
entry is especially interesting:
burn them and, in return, he gets money and the
[DATE] Esoteric History handed over to Jonas Lochner
evacuees serve as his crew until they reach a safe
of the Forgotten Wish to be delivered to Hexenstern in
The Forgotten Wish is Jonas Lochners trusted river
If you feel like you need an action beat, or the PCs
barge. It has served him well for almost a decade. The
linger, a group of Zealots (see p.106) chances upon
barge is easy to find as it is the only ship docked in
them (maybe they return to see if they missed
Scroll Quarter at the moment. Others managed to
anything). The PCs can either try to talk themselves
escape from the Zealots, except for one that was set
out of trouble (use Blather, Charm etc.), or they can
aflame. Most likely the PCs find their way here based
try to flee (the Zealots give chase for a block or two),
on clues they gathered either in Wissenburg or at
surrender (they will be taken to Luther Sagebrecht,
Hagens secret ledger. They could remember the
see below), or fight (the Zealots flee when 2/3 of their
rumours about Hexenstern and the Forgotten Wish
Wounds are gone, but will not leave any of their
and find their way here.
number behind). Or they can come up with something
When they arrive at the scene, they see the boat
else. Encourage creativity and good roleplaying.
moored at the pier and four Zealots standing guard.
We Have Options
They have learned from Hagen that Jonas Lochner
smuggles heretical material and have been on guard
From this point on there are three key locations the
ever since. Three of them stand on the pier whilst the
PCs can visit. Each location is described below. The
fourth is aboard the barge. There is no sign of Lochner.
book they are after can be in any one of them it is up
The pier is loaded with barrels and crates. Sneaking
to you. This is to give you more narrative control and
into the boat requires a couple Challenging (-10)
tools to react to player choices.
Silent Move Tests. These become Average (+0) if it is
Descriptions for each location include notes on how
nighttime. A distraction of some sort could improve
the PCs may end up there. Also, ideas on how to get
their odds further. If the Zealots discover them, their
them to the next location are provided. This way you
reaction is to hit first and ask questions later. They try
can keep this section short they go to one location
not to kill the intruders but to capture them for
and get the book. Or you can make them run through
questioning. Searching the barge reveals that the book
two or all three locations until they get what they
is not there. They find a Symbol of Verena though (It is


Father Barthelms). A successful Average (+0)

Perception Test discovers a stash of 20 gc.

successful Strength Tests to break the door in. Just as

the PCs enter, Lochner is climbing out the window (see

At a suitably dramatic moment the following happens.

Another Zealots runs to the pier and shouts: We
found the smuggler! Hes at the Idle Crown Inn. Lets
go! Three of the Zealots leave. The one on the boat
stays. The PCs can stay and overpower the remaining
man to search the boat, if they havent done so
already. They should realize though, that Jonas
Lochner is about to be captured and probably has the
book with him. Saving him would make things much
easier for the PCs.

Rooftop Chase!
Jonas Lochner flees across the rooftops being chased
by the PCs being chased by the Zealots. Ask for Agility
and Scale Sheer Surface Tests. A failed Agility Test
asks for another Agility Test or the PC finds herself
hanging of an edge. However, keep the chase
narrative instead of a test-fest. Ask tests at dramatic
moments like jumping from one rooftop to another, or
to Dodge an attack from a Zealot breathing down their
neck. Once the Zealots have dramatically failed their
rolls, or the PCs collectively get more degrees of
success for three rounds in a row, they escape.
Concentrate on keeping the chase exciting and

This scene is a frantic chase to the Idle Crown. The
Zealots are not exactly sure where it is and navigating
the labyrinthine streets of Scroll Quarter gets easily
confusing. This should be a tense encounter of trying
to avoid the Zealots while at the same time staying
close enough to learn where they are going. Make it
an Opposed Navigation Test between the PCs and the
Zealots. Shouts and footsteps echo in the narrow
streets. It is possible to go to the roof level. A couple
Agility Tests are required to get to the Idle Crown
safely, but reduces the chance of running into the
Zealots. Clever characters can isolate and pick the
Zealots of one by one.

An alternative approach is to nominate a Zealot to

each PC. Both take Agility Tests (or Scale Sheer
Surface Tests). The winner (determined by degrees of
success) describes in a dramatic fashion what happens
that round and how the winner either gets further
away or catches up. The first to three successes
The PCs can try to communicate with the Smuggler by
shouting - a Charm Test. Success convinces him of
their intentions. Otherwise, they just have to catch

Once the PCs arrive at the Idle Crown they see another
group of three Zealots rushing in from the opposite
direction. If they arrive before the original Zealot
group, they have 4 Rounds before this new group
reaches the tavern. Getting Jonas Lochners location
from the proprietor quickly requires a successful use
of a suitable skill, or forcing the man to show them. He
is an elderly chap and prone to faltering in the stairs.

He got away! If the PCs dont convince Jonas

Lochner to listen to them and dont catch up to him,
he flees. They have to track him down again. Good
options are staking out the inn and his barge. He
actually flees to the Temple of Verena and then tries
to sneak aboard his barge at night.

Whether the Zealots arrive first or second, they storm

the tavern and demand to know where the Smuggler
is. It takes them 4 Rounds to squeeze his location from
the proprietor or one of the patrons. Then they storm
the room.

The Great Escape If the PCs escape and convince

Jonas Lochner to listen to them, he is willing to part
with the book for the 50 gc he is promised for it. He
either has it with him or he has left it at the Temple of
Verena it is your choice. They can try to Haggle, or
try to encourage him to show some empathy to their
cause (way more challenging).

Jonas Lochner has a room on the second floor. It is

locked. Normally this would be a Routine (+10) Pick
Lock Test, but the stressful situation may make more
difficult. You should really make the PC feel the
pressure by describing the sounds of approaching
Zealots and her friends rushing her. It takes two

Caught Jonas Lochner is caught the Zealots who give

him a beating of a lifetime and then drag his
unconscious body to the Imperial Library. If the PCs


are caught, they get a beating and are taken to see the
Verenean Investigator.

known the true extent of his madness. His intention is

to make an example out of Scroll Quarter to strike fear
into the hearts of blasphemers and heretics
everywhere. And he has found a perfect instrument
for that.

If you want to place the book in the Imperial Library

or the Temple of Verena, here are some ideas how to
get the PCs to the next location:

The Bretonnian Shortener

Ways to get the PCs to the Imperial Library: The

Smuggler is caught and taken to the Imperial Library.
He either has the book with him, or he knows where it
is. Or, the Zealots have found the book (in the boat,
his room, or on his person) and taken it to the library.

Anton Louis is a failed Bretonnian Engineer (arent

they all?). Once he heard of a fellow engineers new
invention he decided to steal the plans for it. He
absconded Bretonnia via Loren Highway and arrived at
Wissenland. He was looking to sell the invention, but
needed to test it first. So, Louis rented a small
workshop to build his first prototype. While he was
building it a Verenean Investigator passed through the
town, learned of this new invention and immediately
realized the usefulness of such a device.

Ways to get the PCs to the Temple of Verena: The

Smuggler gave the book to Father Barthelm for
safekeeping, and tells the PCs as much. If need be, the
Priest lost his symbol of Verena in his barge when he
was discussing a deal with Lochner. The PCs find it
when searching the barge. The symbol points them
towards the Priest of Verena.

Louis (see p.109) and Sagebrecht are about to test the

Bretonnians machine a guillotine for the first time.
The Verenean hopes the spectacle and new found
efficiency in executing heretics will strike fear in in the
hearts of cultists everywhere. Therefore, he has
sentenced several men to their deaths (including
Hagen and Lochner if caught).

The Imperial Library

The Imperial Library lies next to the small central
square opposite the Temple of Verena. It is an
imposing stone building. Gargoyles decorate the eaves
and a relief of the Imperial Griffon looms over an
arching doorway. The library serves mainly as a
depository for Imperial records and official
documents. Huge bookshelves reaching from floor to
roof used to be full of scrolls and ledgers. Now all the
documents are scattered on the floors and stairs.

Louis machine is finally set up and they plan to test it

the next morning. The menacing apparatus stands on
the square in front of the Imperial Library. Several
Zealots guard it at all times.
Their plan is to start beheading people the morning
following the PCs arrival in Scroll Quarter. Naturally,
you are free to change the timing to suit your needs.
They start by herding people to the square as
witnesses. Then, Sagebrecht gives a short, rambling to the point of being incomprehensible - sermon on
the dangers of the enemy within. Next, Anton Louis
starts talking about his invention but is cut short by
the Verenean. Then they start beheading people. The
guillotine is a prototype and Louis isnt much of an
Engineer, so it doesnt work as well as planned. It
takes quite a while to execute even one person and
the blade seems to get stuck all the time.

Verenean Investigator Luther Sagebrecht has taken

over the library and made it into his courtroom (see
p.107). A high-backed stair standing on top of a pile of
books and ledgers serves as his seat of judgment.
Zealots drag innocent academics, scholars, students,
and printers in an endless parade to hear a verdict on
something they did not do. Sagebrecht passes
judgment based on unhinged logic and crimes only his
paranoid mind can see. Terrified librarians are forced
to record all the mock trials and file the records on the
emptied shelves.
The sentenced are escorted out and into a prison
wagon next to the library. The wagon is overcrowded
so the Zealots have started to tie people to the wheels
and each other.

Meeting Luther Sagebrecht

The manner in which the PCs come to meet Luther
Sagebrecht determines the nature of their meeting. If
they come to meet him on their own, they have to

But the horror does not stop there. The same day the
PCs enter Scroll Quarter Luther Sagebrecht makes


first talk to the Zealots outside. After a few minutes, a

pale, frightened librarian comes to fetch them. They
can try to talk to him, but he is too scared to give them
much at first. The PCs have to wait quite a while in the
library witnessing the charade of justice on display. If
they manage to find a quiet spot, the librarian
describes what has happened in the last few days.

until the beheadings start or convince him to invade

the Temple of Verena. A character with Keen Senses
from a good spot could attempt a Hard (-20) Search
Test (and there is still the problem of getting their
hands on the book). At night, Sagebrecht sleeps in the
chief librarians office. The Zealots are mostly outside.
Only the librarians doze in the main hall.

When they finally get to meet Luther Sagebrecht, they

should be aware they are dealing with a deranged,
dangerous individual. Make the discussion feel difficult
and frustrating for the characters. Sagebrecht
interrupts them all the time. He asks them questions,
doesnt wait for their answers, jumps to conclusions,
and accuses them of random things. Make it feel like
they are walking across a minefield. However, unless
they offend him, fail miserably in a skill test, or carry
heretical tomes with them, they probably manage to
get out of the library alive. Sagebrecht assigns Zealots
to follow them though.

Bribe a librarian More than money, he wants

assurances he will be saved. The librarian may
succeed, or fail and see his head get chopped off.
Ask Lochner what the book looks like In this case, it
takes a successful Average (+0) Search Test when
digging at the pile to find the tome. Daytime, there is a
20% chance per round of searching that someone sees
them. At nighttime, there is a 20% chance they wake
up the librarians. You may allow a Silent Move Test to
avoid being detected.

The Prison Wagon

If the PCs ask him about the Esoteric History of Nuln

and Wissenland, he grows suspicious. A copy of the
book is rumored to be here. It is a foul tome and
anyone associated with it is a heretic in his mind.
Crafty PCs may coax out of him that it describes,
among other things, how a Daemon of the pleasure
god was defeated long ago.

The prison wagon is located to the left of the library.

Horses are kept in a nearby stable. There are no
guards, but Zealots walk by regularly during daytime.
At night, a dozen of them sit self-flagellating in a circle
around a huge pile of burning books in the middle of
the square. The wagon falls just outside the circle of

If they ask about Eberhardtus Hagen, he reveals the

man was a trafficker in blasphemous material and has
been given the death sentence.

If the PCs were captured and sentenced, they are

brought here and tied to the wheels. It takes two
Challenging (-10) Agility Tests to free oneself. Jonas
Lochner and Eberhardtus Hagen are locked inside the
wagon. Picking the wagons lock takes a Challenging (10) Test. The problem is the other prisoners. They beg
to be released if they see the PCs are free. At night,
they are asleep but you might want to ask for a Silent
Move Test.

If the PCs are captured and brought in front of this

self-appointed judge, jury and executioner, he gives
them a quick trial. Again, he asks irrelevant questions,
doesnt wait for their answers, jumps to conclusions,
and accuses them of random things. The PCs have no
chance unless you want to give a character a chance to
shine - maybe by downgrading a death sentence into
imprisonment. See The Prison Wagon.

If you want to place the book in the Forgotten Wish

or the Temple of Verena, here are some ideas how to
get the PCs to the next location:

The Esoteric History of Nuln and Wissenland

Ways to get the PCs to the Forgotten Wish: Jonas

Lochner is held as a prisoner. He tells them the tome is
hidden in his barge (in case the PCs have not been
there yet). Alternately, Sagebrecht tells them he
knows Hagen and Lochner have trafficked in illegal
tomes and he knows the Smuggler is in Scroll Quarter.

In case you decided to place the tome here, it lies on

the pile of books the Verenean Investigators seat of
judgment sits atop. It is most likely the PCs dont know
what the book looks like. They have several options.
Search the pile Almost impossible at day time,
unless they find a way to lure Sagebrecht outside, wait


Ways to get the PCs to the Temple of Verena:

Imprisoned Jonas Lochner reveals he gave the book to
the Priest of Verena for safekeeping. Or, Sagebrecht
says he has learned the Priest of Verena possesses a
blasphemous tome and considers storming the

admits as much if even a shred of evidence is


The Temple of Verena

Ways to get the PCs to the Forgotten Wish: The Priest

knows that the Smuggler has the book. Or, the Priests
diary mentions Jonas Lochner has the book. Or, the
PCs escape Scroll Quarter with the book and the

If you want to place the book in the Forgotten Wish

or the Imperial Library, here are some ideas how to
get the PCs to the next location:

The Temple of Verena lies opposite the Imperial

Library. It is run by Father Barthelm (see p.108). He
was the first to openly challenge Sagebrecht and that
encounter almost cost him his life. Had it not been for
the two Knights of Verena protecting him the Zealots
would have ripped the Priest to pieces.

Ways to get the PCs to the Imperial Library: The Priest

knows the Zealots have confiscated the book. Or, the
Priest knows the Smuggler has the book and he is
being held prisoner by the Zealots.

Since that encounter the fanatics and the temple have

been in an uneasy standstill. Father Barthelm knows
Sagebrecht is mad and must be stopped at any cost.
He is afraid the lunatics will invade the temple at some
point and wantonly destroy all the sacred texts. If not
for the two Knights they probably would have already.

The Esoteric History of Nuln and Wissenland

If you decide the tome is in the temple, this is what
happens. The Priest is in a desperate situation. He
proposes a deal to the characters. They find a way to
make Sagebrecht leave, or at the very least destroy
the guillotine; and help him evacuate with Jonas
Lochner (they would be the crew). In exchange, he
promises to either give them the book or pay for it (if
Lochner has it).

He has been approach by the Smuggler Jonas Lochner

who volunteered to evacuate the Priest and his most
valuable tomes. He wants money and help in getting
his barge out of Scroll Quarter. Father Barthelm feels
very uneasy about this deal. As a devout member of
the Cult of Verena he has trouble trusting a known
Ranaldite. But this is a desperate situation.

This means the PCs have to find a way to destroy the

guillotine (see A Fistful of Karls sidebar), either locate
or liberate Jonas Lochner (unless hes dead), and
finally get into the river barge with the Priest.

Father Barthelm doesnt know it, but his protectors

are having second thoughts as well. The younger of
the Knights has started to question whether the
Verenean Investigator is right and printing presses are
in fact an affront to old dogma. Once they are at the
temple, the PCs overhear the Knights arguing about it
in hushed voices. Make a note of how they deal with
this information as it may affect things a little later.

More unscrupulous PCs may think to just steal the

book from the Priest. Or use violence to get it. Or
persuade the Verenean Investigator to storm the
temple. These are all viable options. Sneaking into the
Priests private chambers requires two Challenging (10) Silent Move Tests, unless they use a distraction or
come up with a plan to improve their odds. Picking the
lock is another Challenging Test. The book is inside a
chest under his bed. Getting caught means an
amazingly good explanation is required or there will
be blood. The Knights show no mercy to anyone
caught desecrating their temple.

Meeting Father Barthelm

The temple most likely isnt the first place the PCs
come to look for the book. However, they might find
their way here by wandering around or come looking
for answers. Any attempt to meet Father Barthelm
goes through the two Knights (see p.108). They escort
the PCs to the Priest and remain present through the
meeting. If you decide that Father Barthelm has the
tome, the Priest has it in his private chambers under
lock and key. He received it from Jonas Lochner and

Give the PCs some time to plan. To create a sense of

urgency, have Sagebrecht start executing people with
the Bretonnian Shortener. To make this scene suitably
dramatic the Verenean Investigator has learned that
the Priest is hiding heretical texts inside the temple. As


soon as the PCs have dealt with the guillotine and

found the Smuggler, the fanatics attack the temple.

means another intense, claustrophobic chase through

the narrow streets of Scroll Quarter.

The PCs have to fight their way out and find a way to
get to the barge. The initial attack is the number of
PCs + 4 Zealots. The Knights fight to the last. A
dramatic option here is to have the younger Knight
turn on his mentor and join the Zealots in the fight,
unless the PCs did something to make this option
implausible earlier. The younger Knight may even
sacrifice himself to give them enough time to escape,
if the PCs helped him to reaffirm his faith.

Make this another narrative sequence with quick

dashes towards the pier, followed by hiding to let a
group of zealots pass, or maybe a short, violent fight
with a few Zealots at the barge. Finally, the PCs have
to succeed in two Agility Tests (one for each rope) to
unfasten the barge or cut the ropes. The fanatics try to
board the barge, jump on board or set the boat on
fire. In the case it catches fire, a successful Agility Test
is needed to put out the flames.

To complicate matters further, Father Barthelm has

two huge chests full of sacred texts he refuses to leave
behind. Carrying them while running slows the porters
down and may even require an Agility Test. Dropping
a chest means the Priest tries to carry as many books
as he can himself. The PCs have to convince him to
leave the rest.

Escaping Scroll Quarter with the tome concludes this

chapter. Give the players the excerpt from the
Esoteric History of Nuln and Wissenland below.

To the Barge!
Wherever you decided to place The Esoteric History of
Nuln and Wissenland and however the PCs end up
getting their hands on it, an escape to the river barge
is a viable, climactic end to this chapter (another
option is to try to make it through the blockade). This

A bookmarked excerpt from The Esoteric History of

Nuln and Wissenland (show this to the players)

The Age of Three Emperors was a tumultuous time in the history of Sigmars great Empire. And it was not any less so for Nuln and
Wissenland. One of the less known incidents from that era is a story about a Slaaneshi Daemon-Queen called Pyrenzhia. Records of this
event have been eradicated with such fervor that only a few diary entries and allusive pieces of art remain. From these scarce and obscure
sources the author has been able to deduce the following.
Richter Kless states in his seminal work Liber Chaotica that most daemons of Slaanesh are born as an embodiment of a particular
emotion. In Pyrenzhias case this emotion is believed to be unrequited love a peculiar emotion to be associated with the god of pleasure. It
has been suggested that Pyrenzhias attempt to conquer Nuln was motivated by her desire to prove her love for her ruinous master.
Indeed, Pyrenzhia led a horde of warriors, lesser daemons and Chaos Dwarfs down from the Black Mountains to Wissenland and all
the way to the gates of Nuln. According to some sources they, especially the Chaos Dwarfs, believed Nuln to be a sacred nexus of magical
energies associated with fire (this would certainly explain Nulns position as the gunpowder capital of the Empire).
The great library of Nuln displays a painting that is said to be from the Age of Three Emperors and believed to picture the Elector
Count of Wissenland slaying a Daemon of Slaanesh with his Runefang Blood Bringer. Even though the original story has been
suppressed, the painting reveals the truth - Pyrenzhia was defeated. The Runefang banished her back to the Realm of Chaos.
Disgusted and disappointed, Slaanesh punished Pyrenzhia by banishing her beyond the stars where she was imprisoned by powerful
hexagrammatic equations of dark magic. Every time Morrslieb is full, she is allowed a brief glimpse at Nuln to remind her of her failure.


Chapter VI
Horngarten is a small village by a river and a
surprisingly lively settlement for its size. This is
because it is situated along an important trade route.
The route is still used although less frequently than

River Lock Hans Troutmann is an experienced and

respected lockkeeper who runs the lock efficiently.

The Forest Fire

Bakery Run by two Halfling brothers, the bakery is

famous for its pastries. The friendly brothers are
secret informants for Thyrus Thornroot.

Blacksmiths Shop Gunther, the blacksmith, is

overworked at the moment.

As the PCs turn the bend and near Horngarten a

Roadwarden patrol rides up to them and demands the
Emmanuelle to stop. The grim-faced men tell Captain
Glaubrecht a forest fire decimated large parts of the
area some weeks ago. Now, there is some unrest and
a lack of general supplies in the village. It is not known
what caused the fire.

Pedlar for Elven Curios A young man is selling

mementos and lucky charms allegedly made using
authentic Elven methods.

The Content Cannoneer

A wooden sign with a faded picture of a cannoneer
holding a ramrod indicates a large coaching inn - the
Content Cannoneer. It is a well-known establishment
in these parts. Even the Countess herself rested here
once a matter of pride to the staff.

Because of the lack, the Roadwardens are keen to

inquire about their cargo, if they happen to carry any
food or other necessities. Whether they do or not the
Captain denies it. He doesnt want their foodstuffs
confiscated. If you want, the Roadwardens choose to
search the ship anyway. The Captain might be less
than excited about the idea, if you are using his side

The two-storey half-timbered building stands by the

main road. It is loud and packed at all hours. Just as
the PCs are about to enter the door swings open and
the proprietor, Dirk, throws out two Ostlander
refugees and advices them never to return. Then, Dirk
smiles and welcomes them in.

There is a Riverwarden vessel docked at the river lock.
As the PCs pass by the Riverwardens commit a search
on a traders cargo. The trader protests loudly as the
men go through his wares. The PCs also notice a group
of Ostlander refugees huddled around a well. Tents
and moldy mattresses is all they have.

He tells them to sit where they want, except for that

one seat by the fireplace. That is where the Countess
sat when she visited the Cannoneer and it is reserved
for her in case she ever decides to return. It is now
three years since her last visit.
The food is good and the ale plentiful. Spending a few
moments in the inn, talking to the villagers, and
listening to gossip learns them the following:

Altruistic PCs can find many ways to help these poor

wretches. They are in need of everything from food to
medical supplies to just a friendly pat on the back.
Talking to them reveals that the forest fire decimated
many barns and fields meaning the local peasants
dont have any extra to share anymore. The situation
is made worse by the alleged Elf attacks.

Notable businesses in Horngarten

Rhyas Remedies A herbalists shop. Running out of
stock at the moment.


Both River- and Roadwardens stay at the inn

and there is friction between the groups. It is
as much about jurisdiction as too many
martially inclined men in one place.
There was a forest fire around three weeks
ago. Many barns and fields were destroyed
leaving the peasants in a tough spot with
winter around the corner.

his small shop at the edge of the village. Searching the

hut reveals typical apothecary paraphernalia. Quite a
few empty alcohol bottles lie scattered on the floor.
Interestingly, there is a box of freshly printed labels for
Kislevite Vodka.

Large parts of the forest were destroyed. No

one knows what started the fire.
An Elven community lives in the forest. There
has always been some trading and relatively
friendly relations. Since the fire, though, the
Elves have been raiding the nearby farms.
A noble from a neighboring county sent a
group of mercenaries to deal with the Elves.
They are staying by the large windmill.

Asking around, trying to find out where he has gone

eventually brings the PCs to the Pedlar of Elven
Trinkets. If they dont go to him, the Pedlar comes to
them once he learns they are looking for Emil.

Emil Gruden

The Pedlar

Emil Gruden was an Apothecary in Nuln for ten years.

He was employed by the Geldman & Zachs Foundry to
prescribe cures to the laborers various ills. Horrible
working conditions assured he was overworked and
often in over his head. To combat fatigue and stress
Volkhard turned to alcohol. By the time of the
accident with the experimental steam engine he was a
full-blown alcoholic. Seeing the accident and treating
the dozens of injured men was the final straw Emil
quit his job and left Nuln. He came to Horngarten and
opened a modest shop tending to the villagers
stomach aches and hangovers.

Arrowheads, lucky charms, and small trinkets. These

are some of the items the Pedlar sells to travelers. All
of them are obviously fake. Some new pieces like a
dagger and some jewellery are a different matter
entirely. To any experienced eye these items are
clearly Elven made. When asked about them the
Pedlar doesnt want to reveal where he got them. An
Easy (+20) Intimidation or Charm Test coaxes the
information out of him. He found them on two Elf
corpses near the farms the Elves have been
This young man with ash blond hair, pockmarked skin,
and a catching smile is Peter Gutman. He is a true Elf
fanboy. Ever since he was little Peter has been
obsessively curious about the Elves and their ways. He
often wanders into the forest to see if he can catch a
glimpse of one or find some of their secret markings.
He finds the Elves utterly fascinating and talks about
them non-stop. The Elves, on their part, find Peter yet
another obnoxious human, albeit one who respects
the forest.

Still an alcoholic Emil came up with the idea of making

moonshine. He recruited two local fellows and built a
still in the nearby forest to hide his clandestine
activities from the Roadwardens. Several weeks ago
he was suddenly approached by his old friend
Eustasius Eilhardt (the Sootstained Prophets righthand man). Of course, he had heard the rumours
about the Sootstained Prophet and XIII, but he was
surprised to see them seek him out. They hired Emil to
make them a patch of fake Kislevite Vodka and add
some extra ingredients to it, basically making the
liquor poisonous. They even provided the bottles and

Peter refuses to believe the rumours about the

attacks. Instead, he thinks there must have been a
misunderstanding of some sort.

Emil Gruden took the job and distilled the patch. The
fake vodka was loaded aboard the river barge Red
Herring and taken to Nuln. Gruden had a couple of
bottles of poison free vodka left so, satisfied with a job
well done, Emil and his two friends went to the still
and got drunk. They passed out and something went
wrong. The still caught fire and started the forest fire.
The men got out, but were captured by the Elves.

The Pedlar doesnt know where Emil Gruden is.

However, he is aware the Apothecary has a secret hut
in the forest near the farms the Elves have been
attacking lately. Peter is more than happy to act as a
guide to the PCs and take them to the hut.

Emils Secret Hut

Typical dry, stony Wissenland farmland spreads
around Horngarten and farmhouses and barns litter
the landscape. Flanking the farms, the forest, dark and

So, Emil has been missing since the fire. Being the
village Apothecary, he is a well-known and respected
figure in the village. All villagers can point the PCs to


imposing, looks outright nightmarish with burnt trunks

and stumps. Soot and dirt blacken the forest bed. It is
a sad and frightening sight.

The Muller Farm is closest to Emil Grudens hut. Old

man Muller comes out to greet the PCs. He carries a
pitchfork while his wife peeks through the kitchen
window. They are clearly weary of something.

Talking to the Mullers has them confess they are afraid

of further Elf attacks. The Elves have been raiding
nearby farms for food. So far, it seems they havent
killed anyone though. The Mullers are aware Emil
Gruden had a secret hut in the forest. They saw him go
into the forest before the fire but havent seen him
return. They suspect him dead.

As the PCs are talking to the Mullers


That is the sound a lamb makes when it is thrown at

the PCs by an enraged Treeman (see p.110). A massive
humanoid creature resembling a walking tree charges
from the burnt forest towards the Muller farm. It hurls
another sheep in their direction. Have the PCs take
Dodge Tests. Failure means they take a Strength 4 Hit.

In case the Dryad manages to calm the Treeman

down, the two return into the forest. If the Treeman
dies, especially if its killed by the PCs, the Dryad
bristles with rage. The Elves try to calm it down in
turn. If the PCs dont provoke the Dryad any further it
retreats back into the forest.

The Treeman is badly burnt, its trunk charred black

and bleeding tarlike sap. It was hurt in the fire and
pain and grief have driven it insane. An enraged
Treeman is a truly horrifying creature. The PCs would
be wise to avoid a direct confrontation. Fleeing inside
the farmhouse gives them a few moments to
strategize while the creature proceeds to tear the
house down.

Unless the PCs attacked the Elves, they can talk to

their leader, Urdithane. The Kithband Warrior shares
the following:

After surviving 4 Rounds against the Treeman, a group

of 4 Elves (see p.110) emerges from the forest. They
have been tracking the Treeman, trying to herd it
away from the settlements. They are accompanied by
a strange, green skinned maiden who bears
resemblance to the Elves. The maiden is a Dryad (see
p.111), the last surviving member of the Dryad harem
that used to attend to the Treeman.

forest where it can heal. They try to distract

the Treeman and give the Dryad time to sing
and talk to it.
The Dryads first and foremost concern is the
Treeman. It tries to sing and talk to it. If it
succeeds in 3 Charm Tests, the Treeman
stops its rampage and slowly lumbers back
into the forest.
If the Dryad dies, the Elves have no other
option but to end the Treemans suffering. At
this point they may even ask for help.
The Mullers are scared out of their minds.
They lash out at anyone who comes close.
Attacking or insulting the Dryad is a bad idea.
It hates humans and blames them for the
forest fire. If the PCs as much as think about
attacking the Dryad, the Elves try to stop
them nonviolently at first.
Dont make the PCs spectators to the Elves
efforts. The Elves ask them for help,
especially if there are any PC Elves. How can
they help? By distracting the Treeman
(Dodge, Parry, Faint, corralling it with fire,
light attacks) or protecting the Dryad.

Fighting the Treeman is incredibly dangerous.

Taking on the Elves and a Dryad as well is
The Elves are not here to hurt anyone. They
want to escort the Treeman back into the

Urdithane doesnt deny the attacks. Instead,

he says they have been committed by a small
splinter group. And the humans deserve it
being the ones responsible for the fire.
About the fire: there was a hut with a still in
the forest. The fire originated from the hut.
The Asrai have captured the guilty men and
are holding them captive.
The PCs probably want to talk to Emil Gruden.
Urdithane says he can take the PCs to see
their leaders to see if that is possible.

If the PCs agree to go with the Elves, their eyes are

bound and their weapons are confiscated. Then, they


Striking a Deal with Elves

are taken to a small clearing somewhere inside the

forest (the Elves dont want to linger in human
territory with the Mercenaries around).

Here is the deal. Should the PCs want to see Emil

Gruden, they have to help the Elves. Envoy Mithaliel
doesnt want to risk anymore Elf lives. Therefore, she
wants the PCs to enter the Mercenary camp and
rescue the captives. In return, the Envoy promises to
take them to Bloodleaf. Whether they agree or not,
they are blindfolded again and escorted back to the
Muller farm. It is time to visit the Mercenaries.

If the PCs dont talk to the Elves they can either try to
follow them into the forest or look for the hut (only
ruins remain). In both cases, they are captured by a
group of 5 Elves and 2 Dryads shortly after entering
the forest. Then, they are taken to the same clearing.

The Small Clearing

Enterprising PCs may try to find Bloodleaf without the

Envoys help. It can be done, but requires at the very
least several Outdoor Survival and Navigation Tests.
Also, they risk running into Dryads. If the PCs decide to
go this route, see The Tainted Glade below.

First thing the PCs see when the blindfolds are

removed is a rocky outcrop rising in front of them. A
small stream runs down the outcrop into a pond in the
middle of the glade. The water is soiled with soot and

Crimson Martyrs

On the opposite side of the pond stands Envoy

Marienne Mithaliel (see p.96). The PCs recognize her
immediately (if you used the optional encounter in
Chapter III and shes still alive). Several other Elves
watch silently from the edges of the glade.

The PCs can visit the Mercenaries before or after they

have met with the Elves.
It happened during the later days of the Storm of
Chaos. The men had all been wounded in a battle
against the northern invaders and brought to a camp
near Wolfenburg where sisters of Shallya attended to
their wounds. Then, word came of a sizeable war party
marching their way under enemy banners. There was
no time to get all the refugees and wounded to safety.
They were doomed.

The Envoy talks to them in Reikspiel. Take into account

the PCs earlier encounter with her and the Elves at
the Muller farm. The PCs are clearly not welcome
here. If they act respectfully, the Envoy will have a civil
discussion with them. Here are some of the topics that
may come up:
The attacks: A small splinter group led by a Wardancer
named Bloodleaf is behind the attacks. This is a
contested topic amongst the Elves. Some approve,
others dont. Bloodleaf and some other younger Elves
blame humans for the fire. Why should the Elves
suffer when humans are to blame? If the party
includes an Elf PC, you can expand this internal

The story goes that a grievously wounded man forced

himself up and grabbed a sister by the sleeve and
groaned: You think your goddess could take away the
pain of our injuries just long enough for us to repel
these invaders? Then he picked up his sword and
dragged himself towards the advancing enemy. One
by one, injured warriors stood up, shaking of horrible
injuries, and followed him. Whether it was Shallyas
blessing or just adrenaline and desperation in the face
of certain death something gave the men the strength
to fight and win that day. Some even hint at darker

The fire: It started in the secret hut with a still. The

humans responsible were captured by Bloodleaf and
her troupe.
Emil Gruden: He is a prisoner to Bloodleafs troupe.
The Envoy doesnt where he is being held, but knows
where to find Bloodleaf.

After the war

these blessed
formed a
company. Many
see them as

The Mercenaries: They camp by the large windmill.

They managed to capture a few Elven Scouts.


Blood for the Blood God

If you want to paint the
Mercenaries as clear cut bad
guys, make them followers of
Khorne. They do not negotiate
and are more bloodthirsty and

nothing more than a band of glorified murderers

sponging of their reputation and the good will of
others. They have done little fighting after the war and
end up stirring trouble wherever they go. This is why a
neighboring noble was so eager to get the Crimson
Martyrs off his lands and sent them to Horngarten to
help solve the Elf problem.

give him a reason why they would succeed where his

men havent.
Captain Werhagen is a shrewd warrior and an
experienced strategist. He gives thoughtful
consideration to any and all offers/suggestions the PCs
make. If you think the PCs plan/suggestion leads to
potentially dramatic situations let the Mercenary
Captain give them the green light.

Mercenary Camp

The PCs are free to choose their side in this conflict.

The main thing for them is to get their hands on Emil
Gruden. To do that they might come up a way to
circumvent the whole conflict, or play the sides
against one another while they go for Emil. Let them.

The Crimson Martyrs have camped on a hill by the

large windmill. They are almost thirty men plus a
couple dozen camp followers. Tents have been set up
all over the hill with the officers tents closest to the
top. Smell of roasted beef and smoke hangs thick in
the air. A Sergeant screams at a group of warriors
running combat drills. Bone Pickers fight over a piece
of loot.

Freeing the Elven Captives

There are numerous ways the PCs can try to free the
Elven captives. As players are often wont to come up
with something no GM could have foreseen it would
be impossible to go through all possible scenarios
here. Encourage this creativity. Here is some
information to help you deal with whatever they come
up with.

In fact, there are so many people coming and going

about at daytime that the PCs can walk right up to the
Mercenary Captains tent. There they are stopped by a
guard. Captain Volkhard Werhagen comes out to see
them. His first thought is the PCs are here to join the
company. (see p.111-112)

Striking a Deal with the Mercenaries

From far away one can see three Elves tied to the
windmills blades (the blades are not moving). The
Martyrs captures the Elves raiding a farm not far from
where the PCs met the Treeman. The Elves were
brought here and interrogated sporadically. Captain
Werhagen knows it would be suicidal to enter the
forest without knowing where to go. Therefore, he
needs to know where to find the Elves red-haired
She-Elf leader (Bloodleaf).

The PCs can offer to lead the Mercenaries to

Bloodleaf. In order to do that they would need to take
the captives to the Elves (or they found the Tainted
Glade on their own). Some good roleplaying and a
successful Challenging (-10) Charm Test is needed.

The PCs can offer to help the Mercenaries defeat the

Elves in exchange for Emil Gruden. Captain Werhagen
agrees to this, if they give him a reason to believe they
can contribute.

The PCs can offer their help to interrogate the Elves.

Captain Werhagen agrees to this, if the PCs manage to


It is impossible to turn the blades of the

windmill at daytime without the whole camp
taking note. It takes a successful Strength
Test to turn the blades. At night, the guards
test Perception to notice.
It is possible to get a disguise and turn the
blades under some guise. In typical
Mercenary fashion the Crimson Martyrs wear
a mish-mash of armour and equipment. They
identify themselves with a piece of red cloth.
The cloth comes from the banner of the war
party they defeated and is used as head and
arm bands, tied around waists, or nailed to
ones shield. There is a myriad of ways they
can acquire these bands.
The Elves are guarded by two Mercenaries at
day and four at night. At daytime there is a
20% one of the Elves is being questioned by
the Mercenaries.
At night several bonfires are lit and half a
dozen guards patrol the perimeter.
There are a couple Shallyan Initiates who
follow the company, believing they are
blessed. It is possible the Shallyans would

treat the Elves so they dont die of torture

wounds or dehydration.

describes how the PCs rescued the captives and asks

for Emil Gruden to be released. If you want, this is an
opportunity to shed some light on Elven internal
politics (especially if there are Elven PCs). The Envoy
and Bloodleaf debate once again on the correct course
of action. Bloodleaf wants blood; Marienne wants to
avoid further fighting.

The Tainted Glade

There are basically three ways the PCs can get to the
Tainted Glade. One, they are escorted there by the
Envoy after they have freed the Elven prisoners. Two,
they find their way there on their own. Three, they ally
with the Mercenaries and invade the forest (see
below). Of course, it is always possible they come up
with something else.

Emil and his two friends are being kept captive in a

small cave near the Tainted Glade by the Wardancers.
Bloodleafs troupe has set up their camp near the
cave. There is always one Dryad guarding the Humans
even though the men are too weak to escape. If the
PCs find their way here on their own, they have to
defeat the Dryad to get to Emil.

The Tainted Glade was a sacred place to the Elves until

the forest fire ravaged it completely. Now, it is a
barren, dead place of charred tree trunks and
blackened rocks. Dead leaves and soot covers
everything. The air tastes like ash. It starts to rain just
as the PCs reach the glade.

In the end, Bloodleaf refuses to release the captives,

but she allows the PCs to talk to them later. There
are several ways this scene can end depending on
what has happened before (and presuming the PCs
didnt fight Bloodleaf).

In the middle of the glade lies a rocky outcrop. Like an

entrance into a temple an archway of vines still stands
in defiance of all the destruction in front of it. As
the PCs get to the vine archway Bloodleaf and her
troupe suddenly appear (see p.112-113). One minute
the outcrop seems deserted. The next - the
Wardancers are there. Its like a cold autumn breeze
carried them here.

If the PCs freed the captives, horns blare suddenly.

The Mercenaries attack.
If the Mercs arent attacking for one reason or
another, Bloodleaf takes the fight to them.
The PCs have to wait to speak to Emil Gruden.

There are six of them. They make no sound. Their eyes

say: we are the wrath of this forest. A she-elf
somersaults down to the other side of the vine
archway. Bloodleaf. She is an impressive sight with her
warriors physique and auburn hair billowing in the
wind. She is armed with an Elven Hunting Spear. Her
left arm is covered in intricate symbols painted with
red henna. In the rain the red henna drip-drip-drips

The Resolution
There is a strong chance this chapter ends with a
climactic fight between Men and Elves. The PCs have
several options open to them.
After meeting both parties, they can choose to
side with either group - the Elves or the Crimson

If the PCs fought their way here, or invaded with the

Mercenaries, the Wardancers attack and fight to the
death (see The Resolution below).

They can choose to side with neither and try to

find Emil Gruden on their own.
They can play the factions against each other and
see who comes out on top.

If the Envoy brought them here or the PCs found their

way here on their own, Bloodleaf regards them with
silent contempt. The PCs notice several Dryads in
warforms standing among the burnt trees. The PCs get
the feeling the Dryads are seething with anger and the
Wardancers have very little control over them.

They can try to broker a truce. If they work for it,

show creativity and good roleplaying by all
means let them pull it off. If the PCs manage to
negotiate a truce, Bloodleaf still insists on a duel
between herself and Captain Werhagen. You can

If the PCs come here with the Envoy, Marienne

Mithaliel and Bloodleaf discuss in Eltharin. She


have the players take the roles of the combatants

for the duration of the duel.

Werhagen, can come to their aid in a suitably dramatic

fashion if the PCs get into serious trouble.

Of course, there are always other ideas the PCs

can come up with.

Talking to Emil Gruden

Once the situation is solved, one way or the other (or

It is more than likely this chapter ends in bloodshed.
they find him on their own) the PCs get to talk to Emil
To determine who attacks who and when you have to
take the PCs choices and actions into account and
respond to them accordingly. Who do they side with
If the Crimson Martyrs win and the PCs sided with
and how does the other faction
them, the Apothecary is freed. He
Making the Fight Memorable
and his associates are found in the
small cave, frightened and beaten
A burning Dryad dashes through the
On the Elven side the Asrai blame
- but alive.
the Humans for the fire, but they
dont want war. They feel they
If the Elves win and the PCs sided
Bloodleaf slays three Mercenaries in a
have lost too many of their
with them, a Dryad drags the men
graceful dance of death.
numbers already. Bloodleaf,
from the forest. If Bloodleaf is
however, has committed herself to
alive, she refuses to free the
Elf/Mercenary stands over a wounded
Khaine and will take the fight to
captives. But she allows the PCs to
friend while three enemies close in.
the Mercenaries. Especially, if she
talk with them. An Elf PC might be
A Dryad changes into its warform and
hears the captives have been
able to convince her to let them
murdered. If it is the Asrai who
attack, Bloodleaf and her troupe of
Captain Werhagen cleaves a
IMPORTANT: Here is the
five Wardancers accompanied by a
somersaulting Wardancer in two.
information Gruden gives to the
few younger Kithband Warriors
and Dryads attack the Mercenary
camp at dusk.

He made a large patch of alcohol to

Captain Werhagen is prepared to wait, but he is forced

They provided him with fake

to respond if he loses his captives. Being a shrewd
Kislevite Vodka labels and bottles.
fighter he is ready to seize an opening if he sees one
He was asked to
meaning the PCs provide him
include an extra ingredient. It was
with one. If the PCs side with
Moral Dilemma
the Crimson Martyrs they have
If the situation permits, you might

The patch was

to fight their way to the Tainted
barge called
Glade and join the Mercenaries
Captain Werhagen looms over their
Red Herring. It was headed to
in an assault against the Elves.
Assault into the burnt forest
final, killing blow. The PCs can let it be
should feel like invading a
Once the PCs have this
done, or they can try to convince the NPC
nightmare world.
information, they are ready to
to spare the life of his/her opponent.
move on.
Whichever side initiates the
final battle the PCs should play
Actions Have Consequences
a central role. Basically, they should face either
Bloodleaf or Captain Werhagen in personal combat.
What happened earlier in this Chapter determines the
Include a few Mercenaries or Wardancers to make the
final scene.
combat more challenging if necessary. Make other
combats background to the PCs fight and describe the
If Bloodlead survives, she is forced to leave the forest
unfolding battle in broad strokes. Bloodleaf, or Captain
as an exile because she gave herself to Khaine.


If the PCs sided with the Mercenaries, they see a row

of Elves hanged along the road leading out of
Horngarten. A couple of kids are poking one of the
corpses with a stick.
If the PCs sided with the Elves, they see Emil Gruden
and his friends hanged from trees at the forests edge
along the road to the farms. A crow pecks at Emils

This concludes Chapter VI.


This is a floating scene you should seek to insert
somewhere between Chapters V VII after the PCs
have completed two or three of those chapters. The
scene can take place in any coaching inn or tavern in
Wissenland where the PCs stop to rest and spend the

wicked looking tools regard them. While preparing his

tools, the Torturer talks to the PCs. He explains Thyrus
Thornroot wants to know what they know. And he
tells them he has the methods to make them talk.
Then he begins.
This scene isnt about the Torturer (see p.114)
interrogating the characters and the PCs resisting with
Willpower (although, that being said, he definitely
should give them a few Wounds worth of damage and
force some Willpower rolls). Instead, this scene is
more about the PCs finding a way out of their
predicament. Encourage your players to use their
imagination to come up with a plan. Ask for
Perception Tests. Let them notice useful items like hot
pokers, knives, pieces of a broken bottle etc. close by.
Ask them to describe how they help each other to get
an item. Or how they distract the Torturer while
another PC goes for an item. They will get free its all
about making the process frightening and exciting.

This scene serves several purposes. Firstly, it gives the

players a sense of a living world where NPCs plots
sometimes disrupt the PCs instead of the other way
around. Secondly, it shows the players that regardless
whether they have informed him of their findings or
not Thyrus Thornroot seems to know what they have
discovered. Thirdly, and most importantly, it tells the
players Thyrus should now be considered an enemy
instead of an ally. This foreshadows their eventual
return to Nuln and explains why they find themselves
wanted by the authorities.
Thyrus Thornroot has built an extensive network of
informants across Wissenland and Reikland by
recruiting Halflings working as cooks and help in
coaching inns, taverns, and restaurants. Even if the
PCs havent reported their findings regarding the
investigation to Thyrus he is aware of most of it via
eavesdropping Halflings. For example, the baker
brothers from Horngarten have reported the name of
the river barge carrying the Kislevite Vodka to Thyrus.

Optionally some of the PCs are captured by the

Torturer and the rest of them have to find the captives
in time. Give the captives opportunities to give the
searching party some clues. Make the Halfling cook
look nervous and fidgety. Have them discover the
Torturers room.
If the PCs turn the tables on the Torturer and the cook,
they only reveal what was written above (the Halfling
Network, Thornroots order to interrogate and kill
them). To add a touch of irony, the Torturer himself
has a very low pain threshold.

Now, Thyrus has come up with a new plan (more on

this in Chapter VIII). He deems the PCs have served
their purpose and its time to get rid of them. He sends
his most trusted Torturer to Wissenland with
instructions to capture the PCs and interrogate them
to see if they have any useful information. Then, he is
to kill them. The Torturer finds the PCs using the
Halfling network and sets up a trap. A Halfling cook in
a coaching inn (or a tavern etc.) poisons their food
with a sedative.

The scene ends with the PCs aware that Thyrus is now
their enemy. If they for some reason think that Nuln
and the Countess are their enemies as well, use the
Shadowmancer Samael Mortengeist to correct them.
Nuln is still very much in need of rescuing.

The PCs wake up in a cellar amidst barrels and sacks of

flour. The Halfling cook and a man with a collection of


Chapter VII
This chapter is a rather straightforward affair. The PCs
arrive at the Bruder Lehmann salt mine to find Nulner
soldiers surrounding it. The PCs have to find a way
inside the mine, locate Bruder Lehmann, and find out
why he had Rosalia Schultz killed. They will also
encounter a Chaos Dwarf Daemonsmith inside the

command tent where he offers them wine. Tannfelder

relishes the chance to catch up with the characters. It
becomes evident rather quickly that the man is
wrecked with guilt over Rosalias death.
Remind the players they have seen Bruder Lehmann
before if they fail to remember him. The Captain tells
them the Merchant has his own militia guarding the
mine. They are good men and he knows their
commander personally. Commander Freitaler is a
respected veteran of the Storm of Chaos (if any of the
PCs fought in the war, he could have been their
commander). Tannfelder and his men are really
hesitant about attacking the mine. After all, they dont
want to fight their fellow Wissenlanders. The Captain
has a detachment of 20 men under his command.

Rosalia Schultzs killer carried a note with the seal of

the Lehmann family. Bruder Lehmann is a well-known
Merchant who owns a rich salt mine in Wissenland. He
is in fact the same man the PCs saw storming out the
Countess audience room in Chapter III after
Emmanuelle coldly turned down his marriage
proposal. The incensed man retreated to his mine and
announced he will stop providing Nuln with salt and
saltpeter now that the city is divorcing from

The Men in Black

The discussion in the tent is cut short by ruckus from
the Land Ship. A Saltpeter Man is pounding a notice to
the ships hull while two others stand by. The Saltpeter
Men declare they are hereby confiscating the ship.
Captain Glaubrecht doesnt take the news kindly in
fact, he and Hrug are about to come to blows with the
soldiers standing between them and the Saltpeter

The salt mine is an important source of saltpeter for

Nuln and thus valuable to the Saltpeter Men. And they
are not prepared to let one Merchant just decide to
deny them. By the time the Emmanuelle arrives at
Bruder Lehmann Salz Mine the Saltpeter Men have
already taken action.
Black-and-yellow tents are set up a short way away
from the mine palisades. A detachment of Nuln
military is camped outside the mine. If the timing
permits, the detachment is led by Captain Tannfelder.

Let the PCs take charge of the situation (if they dont,
Captain Tannfelder will). A heated discussion follows.
The Saltpeter Men want to use the Land Ship to
When the Emmanuelle rolls in sight, soldiers motion
breach the palisades and enter the mine. Captain
the Land Ship to stop. They seem tense and suspicious
Glaubrecht will have none of that. Involve the players,
about the vehicle. They havent
let them offer solutions. Force
seen anything like it and
them to calm down Captain
suspect reinforcements for the
If you have used the Interrogation floating
mine. As the Emmanuelle
scene by the time the PCs get here, they
stops, Captain Tannfelder (see
Solution to this situation is tied
p. 116) exits his tent and comes
directly to how the PCs want to
However, word hasnt reached these
to greet them. He is sporting a
get into the mine. They can side
with the Saltpeter Men and
brand new eye patch.
drama, they get the word when the PCs
convince Captain Tannfelder to
are down in the mine and confront them
Situation Report
attack the Wissenlanders. The
as the PCs return to the surface.
Land Ship can be used to breach
The Captain brings the PCs up
the palisades. Or, they can side
to speed. He invites them to his
with the Captain and find a less violent solution. The


mine is technically still in operation and carts arrive to

fetch the salt. Perhaps the PCs take one of the carts,
disguise as labourers and infiltrate the mine. Perhaps
they try to bluff the Wissenlanders and claim the Land
Ship is here to fetch a large shipment of salt. Perhaps
they convince both sides to stand down and find a way
to sneak in. Perhaps they choose the diplomatic way
and ask to parlay a truce. Let the players choose their

without anyone getting hurt. He is willing to listen to

the PCs and consider any reasonable suggestions. He
lets them inside the palisades to discuss if they
surrender their weapons at the gate. He is very
friendly to all military types and respectful towards
women, but does not suffer fools gladly and will not
be disrespected.
Good reasoning and good roleplaying convince the
Commander to let them talk to his boss. He assigns a
soldier to escort them to the lift and into the mine.
Once inside the mine, a Charm or Intimidate Test (or a
few coins) is needed to convince their escort to stay at
the lift and let them wander around.

Lehmann Salz Mine

The salt mine is surrounded by mountains in three
directions. The rest is covered by the palisades. A large
reinforced gate leads through a wooden tower and
opens to a yard. Within the yard there are barracks for
the militia, a kitchen, toolsheds, and a Dwarfen built
lift into the mine. Bruder Lehmanns dwelling is
actually inside the mine.

Inside the Mine

Upper levels of the salt mine are Bruder Lehmanns
dwellings. His wing consists of a bedroom, a dining
room, an office, and a large living room that have all
been carved out of the rock salt by the miners. On the
other wing are servants quarters and a kitchen.

It is possible to climb the mountains or the palisades

to enter the compound. It takes a successful
Challenging (-10) Scale Sheer Surface Test followed by
a Challenging (-10) Silent Move Test. If caught, the
interlopers are taken to see Commander Freitaler.

The next level consists of a small temple complete

with statues carved of salt. After this come quarters
for the miners. The lower levels are where the salt is
being mined now. They are a labyrinth of crisscrossing
tunnels. The Chaos Dwarf has his chambers there.

There are about a dozen militia men inside the

compound (use Sell-Sword stats, WFRP p.235). Their
job is to first and foremost monitor the miners that
they do not revolt or try to steal anything. They are on
guard against potential Bandit or Orc attacks.
Commander Freitaler (use Captain Tannfelder stats
minus a hand) is an experienced leader who has seen
it all (and lost his left arm while doing so). He knows
he has very few men and his resources will soon run
out if there is a real siege. He knows Captain
Tannfelder and the men have mutual respect for each

The following map is not meant as an accurate

depiction of the mine. There are miles of crisscrossing
tunnels after all. Instead, it shows you the different
levels and conveys a general idea where different
areas of interest lie in relation to each other.

1 - Lehmanns Dwelling
Servants dash back and forth throwing their
belongings and valuables into large trunks. It is not
immediately apparent whether they are packing the
items or stealing them. Talking to them reveals that
drunken Lehmann came to see the servants after
dinner and announced it is all over. It wasnt clear
what he meant, but it was obvious he had given up on
something. The man was drunk, incoherent, and
seemed like he had lost all hope. His Steward told the
servants to start packing.

Commander Freitaler is very willing to find a peaceful

solution to the situation, but there is a problem.
Actually, there are two problems. Firstly, his boss - the
Merchant Lehmann is not fit to make any decisions
at the moment. The man just drinks and laments his
situation in his office (inside the mine). Secondly, a vile
Dwarf has taken residence in the lower levels of the
mine and he is not about to give up without a fight.

If they look for the Steward - Bastian Aulen - he is

found in the dining room packing the silverware in
front of a magnificent relief of Sigmars exploits.

Commander Freitaler is a reasonable, down-to-earth

kind of man. He thinks both sides are being
unreasonable and there is a way out of this mess


He was paid by the
City of Nuln for providing building
materials for the six bell towers.

He has been in
close collaboration with
Merchants Geldman, Zachs, and
Lintz of Nuln.

He is in dire straits
financially because of a failed
business venture. The Merchants
were building four Land Ships but
didnt manage to finish them.

2 - Servants Quarters
Very little of interest to the PCs.
The Servants are all packing to

3 - Temple of Handrich
A small, round chamber with an
arching roof. Two braziers light the room, one by the
door and another by the altar. A statue of Handrich
stands against the back wall. It depicts the God of
Trade as a contented and jovial figure with a friendly
expression holding a purse in left hand while the right
is held up with two fingers crossed. There is a small
pool at the center of the room.

Bastian looks like he hasnt slept in ages. As the PCs

enter he stops what he is doing to inquire who they
are. He can confirm that his master seems to have lost
all hope. Bastian thinks it has to do with what
happened with the Countess and the presence of the
strange Dwarfs. The arrival of the Nuln military was
the last drop. Bastian thinks his master is either in his
office or the temple one level down.

Drunken Bruder Lehmann (see p.117) sits at the altar

and lobs gold crowns into the pool. He takes a long
swig of wine from a silver goblet. Some of it spills on
his shirt. He doesnt even look up but continues to lob
coins into the pool.

Bruder Lehmanns office contains some interesting

items. There is a large family seal with a boars head
and initials B.L. carved on the wall. It strikes the PCs as
off somehow. If it occurs to them to compare the seal
and the seal in the assassins note, there are slight
differences in the boars design (you may want to
allow them an Intelligence Test to think of this). If
they look for a signet ring, one can be found on the
desk. The differences are found there as well. It seems
like the seal on the note is a forgery.

Are you here to kill me? Sent by my former partners

Im sure. Well, heres your blood money! He throws a
handful of coins across the floor and the pond. But
you can stay your blades. Im already dead
Its ironic, dont you think. Its ironic, how one
moment you think you are in control, you have all the
power. And then And then the very things that gave
you that power become your downfall.

An Average (+0) Search Test finds a standard money

box. It contains 50 gc in coins and jewellery. There is
also a half empty bottle of red wine on the table next
to a small, empty vial. A PC with Prepare Poison or a
relevant Knowledge or Trade skill recognizes the
smell: Heartkill poison.

We had money. We had influence. But of course we

felt we didnt have enough. You never have enough.
You want more. You need more. And in the end our
greed cost us everything. He takes another long swig.

Checking Lehmanns business ledgers reveals the



In our desperation we turned to someone we didnt

understand. We agreed to something we shouldnt
have. And so we gave the Dwarf control over us. And
the power we exercised over our workers ended up
giving them voice

think they come from the east. He wanted us to make

professor Hausdorff convince the Countess to build six
bell towers. He gave us the plans and provided labour.
In exchange Bhakrak promised to help us make the
Land Ships work. Some of them came here to work in
the lower tunnels, testing some machines. We agreed
to the secrecy as we didnt want our competitors to
find out. To seal the deal we participated in a Dwarf
ritual. It was esoteric and dark. The ritual made us
realize these are not ordinary Dwarfs and we may
have helped them with something bad. That is why my
associates dont want anyone to find out about our
involvement with the towers. Thats why the lawyer
bitch had to die.

Like I said ironic.

The PCs probably have questions for Lehmann. He is a
man with truly nothing to lose anymore. He mixed the
poison the PCs possibly found in his office into the
wine. He is dying as they speak. Lehmann answers
their questions truthfully. Here are some questions
the PCs might ask. Modify these to suit their exact

Where is Bhakrak now?

In Nuln I think. Some of his Dwarfs are here, in the
lower tunnels.

Why did you have Rosalia Schultz killed?

Is that what they told you? That I had her killed? So
thats how they decided to get rid of me Listen, I did
not kill her. My former associates had her killed and
framed me. Why? Well, first of all they think I betrayed
them by cutting all ties to Nuln and they think I am a
liability. Second, after professor Hausdorff was caught,
we knew someone was investigating us and our
If they show him the seal, he confirms its a forgery.

Once the PCs have all the information they need

Bruder starts spasming violently. Bloody foam runs
from his mouth and his heart stops. It suits the goals
of this adventure that Bruder Lehmann dies here.
However, a Cleric of Shallya with a suitable spell could
still be able to save him.
Around 100 gc lies at the bottom of the pool. Diving
for it could very well invoke the wrath of Handrich.

What were these plans you mentioned?

We manipulated professor Hausdorff into building the
six bell towers. We provided materials and Bhakrak
provided the plans and labour. It was Bhakraks plan.
In exchange, he promised to help us with the land

4 - Miners Quarters
Two rows of dirty, lice ridden cots. Three miners
sleeping. Pisspots in the corner. A chest lies at the feet
of every cot. Rummaging through the miners personal
belongings nets them personal belongings, letters
from home and 54 s.

Who are your former associates?

Geldman and Zachs, Meryle Lintz. Nulner Merchants.
We called ourselves The Guiding Hand. We used to
come together to worship Handrich and collude on
fixing prices, lowering taxes and finding cheap labour.

5 - Small Shrine
A small, shallow chamber that looks like it has served
as sort of an impromptu shrine. Dozens of candles
light the chamber. The walls are covered with a relief
much like the one in the dining room except this one
doesnt feature Sigmar. Instead, it pictures flaming
comets falling from the sky and Nuln in flames. In the
middle of the chamber is a three feet tall statue of
Emmanuelle von Liebwitz. She is definitely
recognizable. The statue stands in a bed of embers.
The flickering candle light makes shadows dance
across the relief. To anyone looking at it for more than
a Round it seems like a shadow of a feminine figure

What kind of business venture did you have? What

about the Land Ships?
During the war we had the idea of creating a cheaper
alternative to the steam tank the land ship. We
couldnt get it to work. And then there was the
accident a big explosion at the foundry. It cost us a
fortune. We were desperate. That is when Bhakrak
came to us.
Who are these Dwarfs? Why are these Dwarfs here?
Who is Bhakrak?
Bhakrak is the leader of the Dwarfs who helped us. I


dances across the relief. Seeing the shadow calls for an

Insanity Check.

grey hair cascades around a daemonic yet feminine

face. A skirt made of the skin of cheating lovers reveals
more than it covers.

6 - Sleeping Quarters
This shadow-creature is an Ashbringer (see p.116). It
takes a step forward and picks up the ends of the
fuses. Its every move is seduction in motion. It winks
at the PCs and kisses the fuses, which ignite
immediately. Right at that moment another
Ashbringer rises from one characters shadow. If a PC
had an affair with Rosalia Schultz, then it is that PC.
The Daemonette leans in and whispers a lovers pet
name shared between the pair alone in her voice.

Near the Miners Quarters is another sleeping

chamber. It is dirty, and the air is dank. This is where
the orphans from Chapter I would have ended up if
the PCs hadnt saved them. Three orphans are here.
They are filthy, frightened, and malnourished. It takes
some coaxing to encourage them to let the PCs come
close or for them to speak. They are all Kislevite and
speak very little Reikspiel.

7 - Lower Levels

The PCs have 8 Rounds to cut the fuses leading to the

kegs in the tunnels. The explosions wont destroy the
mine immediately, but start a chain reaction that
causes the lower levels to collapse. After the lower
levels collapse the mid-level chambers will be
destroyed. The upper level tunnels survive the

Mining carts and equipment. Sounds of mining echo in

the tunnels. A dozen miners are at work, setting up a
pile of gunpowder kegs. Two Chaos Dwarfs (see p.115)
are supervising their work with whips in hand. If they
see the PCs they attack. The miners will not fight for
the Dwarfs. Successful use of Command convinces
them to help the PCs.

The Daemonsmith is quite prepared to die here. It

fights to stop the characters from thwarting the
explosion (thus preventing it from destroying all the
evidence). The Ashbringers fight to the death or until
Instability claims them. It is a rather cheap way to kill
PCs by having the mine collapse on them. So, you
should probably ensure the PCs have enough time to
stop the explosions, or escape to the surface. Of
course, they dont need to know that! Ask for an
Agility Test or two to give the players a sense of
tension and haste. Keep the tunnels collapsing just
behind their heels (even though they wouldnt be in
any real danger). Once they reach the upper level
dwellings, they are in the clear.

8 - Chamber of the Daemonsmith

The Dawi Zharr have used this chamber in their
sorcerous experiments regarding the Land Ships
steam engines. They sought to infuse the engines with
daemonic energies. The chamber looks like a shop of
an insane Engineer. A large furnace breathes fire at
the far wall. Large wooden tables are covered with
strange apparatus and mechanical constructions. On
the walls blue prints for the Land Ships, and a map of
Nuln with the six bell towers clearly marked. Magical
circles encircle the towers and lines lead from each
one to the Countess Palace. Make sure the PCs notice
the map.

Back to the Surface

There is one more thing. The Daemonsmith (see p.115)

stands defiantly in front of furnace. Two fuses start at
his feet and run into the tunnels (there are two stacks
of kegs). The Daemonsmith is not about to relinquish
their secrets to some Humans. It barks something in a
vile tongue that is an affront to spoken languages
everywhere. His words seep hatred and malice.

The situation on the surface depends on the way the

PCs entered the compound. In case the PCs entered
the mine peacefully and with permission there is a
group of militia and servants anxiously waiting to hear
what happened.
If they fought their way in with the military, tearyeyed Soldiers wander around. Wounded men scream
and the smell of smoke and blood runs thick. The
Saltpeter Men peruse the mines stock smugly.

Suddenly, flakes of ash appear in the air. Shadows peel

back like velvet curtains and a creature black as coal
steps forth. Its eyes glow like embers and forbidden
runes coruscate orange on its inky skin. It has black
horns decorated with Slaaneshi sigils and jewelry; ash-


If you want an action beat to end the chapter, a

handful of Chaos Dwarfs from upper tunnels storm out
of the mine and attack the militia. The Nuln troops
outside hear the sounds of battle and start breaking
the gate down. The PCs exit right into the thick of
The Saltpeter Men might think to accuse the PCs of
setting off the explosion. But Commander Freitaler
and Steward Aulen, having witnessed Lehmanns
downward spiral and seen the Dwarfs, can vouch for
the PCs story.
Once the dust settles, the PCs can board the
Emmanuelle and continue on their way.

What Did We Learn?

There are a few important clues that the PCs should
get their hands on.

The Guiding Hand was building Land Ships but

couldnt make them work. Because of this
they were in financial trouble. Bhakrak
promised help in exchange for building the
A Dwarf called Bhakrak the Blackened
manipulated the Merchants and professor
Hausdorff into building the bell towers.
The bell towers are clearly of some
significance (judging by Lehmanns story and
the map in the chamber).
The Guiding Hand had Rosalia Schultz killed
because they believed she found out about
their connection to the bell towers and thus
the Chaos Dwarfs. (Finding out they helped
have a few towers built might sound like a
cheap reason to kill someone. That is the
point. Scared and greedy men overreacted to
protect their own hides and Rosalia paid the

The PCs are ready to move on as soon as they have

this information and are again in possession of the


Chapter VIII
This chapter concludes The Queen of Embers. Ending is
often the most challenging part of a story to tell. It is
also the part that requires the most preparation and
work from the Gamemaster. Indeed, at this point
there are several open threads for the PCs to follow
depending how extensively they investigated the clues
from Rosalia Schultzs notes. What is more, there can
be side plots and personal narrative arcs that need to
be resolved. You have to find a way to tie all these
together into a cohesive and satisfying climax.

are on their way back to Nuln. Samael Mortengeist is

an invaluable asset at this point. Use him to give the
PCs whatever information they are missing. Use him to
help them piece the puzzle together. Use him to guide
the PCs towards their next goal.
Below is a summary of the most important pieces of
information the PCs (should) have at this point. This is
followed by a look into the different clues and options
the PCs may want to follow. Finally, well discuss how
to bring The Queen of Embers to its climactic end.

Along their journey the players have made choices;

they have chosen some factions over others and sided
with some NPCs while angering others. Some of these
decisions bear fruit now while some doors have closed
for good.

So, What Do We Know

Here is a summary of the most important plot points
so far.

As the GM it is your job to take into account their

choices and interactions and adjust NPC reactions
accordingly. It can all seem a bit daunting. In order to
help you this chapter gives you building blocks to
create an exciting and memorable ending to your

Take what is given and mold it to your liking and the

preferences of your group. The truth is no one knows
your style, your party composition, or your players
preferences but you. You are best equipped to craft an
ending that is the most satisfactory and exciting finish
to your story.

The Queen of Embers doesnt feature one classic

villainous mastermind behind the evil plot. Instead, it
is a story about desires and ambitions magnified by
the ever strengthening presence of Pyrenzhia. In this
maelstrom schemes and actions intersect at times, but
there isnt one overarching evil plan. Therefore, it is
narratively justifiable that the PCs might have a
splintered picture of the overall plot. That being said, a
big part of character (and player) motivation is making
meaningful choices based on your understanding of
the situation you are in. in order to decide what you
want to do, you have to first know where you are.

To ensure everyone is on the same page you should

have the characters recap their situation while they


The Countess is ready to divorce Nuln from

There are several schemers: XIII and the
Sootstained Prophet, Bhakrak the Blackened
and the Chaos Dwarfs, Thyrus Thornroot and
the Saltpeter Men, and the Guiding Hand.
The Guiding Hand were building Land Ships
but couldnt make them work. They made a
deal with Bhakrak the Blackened, a Chaos
Dwarf. The Hand made professor Hausdorff
convince Nuln to build six bell towers. The
plans for the towers came from Bhakrak the
The Guiding Hand had Rosalia Schultz killed
(and framed Bruder Lehmann) because she
found out they helped Bhakrak the Blackened
build the bell towers.
Professor Hausdorff and Bhakrak the
Blackened performed a ritual in Nuln during
Geheimnisnaht (that caused the stench). This
was probably the Great Equation mentioned
in The Esoteric History of Nuln and
Wissenland. According to the tome,
Pyrenzhia, a daemon of Slaanesh, was
imprisoned by these hexagrammatic wards.
XIII led by their Sootstained Prophet are
planning a revolution. They had Emil Gruden
manufacture them poisoned Kislevite Vodka

with fake labels. The Vodka was brought to

Nuln by the river barge Red Herring.
Thyrus Thornroot, the secret leader of the
Saltpeter Men, betrayed them and the PCs
are now wanted in Nuln.

blush. Bands march among the crowds and incite

people to dance. Couples display emotion and desire
openly. Every sound, smell and taste feels a little
richer. There is certain kind of electricity in the air.

Other parties have not remained idle either. When

Thyrus Thornfoot learned of a plan against Rosalias
Time and Pacing
life he left for Wissenburg, only to find the barrister
dead. He secured the legal documents Rosalia had
As the PCs are returning to Nuln the Chaos moon
prepared and learned of her investigation into the plot
Morrslieb appears on the night sky. Its movements are
against Nuln and the Countess. He dispatched the PCs
erratic and unpredictable at best, but it appears to be
to investigate further and returned to Nuln. His
waxing. At first, it appears as a sliver of baleful light,
network of Halflings informed
but waxes unpredictably. As it
The Emmanuelle
him of the Sootstained Prophet
progresses towards full moon
and XIIIs plan to poison the
Morrsliebs baleful grin
Anyone riding a Land Ship to the city gates
grand ball participants and
eventually becomes visible
is bound to attract attention. The PCs
launch a revolution. He had an
during daytime hours as well.
probably need to come up with a plan to
epiphany: he would exploit their
Morrlieb is your timer for the
get the ship into the city, or they can leave
plot to put himself on the throne.
finale. The fuller the moon, the
it to Captain Glaubrecht. Dont make it too
closer Pyrenzhias coming is.
challenging though, as the ship can be a
Thyrus sent his Torturer to find
source of some cinematic action in the
out if the PCs had any more
The Chaos moons unpredictable
information and to dispose of
pattern allows you to modify the
them. When that failed he put a
timetable of the final days to suit
bounty on their head. He deduced that Hexenstern
your narrative needs. You can give the PCs a month to
had collaborated with Rosalia and basically
investigate and prepare for the final confrontation
sequestered the man. His plan is to let the grand ball
while evading their enemies and fighting a sort of
attendees drink XIIIs sedated vodka. Then, his men
guerilla war inside the city. Or, you can press the PCs
will kill select influential Nulners. He will assassinate
for time and give them just a few days before things
the Countess. In the following crisis Thyrus and his
reach their climax and the Daemon-Queen comes.
Saltpeter Men will seize power.

While We Were Away


Things have changed since the PCs last saw Nuln.

Firstly, the number one topic on everyones lips is the
Countess recent announcement she will be handing
the official documents for divorcing Nuln from
Wissenland to the Supreme Law Lord Lector Agatha
von Bhrn of the Cult of Verena. Lector von Bhrn will
be arriving from Altdorf shortly and there will, of
course, be a grand ball to celebrate this historic

The characters are wanted by the authorities in Nuln

as part of Thyrus Thornroots plan. There is a 50 gc
bounty on each of them alive. From the GMs
perspective the fact they are fugitives serves an
important purpose. It prevents the PCs from just
walking to the authorities with their findings and say
its their problem now. Furthermore, it helps you put
additional pressure on the characters. Every time a
Watch patrol walks by, or they think someone is giving
them a long look, the PCs should start feeling nervous.

People of Nuln are falling under the influence of

Pyrenzhia. Following the Countess announcement
street performers have taken to the streets en masse.
Fire eaters perform on street corners. Poets recite
improvised and rather raunchy rhymes using simple
barrels and crates as impromptu stages. A puppet
show performs a play about the Countess and a
mysterious veiled figure that would make a Shallyan

Beware though that having them actually caught and

imprisoned can bring the adventure to a screeching
halt. Use your judgment. Maybe a hurried escape or
chase through crowded streets that ends with them
evading the pursuers serves you better. Conversely,
you can make a memorable scene out of their


imprisonment. The clock is ticking and they need to

find a way out of the Iron Tower. There are several
NPCs who could help the PCs escape. Maybe their
jailer is a filthy, sadistic bastard with a gambling or
drinking problem. Also, you can use the opportunity to
have Thornroot make a short appearance and come to
taunt them and maybe reveal some of his plans in a
stereotypically villainous fashion.

cupola inscribed with magical sigils marks the

observatory at the top. The tower seems to cast
several shadows (one because of the Sun, one because
of Morrslieb). As the PCs approach ask for a
Challenging (-10) Perception Test. With a success they
notice a Saltpeter Man lingering around a nearby caf
(if several PCs succeed, they each notice a different
man). The Wizard is clearly kept under a watchful eye.

What Next?

Ever since Tychonus learned of Rosalias assassination

he has been afraid and at a loss what to do. He thinks
he is fighting the coming menace alone. So, he is more
than relieved to learn the PCs are alive and have been
investigating the matter. He was told by Thornroot
that they died defending Rosalia. Ever since her death,
the Astromancer has been under surveillance and his
access to the Countess has been almost non-existent.

There are several clues from chapters V VII the PCs

can pursue. These are discussed next. You should
actively seek opportunities to tie the PCs personal
narrative arcs and side plots (Reik Lionfish, revenge for
Rosalia, NPC connections in Nuln, personal
relationships, Captain Glaubrechts sideplot etc.) to
these events to bring them to a conclusion. Make sure
the PCs, at the very least, get the information from
Master Hexenstern.

Play Tychonus reaction off of the PCs initial attitude

towards him. He may have to prove his loyalty to the
Countess and his association with Rosalia first. If the
PCs come to him as friends he is relieved and invites
them to his study.

Master Hexenstern

It is possible some players still believe Tychonus

Inside, the tower is an open gallery with catwalks and
Hexenstern is the main villain of the piece. There are
balconies that rise from the ground floor to the study.
several other reasons for the PCs to seek him out as
The study is just below the observatory at the top. It is
well. His name was found in Eberhardtus Hagens
a shadowy room lit by few candles. Large bookshelves
secret ledger in association with The Esoteric History
cover the walls and tables and
of Nuln and Middenheim (Chapter
desks are covered with stacks
V). If you used the optional
of books, scrolls and
encounter with the observatory,
Rather use Hexenstern as a villain? In that
parchments. At the center of
his name came up there as well.
case, the Astrologers Guild of Mordheim is
the room a large orrery
a Cult of Tzeentch. Hexenstern plans to
Because of the bounty on their
dominates the space. Several
heads there is no way the PCs can
star charts have been laid out.
power in Nuln. He has professor Hausdorff
go to the Palace and talk to the
Two spyglasses jut out of
Countess. However, even though
narrow windows. They can be
information they need from the tortured
Hexensterns observatory-tower is
used to spy on the Saltpeter
in Altestadt it is outside the Palace
Men below.
grounds. And he was the one to
hire them in the first place. So,
they might want to talk to him.
Samael Mortengeist can suggest
they go see the Wizard.
Alternatively, Hexenstern learns
they have returned and seeks
them out.

Give him a magical breast plate (Chaos

Armour) and clockwork wings (Fly). Give
him Dark Lore (Tzeentch). In combat he
uses the towers empty central space to
move around. He summons Horrors to
fight the PCs while he blasts them with

The Astromancers observatorytower is a tall, serpentine structure made of black

basalt. A dozen spyglasses stick out; a huge brass


Another man waits for them in

the study: professor Hausdorff
(if alive). Hexenstern didnt
turn him over to the Watch (or
saved him from them). Instead,
he brought the mutated
professor over in secret. They
have been trying to decipher
what the Great Equation

actually brought about. If the PCs are suspicious of

Hexenstern (especially after seeing the professor) he
shows them his correspondence with Rosalia.

Chapter I). He is dressed in the ceremonial armour of

the Bell-Keepers with an inscribed breastplate and a
black surcoat with the Nuln coat of arms. Amadeus
invites them for a drink. It turns out he was given a
position as a Bell-Keeper as acknowledgment of his
services last Geheimnisnacht. He is by no means an
elite soldier, but clearly enjoys the fame and nice coin
the job entitles him to. And the attention he gets from
the ladies these days makes him one happy man.
Amadeus is a valuable source of information and a
possible ally for the PCs. More on this below.

Here is what the two men have been able to find out:
The six bell towers functions as geomantic relays for
dark magical energies. They syphon dhar to the
Palace and it seems they are connected to the waxing
Morrslieb. When Morrslieb is full something happens
in the Palace. Destroying the towers probably
weakens this event, but wont stop it from

The Fake Seal on the Assassins Note

The purpose of this clue is to inform the players that

by destroying the bell towers they weaken the evil
force is about to manifest in the Palace. If they got The
Esoteric History of Nuln and Wissenland (in Chapter V)
they can probably conclude the evil force is Pyrenzhia.
Again, Hexenstern can help them deduce this. More
on this below in The Endgame.

The fake Lehmann seal on the note found on Rosalias

killer was forged by one Petir Mann. He is easy enough
to find with the right connections. An alternative is to
pay enough coin to learn his workshop is in
Shantytown. Captain Glaubrecht has suitable contacts
and can help the PCs locate the man.

Master Hexenstern has a secret passage leading into

the sewers the PCs can use to leave unseen.

Petir is a gray-haired, skinny man dressed in an ink

stained apron and has a loupe hanging around his
neck. He is an expert at his craft and he knows it. The
man is all about condescending attitude and spits
vitriol at anyone foolish enough to actually try to talk
with him. Threatening him wont work. Instead, he lets
them know he has very powerful, and deadly, friends
so they better back off (implying the Reik Lionfish
and he is right). To get the information they seek, the
PCs have to offer him a significant amount of money
(20 gc or so). A Hard (-20) Charm Test and inspired
roleplaying loosens his lips enough. A successful
Challenging (-10) Perception Test sees a mock-up of
the seal in question on his shelf. Referring to it may
lower the Charm Test to Challenging. Of course,
unscrupulous PCs can resort to violence and beat the
information out of him.

Investigating the Bell Towers

The six bell towers are clearly of significance and the
PCs might want to take a closer look at them. They are
strongly built stone towers, three stories high.
Grinning gargoyles look down from the eaves and the
walls are decorated with coats of arms, skulls, and
statues of great historical figures. Each tower is
dedicated to an Imperial hero like Emperor Mandred I,
the Ratslayer; and the current Emperor, Karl Franz.
The tower closest to the Grand Palace in Altestadt is
naturally dedicated to Magnus the Pious.
Each tower has a great bell in the third floor. The bells
are rung only on Hexensnacht and Geheimnisnacht
and during great emergencies to ward off evil spirits
and protect the city and its inhabitants. Honorary
guard of four Bell-Keepers mans the tower at all times.
In addition, each tower serves as a Watch station for
the city guard. This means there are 1d10+2
Watchmen present at any time. The Bell-Keepers are
elite soldiers handpicked for the duty by the High
Constable (use Elite Guard stats, p.119).

Petir knows the following. The seal was commissioned

by a rich Merchant via a mutual friend (Reik Lionfish).
He made the seal from a sketch he received (hence
the mistake) and delivered it to the Merchants house.
He was instructed to use the password Ponzi (a
famous Tilean banker) in order to be allowed inside
the house. It seemed the house was guarded by their
mutual friends. He was paid and hasnt heard from the
Merchant since.

When the PCs are checking out the towers they

suddenly hear a friendly greeting. Amadeus Lichtmann
waves and comes over to talk to them (if he survived

You can use this scene to further the Captain

Glaubrecht subplot. For example, Petir can forge the


necessary documents that transfer sole ownership of

the Emmanuelle to the Captain. As soon as the PCs
leave, Petir will go to the Merchants house to spill the
beans on their visit.

Altestadt, in the Kaufmann District to be more exact.

Kaufmann District houses most of the citys merchants
and traders. A cloud of fear hangs over the district.
Many fear the growing anger coming from XIII as they
grow more bold and violent by the day. Most doors
and windows are locked and barred at night.

Going After the Red Herring

Red Herring is the river barge that transported Emil
Grudens fake Kislevite Vodka to Nuln. Asking the
Harbour Master learns the pier where the barge is
moored. Some of the crew is at the ship doing basic
maintenance. They direct the PCs to a nearby seedy

Viktor Geldmans mansion is one of the most wellknown and everyone can point the PCs in the right
direction. The house is one-story stone building
surrounded by a six foot wall. All the windows and
doors are locked, even during daylight hours. A
wooden gate leads to the grounds. Normally, pulling a
cord to ring a bell would fetch a servant to the gate.
Now - a thuggish man dressed in a dark grey tabard
comes and opens a peephole. Giving him the Ponzi
password gets them in. Otherwise, they have to come
up with a ruse of some kind.

The tavern is a typical dockside watering hole. How

loud, smoke-filled, and full of drunks it is depends on
the time of day. Red Herrings Captain, Klaude Grissen,
and First Mate, Dagmar Kohl, are drinking and playing
dice with a fellow river barge captain. The men are in a
jovial mood having just made a decent amount of
money by delivering their cargo. They invite anyone
with a drink, a willingness to gamble, or a pair of
boobs to join them.

Four Reik Lionfish Thugs patrol the grounds (use Thug

stats p.88). Inside, there are two Druchii Corsairs (stats
p.89) and Flrieth Morgal (see p.118), the Druchii
leader of the criminal organization in Nuln (adjust
these numbers according to your needs).

It doesnt take much coaxing to get the men to tell

what happened to the fake Kislevite Vodka (they dont
know its fake). Soon after their arrival Eustasius
Eilhardt (the Sootstained Prophets right-hand man)
came to check the cargo. He gave them a shipping
document for the alcohol and told them to take it to
the Palace. This they did.

All three men of the Guiding Hand are here. Clothes,

ledgers, dishes and valuables are scattered on the
floors and hallways. Open, half packed trunks lie here
and there. The Merchants have been busy packing (all
servants have been fired as they could not be trusted

At the Palace a skinny Halfling dressed in all black

came to check the shipment. The Halfling opened a
bottle, smelled it and took a quick sip. Then he
motioned servants to take the shipment inside. Then
they got paid 20 gc extra too and left. It has been
drinking and gambling for them since then.

Right now, the money men are having a meeting in the

library. The fireplace is lit and shadows dance across
the bookshelves. Several maps are laid out and they
are busy discussing their plan to escape Nuln. Their
heated, almost panicked, discussion is interrupted
when a Dark Elf enters the room. This is Flrieth
Morgal. The silver-gray haired Elf walks with a slight
limp. He stops a few feet away from the table and
leans on his cane. Morgal and the Merchants proceed
to discuss the Druchiis plan to smuggle them inside
crates aboard a river barge and ship them out of the
city. What the Merchants dont know is Morgal
intends to sell them to slavery.

What can the PCs deduce from this? Thyrus Thornroot

is the Countess food taster and poisoner so he most
likely detected the poison in the bottles. Yet he let the
shipment in anyway. Does he have a plan of his own,
or is he setting up XIII?

The Guiding Hand

There are many reasons for the PCs to come here and
there are several ways they can approach this scene.
Maybe they are looking for answers. Maybe they want
to settle the Captain Glaubrecht subplot. Maybe they
want revenge for Rosalia. Maybe they want to know

XIII is out for the blood of Merchants and Burghers.

Fearing retaliation from their exploited labour force,
the Guiding Hand (see p.117) have taken refuge in
Viktor Geldmans mansion. The mansion is in


more about the Land Ships and the Chaos Dwarfs.

Maybe the Sootstained Prophet sent them here (see
below). Take into consideration what their goal is. Let
them come up with a plan how to get inside. Then
modify the scene and NPC goals/reactions/locations to
give them a scene where they can reach that goal in a
suitably dramatic fashion.

bosses some newcomers around while drinking beer

from an expensive pitcher with his friends. On the
other side of the hall, a Merchant is tied to a chair and
surrounded by a mob of grinning revolutionaries. As
the PCs pass, the bruised and bloodied man wets
himself and receives vicious ridicule from his captors.
Lots of people are drinking and many wear ill-fitting
pieces of good quality clothing.

Perhaps they give the correct password and meet

Flrieth Morgal first. Do they make a deal with him?
Do they frame the Merchants? Or possibly they sneak
in and learn of the mens plan to escape Nuln. Do they
follow them, or intercept them on the way? Maybe
you want the PCs to have a civil discussion with the
Guiding Hand before Morgal arrives. Use this scene
the way that best benefits your story.

The chatter has changed as well. Where XIII was all

about the workers rights in the beginning, the focus
seems to have shifted to a larger uprising. At first, they
struck against the merchant class and the Saltpeter
Men. Now they seem to crave noble heads as well. It is
an uprising against the upper classes, but seems to
lack focus and any concrete goals.
The Fireborn can still found in the side room behind
the large doors. His most trusted men share the space
with him. Where XIII have changed, the Sootstained
Prophet has not. If anything, he seems even more
focused and driven than before. A Routine (+10)
Perception Test, or if a PC specifically mentions it,
notices that the 13 Runefang is almost completely
blackened and engraved.

The revolutionaries are still holed up in the same,
ruined Geldman & Zachs foundry. However, now the
authorities and the Saltpeter Men know where they
are. Why dont they just barge in and arrest
everybody? The official reason is XIIIs numbers have
grown dramatically and it would take a lot of
manpower. Furthermore, it is easier to keep an eye on
them while they are in a known location above
ground. The truth is Thyrus Thornroot wants XIII to
launch their revolution.

How this encounter plays out depends on what

transpired earlier and how the PCs want to approach
the matter. Perhaps the PCs come here to investigate
the Land Ships, the Chaos Dwarfs, or the Sootstained
Prophet. Perhaps they come to seek help with
destroying the bell towers. The revolutionaries are
willing to talk to them as long as they remain civil and
at least somewhat respectful. Here are some topics
that might be of interest to the PCs.

It is rather easy for the PCs to gain entry inside the

foundry unless they complete angered or sold out XIII
earlier. The characters are escorted by two armed
revolutionaries (see p.92) through the large hall. The
foundry has changed dramatically since the last time
they were here. The walls are now covered with stolen
tapestries. Pieces of expensive furniture lie scattered
here and there. The number of people has multiplied
tenfold; and they seem better armed than before (one
of the perks of having so many skilled weaponsmiths
around). A successful Average (+0) Perception Test
tells them that the pile of gunpowder kegs is
significantly higher than before. Three alert men stand
guarding the kegs.

As they make their way through the hall, the PCs

notice the atmosphere is loud and rowdy. They see
two men fight over a looted painting. Little further in a
senior XIII member sits on a divan most likely
confiscated from some Merchant or Burgher. He


They should realize that trying to attack the

Prophet would be suicidal. There are dozens
of revolutionaries in the foundry.
Asking the Prophet about the Daemon-Queen
yields nothing. If they insist and refer to his
accident, he says he believes he was saved by
fate and the loving hand of the Queen of
Embers. He doesnt elaborate.
Asking about the Land Ships. They learn that
after the accident the Ships were taken to the
other Geldman & Zachs foundry (everyone
can give them directions).
Asking about the Chaos Dwarfs. The Prophet
says nothing but a successful Challenging (10) Will Power Test (+10 from Schemer

applies) reveals he knows something. Good

roleplaying and a successful Charm Test may
get him to reveal that a group of Dwarfs
sympathetic to their cause provides them
with kegs of gunpowder. An Average (+0)
Gossip Test with random revolutionaries gets
them the same info plus the fact the Dwarfs
used to work on the Land Ships.
Asking about the revolution: The time of
reckoning is coming. We will rise to demand
Asking about the fake vodka: I wont deny it.
It is all part of the plan. We rise to demand
what is rightfully ours when the upper classes
gather to celebrate their schemes. Schemes
that aim to further exploit us.
Asking about the Guiding Hand. The
Prophets eyes narrow and his voice is
reduced to a whisper. Bring me their heads,
and you will be richly rewarded. If the PCs
are here to seek help from XIII to destroy the
bell towers, this is the price the heads of
the Guiding Hand. See The Endgame below.

A complex tangle of rope and pulley systems looks like

a gigantic spiders net.

When running this scene, bear in mind that, as

written, the Sootstained Prophet and XIII have an
important role to play in the climax of this adventure.
If the PCs do something to change that, you have to do
some extra work to adjust accordingly.

It is possible your players get obsessed with the idea

of finding the missing Land Ships. The Chaos Dwarfs
have hidden them inside two abandoned warehouses
near the waterfront. There, they wait for the moment
when it is time to burn Nuln down for the glory of
Hashut. If your players are persistent and crafty and
you want to give them the opportunity to face the
Dawi Zharr before the big finish, it is totally possible
(like following the scavenging Dwarfs to the
warehouse for example). In that case, create a scene
around their plan. The Dawi Zharr are all with the Land
Ships, making final adjustments. However, as written,
this adventure presumes the Land Ships will be part of
the final act. If you want to keep it that way, it might
be a good idea to distract your players with other,
more pressing, matters at this point.

The back wall is covered with a huge mural. It depicts

a pale and veiled feminine figure looming above Nulns
burning ruins. It feels like the veiled figure watches
them call for an Insanity Check.
The unfinished hull of the fourth Land Ship stands
alone in the hall. You can use the fourth ship to
provide the PCs with a new Land Ship if the
Emmanuelle is destroyed, or otherwise unavailable.
Or, they can scavenge the skeleton for replacement
parts and upgrades like an additional heavy
blunderbuss, 10 Wounds worth of extra armour, or
spare wheels. If you feel you are in need of an action
beat, one Dawi Zharr Daemonsmith and two Infernal
Guards are scavenging the ship (see p.115). They are
hard at work and dont suspect anyone, so the PCs get
a drop on them. The Chaos Dwarfs fight to the death.
Additionally, enterprising PCs may think of blowing up
the bell towers. In that case, they find a few
gunpowder kegs the Dwarfs left behind.

The Second Geldman & Zachs Foundry

Pretty much anyone in Industrielplatz can give
directions to the foundry. The unfinished Land Ships
were taken here after the accident. The Chaos Dwarfs
took over the work and Geldman & Zachs workers
were used as menial labour. An Average (+0) Gossip
Test, or talking to a friendly XIII member who used to
work for G&S, earns them that the Land Ships were
never finished. But, strangely enough, they
disappeared from the foundry just a few nights ago.
Asking around eventually finds someone who saw two
ships driven away from the foundry in the middle of
the night. No-one knows where they went.

The Endgame
This is it, the conclusion to The Queen of Embers.
Again, this is the finale of your version of this
adventure and you have to bring it to a conclusion
your players find satisfying. What follows is a
framework for how the climactic events transpire. Use
it as a guideline and inspiration to mold the ending
according to your groups needs and wishes.

The Second Geldman & Zachs foundry is very much

like the first one. Workers are absent because the
foundry is going out of business. The Land Ships were
their final, fateful, project. Now, large halls are left
dark and silent. Furnaces and crucibles stand unused.


To get these events rolling the PCs should know the


The Countess is throwing a Grand Ball to

celebrate Nulns separation from Wissenland.
The six bell towers channel dhar into the
Palace. Stopping their tolling weakens
whatever it is they are syphoning the dhar to
(they should be able to guess it is the
The Sootstained Prophet and XIII have
poisoned the alcohol served at the Countess
Grand Ball and will try to invade the Palace.
If they found Red Herring they might suspect
that Thyrus is up to something as well.

Finding Allies

Use the Wizards Hexenstern and Mortengeist (or

other NPCs) to help the players piece this information
together and guide them in the desired direction if
necessary. What should the PCs do, then? They can
(and probably should) try to take down at least some
of the bell towers. Then, they have to make their way
into the Palace and save the Countess and Nuln.

When it has become evident something has be done

about the towers Hexenstern (and/or Mortengeist)
suggests finding allies to help them. During their
journey through the events of The Queen of Embers,
the PCs have encountered many different NPCs and
factions. They have made choices. They have sided
with some groups at the exclusion of others. These
choices come to play here when they try to recruit

The Bell Towers

Soon after they returned to Nuln the PCs met with
Master Hexenstern. He informed them about the bell
towers and their dark purpose. Hexenstern (and/or
Mortengeist) strongly suggest the PCs take down at
least some of the towers to weaken the flow of dhar.
There are several ways to approach the matter of the
bell towers.

They attack against the bell towers during the

Grand Ball when Morrslieb is full. To have the
PCs deal with all the six towers is a poor
narrative choice and probably too much of a
grind. Instead, consider having the PCs deal
with just one tower (or none at all) and have
their allies deal with the rest of them. The
tower the PCs attack is, of course, the one
closest to the Palace and the one where
Amadeus Lichtmann is stationed.
The towers dont need to be destroyed. It is
enough to stop the bells from tolling (kill the
crew, crack the bells, detach the clapper etc.).

Captain Glaubrecht and the Emmanuelle

If the PCs dont ride the Emmanuelle to battle, the ship
and its crew can take down a tower on their own.
Captain Tannfelder and his Company
The Captain returns to Nuln. If he had a run-in with
the Saltpeter Men in Chapter VI, he is ordered under
house arrest in the barracks. The PCs have to find a
way to get a word to him. When he gets the word,
Tannfelder sneaks out. Wearing a cloak with a
voluminous hood, he meets the PCs in a tavern. He is
ready and willing to help. He can muster most of his
company, so they are more than capable of taking
down a tower or two.

The PCs can just ignore them. This is a viable

option. It means their encounter with
Pyrenzhia in The Finale will be more
challenging as all towers continue to syphon
No exact location for the towers is given
except that they are in different parts of
Nuln. The reason is to give you the freedom
to place them wherever story needs dictate.
The PCs can start their fight against the
towers before Morrslieb is full, before the
night of the Grand Ball. You can even extend
this part so that the PCs take down one tower
at a time in a long covert war against the BellKeepers (and, by extension, the city) that
lasts for days.

If the PCs approached the Sootstained Prophet and
provided him the heads of the Guiding Hand he agrees
to help them. The revolutionaries can offer
gunpowder kegs and/or directly attack a bell tower.


depending on the way things went down the PCs can

possibly track her down and recruit her.

Amadeus Lichtmann
The PCs can approach him and convince him (with
good roleplaying) to turn on his fellow Bell-Keepers.
Amadeus can be useful in many ways. He can provide
information. He can let them in secretly. He can set up
explosives (but does not have the necessary skill). Or
he can join them in the fight. Characters with loose
morals could even provide him with poison to slip into
the Bell-Keepers food (This requires serious
convincing or threats, as it is against Amadeus nature
and morals).

The Dung Collectors or the Tileans

If the PCs interacted with either or both of these
parties, they can be available as allies. Not very useful
in hand-to-hand combat to take over a bell tower, but
they can be utilized in creative ways.
Reik Lionfish
A powerful ally who definitely can take down a tower.
But they come with a price. And that can be a price
the PCs are not willing to pay. Owing a favour to an
organization like the Lionfish is not the most tempting
idea. Then again, these are desperate times.

Aleksandra Koriakovna
If the PCs saved the orphans in Chapter I and met the
Ice Witch afterwards, she can be convinced to help
them. She can provide them with Kislevite Soldiers (if
necessary, use Sell-Sword stats WFRP p.235).
Aleksandra herself will be in the Palace so she can
maybe let them into the Palace or show them a
shortcut to the Ballroom etc. Asking Aleksandra to
warn the Countess is a good idea. If the players come
up with it, then tell them during the Finale that
Emmanuelle didnt drink the poisoned alcohol because
of her warning.

The Order of Events

Not accounting for the actions of the Player
Characters, here is a rough timeline of the events for
the final night. Morrslieb grinning face turns upon
Nuln as the Chaos Moon casts its baleful light upon the
city. Tonight is the night of the Grand Ball. Despite the
Chaos Moon, and because of Pyrenzhias influence,
ordinary citizens are out and about in a festive mood.
Firecrackers go off. People sing and dance. Street
performers are out en masse. After it gets dark the
bells start pealing because Morrslieb is full. Soon after,
a grand display of fireworks lights up the sky. This is
when all hell breaks loose.

Master Hexenstern and Wizard Mortengeist

Two powerful Wizards and ready allies. This is a way to
separate these two NPCs from the PCs for the
Endgame. This adventure is all about the PCs, after all.
They can help take down a bell tower. Hexenstern can
provide them with some advance information (an
obscure warning about the Chaos Dwarfs maybe). He
can also be the one to let the PCs inside the Palace.
Mortengeist can join the PCs, but he insists on being
among those who go to the Palace (to save

As the fireworks start XIII launch their revolution. They

start from the Industrielplatz and advance across the
bridges towards the Grand Palace. On the way there,
they cause much destruction and mayhem. They
attack Merchants and their houses. They chase down
Burghers and their families. Soon, homes burn and
looters start breaking into shops.

The Elves or the Crimson Martyrs

At this time the guests at the Grand Ball have been

drinking the poisoned alcohol and start to show
symptoms (drowsiness, vomiting). Thyrus Thornroot
has his most trusted Saltpeter Men at the ready to find
and execute selected powerful Nulners (city officials
and nobles).

Depending which side they supported (if either) the

PCs can go to them for help. The Crimson Martyrs are
not in Nuln, so a messenger needs to be sent to get
them. Additionally, they are Mercenaries who expect
to be paid. Depending on how Chapter VI unfolded the
Envoy and the Elves of Nuln are a potential ally. They
are able to take down a tower on their own. As the
Elves are not very popular at the moment, Marienne
Mithaliel is not invited to the Palace. If Bloodleaf
survived she left the forest as an exile. Again,

As XIII are wreaking havoc, Bhakrak the Blackened

decides it is time to attack. Two Land Ships roll out and
attack everything in sight. Bhakraks vessel crosses the
river via the Great Bridge. It continues towards the


Palace laying destruction all around it. The other

vessel crosses the Iron and Glory Bridges to attack the
Imperial Gunnery School. Several hidden caches of
gunpowder explode. The Iron Bridge is destroyed after
the Land Ship has crossed.

cut-scene for example, a Chaos Dwarf is about to hit

a PC when you transition into a cut-scene where a
Bell-Keeper is about to hit an Elf.

Third option for handling the Bell Tower battle is to

use a simple game mechanic. This option requires
XIII reach the Palace gates, but are unable to enter.
extra preparation on your part. Here are two
Fortunately for them, Bhakrak arrives and destroys the
examples. In the first one, you assign the allies a
gates. The revolutionaries storm the Palace and face
Strength, Toughness, and Wound value based on the
units perceived efficiency (low for Dung Collectors,
the Elite Guard guarding it.
high for Captain Tannfelders men). When assigning
At this point, everyone who drank the poisoned
these values take into account the players plan and
alcohol is having symptoms. Thornroot gives the order
whether allies are combined with another unit. For
for his executioners to proceed with their ghastly
example, a group of Dung Collectors armed with a keg
of gunpowder would have low Strength. But on the
round they use the gunpowder, it could be doubled.
Narrating the Fight against the Bell Towers
Resolve the battles the following way. Every round (in
this case a round is several normal Rounds of combat,
This is a good opportunity to let your players plan their
use your narrative judgment) roll 1d10 + Strength for
strategy. Encourage them to come up with ways to
the allies and the tower. Highest score Wounds the
best employ their allies. Also, having the allies in a
opponent. Reduce Toughness from the result of the
meeting with them is a great roleplaying opportunity.
Strength roll (Strength +1d10
Especially, if some of the NPCs
The Bell-Keepers
Toughness = Wounds). The side to
do not get along. You may ask
run out of Wounds first, loses
for Command and Academic
The constant flow of dhar has started to
(dies, flees, surrenders etc.). Each
Knowledge Strategy/Tactics
affect the Bell-Keepers. Use Elite Guards
bell tower has, for example, S 5, T
Tests and reflect the results in
stats p.119 and add a mutation to each
8, and W 20.
the coming battle.
Another mechanic is to use the
You can just narrate the results
table below for each group of
based on the PCs plan and the results of their (and
allies. Again, a round is several normal Rounds of
their allies) Command and Academic Knowledge
combat, so use your narrative judgment. Roll d100 and
Strategy/Tactics Tests. An easy method is to rule that
consult the table. The side who suffers 100% Damage
every tower that is attacked by a group of allies is
first, is defeated. Modify the rolls according to the
vanquished (at the minimum the bell stops tolling).
table and apply situational modifiers like you would to
a skill test. For example: one-time bonus of + 50 for
Another method is to give each player an ally to
detonating a gunpowder keg; or +20 to first roll to
control. Then, play a part of that battle out in a short
reflect a surprise attack.
scene with one player controlling a key NPC. Other
players can take supporting, or even enemy, roles. For
example, the Elves have agreed to take out a bell
tower and the plan is that they sneak in and
assassinate the Bell-Keepers. One player takes the role
of the Envoy Marienne Mithaliel, other players control
Kithband Warriors. Then describe a short scene with
maybe a few Tests and a round or two of combat.
Next, go to another group of allies where another
player controls, for example, Captain Tannfelder.
Intertwine these scenes with the actions of the PCs
and pay attention to dramatic pacing. Dramatic
cliffhangers are your friends when transitioning into a

1 - 15
16 - 35
36 - 65


Combat Result
Ally takes 50 % Damage.
-20 to roll next round.
Ally takes 35 % Damage,
and deals 10 % Damage.
-10 to roll next round.
Ally deals 25 % Damage.

66 - 85

Enemy takes 35 % Damage,

and deals 10 % Damage.
+10 to roll next round.

86 - 100

Enemy takes 50 % Damage.

+20 to roll next round.

Please note that these are quick and dirty methods

meant to first and foremost guide your narrative. If
you and your players enjoy such a thing, feel free to
create a more complex and mathematically sound
system for solving the battles. Whatever your chosen
method is, remember to keep the focus on the PCs
and their actions. If they take on a tower make it the
tower closest to the Palace. Concentrate on the fight
they are involved in and describe battles at the other
towers in short montages. Pick strong visual images
from different fights and intertwine them with the
PCs scenes. Consider having an important ally die
tragically to heighten the drama.

In the middle of a street with people fighting all

around her, a woman holds her child in her arms.
The child was trampled in the chaos.
A man with hair on fire runs through the crowd.
A bloodied Watchman rips a banner from the dead
hands of a revolutionary and wipes his sword

The Dawi Zharr

Once XIII cross the Great Bridge, Bhakrak the
Blackened decides the time has come for Nuln to burn.
Two Land Ships roll out of nondescript warehouses
near the waterfront and lurch towards the bridges.
Bhakraks ship crosses the Great Bridge, ramming
through revolutionaries, citizens, and Watchmen alike.
Acrid smoke trails the Land Ship as its crew keeps
firing upon the crowd. The other Land Ship crosses
the Iron and Glory Bridges and attacks the Imperial
Gunnery School. Explosives hidden under the Iron
Bridge detonate and sink it.

XIII are a seething mass of angry, torch wielding
workers. Several banners featuring XIII and 13
Runefang imagery are carried up front. Many carry
signs declaring the downfall of the upper classes and
the liberation of the common man. Almost every
revolutionary has XIII drawn with gunpowder or ash
somewhere on his or her body. They are armed with
swords, maces, clubs, and cudgels. Few carry pistols or
blunderbusses. The Sootstained Prophet is nowhere to
be seen. His right hand man, the Agitator Eustasius
Eilhardt, leads the mob.

Bhakraks ship sails through the streets. Its mast raises

high above the surrounding rooftops and the huge
wheels strike sparks from cobblestones. The SorcererProphet stands in the prow. Eyes gleaming in ecstasy
he screams exaltation to Hashut and rains fire upon
the city.

The revolutionaries start their march towards the

Palace from Industrielplatz. Once they cross the Great
Bridge, the march turns into pandemonium. The
revolutionaries break into the homes of Burghers and
Merchants and drag them and their families to the
streets. Houses are set on fire. Stores are looted.
Watch Patrols and revolutionaries clash. Blood runs on
the streets.

Some short vignettes to describe the scene:

A volley from fireglaives mows down a squad of
Imperial Handgunners positioned on a taverns
A group of Scouts jumps aboard the Land Ship and
a skirmish ensues. Bhakrak cuts down the men
with his flaming axe.

Some short vignettes to describe the scene:

Two revolutionaries drag a man and his wife to the
street by the hair and proceed to scalp them.

A barrel of full of fireworks is hit by a stray shot.

The fireworks shoot all over the streets.

A chair is thrown through a window to the street.

A throng of civilians flees away from the battle.
Suddenly, the Land Ship takes the corner and
bursts down the street. People turn on their heels
to return where they came from but fall over each
other. The ship plows right through them.

A Watch Sergeant tries to talk to the mob.

Someone throws a rock. The Watch Men fire their
crossbow. Then it turns into a bloodbath.
Revolutionaries paint XIII on doors, statues, walls.

The other Land Ship rolls guns blazing towards the

Imperial Gunnery School. Troops rush from the

A Priest of Taal protects the Deuz Elm with two



School to meet the ship. They try to set up a

cannon, but a shot from a heavy blunderbuss
annihilates the crew.

The Palace Gates

The PCs should make their way to the Palace either
after dealing with a bell tower or straight away
(trusting their allies to take care of the matter or
ignoring the towers). Now, the PCs probably
(hopefully) have some sort of a plan. They know that
silencing the bells has slowed the flow of dhar but
doesnt stop Pyrenzhia from manifesting.

A small group lead by a Master Engineer sneaks

onto a roof and jumps aboard the Land Ship
attacking the Gunnery School. They are quickly cut
down, but the Master Engineer manages to drop
the ships anchor. It causes the vessel to swerve
and crash into a building. Volley guns and cannons
from the School open up on the ship and it
explodes in a magnificent ball of fire that colours
the skyline orange.

Bhakrak the Blackeneds Land Ship arrives at the

Palace gates and blows the doors open (see p.118).
Revolutionaries cheer and storm the Palace courtyard.
If the PCs plan is to sneak into to the Palace, then
Bhakrak drives the Land Ship into the courtyard and
proceeds to bombard the Palace with the ships guns.
The Palace Guard retaliates. The PCs have to either
deal with Bhakrak and the Land Ship, or find a way
past it.

The Palace
Nuln is in chaos. People are dying on the streets. And
what do the wealthy and powerful do? They dance, of

The Grand Ball

The courtyard is large and it is possible to sneak past

the Chaos Dwarfs. It shouldnt be too difficult, but it
should definitely be exciting. The battle rages between
the guard and the Chaos Dwarfs. Cannon shots blow
heads off statues the PCs hide behind. Bhakraks spells
set trees ablaze and banish the shadows the PCs were
just about to sneak into. A Wounded guardsman falls
near a PCs hiding place and pleads for help while
bleeding to death. A blunderbuss shot slays a cannon
crew. The cannon is left standing there, ready to fire
and pointing at the Land Ship.

The Countess Grand Ball to celebrate Nulns

separation from Wissenland starts with all the proper
etiquette and pomp. Important and influential guest
from Altdorf, Averheim, and Talabheim are announced
as they walk into the grand ballroom. Countess von
Liebwitz receives the delegations one at a time and
long pleasantries are exchanged.
The last to arrive is also the most important guest of
the night - Lector Agatha von Bhrn of the Cult of
Verena, Supreme Law Lord of the Empire. She is here
to receive official documents of an inquest into the
legalities of divorcing Nuln and Wissenland and Nulns
proposal on how to proceed in this matter. Lector von
Bhrn, officially and in the presence of witnesses,
receives the documents, and vows to review them
before they are put up for vote with the Elector

If, on the other hand, the plan is to ride the

Emmanuelle to the Palace then the PCs are in for some
ship-on-ship action. Two Land Ships doing battle in the
narrow streets of Nuln has all the ingredients of a
great action scene. Take full advantage of the
possibilities. Let the PCs parkour rooftops to board the
ship. Describe how fusillades annihilate facades. Have
the ships navigate narrow streets, plow through stalls
and carts, and maneuver around buildings. Have fun
with it.

Then it is time to dance.

Completion of the formalities and the beginning of the
separation process is celebrated with a salute from the
Imperial Gunnery School. This is followed by a massive
display of fireworks. The dancing begins, starting with
the Countess herself. Guests are offered drinks.
Among them the poisoned vodka. Thyrus Thornroot
has made sure the poison doesnt kill the guests, only
sedates them.

Besides Bhakrak there are four Chaos Dwarfs manning

the guns, one beating a war drum, and one driving the
ship (his skill is 45%). To raise the challenge level add a
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer or two. Statwise Bhakraks ship
is the same as the Emmanuelle without any upgrades.
The biggest difference is that the Sorcerer-Prophet has
bound an Ashbringer to the ships steam engine.
Therefore, his ship doesnt suffer the effects of the


calamity chart. Instead, every time the steam engine

takes a direct hit or the pilot fails a Drive (Landship)
Test by three degrees the Ashbringer makes an
Instability Check. If it fails, the Ashbringer returns to
the Realm of Chaos and the Land Ship stops.

The PCs make their way towards the ballroom. Battles

break out all around them, so the PCs can be attacked
by either the revolutionaries or the guardsmen (unless
they are accompanied by a NPC the guards recognize).
Keep in mind though, that the PCs are about to enter
the climactic fight with Pyrenzhia. If they are already
wounded, you might want to relegate all Palace fights
to the background. On the other hand, if they have
had it easy so far, you can throw them right into the
thick of a vicious battle. It is up them which side to
fight for (if either).

Bhakrak and his Dwarfs fight to the death. If the PCs

are having trouble with this fight Nulner forces can
come to their aid armed with a cannon and
accompanied by Handgunners.
After the PCs have snuck past or fought Bhakrak,
finding entry into the Palace is the next obstacle.
Possibly, the PCs have an ally like Master Hexenstern
or Aleksandra Koriakovna who can let them in via a
secret side door. Or, they can choose to climb through
a window. This requires an Average (+0) Scale Sheer
Surface Test and might attract the wrong kind of
attention. Third option is to wait as the revolutionaries
use a makeshift battering ram (a statue of Karl Franz)
to break down the doors.

If they are in a bad shape, an ally or a corpse of a

Guard Sergeant can provide them with a Healing
Poultice or two. Eventually, the PCs find their way into
the ballroom.

The Ballroom
The ballroom is most likely the most luxurious, lavishly
decorated room the PCs have ever laid eyes upon.
Huge chandeliers light up the room. Beautiful
tapestries decorate the walls. Long tables bend with
exotic dishes.

Inside the Palace

The chaos spreads inside the Palace.

The rest of the sight is less glamorous. Spilt chalices lay

scattered across the floors. Retching nobles lean
against each other or sit hunched over. Scent of
expensive perfumes mixes with the acrid reek of
vomit. A confused jester in a motley outfit wanders
among the guests complete clueless what to do. The
Countess is nowhere to be seen.

Some short vignettes to describe the scene:

Shouts and screams echo in the winding
Revolutionaries tear down paintings and
tapestries. They bash in doors to get to the
nobles and servants locked inside.

The PCs are taking it all in when they notice a sinister

group moving from guest to guest. A PyromancerAlchemist accompanied by two Saltpeter Men
crouches next to a guest and lifts his head to have a
look at his face. The Wizard nods to one of the
Saltpeter Men who draws his knife and coldly slices
the nobles throat. These men are here to kill certain
key people at the behest of Thyrus Thornroot.

The Palace Guard have set up a barricade of

furniture and statues. Revolutionaries try to scale
the barricade while guardsmen hack at them. A
Sergeant stands on top of the blockade and takes
aimed shots with his pistol. The smell of blood
and gunpowder hangs heavy in the air.
In one of the many side rooms a revolutionary
dances with a terrified servant while another
revolutionary accompanies them on a
harpsichord badly.

Suddenly, one partygoer gets up and sprints towards

the PCs. The elderly woman is Countess von Liebwitzs
chaperone Maghilde (they saw her briefly in Chapter
III). She sprints to the PCs to escape certain death in
the hands of the execution squad. The Saltpeter Men
notice her and their attention is drawn to the PCs.

A fallen chandelier lies scattered all over a

hallway. Shattered glass gleams in a pool of
XIII smeared all over the walls in blood.


The men start threateningly towards the chaperone.

They warn the PCs not to interfere as they just want
to put down another traitor to the city.

the Countess or are at a loss what to do, there are

several NPCs who can point them in the right

The chaperone knows the Countess current

whereabouts i.e. the location the PCs need to get to.
Therefore, make sure they get this information from
her (by killing the Saltpeter Men, or convincing them
not to waste their time on an old woman like her etc.)

Chaperone Maghilde was given instructions not to

divulge the Countess whereabouts, but it is in her
nature to worry about her. Maghilde can plead the PCs
to find Emmanuelle (yes, she actually says
Emmanuelle) and make sure she is safe. She is with
that Halfling and I dont trust that imp. The Wizards
Hexernstern and Mortengeist can also demand they
make sure the Countess is safe.

The PCs can fight the Saltpeter Men (see p.94), but
keep in mind they are moments away from the final
boss fight. If you feel they should save their strength
have a NPC or a group of guards deal with the
Saltpeter Men. Alternatively, the battle - suddenly and
violently - spills from the halls into the ballroom and
carries the Saltpeter Men away.

The chaperone reveals the Countess current

whereabouts the PCs need to get to. She has retreated
into a secret winter garden deep in the old parts of the
Palace. Maghilde gives them instructions how to get
into the garden. It involves going into one of the
Countess private salons and finding a secret door.

This scene is your chance to set the party up for the

grand finale. It is an opportunity to separate any NPCs
that you dont want in the final scene from the party.
These NPCs can rush to fight the Saltpeter Men, or
help the poisoned nobles, or escort the Supreme Law
Lord von Bhrn to safety. Turning it around, this is an
opportunity to insert a useful NPC to the party if
necessary. Also, you can use an NPC at this location to
provide healing to wounded characters.

The Secret Door

Once you feel everything is set for the climax, the

chaperone tells them where the Countess is.

A small corridor leads from the ball room deeper into

the Palace. The private salon is easy enough to find.
You can ask for a Search Test to see how long it takes
for the PCs to find the hidden door. The main point is
to stress to them they are in a hurry and hopefully
have them trash the room in a frantic search. The door
is inside a walk-in closet behind a row of expensive

The Finale

The Winter Garden

As soon as she heard word of the uprising and her

guests started showing the first signs of poisoning the
Countess, in a calm and collected manner, left the
ballroom to retreat to a secret location. She asked her
food taster to join her presumable to protect her from

A narrow and lightless corridor opens behind the

secret door. The arched architecture looks old and
alien (this is part of the Elven ruins Nuln was built
upon). Almost completely worn-out embossing is
barely detectable (it is easier to feel it with your
fingers). The corridor goes on for some thirty yards;
then a short flight of stairs leads up to a gilded
decorative door. It is clearly Elvencraft and locked.
Through the door the PCs can see the secret garden.

The fact of the matter is Emmanuelle von Liebwitz is

far from being just a damsel in distress here. She is
taking an active role in the unfolding events, as we will
soon see.

The Countess chosen lifestyle means she has been

forced to make painful choices in her life because of
her title and all that it entails. This hidden garden in
the oldest parts of the Palace is sacred to Emmanuelle
and she retreats here every time she wants to escape
hectic court life. Besides Emmanuelle, only people
who know about this place are her chaperone
Maghilde and Thyrus Thornroot (because of his skill

Finding the Countess

Supposedly, the PCs want to find the Countess to
ensure her safety. Also, they are safe to assume the
Daemon-Queen has something to do with the
Countess (for example, if they saw the statue in the
mine in Chapter VII). If the PCs seem reluctant to find


with different poisons and remedies he once helped


Emmanuelle steps away from the Halfling. On one of

her rings, a small needle glistens with poison.

A decorative wrought iron ceiling opens to the night

sky where fireworks still bloom and Morrslieb looms
menacingly. Lush rosebushes surround somber basalt
cherubim. Serpentine paths lead deeper into the
garden under the foliage of magnolias.

There is no fighting it Thyrus. The poison is extracted

from an extremely rare flower found only in - and Im
sure you can appreciate the irony - the Moot.
The Halfling crashes against the fountain. His dagger
falls to the ground with a sharp cling.

The front of the garden is decorated with a small

fountain depicting Rhya pouring water from a vase.
Two people stand by the fountain: Emmanuelle von
Liebwitz and Thyrus Thornfoot. The PCs are behind the
locked door. They need to either pick the lock or force
the door open. Whichever method they prefer, it
takes a moment.

Surprised? Well, you shouldnt be. I have been on to

you for quite some time, my dear poisoner.
You really thought you could usurp me? Me, an
Elector Countess. I have played these games since I
was a child. No, it will take more than a mere poisoner
to best me.

The Countess is a magnificent sight in her bejeweled

carmine gown sewed from the most expensive velvets
and silks. Her Runefang is a part of her gown in such a
way that the blade; the high, gold-embroidered collar
of her gown; and her coiffure form a complex
interwoven ensemble.

Thyrus tries to say something but manages only a

throttled gurgle. Spams strain the muscles on his neck
and his veins swell dangerously. The Halfling falls on
his back, foaming at the mouth. The Countess
crouches next to the spasming Halfling.

Death of the Poisoner

There is no fighting it Thyrus. Let go. Its time to pass

from this garden to the next.

Thyrus Thornfoot is here to kill Countess Emmanuelle

and has laced his dagger with Heartkill poison. His plan
is to kill the countess and several key court members
and declare a state of emergency. Exploiting the
following crisis and confusion Thyrus, with the help of
his Saltpeter Men, will seize the throne.

She waits until he is dead, then passes her hand over

his eyes.

When the PCs arrive at the door, Emmanuelle and

Thyrus are having a discussion. Thyrus assures the
Countess everything will be all right and she will be
completely safe here. Emmanuelle thanks the Halfling
for his reassuring words and crouches to hug him.
Thyrus hand moves slowly towards his dagger.

Several things happen next. The PCs get the door

open. Emmanuelle stands up to face them. Behind
her, The Sootstained Prophet, guided here by the
Daemon-Queen, steps forth from amidst the foliage
and stabs the Countess in the side with the 13
Runefang. Her blood spills on the floor.

As they separate Emmanuelle gently brushes Thyrus

cheek and smiles in that special way only she can.
Thyrus fingers curl around the hilt. Emmanuelle
stands up and lets her hand drop on her food tasters
shoulder. The copper amulet around Thyrus neck
starts to turn green.

Pyrenzhia comes.

Farewell, my dear poisoner.

Pyrenzhia Comes


Grinning Morrslieb looms. Blood coating the 13

Runefang sizzles. Out of nowhere, smoldering ash
begins to fall from the sky. Water in the fountain turns
into tarlike ichor. The cherubim start to bleed black tar
from their eyes. All the roses open up and turn black.

The amulet is made of Thrice-blessed Copper and it

turns green every time it comes close to a poisoned
substance. Realization reaches Thyrus eyes when a
single drop of blood runs down his cheek.

It is time to face the Daemon-Queen (see p.120).

Again, there are several options open to you and these
are examined next.


arguments). Determine the degree of difficulty each

round based on the characters arguments. The more
personal, heartfelt, sincere, and relatable to the
Elector Countess their arguments are the better.

Option 1: The Non-Combat Ending

The Countess blood spilled in this location was the
final key she needed. Pyrenzhia comes and begins a
battle for the Countess mind. The Sootstained
Prophet falls to his knees. Tears run down his cheeks
and the 13 Runefang clatters to the ground.

While the characters are helping the Countess,

Pyrenzhia affects them as well. She evokes the PCs
inner demons to fight them. Distorted, corrupted
versions of memories wash over them. The darker side
of their character is evoked. These are to be roleplayed out, but if you want to put a test to it than a
failed Challenging (-10) Willpower Test means they
dont get to talk to the Countess that turn. To crank up
the challenge level for groups who defeated most of
the bell towers, ask for these tests more often.

Pyrenzhia is a twisted reflection of all the love and

desire for Countess von Liebwitz and the embodiment
of Slaaneshs emotions of unrequited love. The PCs
can hear the Daemon-Queen tempting the Countess,
whispering honeyed words into her mind. They cannot
be sure whether they actually hear the words, or if
they echo in their minds. Pyrenzhia tempts the
Countess with power and promises of Slaaneshs
Eternal Love.


There is one more thing. The 13 Runefang. It lies on

the floor, blackened and coated with the Countess
blood. The sword is a Slaaneshi Weapon. Maybe it is
the voice of the weapon, or maybe it is the voice of
Slaanesh Himself, that starts whispering to the PCs.
The voice, which is more like an intuitive feeling than
any actual words, urges the PCs to grab the sword
from the floor and run the Countess through. The
voice promises to reward them, to fulfil their deepest
desires. It promises the throne and wealth. It promises
power. It promises love. You can ask for Willpower
Tests to resists, but the purpose of the 13 Runefang
here is to tempt the players and give them a last resort
to defeat the Daemon-Queen. Using the 13 Runefang
kills the Countess and traps Pyrenzhia within the

What burden for you to always be the Beloved and

never the Lover. For is it not the Lover who dictates
what from love takes? And is it not the Lover who
seeks to impose his desires on the Beloved? What
burden to be loved by so many who all want
something from you, want to tear you down and rip
you apart to find that secret something that would
make you theirs. Dont you want to leave all that
behind, if just once? Embrace Slaanesh and He will be
your Beloved. You get to be the Lover. You get to Love
on your terms
Right in front of them the Countess starts to change
into the Daemon-Queen. Her left hand turns into a
gleaming black pincer. Her legs start to turn into
cloven hooves. Her skin goes porcelain white and she
sprouts long, black horns. At the same time she goes,
slowly but determinedly, for the Runefang fastened to
her back.

Dont make this scene about the dice. Instead, it is all

about your players flexing their roleplaying muscles.
Dont let them off easy, either. And because of all the
dhar flowing to the garden, no spell should be a free
ticket to victory. Instead, award clever spell use with

These two things are your meters on how the PCs are
doing. The Countess is being possessed by Pyrenzhia
and the degree of change indicates the DaemonQueens progress. Simultaneously, how far the
Countess is in unfastening the Runefang indicates the
PCs success in helping the Countess resist the

When the PCs have garnered enough successes, the

Countess manages to unfasten her Runefang and
hands it to the PCs. They have to strike her down. This
doesnt kill the Countess, but slays Pyrenzhia. A
horrible, loud scream pierces the air, the roses wither,
and the raining, smouldering ash turns cold. They have
defeated Pyrenzhia. For what happens next see
Victory is Ours! below.

To see how long it takes for Pyrenzhia to possess the

Countess, see the Effect of the Towers table below.
The PCs need to accrue 4 + the number of towers
remaining degrees of success in Fellowship and
Intelligence Tests (depending on the nature of their


Effect of the Bell-Towers

Number of Towers Left

Ashbringers / Profile
Ashbringers / Instability



Normal Profile

+2 Wounds

Normal Instability

From Magical
Weapons only

+2 Wounds
+1 Attack
From Runefang only

Queen for the

first, and
hopefully, last
time. Seeing
her calls for an
Insanity Check.

Pyrenzhia / Instability
From Runefang only From Runefang only
No Instability
white skin is
Time to Corrupt the Countess
16 Rounds
12 Rounds
8 Rounds
adorned with
barely visible
+ 1 to Casting Roll
+2 to Casting Roll
+3 to Casting Roll
+1 Chaos Dice*
+1 Chaos Dice
+2 Chaos Dice
ash-grey sigils
(* Roll an additional 1d10 that does not count to
of foulest blasphemy. A veil composed of small
Casting Roll, but does count for the purpose of
oxidized keys to peoples hearts and desires covers the
Tzeentchs Curse.)
lower part of her face. Above the veil almond eyes
glow like embers. Her hair, black as soot and tied in
Option 2: Pyrenzhia Possesses Emmanuelle
braids, cascades all the way down to her thighs. Long,
gleaming black horns curve back and jingle with
This is a combat version of the previous scene.
festooned jewelry and Slaaneshi symbols. Her silk
Wounded by the Sootstained Prophet, the Countess
gown is revealing and the deepest shade of purple.
flees deeper into the garden. Her wound is not deadly,
Pyrenzhias left hand is a gleaming black pincer while
but she is bleeding heavily. As she disappears into the
her right hand either holds the 13 Runefang or
garden, the Sootstained Prophet follows her.
crackles with magical energies.
Pyrenzhia talks through the Prophet and possesses the
Where is the Countess Runefang? You have two
Pyrenzhia / Profile

Normal Profile

+4 Wounds

+6 Wounds, +1 Attack

options here. It is on the ground still fastened to

Emmanuelles torn gown. Or, it is fastened to
Pyrenzhias back. The PCs need to be in a proper
position, maybe need a distraction, and a successful
Challenging (-10) Strength Test to rip the sword from
her back.

While the Countess is turning into the Daemon-Queen

the PCs are kept busy. Darker than night except for
blasphemous sigils glowing orange Ashbringers step
forth from behind the cherubim (see p.116). Smoke
coils around them. Different from the Ashbringers
they have seen earlier these all seem male.

The Sootstained Prophet is the wild card here (see

p.93). He can fight the PCs alongside his Mistress, in
which case he wields the 13 Runefang. Alternately,
once Pyrenzhia possesses the Countess the Prophet
realizes he has been used. The PCs can try to convert
him to their cause. He may even redeem himself by
sacrificing himself to help the PCs. Third option is for
the Daemon-Queen to thank the Prophet for his
invaluable service by running him through with her
pincer. Disturbingly, the look on the mans face spells
rapture as he dies. The effect of using the 13
Runefang is the same as in the previous scene. This
time however, you need normal combat rolls to hit

Remember, how the Guiding Hand agreed to

Bhakraks ancient Dwarfen ritual? Well, this is the
price the Merchants paid. They are eternally bound in
servitude to Pyrenzhia. The number of male
Ashbringers equals the number of dead Guiding Hand
members. A PC with Witchsight can see these are
newly damned creatures and may even detect
something familiar in their aura. You can just reveal to
the players who the Ashbringers are to highlight the
final price tag on the Merchants greed. If you need to
make the fight more challenging, add normal
Ashbringers as needed.
The Countess leaves a trail of blood that is easy to
follow. It leads the PCs deeper into the garden and to
a small patio. Here they lay eyes on the Daemon-

At the start of the battle Pyrenzhia seems distracted

for a second (maybe loses a half action). She shakes
her head angrily, causing the jewelry on her horns to


jingle. This short distraction is a sign to the PCs that

Upon defeat Pyrenzhia burns to ash with the
Emmanuelle is still there, and she is fighting the
scream of a tortured lover. Her eyes are last to
Daemon-Queen from within (you may need to point
this out to the players). Reaching
Once Pyrenzhia is defeated see
Blood Bringer
out to the Countess requires a
Victory is Ours! below.
full action and a Charm or
Ever Since Alaric the Mad forged the
Intelligence Test (the challenge
Option 3: Pyrenzhia
twelve Runefangs they have served the
level determined by the strength
Possesses the Sootstained
Elector Counts, passing from ruler to ruler
of their message). Success forces
until the present day. Blood Bringer is the
Pyrenzhia to take a Willpower
Runefang of Wissenland and carried by
Test. If she fails, she loses a half
Wounded by the Sootstained
Countess von Liebwitz. During the Age of
Prophet, the Countess flees deep
Three Emperors the Elector Count of
into the garden. Her wound is
Wissenland slayed the Daemon-Queen
Making the Fight Memorable
not deadly, but she is bleeding
with the blade. One would think Pyrenzhia
Here are some suggestions how
heavily. As she disappears into
would want to be nowhere near the
to make the fight more
the garden, the Sootstained
sword. On the contrary, she wants the
cinematic and memorable.
Prophet is wracked by horrible
blade that drew her blood in her
spasms. Blood splatters from his
A blow to the head rips
mouth. The flesh from his left
Pyrenzhias veil apart and
The Runefang is an iconic, incredibly
arm peels away as a black pincer
keys spill across the patio.
powerful sword that exists for the sole
gleaming with blood pushes
purpose of protecting the Empire and its
through. The Prophets horrible
Pyrenzhia addresses the
leaders. Wielding Blood Bringer is not
veiling turns into an orgiastic sigh
PCs with petnames known
something to be taken lightly. As soon as a
as Pyrenzhia forces her way into
only to their lovers.
PC grasps the hilt she feels the mighty will
this world through her earthly
of Blood Bringer enforcing itself upon the
Upon a successful hit she
pulls herself in and kisses
Similar to the previous scene, the
determination dominate the PCs thoughts
the PC. It fills the character
Ashbringers appear to fight the
to the exclusion of everything else. The
with pleasure, even though
PCs. Pyrenzhia, wielding the 13
wielder loses her sense of self as she is
she bites his lips with her
Runefang, goes after the
drawn into this moment with an
sharp teeth.
Countess, speaking to her like in
overwhelming sense of purpose and drive.
the Non-Combat version of this
Upon a successful hit she
Letting go of the blade feels almost like the
scene. Pyrenzhia is not here to
leans in and whispers
PC gives up their lifes purpose. It is
kill the Countess; she wants her
something to the PC. A
something the PC will always remember
to fall for her charms and
failed Willpower Test
and the sense of purpose she had for that
embrace Slaanesh.
means a specific lover from
brief moment is something she yearns to
the characters memories is
experience again for as long as she lives.
Emmanuelle von Liebwitz is a
replaced forever with the
strong woman, but no one is
For the purposes of this battle Blood
image of Pyrenzhia.
strong enough to resist the
Bringer has the following: Hand Weapon
Daemon-Queen infinitely. See
Each hit she takes causes
(Sword); hits ignore all Armour Points;
the Effect of the Towers chart to
her to giggle in delight or
counts as magical weapon against
see how long it takes for
sigh in pleasure.
Daemons; wielder is Fearless. Wielding
Pyrenzhia to corrupt the
Blood Bringer calls for an Insanity Check;
Shadows moan and roses
Countess without the PCs
success yields 1 IP, while a failure results in
whisper honeyed promises
interfering. Engaging her in
2 IPs.
as the fight rages around
battle, or addressing
the garden.
Emmanuelle, definitely counts as interfering.


This version of the final battle sees the PCs fight

Pyrenzhia alongside Countess Emmanuelle von
Liebwitz. No, there are no stats for the Countess.
Everything she does is determined by your narrative.

but she is bleeding heavily. As she disappears into the

garden, both the Sootstained Prophet and Pyrenzhia
follow her. Like previously, the PCs are attacked by the

The fight is a war of wills between Pyrenzhia and

Emmanuelle, and physical between the DaemonQueen and the PCs. Use Making the Fight Memorable
from above.

Resolution is the same as in the previous scene except

this time all three - the Countess, the Sootstained
Prophet, and Pyrenzhia - are present.

Victory is Ours!

The Countess Runefang is fastened to her back. Two

successful Agility Tests are required to unfasten it
(using Strength is the brutal alternative). While a
character is unfastening the sword the Countess has
an exchange with the PC. Depending on whom the PC
is the exchange can be a series of snappy instructions
from the Countess, a charged back-and-forth banter,
or relieved co-operation. Instill a sense of urgency and
take the most out of the roleplaying opportunity.

The Countess collapses to floor, weak from blood loss.

Or, if she was possessed by Pyrenzhia, she reverts
back to herself, unconscious and bleeding from the
13 Runefang wound (and possibly from a wound
where the killing blow struck Pyrenzhia). She is dying
and potent healing is needed to save her.
If a player character is a skilled healer let that player
shine and deduct that there is no time to fetch the
High Priestess of Shallya (if there is no healer, pick a
player). The Countess needs to be rushed to the
Temple of Shallya immediately.

Understandably, you could be uncomfortable with the

idea of a Player Character wielding something as iconic
as a Runefang. In that case, it is probably best that the
Countess wields it. And if the Countess is the one
wielding it, she should probably strike only once - the
killing blow. The fact Emmanuelle is the one to slay
Pyrenzhia makes narrative sense and reflects her
victory over the Daemon-Queen, and Slaanesh, both
physically and mentally.

The idea here is that the PCs carry the Countess out
the Palace through the crowded streets and to the
Temple of Shallya where the High Priestess (with the
help of any healer PCs) saves her. Inside the Palace,
the fight still rages on and no-one pays any attention
to the rescue party. Inventive PCs may think of getting
the Palace guard to escort them. This is fine, just dont
let them dump the Countess on the guard and be
done with it.

However, the Countess is supporting cast to the

triumphs of your players. You dont want to steal the
spotlight away from them. What you can do is let a PC
wield the Runefang. In that case, see the Blood Bringer
sidebar. Or, let the PCs do the heavy lifting and create
an opportunity for the Countess to land the killing
blow. There is an opportunity for self-sacrifice when a
PC takes a vicious hit from the Daemon-Queen. Her
triumph changes into terror as she realizes that the PC
left an opening on purpose to take the hit and allow
the Countess to strike. Of course, it is possible to
defeat Pyrenzhia without using the Runefang at all.

Instead, the PCs exit the Palace and enter the streets.
Because of all the fireworks, burning buildings and
gunpowder the air is full of falling ash and coiling
smoke. Shouts and screams echo down the streets
filled with bodies, broken XIII signs, torn banners, and
pooling blood. Nuln military is getting an upper hand
and pressing the revolutionaries out of the Altestadt.
The revolutionaries are clearly caught fighting a losing

Once Pyrenzhia is defeated see Victory is Ours! below.

The PCs have no other option, but to push through the

mass of soldiers, revolutionaries, and innocent
civilians. Then, someone notices it is the Countess the
PCs are carrying. The word spreads through the crowd
like a ball of lightning.

Option 4: Pyrenzhia Enters Through a Portal

One further variant is that a portal tears open with an
ecstatic scream and Pyrenzhia steps through.
Wounded by the Sootstained Prophet, the Countess
flees deep into the garden. Her wound is not deadly,

With Pyrenzhias presence banished and thus

Slaaneshs gaze averted from Nuln, the image of the



wounded Countess is the jolt needed to snap people

out of their haze. No longer swept up and driven by
their base emotions fighters lower their weapons and
the fighting quiets down. Shouts of the Countess is
wounded and the Countess is dying spread through
the crowd. Without any prompting the crowd divides
and a path opens up to let the PCs through. Worried
faces and crying eyes flank the PCs way to the

The Countess and Nuln

The Countess resumes her duties within a fortnight.
Whether it is because she sees the events that took
place as a bad omen, or the cost of rebuilding required
in Nuln is too much, Countess von Liebwitz puts the
separation plan on hold indefinitely. Cynics and
mudslingers say she, as is her wont, grew bored with
the bureaucracy or was distracted by her next masked
ball. To them this is just another example of her
mercurial nature and reasserts her dumb party girl

Optionally, one final obstacle stands in their way. They

can already see the Temple with the High Priestess
waiting for them at the top of the stairs when
Eustasius Eilhardt, the XIII Agitator and the Prophets
right-hand man steps forth to block their passage. He
The Countess has the image of being a party girl and a
is armed and accompanied by a handful of bloodied
barely competent leader as it is. But taking a closer
revolutionaries. Eilhardt states that he cannot let them
look at what she accomplished here shows why she
pass the Countess must die. Suddenly, it is deadly
has been able to retain her position as an Elector
quiet. Tension is felt thick in the
Countess this long. The recent
If Pyrenzhia Wins
events served the Countess in
This scene is not meant as a
many ways.
Nuln is doomed. The Daemon-Queen takes
combat encounter, but a last gasp
the Countess place and soon the city
The separation process served
of XIII and Pyrenzhias presence.
becomes a cauldron of lascivious behavior
to reveal her allies and enemies
Use it as an opportunity for the
and pursuit for evermore thrilling
among the Elector Counts. Now
PCs to show the masses of Nulners
experiences. Brilliant works of art soon
she knows where she stands
a peaceful solution and a symbolic
become acts of depravity. Nulners are
with each of them. She was
end to the bloodletting. They
caught in a never-ending quest for
able to lure out a traitor
convince Eilhardt to lower his
pleasure; and Slaanesh, lounging on his
amongst her own entourage in
weapon and let them pass. Or, you
velvet throne, laughs. Master Hexensterns
Thyrus Thornroot and
can use it to highlight how Nulners
fear of Nuln becoming the next Mordheim
dismantle a faction grown too
claim back their city and free will.
might actually come true
powerful on her own backyard
Either encouraged by the PCs or
in the Saltpeter Men. Maybe a
on their own initiative the mob
In case Pyrenzhia is defeated, but not
few key political rivals of hers
grabs the Agitator and drags him
before she manages to corrupt the
didnt, unfortunately, survive
to the ground. The path to the
Countess, the PCs have a difficult choice to
the attempt to poison the
temple is clear.
make. If they witnessed the Countess
court. And she saw a dawning
pledging her loyalty to Slaanesh, the PCs
The Countess is carried inside and
revolution crushed without
have to decide what to do with her. Do
a nervous crowd gathers around
having to initiate bloodshed,
they still save the wounded Countess? Do
the temple to wait for a word on
thus inciting even more
they kill her? Do they inform the Witch
her fate. First pale rays of the
rebellious attitude.
Hunters? And if they do, what then? It is a
rising sun touch Nulns rooftops
decision they have to live with the rest of
Perhaps the Countess is just a
when the High Priestess (and any
their lives.
dumb party girl. Then again,
healer PCs) finally appear at the
could it be she is actually a
top of the temple stairs and
to rival a Tzeenchian
announce that the Countess will live. The crowd
Cult Magus and the party girl image is just a deliberate
erupts into cheers. Nuln is saved.


The official version of the events is that the characters
saved the Countess from the revolutionaries and
carried her wounded to the Temple of Shallya. The
attempt to poison the court is put solely on Thyrus
Thornroot. The Saltpeter Men are dismantled and
their duties incorporated into the Gunnery School.
Every detail about Pyrenzhia is kept secret and the PCs
are sworn to secrecy on pain of death.
Publicly, the PCs are celebrated saviours of the
Countess. They are invited to parties and celebrated as
heroes, until someone else comes along to catch the
nobles fancy. They are rewarded with the sootstained
townhouse of one of the dead Guiding Hand
members. The character that got The Look in Chapter
III may end up having a very short, very secret fling
with the Countess.
Finally, to immortalise the characters bravery and
Nulns gratitude, their names are etched on a newly
cast cannon. A year later, on the next Hexensnacht,
the cannon lies abandoned and rusting on some
forgotten battleground, its crew killed in a horrible
misfire. Cold wind sweeps snow from the engraved
plaque, revealing the characters names. In the night
sky, high above the forlorn battle site, the Eye of the
Spinster opens, glowing like an ember

Award the PCs with 200 XP and 1 Fate Point for
defeating Pyrenzhia and saving the Countess.

- The End -


Dramatis Personae


Chapter I

Amadeus Lichtmann

Dazhia the Wise Woman

Career: Lamplighter
Race: Human

Career: Wise Woman

Race: Human (Kislevite)

Main profile

Main profile



30 26 32 30
Secondary Profile
12 3














25 25 25 30
Secondary Profile
12 2

Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire), Consume

Alcohol, Gossip, Haggle, Perception, Outdoor Survival,
Scale Sheer Surface, Speak Language (Reikspiel)














Skills: Academic Knowledge (Spirits), Charm,

Command, Common Knowledge (Kislev), Gossip, Heal,
Magical Sense, Perception, Performer (Storyteller),
Trade (Herbalist), Speak Language (Ungol, Reikspiel)

Talents: Excellent Vision, Flee!, Street Fighting

Armour: Leather Jack
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Cudgel)
Trappings: Lamp Oil, 20 Matches, Storm Lantern,
Tinderbox, 10 Wax Candles, 10 Lamplighter Pole

Talents: Savvy

Amadeus is a recently recruited Lamplighter. Usually

friendly and talkative, Geheimnisnacht makes the
young man more than a little nervous and fidgety. For
the first couple of lamps his hands shake so much he
cant seem to light them. A few encouraging words go
a long way in helping him calm down.

Trappings: Healing Draught, Small Charms, Small

Drum, Kislevite Shawl (Good Quality)

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: None

Dazhia is one of the most well-known and respected

figures in Little Kislev. People flock to her for stories of
Kislev and the old days. A gifted healer, she provides
herbal remedies, healing draughts, protective charms,
and auguries to Nulns Kislevite population. Dazhia is
often found sitting outside her tiny, crammed hut
playing a traditional Kislevite drum. On nights like this
she stays up to placate the spirits and ward her people
against the Ruinous Powers.

Amadeus wears a Lamplighters uniform. He carries a

punch of candles on his back and a lantern in his hand.
A circlet of candles over a leather coif and a
Lamplighters pole complete the outfit.

Although wrinkled and grey-haired her eyes have a

lively sparkle to them. She always wears a traditional
Kislevite shawl around her shoulders.



Father Baer, Thug Gang Leader

Career: Thug
Race: Human

Career: Thug Leader (Reik Lionfish)

Race: Human

Main profile

Main profile



35 30 43 35
Secondary Profile
12 4














40 35 43 35
Secondary Profile
13 4

Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire), Consume

Alcohol, Gamble, Gossip, Intimidate, Perception,
Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Silent Move, Speak
Language (Reikspiel)














Skills: Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire),

Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Gamble, Gossip,
Intimidate, Haggle, Perception, Secret Language
(Thieves Tongue), Silent Move, Shadowing, Speak
Language (Reikspiel)

Talents: Disarm, Lightning Reflexes, Resistance to

Poison, Strike to Stun, Very Strong, Wrestling

Talents: Coolheaded, Disarm, Lightning Reflexes,

Resistance to Poison, Streetwise, Strike to Stun, Very
Strong, Wrestling

Armour: Leather Jack

Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Club)

Armour: Robes
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Dagger

Trappings: Hooded cloak

Rough men who value brawn over brain. Dressed in
dark, dirty clothing. Many attach rusty nails, bones, or
wanted notices to their tunics to intimidate their

Trappings: Robes of a Priest of Morr, Symbol of Morr,

Purse with 34 s
This is not the first time the leader of the Thugs works
for the Reik Lionfish. They have developed quite a
successful operation in Nuln, but the authorities seem
to have caught their scent recently. The Thug Leader is
not worried about the City Watch or afraid of being
sent to the Iron Tower however. What he truly fears, is
letting down his superiors. The City Watch is nothing
compared to the wrath of the Lionfish.
The Thug Leader has disguised himself as a Priest of
Morr. A couple of skulls hang from his belt, and he
wears a symbol of Morr around his neck.


Career: Corsair (Reik Lionfish)
Race: Dark Elf
Main profile


45 44 35 31
Secondary Profile
13 3













Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire, Elves), Dodge

Blow, Gossip, Intimidate, Navigation, Outdoor Survival,
Perception, Row, Sail, Scale Sheer Surface, Search,
Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Speak Language
(Eltharin, Reikspiel), Specialist Weapon Group
(Crossbow), Swim, Torture
Talents: Ambidextrous, Coolheaded, Excellent Vision,
Lightning Reflexes, Menacing, Night Vision, Warrior
Armour: Full Leather Armour, Hooded Sea Dragon
Armour points: Head 2, Arms 1, Body 3, Legs 1
Weapons: Two Hand Weapons, Repeater Crossbow
Trappings: Purse with 1d10 gc, The Persistent Viper
Most men cant tell a difference between a Druchii
and an Asrai. Then again, most men have never even
heard of Dark Elves. Balthanyir doesnt care what any
man thinks. He feels infinitely superior to all
inhabitants of Nuln. And his arrogance is matched only
by his cruelty, which is reflected in his fighting style
patient but ruthless like a wolf on a hunt.
The Reik Lionfish Corsair has dark eyes like a sharks,
ash-grey skin, and his bald head is covered with
ritualistic tattoos.


Chapter II
by himself during a particularly heavy period of

Tychonus Hexenstern
Career: Master Wizard (Astromancer)
Race: Human

Unbeknownst to him, Tychonus had caught the eye of

a few fellow members of the Celestial College even
before his exploits. These men were members of the
Astrologers Guild of Mordheim a secretive order
that had existed since the fall of that thrice-cursed
city. Their duty is to collect lost knowledge and ensure
the legacy of Mordheim is not lost. They are all
devoted Sigmarites who believe their god tests his
followers periodically to strengthen their resolve. They
believe another Twin-tailed Comet, like the one that
destroyed Mordheim, is coming - soon.

Main profile


30 33 31 40
Secondary Profile
14 3













Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic) +10%, Academic

Knowledge (Mordheim, Daemonology), Channeling
+10%, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Gossip,
Magical Sense, Perception, Read/Write, Search, Speak
Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (Classical,

The Astrologers had seen the signs in the night sky

and approached Tychonus. He felt the Guilds beliefs
and goals really resonate with him. After a brief
initiation period was made privy to the Guilds secrets
and then stationed in Nuln. The Guild had seen
obscure signs that something was brewing in that city.

Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Arcane Lore (Heavens),

Fast Hands, Lesser Magic (Aethyric Armour, Blessed
Weapon), Mighty Missile, Petty Magic (Arcane), Savvy,

Tychonus was placed under the mentorship of a fellow

Astromancer and the Countess Chief Advisor on All
Matters Astrological (not a Guild member though).
Soon after he had arrived, Tychonus divined from the
stars an assassination attempt against the Countess.
He raced to the place just in time to stop it, but his
mentor lost his life to the assassins blade. The
thankful Countess appointed Tychonus as her Chief
Advisor and the two had a short fling.

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Dagger, Staff (SB-2, Defensive, Pummeling)
Trappings: Grimoire, Scrolls, Chosen Ingredients
(Tuning Fork, Star Chart), Purse with 40 gc, Writing Kit,
Best Quality Robes, Astrologers Guild of Mordheim
Amulet, Small Spyglass, Tower-Observatory in Nuln

Different omens and divinations have left Tychonus

with a growing sense of some force maneuvering in
the shadows. He contacted Rosalia Schultz, an
outsider to the political backstabbery, and shared his
fears with her. Rosalia had also noticed hints of some
plot. They have investigated the matter since.

Tychonus parents were devoted Sigmarites and they

instilled their beliefs on the young boy at a young age.
Tychonus was discovered by the Colleges at an early
age, but all the training and new knowledge he gained
never made him waiver in his beliefs. He has always
upheld strong Sigmarite values. He is certainly more
religious than most of his fellow Astromancers.

Tychonus has night-sky-blue eyes and a neatly

trimmed goatee. Unlike most Astromancers who wear
midnight blue, Tychonus wears black robes decorated
with astrological symbols visible in the light of the
Moons. He has an astrolabe-like machine on his belt
and there is a weird sextant-orrery apparatus on the
top of his staff.

It was Tychonus strong Sigmarite values and belief in

what the Empire stands for that had him among the
first to volunteer for duty when the Storm of Chaos
broke. He fought in Middenheim where he gained
recognition by taking out a Hellcannon and its crew all


Dung Collectors

Tilean Thugs

Career: Dung Collector

Race: Human

Career: Thug
Race: Human

Main profile

Main profile



28 26 28 40
Secondary Profile
12 2














35 30 43 35
Secondary Profile
12 4

Skills: Animal Care, Common Knowledge (the Empire),

Consume Alcohol, Drive, Haggle, Perception, Search














Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire), Consume

Alcohol, Gamble, Gossip, Intimidate, Perception,
Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Silent Move, Speak
Language (Reikspiel)

Talents: Coolheaded, Resistance to Disease

Armour: Leather Jack
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Knuckle-dusters, Hand Weapon (Club)

Talents: Disarm, Lightning Reflexes, Resistance to

Poison, Strike to Stun, Very Strong, Wrestling

Trappings: Cart, Shovel, Bag of Maggots, Dung

Armour: Leather Jack

Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Club)

You could say Dung Collectors are the bravest people

in Nuln. You could also say they are the most
disgusting. Either ways, these waste disposal
professionals serve an important role; keeping the
streets clean of offal they help stop the spread of
diseases and rat infestations.

Trappings: Hooded cloak

The only thing that sets them apart from their Imperial
colleagues is better taste in dirt-caked clothes.

The filthy job consists mainly of pushing their cart

from one steaming pile to the next and shovelling the
dung. Unsurprisingly, they are all dirty and stinking
individuals who tend to live outside the city walls.
Nulner Dung Collectors have it better than their
colleagues in other Imperial cities as they can sell most
of their produce to the Saltpeter Men.


Benito Corlusbeni, the Tilean Racketeer

XIII Revolutionaries

Career: Racketeer
Race: Human (Tilean)

Career: Labourer
Race: Human

Main profile

Main profile



45 40 40 35
Secondary Profile















32 28 41 31
Secondary Profile
12 4













Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire),

Concealment, Drive, Gamble, Gossip, Perception,
Secret Language (Guild Tongue, XIII), Speak Language
(Reikspiel), Silent Move, Trade (Gunsmith or

Skills: Command, Common Knowledge (Tilea),

Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Evaluate, Gamble
+10%, Gossip, Intimidate, Haggle, Perception,
Shadowing, Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Speak
Language (Tilean, Reikspiel)

Talents: Flee!, Very Strong, Savvy, Streetwise

Talents: Coolheaded, Disarm, Menacing, Streetwise,

Streetfighting, Strike to Stun, Wrestling

Armour: Leather Jerkin

Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Cudgel)

Armour: Leather Jerkin

Armour points: Head 0, Arms, 0, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Rapier (SB -1, Fast), Knuckle-dusters (Rings)

Trappings: Trade Tools, Sturdy Set of Clothing, 1d10 gc

(confiscated from a Burgher)

Trappings: A Mismatch of Good Quality Tilean

Clothing, Cheap Jewellery, 12 gc, 8 s

These hardworking men and women toil at the

foundries under horrible working conditions. The pay
is relatively good, so there is always a supply of new
workers. They are dirty folk covered in sweat and
grime; their aprons and tunics are stained with soot
and blood. But they are also tough folk, proud of every
single stain.

Corlusbeni is a minor crime boss in Nuln. Several years

ago, he and his men had to flee Tilea to avoid the
authorities. Eventually, they ended up settling in Nuln.
The metropolitan city had at least some style
compared to the complete lack thereof elsewhere in
this Empire of uncouth barbarians.

The Sootstained Prophet represents hope and

freedom from the tyranny of the Merchant class to
these people. They are simple people who have had
enough and want to affect change. They are
mesmerised by the strong personal charisma of their
enigmatic leader who can, in their eyes, do no wrong.

Corlusbeni decided to carve himself a territory in Nuln.

Intense competition and violent clashed with other
gangs meant the business was slow, until he stumbled
on a great idea: he would take over the lucrative dung
collection business. All he has to do is to frighten the
meek, disgusting Dung Collectors to submit under his
Corlusbeni enjoys the good life, namely wine,
gambling, and ladies of the night. He is round-faced
and slightly overweight. He wears Tilean fashions,
favours large hats, and speaks with an almost
caricaturish Tilean accent.


Being touched by the Slaaneshi Daemon-queen, the

Prophet received her blessings. He is a very, very
charismatic leader and people are attracted to him like
moths to a flame. He is a powerful speaker and driven
by an undeniable sense of purpose. And that purpose
is to strike against the venal and greedy Merchant
class. Of course, no-one knows - not even the Prophet
himself - that Pyrenzhia has plans for the young man
(She has no direct control over him, but affects him
through dreams and visions).

The Sootstained Prophet

Career: Leader of XIII, Chosen of DAEMON (ProphetDemagogue)
Race: Human
Main profile


55 45 35 50
Secondary Profile
16 3













The Sootstained Prophet is surprisingly soft-spoken

and quiet. But when he does talk or take action, its
like he is driven by an inner fire that will burn down
everything in its way. The youngsters face features
severe scars from the explosion, but his eyes burn
with determination and desire. He is dressed in a
combination of workers clothes, a scarf, and brown
hooded cloak. His burnt hands are wrapped in
sootstained bandages. He carries a simple wooden
sword the 13 Runefang. The blade is blackened by
fire and engraved with images. The Prophet thinks he
does the engraving, but never remembers doing so.
Whatever the case, the images seem to guide him like
some esoteric auguries.

Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire), Blather,

Charm +20%, Command +20%, Disguise, Dodge Blow,
Gossip, Intimidate, Magical Sense, Outdoor Survival,
Perception, Read/Write, Speak Language (Reikspiel),
Trade (Gunsmith, Weaponsmith)
Talents: Streetwise, Master Orator, Public Speaking,
Street Fighting
Armour: Robes
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: The 13 Runefang (Hand Weapon, Fast,
Armour Piercing)
Trappings: Brown Robes, XIII, Ruined Foundry

The Sootstained Prophet. Fireborn. The 13 Runefang.

The young leader of the XIII is known by many names.
Just a year ago he was only a young, inexperienced
apprentice working on the Land Ship project at the
Geldman & Zachs foundry. On that fateful day they
were doing a trial run and, once again, the steam
engine broke down. Being agile and lean, he was
ordered to climb up the scaffolding to see what had
gone wrong. Without any warning the boiler exploded
in a massive fireball. Dozen men died instantly and
another twenty suffered horrible burns.
In a way, you could say the young apprentice died as
well. No one remembers his name. It is like he ceased
to be; and the Sootstained Prophet was born. Maybe
the stars were aligned just right; or maybe it was the
work being done on the Great Equation; or perhaps it
was destiny. The fact is, the young man was saved,
and transformed, by Pyrenzhias will. She shielded the
young man and gave him new breath. She made him
the Fireborn.


recipes and other trade secrets and serves as a badge

of office.

The Saltpeter Men

Career: Saltpeter Man
Race: Human

The Saltpeter Men Pyromancer

Main profile


45 45 40 40
Secondary Profile
14 4













Career: Bright Wizard-Alchemist

Race: Human
Main profile


30 30 29 35
Secondary Profile

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Gunpowder), Common

Knowledge (the Empire), Concealment, Intimidate,
Gossip, Perception, Read/Write, Ride, Search, Secret
Language (Guild Tongue), Secret Signs (Saltpeter
Men), Shadowing, Silent Move, Trade (Gunpowder)













Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic, Gunpowder),

Channeling, Common Knowledge (the Empire),
Intimidate, Gossip, Magical Sense, Perception,
Read/Write, Search, Secret Signs (Saltpeter Men),
Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language

Talents: Master Gunner, Specialist Weapon Group

(Gunpowder), Strike to Injure, Sure shot
Armour: Leather Jack
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Sword), Pistol (10 shots),

Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Arcane Lore (Fire), Fast

Hands, Petty Magic (Arcane), Savvy

Trappings: Black Tunic and Hood, Trade Tools

(Gunpowder), Purse with 1d10+2 gc, Copy of Liber

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Dagger

The Storm of Chaos meant the Emperors armies

needed more guns and Nuln was more than happy to
provide them. Once the war was over, the city found
itself one of the winners of the war, having gained a
fortune on building steam tanks, cannons, and volleyguns.

Trappings: Copy of Liber Ignium, Grimoire, Ingredients

(Ball of Sulphur, 3 Matches), Purse with 3d10+5 gc,
Trade Tools (Alchemist, Gunpowder), Writing Kit
The key to power for the Saltpeter Men is their
knowledge and expertise in the esoteric secrets of
making gunpowder. These secrets are collected in
Liber Ignium, a book each Saltpeter Man carries with
him. This knowledge is advanced and expanded by
Wizard-Alchemists in the employ of the organization.
These three Bright Wizards all rank high within the
unstructured hierarchy of the Saltpeter Men.

All this meant gunpowder had become the lifes blood

for Nuln. And with it, the Saltpeter Men had suddenly
become a very powerful and influential group.
Unscrupulous and corrupt even before the war, they
are now akin to a secret police with very little
limitations to their power. And the Saltpeter Men do
not shy away from exploiting that power.

The Wizards have basically cut off all their connections

with their Order, which doesnt please their masters in
Altdorf. Accordingly, unlike their former brothers, the
Wizard-Alchemists wear black robes in lieu of their
current employer.

The Saltpeter Men are all dressed in simple black (the

colour of Nuln) tunics and hoods. They are armed with
swords and pistols. Additionally, as a badge of office,
each Saltpeter Man has a book chained to his belt
called Liber Ignium. It is a collection of gunpowder


Thin and worn, Hausdorff is an exhausted and broken

man. Delving too deeply into the mysteries of the
Great Equation gained him a mutation a writhing
mass of purple-blue tentacles where his left hand used
to be.

Professor Hausdorff
Career: Professor of Mathematics (Scholar, exEngineer)
Race: Human (Mutant)
Main profile


23 22 29 25
Secondary Profile













Skills: Academic Knowledge (Engineering, Science)

+20%, Common Knowledge (the Empire, Dwarfs),
Charm, Gossip, Perception, Read/Write, Search, Speak
Language (Classical, Reikspiel), Trade (Gunsmith)
Talents: Coolheaded, Etiquette, Public Speaking,
Savvy, Super Numerate, Specialist Weapon Group
Mutation: Tentacle-like arm (left arm) - +5% to
Grabble Tests.
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: None
Trappings: Engineering College Tunic, Spectacles,
Writing Kit, Charcoal Sticks, Scroll case with Scribbled
Notes, Mathematics Department
The Professor of Mathematics at the Nuln School of
Engineering. His fate is a tragic one. First, he was
manipulated by the Guiding Hand into lobbying and
building the six bell towers. Then, he was seduced by
the Great Equation introduced to him by Bhakrak the
Blackened. The mathematical conundrum became his
obsession to the extent it engulfed his whole life. He
became a recluse who shut himself in the
Mathematics Department, meeting only an inner circle
of his most gifted students.
Finally, Bhakrak solved the Equation with the help of
the Professor. The Dawi Zharr Sorcerer performed a
ritual with the professor and his students present, and
unknowingly started the process that will free
Pyrenzhia. Ashbringers, Daemonettes bound to
Pyrenzhias will, appeared and slew the students. The
Professor fled back to his tower.


Chapter III

Aleksandra Korikovna

Marienne Mithaliel

Career: Ice Witch (Ambassador)

Race: Human (Kislevite)

Career: Envoy
Race: Elf

Main profile

Main profile



35 30 31 45
Secondary Profile
15 3














37 42 33 26
Secondary Profile
13 3

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Channeling,

Command, Common Knowledge (Kislev, the Empire),
Magical Sense, Perception, Read/Write, Speak Arcane
Language (Magick), Speak Language (Kislevarin,














Skills: Charm, Common Knowledge (the Empire, Elves),

Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Perception, Read/Write,
Secret Language (Guild tongue), Speak Language
(Reikspiel, Eltharin), Silent Move, Trade (Merchant)
Talents: Dealmaker

Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Fast Hands, Lesser

Magic (Aethyric Armour, Blessed Weapon),
Meditation, Petty Magic (Ice), Witch Lore (Ice)*
*See Realm of the Ice Queen (If you dont have access
to it use Fire Lore and change descriptions)

Armour: Leather Jack

Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Elven Sword), Dagger
Trappings: Good Quality Elven Clothes, Purse with 20
gc, Writing Kit, Copies of Trade Agreements

Armour: Enchanted Robes

Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 1
Weapons: Dagger

Marienne, a relatively young Elf, has lived most of her

life in Nulns Elven Quarter. She is probably as
accustomed to dealing with Humans as Elves get. Still,
she can appear well accustomed one minute to seem
utterly alien and incomprehensible the next.

Trappings: Best Quality Winter Clothing, Mansion,

Access to 1500 gc of Wealth
Aleksandra Korikovna is an Ambassador to the Ice
Queen of Kislev in Nuln. Aleksandra is also an Ice
Witch. She is a tall, beautiful woman whose blond
almost white - hair sparkles like it was full of tiny flecks
of ice. Her piercing blue eyes and arched eyebrows
give her a stern look. She comes off as a cold and
distant person who is very courteous, but lacks any
real warmth and friendliness.

She is well-known among the citys Merchants and

Burghers, having brokered deals with them many
times. She has even met the Countess once, albeit
very briefly (She complimented her dress). Recently,
the Elves of Nuln have noticed more tension in their
dealings with the Humans.
Mariennes exotic Elven looks get her a lot of attention
in Nuln. She has long, black hair tied in fine braids, and
her almond shaped green eyes sparkle with almost
childlike curiosity.


Immediately when Wolfgang learned of the

opportunity to buy a damaged, unfinished Land Ship
he felt that was his vessel. The truth is, he knew the
Reik like the back of his hands and had been looking
for new challenges, new adventures to embark upon,
for some time. He paid a down payment to the
Merchants and named the ship the Emmanuelle. As
luck would have it, and Wolfgang is a strong believer
in luck, he ran into Urgrim and convinced the Dwarf to
repair the ships steam engine. He had a ship and a
crew. Now he needed somewhere to go

Captain Wolfgang Wolf Glaubrecht

Career: Land Ship Captain (ex-Smuggler, ex-Mate)
Race: Human
Main profile


50 42 40 40
Secondary Profile
16 4













Although, Wolfgang is an outspoken and social person,

he keeps his true feelings to himself and finds it
difficult to talk about personal matters. He can also be
quite prideful, bordering on stubborn, at times.

Skills: Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (the

Empire, the Reik, Criminal organisations), Dodge Blow,
Drive (Land Ship) +20%, Evaluate, Gossip, Navigation,
Perception, Read/Write, Row, Sail, Secret Language
(Thieves tongue), Search, Silent Move, Swim, Trade

Wolfgang wears a long dark green leather jacket over

a dark blue, embroided doublet. Several belts
crisscross across his chest and hold ammo pouches, a
spyglass, powder horns, and prayer ribbons. His
custom made pistol looks like a yawning fish. A
Mananite prayer is engraved on his blade.

Talents: Dealmaker, Orientation, Seasoned Traveller,

Specialist Weapon (Gunpowder), Suave
Armour: Leather Jack
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 1
Weapons: Hand Weapon, Dagger, Custom Pistol with
10 Shots (SB 5; Range 4/8; Impact, Unreliable)

Urgrim Fireforge
Career: Engineer (ex-Miner)
Race: Dwarf

Trappings: Spyglass, the Emmanuelle + crew,

Moneybox with 68 gc, Several Road and River Maps

Main profile

Ruggedly handsome, witty with self-deprecating sense

of humour, Wolfgang is the quintessential courteous
rogue. Son of a river-boatman, Wolf has lived and
worked on boats for as long as he can remember. In
his twenties he tried his hand at smuggling, and was
relatively good at it. This is when he was able to forge
friendships and connections to the underworld around
Wissenland and Reikland (He has heard of the Reik
Lionfish, but hasnt luckily crossed paths with
them.) In the end, run-ins with the law and the
constant fear of being stabbed in the back convinced
him to quit the life of crime.


49 53 38 46
Secondary Profile
17 3













Skills: Academic Knowledge (Engineering, Science),

Common Knowledge (the Reik, Dwarfs), Drive (Land
Ship), Perception, Read/Write, Scale Sheer Surface,
Speak Language (Khazalid, Reikspiel), Trade (Steam
Engines (Int)) +10%, Trade (Miner)
Talents: Orientation, Master Gunner, Specialist
Weapon (Engineer), Very Resilient

Wolfgang continued to work on river barges as a First

Mate and later as a Captain. He made profitable runs
to both Marienburg and Tilea, until he had enough
money to afford a ship of his own. On one of these
journeys he found Hrug the Ogre standing on a rock in
the middle of the Reik. It turned out he found a friend
in the hulking brute, and they have travelled together
ever since.

Armour: Leather Jerkin, Sleeved Mail Shirt, Leather

Armour points: Head 1, Arms 3, Body 3, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Large Wrench)


Trappings: Engineers Kit, 6 Iron Spikes, Misc. Cogs and

Gears, Toolbelt, Goggles

Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow

Armour: Belly-plate
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 3, Legs 0
Weapons: Leadbelcher Cannon (Experimental; Impact
and Slow in melee)
Note: WFRP doesnt really feature rules for shooting
people with cannons. It is a weapon best served by
narrative description of the damage. However, there
are times when you need some mechanics. For the
purposes of shooting at NPCs a failed Agility Test
means death. Against buildings and vehicles it always
attacks with Strength 12 and Reload 6. Attacks against
named NPCs should always have a narrative

Urgrim hails from Karak Hirn. He toiled as a Miner until

he decided to pursue his true passion in engineering.
Wissenlanders mine in the mountains as well, and
Urgrim often came to contact with Human Miners and
got along with them rather well. He has always had a
knack for tinkering with mechanical apparatus and he
was often asked to fix this or that in the Human
settlement. Eventually, he came to see himself as an
older brother like figure to the fumbling young ones.
Urgrim doesnt talk what the incident was that drove
him to leave his brethren and travel down to the
Human lands. He travelled around, doing odd
engineering jobs here and there, until he ran into
Captain Glaubrecht. The Dwarf saved Wolfgang from a
severe beating in the hands of rivals and they have
been partnered ever since. The enterprising Captain
had learned of a new business opportunity and he
convinced the Engineer to join. The temptation to get
something as ambitious and crazy as a Land Ship to
work was too difficult to resist. And he has become a
whiz in interpreting the machines quirks. Glaubrecht
trusts Urgrim completely and regards him as a father
figure of sorts.

Like all his kind, Hrug is an imposing figure. He is big

and burly, with brutish features. His long, black, greasy
hair is tied in a ponytail. A large round shield with a
grinning face is tied with leather straps around his
waist. It serves as armour, protecting the Ogres belly its most vital body part.
A lifelong Mercenary, Hrug has fought in many battles
across the Old World. Once, a battle on the Reik found
the Ogre the lone survivor and stranded on a small
rock in the middle of the river. Captain Glaubrecht
came upon the hapless creature (he cant swim) and
saved Hrug from its predicament. The Ogre has been
his loyal bodyguard and crewmember ever since.
Glaubrecht suspects Hrug feels he owes some kind of
a life debt to him, but the beasts short grunts dont
shed much light on the matter.

Urgrims grey-streaked beard is often tucked under his

belt for safety reason. A pair of goggles is lifted up on
his forehead. His hands are perpetually dirty with soot
and grease.


Hrug is fiercely protective of every crew member of

the Emmanuelle. His days consist mainly of carrying
things around or eating them.

Career: Mercenary
Race: Ogre
Main profile


35 29 47 45
Secondary Profile
24 4













Skills: Common Knowledge (Ogres), Consume Alcohol,

Gamble, Perception, Search, Speak Language
(Grumbarth, Reikspiel)
Talents: Disarm, Fearless, Frightening, Specialist
Weapon Group (Two-handed; Engineering), Street


The Emmanuelle

Land Ship Hit Locations

Vehicle: Marienburg Class Land Ship

Roll a 1d10 to determine a hit location for any ranged

or magic attack made against a moving Land Ship.

Land Ship Stats




1-3 Exposed Crew Member

4-8 Hull
9-10 Steam Engine
Every time the pilot makes a maneuver other than
slowing down or going straight ahead, he must use a
half action to make a Drive (Land Ship) Test (the
situation can call for modifiers). If he fails, everyone on
board must make an Agility Test to keep their feet. A
failed Agility Test means they have lost their balance
and must use a half action to regain their balance.

The front wheels have 12 Wounds and the rear wheels

have 20 Wounds. Once a wheel is lost the Land Ship
comes to a halt. The Pilot must make a Drive (Land
Ship) Test. If he fails by three degrees or more, see the
Land Ship Calamity Chart below.
The Land Ship can hold 15.000 units of Encumbrance.
It needs only a crew of 3 to move and can carry up 20

If the Land Ship is moving fast, or maneuvering, each

round a character would spend a half action to move,
the character must make an Agility Test with the
difficulty determined by circumstances. Failure results
in the character losing his balance and falling down.

There are two cabins; one in the aft castle and one in
the forecastle. The Captains cabin is located in the aft
castle. Wolfgangs room is in a perpetual state of
organized chaos. Tables are covered with road and
river maps. Lists of Toll-keepers and bribery sums are
nailed to the walls. There is also a rather extensive
collection of Tilean Red Wines (Wolfgang has a story
for each one). The other cabin is reserved for

If a character is near the edge of the vessel when

losing his balance, he must make a Strength Test or
fall over the edge. The character falls and takes the
appropriate damage based on distance fallen (see
Jumping and Falling WFRP p. 138 for details),
causing +1 Wound for falling off a moving vehicle.
These rules are modified from Vehicle Combat Rules in
Old World Armoury. Remember, you dont want to
turn combats into test fests excitement and narrative
needs should always come first!

The crew sleeps in the cargo hold. The galley is also

located under the deck. Large section of the cargo
hold is reserved for coal to feed the steam engine.
Land Ship Combat

The Land Ship Calamity Chart

Every time the Steam Engine takes damage or the pilot
fails a Drive (Land Ship) Test by three degrees or
more, the Steam Engine operator (Urgrim gets +20%)
must take an Intelligence Test: A failure means a roll
in the chart below.

Heavy Blunderbuss mounted to the prow

Dam: 5; Range 16/-; Reload 3 Full; Shrapnel, Unreliable
2 Pintel-mounted Blunderbusses to each side
Dam: 3; Range 16/-; Reload 3 Full; Shrapnel, Unreliable

1 Abandon Ship! With an appalling cracking sound,

the main axles snap, spars shatter and the wheels are
crushed, dumping the ship unceremoniously to the
ground in an almighty crash. The Land Ship is
grounded, takes 3d10 Damage, and requires several
days worth of repairs. Everyone on board must
succeed in a Strength Test or take Falling Damage.

Additionally, Hrug carries a Leadbelcher Cannon (see

Hrug above).
Ramming: A failure in an Agility Test to Dodge the
ramming ship results in a nasty, graphic end. Ramming
a vehicle at full speed requires a successful Drive
(Land Ship) Test and causes 20 +1d10 Damage, and
the Ship itself suffers 10+1d10 Damage.


2-5 Arrrrgh! The boiler backfires, sending the Land

Ship hurtling forward. The ship suffers 2d10 Wounds.

Sailors all over the Old World believe spirits
called Kaboutermannekes dwell in ships
figureheads. Kaboutermanneke is supposed
to guard the ship from sickness, rocks,
storms, and dangerous winds.

6-9 All hands to the Wheel! The Land Ship slews

perilously out of control. Roll a 1d10: 1-3 the Ship
swerves left; 4-6 it swerves right, 7-8 it makes a
sudden u-turn, 9-10 the crew manages to drop the
emergency anchor and the ship stops. If it hits
something the Ship takes damage based on what it hit.

When a ship sinks its Kaboutermanneke

guids the sailors' souls to the Garden of
Morr. To sink without a Kaboutermanneke
condemns the sailors souls to haunt the sea

10 Boom! Between the over-pressurised boiler

exploding and the powder magazine detonating, the
Land Ship makes a spectacular fireball. Everyone
aboard takes a Damage 6 Hit, a successful Agility Test
reduces it to Strength 3 Hit. The Ship takes 5d10
Damage and requires days of repair.

Sometimes, when they have dropped the

anchor and everyone is asleep, Wolf grabs
a bottle of Tilean Red and goes down to
discuss his feelings and concerns with the
ships figurehead.

This table is based on the chart in Tamurkhan: Throne

of Chaos by Forge World.
Repairing damage: As a general rule it takes 1 gc to fix
1 Wound. It takes 1 day to fix 5 Wounds.


Chapter IV

Rosalia Schultz

Oswald von Brunkhorst

Career: Barrister
Race: Human

Career: Noble Lord

Race: Human

Main profile

Main profile



26 24 26 29
Secondary Profile
12 2















40 31 31 29
Secondary Profile
11 3













Skills: Academic Knowledge (Law) +20%, Academic

Knowledge (Heraldry), Charm, Common Knowledge
(the Empire), Gossip, Perception, Read/Write, Secret
Language (Guild tongue), Speak Language (Reikspiel),

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Heraldry), Charm,

Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire),
Consume Alcohol, Gossip, Perception, Read/Write,
Ride, Speak Language (Reikspiel, Khazalid)

Talents: Dealmaker, Etiquette, Public Speaking, Suave

Talents: Coolheaded, Etiquette, Public Speaking,

Savvy, Specialist Weapon (Fencing)

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Dagger

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: None

Trappings: Excellent Quality Clothing (Barrister), Good

Quality Travelling Clothes, Purse with 100 gc in coins
and gems, Writing Kit, Several Books and Scroll Cases
full of Legal Documents, Symbol of Verena

Trappings: Best Quality Clothes, the mansion and

everything in it
Oswald von Brunkhorst is a portly man whose family
has made its fortune mining silver. He has a tendency
to speak more loudly than the situation calls for and
hes rather blunt with his words. Von Brunkhorsts thin
hair, and scanty beard might give him slightly scruffy
look, but his cold, cruel eyes betray the shrewd
opportunist inside. Von Brunkhorst is dressed in
expensive, frilled Bretonnian silks. He knows there is a
threat against his life but doesnt take it seriously. He
is a connoisseur of pornographic woodcuts.

Rosalia Schultz - the first woman to graduate from

Nulns College of Barristers. She is trusted by the
Countess herself with masterminding the legalities of
Nulns separation from Wissenland. In the eyes of
many she is a living, walking scandal and bad tongues
hint at collusion with the Ruinous Powers.
The Countess assigned Rosalia to her current task from
the College of Barristers where she was a professor. It
is a tremendous honour, which also earned her whole
new slew of enemies. Emmanuelle seems to have full
faith in her abilities however.
Rosalia is a stylish woman, always meticulously
groomed and dressed in the finest. But her true allure
comes from an aura of resolute belief in herself and
her abilities. She is refined, but not in a self-absorbed
way. At times, she can be a little haughty.


Angelica Rhomberg

Hugo Haefner

Career: Dilettante / Cultist of Slaanesh

Race: Human

Career: Artisan (Woodcarver)

Race: Human

Main profile

Main profile



28 26 26 30
Secondary Profile
11 2














29 28 26 32
Secondary Profile
11 2

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Arts, Daemonology),

Blather, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Gossip,
Perception, Read/Write, Secret Language (Cultist),
Speak Language (Reikspiel, Kislevite), Trade (Artist)














Skills: Animal Care, Charm, Common Knowledge (the

Empire), Drive, Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Perception,
Read/Write, Secret Language (Guild Tongue, Thieves
Tongue), Speak Language (Reikspiel), Trade
(Woodcarving) +20%

Talents: Etiquette, Keen Senses, Resistance to Poison

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Dagger with a wavy blade

Talents: Dealmaker, Savvy

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Improvised Weapon (walking stick, SB-4)

Trappings: Good Quality Blue Gown, Jewellery worth

25 gc, Small Vial of Aphrodisiac, Invitation to the Party

Trappings: Simple Tunic, Trade Tools

Daughter of an up and coming Wissenburg Burgher

Angelica Rhomberg is invited to parties like the one
tonight all the time. It was in one of those that an
alluring woman approached the bored Dilettante and
introduced her to a whole new world of sensations
and temptations. She has been a Slaaneshi Cultist ever

Hugo Haefner is a well-known and respected Artisan in

Wissenburg. His skill in carving wood is legendary and
sought after. Besides his usual orders Hugo also caters
to a small, chosen clientele with a taste in
pornographic woodcuts. These are, of course, illegal.
So, that side of his business is very hush-hush, and
very lucrative.

The Cult Magus appreciated her easy access to high

society events and quickly noticed the girls knack for
recruiting new members. Angelica quickly became a
honeytrap for the Keepers of the Velvet Throne.
Tonight, she is here to recruit new members. The cult
has had its eye on von Brunkhorst for some time. And
interesting rumours persist of a certain collection of
art in his basement.

Von Brunkhorst decided not to pay for a set of

woodcuts featuring Countess Emmanuelle. Haefner is
here to get his money.
Hugo is bent like a gnarled tree. His white hair is
thinning fast and his right eye is blind.

Angelica is a striking young woman with cascading

blond hair and warm, inviting brown eyes. Excessive
use of illegal substance is clearly starting to leave its
mark though. The blue gown she wears for the party
compliments her voluptuous figure quite nicely.


Dora, Hugo Haefners Daughter

Druchii Assassin

Career: Entertainer
Race: Human

Career: Assassin (Reik Lionfish)

Race: Dark Elf

Main profile

Main profile



29 39 26 30
Secondary Profile
11 2















55 54 40 36
Secondary Profile
16 4













Skills: Concealment, Common Knowledge (the Empire,

Elves), Disguise, Dodge Blow, Gossip, Intimidate,
Outdoor Survival, Perception, Row, Shadowing, Silent
Move, Scale Sheer Surface, Search, Secret Language
(Thieves Tongue), Speak Language (Eltharin,
Reikspiel), Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow),
Swim, Torture

Skills: Animal Care, Charm, Common Knowledge (the

Empire), Evaluate, Gossip, Perception, Performer
(Dancer, Knife thrower), Sleight of Hand, Speak
Language (Reikspiel)
Talents: Flee!, Quick Draw, Contortionist,
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Throwing Knives (4)

Talents: Ambidextrous, Coolheaded, Excellent Vision,

Lightning Parry, Lightning Reflexes, Night Vision,
Resistance to Poison

Trappings: Blue Dancers Outfit, Wooden Castanets

Armour: Full Leather Armour, Hooded Sea Dragon

Armour points: Head 2, Arms 1, Body 3, Legs 1
Weapons: Two Hand Weapons, Repeater Crossbow

Hugo Haefners daughter is not half the dancer that

she is a knife-thrower. Nevertheless, Dora is a
passionate performer. The pockmarked girl is here to
help her father get his money.

Trappings: Note with Rosalias Picture, Vial of Black

She is a typical Druchii with pale skin, cruel features,
and unforgiving eyes.


Thyrus learned an important lesson in Wolfenburg:

you cannot trust anyone but yourself. After the war,
he ended up in Nuln and found work with the
Saltpeter Men. He found himself right at home with
the organisations internal politics and power plays.
There was no real hierarchy or structure, so you could
carve yourself a strong position by siding with the right
people and knowing when to stab them in the back.

Thyrus Thornroot
Career: Leader of the Saltpeter Men, Poisoner, Food
Race: Halfling
Main profile


37 49 31 45
Secondary Profile












The war brought Nuln wealth and gunpowder became

a valuable resource. The Saltpeter Men were suddenly
a very powerful and influential group. Unscrupulous
and corrupt even before the war, they are now akin to
a secret police with very little limitations to their


Skills: Academic Knowledge (Gunpowder),

Concealment, Common Knowledge (the Empire),
Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Evaluate, Follow Trail,
Gossip +20%, Intimidate, Outdoor Survival, Perception,
Prepare Poison +20%, Read/Write, Shadowing, Silent
Move, Search, Secret Language (Guild Tongue), Secret
Signs (Saltpeter Men), Speak Language (Reikspiel),
Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow), Silent Move,
Trade (Gunpowder), Trade (Poisoner) +20%

Thornroot and the three Wizard-Alchemists agreed

that more structure was needed and took over the
organisation. It was suggested that Thornroot would
take up a position as the Countess personal food
taster a position with regular openings. This way he
would be privy to important information and the
workings of court politics.

Talents: Master Gunner, Resistance to Disease,

Resistance to Poison, Resistance to Chaos, Schemer,
Sixth Sense, Specialist Weapon Group (Gunpowder),
Strike to Injure, Tunnel Rat, Very Resilient

But like Thyrus had learned only trust yourself. Using

favours and threats he recruited a network Halfling
servants and cooks to provide him with rumours and
gossip. Soon, he found himself as the de facto ruler of
the Saltpeter Men. The more the Halfling gets
immersed in these cloak-and-dagger games the more
he feels alive and influential, and the more power he

Armour: Leather Jack

Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Pistol (10 Shots), Dagger (Poisoned w/Black

Thyrus Thornroot is unusually skinny and sinewy for a

Halfling. He has attentive eyes. He wears a simple, but
expensive black doublet, a gift from the Countess.

Trappings: Amulet of Thrice-Blessed Copper (+20%

Resist Poison, -1 to all Damage received), Copy of Liber
Ignium, Vial of Black Lotus, Vial of Powdered Emerald
(20% chance to neutralize poisons), Simple Black
Doublet (Best Quality, gift from the Countess), Homing
In the aftermath of the Storm of Chaos Thyrus
Thornroot braved the ruins of Wolfenburg as a
member of a special group of Halfling and Dwarfs
assigned with clearing Mutants and other Chaos
creatures from the ruins too big for men to enter. He
played a lethal game of cat and mouse with horrible
things in hazardous places but managed to survive.
Still, the things he saw during those dark and bloody
days haunt him to this day.


You see, Samael is deeply, hopelessly in love with

Emmanuelle von Liebwitz. He knows his love is
unrequited and there is no realistic chance they would
end up together she doesnt even know who he is but he continues to hope against all hope.

Samael Mortengeist
Career: Journeyman Wizard (Shadowmancer)
Race: Human
Main profile


26 31 26 31
Secondary Profile
13 2













Mortengeist has continued to patrol Wissenland,

seeking Chaos cults and occasionally assisting Witch
Hunters. He knows Rosalia Schultz from way back
before the war. So, when she contacted him and
shared her suspicions, he immediately offered to help
(to protect the Countess). Samael does not know
about Hexensterns involvement, and vice versa.

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Channeling,

Common Knowledge (the Empire), Gossip, Magical
Sense, Perception, Read/Write, Search, Shadowing,
Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language
(Classical, Reikspiel)

The Shadowmancer wears grey robes and a

voluminous cloak. A deep hood and a dark grey scarf
cover his face. He is lean and accustomed to the
hardships of travel. Light seems uncomfortable in the
Shadowmancers presence. Candles flicker, lanterns
dim and fires burn low when he is around.

Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Arcane Lore (Shadow),

Lesser Magic (Aethyric Armour), Mighty Missile, Petty
Magic (Arcane), Sixth Sense

Samael is rather introverted and seems to carry the

weight of the world on his shoulders. He carries a
locket with a small relief of the Countess with him at
all times.

Arcane Mark - Flicker: Light seems uncomfortable in
the Shadowmancers presence. Candles flicker,
lanterns dim and fires burn low when he is around.
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Sword), Dagger,
Quarterstaff (SB-2, Defensive, Pummeling)
Trappings: Sturdy Common Quality Cloak and Robes,
Purse with 20 gc, Writing Kit, Notebook, Locket
Brunt of the fighting during the last conflict was done
in the North. But tendrils of war reach far and wide. A
covert war between Shadowmancers and Chaos
Cultists was fought as far South as Altdorf and Nuln.
For Samael Mortengeist the war was fought in the
hidden lairs and dark back alleys of Nuln and
Wissenburg against the agents of the Ruinous Powers.
After the war was over, he was invited, along with
other veterans, to the Grand Palace where the
Countess herself extended them the citys gratitude
for their sacrifice. For Samael that duty had been even
more personal.


Chapter V

Otto Vogel


Career: Bounty Hunter

Race: Human

Career: Zealot
Race: Human

Main profile

Main profile



37 38 42 30
Secondary Profile
13 4














35 35 40 42
Secondary Profile
13 4

Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire), Consume

Alcohol, Follow Trail, Outdoor Survival, Perception,
Search, Shadowing, Silent Move, Speak Language














Skills: Academic Knowledge (Theology), Charm,

Common Knowledge (the Empire), Intimidate,
Talents: Very Strong, Hardy, Public Speaking, Specialist
Weapon Group (Flail)

Talents: Ambidextrous, Rover, Specialist Weapon

Group (Entangling), Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun,
Very Strong

Armour: Leather Jack

Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Flail (SB+1; Two-handed; Impact, Tiring) or
Hand Weapon (Club)

Armour: Leather Jerkin, Sleeved Mail Shirt

Armour points: Head 0, Arms 3, Body 3, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Sword), Dagger, Crossbow
(10 Bolts), Net
Trappings: Manacles, 10 yards of Rope, 20 gc

Trappings: Cat o Nine Tails for self-flagellation, Prayer


Being a typical representative of his profession, Otto is

cunning and persistent like a hungry dog. Gruff and
unkempt, he is a man of few words.

These fanatics are devout followers of Verena who

believe their god is doing his holy work through the
bloody hands of Luther Sagebrecht. The Zealots are
unwavering in their courage, and they are ready to
mete out their Gods vengeance at a moments notice.
They are utterly loyal to Sagebrecht and willingly obey
his each and every command. Their skin is covered
with ritual tattoos and scarring, and prayer ribbons
flap on their tattered robes. Many of them carry a
huge book on their back.


Jonas Lochner

Luther Sagebrecht

Career: Smuggler
Race: Human

Career: Verenean Investigator

Race: Human

Main profile

Main profile



31 44 30 30
Secondary Profile
13 3














41 41 40 42
Secondary Profile
16 4

Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire), Drive,

Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Perception, Row, Search,
Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Secret Signs
(Thief), Silent Move, Speak Language (Reikspiel), Swim














Skills: Academic Knowledge (Law, Theology),

Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire),
Concealment, Disguise, Follow Trail, Gossip,
Intimidate, Perception, Read/Write, Search,
Shadowing, Silent Move, Sleight of Hand, Secret Signs
(Cultist), Speak Language (Classical, Reikspiel, Tilean)

Talents: Coolheaded, Streetwise, Strong-minded

Armour: Leather Jack
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Club), Dagger

Talents: Fearless, Menacing, Public Speaking, Master

Orator, Strong-minded
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Good Quality Hand Weapon (Sword)

Trappings: Common Quality Clothing, Pipe and

Tobacco, 3 gc, The Forgotten Wish
Jonas Lochner is a hardened old salt with a dozen
years travelling the Reik behind him. He has fought
Wreckers and evaded Riverwardens countless times
and has the scars to prove it. Jonas has an air of
confidence about him only experience can bring, and
walks with a swagger you get from staring death in the
face - and giving it the finger. The Smugglers weatherbeaten hands are covered in numerous tattoos and

Special: Venomous Thoughts disorder makes him

suspect everyone plots against him.
Trappings: Cat o Nine Tails for self-flagellation, Books
and Scrolls (carried by Zealots), Ornate Owl Mask
(+10% Perception, +10% Intimidate), Best Quality
Once a venerable scourge of the Ruinous Powers,
Luther Sagebrecht is but a shadow of his former self.
Two decades of tracking heretical texts and chasing
cultists has left his mind broken and unhinged. He sees
hints of blasphemy everywhere he looks and suspects
everyone plots against him. Printing houses in
particular are a conspiracy against Verena that must
be destroyed with fire.
The Investigator is a stern looking man in his fifties. He
has grey hair, beard, and bushy eyebrows resembling
those of an owl. Sagebrecht is always meticulously
well-dressed in a Verenean habit and cloak with an
owl feather collar. Every time he speaks in public or
deems it necessary to mete out martial punishment,
he wears an ornate, wooden owl mask.


Father Barthelm

Knights of the Scroll (2)

Career: Priest of Verena

Race: Human

Career: Knight (Verena)

Race: Human

Main profile

Main profile



44 41 34 38
Secondary Profile
15 3















57 41 42 45
Secondary Profile
14 4













Skills: Academic Knowledge (Heraldry, Religion,

Strategy/Tactics), Animal Care, Charm, Common
Knowledge (the Empire), Dodge Blow, Gossip,
Intimidate, Perception, Ride, Read/Write, Secret
Language (Battle Tongue), Speak Language (Reikspiel)

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Law, Theology),

Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (the
Empire), Gossip, Heal, Magical Sense, Perception,
Read/Write +10%, Speak Arcane Language (Magick),
Speak Language (Classical, Reikspiel)

Talents: Etiquette, Hardy, Lightning Reflexes, Specialist

Weapon (Cavalry, Flail, Two-handed), Strike Mighty

Talents: Petty Magic (Divine), Public Speaking, Suave

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Ceremonial Hand Weapon (Sword)

Armour: Full Plate Armour

Armour points: Head 5, Arms 5, Body 5, Legs 5
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Sword), Shield, Flail (SB+1;
Two-handed; Impact, Tiring)

Trappings: Prayer Book, Good Quality Robes, Symbol

of Verena, Writing Kit, 2 Trunks full of Invaluable

Trappings: Religious Symbol of Verena

Father Barthelm is a diligent and punctual man who

appreciates routines and smooth sailing. The current
situation is a complete anathema to him and a
complete shock to his sensibilities. The Priest feels like
all control has been wrested from him and he is at his
wits end.

The Knights of the Scroll are protectors of knowledge.

They protect Verenean temples, libraries, and
universities safeguarding the sacred texts inside. The
atrocities being committed in the Scroll Quarter
represent everything the Knights stand against.
Indeed, the only thing keeping the Knights from taking
the fight to the Zealots is their sworn duty to protect
the Temple of Verena and Father Barthelm. The
Knightss armour is covered entirely in scrolls and
pieces of parchments.

Father Barthelm abhors violence and has forbid the

Knights from resorting to bloodshed. And, admittedly,
he wants the warriors close by for it is only because of
them the Zealots have yet to invade the temple. But
he knows it is only a matter of time before the
inevitable happens.
Father Barthelm looks like your typical Priest with a
tonsure, brown Verenean robes and a symbol of
Verena. He carries a ceremonial sword, but it is a last
resort. Several ink bottles and quills hang from his
belt. Scroll cases are slung over his shoulders and
several prayer ribbons are fastened to his robes.


Anton Louis
Career: Engineer
Race: Human (Bretonnian)
Main profile


23 22 29 25
Secondary Profile













Skills: Academic Knowledge (Engineering, Science),

Common Knowledge (Bretonnia), Charm, Gossip,
Perception, Read/Write, Search, Speak Language
(Breton, Reikspiel), Trade (Weaponsmith)
Talents: Savvy, Specialist Weapon Group (Engineer)
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: None
Trappings: Engineers Kit, Set of Bretonnian Clothing,
the Bretonnian Shortener
A failed Engineer who stole his competitors design for
a guillotine and fled to the Empire. He wears a dirty
frilled shirt and a long, threadbare tailcoat. His pockets
are stuffed with blueprints and notes. He has a buckle
hat that he keeps forgetting everywhere.


Chapter VI

Kithband Warriors

Crazed Treeman

Career: Kithband Warrior

Race: Elf

Race: Treeman
Main profile

Main profile



40 54 31 34
Secondary Profile
12 3













81 33 64 72
Secondary Profile
32 6














Skills: Common Knowledge (Elves), Concealment,

Dodge Blow, Follow Trail, Outdoor Survival,
Perception, Scale Sheer Surface, Search, Silent Move,
Speak Language (Eltharin, Reikspiel)

Skills: Concealment, Common Knowledge (Elves),

Follow Trail +20%, Intimidate, Navigation,
OutdoorSurvival+20%, Perception +20%, Scale Sheer
Surface, Secret Language (Ranger Tongue), Speak
Language (Eltharin, Malla-room-ba-larin +10%)

Talents: Excellent Vision, Marksman, Night Vision,

Rapid Reload, Savvy, Specialist Weapon Group

Talents: Ambidextrous, Frightening, Lightning Parry,

Natural Weapons, Night Vision, Strike Mighty
Blow, Strike to Stun, Will of Iron

Armour: Leather Jack

Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Sword), Dagger, Elfbow with
10 Arrows (Armour Piercing)

Special Rules:
Flammable: When a Treeman is hit with a firebased
attack, any Wounds suffered are doubled. This is
calculated after any deductions for Toughness Bonus
or Armour Points.

Trappings: Cloak in autumn colours, Quiver across


Strength of the Forest: A Treemans natural weapons

are so deadly that they count as having the Impact

Protectors of the Woodland Realm. They wear boiled

leather jacks under cloaks dyed in autumn colours.

Thick Bark: The tough bark of a Treemans skin grants

him 3 Armour Points on all locations.
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 3, Arms 3, Body 3, Legs 3
Weapons: Mighty Fists
An enraged Treeman is a truly horrifying creature. The
lumbering giant is badly burnt, its trunk charred black
and bleeding sap. It was hurt in the fire and pain and
grief have driven it insane.


inhuman sheen to their skin. They are, however,

dangerous nature spirits that can turn into fierce,
snarling beasts that take on the aspects of various
types of trees. They are elusive opponents, mercurial
in their actions and difficult to read.

Race: Dryad
Main profile


48 24 47 49
Secondary Profile
32 4









Crimson Martyr Mercenaries





Career: Mercenary
Race: Human

Skills: Charm, Concealment +10%, Common

Knowledge (Elves), Dodge Blow, Follow Trail, Gossip,
Heal, Intimidate, Navigation, Outdoor Survival,
Perception +10%, Scale Sheer Surface, Secret
Language (Ranger Tongue), Silent Move +10%, Speak
Language(Eltharin, Malla-room-ba-larin)

Main profile

Talents: Ambidextrous, Natural Weapons, Rover,

Strike to Stun, Will of Iron

Skills: Gamble, Common Knowledge (the Empire),

Dodge Blow, Ride, Gossip, Consume Alcohol,
Perception, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Speak
Language (Reikspiel)



47 38 44 43
Secondary Profile
13 4

Special Rules:
Of Shifting Aspect: A Dryad is a natural shapeshifter.
In combat her body takes on the aspects of various
types of trees. For reasons unknown to other races,
save perhaps the Treemen, a Dryad cannot hold the
same aspect for more than one round at a time. At
the start of her turn each round, the Dryad must
choose a new aspect from among the following:













Talents: Disarm, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun

Armour: Full Leather Armour, Sleeved Mail Shirt
Armour points: Head 1, Arms 3, Body 3, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Sword), Shield
Trappings: Backpack, Cutlery, Tankard, Bedroll, Purse
with 23 s, Dice, Bottle of Spirits

Ash: +20% bonus to her Toughness Characteristic.

Birch: +1 bonus to her Attacks Characteristic.
Oak: +20% bonus to her Strength Characteristic.
Willow: She may parry once as a free action any
time before her next turn.

Each man is an experienced soldier and a veteran of

the Storm of Chaos. All have a piece of red cloth tied
around an arm, attached to a shield, or worn as a

War Form: In battle a Dryad transforms into the

personification of the forests vengeance. The switch
to this war form can be made as a free action and it
grants the Dryad the Frightening Talent and 2 Armour
Points on all locations.
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0(2), Arms 0(2), Body 0(2), Legs
Weapons: Claws
Dryads usually appear as unearthly, lithe and beautiful
Elf or Human maidens with green or otherwise


Volkhard Werhagen, Captain of the Crimson


Career: Wardancer
Race: Elf

Career: Mercenary Captain

Race: Human

Main profile
Main profile



60 50 44 43
Secondary Profile
18 4













55 53 38 41
Secondary Profile
12 3














Skills: Common Knowledge (Elves), Concealment,

Dodge Blow +10%, Follow Trail, Heal, Outdoor
Survival, Perception, Performer (Acrobat, Dancer,
Singer), Scale Sheer Surface, Silent Move, Speak
Language (Eltharin, Reikspiel)

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics),

Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire, Kislev),
Gamble, Dodge Blow, Gossip, Perception, Read/Write,
Ride, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Speak
Language (Reikspiel)

Talents: Ambidextrous, Coolheaded, Excellent Vision,

Fleet Footed, Lightning Reflexes, Marksman, Night
Vision, Rapid Reload, Savvy, Specialist Weapon Group
(Longbow, Two-Handed), Stout-hearted,
Swashbuckler, Warrior Born

Talents: Disarm, Specialist Weapon (Two-Handed),

Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun
Armour: Full Mail Armour
Armour points: Head 3, Arms 3, Body 3, Legs 3
Weapons: Great Weapon (Zweihander; Impact, Slow)

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Two Hand Weapons (Sword or Axe)

Trappings: Backpack, Cutlery, Tankard, Bedroll,

Moneybox with 300 gc in Tent, Healing Poultice, Bottle
of Spirits, Destrier with Saddle & Harness, Mercenary

Bewildering - The Wardancers lithe body moves in
such a bewildering way that opponents within 4 yards
take -10% penalty to WS and WP.

Border Princes, Tilea, Kislev Volkhard Werhagen has

shed blood, and bled, on numerous battlefields
around the Old World. He is an experienced veteran
who rarely loses his composure. Werhagen is a harsh,
demanding leader who doesnt tolerate cowardice of
any kind.

Trappings: Warpaint
Loec is the Elven god of trickery, dance and revelry. He
is also the patron of the Asrai Wardancers.
Wardancers are responsible for upholding and sharing
the oral traditions of the Wood Elves through intricate
dance rituals.

The Mercenary Captain is a brutal fighter. His style

resembles that of a bloodhound. He is relentless,
indomitable, and relies heavily on brute strength.

In battle a Wardancer troupe is a sight to see.

Tattooed, bright coloured hair, and performing to a
deadly rhythm they weave a dance of death across the
battlefield. Forsaking armour for total freedom of
movement they backflip, somersault and dance
around their enemies seeing them gracefully
slaughtered in no time.

Werhagen is a heavy-set, muscular man covered in

scars. He has smoky-grey eyes and nose broken too
many times. After suffering a grievous wound during
the Storm of Chaos a metal plate engraved with a
prayer was fastened to his skull. A piece of red cloth is
tied around his sword hand.

Members of the troupe are afraid of what Bloodleaf

has become and all dont agree with her choices.


Shadowdancers form the devoted priesthood of the

Trickster God, Loec. They are the leaders of
Wardancer troupes. Yalanna was a Shadowdancer, a
leader of her troupe, and a herald of Loec. Then,
Humans burnt the forest and the Sacred Glade and the
anguish and hatred of the forest consumed her.
Ignoring warnings from her troupe she stepped on a
long forgotten path from which there would be no

Career: Shadowdancer
Race: Elf
Main profile


70 56 41 41
Secondary Profile
16 4













Yalanna became Bloodleaf, a herald of Khaine, the

God of War and Murder. Such was the sin committed
against the woodland realm it called for revenge. And
Yalanna, now Bloodleaf, was prepared to commit a
dark sin to see greater good done.

Skills: Common Knowledge (Elves), Command,

Concealment, Dodge Blow +20%, Follow Trail, Outdoor
Survival, Perception, Performer (Acrobat, Dancer),
Scale Sheer Surface, Search, Silent Move, Speak
Language (Eltharin, Reikspiel)

Her new name, Bloodleaf, refers to the last leaves of

autumn. The name honours her pledge to an ancient
dance believed to be a mere dark myth - a dance
dedicated to Khaine. In Human languages it is called
Autumn Leaves Falling, but the Eltharin name is much
more nuanced than that. It refers to red leaves
dancing briefly in the autumn breeze as they fall from
the tree. Their last dance is fierce and brief, and it
always means one thing there will be blood.

Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Ambidextrous,

Excellent Vision, Fleet Footed, Lightning Parry,
Lightning Reflexes, Night Vision, Quick Draw, Savvy,
Specialist Weapon Group (Longbow, Two-Handed),
Stout-hearted, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure,
Swashbuckler, Warrior Born
Armour: Tight Fitting Leather Jerkin
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Wood Elf Hunting Spear (SB +1; Fast), Hand
Weapon (Sword)

Bloodleaf is an impressive sight with her warriors

physique and auburn hair billowing in the breeze. Her
emerald eyes burn vengeful. She is armed with an
Elven Hunting Spear and an Elven blade. Her left arm is
covered in intricate symbols painted with red henna.
She wears tight fitting boiled leather armour. Like
most Wardancers, Bloodleaf is arrogant and haughty.

Bewildering - The Wardancers lithe body moves in
such a bewildering way that opponents within 4 yards
take -10% penalty to WS and WP.
Autumn Leaves Falling Bloodleafs attacks are a
deadly accurate flurry of blows. Each attack gains the
Impact Quality, and she scores Ulrics Fury on 9 and
She cannot take the Parrying Stance (but can use
Lightning Parry). Additionally, she takes 1 Wound
Damage each round from exhaustion.
Trappings: Ritual Tattoos


Interrogation Floating Scene

The Torturer
Career: Interrogator (Saltpeter Man)
Race: Human
Main profile


35 29 43 35
Secondary Profile
13 4













Skills: Charm, Heal, Intimidate, Perception, Torture

Talents: Menacing, Specialist Weapon Group (Flail),
Armour: Leather Jerkin
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Flail (SB+1; Two-handed; Impact, Tiring)
Trappings: Knives, Blades, Hooks, and Screws, 3 sets of
Manacles, Healing Draught
A twisted man both mentally and physically. A
bloodied apron speaks volumes about his experience
and enthusiasm. The Torturer has beady eyes and a
toothless, cruel grin. He demands everyone to address
him as Sir. In his opinion, what he does is art and
feels he is a misunderstood artist. When he goes to
work the Torturer often talks to his knives and blades
like they were his friends - the only audience that
really understands true artistry.


Chapter VII
Dawi Zharr Infernal Guard

Dawi Zharr Daemonsmith

Career: Warrior
Race: Chaos Dwarf

Career: Daemonsmith (Sorcerer)

Race: Chaos Dwarf

Main profile

Main profile



42 32 31 41
Secondary Profile
12 3














45 32 31 43
Secondary Profile
14 3

Skills: Common Knowledge (Dwarfs, Dark Lands),

Drive, Haggle, Perception, Search, Speak Language
(Khazalid), Trade (Gunsmith)














Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic, Theology),

Channeling, Common Knowledge (Dwarfs, the Dark
Lands), Intimidate, Magical Sense, Perception,
Read/Write, Search, Speak Arcane Language
(Daemonic, Magick), Speak Language (Khazalid), Trade

Talents: Disarm, Dwarfcraft, Master Gunner, Night

Vision, Rapid Reload, Specialist Weapon Group
(Gunpowder), Stouthearted, Strike to Stun, Sturdy

Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Dark Lore (Chaos

Dwarf), Dark Magic, Dwarfcraft, Night Vision, Petty
Magic (Chaos), Stouthearted, Sturdy

Armour: Full Mail Armour, Helmet

Armour points: Head 5, Arms 3, Body 3, Legs 3
Weapons: Fireglaive with 18 Shots (Fireglaive is a
compact repeating handgun that also incorporates a
single-edged blade that can be wielded like a halberd.)
Close Combat: 2-handed; Dam. SB; Impact, Slow
Ranged: SB 4; Range 16/36; Special (see Repeater
Firearm), Experimental
Very Rare; Enc 200

Armour: Full Mail Armour, Helmet

Armour points: Head 5, Arms 3, Body 4, Legs 5
Weapons: Hand Weapon
Special: Stone Skin (+2 AP Legs, +1 AP Body; -2
Chaos Dwarf Lore: Includes the following spells: Boon
of Chaos, Breathe Fire, Cauterise, Conflagration of
Doom, Crown of Fire, Dark Hand of Destruction, Fiery
Blast, Fireball, Hearts of Fire, Vision of Torment.

Trappings: Trade Tools (Gunsmith), Symbol of Hashut,

Twisted and evil Dwarfs who worship the daemon-god
Hashut. the Father of Darkness. They are irredeemably
evil, bitter and self-centred creatures, caring nothing
for the life of others.

Trappings: Trade Tools (Gunsmith), Symbol of Hashut,


The Infernal Guard are dishonoured warriors stripped

of an identity. Their faces are scalded and shut
underneath red-hot brass helmets, not to be removed
until they make amends for their misdeeds.

Daemonsmiths are powerful Priests and Sorcerers who

hold powerful positions within the Dawi Zharr society.
They are Priests to the Father of Darkness and masters
of the forges. They fuse daemonology and technology
in vile rituals of fire and blood.

Forged from iron, fire, and blood their brass armours

are infused with pain and terror in the form of
smouldering runes of torment and death. The Dawi
Zharr are highly trained and disciplined warriors
absolutely loyal to Bhakrak the Blackened.

Forged from iron, fire, and blood the Daemonsmiths

brass armour is infused with pain and terror in the
form of smouldering runes of torment and death. The
Dwarfs beard is decorated with numerous brass rings,


each engraved with foul runes. It looks gruel and

unforgiving with its red eyes, ash-grey skin, and small

arcana and occult sigils coruscate on their coal-black,

lithe bodies.
Black horns decorated with Slaaneshi sigils and jewelry
jut through cascading ash-grey hair. A flowing skirt
made from the skin of cheating lovers reveals more
than it covers.

The Daemonsmith is absolutely loyal to Bhakrak the


Their left arm ends in a black, scythe-like pincer with

which they can bestow the gentlest caress or the
deadliest slash.

Ashbringers, Handmaidens of Pyrenzhia

Race: Lesser Daemon of Slaanesh

Captain Tannfelder (use for Commander

Freitaler as well)

Main profile






0 40
Secondary Profile
12 4 3(5)* 5







Career: Captain, Nuln Military

Race: Human
Main profile

Skills: Charm +20%, Dodge Blow, Gossip +20%, Night

Vision, Perception, Performer (Dancer), Speak Arcane
Language (Daemonic), Speak Language (Dark Tongue,
Reikspiel), Torture


60 50 44 43
Secondary Profile
18 4

Talents: Ambidextrous, Daemonic Aura*, Frightening,

Natural Weapons, Will of Iron
* Against non-magical weapons a Daemonettes
Toughness is considered to be 5.













Skills: Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics), Charm,

Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire, Kislev),
Gamble, Dodge Blow, Gossip, Perception, Read/Write,
Ride, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Speak
Language (Reikspiel)

Aura of Slaanesh: The Daemonette is so seductive and
bewildering that opponents within 4 yards take -10%
penalty to WS and WP.

Talents: Disarm, Lightning Parry, Specialist Weapon

(Two-Handed, Parrying), Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to

Chaos Mutations: Animalistic Legs, Pincer Hand.

Armour: Full Mail Armour, Breastplate, Helmet
Armour points: Head 5, Arms 3, Body 5, Legs 3
Weapons: Great Weapon (Zweihander; Impact, Slow),
Hand Weapon (Sword), Shield

Instability: On any round in which the Daemonette is

injured in melee but fails to inflict any Wound in
return, she must succeed at a Will Power Test or be
banished back to the Realm of Chaos.

Trappings: Backpack, Cutlery, Tankard, Bedroll,

Healing Poultice, Destrier with Saddle & Harness,
Nulner Military Company

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Pincer hand (Precise)

An experienced and charismatic leader who is much

respected by his men. The Captain has a strong sense
of justice and he is willing to take risks to do the right

Ashbringers are Daemonettes of Slaanesh bound to

Pyrenzhia in eternal servitude. Horrible and
mesmerising at the same time, Ashbringers have
daemonic yet feminine faces with large, feline eyes
that glow like embers. Glowing orange symbols of dark

A ruggedly handsome man with salt and pepper hair

and trimmed moustache. He wears Nulner black and
yellow uniform.


Chapter VIII
Professor Hausdorff with whom they already
collaborated on the land ships steam engine. The
Professor convinced the Countess and the towers
were built on an expedited schedule. As a sign of trust,
and to seal their business arrangement, Bhakrak
invited the Merchants to join him in a Dwarfen ritual.
The men agreed mostly because they didnt want to
offend the Dwarf. What they didnt know is the ritual
subjugated their souls to Pyrenzhia (Bhakrak thinks it
was Hashut).

The Guiding Hand

Career: Merchant (Cultist of Handrich)
Race: Human
Main profile


33 32 34 33
Secondary Profile
12 3













So far, the Dwarf hasnt delivered on his promise and

the Land Ships remain unfinished. What is more,
workers are getting more restless and troublesome by
the day.

Skills: Charm, Common Knowledge (the Empire,

Dwarfs), Evaluate +10%, Gossip, Haggle +20%,
Intimidate, Perception, Read/Write, Ride, Search,
Secret Language (Guild Tongue), Speak Language
(Kislevarin, Reikspiel), Trade (Merchant) +20%

Viktor Geldman
Viktor is a rotund man with salt and pepper hair and
beady eyes. He sees workers as a necessary
inconvenience and has no sympathy for their
struggles. He owns two foundries with his partner
Markus Zachs.

Talents: Dealmaker, Savvy, Schemer, Suave

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Dagger

Markus Zachs

Trappings: Best Quality Clothing, Signet Ring, Purse

with 200 gc (in coin, gems, and deeds), Writing Kit,
Town House, Business Empire (Foundries,

Markus is a lanky fellow who loves expensive jewellery

and is a vigorous handshaker. His leadership style is to
rebuke his workers in public to instill a culture of fear
and zero tolerance for mistakes. He co-owns two
foundries with Viktor Geldman.

The Guiding Hand is a cult of Handrich; a fraternity

where greedy and venal men gather to offer their
thanks to the God of Trade, drink, and collude to fix
prices, lower taxes, and undermine competition. Four
Merchants make up the Guiding Hand: Viktor
Geldman, Markus Zachs, Meryle Lintz, and Bruder
Lehmann. They are all brilliant men, but absolutely
ruthless towards their workers and merciless when it
comes to their competitors.

Meryle Lintz
A financier who operates a money lending business in
Nuln. He provided funding for the Land Ship project.
Meryle is a bespectacled man with a stylish beard and
an impeccable taste in Tilean wigs. Nothing he says
can be trusted as he lies, exaggerates, and deceives
you out of pure habit.

The Guiding Hands attempt to build a Land Ship, an

alternative to the Imperial Steam Tank, ended in an
unmitigated disaster and left the men in dire straits
financially. In their desperation, they turned to
Bhakrak the Blackened. The Chaos Dwarf offered to
help them finish the Land Ships if, in return, they help
him have six bell-towers built. The Guiding Hand
accepted and took blueprints of the towers to

Bruder Lehmann
Bruder is a bland and uncouth salt mine owner from
Wissenland. He has asked the Countess hand several
times, but Emmanuelle finds the Merchant loathsome
and vile. He is a ruthless taskmaster to his servants.


Flrieth Morgal

Bhakrak the Blackened

Career: Crime Lord (Reik Lionfish)

Race: Dark Elf

Career: Sorcerer-Prophet (Sorcerer Champion)

Race: Chaos Dwarf

Main profile


55 54 40 41
Secondary Profile
17 4












Main profile


50 37 36 53
Secondary Profile
15 3


Skills: Charm, Concealment, Common Knowledge (the

Empire, Elves), Dodge Blow, Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle,
Intimidate, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Shadowing,
Silent Move, Scale Sheer Surface, Search, Secret
Language (Thieves Tongue), Speak Language (Eltharin,
Reikspiel), Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow),
Swim, Torture













Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic, Theology),

Channeling, Common Knowledge (Dwarfs, Dark
Lands), Magical Sense, Perception, Read/Write,
Search, Speak Arcane Language (Daemonic, Magick),
Speak Language (Khazalid), Trade (Gunsmith)
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Dwarfcraft, Master
Gunner, Night Vision, Petty Magic (Chaos), Rapid
Reload, Specialist Weapon Group (Gunpowder, TwoHanded), Stout-hearted, Sturdy

Talents: Ambidextrous, Coolheaded, Dealmaker,

Excellent Vision, Night Vision, Resistance to Poison,
Schemer, Sixth Sense

Armour: Full Mail Armour, Helmet

Armour points: Head 3, Arms 4, Body 5, Legs 5
Weapons: Great Weapon (Great Axe; Impact, Slow,
Hell-rune of Fyre: blade burns and gives SB +1 for 1

Armour: Sea Dragon Cloak

Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 2, Legs 2
Weapons: Walking Stick (Hand Weapon with Fast,
Armour Piercing, Poisoned (use Black Lotus rules))
Trappings: Reik Lionfish in Nuln and Wissenland

Special: Stone Skin (+2 AP Legs, +2 AP Body, +1 AP

Arms; -3 Movement)

This silver-haired Druchii is the leader of the Reik

Lionfish in Nuln. He is a very dangerous Dark Elf, in
many ways. Flrieth walks with a slight limp and uses a
branch for a walking stick. The thorny branch comes
from a tree that grows in Naggaroth. Even when cut, it
lives for a decade and continues to produce poison.

Special: Furnace Hell-rune All Fire Damage against

Bhakrak is halved.
Mutation: Fast - M +1
Chaos Dwarf Lore: Includes the following spells: Boon
of Chaos, Breathe Fire, Cauterise, Conflagration of
Doom, Crown of Fire, Dark Hand of Destruction, Fiery
Blast, Fireball, Hearts of Fire, and Vision of Torment.
Trappings: Trade Tools (Gunsmith), Symbol of Hashut,
Some years ago the Sorcerer-Prophet had led his
troops to the mountains in search of a rumoured lost
mine in the Black Mountains. To his surprise,
Morrsliebs baleful light revealed ruins of a temple to
some ancient and forgotten god. A sudden blizzard
forced them to retreat inside - and Bhakrak found his


Faded murals depicted a she-daemon tearing down a

human city. Bhakrak knew instantly and instinctively
that he was guided here by Hashut (he was actually
guided by Pyrenzhia). Bhakrak believes he was exalted
by his god and given a holy mission. He received
visions of the Great Equation and how it would
provide him with the answers.

Elite Guard
Career: Soldier
Race: Human
Main profile


45 36 38 33
Secondary Profile
14 3

Careful not to alert his jealous brethren to his findings

Bhakrak took his most loyal followers and made his
way into Nuln. They hid under the city and all the
while ignorant Humans caught up in their petty
schemes remained oblivious to their presence. He
could feel it Nuln was a nexus of geomantic energies
a node of fire and ash sacred to the Father of
Darkness. He would burn it all down in His glory, and
the Great Equation was the key.













Skills: Academic Knowledge (Law), Common

Knowledge (Dwarfs, Dark Lands), Dodge Blow, Follow
Trail, Gossip, Heal, Intimidate, Perception, Search,
Speak Language (Reikspiel)
Talents: Coolheaded, Disarm, Hardy, Quick Draw,
Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun,

To his chagrin, he wasnt able to solve the

hexagrammatical problem on his own. Through his
spies he learned of the Land Ships and the Guiding
Hand. He had resolved enough of the Equation to
know that he needed to build six towers to power a
great ritual. He approached the Guiding Hand and
manipulated them to ensure the towers were built.
Furthermore, he got Professor Hausdorff equally
seduced by the Equation to assist him.

Armour: Full Leather Armour

Armour points: Head 1, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 1
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Sword), Shield, Dagger
Trappings: Lantern and Pole, Lamp Oil, Uniform
Veteran Soldiers who guard the Palace and other key
locations in Nuln. They are all brave men handpicked
for the duty.

On Geheimnisnacht the ritual was completed and

something answered. Bhakrak is not certain what he
has called forth, but he feels its divine presence
guiding him. Now he prepares for the next time
Morrslieb is full for that is when Nuln burns. He has
secretly completed two Land Ships and provided the
XIII with gunpowder all for the purpose of seeing
Nuln burn.
Bhakrak the Blackened is as vile, self-centered, powerhungry being as there is in the Old World. This is
reflected in his appearance. Eyes red as a hell-forge
and small horns protruding from his forehead give the
Sorcerer-Prophet a savage and malevolent visage. He
has cloven hooves that are slowly turning into black
stone. His brass armour writhes with blasphemous
sigils. Numerous brass rings decorate his beard and his
great axe simmers with runes of burning hatred.


birth and thus become an embodiment of a particular

aspect of His will. Pyrenzhia is a reflection of
Unrequited Love, an emotion loathed by Slaanesh.

Race: Daemon-Queen of Slaanesh

Despite all her allure and influence, Pyrenzhia was not

able to entice Slaanesh to reciprocate her love.
Instead, she was an anathema to the Prince of
Pleasure, a reflection of mans denial of His love.
Pyrenzhia desires nothing more than to show her god
and master her true nature, to prove her mettle and
devotion to Him.

Main profile





0 44
Secondary Profile
26 4 4(6)* 5








Skills: Channeling, Charm +20%, Command +10%,

Dodge Blow, Gossip +20%, Magical Sense, Night
Vision, Perception, Performer (Dancer), Speak Arcane
Language (Daemonic, Magick), Speak Language (Dark
Tongue, Reikspiel), Torture

Pyrenzhia grew to be a powerful entity. Not quite as

mighty as a Keeper of Secrets, but a Daemon-Queen
with her own harem of Daemonettes bound to her will
Determined to win Slaaneshs love, the DaemonQueen mustered an army to invade the human
Empire. She would enslave the citizens of Nuln and
make them love Slaanesh. Then her master would
surely recognise the depth of her love for Him.
Legends say that she allured the Dawi Zharr to her side
by delivering them their cousins most secreted
gunpowder recipes.

Talents: Ambidextrous, Armoured Caster, Daemonic

Aura*, Dark Magic, Dark Lore (Chaos), Frightening,
Lightning Parry, Natural Weapons, Petty Magic
(Chaos), Will of Iron
* Against non-magical weapons the Queens
Toughness is counted to be 6.
Aura of Slaanesh: Pyrenzhia is so seductive and
bewildering that opponents within 4 yards take -10%
penalty to WS and WP.

Pyrenzhia marched all the way to Nulns walls, but was

ultimately defeated by the Elector Count Wissenland
and his Runefang. Disgusted and disappointed
Slaanesh punished her by banishing her beyond the
stars where she was bound by powerful
hexagrammatical wards. From this prison, each time
Morrslieb is full she is allowed a brief glimpse at Nuln
to remind her of her failure.

Chaos Mutations: Animalistic Legs, Pincer Hand.

Instability: On any round in which Pyrenzhia is injured
in melee but fails to inflict any Wound in return, she
must succeed at a Will Power Test or be banished back
to the Realm of Chaos.

Slaanesh is associated with all the different emotions

that comprise pleasure, but He is also Purpose. This
Purpose is expressed in mortal creatures as their
pursuit of, and need for, pleasure. To many, Countess
Emmanuelle von Liebwitz is the embodiment of mortal
pursuit of pleasure. Naturally it follows that Slaaneshi
Cultists have tried to corrupt her and show her the
truth that is the Lord of Pleasure.

Armour: Ornate Slaanesh Body Armour (no penalties

from wearing armour; can cast spells normally)
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 3, Legs 1
Weapons: Pincer hand (Precise), Chaos Weapon
(Sword; Enchanted: Fast, SB +1, ignores AP)*
*Not included in the profile
Richter Kless describes Slaanesh in his Liber Chaotica
as an amalgam of all the different drives and emotions
that surround the experience and concept of pleasure.
These emotions and drives include joy, contentment,
aestheticism, romance, and love. When created,
Slaaneshi Daemons take on the Prince of Pleasures
temperament and emotions at the moment of their

Emmanuelle has resisted all attempts to corrupt her.

And this has the Cult Magus covet her even more.
This has attracted the attention of Slaanesh and
evoked feelings of Unrequited Love.
Now, Pyrenzhia stirs in her prison. Slaaneshs feelings
feed her, making her more powerful. Already, she is
able to reach out, send the weak and the willing


visions and dreams. First, she was able to do it when

Morrslieb is full. Then more frequently. She felt
Bhakrak the Blackened finding her image in the
ancient temple and touched his mind. She showed the
Sorcerer-Prophet the Great Equation the key to her
Then, she saw a peculiar sight. Like a lone firefly in the
night, a young man in Nuln shone like a beacon
through the Aethyr. She saved the mortals earthly
vessel and bestowed her kiss upon him. He would be
her avatar her gate to back to the mortal realm. Her
time of return is close; and she will convert the
Countess. Then, finally, Slaanesh will love her
Pyrenzhias porcelain white skin is adorned with barely
visible ash-grey sigils of foulest blasphemy. A veil
composed of small oxidized keys to peoples hearts
and desires covers the lower part of her face. Above
the veil almond eyes glow like embers. Her hair, black
as soot and tied in braids, cascades all the way down
to her thighs. Long, gleaming black horns curve back
and jingle with festooned jewelry and Slaaneshi
symbols. Her silk gown is revealing and the deepest
shade of purple. Pyrenzhias left hand is a gleaming
black pincer while her right hand either holds the 13
Runefang or crackles with magical energies.


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