for Indonesia
: Rp 24.000.000 (Member)
Rp 25.000.000 (Non-Member)
Structural geology is a basic ingredient of regional geology, and descrip on of regional structural rela ons is important, it
cons tutes much of the basic data of tectonics. Structural features of rocks, the geographical distribu on of the features,
and their causes are studied by structural geology; and tectonics deal with the study of the broader structural features of
the earth and their causes. The scope of tectonics and structural geology are vast, ranging from the broadest framework
of the earth and the major crustal elements, through folds and faults, to the ne detail of rock fabric.
In petroleum point of view, tectonics and geologic structures are very important. Distribu on of sedimentary basins is
controlled by tectonics and majority of the worlds petroleum resources have been found in and produced from structural traps. Most of the worlds giant elds are structural traps. Broadly interrelated assemblages of geologic structures cons tute the fundamental structural styles of petroleum provinces. These assemblages generally are repeated in regions of
similar deforma on, and their associated hydrocarbon traps can be an cipated prior to explora on. The structural styles
are related to the larger kinema cs of plate tectonics and, in some situa ons, to par cular deposi onal histories therefore, most styles have preferred plate tectonic habitats.
Indonesia, being occupies at the triple junc on of the three worlds major crustal plates, is provided by numerous sedimentary basins and inter-basin areas with various tectonic se'ngs and complicated structural styles. Accordingly,
knowledge on tectonics and structural geology and ability to analyze them are very important for exploring and producing basins and structures in Indonesia.
Within this ve-day course, par cipants will refresh, learn and expand his or her knowledge on tectonics and structural
geology. Basic science of the topics, based on both classical and modern views, will be reviewed. Recent concepts and
technical progress on tectonics and structural geology, based on published literatures to date from many areas of the
world, will be presented and discussed. Tectonic and structural cases from Indonesia will be discussed in detail. The
course will put structural analysis of the traps within integrated petroleum system analysis.
One-day eld trip will be allocated to Lembang Fault situated 10 km to the north of Bandung. It is a volcano-tectonic Quaternary ac ve fault, 22 km long, with dip- and strike-slips fault in West Java. The reac va on of the fault has notoriously
caused some earthquakes in history and current me. Several spots along the fault line, mostly its morphological expressions, will be visited. The eld trip will also visit famous Bosscha star observa on si'ng on the fault line, and Junghuhn
Park a graveyard of great naturalist of Java Island.
A7er the course, the par cipants will improve his or her knowledge and ability to do analysis on tectonics of larger areas
and basin scale, related to petroleum system and play, and detailed structural analysis within basin and on individual
trap. The course will benet both junior and senior petroleum professionals.
The instructor has ac vely learned, researched, published, supervised and trained students and professionals on tectonics, structural geology and petroleum system analysis for almost 25 years. Strong knowledge on the subjects and wide
experience on many basins in Indonesia will provide him a good command of teaching the course.***
Geologists, geophysicists, geochemists, petroleum engineers, managers will get benet par cipa ng this course. The course is designed to meet all levels of exper se, from junior sta to chief professionals.
Introduc on
Tectonic Theories of the Earth
Tectonic and Sedimentary Basin Forma on
Tectonic Se'ng of the Worlds Giant Fields
Structural Traps in Petroleum System
Fundamentals of Rock Deforma on
Folds and Folding
Faults and Faul ng
Gravity Tectonics
Extensional Tectonics & Structures
Convergence and Collision
Fold and Thrust Belt
Inverted Structures
Strike-Slip Deforma on
Joints and Fractures
Diapiric Structures
Closing Remarks
One-day eld trip will be allocated to an area close to the course venue. Here, the par cipants will have opportunity to
apply structural analysis while visi ng the outcrops.
Awang has ac vely serviced interna onal and na onal geological socie es by contribu ng papers, ar cles, keynote talks, guest lectures and courses. There have been totally 411 publica ons
un l the end of December 2015 (97 full papers for conferences, 46 ar cles for journals and others, 32 book chapters,
eld trip books/booklets, 131 invited presenta ons and/ keynotes, 57 guest lecture notes, and 48 course manuals). Several of his papers got awards as the best papers and presenta ons. As apprecia on for his great contribu on and dedicaon to geosciences, Lasut Award from IAGI and "HAGI Award" from HAGI were awarded to Awang in 2002 and 2008,
respec vely.
Awang was assigned by the AAPG (American Associa on of Petroleum Geologists) to be the Associate Editor for the
AAPG Bulle n (during 2006-2007), un l know he was the only Indonesian geologist ever assigned by the AAPG for the
posi on. Awang is a member of IAGI (Indonesian Associa on of Geologists), IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Associa on),
AAPG (American Associa on of Petroleum Geologists), HAGI (Indonesian Associa on of Geophysicists), GSA (Geological
Society of America).
Awang has taught professional courses on various subjects for the last 7een years, including: petroleum geology of Indonesia, petroleum geochemistry, petroleum system analysis, tectonics and structure, and interpre ng biomarkers.
Strong knowledge on many subjects and wide experience on many basins in Indonesia will provide him a good command
of teaching this course.
Awang has lectured the professional course of petroleum geology and petroleum systems of Indonesia for 14 years.
Filled ques onaires from this previous course par cipants rated the course as generally excellent.
: (+62-21) 5250040
: training.center@hagi.or.id / secretariat@hagi.or.id
Direct phone to
The Investment Fee includes meals (2x coffee break and lunch), course materials, course kits, group photograph, and certificate
(exclude hotel and tax). In order to allow sufficient time for arranging travel and processing document, participants are recommended to make an early enrollment. Unless prior arrangements are made by HAGI, payment may be required well 14 days in advance of
the course date to guarantee your seat. Registration will be closed on 14 days before course date. Late enrollment may result in
course cancellation.
PAYMENT METHOD BY (Kindly appropriate square):
Cash addressed to HAGI Secretariat
Bank Transfer in full amount to:
Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia
Bank BNI Cab. Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
AC : Rupiah(IDR) 0010740147 /Dollar (US$) 0010740158
PLEASE FAX THIS FORM TO: +6221.5250040 or EMAIL: training.center@hagi.or.id & RECONFIRM YOUR REGISTRATION
CENTER CP: Arida Chyntia Andriani/Joko Andi Wibowo