Government of India Ministry of Road Transport & Highways: in Construction

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Parivahan Bhawan
1, Parliament Street,
New Delhi- 110001
No. RW-NH- 35075/112010-S&R(R)

Dated the 11th February, 2015





The Chief Secretaries of all State Governments/Union Territories

The Principal Secretaries /Secretaries of all StateslU.Ts. Public Works Department
dealing with National Highways, other Centrally Sponsored Schemes and State Schemes.
The Engineers-in-Chief and Chief Engineers of Public Works Departments of
StateslU.Ts dealing with National Highways, other Centrally Sponsored Schemes and
State Schemes.
The Chairman, National Highways Authority of India, G-5&6, Sector-IO, Dwarka, New
Delhi-110 075
Managing Director, NHIDCL, Room No 101, Parivahan Bhavan, I.Parliament Street,
New Delhi. 110001
Director General (Border Roads), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, New Delhi-I 10
Usage of alternative/new


in construction

of National

India has the second largest road network in the world. To develop and maintain this
network in an efficient, environment friendly, safe manner there is need for innovation in the
fields of design, planning, construction, maintenance and operation of highways. These long
term perspectives would require development of new/alternative materials/technologies for high
quality, cost-effective, environmentally friendly, safer and durable road infrastructure.
To encourage use of new/alternative materials/technologies, Ministry initiated the process of
accreditation with the assistance from Indian Roads Congress. However, new/alternative
materials/technologies are continuing to receive lukewarm response by the Project Engineers,
Designers as also the Consultants. Therefore, pro-active steps for their adoption need to be
World-wide, many new/alternative materials/technologies have emerged, which hold
promise for adoption in our country as well. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has,
accordingly, been issuing guidelines for the usage of the new materials/technologies from time to
time. The Manuals of 'Standards & Specifications for 4/6 laning of National Highways through
Public Private Partnership' (Para 1.12) also stipulate that 'the Concessionaires will be free to

adopt international practices,

alternative specifications,

materials and standards to bring in

innovation in the design and construction provided they are better or comparable with the Indian
standards'. This needs to be further widened.

Accordingly, the Ministry has decided that the new/alternative


proven in India or abroad shall be deemed to be accredited for adoption in the highway sector,
subject to the following:



The developers/promoters of new/alternative materials/technologies shall have to

provide the standards & specifications and certified performance reports from the
user agencies of major developed countries where the proposed materials/techniques
have been successfully used to the executing agency to establish their suitability for


The developers/promoters shall strive to establish permanent base in India and show
long term commitment to the goal of innovative infrastructure development in India.

The new/alternative materials/technologies

should be given priority in field trials and the

performance evaluated over a period of time to enable formulation of guidelines and codes of
practice for their future usage on the National Highways.
The contents of this Circular may be brought to the notice of all concerned in your
Organization. Feedback on these guidelines is solicited.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.

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Assistant Executive Engineer (S,R&T) (Roads)
For Director General (Road Development) & Spl Secy
Copy to:
1. PS to Hon'ble Minister (RTH&S) - for kind information
2. Sr. PPS to Secretary (RT &H) - for kind information
3. PS to DG (RD) & SS
4. PPS to SS&FA- for kind information
5. All Technical officers in the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
6. All ROs and ELOs of the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
7. The Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress
8. The Director, IAHE
9. Technical Circular File ofS&R Section
,10. NIC for placing on the website under "What's New"

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