Do You Know? - वेद Veda
Do You Know? - वेद Veda
Do You Know? - वेद Veda
Do You Know?
Namaste Overview Do You Know?
From the invention of the decimal system in mathematics to the noble philosophy of
ahims, Hindus have contributed their share in all fields of knowledge and learning. Over
five thousand years ago, when Europeans were only nomadic forest dwellers, ancient
Hindus had established a civilization, known as the Harappan culture, in the Indus Valley,
the northwestern region of India. When much of the world was still sunk in sleep, people
of the Harappan culture were conducting trade workshops in weaving, bead-making,
pottery, dying of fabrics, and metallurgy.
Although modern images & descriptions of India often show poverty, India was one of the
richest countries till the time of British in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus
was attracted by India's wealth and was looking for route to India when he discovered
America by mistake. If readers, who have diligently read their schoolbooks on India, are
surprised that they haven't been told of these ideas before, the fault is of the books they
have used. Such books are as worthless as would be books on America, two hundred
years from now, that describe only matters of conflict between race, language, and
gender, ignoring completely the achievements of science, art, and imagination.
The official Sanskrit name for India is Bharat. INDIA has been called Bharat even in
satya yuga.
algorism or algorithm.
Atomic Theory
Sage Kanad, 600 BC, is recognized as
the founder of atomic theory, and
classified all the objects of creation into
nine elements (earth, water, light or fire,
wind, ether, time, space, mind and soul).
He stated that every object in creation is
made of atoms that in turn connect with
each other to form molecules nearly 2,500
years before John Dalton. Further, Kanad
described the dimension and motion of
atoms, and the chemical reaction with one
These Indian ideas about atom and
atomic physics could have been
transmitted to the West during the
contacts created between India and West
by the invasion of Alexander.
Pythagorean Theorem or
Baudhayana Theorem?
Did you know that the so-called
Pythagoras Theorem that the square of
the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle
equals to the sum of the square of the
other two sides was documented by the
famed Hindu mathematician Baudhayana
in his 6th century BC treatise called
Baudhayana Sulba Sutra?
Baudhayana states:
"The area produced by
the diagonal of a
rectangle is equal to
the sum of area
produced by it on two
Oldest Systematic
Did you know that Sanskrit is the
worlds oldest systematic language?
The word sanskrita, meaning "refined"
or "purified," is the antonym of prakrita,
meaning "natural," or "vulgar." It is
made up of the primordial sounds, and is
developed systematically to include the
The Arabs borrowed so much from India
in the field of mathematics that even the
subject of mathematics in Arabic came to
known as Hindsa which means 'from
India' and a mathematician or engineer
in Arabic is called Muhandis which means
'an expert in Mathematics'.
The Value of Pi
Did you know that the ratio of the
circumference and the diameter of a
circle known as Pi (a value of
3.141592657932) was first
calculated by Hindus?
The Sanskrit text, by the famous Hindu
mathematician, Baudhayana in his
Baudhayana Sulbha Sutra of the 6th
century BC mentions this ratio as
approximately equal to 3. The Hindu
mathematician, Aryabhatta, in 499 AD
worked out the value of Pi to the fourth
decimal place as [3x (177/1250) =
3.1416]. In 825 AD one Arab
mathematician Mohammad Ibna Musa
said: This value has been given by the
Hindus [Indians] (62832/20,000 =
34,000th of
a second
1 Truti
300th of a
2 Truti
1 Luv
2 Luv
1 Kshana
30 Kshana
1 Vipal
60 Vipal
1 Pal
60 Pal
1 Ghadi
24 minutes
2.5 Gadhi
1 Hora
1 Hour
24 Hora
1 Divas
1 Day
7 Divas
1 Saptaah
1 Week
4 Saptaah
1 Maas
1 Month
2 Maas
1 Rutu
6 Rutu
1 Varsh
1 Year
100 Varsh
1 Shataabda
1 Century
1 Yuga
or 1000
or 432000
Bharatvarsh (the Indian Subcontinent)
10 Yuga
1 Mahayuga
or 4320000
is home to the oldest civilization in the
world. Mehrgarh which dates to 7500 BC
is the oldest city which predates the
Indus Valley Civilisation. Recently
1 Kalpa
or 4.32
there have been archaeological findings
off the coast of Gujarat in India which
confirm a submerged city which is the
India gave the largest measurement of time worlds oldest city. This Indian city dates
as 8.64 billion years.
back to 8000-9000BC.
The Gregorian calendar on your desk simply In 1922, excavations began at Mohenjoadds on one day for every 4 years and is not Daro (which means 'hill of the dead') in
in coherence with the movement of sun. But, the Indus Valley, four hundred miles
Hindu calendar is in coherence as the short south-west of Harappa, which revealed a
fall is corrected in the month itself by adding rich urban civilization that no one had
Adhikamasa as postulated by Maharshi
suspected. Incredibly, Mohenjo-Daro
Vishwamitra. Rig Veda 1.164.1, 2, 14 and proved to be as sophisticated as a later
15 describe sun's motion, ritus and colours of Greek or Roman city, built on mud-brick
spectrum. Kalyana varma, Varahamihira,
platforms to protect it from floods, with a
Jaimini, Vidyanatha Deekshita, Kalidasa,
grid-plan reminiscent of New York, and
Mantreshwara, Satyacharya, Venkatadri,
an impressive sewer system - not to
Parashara, Ramadayalu and Garga have
mention sit-down toilets. The size of the
immensely contributed for the development city indicated that it held about 40,000
of Hindu astrology.
people. The large number of female
Stages of Yoga
Asanas (Poses)
Matsyasana (pose like Fish pose),
Mayurasana (pose like Peacock),
Simhasana (pose like a Lion), Halasana
(pose like a Plough), Shavasana (pose
like a dead body, in absolute stillness).
Yoga Disciplines
Hathayoga (Bodily exercise), Gyanyoga
or Dnyanyoga (Exercise for the mind and
intellect), Karmayoga (Discipline in our
Hindu Kush
'Hindu Kush' means Hindu slaughter.
The Indian name for Hindu Kush
mountain range was 'Paariyaatra
Parvat'. Until 1000 A.D. the area of
Hindu Kush was a full part of Hindu
cradle. The name 'Hindu Kush' was given
by the muslim conquerors indicating the
Hindu genocide that took place in this
According to Carl Sagan,
"A millennium before
Europeans were
wiling to divest
themselves of the
Biblical idea that the
world was a few
thousand years old,
the Mayans were
thinking of millions
and the Hindus
Continues Carl Sagan,
" is the only religion
in which the time
scales correspond to
those of modern
scientific cosmology."
Its cycles run from our ordinary day and
night to a day and night of the Brahma,
8.64 billion years long, longer than the
age of the Earth or the Sun and about half
the time since the Big Bang". One day of
Brahma is worth a thousand of the ages
(yuga) known to humankind; as is each
night." Thus each kalpa is worth one day
in the life of Brahma, the God of creation.
In other words, the four ages of the
mahayuga must be repeated a thousand
times to make a "day ot Brahma", a unit
of time that is the equivalent of 4.32
billion human years, doubling which one
gets 8.64 billion years for a Brahma day
and night. This was later theorized
(possibly independently) by Aryabhata in
the 6th century. The cyclic nature of this
analysis suggests a universe that is
expanding to be followed by contraction
a cosmos without end. This, according to
modern physicists is not an impossibility.
A die found
at a
period site.
Note that
the six is
the one.
Chakras Centers of
Humans have fourteen great nerve
centers in the physical body, in the astral
body and in the body of the soul. These
centers are called chakras in Sanskrit,
which means "wheel." These spinning
vortices of energy are actually regions of
mind power, each one governing certain
aspects of our inner being. Together, they
are the subtle components of all people.
When inwardly perceived, they are vividly
colorful and can be heard by sages and
mystics. When awareness flows through
any one or more of these regions, the
various functions of consciousness
operate, such as memory, reason and
willpower. In any one lifetime, one may
predominantly be aware in two or three
centers, thus setting the pattern for the
way one thinks and lives. One develops a
comprehension of these seven regions in
a natural sequence, the perfection of one
leading logically to the next. Thus, though
we may not psychically be seeing spinning
forces within ourself, we nevertheless
mature through memory, reason,
willpower, cognition, universal love, divine
sight and spiritual illumination.
There are six chakras above the
muladhara, which is located at the base of
the spine. When awareness is flowing
through these chakras, consciousness is in
Bharatanatyam is amongst the oldest of
the classical dance forms of India, with a
history that goes back more than two
thousand years. Integrating elements of
music, theater, poetry, sculpture, and
literature, this multi-dimensional art has
come down through the centuries, as part
of a dynamic, vital, living tradition, that
offers infinite scope for understanding and
exploring the body, mind and spirit.
Bhaskaracharya's Law of
Did you know that the famous Hindu
astronomer, Bhaskaracharya in his Surya
Siddhanta wrote:
"Objects fall on the
earth due to a force of
attraction by the
earth. Therefore, the
earth, planets,
constellations, moon
and sun are held in
orbit due to this
It was not until 1687, 1200 years later did
Issac Newton "rediscover" the Law of
In Surya Siddhanta, dated 400-500 AD,
the ancient Hindu astronomer
Bhaskaracharya states,
"Objects fall on the
earth due to a force of
attraction by the
earth. Therefore, the
earth, planets,
constellations, moon,
and sun are held in
orbit due to this
Approximately 1200 years later (1687
AD), Sir Isaac Newton rediscovered this
phenomenon and called it the Law of
Hindu Klagaan
(chronologies) is the
Oldest in the World!
According to Indian tradition or Hindu
Klagaan, three chronologies are in
currency. Firstly, the Kali era or
Kalyabda, which has begun from the
present Kaliyuga and hence it is 5107
years old. Secondly, the Kalpbda which
has begun with the present Svetavrha
Kalpa, and hence it is 1,971,221, 107
years old. And thirdly, the Ssbda,
which has begun with the creation of this
universe and hence it is
155,521,971,221,107 years old. One
Antiquity in years
Turkish (new)
Chinese (new)
Iran (new)
Turkish (old)
Iran (old)
Chinese (old)
India was the world-leader in Metallurgy
for more than 5,000 years. Gold jewelery
is available from 3,000 BCE. Brass and
bronze pieces are dated back to 1,300
BCE. Extraction of zinc from ore by
distillation was used in India as early as
400 BCE while European William Campion
patented the process some 2,000 years
later. Copper statues can be dated back to
500 CE. There is an iron pillar in Delhi
dating back to 400 CE that shows no sign
of rust or decay.
The earliest know book on metallurgy was
known to be written by Nagarjuna in 10th
century. The book Rasaratnanakara
addresses various metallurgical topics
such as:
Preparation of liquids (rasas) such
as Mercury
Extraction of metals like Gold, Silver,
Tin, and Copper from their ores and
their purification
The processes of liquefaction,
distillation, sublimation, and
India was invaded by Mohammedans
during the time of Nagarjuna. It is
possible that Nagarjuna's texts fell into
the hands of the invaders, who could have
transmitted these Indian Metallurgical
sciences to the outside world.
Albert Einstein:
We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without
which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
Mark Twain:
India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech,
the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand
mother of tradition.
French scholar Romain Rolland:
If there is one place on the face of earth where all dreams of living
men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began
the dream of existence, it is India.
1. Colin Wilson, From Atlantis to the Sphinx. Virgin Books, London. 1997.
2. Alternatives to the Idiot Box, by Nanditha Krishna
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