Nanthin Tsanthos
Nanthin Tsanthos
Nanthin Tsanthos
Player Name________________________________________
Home World: Spectoris (Imperial World) Career Path: Seneschal Rank: 1
Motivation: Prestige Quote:“The Expanse brims with stories waiting to be told.”
Description: Nathin Tsanthos is a visionary and an elitist, a poor combination for the parochial Agri-world of Spectoris. He quietly ar-
ranged off-world transport with a bribe to the right free trader, and was soon on his way to becoming a much more cultured and educated
man. In time, Tsanthos became obsessed with knowledge, pouring his efforts and wealth into obtaining passage into the Koronus Expanse
where great discoveries awaited only his autoquill to tell the tale. The Rogue Trader Sarvus Trask encountered Tsanthos and found a kin-
dred spirit; the scholar agreed to lend his knowledge to Trask’s designs (in return for influence and reputation), and Tsanthos accompanied
the Rogue Trader on his voyages thereafter.
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Will Power Fellowship
WS BS Str T Ag Int Per WP Fel
3 7 3 9 3 4 3 1 3 6 4 8 3 8 4 8 4 7
Awareness (Per) x x o o
Common Lore (Int)† o o o o
Imperium x x o o
Underworld x x o o
War x x o o
Deceive (Fel) x x o o
Dodge (Ag) x x o o
Logic (Int) x x o o
Scholastic Lore (Int)† x x o o
Bureaucracy x x o o
Legend x x o o
Search (Per) x x o o
Tech-Use (Int) x x o o
Autoquill, dataslate, micro-bead, two sets of robes, chrono, 2 clips of
hellpistol ammo, void-breather.