Rugby Lessonplan 1 56
Rugby Lessonplan 1 56
Rugby Lessonplan 1 56
Focus Area
Learning Intentions
Location / Setting
Special Considerations
Key Vocabulary
No forward passing
Making a lead
Whole class
Roughly 20-25 Students
Focus Questions
Rugby balls
Coloured Sashes
Rugby tags
Establishing prior knowledge. Tuning in activity. Focus
Assessment criteria: Assessment FOR learning
Octopus tag:
Two students will become octopus and will
have to grab the tags off the fish to get
them out rather than tagging their
shoulder. If a fish gets caught they will
assist the octopus in getting the remaining
fish out. The fish will have two tags on
each side of their hip.
Guiding Inquiry and Practise
Assessment Criteria: Assessment AS Learning
Passing in a line:
Four student line up and pass to each
other from one side to the other, the
ball must not move forward.
Each team must get from one side of
the basketball court to the other and
Whistle ball:
Two students will pass a rugby ball to
one end of a field to the other. Once
the whistle is blown the student with
the ball will try and run the end for a
tri, the student without the ball has to
try and get the tag of the runner to
count as a tackle.
Drop the ball to re pass to play
Students will learn how to return play
after a tackle by grouping up into
groups of three
Match of tag rugby numbers
Rugby rules apply
No tackling, to tackle an opponent both
Velcro tags must be removed from the
Modified field, wait till number Is
called. The team who starts with the
ball will be the attacking team
Sharing, Explaining and Reviewing Inquiry
Share time. Student reflection. What do they now know?
Assessment Criteria: Assessment OF Learning
- Get the students to help pack up the
equipment and sit them down
- Go over key techniques and skills learned
- Ask focus questions to see what students
have learned from the session
- Ask for feedback on which activities they
liked or disliked
Date ________________