Lesson Plan Template: School: FCC Year Group: 8 Date: 31/8

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Lesson Plan Template

School: FCC

Year Group: 8

Date: 31/8

Focus Area

Learning Intentions

AusVels Health & Physical Education Level 8

- Basketball training

- Training in respective teams

- Continue with match practice and tactics

- At Level 8, students proficiently perform complex movement

and manipulative skills
- They combine motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical
knowledge to improve individual and team performance
- Students undertake a variety of roles in team games (for
example, player, coach, umpire or administrator) and reflect
on their experiences

Location / Setting

Organisation / Student Groups

Special Considerations

- Whitten Oval Basketball courts

- Whole class warm up

- Group split into 2
- Teams (5 a side with a bench)

- Walking to Whitten Oval

Lesson Plan Template

Key Vocabulary

Focus Questions

- Dribble
- Pass
- Lay up
- Give and go
- Jump shot
- Rebound
- Post up
- Screening

- Why is it important to communicate with your

- What are some ways to improve your chances of
shooting a hoop?
- How can we defend without giving up a foul?

Lesson Plan Template

References / Sources / Materials / Resources

and Equipment

- Basketballs x 10
- Ring x 2
- Basketball court
- Bibs/sashes
- Whistle
- Cones x 10

Establishing prior knowledge. Tuning in activity. Focus
Assessment criteria: Assessment FOR learning
Brief introduction
- Aims for the next 6 weeks
- Improve on prior knowledge and understanding of the game
- Pick a side for competition, start picking A and B teams
(5 mins)

Address prior knowledge: Ask guided questions,

understanding what students already know about
basketball, experience etc.
Address todays plan:
- Train in respective teams
- Start establishing positions
- Finish with match practice
(5 mins)

Guiding Inquiry and Practise
Assessment Criteria: Assessment AS Learning
3 man weave
- Usual warm up
- Students come out in threes, pass while running in and out
- Last person finishes with a lay up
(5 mins)

Number Basketball
- Students divided into 2 teams, each given a number from 1-5
- Students play half court bball and aim to score
- Can call out players individually or in small groups
- Challenge ends when one team scores
(10 mins)

- Something more advanced, demonstrate off ball screening
- Usually used by offensive to receive a pass to score a goal
- Players must leave space to move
- Squat, arms tucked in
- Screen a defence to let person with the ball get passed
- Practice with 1 defender and 2 attackers
(10 mins)

Shooting drill
- 1 person stands on the court in a shooting position, their partner
stands under the ring for the rebound
- Swap around if your partner misses. Keep track of the score
- Move to different spots on the court: left baseline, left elbow, top
of the key, right of the key
- As an extension, put extra pressure on student
(10 mins)

Match practice
- 5 v 5 (with bench rotations)
- Play 5 minute quarters and coach teams during the breaks
- Provide constructive feedback
- Normal rules apply
- Start sorting A and B sides
(30 mins)

Lesson Plan Template

Sharing, Explaining and Reviewing Inquiry
Share time. Student reflection. What do they now know?
Assessment Criteria: Assessment OF Learning
Student reflection
- Review todays session: What was worked on, what needs improving.
Develop plan for next week
- Start sorting out teams: A and a B team to be picked for next week, teams
will practice in their respective line ups
(2 mins)

Preservice Teacher Reflection

Mentor Teacher Feedback

Did students achieve the Learning Intentions?

Success Criteria
What were the successful strategies?
How did you the teacher get them to the end result?
Where to from here? Whats next?

Preservice Teacher Name __________________________________


Date ________________

Lesson Plan Template

Strengths / Areas for Improvement

How will we work to improve them?

Mentor Teacher Name___________________________________________



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