Sporthockey 1

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Year 7 Hockey Session

School : Carranballac
Focus Area
Learning the fundamental skills of hockey
Learning the rules and how to be safe when

Year Group : 7


Learning Intentions


Today we are learning.

How to hold the hockey stick
How to pass the ball
How to dribble the ball

Strand. Domain. Dimension / Level

Use feedback to improve body control and

coordination when performing specialised
movement skills in a variety of
situations (ACPMP080)
Practise, apply and transfer movement concepts
and strategies with and without
equipment (ACPMP082)

Location / Setting

Organisation / Student Groups

Special Considerations

Classroom. Specialist area. Other:

Basketball courts

Key Vocabulary

Forward pass
Push pass

Whole class
Roughly 20-25 Students

Focus Questions

How do you hold the stick?

Whats an effective way to pass
the ball?
Why is it important to find space?

Lesson Plan Template

No Hockey sticks to be lifted above their hip

No Hockey sticks to be used in a dangerous

References / Sources / Materials / Resources

and Equipment


Hockey sticks
Coloured Sashes
Hocky balls

Establishing prior knowledge. Tuning in activity. Focus

Guiding Inquiry and Practise

Sharing, Explaining and Reviewing Inquiry
Share time. Student reflection. What do they now know?

Assessment criteria: Assessment FOR learning


Assessment Criteria: Assessment AS Learning

Dribbling and passing the ball:

Assessment Criteria: Assessment OF Learning


Students get a 40 minute session so a

warm up is skipped and is started with
the main activates of the chosen sport.
They will be given the basics of holding
a hockey sticks and going through the
safety precautions.

Students will be in groups split into two

sides, dribbling the ball to one end and
then the other student dribbles to the
other side, once students are
competent it will be progressed with
dribbling and passing the ball.

- Get the students to help pack up the

equipment and sit them down
- Go over key techniques and skills learned
- Ask focus questions to see what students
have learned from the session
- Ask for feedback on which activities they
liked or disliked

Shooting at goal:
Students will be starting on the same
side of the court; they will dribble and
then shoot for goal.
Match of hockey:
Normal hockey rules apply
Only one person can try getting the
ball at a time, when defending.

Lesson Plan Template

Preservice Teacher Reflection

Mentor Teacher Feedback

Did students achieve the Learning Intentions?

Success Criteria
What were the successful strategies?
How did you the teacher get them to the end result?
Where to from here? Whats next?

Preservice Teacher Name __________________________________


Date ________________

Lesson Plan Template

Strengths / Areas for Improvement

How will we work to improve them?

Mentor Teacher Name___________________________________________



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