WGU Intro To IT - Most Recent
WGU Intro To IT - Most Recent
WGU Intro To IT - Most Recent
moel wiz is new omputer moeling softwre tht is ville for purhse online n
through mjor softwre retilers. Mrty uys group liense for 10 users for his
grphis tem. This is n exmple of
ess rights
jx ompny hs just evelope new pp for iOS, they on't know how mny users will
ownlo it n on't wnt to get ught without equte omputer pity, how shoul they
roll out their new pp?
lexis is working on lss projet n relizes she nees some sreen reoring softwre to
omplete the vieo tutoril for her lss. She oesn't wnt to spen money n she isn't
relly sure wht progrm will e est, so she ownlos 30 y free tril of populr
softwre progrm. It works gret for 30 ys, ut then it loks up unless she uys
liense. This is n exmple of
lex works for smll ompny tht mkes gmes for moile evies. The gme tht he is urrently working on, Super
Ninj Surprise, hs mny levels n mny ifferent guys tht the plyer must voi. lthough the guys hnge slightly
from level to level, they re very similr throughout the gme. lex is getting tire of progrmming eh guy in eh
level seprtely. He wishes he oul just ll up the guy oe n moify it slightly for eh level inste of hving to oe it
seprtely eh time.
Selet the progrmming innovtion tht woul est ress the nees expresse:
27. s more iniviuls eie to use the helthre.gov exhnges, the feerl n stte systems will
nee to quikly sle. Whih emerging tehnology n help?
28. t the time of its retion, whih of the following hrteristis ws unique to ENI?
29. se 2
30. se 10?
31. se 16:
lives in rizon n works for lrge ompny with employees lote roun the
worl. o respons to phone lls n e-mils sent y employees to eite IT
support ress. He nswers questions n is le to log in remotely to view
informtion on n employee's omputer. When he is not le to solve
prolem, he routes the issue to nother IT professionl who n provie the
neessry support.
45. ooper is working on reoring uio trks for his n n wishes tht the uio eiting
softwre he ownloe h the ility to filter some of the lower frequenies. So, he
goes into the progrm soure oe n mkes some justments to the filtering
lgorithm. ooper is so plese with the results tht he posts his lgorithm on forum
for the softwre so tht other users n implement his lgorithm if they re looking
for the sme funtionlity. This is n exmple of
46. opyrights will protet _____.
47. The ore omponents of the operting system tht hnle proess mngement, resoure
mngement, n memory mngement. . shell . evie rivers . utility progrms .
servies e. kernel
48. reting moel of the tse esign
49. nte mnges the inventory n orering systems for lrge uto prts mnufturing plnt.
He must mke sure tht prt orers re in the ompny system n re upte if lient
hnges their orer. itionlly, in orer to pln proution to meet the nees of upoming
or potentil future orers, nte must nlyze ptterns in orering n reommen proution
rtes to the plnt mnger.
50. tse ministrtors might e involve with the integrtion of t from __.
51. ___ tse hs reors tht re seprte y elimiter.
52. t is (. more/. less) struture thn informtion.
53. elivering proesse t (i.e., informtion) to the outsie worl vi monitor, printe
pges, or spekers, for exmple.
54. etermining the ojetives n tivities is fter whih projet phse?
55. etermining the projet sope or the work tht nees to e omplete is in wht projet
56. i omputer networks emerge s result of omputer hrwre innovtions in the thir
57. i omputers in the home emerge s result of omputer hrwre innovtions in the
thir genertion?
58. i the softwre evelopment fiel emerge s result of omputer hrwre innovtions in
the thir genertion?
59. The ________________ oes the tul proessing of the t to output isply on your
60. ___ oes the following: oes not return files, monitors requests, replies when
request is omplete.
61. _____________ oes the following: Respons to lient (omputer) requests over
the LN, supports pplition softwre, shres t files.
62. _____________ oes the following: Runs server sie sripts, logs requests n
errors, hnles seurity.
63. oes this sttement urtely esrie hnge etween the seon n thir genertion of
omputers? ertin omputer progrms oul only e use on ertin types of omputers.
64. oes this sttement urtely esrie hnge etween the seon n thir genertion of
omputers? . Even smller usinesses oul now ffor "mini" version of min frme
65. oes this sttement urtely esrie hnge etween the seon n thir genertion of
omputers Integrte iruit ors oul now e use for oth omputtion n memory.
66. oes this sttement urtely esrie hnge etween the seon n thir genertion of
omputers? Silion hips reple trnsmitters.
67. ownloe to omputer while the user is viewing wesite to trk usge.
68. uring nlysis, whih system requirement ensures tht the system is essile to ll
69. uring nlysis, whih system requirement inlues fetures tht will stisfy en user
70. uring nlysis, whih system requirement prevents unuthorize users from essing
71. uring implementtion, how is lph testing ifferent from et testing?
72. uring implementtion, whih testing ssesses whether the system funtions n is
73. uring implementtion, whih testing metho is performe y the en user (in limite
fshion) using tul t in the rel working environment?
74. uring implementtion, whih testing metho uses tul t without the ssistne from
75. uring the implementtion stge, whih testing metho uses simulte t n is ssiste y
system evelopers?
76. uring whih genertion i omputers egin to see wiespre use in usiness?
77. Elen is tire of progrmming her homeme roots through typing long strings of 1s n 0s. So, she retes progrm
tht trnsltes ommns she n type in for her roots suh s Stop, Go, n Turn, into strings of 0s n 1s. Selet the type
of progrmming tht est mthes eh oe exmple.
Selet the type of progrmming tht est mthes eh oe exmple.
78. Elise nees to quikly prepre n inventory report for items tht nee to e reorere.
To sve time, she only heks the inventory for items use uring the pst week
even though the orer will e for supplies to lst month.
79. The En User Liense greement for proprietry softwre
80. The En User Liense greements is ontrt etween the Lienor n the ____.
81. Ensuring tht the system is essile to ll users inluing those with physil hllenges
is whih system requirement?
82. Entering t into the system urtely is n exmple of
83. Exmple 38
84. exmple: 968
85. exmple: 111100010000
86. Exmples of logil moeling inlue?
87. The following sttements urtely esries RM exept:
88. form of kup tht retes opy of everything tht is on hr rive inluing the operting
system, progrms, n onfigurtion files. This sttement est esries whih of the
89. For the following senrio, whih government regultion woul e relevnt?
nre is employe y the eming Fountion, non-profit seeking to help inrese
grution rtes in rurl ommunities. She hs een working hr to ientify n reruit
ontions from welthy usinessmen n ompnies n is seeing gret el of suess.
While she quikly runs into the groery store for few items, someone stels her
lptop from her r, ontining ll her work files.
90. gesture-se interfe where movements inlue suh opertions s swipe, tp, pinh, n
reverse pinh.
91. grute stuent gthering t for her isserttion reserh retes survey using WeMonkey
tht uses Likert-sle (vlues of 1-5) where prtiipnts inite their greement with
questions y seleting vlue. She lso inlues three questions for stuents to nswer
suh s, "Wht wors woul you use to esrie this ourse?" The grute stuent nees to e
le to pture this t in tse n then export the t into t nlysis softwre pplition. Wht
type of tse formt woul est meet her nees?
92. Hs stnr set of menus lwys liste long the top of the esktop. Eh pplition softwre
s to the menu seletions.
93. The _______ hs the exlusive right to mke opies, prepre erivtive works, n
istriute opies of the work for the urtion of the uthor's life plus 70 yers. .
opyright . Ptent
105.If n entire progrm is use s input to rete exeutle oe, the trnsltor is /n (.
ompiler/ . interpreter).
106.In lient-server network, wht is the role of the server?
107.Inite if the funtion esrie woul e pproprite for iniviuls who re prt of n IT eprtment. Selet ll tht pply.
113.Inite whih of the following sttements out tses n t types re urte. (Selet ll tht pply.)
114.Iniviuls in every eprtment re expete to fulfill the orgniztion's ___.
115.Influenes the pth messge will tke: iret or iniret
116.Informtion n e efine s (. proesse/. rw) t.
117.Informtion Tehnology inlues whih of the following:
118.In orer for tse to work, t lest one of the fiels hs to ontin unique vlues. Wht is
the nme of this fiel?
119.In orer to trnslte from n IP lis to n IP ress, whih of the following is use?
120.Instlling, onfiguring, n mintining tse n tse mngement system; king up tse,
reting ounts, n trining users re ll responsiilities of the ______.
121.In strtegi risk nlysis, wht is the finl step?
122.In strtegi risk nlysis, wht is the first step?
123.n interfe for the user tht gives ess to the kernel. . shell . evie rivers . utility
progrms . servies e. kernel
124.In the MV moel, the ontroller is where
125.In the MV moel, the _____ is where form is use to pture the user input t.
126.In the MV moel, the moel is where
127.In the MV moel, the view is where
128.In the MV, the _____ is where hnges n uptes re me to the t se on new t.
129.In the strtegi risk nlysis, prioritizing risks is efore whih step?
130.In whih element of the projet initition phse oes the tem etermine ny hllenges
the projet might enounter?
131.In whih element of the projet initition phse oes the tem etermine the time n
pitl neee for the projet?
132.In whih element of the projet initition phse is the sope of projet etermine?
133.In whih of the following senrios, woul user ontt help esk for ssistne? Selet ll tht pply.
. virtul mhine (VM) is me ville y softwre n permits omputer to run multiple OSs. In usiness
eosystem, this llows for improve ollortion tht is not restrite y pltform softwre.
. virtul mhine (VM) is seprte omputer tht provies users ess to n OS ifferent from their primry omputer.
eing le to hve ess to omputer with ifferent OS filittes ollortion in the usiness eosystem.
. virtul mhine (VM) is rosting evie tht filittes ommunition ross network, thus supporting usiness
omputing eosystem.
138.. virtul mhine (VM) is server tht users n log into n use ifferent OSs n
pplitions ssoite with the ifferent OSs.
139.. omputer users hve not progresse muh over the yers. There re still very few
speilists tht n intert effetively with omputer.
. omputer users interte more with the tehnology previously euse they h more
speilize trining.
. lmost nyone n e omputer user toy wheres in the pst only omputer sientists n
those with speilize trining use omputers.
. omputer users toy hve less intertion with omputers euse they re unwre of
when they my e using them.
140.. s repository for rnom ssortment of t.
. To store multiple tses tht ontin t gthere from vriety of soures.
. To extrt t erive only from we forms.
. s repository for omputer kups of importnt ompny informtion.
141.. The first operting system hnle more tsks.
. The first operting system ws fster.
153.. mission
. vlues
. gols
. ll of the ove
154.. routing
. swithing
. oth
162.servies e. kernel
163.. ontrols ll eits to t
. filittes ommunition etween the moel n the view
164.. view
. ontroller
. n-tier
. moel
165.. hnges n uptes re me to the t se on new t
. the user moels the types of reports neee
. reports re printe
166.. the omputer sns the new t for errors
. form is use to pture the user input t
. reports re printe
167.. prout
. view
. moel
. ontroller
. Sophi is hving troule eveloping n invittion list using her ompny's e-mil progrm. She
174.is not sure wht she is oing wrong.
. Hortio is hving prolems inputting his time using the ompny's new projet
mngement trking system.
. ell signs up to prtiipte in trining ourse on how to use the new ompny e-mil
. lfonso wnts to set up trining for ll the emergeny room nurses to lern to use
the new omputerize physiin orer entry system.
175.The ________ is prt of the motheror n rries out the si instrutions tht operte
the P.