Campbell Et Al. (2003)
Campbell Et Al. (2003)
Campbell Et Al. (2003)
1029/2002JD002563, 2003
[1] During the Aerosol Recirculation and Rainfall Experiment (ARREX 1999) and
Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI 2000) dry season experiments, a
micropulse lidar (523 nm) instrument was operated at the Skukuza Airport in northeastern
South Africa. The lidar was colocated with a diverse array of passive radiometric
equipment. For SAFARI 2000, a daytime time series of layer mean aerosol optical
properties, including layer mean extinction-to-backscatter ratios and vertical extinction
cross-section profiles are derived from the synthesis of the lidar data and aerosol optical
depths from available AERONET Sun photometer data. Combined with derived spectral
Angstrom exponents, normalized broadband flux measurements, and calculated air mass
back-trajectories, the temporal evolution of the surface aerosol layer optical properties is
analyzed for climatological trends. For dense biomass smoke events the extinction-tobackscatter ratio is between 50 and 90 sr, and corresponding spectral Angstrom exponent
values are between 1.50 and 2.00. Observations of an advecting smoke event during
SAFARI 2000 are shown. The smoke was embedded within two distinct stratified
thermodynamic layers causing the particulate mass to advect over the instrument array in
an incoherent manner on the afternoon of 1 September 2000. Significant surface
broadband flux forcing of over 50 W/m2 was measured in this event. The evolution of
the vertical aerosol extinction profile is profiled using the lidar data. Finally, observations
of persistent elevated aerosol layers during ARREX 1999 are presented and discussed.
Back-trajectory analyses combined with lidar and Sun photometer measurements indicate
the likelihood for these aerosols being the result of long-range particulate transport from
INDEX TERMS: 0305 Atmospheric Composition and
the southern and central South America.
Structure: Aerosols and particles (0345, 4801); 0345 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Pollution
urban and regional (0305); 0360 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Transmission and scattering of
radiation; 0394 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Instruments and techniques; KEYWORDS: lidar,
aerosols, biomass burning, Sun photometry, lidar ratio, SAFARI 2000
Citation: Campbell, J. R., E. J. Welton, J. D. Spinhirne, Q. Ji, S.-C. Tsay, S. J. Piketh, M. Barenbrug, and B. N. Holben, Micropulse
lidar observations of tropospheric aerosols over northeastern South Africa during the ARREX and SAFARI 2000 dry season
experiments, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D13), 8497, doi:10.1029/2002JD002563, 2003.
1. Introduction
[2] The climatic impact of biogenic, pyrogenic and anthropogenic surface emissions across the southern African subcontinent (described here as the region south of the 15S
latitude) has been the focus of much recent field research. The
area is marked by significant industrial and domestic sulfate
and carbon release. A dense network of generator stations
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Figure 1. A summary of observations during the SAFARI 2000 experiment, 18 August to 13 September
(fractional days 231 to 257 inclusive): back-trajectory classifications for lower (surface to 850 hPa) and
upper levels (700 to 500 hPa), as described in the text (a), derived values of S for surface aerosol layer
with uncertainty bars (b), AERONET CIMEL 523 nm aerosol optical depths (c), and Angstrom
exponents (d), and the derived aerosol layer top height used to initiate algorithm inversion techniques (e).
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4. Case Studies
[24] Two notable events were identified from the SAFARI
2000 and ARREX data sets, and are discussed in this
section as case studies. First, we examine the evolution of
a fresh smoke plume over the Skukuza site as observed by
the surface instrument array. Second, observation of persistent elevated aerosols during ARREX led to an investigation
into their potential nature and source. The lack of corroborating observations the following year makes these observations quite noteworthy.
4.1. Advecting Smoke Layer: 1 September 2000
[25] Our first case study deals with observations made on
1 September 2000 (fractional day 245), when smoke aerosols from recently begun fires upwind were observed
advecting over the airport site. (Note that times are reported
in this section in fractional day UTC. Local time at Skukuza
was +0200 hours relative to UTC.) Figure 7 is a threechannel (0.66 mm, 0.55 mm, and 0.47 mm) early morning
composite image of level 1B Moderate Resolution Infrared
Spectrometer (MODIS) data taken aboard the NASA EOS
Terra satellite (approximately 245.37). The Skukuza Airport
(24.97S, 31.58E) is denoted in the image by a white dot.
The satellite pass was centered well to the west of Skukuza
(note the edge of the data swath on the right side of the
image), so the resolution in the area of interest has been
compromised to some degree. However, numerous fires and
their resulting plumes existed in and around the vicinity of
Skukuza. The highest concentration of fires was confined to
a 3 by 3 grid directly north of the airport site. No fires
were evident the previous morning in the available MODIS
[26] In Figure 8, MPL NRB data are displayed for the full
day. The surface aerosol layer was confined to the first 4.00
km AGL. Two daytime balloonsonde profiles are shown in
Figures 9a 9b. The top of the layer was capped by a slight
temperature inversion near 580 hPa in the early morning
(Figure 9a, 245.21) and near 560 hPa during the midafternoon (Figure 9b, 245.50). Measurements from a broadband
solar radiometer at the airport are shown versus correspond-
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Figure 5. Corresponding to Figures 3 and 4, comparisons of Angstrom exponent values calculated from
available AERONET CIMEL Sun photometer measurements vs. derived S values for the four most
common lower/upper level back-trajectory classifications: easterly/westerly (a), recirculated/westnorthwesterly (b), westerly/west-northwesterly (c), and easterly/west-northwesterly. Linear regression
functions are shown for each figure, including relevant statistics such as the correlation coefficient.
ing airmass (defined as the inverse cosine of the solar
zenith angle) in Figure 10. These data are broken into
morning and afternoon observations, relative to the solar
angle rising and lowering. Figure 11 is an expansion of
Figure 1 for the subject day, with MPL algorithm output
supplemented by corresponding CIMEL measurements.
Finally, in Figures 12a 12c are three profiles of the
extinction cross section as derived from the MPL measurements for the early morning (245.23), midafternoon
(245.50), and late afternoon (245.60) respectively.
[27] What was unique about this event was that the
advancing smoke plume, as witnessed at Skukuza, developed within two thermally separate layers. Aside from the
upper inversion cap, a strong near-ground inversion was
present in both radiosonde profiles (Figure 9). During the
morning it was near 1.00 km. By afternoon, thermal
expansion of the layer caused this boundary to lift to near
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Figure 7. MODIS level 1B geolocated RGB composite imagery from bands 1, 4 and 3 (.66 mm, 0.55
mm, and 0.47 mm) for southeastern Africa from 0900 to 0905 UTC, 1 September 2000. Longitude/latitude
designations are detailed along the border of the image, and the location of the Skukuza Airport site
(24.97S, 31.58E) is labeled with a white star. The southeastern continental boundary is denoted on the
right side of the image by a white border (though there are no data). An escarpment, separating the
Highveld (west) and Lowveld (east) regions, can be identified as the darker winding terrain border
beginning from the bottom of the figure near 28.00E. Smoke plumes, and diffuse smoke aerosols are
evident throughout most of the northern portion of the Lowveld. Hydrometeor clouds are evident in the
southeastern sector, in close proximity to the Indian Ocean.
corroborating observations the following year raises significant uncertainty in this scenario.
[36] Though no sounding data were available from Skukuza for early September, the apparent structure in Figure
13a suggests particle stratification along thermal boundaries. This is consistent with a prolonged presence, whereby
newly introduced particulate would likely show some
degree of turbulent (mixing) structure. Seven-day air mass
back-trajectories calculated for two upper tropospheric
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Figure 8. MPL normalized relative backscatter (counts*km2/uj*us) data from 1 September 2000 at the
Skukuza Airport site.
Figure 9. Balloonsonde profiles of temperature versus height above ground (km) from 1 September
2000 at approximately 0500 UTC (fractional day 245.2076) (a), and 1200 UTC (245.4993) (b) launched
from the Skukuza Airport site.
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Figure 11. Corresponding to Figure 2 but expanded for 1 September 2000, without back-trajectory
classification table.
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Figure 12. MPL-derived extinction cross-section profiles with uncertainty bars versus height above
ground (km) for 30-min data periods on 1 September 2000; fractional day 245.2281 (a), 245.5011 (b) and
245.6071 (c). S for each case is noted.
penetrating the near-surface inversion layers over an
extended period.
5. Conclusions
[42] In this paper we describe observations made during
August and September for 1999 and 2000 at the Skukuza
Airport in northeastern South Africa in concurrence with the
ARREX and SAFARI 2000 field campaigns. The primary
instrument of focus is a micropulse lidar instrument (MPL)
supplemented with observations from colocated passive
radiometric equipment and derived air mass back-trajectories. The purpose of these measurements is to enhance our
understanding of the optical properties of regional aerosols,
which are heavily influenced by industrial sulfate emissions
and biomass burning. Specifically, regional characterization
of the extinction-to-backscatter ratio (S) is of particular
importance to satellite-based lidar programs as calibration
reference points. We have shown that during the dry season
months, there is great variability in this parameter as a
function of air mass origin.
[43] Under dense smoke/haze conditions, S was found to
vary between 50 and 90 sr. In west northwesterly upper
level flow, which increases the influence of continental
transport from prevalent upwind biomass burning locales,
the spectral Angstrom exponent (AE) was found to be
between 1.60 and 2.00. As air mass origins shifted at upper
levels to more westerly, thereby inducing greater advection
of urban and industrial pollutants, AE was found to reach a
maximum only approaching 1.90 with common values
much being much lower. In conditions affected by the
influence of maritime aerosol modification and recirculation, S values dropped to between 40 and 70 sr, while AE
Figure 13. MPL normalized relative backscatter (counts*km2/uj*us) from 7 September 1999 at the
Skukuza Airport site (top), and seven-day NOAA HYSPLIT back-trajectory calculations for 6.00 and
9.00 km beginning at 0000 UTC from Skukuza (bottom).
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Figure 14. Seven-day air mass back-trajectories from 0000 UTC at 7.50 km from Skukuza for ARREX
(24 August to 9 September 1999) (a) and SAFARI 2000 (18 August to 13 September 2000) (b).
[45] Finally, we present MPL observations of persistent
elevated aerosols during ARREX. Analysis of daily sevenday back-trajectories from the period indicates that they
likely were the result of intercontinental transport between
southern South America and southern Africa. While previous researchers have shown the existence of biomass
burning aerosols advecting from central South America into
the southern Atlantic Ocean basin, ancillary passive measurements made at Skukuza are not in agreement with such a
scenario being responsible. Two alternate hypotheses are
presented: dust transport from the Patagonia and/or Atacama Deserts desert areas of southern South America, or
elevated matter from the Guagua Pichincha volcano in
Ecuador. The latter experienced significant eruptive activity
from June to September 1999. These observations are
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Figure 15. Angstrom exponent calculations from available AERONET CIMEL Sun photometer data
for the period 17 August to 10 September 1999. Overlaid in the image are seasonal mean values for 1999
(solid) and 2000 (dashed) as described in Figure 2. 7 September 1999, as referenced in the text,
corresponds to fractional day 250.
periods of the event show that the elevated aerosols contributed approximately 0.05 0.03 at 523 nm, which is
significant with regards to affecting column heating rates.
[46] Deployment of the MPL instruments for these
experiments was coordinated through the recently formed
NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Micropulse Lidar
Network project (MPLNET) [Welton et al., 2001b]. The
MPL-Net program was designed to establish a global network of MPL systems of long-term climatological cloud
and aerosol research. In the coming years, instruments will
be deployed at preexisting AERONET field sites to supplement colocated Sun photometer measurements with profiles
of vertical structure. Additionally, field campaigns will be
supported as deemed relevant. Data sets described in this
paper are available online, and potential users are encouraged to visit the project website to make specific inquiries.
The MPL-Net World Wide Web site can be accessed at
Appendix A
[47] In this section we describe an automated algorithm
used to find the top of the surface aerosol layer from an
individual (as stored operationally) or group-averaged MPL
profile. When analyzing a single profile, or including it in a
group average, a simple signal threshold filter is applied to
every profile to avoid cloud contamination (D. D. Turner,
personal communication, 1998). The search begins by finding the first range bin from the instrument where the ratio of
NRB signal to NRB signal uncertainty is less than 2.00.
Roughly speaking, this relationship is signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR). However, SNR typically applies to the similar ratio
but for raw signal. Given that there are instrument correction
terms and related uncertainties mixed into this new value it
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