Mill View Update: Kodey's Sponsored Bike Ride

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Kodey's Sponsored Bike Ride

Hi, my name is Kodey. Im in Year 1, and together with my little brother Jacob Im cycling
100 km (thats almost 80,000 turns of my little 16in wheels!) to help other children find
their own forever families. Three years ago, Adoption Matters helped us find our forever
mummy and daddy.
Our challenge is to cycle 100 km (62 miles) in one month. Well go out on all terrain and
in all weather we love getting muddy!
Please help us raise money for Adoption Matters so that lots of children like us can get
their own adoptive families.
You can donate on our fundraising page or just talk to my mum or dad
Thank you!


28th Own clothes day (Bottle
donations for Christmas Fair)

10th 1.45pm or 7pm
Behaviour Course for Parents
Session 1
11th 2.45pm
Introduction to Spelling Approach
(Year 1-6)
14th Anti Bullying Week
15th Introduction to Spelling
Approach (Year 1-6)
7pm Reading Meeting
7.30pm Reception Parents
21st Autumn Term Book Fair
(Tuesday to Friday)
21st Year 4 Cinema Visit
24th 1.45pm or 7pm
Behaviour Course for Parents
Session 2
25th Own Clothes Day (Raffle
donations for Christmas fair)

1st 1.45pm or 7pm
Behaviour Course for Parents
Session 3
2nd 2.30-6.30pm
Christmas Fair and Market
8th 1.45pm or 7pm
Behaviour Course for Parents
Session 4
9th Christmas Discos!:
Infants 3.30-5pm
Juniors 5.30-7pm
15th 2pm & 5pm
Infants Christmas Celebration for
families, with picnic tea
16th Whole school
pantomime trip
20th Juniors Christmas
Celebration for families
21st Save the Children Christmas
Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner
Last day of term for children

Mill View


Behaviour Management Course

Thursday 10th & 24th November
and 1st & 8th December
Are you keen to find out
more about the behaviour
management approach we
use at school? Sign up and
come along to four sessions
run by Mrs Gibbons and
Mrs Noble. Each session
will run at 1.45pm and
again at 7.00pm. Book early
as spaces usually fill up fast.
See separate flyer for more

Reception Reading Evening

Tuesday 15th November 7.30pm
Mrs Gibbons and Mrs
Wallace will be leading a
short meeting to explain
more about how we teach
reading in the early stages
at Mill View. It would be
great if as many Reception
parents as possible could
come along.



Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 would like to invite their

families along to celebrate Christmas with them at their
annual sing along. We will be holding 2 performances
on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 5pm. Children
are all invited to stay and watch a festive film together
in between performances and bring along a picnic tea
to enjoy together.
Key Stage 2 will be inviting parents along to celebrate
Christmas with them at Holy Ascension Church on
Tuesday 20th December.
Details about tickets nearer the time.

Moving on
We are pleased to congratulate Mrs Noble on her new post at
CWAC as a specialist teacher for CWACs Autism Service. Mrs
Noble has taught at Mill View for 13 years . She has taught and
supported many children with her determination to make
learning fun and break down learning barriers. We hope she will
maintain links in supporting the school.
Also, congratulations to Mr Gilbert who has just been appointed
as Deputy Head teacher at Ashton Hayes Primary School. Mr
Gilbert has taught at Mill View for 5 years and improved our use of
technology across school, encouraged us to plant, grow and eat in
our Kitchen Garden and has championed outdoor learning.
We will miss them both very much but wish them well on their
next adventure!
We will let you know more about staffing arrangements for
next term very shortly as we are in the last stages of securing

PTA Event
Everyone who came along really enjoyed our PTA Family Night.
The children acted as great tour guides to show their families
around our learning environment and the chilli was delicious!

We have had teams from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 playing in a

number of matches and tournaments this half term. Weve
lost two and won two but more to follow soon!

Cross Country
We had an excellent turnout at the first round of the Chester
Schools Cross Country League. The children performed
brilliantly, well done! Next race date is 12 November.

We have identified
spelling as an area for
development for our
children. Every child
from Year 2 up to Year 6
has completed a spelling test electronically at school. They worked hard and enjoyed the
challenge. They will all be receiving a year group spelling list that they can practise at home
over the next few weeks. We will also send home ideas of how they can practise these in
different ways. They will receive a new spelling list to work on at home each half term.
The lists are not meant to be exhaustive and we would encourage the children to practise
spelling other words once they can confidently spell those at home.
These words and others will be practised at school regularly. We will not be doing weekly
spelling tests as research shows that this is not an effective way to develop spelling skills.
Children will complete an electronic spelling test each term.

Spelling Information Meeting

Come and find out more in our brief introduction to how this will work at 2.45pm on Friday
11 November or 7pm on Tuesday 15 November.

Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair will be with us again on the week beginning
21st November. The book fair will be open on Tuesday-Friday
straight after school. This is a great opportunity to buy from
a wide selection of books, maybe do some Christmas shopping!
As always school receives back up to 60% of the proceeds in books for
our children. Previous fairs have helped to stock our great new lending library.

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