Lizabethmattsonobservation c-7
Lizabethmattsonobservation c-7
Lizabethmattsonobservation c-7
(C-7) Objective: To tutor one student or a small group of students needing scaffolding in
reading and/or writing
Student 1:
Race/Ethnicity: African American Gender Female Age 5 years
Reading Level <PC Leveling System M-Class
Student 2:
Race/Ethnicity: African American Gender Female Age 5 years
Reading Level RB Leveling System M-Class
Length of Session ____15 X 30 ____40
____1 hour
Directions: Tutor students or a small group of students needing scaffolding in reading or writing.
1. Did you tutor students individually or in small groups? Individually
2. What reading or writing strategies did you use in tutoring the student? Using puzzle made
by cutting letters of the childs name apart: having the child put the puzzle together; having the
child close eyes, taking a letter away, and having the child name the missing letter. Using the
letters of the childs name, provide upper and lower case magnetic letters, have the child match
each upper case letter to its corresponding lower case letter, name the letter, and name its sound,
add letters beyond the letters in the childs name once those are mastered. Clapping and counting
syllables in 1-, 2-, and 3-syllable words. Sharing a book and having the child point to the front of
the book, the back of the book, the title of the book, where to start reading on every page, to a
word, to a letter, to the beginning of a sentence, to the end of a sentence, to a punctuation mark
(period). Sharing a book and having the child point to words as I read, count the words on a
page. Cut up and jumble a sentence from the book and have the child put the sentence together.
3. Did the students accept your help or were they reluctant? They accepted my help
4. After tutoring the student(s), did they have a better understanding of the assignment? How
do you know? Yes. They both began doing the tasks better, sorting the letters in their name
better, and naming letters and sounds better. One student improved more than the other, and I
know that because I gave a letter identification assessment to both students at the beginning and
the end of the tutoring. At the beginning, both students identified 8 letters. At the end student 1
identified 8 letters, and student 2 identified 11 letters.
5. What CCSS ELA Standards did you cover during your time with the student? See below:
Print Concepts:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.1.a Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.1.b Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language
by specific sequences of letters.
EDU 3410.0L1 Mr. Donald Barringer, MA