Program - Mba Subject Code & Name - Mb0050 - Research Methodology 1.distinguish Between Descriptive and Causal Research Studies?
Program - Mba Subject Code & Name - Mb0050 - Research Methodology 1.distinguish Between Descriptive and Causal Research Studies?
Program - Mba Subject Code & Name - Mb0050 - Research Methodology 1.distinguish Between Descriptive and Causal Research Studies?
disadvantages of the questionnaire method?
Illustrate with suitable examples.
The questionnaire has many advantages over the other data collection
methods discussed earlier.
Probably the greatest benefit of the method is its adaptability. There is,
actually speaking, no domain or branch for which a questionnaire cannot be
designed. It can be shaped in a manner that can be easily understood by the
population under study. The language, the content and the manner of
questioning can be modified suitably. The instrument is particularly suitable
for studies that are trying to establish the reasons for certain occurrences or
The second advantage is that it assures anonymity if it is self-administered
by the respondent, as there is no pressure or embarrassment in revealing
sensitive data. A lot of questionnaires do not even require the person to fill in
his/her name. Administering the questionnaire is much faster and less
expensive as compared to other primary and a few secondary sources as
What is
Data editing
Data editing is the process that involves detecting and correcting errors
(logical inconsistencies) in data. After collection, the data is subjected to
processing. Processing requires that the researcher must go over all the raw
data forms and check them for errors.
The significance of validation becomes more important in the following
In case the form had been translated into another language, expert analysis
is done to see whether the meaning of the questions in the two measures is
the same or not.
The second case could be that the questionnaire survey has to be done at
multiple locations
Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive analysis refers to transformation of raw data into a form that will
facilitate easy understanding and interpretation. Descriptive analysis deals
with summary measures relating to the sample data. The common ways of
summarizing data are by calculating average, range, standard deviation,
project. The tone of this letter, unlike the above document, is very
precise and formal.