MMPC - 005 Quantitative Analysi
MMPC - 005 Quantitative Analysi
MMPC - 005 Quantitative Analysi
1. Describe briefly the questionnaire method of collecting primary data. State the
essentials of a good questionnaire.
Primary data collection is the process of collecting data from a live source, such
as a human being. The goal of primary data collection is to collect data that is as
accurate and complete as possible. This data can be used to improve the quality of
life for people and the environment. Primary data collection is the process of
collecting data from a real-world source, like a customer or user. This can be done
manually or through automated means.
Basic types of primary data collection include online, offline, and self-collection
are :-
There are various types of collection of primary data, and We collect primary data
during the course of doing experiments in an experimental
research but in case we do research of the descriptive type and perform surveys,
whether sample surveys or census surveys, then we can obtain primary data either
through observation or through direct communication with respondents in one form or
another or through personal interviews.
This, in other words, means that there are several methods of collecting primary
data, particularly in surveys and descriptive researches. Important ones are:
i. observation method,
ii. interview method,
iii. through questionnaires,
iv. through schedules, and
v. other methods
1. There is low cost even when the universe is large and is widely spread
2. It is free from the bias of the interviewer; answers are in respondents’ own
3. Respondents have adequate time to give well thought out answers.
4. Respondents, who are not easily approachable, can also be reached
5. Large samples can be made use of and thus the results can be made more
dependable and reliable.
4] Related to the points: Questions should be related to the point. They should
not be irrelevant.
10] Request for Return: The respondents should be asked to return the
questionnaire completely filled out. The respondent must be confident that the
information he provides will be kept private. Questionnaires and plans have
identical sets of questions. The only difference between the two is that in
questionnaires, the respondents record all of the information themselves. The
enumerators, on the other hand, record the information provided by the respondents
in the schedules.
2. Discuss the importance of measuring variability for managerial decision-making.
*key points :-
>One way to measure variability is through the use of the standard deviation, which
quantifies the average amount by which data points differ from the mean and a
higher standard deviation indicates a larger variability, while a lower standard
deviation suggests a smaller variability.
For example :- consider a manager analyzing sales data for multiple products.
Measuring the variability in sales performance can help identify which products are
consistently popular and which ones are more volatile. This information can guide
decisions on resource allocation, inventory management, and marketing strategies.
In summary, measuring variability equips managers with critical insights into the
stability and performance of business processes. This understanding supports
proactive management, leading to improved efficiency, reduced risks, and sustained
organizational success. Measuring variability in data provides also crucial
insights for managerial decisions, indicating the reliability of processes and data
points, and highlighting the predictability of outcomes, which is essential for
effective data-driven decision-making and risk management.