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3. DATES COVERED (From - To)



Test Operations Procedure (TOP)

2-2-540 Testing of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) Systems








US Army Aberdeen Test Center (TEDT-AT-AD-F)

400 Colleran Rd, Bldg 321
APG, MD 21005-5059

TOP 2-2-540



Test Business Management Division (TEDT-TMB)

US Army Developmental Test Command
314 Longs Corner Road
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5055



Same as item 8


Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.


Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), AD No.:

This TOP supersedes TOP 2-2-540, dated 20 June 2002

This TOP describes a systematic approach to safety and performance testing of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs). The
objective is to ensure that the design of each UGV includes positive measures to enhance system safety, and that hazards
which could reduce system safety are eliminated or controlled to an acceptable level of risk.


Unmanned Ground Vehicles












19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)

Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18



Test Operation Procedure (TOP) 2-2-540


30 June 2008



Paragraph 1.

SCOPE .......................................................................................................
Applicability ..............................................................................................
Activities Addressed ..................................................................................
Limitations .................................................................................................
Introduction to UGVs ................................................................................
FACILITIES AND INSTRUMENTATION .............................................
Test Facilities and Conditions ....................................................................
Instrumentation ..........................................................................................
Modeling and simulation ...........................................................................
REQUIRED TEST CONDITIONS ...........................................................
Test Item Configuration .............................................................................
Test Planning .............................................................................................
Frequency ...................................................................................................
Supporting Documents ...............................................................................
Test Controls ..............................................................................................
Safety ..........................................................................................................
TEST PROCEDURES ...............................................................................
DATA REQUIRED ....................................................................................
PRESENTATION OF DATA ....................................................................

Appendix A.

FREQUENCY ALLOCATION FORM .................................................... A-1

DOCUMENT REVIEW CHECKLIST ..................................................... B-1
REFERENCES ........................................................................................... C-1

*This TOP supersedes TOP 2-2-540, dated 20 June 2002

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008


This TOP describes a systematic approach to safety and performance testing of Unmanned
Ground Vehicles (UGVs). The objective is to ensure that the design of each UGV includes
positive measures to enhance system safety, and that hazards which could reduce system safety
are eliminated or controlled to an acceptable level of risk. This overarching document will point
to other TOPs or International Test Operation Procedures (ITOPS) for more detailed explanation
of specific test activities.


The purpose of this document is to provide a systematic approach to testing UGVs in order to
ensure that the overall safety of the system is adequate and that the performance of the UGV
meets with expectations. It describes activities necessary to ensure safety is designed into the
system under test. This document provides uniform procedures for developing and implementing
a test methodology of sufficient comprehensiveness to identify hazards of a system and to verify
performance of the system meets with system requirements.


This document is appropriate for application to UGVs regardless of size, mode of operation, or
type of weapon employed. This document applies to tethered,
remote-controlled, tele-operated, and autonomous controlled ground vehicles. Robotic systems
addressed in this TOP cover the full spectrum from throwable systems weighing approximately a
quarter pound up to 70 ton vehicles and range in capabilities from pure remote control or teleoperated systems to fully intelligent and autonomous systems. Any capabilities not under onboard human control such as weapons firing or vehicle movement are also covered by this

Activities Addressed.

The information contained herein applies to any testing of robotic systems, whether simply
obtaining a safety release or conducting a formal developmental test program for systems
acquisition. As with any test program, tailoring of test procedures to the specific needs of the
system and its intended use are encouraged. This document also applies to the experimentation
and demonstration of robotic system capabilities. Although many sections of this document may
not apply, all safety related sections still apply, as the safety of personnel and avoidance of
damage to vehicles, equipment, and facilities near robotic systems must be assured.


a. This document is only for testing of UGVs. Methodologies for testing of Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Unmanned Submersible Vehicles (USVs) are not covered in this
document. This document does not apply to automated subsystems that do not directly affect
people or objects outside of the vehicle such as automated internal weapon loading systems or
automated tracking subsystems, nor to automated driver-assist functions that require full-time
on-board driver attention to perform a task such as cruise control, anti-lock brake systems, or
self-leveling systems.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
b. This document is applicable to testing of multiple UGVs working in the vicinity of
each other; however, testing of multiple UGVs working in cooperation is not addressed in this
1.5 Introduction to UGVs.
1.5.1 Need and Roles for UGVs.
UGVs are robotic platforms that are used as an extension of human capability. These robots are
generally capable of operating outdoors and over a wide variety of terrain, functioning in place
of humans. UGVs are generally used to complete tasks that are, from a human perspective, dull,
dirty, or dangerous. Tasks such as reconnaissance, explosive ordnance disposal, mine clearing,
and logistic resupply are typical examples of jobs suited for UGVs. Due to the wide range of
tasks that can be accomplished with UGVs, there are necessarily a wide range of types of UGVs;
however, the general principles for testing UGVs can be applied regardless of UGV type.
1.5.2 UGV Categories.
UGVs can be generally defined based on three categories: size, mode of operation, and weapon

(1) MicroUGV: An unmanned ground vehicle weighing less than 10 lbs.

(2) SUGV: (Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle): An unmanned ground vehicle

weighing less than 200 lbs.
(3) MUGV (Medium Unmanned Ground Vehicle): An unmanned ground vehicle
weighing between 200 and 2,000 lbs.
(4) LUGV (Large Unmanned Ground Vehicle): An unmanned ground vehicle
weighing more than 2,000 lbs.

Mode of operation

(1) Tethered: A mode of control wherein the human operator controls the UGV
through a direct, wired connection. An example of such connection would be a fiber optic cable.
Typically a line of sight (LOS) must be maintained under tethered operation; however, under
certain circumstances, a LOS isnt necessary (i.e., operation in tunnel, around corners, etc).
(2) Remote Controlled: A mode of control wherein the human operator must dedicate
100 percent of their attention to system operation without benefit of sensory feedback from the
vehicle. A LOS must be maintained with the vehicle under remote control operation.
(3) Teleoperated: A mode of control wherein the human operator has control of the
UGV through cues provided by video, audio and digital feedback. The human operator controls
the UGV through a wireless connection transmitted over radio frequencies (RF). The human
operator must dedicate 100 percent of their time to operating the UGV. A LOS does not
necessarily need to be maintained under tele-operation.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
(4) Autonomous: A mode of control wherein the UGV is self-sufficient. The human
operator can program a mission for the UGV, but the UGV will execute the mission without any
human interaction. There are varying levels of autonomy in regards to the level of human
interaction with the UGV.
(5) Semi-autonomous: A UGV that has multiple modes of control occurring
simultaneously to include at least one autonomously controlled function. The level of semiautonomy can vary greatly from UGV to UGV and will tend to be used extensively on
weaponized UGVs (i.e. a weaponized UGV equipped with an Autonomous Navigation and
Obstacle Avoidance System, but with tele-operated, operator controlled weapon functions).
(6) Manned: A mode of control wherein the UGV is directly controlled by a human
operator through the use of a steering wheel, etc.

Weapon type

(1) Weaponized, projectile: A UGV equipped with any device that launches a
projectile (i.e., machine gun, smoke grenades, lane markers).
(2) Weaponized, non-projectile: A UGV equipped with any energetic device that can
affect the area around the vehicle without launching a projectile (i.e., acoustic, laser, sonic
(3) Weaponized, non-lethal projectile. A UGV equipped with a weapon or device
that launches a non-lethal projectile (i.e., rubber bullets, pepper balls, netting, paint balls, etc.)
(4) Non-weaponized: A UGV not equipped with a weapon or device that affects the
environment around the vehicle.



Test Facilities and Conditions.

a. Existing test facility types should be used when possible. It is necessary to consider
all types of climatic and environmental conditions in a great variety of soil types. The tester
should consider the effects of operating on primary roads, secondary roads, cross-country terrain,
and the ability to operate in and around natural and man-made obstacles. The tester should also
consider the effects of high and low temperature extremes, humidity, snow, freezing rain, sand,
dust, vibration, and electromagnetic interference. Instrumentation and system operational
equipment procedures for each facility should be created and may vary based on the type of
equipment being tested.
b. Courses that are being used for UGV testing must be accurately digitally modeled in
order to be used to verify the UGV cognitive abilities when applicable. This digital model will
be used as the control that can be compared to the UGVs perception in order to determine if
there are variances between the UGVs perception and what actually exists. These facilities
must be accurately instrumented and calibrated to include RF and meteorological monitoring
stations in order to accurately depict changing conditions of the course.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
c. Dedicated UGV test courses should be equipped with complete video coverage of the
entire course in order to record mishaps and incidents while also providing situational awareness
to personnel monitoring the test from a safe location.
d. UGVs should be tested in facilities where there are no other experimental systems
under test.


a. A wide range of instrumentation must be available to measure the performance of the

components, subsystems, sensors, algorithmic processes, and telemetric links, and to capture
required data. This data will be used not only to verify the performance and safety of the
vehicle, but also to validate system models which can then be used to create larger data sets to
complement physical testing. Therefore, when designing the instrumentation package for the
system under test, data required to validate system models must considered.
b. In general, instrumentation will continue to be used in traditional physical test roles to
gather pertinent component level data using accelerometers, thermocouples and the like.
c. Additional instrumentation requirements must be considered when testing UGVs.
UGVs will rely extensively on sensors to provide information regarding the environment in
which the UGV is operating. Data instrumentation packages must be able to pull information
from the sensors prior to manipulation of that information by the UGV algorithmic processes as
well as processed information such as the perception map, decisions about the map, and planned
d. In order to understand how the UGV uses the sensor information it receives to make
decisions, data log files of the UGVs algorithmic process will be recorded. This information can
be used to understand why and how the UGV made its decisions. This information also will be
used to validate system models and will allow for test repeatability that would not normally be
available without this information.
e. Following execution of the UGVs algorithmic processes, there will be outputs to the
vehicle subsystems generally based on the UGVs worldmap or perception of its environment.
Data instrumentation packages must be used to capture this perception and outputs to the system
in order to determine the accuracy of the UGVs perception and the correctness of its response.
f. Generally, UGVs will export their view of the world to an external controller or
System of Systems. Testers must have access to the same vehicle-created worldmaps that are
being used by system developers. Data instrumentation packages should be used to capture
information as its sent from the UGV, and as its received by the external controller, in order to
determine if there is degradation in information quality caused by or occurring during the
information transfer.
g. A redundant emergency stop (E-stop) with an independent power supply will be
installed on each UGV.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
h. A strobe light, which will activate when the UGV engages in remote or autonomous
operations, will be installed.
i. The use of three dimensional (3D) viewers and system models may be needed to
monitor vehicle states and projected path or weapon footprints for safety purposes.
j. Real Time and Near Real Time Analysis Displays. Testers need access to information
to ensure the safety of all test personnel, to protect the test article as much as possible, and to
ensure that the test unfolds as planned. Examples may include temperature profiles of critical
components, comparisons of true and perceived world maps, vehicle planned paths, the states of
weapons and payloads, actual and predicted data link quality, and other information as
determined by the test director.
k. For Micro UGVs, SUGVs, and small MUGVs, the data acquisition/instrumentation
package must be small enough so as to not affect the performance of the UGV under test.

Modeling and Simulation.

a. Data Link Prediction. Testers may use RF propagation prediction tools for some
systems to predict the areas where the data link may be marginal or unacceptable for the test
article and E-Stop systems. This information helps the tester maintain positive control of the
UGV at all times and to ensure that a valid test is conducted.
b. 3D Models. As a part of test planning, testers may use 3D models of the vehicle and
the test area to ensure that the vehicle is properly presented with challenges. Avenues of
approach may be adjusted accordingly during the test planning process to achieve test objectives.
These models may also be used during test execution to support monitoring UGV performance.
This is especially important in areas of difficult terrain or where obscurants are present.



Test Item Configuration.

a. The item should be tested at system, subsystem, and component levels. Each discreet,
identifiable component or subsystem should be tested and measured for overall contribution to
the system. Sufficient testing should be conducted to demonstrate that the operator, software,
vehicle platform, control unit, and mechanical operating devices and applications can work
effectively together. Knowledge of software versions is critical to successful conduct of
developmental testing. The test instrumentation suite should be selected based on the objective of
the test and the data required. Individual components should be instrumented when required.
b. For a UGV, the main components addressed for system level testing are referred to in
this document as the human operator, vehicle platform, software, operator control unit (OCU),
Mobile Base Unit (MBU) or vehicle control unit (VCU), RF links, video links, tethered links,
mechanical operating devices, and the application hardware.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
(1) The human operator controls the platform either remotely with an RF or tethered
link or programs commands for autonomous operation.
(2) Software is used as artificial intelligence to control functions and coordinate the
activities of other components.
(3) The vehicle platform provides mobility.
(4) The OCU is the remote work station for the human operator that enables remote
control of selected driving and associated functions.
(5) The MBU or VCU interface between the OCU and the mechanical operating
devices on the UGV. RF, video and tethered links establish communication between the UGV
and the command vehicle.
(6) The application hardware is the means to perform the specified task of the UGV.
3.2 Test Planning.
a. Test planning should be initiated early in the acquisition process in order to yield the
most cost effective approach to decision risk mitigation. Component and subsystem level testing
should be conducted throughout the development of the system. Each version must demonstrate
effective support/operation of the system. The level of testing should be carefully considered.
System level testing should be conducted whenever an operational system is available.
Performance of the individual components should be determined during system level testing to
confirm design goals. All subsystems and components should be individually qualified prior to
integration into the system. Software is a critical component that must be rigorously tested.
b. Testing should be conducted to demonstrate that the logistics concept is adequate.
Issues in the areas of maintenance, transportation, and storage must be addressed along with
availability, accuracy, and comprehensibility. A logistics demonstration should be conducted
with the system and representative soldiers who will perform maintenance on the system.
Transportability testing is required to support the Military Traffic Management Center
Transportability certificate.

Test planning should address the following:

(1) Purpose of testing.
(2) Test objectives.
(3) Test criteria.
(4) Test method.
(5) Data required.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
(6) Data analysis techniques.
d. Criteria for each subtest data topic will be defined based on applicable contractual
specifications and military requirements documents. Where the criteria are not clearly specified,
criteria will be developed from the relevant ITOP, TOP, MIL-STD, federal statute, or other
controlling document. Development of criteria should consider the logistics concept,
employment concept, intended application, novel technologies, and threat environment as
appropriate. Failures and successes should be defined to provide for a clear understanding of
relevant conclusions for certain subtest data topics (i.e., reliability, performance, climatic
suitability, electromagnetic interference, and safety).
e. Data requirements and analytical techniques necessary to address objectives and
criteria will be established. It should be established which data requirements will be satisfied
through physical test, and data sheets for each subtest data topic should be designed.
f. Appropriate test procedures for each subtest topic relative to objectives, criteria, and
data requirements should be selected.
g. As a tool to audit, change, or summarize the test program, it is desirable to layout all
events and data requirements in matrix format. As applicable, the test matrix should have a cell
for each test objective, criteria, component, subsystem, system test event, item configuration,
data requirement, and analytical technique. Multiple matrices, each of which is linked, may be
required. Identify any unique resources necessary to conduct subtests.
h. How modeling and simulation will be used to answer test objectives should be
identified within the detailed test plan.

Frequency Allocation.

a. The UGV Test Director is responsible for requesting frequency assignments from the
local frequency manager in the proposed area of deployment. The local frequency manager
receiving the frequency assignment application will process it through established channels to
request appropriate national and/or international approval. The disposition of the frequency
assignment request will be channeled back to the user. The request may be approved,
disapproved in total, or approved in part with operating limitations. The information presented
in Appendix A of this document must be provided by the test proponent in order to submit the
appropriate frequency allocation request form.
b. This information must be provided by the test proponent no less than 120 days prior to
the start of testing in order to ensure approvals are obtained within the desired schedule. This
information must be provided for each transmitter and receiver.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

Supporting Documents.

a. In order to properly assess the safety, performance and reliability of a UGV, a detailed
documentation review must be conducted. This documentation review provides a more thorough
understanding of UGV characteristics and in some instances can reduce the amount of physical
testing required and can assist in reducing the assigned risk assessment code reported in safety
releases. The documentation review is required in order to ensure that proper safety protocols
are emplaced prior to initiation of testing. The following documents should be included in the
test item data package; it is preferable that these documents be provided as early as possible prior
to the start of testing. A documentation review checklist is presented in Appendix B.
(1) Safety Assessment Report (SAR) - Required Document - The SAR is a formal,
comprehensive safety report that summarizes the safety data that has been collected and
evaluated during the life cycle of an item. It expresses the considered judgment of the contractor
or developing agency regarding the hazard potential of the item and any actions or precautions
that are recommended to minimize these hazards and to reduce the exposure of personnel and
equipment to them. In addition, US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
(CHPPM) certifications must be provided for lasers, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
must be provided for batteries, fuels, etc.
(2) Preliminary Hazard Assessment (PHA) - Required Document - Broad hazardscreening tool that includes a review of the work that will be performed in a facility and
identifies the hazards associated with the work and the facility. The results of the PHA are used
to determine the need for additional, more detailed hazard analysis, serve as a precursor
documenting that further analysis is deemed necessary, and serve as a baseline hazard analysis
where further analysis is not indicated.
(3) Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Required Document - Complete
description of the behavior of the system to be developed. It includes a set of use cases that
describe all of the interactions that the users will have with the software. Use cases are also
known as functional requirements. In addition to use cases, the SRS also contains nonfunctional
(or supplementary) requirements. Non-functional requirements are requirements which impose
constraints on the design or implementation (such as performance requirements, quality
standards, or design constraints).
(4) Capabilities Requirements Document (CRD) /Operational Requirements
Document (ORD) - Required Document - Describes the overall mission area, the type of system
proposed and the anticipated operational and support concepts in sufficient detail for program
and logistics support planning and includes a brief summary of the mission need. If the mission
need was not documented prior to preparation of the CRD/ORD, the process that investigated
alternatives for satisfying the mission need and developing the operational requirements is

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
(5) Performance Specification/System Specification/Purchase Description - Required
Document - Communicates the users requirements to the manufacturer. These documents
translate operational requirements into more technical language that tells the manufacturer: 1)
what will be considered an acceptable product, and 2) how it will be determined if the product is
(6) Security Classification Guide - Required Document - A documentary form of
classification guidance issued by an original classification authority that identifies the elements
of information regarding a specific subject that must be classified and establishes the level and
duration of classification for each such element.
b. Programmatic documents that were developed for the system, or those preexisting
documents that apply, should be used to identify test criteria. These documents define the
mission scenarios, climatic conditions, operational, and electromagnetic environments in which
the item must operate. Documents that should be used to establish test criteria include:
(1) Operational Mode Summary/Mission Profile.
(2) Operational Requirements Document/Capabilities Requirements Document.
(3) Purchase Description/Performance Specification/System Specification.
(4) Military Regulations, Standards and other controlling directives.
(5) Federal Statutes.
(6) Test Directives.

The following documents are desired if they are available:

(1) Developer Software Functional Qualification Test Plans and Reports.
(2) Component Level Test Plans and Reports.
(3) System Operator Manuals.
(4) System Maintenance and Repair Manuals.
(5) Software Trouble/Problem Reports.
(6) System Safety - Critical Software Requirements.
(7) Software Traceability Analysis.
(8) Data Tap Locations and Interface Definitions.


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
(9) Software Design/Development Documents.
(10) Message Protocols/Definitions.
(11) Programmatic Environmental, Safety, and Health Evaluation.
(12) Configuration Management Plan.
(13) Interface Control Document.
(14) Operational Mode Summary/Mission Profile.
3.5 Test Controls.
Test controls are listed for each subtest data topic in accordance with the applicable ITOP, TOP
or military standard (MIL-STD).


a. Historically, UGVs have a high incidence of uncontrolled movement caused by

various means including RF interference, mechanical failures, software design issues, etc. Given
this historical precedent, additional precautions must be taken with regard to tester safety that
would not normally be required for a manned vehicle test. The safety of individual components
and subsystems must be demonstrated prior to conducting a system level test. All components
must be safe or the hazards controlled to an acceptable level.
b. Additionally, a complete safety and health hazard analysis should be made throughout
the course of the test. During the initial inspections and maintenance, observations should be
made through visual examination and functional checks for compliance in design to assure
personnel safety. During the course of testing, any potential hazard observed during operations
or maintenance actions must be recorded. All scheduled subtests should be considered in the
overall safety and health assessment.
c. A complete and detailed analysis of system software, software development
documents, and software test results must be conducted prior to the start of actual physical
(1) Early involvement by testers in system software development is required in order
to validate the capabilities, robustness, and safety features of the software. A thorough
understanding of the contractors software development process, hazard analysis, software test
results, and software trouble reports will lead to an accurate assessment of the residual risk
inherent in the systems software controls and processes.
(2) Clear, accurate documentation of software version updates/revisions and of
regression testing of software version updates/revisions is required during all phases of testing.


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
d. Specific tests to determine the mechanical, software, and operating safety of the entire
system can be completed only after all component subsystem testing has been completed or
adequate provisions have been taken to prevent any accidental injury or damage.
e. The concept of a UGV locates the operator away from the platform; therefore, control
must be maintained when the telemetric link between the remote operator and the vehicle is lost,
an unanticipated event occurs, or an unsafe condition exists. As a minimum, the system must
demonstrate the ability to safely stop when any uncontrolled event or unsafe condition occurs.
All emergency and fail-safe systems must be tested, and their reliability must be determined.
f. In situations during testing when safety related decisions must be made, the well being
of personnel, buildings, and vehicles should be placed above that of the test item.
g. The number of personnel in the test area shall be limited to those test critical personnel
necessary to accomplish the test mission safely and efficiently. Observers and spectators shall
remain outside of the hazardous operating zone of the system at all times until the system is
rendered safe and verified to be safe to approach.
h. Prior to shipping the test item, or transporting it between local test sites, a safety
assessment must be performed. Specific items to be considered include loading and unloading
procedures and transportability characteristics of the test item. UGVs will not be permitted
access to test agency roadways, and therefore a plan must be in place to transition the test item
from test site to test site.
i. Until the safety envelope has been determined by operating the item near the
maximum safe limit, a thorough understanding of what the operator/maintainer has to do with,
on, in, and around an item is unknown and critical hazards could exist. This is especially true of
software controlled systems, where unpredictable and unsafe responses may result from
computer failure, maintenance interlocks, power failures, and power-up tests (DA PAM 73-11** ,
para 6-63).
j. The tester should identify the software components that control safety-related
functions and give them special attention. Software safety activities should be initiated on that
component and continued through the requirements, design, code analyses, and testing phases.
The tester also might identify the need for a more formal evaluation of software safety, based on
the probability that the software might cause or fail to prevent failures in a safety-critical system
component (DA PAM 73-1, para Q-26.b).
k. Although remote operators may be highly trained before using a system, training is not
a sufficient preventive measure or work-around in most cases for safety related issues. Products
of safety related testing include documentation of: conditions in which the system can and cannot
be safely operated; and the propensity for the total system to enter unsafe operating conditions.


Superscript numbers correspond to those in Appendix C, References


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
l. A Safety Release indicates a system is safe for use and maintenance and describes the
specific hazards of the system, operational limits, and required precautions (DA PAM 73-1,
Paragraph 6-64.b). The Safety Release will have a specific start and end date, and is only valid
for a specific time period or event. A Safety Confirmation indicates if specific safety
requirements are met, includes a risk assessment for hazards not adequately controlled, lists
technical or operational limitations or precautions, and highlights safety problems that require
further investigation (DA PAM 73-1, Paragraph 6-65). The Safety Confirmation indicates the
system is ready for fielding, has a specific start date, and is valid indefinitely. The scope of
testing to obtain a safety release and confirmation is dependent on a number of factors to include:
(1) Objectives of the test, demonstration, or experiment.
(2) Intended use of the robotic system.
(3) Types of payloads, attachments, or weapons associated with the system.
(4) Modes of control.
(5) Relative positions of people with respect to the system (spectators, casualties,
remote operators, warfighters on the ground, manned vehicles, etc.).
(6) Functionality and reliability of the render safe system
(7) Contractor software development processes
(8) Analysis of contractor software test results and software trouble reports
m. Ensure that the necessary Risk Assessment is accomplished relative to the safety of the
system prior to testing. This should include the following:
(1) All platform and application hardware will be investigated for safety prior to
operating the vehicle in an unmanned mode.
(2) Prior to test initiation, a SAR, which includes a health hazard assessment of the
UGV, must be submitted by the developer. Particular emphasis should be placed on radio
frequency interference/hazards as well as the safety implication of embedded software controls.
(3) A detailed Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) must be performed to
evaluate the safety implications of the failure of the hardware and/or software. All hazards
identified will be evaluated and categorized according to hazard severity and probability.
Resolution of hazards may be addressed through design, procedures, or training. Hazards should
be characterized by severity category and probability level in accordance with MIL-STD-8822.


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
(a) Severity Categories. The severity categories as defined in MIL-STD-882 provide
a qualitative measure of the worst credible mishap resulting from personnel error, environmental
condition, design inadequacies, procedural deficiencies, or component failure or malfunction.
Hazard categories are as follows:
1 Category I. Catastrophic hazard that could result in death or system loss.
2 Category II. Critical hazard that could result in severe injury, severe
occupational illness, or major system damage.
3 Category III. Marginal hazard that could result in minor injury, minor
occupational illness, or minor system damage.
4 Category IV. Negligible hazard that could result in less than minor injury,
occupational illness, or system damage.
(b) Probability Levels. The probability levels rate the categories in terms of
probability for occurrence per unit of time, events, population, items, or activity. These are as
1 Level A. Frequent. The hazard would be likely to occur frequently for a
specific individual item or be continuously experienced by the fleet or inventory.
2 Level B. Probable. The hazard would occur several times in the life of a
specific individual item or would occur frequently for the fleet or inventory.
3 Level C. Occasional. The hazard is likely to occur some time in the life of a
specific individual item or will occur several times for the fleet or inventory.
4 Level D. Remote. Unlikely, but possible, for the hazard to occur in the life of
a specific individual item or unlikely, but reasonably expected, for the hazard to occur for the
fleet or inventory.
5 Level E. Improbable. So unlikely that it could be assumed that the hazard may
not occur for a specific individual item or the hazard is unlikely, but possible, to occur for the
fleet or inventory.
(4) Assure that the proper training for the operation of the system is provided to the
testers and operators. It is imperative that the emergency shut down procedures are emphasized
in this training. An operator must be well trained in what to do should a problem occur.
(5) Upon receipt of the test item, select a suitable offloading site that provides
positive controls to prevent injury or damage in the event of uncommanded movement.


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
(6) Wherever possible, conduct non-mobile tests where the UGV is prevented from
moving (i.e., elevated on jack stands) prior to conducting tests on course. Tests on actual courses
should not be attempted before a reasonable level of confidence has been achieved that the UGV
will not have uncommanded movement. Instrumentation should be used to simulate various
environments in a static setting. An example would be using attenuators to reduce RF signal
strength in order to determine if there is uncommanded movement of the UGV when receiving a
weak RF signal.
(7) When determining the safety characteristics of a tethered UGV, conduct the test
in an area where there is a physical barrier (i.e., Jersey walls) between the UGV operator and the
UGV. The physical barrier must be substantial enough to prevent the UGV from entering the
area around the operator in the event of uncommanded movement. Once sufficient confidence
has been achieved as to the reliability of the tethered controller, the barriers may no longer be
necessary. The safety characteristics of the tethered controller must be determined prior to
operating a tethered UGV around personnel or into and out of shops and work areas.
(8) The UGV must be outfitted with an independent emergency shutdown. This Estop device must be separate from the onboard computers and is provided as backup to the
integrated emergency shutdown device. The backup system must be capable of performing
emergency shutdown of the UGV on command from an independent observer. This feature must
be completely independent of the OCU and VCU and any onboard computers that are part of the
UGV command and control system. This independent emergency shutdown system should be
capable of being operated by an occupant in the command vehicle, an independent observer in
another vehicle (i.e., chase vehicle) or by an observer in a location away from the command
vehicle. In addition to the emergency stop, the platform brakes must be applied by a failsafe,
mechanical device.
(9) Medium and large UGVs should be fitted with a strobe light, which indicates the
test item is under remote control (at Aberdeen Test Center (ATC), a blue light will be used; at
other test centers, a standout color that is not already allocated for another use will be chosen).
This light will activate whenever an operator logs into the vehicle or whenever the vehicle is
functioning robotically. The UGV should also be fitted with an audible alarm which activates
whenever the UGV is beginning to move.


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008


a. The following table provides a list of test procedures and data required that should be
considered when designing a comprehensive UGV test.

Preliminary Inspection

TOP 2-2-5053

Physical Characteristics

TOP 1-2-5044

Weight Distribution and

Ground Pressure

TOP 2-2-8015
ITOP 2-2-801(1)6


Provides inspection and
baseline operation prior to
initiation of testing.
Ensures test item is safe and
ready to initiate testing.
Determines dimensions and
other physical
characteristics of the test.
Physical characteristics data
are critical data used in
mobility analyses and
Determines weight
distribution and ground
pressure measurements.
Ground pressure
measurements are critical
data used in mobility
analyses, tire performance,
and transportability.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

Center of Gravity



Rail Impact

Final Inspection

TOP 2-2-8007
ITOP 2-2-800(1)8
TOP 2-2-8029
ITOP 1-2-500(1)10
TOP 1-2-50011

TOP 1-2-50112

TOP 2-2-505

Acceleration/Max Speed

TOP 2-2-60213
ITOP 2-2-602(1)14


TOP 2-2-60815
ITOP 2-2-627(1)16


Provides information
relative to roll stability,
transportability, and input to
mobility model programs.
Determines adequacy of onboard equipment stowage
facilities in or on vehicles.
Determines transportability
characteristics of military
equipment. Includes
highway, marine, air (rotary
and fixed wing), and rail
transport as well as lift and
tie-down provisions.
Determines structural
integrity of the test item as
well as the adequacy of the
tie-down system and tiedown procedures.
Provides inspection and
baseline operation
following completion of
Determines vehicle
performance and safety
characteristics while
accelerating. Determines
vehicle maximum safe
speed capability.
Determines vehicle
performance and safety
characteristics while

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

Grades and Slopes

TOP 2-2-61017
ITOP 2-2-610(1)18

Steering and Handling

ITOP 2-2-609(1)19
TOP 2-2-60920

Standard Obstacles

TOP 2-2-61121
ITOP 2-2-611(1)22


TOP 2-2-61223
ITOP 2-2-612(1)24


Soft Soil Mobility

Winch and Tow


TOP 2-2-54325 (proposed)

TOP 2-2-61926
ITOP 2-2-619(1)27

TOP 2-2-71228


Determines vehicle
performance and safety
characteristics while
operating on longitudinal
and lateral slopes.
Determines performance
and safety characteristics of
vehicle steering systems.
Determines vehicle
performance and safety
characteristics while
operating on standard
obstacles to include gaps,
walls, v-ditch, aircraft
loading ramps, and frame
Determines vehicle
performance and safety
characteristics while
fording. Includes shallow,
deep, and submerged
Determines operating and
safety characteristics of
tele-operated and remotely
operated unmanned ground
systems while operating at
their maximum telemetric
Determines vehicle
performance and safety
characteristics while
operating in soft soils.
Includes mud, sand, snow,
swamps, wet clay, and rice
Determines performance
and safety characteristics of
automotive winches.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

Drawbar Pull

TOP 2-2-60429
ITOP 2-2-604(1)30

Full-Load Cooling

TOP 2-2-60731
ITOP 2-2-60732

Software Performance

ITOP 1-1-05633


Determines vehicle power
available for acceleration,
towing, or hill climbing.
Determines cooling
characteristics of engine,
power train, and auxiliary
components of vehicles
when subjected to full- and
part-throttle operations,
repeated steering
maneuvers, and exposure to
extreme environments.
Used to evaluate a systems
software functional
capabilities. It does not
specifically address other
software-related issues,
such as safety or security.
The method for undertaking
the software performance
assessment discussed in this
document addresses
software T&E as an integral
element of system T&E and
is targeted at the system
performance level. Key
elements of this approach
include the allocation of
system requirements to
software, assessment of
software performance, and
assessment of the impact of
software on overall system

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

Autonomous Navigation


Electric System

TOP 2-2-60134

Position Locations and

Navigation System

TOP 6-2-59835



Intelligent Controllers


Autonomous Obstacle
Detection and Avoidance



Used to evaluate the safety
and performance of UGVs
equipped with Autonomous
Navigation and Obstacle
Avoidance subsystems.
This procedure includes
methods to evaluate waypoint navigation, obstacle
detection and avoidance,
and human detection and
avoidance. This TOP is not
yet developed.
Provides procedures for
evaluation vehicle electrical
system performance
including power supply for
weapons and other
Used to determine the
performance and accuracy
of integrated position
location and navigation
Determines the performance
and safety characteristics of
embedded C4ISR
Verifies safety and
performance of UGV
control units. This TOP is
not yet developed.
Determines safety and
performance characteristics
of a UGVs obstacle
detection and avoidance
system. This TOP is not yet

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

UGV Sensors


CTIS Performance

TOP 2-2-50336
TOP 6-2-50437
ITOP 2-2-509(1)38
TOP 2-2-00439


Logistics Supportability

Reliability, Availability,

ITOP 2-2-50640
ITOP 2-2-509
TOP 2-2-50641

Technical Manuals


Fuel Consumption

TOP 2-2-60342
ITOP 2-2-60343

New Equipment Training

TOP 10-2-50144


Validates the adequacy and
accuracy of UGV sensors as
part of the UGV system.
This TOP is not yet

Determines the
characteristics of vehicles.
Determines the logistic
supportability of the test
item through quantitative
and qualitative analysis of
the test item.
Quantitative analysis of
data collected during
endurance testing in order
to determine the overall
ability of the system to
complete tasks.
Determines adequacy and
accuracy of provided
system technical manuals.
Determines vehicle fuel
consumption during both
controlled and typical
service operating
Determines adequacy and
accuracy of provided
system training.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

BIT/BITE Embedded

Training Devices

System Safety

TOP 6-2-33545


TOP 1-1-06046
TOP 2-2-50847


Used to evaluate system
particular test,
measurement, and
diagnostic equipment. This
test also takes into
consideration not only the
interface between the test
equipment and the system,
but also the interface
between the test equipment
and other elements of the
planned maintenance
support such as manuals,
repair parts, common test
equipment and tools, and
calibration facilities, etc.
Verifies the safe integration
of training devices to
Used to identify and
evaluate hazards associated
with test items. Testing will
provide determination or
assessment of personnel and
equipment hazards in the
system and associated
operation and maintenance

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

Critical Software Analysis
and Testing

ITOP 1-1-05748

Anti-Tamper Performance


Describes the activities
necessary to ensure that
safety is designed into
software that is acquired or
developed and that safety is
maintained throughout the
software life cycle. It
provides uniform
procedures for developing
and implementing a safetycritical software test
methodology of sufficient
comprehensiveness to
identify the software caused
hazards of a system and to
impose design requirements
and management controls to
prevent mishaps. The
objective is to ensure that
the software design takes
positive measures to
enhance system safety, and
that software errors which
could reduce system safety
have been eliminated or
controlled to an acceptable
level of risk.
Used to verify security and
information assurance
characteristics of UGVs.
This TOP is not yet


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

Modeling and Simulation

ITOP 1-1-00149
ITOP 1-1-00250

Fire Extinguisher System


Human Factors

Noise Levels
NBC Performance
Toxic Fumes
Displays and Controls

Environmental Performance
- High Temperature
- Low Temperature
- Temperature Shock
- Solar Radiation
- Rain
- Humidity
- Fungus
- Salt Fog
- Sand and Dust
- Icing/Freezing Rain
- Shock
- Vibration

Used to verify accuracy and
adequacy of system models
and provides guidelines to
ensure consistent
documentation of the use of
modeling and simulation
technology in support of
test and evaluation.
Determines performance
characteristics of vehicle
on-board fire extinguisher

Human Machine Interface

TOP 1-2-61051
Used to provide human
factors engineering
assessment of equipment.
Used to determine operating
noise levels.
TOP 2-2-61452
Used to evaluate human
machine interface between
the operator and the UGV
control unit.
TOP 2-4-00153
Determines the operating,
TOP 2-4-002
maintenance, and durability
characteristics of unmanned
ground vehicles when
operating in extreme


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

- Radiated Emissions
- Radiated Susceptibility
- Near Strike Lightning
- Bonds and Grounds
- Conducted Susceptibility
- Conducted Emissions
- Intra-system EMC

Nuclear Survivability


Signature Measurements
Chemical Survivability
Autoloader Ammunition
Azimuth and Elevation
Control Systems
Autoloader Performance

TOP 1-2-51256
TOP 1-2-51157
TOP 2-2-61358

TOP 1-2-61259

ITOP 2-2-61760
ITOP 4-2-50861



Determines whether the
item tested meets the
electromagnetic radiation
effects, static electricity,
and lightning criteria and
the maximum
electromagnetic radiation
environment to which the
test item may be exposed
without adverse effects.
Ensures that the equipment
under test is able to operate
in its intended
environment without its
performance being
degraded and without
degrading the performance
of other system(s) in close
Determines the effects of a
specified nuclear
environment on an
unmanned ground vehicle.
Determines the
vulnerability of unmanned
ground vehicles and their
components and subsystems
to various levels of threats
including, but not limited to
IEDs, mines, etc.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008


ITOP 3-2-836(2.1.1)62

Computer Solutions

ITOP 3-2-836(2.4.1)63

Fields of Fire

Frequency Response

TOP 3-2-81364

ITOP 3-2-836(


Detects angular changes
between gun and sighting
systems, with or without the
aid of an MRS, after vehicle
operations over crosscountry courses and
primary and secondary
roads, after firing, and after
a period of temperature
Non-firing tests that
determine the differential
angle between the main
weapon and sight line
(ballistic solution)
generated by a
computerized fire control
system in response to given
Determining the given area
which a weapon or group of
weapons can cover
effectively with fire from a
given position for vehiclemounted primary and
secondary armament. This
includes maximum
elevation and depression
angles at all traverse
positions; maximum
traverse angles or
provisions for continuous
traverse; and minimum
range of anti-personnel fire
at all positions of traverse.
Determines the frequency
response characteristics of
UGV gun/turret drive
systems in the turret
whether they are installed
on UGVs or on test stands.

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008


TOP 6-2-16666

Weapon Firing/Accuracy

ITOP 3-2-836(2.2.1)67

Target Acquisition and


ITOP 3-2-836(2.3.5)68

Sight Plumb & Synch

ITOP 3-2-836(2.1.2)69


Time-of-fire, Rate-of-fire

Autonomous Target

ITOP 3-2-836(

ITOP 3-2-836(2.3.4)71



Evaluates the performance
and safety characteristics of
laser rangefinders under a
variety of expected
operating conditions.
Determines the unintended
deviation of the LOS of a
stabilized gun/turret and a
stabilized sighting system.
Used to measure the target
tracking capability of a
UGV mounted optical or
electro-optical sighting
system operated by an
automatic system, under
specified conditions in the
laboratory and in the field.
Evaluates the capability of
vehicle-mounted main-gun
sighting systems.
Determines the stabilization
performance of the UGV
gun/turret drive systems in
the turret whether they are
installed on the UGVs or on
the test simulators.
Used to determine times
necessary to complete
various aspects of the target
engagement sequence.
Used to evaluate the safety
and performance of
automatic and uncommanded target
acquisition systems.
Includes procedures to
evaluate a systems ability
to acquire, classify, identify
and track various targets.
This TOP is not yet

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008




Interface requirements


E3 Control



Provides verification
requirements for the control
of the electromagnetic
interference (emission and
characteristics of electronic,
electrical, and
equipment and subsystems.
Establishes electromagnetic
environment effects
interface requirements and
verification criteria for


2410.2B, E3 CONTROL74


The content explaining the data to be acquired for the testing of UGVs is outlined in Section 5 of
TOP 2-2-54175 and TOP 2-2-54276. Section 5 of TOP 2-2-541 addresses the data required for
safe mobility testing of UGVs, while Section 5 of TOP 2-2-542 addresses the data required for
the testing of Weaponized UGVs.


a. Describe the inspection, specific test procedures, and results for each item using
narration, tables, photographs, x-rays, charts, and graphs as appropriate or as outlined in the
procedures specific methodology.
b. Reduce, summarize, and analyze data from each subtest appropriate to the subtest data
topic and failure definitions derived specifically for the item and the subtest category. When
unique analytical tools (i.e., models, simulations, statistical techniques) are used, these should be
described in sufficient detail to enable the reader to understand the basis for the analysis.


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

Name of Program
Purpose of Program
Security Classification
Transmitter Power (Watts)
Time of Usage
Required Start and End Dates
Transmitter Nomenclature
Transmitter Location
Transmitter Antenna Data
Site Elevation
Antenna Feedpoint Height
Receiver Nomenclature
Receiver Location
Receiver Antenna Data
Site Elevation
Antenna Feedpoint Height
J/F-12 Number (if assigned)


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
DTC Test Checklist (Reference DA PAM 73-1)
In order to properly assess the safety, performance, and reliability of a UGV, a detailed
documentation review must be conducted. This documentation review provides a more thorough
understanding of UGV characteristics and in some instances can reduce the amount of physical
testing required and can assist in reducing the assigned risk assessment code reported in safety
releases. The documentation review is required in order to ensure that proper safety protocols
are emplaced prior to initiation of testing. The following documents should be included in the
test item data package; it is preferable that these documents be provided as early as possible prior
to the start of testing.

Safety Assessment Report.


Health Hazard Assessment Report.


All test data available regarding the item requiring the Safety Release. If no current
test data are available, any other information that can be used (for example, prior
Government test data, contractor test data), with the emphasis on safety data.


Environmental documentation.


Training plans.


Equipment publications.


Mission scenario/mission profile.


Test Plan.


Test and Evaluation Master Plan.

10. Frequency Allocation Documentation.

11. Software Requirements Specification.
12. CHPPM Certifications (Laser and High Power RF).
13. System Requirements Document.
14. Security Classification Guide.
15. Source of troops involved in operational testing.
16. Test Readiness Review


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

When sufficient data are not available on which to base a Safety Release, additional testing may
be necessary. In such cases, required testing will be performed by DTC, and test costs will be
paid by the materiel developer; the time required for issuing a Safety Release would increase
accordingly. DTC will issue the Safety Release to the operational test activity with a copy
furnished to the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC).

TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
1. Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA PAM) 73-1, Test and Evaluation in Support of
Systems Acquisition, 30 May 2003.
2. MIL-STD-882, Department of Defense Standard Practice for System Safety, 19 January
3. Test Operations Procedure (TOP) 2-2-505, Inspection and Preliminary Operation of
Vehicles. 4 February 1987.
4. TOP 1-2-504, Physical Characteristics, 31 October 1972.
5. TOP 2-2-801, Weight Distribution and Ground Pressure (Wheeled and Tracked
Vehicles), 26 September 2006.
6. International Test Operations Procedure (ITOP) 2-2-801(1), Tracked Vehicle - Weight
Distribution & Ground Pressure, 15 May 1987.
7. TOP 2-2-800, Center of Gravity, 26 September 2006.
8. ITOP 2-2-800, Tracked Vehicle Center of Gravity 15 May 1987.
9. TOP 2-2-802, Stowage, 9 January 1979.
10. ITOP 1-2-500, Tracked Vehicle Transportability, 18 May 1987.
11. TOP 1-2-500, Transportability, 20 March 1979.
12. TOP 1-2-501, Rail Impact Testing, 30 June 1995.
13. TOP 2-2-602, Acceleration; Maximum and minimum Speeds, 28 January 1981.
14. ITOP 2-2-602(1), Tracked Vehicle Acceleration, Maximum and Minimum Speeds, 21
May 1987.
15. TOP 2-2-608, Braking, Wheeled Vehicles, 24 June 1983.
16. ITOP 2-2-627(1), Tracked Vehicle Breaking, 21 May 1987.
17. TOP 2-2-610, Gradeability and Side-Slope Performance, 18 July 1980.
18. ITOP 2-2-610(1), Tracked Vehicle Gradeability & Side-Slope Performance, 21 May
19. ITOP 2-2-609(1), Tracked Vehicle Steering, 18 May 1987
20. TOP 2-2-609, Steering, 18 July 1980.


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
21. TOP 2-2-611, Standard Obstacles, 25 June 1980.
22. ITOP 2-2-611(1), Standard Obstacles, 21 May 1987.
23. TOP 2-2-612(1), Fording, 18 July 1980.
24. ITOP 2-2-612, Tracked Vehicle Fording, 18 May 1987
25. TOP 2-2-543 (proposed)
26. TOP 2-2-619, Soft-Soil Vehicle Mobility, 21 May 1970.
27. ITOP 2-2-619(1), Tracked Vehicle - Soft Soil Mobility, 01 June 1987.
28. TOP 2-2-712, Automotive Winches, 20 January 1987.
29. TOP 2-2-604, Drawbar Pull, 26 September 2007.
30. ITOP 2-2-604(1), Tracked Vehicle Drawbar Pull on Soft Soil, 20 May 1987, w/ch1 11
August 1987.
31. TOP 2-2-607, Cooling Systems (Automotive), 27 September 2006.
32. ITOP 2-2-607(1), Tracked Vehicle Full Load Cooling, 21 May 1987.
33. ITOP 1-1-056, Software Performance Testing and Analysis, 22 March 2002.
34. TOP 2-2-601, Electrical Systems (Vehicles and Weapon Subsystems), 20 June 1977.
35. TOP 6-2-598, Position Location and Navigation Systems (Plans), 31 July 1989.
36. TOP 2-2-503, Maintenance (Vehicle), 5 June 1966.
37. TOP 6-2-504, Maintainability (Communications/Electronics), 6 May 1993.
38. ITOP 2-2-509(1), Tracked Vehicle Reliability, Availability and Maintainability, 28 May
1987, w/ch1 11 August 1987.
39. TOP 2-2-004, Telemetry, 30 December 1969
40. ITOP 2-2-506(1), Tracked Vehicle Endurance Testing, 15 May 1987.
41. TOP 2-2-506, Endurance Testing of Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles, 26 June 1981.
42. TOP 2-2-603, Vehicle Fuel Consumption, 4 February 1986.
43. ITOP 2-2-603(1), Tracked Vehicle Fuel Consumption, 18 May 1987.
44. TOP 10-2-501, Operator Training and Familiarization, 27 March 1967.


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
45. TOP 6-2-335, Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (System Peculiar), 7 May
46. TOP 1-1-060, System Safety Engineering, 12 September 1986.
47. TOP 2-2-508, Automotive Safety and Health Hazard Evaluation, 24 November 1982.
48. ITOP 1-1-057, Safety Critical Software Analysis and Testing, 4 June 1999.
49. ITOP 1-1-001, General Guidance for Incorporating Modeling and Simulation in Test
Operations Procedures, 6 September 2004.
50. ITOP 1-1-002, General Procedure for Modeling and Simulation Verification and
Validation information Exchange, 13 May 2004.
51. TOP 1-2-610, Human Factors Engineering (Test Procedure), 15 May 1990
52. TOP 2-2-614, Toxic Hazards Test for Vehicles and other Equipment, 31 October 2003.
53. TOP 2-4-001, Desert Environmental Testing of Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles, 12 May
54. TOP 2-4-002, Arctic Environmental Test of Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles, 10 July
55. MIL-STD-810, Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests, 1
January 2000.
56. TOP 1-2-512, Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests, 15 May 1995.
57. TOP 1-2-511, Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements, Systems Testing, 29
December 1989.
58. TOP 2-2-613, Electromagnetic Interference Testing for Vehicles and Electrical
Subsystems Non-Communications, 16 December 1994.
59. TOP 1-2-612, Nuclear Environment Survivability, 30 May 1998.
60. ITOP 2-2-617, Vulnerability Testing of Combat Vehicles and Their
Components/Subsystems (Utilizing Conventional Weapons), 21 October 2003
61. ITOP 4-2-508, Vehicle Vulnerability Tests Using Mines, 14 April 2005.
62. ITOP 3-2-836(2.1.1), Main Battle Tank Fire Control Systems Boresight & MuzzleReference System Alignment/Retention, 31 March 1987.
63. ITOP 3-2-836(2.4.1), Main Battle Tank Fire Control Systems Computerized
Corrections, 29 June 1995.


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008
64. TOP 3-2-813, Field of Firing, 22 March 1985.
65. ITOP 3-2-836(, Combat Vehicle Fire Control System Gun/Turret Drive
Systems Frequency Response, 8 April 2002.
66. TOP 6-2-166, Laser Rangefinders, 07 October 1969.
67. ITOP 3-2-836(2.2.1), Main Battle Tank Fire Control Systems Stabilization Accuracy.
29 June 1995.
68. ITOP 3-2-836(2.3.5), Combat Vehicle Fire Control System Target Tracking, 10 April
69. ITOP 3-2-836(2.1.2), Main Battle Tank Fire Control Systems Gun/Sight
Synchronization, 31 March 1987.
70. ITOP 3-2-836(, Combat Vehicle Fire Control System Gun/Turret Drive
Systems Stabilization, 16 October 2000.
71. ITOP 3-2-836(2.3.4), Combat Vehicle Fire Control System Target Engagement Times,
26 October 1999.
72. MIL-STD-461E, Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference
Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment, 20 August 1999
73. MIL-STD-464A, Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements for Systems, 19
December 2002
74. Marine Corps Order 2410.2B, Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Control
Program, 12 March 1997
75. TOP 2-2-541, Safe Operation of Mobile Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) Systems,
76. TOP 2-2-542, Safe Operation of Weaponized Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)
Systems, TBD


TOP 2-2-540
30 June 2008

Forward comments, recommended changes, or any pertinent data which may be of use in
improving this publication to the following address: Test Business Management Division
(TEDT-TMB), US Army Developmental Test Command, 314 Longs Corner Road Aberdeen
Proving Ground, MD 21005-5055. Technical information may be obtained from the preparing
activity: TEDT-AT-AD-F, U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center, 400 Colleran Rd., APG, MD
21005-5055. Additional copies are available from the Defense Technical Information Center,
8725 John J. Kingman Rd., STE 0944, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218. This document is
identified by the accession number (AD No.) printed on the first page.

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