Quran and Water in English by Dr.M.ashraf

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We made every living thing from water (Alquran)

Importance of Water in the Light of

Quran and Sunnah and Ways of its Saving

Dr. Muhammad Ashraf

Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources,


M. Ashraf (2015). Importance of Water in the Light of Quran and
Sunnah and Ways of its Saving. Pakistan Council of Research in
Water Resources (PCRWR) Islamabad, pp.37.

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endorsement of or discrimination against, any product by the

Importance of Water in the Light of

Quran and Sunnah and Ways of its Saving

Dr. Muhammad Ashraf

Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources,


Dedicated to my parents

My Lord, have mercy on them even

as they nourished me in my childhood

1. Introduction...............................................................................1
2. Importance of Water .................................................................2
3. Water: The Basic Need..............................................................4
4. Source of Water (Rainfall) .........................................................8
5. Quantity of Water ....................................................................10
6. Source of Food Water ...........................................................12
7. Border Between Sweet and Saline Water ................................18
8. Disadvantages of Excess Use of Water ...................................21
9. Methods of Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture .......................26
9.1 Lining of Watercourses......................................................26
9.2 Land Leveling....................................................................27
9.3 Cropping Pattern...............................................................27
9.4 Proper Irrigation Scheduling..............................................28
9.5 Bed and Furrow Irrigation ..................................................28
9.6 Zero Tillage Technique ......................................................29
9.7 Drip Irrigation ....................................................................31
9.8 Sprinkler Irrigation .............................................................31
9.9 Rainfed Agriculture............................................................32
9.10 Crops Grown with Saline Water........................................33
10. Use of Water in Daily Household Activities ...............................34
10.1 Use of Water for Showers................................................34
10.2 Use of Water in Latrines ..................................................35
10.3 Use of Water in Kitchen ...................................................35
10.4 Washing of Laundry and Floors .......................................35
10.5 Repair of Leaked Sanitary Parts......................................36
10.6 Pumping of Water in Storage Tanks.................................36
10.7 Use of Water for Making Ablution.....................................37

List of Figures
1. Figure 1: Water cycle ..............................................................9
2. Figure 2: Olive and grapes in the field ..................................13
3. Figure 3: Mountain in the Margat area after prolonged
drought and rainfall.................................................15
4. Figure 4: Un-improved (a) and improved (b) watercourses ....26
5. Figure 5: Laser land leveling in the field .................................27
6. Figure 6: Wheat (a) and rice (b) planted on beds ....................29
7. Figure 7: Wheat planted with zero tillage ...............................30
8. Figure 8: Drip irrigation established in the fields .....................31
9. Figure 9: Sprinkler irrigation that helps to enhance
application efficiency ..............................................32
10. Figure 10: Rainfed agriculture (a) and an erosion control
structure (b)............................................................33
11. Figure 11: Which bounties of Allah you will reject?....................34
12. Figure 12: Water Bird for overhead tanks .................................37

List of Tables
1. Table 1: Crop water requirements of some major crops.........28
2. Table 2: Some salt tolerant crops ...........................................33

Water is life and one of the blessings of Almighty Allah. The per
capita water availability in Pakistan that was 5300 m at the time of
independence has reduced to about 1000 m mainly due to increase
in population. This is the level where a country is considered water
scarce. Inspite of this situation, we continue using water lavishly and
waste most of it. There is a need to realize the importance of water
and stop wasting it. In the Holy Quran which is a complete way of life,
there are about 63 verses that exclusively speak about water.
Similarly, there are several Hadiths which elaborate the importance
of water. Moreover, the word Shariah means source of water or the
way which leads to the water. In both cases, the importance of water
is very clear. Keeping in view prevailing water shortages and its
issues, the author has tried to highlight importance of water in the
light of Holy Quran and Sunnah as well as to introduce the ways to
stop water wastage in agriculture and domestic uses. There are
many colleagues including; Dr. Abdul Majeed, Ch. Muhammad
Akram, Mr. Sabih-ur-Rahman, Dr. Muhammad Abdullah, Mrs.
Nuzhat Yasmin, and Mr. Saeed Mirza who encouraged me for writing
this book.
This book was published in Urdu, first in 2009 and later in 2015.
Many colleagues and friends urged me to translate it into English so
that those with English as their first language could also benefit from
it. I am thankful to Mr. Faizan for helping in translation and Mr. Zahid
Akhtar and Mr. Amanullah for typing, Mr. Tariq Mahmood and
Mr. Zeeshan for formatting the manuscript. I am also thankful to
UNESCO, Islamabad for providing funds to publish this booklet
under the project To Implement UNTFHS Project Concerning
Rainwater Harvesting. I pray Almighty Allah to give us true
knowledge of Quran and blessings of the Holy Prophet

Dr. Muhammad Ashraf

In the Name of Allah the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent



About two-third (75%) of the earth is occupied with water out of

which about 97.5% is saline and only 2.5% is freshwater. Out of this
2.5% freshwater, 68.9% is frozen and 29.9% is underground. Only
0.3% comes in rivers and lakes and 0.9% consists of fog, humidity in
air and soil moisture, etc. This freshwater is not evenly distributed
over time and space. There are places where freshwater is in
abundance and there are places where it is scarce. Even it varies
from season to season. This situation also exists in Pakistan. Food
demand has been increased with the increase in population. Water
is an essential element in meeting food requirements. However, the
difference between water availability and demand which was 11% in
2004 will increase to 35% in 2025. To reduce this difference, there is
a need to build small and large dams where possible and minimize
the wastage of water and use it judiciously.
More than 60% available water is lost during conveyance through
canals and watercourses and application in the fields. This is mainly
due to unlined and poorly maintained canals, distributaries and
watercourses, unleveled fields, over irrigation and conventional
irrigation practices. Similarly, a lot of water is wasted in houses e.g.
the tap remains open while brushing and shaving. About 150-200
liters of water is wasted due to leakage from taps. Precious cold
water is wasted while waiting for hot water to come out from the
geyser. Plenty of fresh and clean water is wasted while washing
homes and vehicles.
Why it is so? Because, we do not realize the importance of water, it's
increasing shortages and impacts. How much water is precious we
can learn from this example. Water evaporates from sea, travels
thousands of kilometers with the will of Almighty Allah and
condenses at some place and finally falls to earth in the form of

rain/snow. This water is stored in dams/ponds or seeps into the

underground to become part of groundwater. Groundwater is
pumped by spending energy. Filtration is carried out to supply water
to homes. Chlorination is also carried out at some places. Water is
now pumped into overhead tanks which again requires energy in the
form of electricity and is supplied to homes. This water is again
pumped into household overhead tank which requires electricity.
Finally, the water which we receive after great efforts and spending a
lot of resources is wasted easily and thrown into the waste water.
There is a need to realize the importance of water and treat it as one
of the blessings and gift of Almighty Allah. The importance of water
has been explained in many verses of the Holy Quran.


Importance of Water

We can imagine the importance of water from the fact that before
creation of earth and sky, there exists only water:

(Surah Hud, Verse 7)

And it is He Who created the heavens and the earth in six days - and
His Throne was upon the water - so that He might test you, as to who
among you have the best deeds
Similarly, every living thing has been created from water by Almighty

(Surah Al-Anbiya, Verse 30)

And we made every living thing from water. So will they not accept

There are many other verses that speak about the importance of
water such as:

(Surah Al-Furqan, Verse 54)

And it is He Who created man from water, then appointed relatives

and in-laws for him; and your Lord is all able.

(Surah Al-Noor, Verse 45)

And Allah created every animal on earth, from water; so among

them is a kind that moves upon its belly; and among them is a kind
that moves upon two legs; and among them a kind that moves upon
four legs; Allah creates whatever He wills; indeed Allah is able to do
all things.

(Surah Ta-Ha, Verse 53)

The One Who has made the earth a bed for you and kept operative
roads for you in it and sent down water from the sky; so with it We
produced different pairs of vegetation.

(Surah Naml Verse 63)

Or He Who shows you the path in the darkness of the land and the

sea, and He Who sends the winds before His mercy, heralding glad
tidings? Is there a god along with Allah?! Supremacy is to Allah
above all that they ascribe as partners!
It means that Allah sends cold wind before rainfall which keeps heart
and mind in peace. This is also a message from Almighty Allah
before rainfall so that you can take preventive measures.

(Surah Al-Noor, Verse 43)

Have you not seen that Allah slowly transports the clouds, then
gathers them together, then heaps them together, so you see the
rain coming forth from between them? And from the sky He sends
down hail from the mountains of ice, then sends them upon
whomever He wills, and averts them from whomever He wills; it is
close that the flash of its lightning take away the eyesight.

(Surah Al-Fatir, Verse 9)

And it is Allah Who sends the winds - so they raise clouds and We
then direct it towards a dead city so with it We revive the earth after
its death; and this is how the resurrection will be.

Water: The Basic Need

Water is a basic need for every creature. Almighty Allah created

everything from water and made everything dependent on water.
Our body contains 70% of water by weight. We need water for
drinking, bathing, washing and cooking. The minimum domestic
water requirement per capita per day is about 50 liters (including

water for drinking, cooking, washing etc). However, we need much

more water to produce food. For example, on an average, to
produce 1 kg of cereal crops (wheat, rice, pulses etc.), it requires
about 1,000 liters of water while to produce 1 kg of beef, it requires
about 13,500 liters of water.
Similarly, a balance diet per day per person (including meat, fruit,
vegetable etc) requires about 5,400 liters of water and a vegetarian
diet of the same nutrient value requires approximately 2,600 liters of
water. Therefore, about 70 times more water is used to produce food
than used for domestic purposes. Moreover, upto 90% of the water
used for domestic purpose comes back in the system in the form of
wastewater which can be reused. However, 40-90% of water used to
produce food evaporates which is irreversible loss and cannot be
recovered easily.
Sun light plays an important role in making food for plant as shown in
the following equation:
CO2 + H2O

Glucose + Oxygen

Carbon dioxide gas in combination with water in the presence of sun

light produces chlorophyll and releases oxygen and this oxygen is
an important element in our life. We cannot survive without oxygen.
One mature tree provides oxygen to about 16 persons and provides
about 6 ton oxygen per year. The Holy Prophet
(PBUH) said
Planting a tree is a Sadqa-e-Jariah i.e. unending reward for a
welfare work. A tree provides us fruit, flower, shade, food and
harbor for birds. It protects soil from erosion and helps to recharge
the groundwater. It plays an important role in cleaning the
environment and most importantly provides oxygen. So where
planting a tree is a Sadqa-e- Jariah, its cutting without any reason
is like a murder. The Holy Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) said The

person who plants fruit tree or grows a field crop from where human
beings, animals and birds get food is a Sadqa for him. The Holy
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ordered not to cut green trees and
said that these prayed Almighty Allah. Muhammad (PBUH)
whenever sent a group of Muslims towards Non-Muslims advised in
this way Go with the name of Allah, do not hurt any child, woman
and old person neither burst any eye nor cut tree; except those trees
that hurdle your fight or hurdles between you and the fighters, never
kill any human being or animal, never cheat nor make dishonesty
Similarly, Hazrat Abu Bakar
(RA) while sending Hazrat Abu
Ubaidah Bin Jirah
(RA) in the battlefield advised him in this

Do not kill any woman, child and an old person. Do not cut fruit
trees. Do not destroy populated places. Do not slaughter goat and
camel except for eating. Do not fire Oasis. Do not make any
dishonesty. Do not show cowardness.
If there is no water, there will be no use of sun light and we will not be
able to get oxygen in suitable amount. For example, there is lot of
sun light in the desert but the existence of life is almost negligible.
Why? Because there is no water. Besides this, water is essential for
cleaning environment and maintaining the ecosystem.
This is the water for which Hazrat Hajra
(RA) ran seven
times between Safa and Marwa and with the order of Almighty Allah
there appeared a spring with the scratching of foot toe of Hazrat
(AS). Hazrat Hajra
(RA) said to water Zam
Zam (stop). Millions of people have been drinking that water for
thousands of years and take to their homes; however, the spring is
still flowing.
Abe-Zam Zam is a spring from the heaven. This is the first gift that
has been awarded to Hazrat Ibrahim
(AS) by the Allah after his

pray. This had also become the cause of establishment of the holy
city of Makkah.
This is one of the living symbol of the Almighty Allah located in the
vicinity of Haram Sharif. This is a spring from which every visitor get
benefit. It is one of the greatest blessings of Almighty Allah. It is the
most sacred and the finest water. It is located on the most holy place
on the planet earth. The holy heart of Muhammad
(PBUH) was
washed several times with this water and He
(PBUH) put his
saliva in this water. It is the characteristics of this water that it is a
food for the hungry and medicine for the sick. It is useful in
headache. It gives light to eyes. When a person drinks it with any
good desires, Almighty Allah fulfills it. It is the best gift for relatives
and colleagues and is also the best for any banquet. This provides
energy to a body. It has been flowing for about 5000 years and there
is no shortage despite its usage at large scale. This is said to be the
oldest spring on the planet (History of Makkah by Dr. Muhammad
Ilyas Abdul Ghani).
Where there was a demand of water in the Sinai desert, Almighty
Allah advised Hazrat Mosa
(AS) to strike the rock with his stick.
Therefore, twelve springs appeared. There were twelve tribes and
each tribe got water from their own spring.

(Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 60)

And remember Moses prayed for water for his people; We said:
Strike the rock with the staff. Then gushed forth therefore twelve
springs. Each group knew its own place for water. So eat and drink of
the sustenance provided by Allah. And do no evil nor mischief on the

(face of the) earth.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) liked cold and sweet
water. Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa
(RA) says that sweet and cold
water was brought for Muhammad
(PBUH) from Saqia which is
said to be a spring, located at two days travel from Madina (Sunan
Abi Dawood).
Hazrat Anas bin Malik

(RA) says:

Muhammad (PBUH) when drink water, breath three times and

says that this is pleasing (Shumaile Tirmizi).
According to another Hadith There are three things on which every
human being has his right i.e. water, fire and grassland.
If we note this Hadith, we come to know that fire and grassland also
depend on water. Fire is useful for us when there is water. For
example, food is cooked with fire but water is very important to cook
food. Likewise, grassland would only be green if the water is
present. The existence of grassland without water is impossible.

Source of Water (Rainfall)

Bernard Pallissay was the first who presented water cycle theory in
1580 A.D. According to him, water evaporates from the sea and
converts into clouds while cooling and travels back to earth. When
condensation takes place in these clouds, it rains. This water once
again reaches to the sea while flowing through rivers and lakes thus
completing the water cycle (Fig. 1).

In 7 A.D there was a Greek philosopher Thales who belonged to

Miletus city. He gave an idea that wind takes drops of water from the
sea to earth which causes rainfall. The theory which was presented
in 1580 A.D has already been explained in the Holy Quran in many
verses about centuries ago.

We need to think that the water we drink from wells, springs, lakes
and rivers; where it comes from? It comes from rainfall, some water
drains to rivers, some of it is stored in reservoirs and most of the
water seeps to the ground and makes huge resource of
groundwater. We filter it by various ways. In conclusion, rainfall is a
source of water. To whom all the sea water belongs? Who has
ordered the wind to take water vapours into appropriate height and
finally converts into water? Who has ordered the clouds to occur as
rain in a certain quantity? Sea water is saline which also has peculiar
odour and smell. But when rain occurs it is neither saline nor it
carries any odour. It is free from all impurities (Zia-ul-Quran
Vol. V). The impurities in the water are due to air pollution or some
impurities that come after falling down on the earth. Almighty Allah
has asked to think about water in many verses.





Ice and


Snowmelt runoff



Fog and dew


Freshwater Plants




Groundwater storage


Vents and

Fig. 1: Water cycle

(Surah Al-Waqiah, Verse 68-70)

So what is your opinion regarding the water that you drink? Is it you
who caused it to descend from the cloud, or is it We Who cause it to

descend? If We will We can make it bitter, so why do you not give

These verses elaborate that as much as we use water, we must be
thankful to Almighty Allah. But if we misuse it, we make a sin, liable to
be punished and may be included among thankless persons.

(Surah Al-Raad, Verse 17)

He sent down water from the sky, so valleys flowed according to

their measure, therefore the water flow brought forth the froth
swollen upon it;

(Surah Al-Hijr, Verse 22)

And We sent the winds that relieve the clouds' burden, therefore
caused water to descend from the sky, then give it to you to drink;
and you are not at all its treasurers.

Quantity of Water

Almighty Allah has endowed plenty of water on earth since the

creation of the universe. This water is stayed at the depressions/
lowest places on the earth to meet requirements on earth upto the
Day of Judgment. This also has caused creation of sea and gave
occurrence and birth to groundwater. According to the verses of
Surah Hood, Verse 7, water was created even before the creation of
earth and the dynasty was also set on that water. Imam Sherani in
Kashful Ghummah says, then wind was blown up on the water that
created the leather/skin and in this way earth was created. The
place where this leather/skin was created first, is the place of Holy

Kaba (Tafseer Naeemi, Para No. 4, Surrah Al-e-Imran, Verse 96).

Now this water is called as water cycle. This water moves in the form
of vapours and the rainfall spreads it over the snow covered
mountains, rivers, springs and hills in various parts of the earth. It is
included in the creation and composition of various things and finally
returns to its real source. Almost all the old civilizations of the world
are found near the rivers. Similarly, human populations also
remained near these springs and rivers. From beginning to date, not
a single drop of water has been reduced or added in this reservoir.

(Surah Al-Muminoon, Verse 18-19)

And We sent down water from the sky in proper measure, then
stored it in the earth; and indeed We are able to take it away! So with
it We produced gardens of date-palms and grapes for you, in which
is abundant fruit for you and you eat there from.
It means Allah gives rainfall according to measures which we use to
drink and to irrigate orchards. This water is recharged into the
ground which forms wells and springs. If Allah wants, not to recharge
this into the ground, can take away from us. We grow orchards from
this water and grow various kinds of fruits. If there is no rainfall, we
will not get drinking water and various kinds of fruits.
Aristotle theory that the underground channels irrigate springs
remained valid for centuries. However, modern research proved this
theory wrong. Berrand Palissay in his famous research which was
on the origin of water and natural/artificial springs, proved that
rainfalls are source of water for springs (The Bible, the Quran and
Science by Maurice Bucaille, 1976).

(Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 74)

In hardness for among rocks there are some from which Rivers
gush forth; others there are which when split a sunder send forth
water; and others which sink for fear of Allah. And Allah is not
unmindful of what ye do.
Almighty Allah sends water in a measured quantity.

(Surah Al-Zukhruf, Verse 11)

And Who sent down water from the sky with a proper measure, so
We revived a dead city with it; this is how you will be taken out.
(Surah Al-Raad, Verse 8)

And all things are with Him by a set measure.

(Surah Al-Furqan, Verse 2)

And He has created everything and kept it in proper measure.


Source of Food Water

It is explained earlier that our food depends upon water. If there is no

water, there is no question of food. The Holy Quran invites human
beings to think about his food in these words:


(Surah Abas, Verses 24-32)

So man must look at his food. That We watered it in abundance.

Then We split the earth properly. Thereby We produced grain in it.
And grapes and fodder. And olives and date palms. And dense
gardens. And fruits and grass. In order to benefit you and your
Olive is the most important crop of Mediterranean region (Fig. 2). Its
tree remains alive for 1500 to 2000 years. Even by seeing the height
and growth of some of the trees in Palestine, the scientists estimated
that these are from the era of Hazrat Isa
( A S ) ( Ta f h e e m - u l Quran, Vol. III, P. 273).
Likewise, the food we get is also grown by the Almighty Allah. Allah
showers rain due to which soil gets moisture. Farmers grow seed in
soil. Almighty Allah grows various crops from the soil. This also
includes every type of fruit for human and fodder for animals. A
number of verses highlight on this topic.

Fig. 2: Olive and grapes in the field

(Surah Al-Zumar, Verse 21)


Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky; and leads it
through springs in the earth? Then He causes to grow, therewith,
produce of various Colours; then it withers; Thou wilt see it grow
yellow; Then he makes it dry up and crumble away. Truly, in this, is a
message of remembrance to men of understanding.

(Surah Qaaf,Verses
Qaaf Verses 9-11)

And we sent down the auspicious water from the sky, therefore
producing gardens with it, and the grain that is harvested. And high
date-palms with lush fruit. As sustenance for the bondmen; and with
it we revived a dead city; this is how you will be raised.

(Surah Al-Hajj, Verse 5)

And you see the earth desolate, then when we sent down water
upon it, it freshened up and developed and produced beautiful pairs
of all kinds.
There has been drought in Pakistan from 1997 to 2002. We used to
travel towards Margat area near Quetta, Balochistan. The
mountains were turned into barren with no sign of grass and trees.
We thought that even if there were rainfall, these mountains would
not turn into green. However. in 2003 when there was rainfall,
greenery appeared over these mountains within few days. Imagine
that the seeds and roots remained in the soil for 5 years. Who kept
these seeds and roots alive? When rainfall occurred, the signs of life
evolved among them (Fig. 3). No doubt, this is the power of Almighty
Allah who turns the dead soil into live through water.

(Surah Al-Naml, Verses 60-61)

Or He Who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down
water from the sky for you; so We grew delightful gardens with it; you
had no strength to grow its trees; is there a god along with Allah?! In
fact they are those who shun the right path. Or He Who made the
earth for habitation, and placed rivers within it, and created
mountains as anchors for it, and kept a barrier between the two
seas? Is there a god along with Allah?! In fact, most of them are

Fig. 3: Mountain in the Margat area after prolonged drought and rainfall

(Surah Al-Rad, Verses 3-4)


And it is He Who spread out the earth and made mountains as

anchors and rivers in it; and in it made all kinds of fruits in pairs - He
covers the night with the day; indeed in this are signs for people who
ponder. And in the earth are various regions, and are close to each
other - and gardens of grapes and fields, and date-palms, growing
from a single branch and separately, all being given one water; and
in fruits, We make some better than others in eating; indeed in this
are signs for people of intellect.

(Surah Al-Fatir, Verses 27-28)

Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky? With it we
then bring out produce of various colours. And in the mountains are
tracts white and red, of various shades of colour, and black intense in
hue. And so among men and crawling creatures and cattle. Are they
of various clolours. Those truly fear Allah, among his servants, who
have knowledge: For Allah is exalted in might and forgiving.

(Surah Al-Nahal, Verse 14)

And it is He Who subjected the sea for you, so you eat fresh meat
from it, and extract ornaments from it which you wear; and you see
ships ploughing through it and in order that you may seek his
munificence and that you may give thanks.


(Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 64)

Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the
continuous alternation of night and day, and the ships which sail the
seas carrying what is of use to men, and the water which Allah sends
down from the sky thereby reviving the dead earth and dispersing all
kinds of beasts in it, and the movement of the winds, and the
obedient clouds between heaven and earth - certainly in all these
are signs for the intelligent.

(Surah Ibrahim, Verses 32-34)

It is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down
water from the sky, therefore producing some fruits for you to eat;
and subjected the ships for you, that they may sail upon the sea by
His command; and subjected the rivers for you. And subjected the
sun and the moon for you, which are constantly moving; and has
subjected the night and the day for you. And He gave you much of
what you seek; and if you enumerate the favours of Allah, you will
never be able to count them; indeed man is very unjust, most

(Surah Al-Nahal, Verse 11)

With this water He produces for you crops, and olives, and dates,
and grapes, and all kinds of fruit; indeed in this is a sign for people
who ponder.

(Surah Al-Anam, Verse 99)

And it is He Who sends down water from the sky; so with it We

produced all things that grow; hence We produce from it vegetation
from which We bring forth grains in clusters; and from the pollen of
dates, dense bunches - and gardens of grapes and olives and
pomegranates, similar in some ways and unlike in some; look at its
fruit when it bears yield, and its ripening; indeed in it are signs for the
people who believe.
These verses elaborate the importance of water. Therefore, we
need to realize this and use it carefully.

Border Between Sweet and Saline Water

Water may be fresh and saline but these remain isolated and do not
mix with each other. Nature has placed barriers to separate them
that they cannot coincide. These barriers are due to different
densities of water .

Almighty Allah says:

(Surah Al-Furqan, Verse 53)

And it is He Who caused the two joint seas to flow- one is palatable,
very sweet, and the other is salty, very bitter; and kept a veil between
them and a preventing barrier.

(Surah Al-Fatir, Verse 12)

And the two seas are not alike; this is sweet, very sweet and
palatable and this is salty, bitter; and from each you eat fresh meat
and extract the ornament which you wear; and you see the ship
cleaving through it, so that you may seek His munificence, and in
some way become grateful.
(Surah Al-Rahman, Verses 19-21)

Whereas there is a barrier between them so they cannot encroach

upon one another.
When large rivers fall into sea, this phenomenon occurs. Due to their
own characteristics, they do not mix for a quite long distance in the
sea. For example, when rivers Tigris and Euphrates fall in Shatt al
Arab, both waters keep their barrier for about 100 km. The Arabic
word (Bahr) is used for both sea and large rivers.
Likewise, when river Yangtze China and Mississippi USA meet the
sea, they do not mix in saline water for quite a long distance.

Moreover, there is a place called Itfal in Mediterranean Sea and

Atlantic Ocean and there is a place called Kape point in South Africa
where Pacific ocean meets with Indian ocean, a white strip can be
seen clearly.
When river Nile falls into the Mediterranean Sea, it travels in the sea
as such. Neither, its colour nor its taste is changed. It is very much
surprising that in the middle of this saline and brackish ocean,
pockets of freshwater has been found (Zia-ul-Quran Vol. III, P. 369).
Turkish Admiral Syed Ali Raees (Writer of Roomi) in his book (Maratth
ul-Mumahih) which was written in the 16 Century, identified the
same. He writes that beneath the saline water, there are freshwater
springs from where he has been getting water for his ship. In recent
times, when an American Company started oil exploration in Saudi
Arabia, they also got water from the springs of Persian Gulf. After
that new wells were established at Zahran from where the water was
obtained. Such springs were also found in deep sea near Bahrain
from where people were getting their drinking water until few years
back (Tafheem-ul-Quaran Vol. III, P. 458).
In Pakistan, more than 90% of drinking water is obtained from
underground. This is the water for which Allah has said that He
sends this water (rainwater) into the ground. The groundwater of
Indus Basin is brackish due to its marine geological formation since
this whole area remained part of sea for centuries. Later on, the sea
retreated which resulted in the creation of the Indus palin. The
seepage water from rivers, canals, watercourses and irrigation
fields has developed a layer of sweet water over saline water. This
layer is thick near the rivers and thin when we go away from these
There is a barrier in between sweet water and the saline water called
saline-freshwater interface. Due to our inability and inefficiency, we
disturb the saline-freshwater interface and mix it with saline water. If

this layer of sweet water is pumped out carefully, we will get sweet
water. On the contrary, if the hand pump or tube well is installed
below this layer, saline water will be obtained. Similarly, if the tube
well is installed near saline fresh water interface, initially we will get
freshwater. However, later on due to saline water upconing, the
freshwater in the upper layer will also become saline. We have often
listened that the water of hand pump or tubwell was relatively fresh in
the beginning but with the passage of time it became saline. This
happens because of the mixing of deep saline water into the
freshwater. The process of extracting freshwater overlying the saline
water carefully is called as skimming well.

Disadvantages of Excess Use of Water

Groundwater plays a vital role in the agriculture based economy of

Pakistan where over 60% of the irrigation water requirements are
met from it. Moreover, over 90% drinking water and almost 100%
water used in industry comes from groundwater. The groundwater
has played a major role in increasing the overall cropping intensity in
Pakistan from about 63% in 1947 to 120% in 2000.
Due to indiscriminate and inefficient use of water, there is a great
pressure on the groundwater. The increased number of tube wells
and unnecessary use of water has resulted in the decline of
groundwater table. As a result, not only the installation and
operational costs of these tubewells have increased tremendously
but the quality of water has also been deteriorated. It has been
estimated that the groundwater level in many areas of Balochistan is
declining at a rate of more than three meters per year. The
groundwater in many basins of Balochistan has been exhausted
completely. Similar situation exists in many parts of Pakistan.
Moreover, our future generations have equal right on this water. If we
continue to waste water in this manner, our future generations will be
deprived of it even for a single drop of water and surely; they will not

remember us in good words. Therefore, it is our responsibility to

make efficient use of this precious water. The efficient use of water
not only saves water but also saves electricity.
Almighty Allah says:

(Surah Al-Mulk, Verse 30)

Say, what is your opinion - if in the morning all your water were to
sink into the earth, then who is such who can bring you water flowing
before you?
Due to improper wastewater management, the wastewater seeps
into the ground alongwith many chemicals and heavy metals. The
same water we pump for drinking which is a main cause of many
diseases. Besides, this water is also used for irrigation near the
cities without any treatment. In this way, these chemicals and metals
enter into our food chain through soil and crops resulting into many
diseases such as blood pressure, liver and urinal cancer, blindness,
skin cancer and mental stress.
It is estimated that about 40% of diseases in Pakistan are caused by
drinking of polluted water. We are equally responsible for making
this water polluted. Whereas, Allah has blessed us with the purest
water as described in the following verses:

(Surah Al-Furqan, Verses 48-49)

And it is He Who sent the winds giving glad tidings before His
mercy; and We sent down purifying water from the sky. In order that
We may revive a dead city with it, and give it to the many beasts and

men that We have created, to drink.

(Surah Al-Anfal, Verse 11)

When He made the slumber overcome you, so it was as a

peacefulness from Him, and sent down water from the sky upon you
to purify you with it, and to remove the impurity of Satan (devil) from
you, and to give your hearts fortitude and firmly establish your feet
with it.
Similarly, lot of excess water is used in factories and wastewater
carrying chemicals and heavy metals is drained into rivers, canals
and waterways without any treatment. This is not only the wastage of
water but also create many environmental problems. One liter of
wastewater pollutes about 8 liters of clean water and people of other
places use this water for drinking purpose causing them to suffer
from many diseases. At the same time, the aquatic life is also
affected badly.
The Holy Prophet

(PBUH) said:


Muslim is whom others are protected from his tongue and hand.
It is not right for Muslim to pollute water. Therefore, he must not
urine in it nor pass stool in it. If water is standing he must not take a

(PBUH) further said:


Never urine in standing water so that you take bath in it.



You never urine in a standing water.

(Sunan Abi Dawood)

Avoid from three abusing works: Not to pass excreta in water

reservoir, walking ways and on shady places.
There is an Arabic quote:

Never throw stone in a well from where you drink water.

Similarly, Muhammad

(PBUH) said (meaning):

You may not be true Muslim until and unless you like the same as
you like for yourself.
So, can we choose polluted water for our Muslim brothers? In other
words, do we like to choose the polluted water for drinking? Surely
not. When we drain polluted water into the drinking water of others,
do we not violate the above mentioned hadith?
Similarly, lot of water is wasted in making ablution. Those parts
which are to be washed in ablution should be washed three times as
per Sunnah. Washing more than three times is the wastage of water.
Apart from this, the water tap remains open while carrying out
ablution which also causes the wastage of clean and precious water.
Almighty Allah Says:

(Surah Al-Araf, Verse 31)


O Descendants of Adam! Adorn yourself when you go to the

mosque, and eat and drink, and do not cross limits; indeed He does
not like the transgressors.
The Holy Prophet

(PBHU) also forbid from squandering.

The Holy Prophet (PBHU) said while seeing a person using lots of
water for ablution wadu:
(Sunan Ibn-e-Majah)

The Holy Prophet

(PBHU) used to use about 2/3 liter of water for
wadu and 2-3.5 liter for taking bath (Sahi Bukhari).
There is another Hadith in which it is said:
Never waste water even when you are doing ablution along the river
bank (Al-Tirmizi 427).
It is also our duty/responsibility to protect the water from insects and
germs which promote diseases.
Hazrat Ayesha

(R.A) said the meaning of which is:

I used to keep three protected pots for Muhammad

during night time: one pot for cleaning, one for Miswak (brushing)
and one for drinking.
Jabir-bin-Abdullah (R.A) said that:
(Sunan Ibn-e-Majah)

(PBUH) ordered us to keep close mouth of our
water-skin and cover our utensils.



Methods of Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture

Pakistan agriculture is mainly based on irrigation, where about 93%

of the available water is used for agriculture. Pakistan's river water
system is one of the largest systems in the world which came into
being after the arrival of Britain's in the sub-continent. This system
was extended up to the large area after signing of the Indus Basin
Treaty. It is estimated that about 16 million hectares of land is based
on Indus river irrigation system. Pakistan's available water
resources are less as compared to the world. Furthermore, out of
available water, over 60% of it is lost during conveyance in canals
and watercourses and during application in the fields.
The increase in population has resulted in increase in food
requirements putting more pressure on the available water
resources. Keeping in view the situation, it is necessary to increase
the water storages by building small and large dams where possible
on one hand and efficiently use the available water on the other
hand. By using the following methods, a significant amount of water
can be saved.

Lining of Watercourses

Almost 50% of water is lost from unlined watercourses which is not

only the wastage of freshwater but also increases the groundwater



Fig. 4: Un-improved (a) and Improved (b) watercourses


table. This creates the water logging and salinity problems. Lining of
watercourses improves the water conveyance efficiency and helps
to overcome the problem of water logging and salinity (Fig. 4). The
saved water may be used for horizontal expansion of crops (bringing
more area under cultivation) or vertical expansion (increasing the
cropping intensity).

Land Leveling

Uneven lands not only cause the loss of water but also loss of
nutrients present in the soil. Leveling of land not only protects these
nutrients but also increases the crop yield (Fig. 5). Leveling of land
through laser increases the irrigation efficiency and ensures even
distribution of water in the fields. It has been estimated that laser
land leveling increases the land use efficiency up to 63% and crop
yield up to 70%. With laser leveled fields, less water is required for

Fig. 5: Laser land leveling in the field


Cropping Pattern

Cropping pattern affects to a great extent on the water consumption

and thus the water saving. High water requiring crops such as rice
and sugarcane should be restricted to those areas where rainfall is
relatively high and more water is available. Moreover, instead of
growing high delta crop, low delta crops should be grown which not
only saves water but also increases the agriculture income.


Proper Irrigation Scheduling

Each crop has its specific water requirement which changes along
its growth stages. It is very important to apply water according to
crop needs. Usually, farmers do not have knowledge of crop water
requirement. They have the misconception that more water applied
will yield more crops. However, the excess water than the actual
required seeps into the ground resulting into problems of water
logging and salinity. The water that leaches out of the root zone also
carries precious nutrients with it. The loss of these components from
the soil affects the crop. PCRWR has determined crop water
requirements of almost all major crops of Sindh and Punjab. The
average crop-water requirement of important crops is given in the
Table 1.
Table 1. Crop water requirements of some major crops

Average water requirement











Bed and Furrow Irrigation

Water loss as well as waterlogging and salinity can be controlled by

adopting the bed and furrow irrigation method. In Pakistan, usually
water is applied to the crops by using flooded basins. In this method,
water takes much time to reach to tail of the field. Moreover, the
upstream receives more water as compared to the downstream of

the field. This results into uneven growth of crop resulting into lesser


Fig. 6: Wheat (a) and rice (b) planted on beds

On contrary, growing the crops on beds can save 40-50% water. In

this method water is applied only in furrows. The weed seeds that
are transported with the irrigation water are trapped in the furrow and
can be easily eradicated. Moreover, there are less chances of crop
lodging. Besides water saving, better crop yield can also be
obtained. Moreover, intercropping can also be practiced in this
method. By using this method, about 80 maund/acre (8 ton/ha) of
wheat production can be obtained. PCRWR and University of
Agriculture Faisalabad in their experiments have proved that there is
no need to keep standing water in rice fields. It can be grown on beds
with upto 40% water savings and better yield as compared to the
conventional practices (Fig. 6).

Zero Tillage Technique

After harvesting rice, sufficient residual moisture is available in the

soil. However, this moisture is wasted due to the conventional
ploughings. It also delays sowing of wheat and increases the cost of
sowing. Moreover, farmers also burn the rice straw to plough the
field, resulting into the loss of soil moisture. It also destroys the

organic matter and the farmer friends' micro organisms besides

contributing to the environmental pollution.

Fig. 7: Wheat planted with zero tillage

In zero tillage or direct planting (Fig. 7), seed is placed directly in the
uncultivated soil through the mulch layer with the help of a seed drill.
Moreover, it has been observed that in rice-wheat cropping system,
the direct drilling discourages the weeds growth.
Direct planting increases the soil fertility especially increases the
organic matter in the soil, increases infiltration and moisture
retention. Moreover, zero or minimum tillage helps reduce the CO2
emission. Zero tillage saves time, labour, cost of cultivation besides
conserving and stabilising the soil. Because of less tractor wheel
traffic, surface soil compaction is reduced.
Moreover, by applying zero tillage, wheat cultivation can be done on
time. Due to less use of tractor wheels and less pressure caused by
the wheels of tractor makes the soil less hard. In this method of
cultivation, one irrigation (rouni) is saved apart from the expenditure
involved on the preparation of land. Moreover, in second and third
irrigation, less water is needed as compared to the conventional
cultivation methods.


Drip Irrigation

By using drip irrigation system better crops can be grown with less
amount of water (Fig. 8). This system is useful for orchards and row
crops. In this system, water is applied according to plants
requirement. Four times more area can be irrigated with the same
amount of water used for conventional irrigation. Moreover, the
fertilizer is also applied directly in the roots of plant. As the water is
provided directly to the roots of plant, therefore weed germination is
less in the remaining areas. The requirement of land leveling is also
eliminated. This method has received popularity around the world.
Keeping in view the increasing water scarcity in Pakistan, there is a
dire need to adopt drip irrigation system. The material for this system
is now being fabricated in Pakistan.

Fig. 8: Drip irrigation established in the fields


Sprinkler Irrigation

In this method of irrigation, water is applied to the crop through

sprinklers in which land leveling is not required and water is also
applied to the crop according to its requirements (Fig. 9). More than
50% of water can be saved as compared to the conventional method
of irrigation. Especially, for pre-sowing irrigation, light amount of
water is required which cannot be applied by conventional methods.

When applied through conventional methods, one has to wait for

many days until field capacity is achieved resulting in delay in
sowing of crops. The Government of Pakistan has started a mega
project for drip and sprinkler irrigation systems. Farmers are advised
to get maximum benefit from the project so that the problem of water
shortage may be overcome by adopting the efficient water
management techniques.

Fig. 9: Sprinkler irrigation that helps to enhance application efficiency


Rainfed Agriculture

Dryland farming entirely depends on rainfall. It is therefore, essential

to conserve rainwater in the soil or store in the ponds which can be
used as and when required. To save the rainwater in the soil, the land
is protected by making bunds and soil aggregates are broken by
planking (Fig. 10).
Ploughing of field is carried out in opposite direction of the slope of
land. By doing this, a lot of rainwater can be stored and erosion of
land can also be protected. Do not plough the land again and again.
Instead of ploughing after rainwater harvesting, crop should be
planted with a drill followed by a a light planking (Sohaga). In this
way, the moisture present in the soil will be conserved. Besides this,
rainwater can be stored at some appropriate places in the form of

mini dams/ponds which can be used for supplemental irrigation .



Fig. 10: Rainfed agriculture (a) and an erosion control structure (b)


Crops Grown with Saline Water

In Pakistan, about 70% tube wells installed are pumping poor quality
water. As water scarcity increases, it becomes imperative to use this
water more carefully. The most important step is to get your
groundwater analyzed and then select crop accordingly. Depending
on the soil types and water quality, gypsum and sulphuric acid may
be applied. Moreover, salt tolerant crops can be grown in saline
areas or with saline water. Some of these crops are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Some salt tolerant crops

Species Grown in Saline Areas or with

Saline Water


Wheat, Cotton, Mustard


Barley, Clover, Millet, Cluster Beans


Pearl Millet, Kalar Grass, Barmoda Grass

Fruit Trees

Guava, Pomegranate, Aamla/Goosebery,

Falsa, Dates

Wild Trees

Neem, Moranga, Jandi, Cardamom, Kekar


Fig. 11: Which bounties of Allah you will reject?


Use of Water in Daily Household Activities

A significant amount of water is wasted in households. The following

points should be kept in mind while using water in houses.

Use of Water for Showers

Wrong way

Usually, shower or open tap is used for

taking bath. In this practice about 100
liters of water is consumed which is about
10 times more than the actual
requirements for a bath.
Avoid tub bath


Right way

Use flexible hand showers

instead of conventional shower or
tap. If possible use bucket and
mug for the purpose

The usable amount of water can

be reduced up to 30 liters in bath from which about 180 to
210 liters of water per house per day can be saved

Do not waste cold water while waiting hot water from the

10.2 Use of Water in Latrines

In household latrines usually flush tanks have the problem of
leakage. The daily leakage of water from flush tank may range from
150-200 liters.
Stop or repair the leakage of flush tank immediately
Open the valve of flush when required


Avoid unnecessary use of flush and do not make it a dust bin.

Use of Water in Kitchen

Wrong way

Usually, the water tap remains open in kitchen

during dish washing. By this way a huge
amount of water is wasted.
Use water tub for dish washing

Wash fruits or vegetables in a dish

instead of washing them under the tap

Reuse kitchen water for watering plants

or lawn

Apply water to plants or lawn in the early

morning or in the evening.


Right way

Washing of Laundry and Floors

Floor washing and laundry is usually
carried directly through tap or plastic
pipe. By doing this, a huge amount of
water is wasted

If necessary, washing should be

carried out with bucket and mug

Use washing machines for laundry


Wrong way


Use bucket for car washing instead of


Do not use extra water while washing



Repair of Leaked Sanitary Parts

The supply and transmission of water supply

system of house consists of pipes, joints,
bends, Ts, taps, valves etc. A significant amount
of water is wasted due to faulty systems. For
example, one drop of water flowing per second
from leaked tap wastes about 2700 gallons of
water annually. It is not only the loss of water but
also a loss of electricity.
Repair all the affected/blocked parts


Right way

Rong way

Right way

Ensure effective management for

identification of faults and provision
of safety equipment.
Pumping of Water in Storage Tanks

From underground tanks or directly from groundwater, water is

pumped to the overhead storage tanks. In most cases, the overhead
tanks overflow resulting into loss of precious water.
Careful monitoring should be carried out while pumping the water to
overhead storage tanks. PCRWR has designed an instrument
called Water Bird (Fig. 12). It is very simple and cheap. When the
overhead tank is near to fill, it automatically shuts off the motor
pumping water. When the tank is near to empty, it automatically
starts the motor. It not only helps save water but also energy.
Moreover, when water overflows, it has lot of nuisance that can be

avoided using the Water Bird.

Fig. 12: Water Bird for overhead tanks


Use of Water for Making Ablution

Open the tap slightly
Close the tap during washing the parts while making

Remember the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to use

only 2/3rd liters of water for making ablution.

Each drop of water is precious,

therefore, save it for yourselves
and for your generations

Some products of PCRWR

For 500 Gallons

Your Water
For 20 Liters

Mahfooz Pani
Water Disinfection Tablets

Micro Biological Water

Testing Kit
DWAT-I Sachet
(Removal of Turbidity
and Bacteria)

DWAT-II Sachet


(Removal of Turbidity,
Arsenicand Bacteria)

(Soil Moisture Measuring


Water Bird for

Overhead Tank

Quality Control by: National Water Quality Laboratory

(ISO-17025 Certified)

Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR)

Ministry of Science and Technologies, Government of Pakistan
Khayaban-e-Johar Road, H-8/1, Islamabad-Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-9101282-83, E-mail: pcrwr@isb.comsats.net.pk
Website: www.pcrwr.gov.pk

About the Author

Dr. Muhammad Ashraf is basically an Agricultural
Engineer. He was graduated from the University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad and earned his Ph.D from
the University of Newcastle, UK. He has more than
20 years research and development experience in
water resources development and management in
arid and semi-arid areas and has over 70 national
and international research publications at his
During his professional career, he worked for the integrated
management of water resources, particularly surface and
groundwater resources in the irrigated and dry (rainfed) areas. More
specifically, he worked on irrigation system design and improvement,
resource conservation technologies, soil and water conservation,
high efficiency irrigation systems such as sprinkler and trickle,
skimming wells (well capable of pumping freshwater overlying saline
water), hydro-salinity, surface and groundwater assessment studies,
conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, irrigation scheduling,
crop water requirements, improved cultural practices, land and water
productivity, rainwater harvesting, supplemental irrigation,
groundwater recharge, soil erosion, watershed management,
wastewater management etc.
He has been working for provincial and national organizations such
as On Farm Water Management Punjab and Pakistan Council of
Research in Water Resources (PCRWR). He also has the
opportunity to work for international organizations such International
Water Management Institute (IWMI), International Center for
Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). He is the Editor of
the journal Paddy and Water Environment published by Springer.
Presently, he is working as Chairman, PCRWR.

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