Administration of Medicines
Administration of Medicines
Administration of Medicines
Policy on Administration of
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Administration of Medicines
An Administration of Medicines policy has been in existence in the school for
many years. The policy was recently redrafted through a collaborative school
process and was ratified by the Board of Management in December 2016.
Teachers generally should not be involved in the administration of medication to
pupils. In exceptional circumstances e.g. if a child requires on-going medication
during the school day and in life threatening situations teachers may agree to
become involved in the administration of medication to pupils.
The policy as outlined was put in place to;
InSchool Procedures:
Parents are required to complete a Health/Medication section on the enrolment
form when enrolling their child/ren in the school. No teacher is obliged to
administer medicine or drugs to a pupil and any teacher willing to do so works
under the controlled guidelines outlined below:
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Policy on Administration of
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In the event of an emergency, teachers should do no more than is necessary and
appropriate to relieve extreme distress or prevent further and otherwise
irreparable harm. Qualified medical treatment should be secured in emergencies
at the earliest opportunity.
Where no qualified medical treatment is available, and circumstances warrant
immediate medical attention, designated staff members may take a child into
Accident and Emergency without delay. Parents will be contacted simultaneously.
In addition, parents must ensure that teachers are made aware in writing of any
medical condition which their child is suffering from. For example children who
are epileptics, diabetics etc. may have a seizure at any time and teachers must
be made aware of symptoms in order to ensure that treatment may be given by
appropriate persons.
Written details are required from the parents/guardians outlining the childs
personal details, name of medication, prescribed dosage, whether the child is
capable of self-administration and the circumstances under which the medication
is to be given. Parents should also outline clearly proper procedures for children
who require medication for life threatening conditions.
The school maintains an up to date register of contact details of all
parents/guardians including emergency numbers. This is updated in September
of each new school year.
General Recommendations:
We recommend that any child who shows signs of illness should be kept at home;
requests from parents to keep their children in at lunch break are not
encouraged. A child too sick to play with peers should not be in school.
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Policy on Administration of
Success Criteria:
The effectiveness of the school policy in its present form is measured by the
following criteria;
A copy of this policy has been given to each teacher and is available for parents
to view in the school.
This policy was ratified by the Board of Management at its meeting held on
It will be reviewed in the event of incidents or on the enrolment of child/children
with significant medical conditions but no later than 2018.
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Policy on Administration of
Appendix 1
Medical Condition and Administration of Medicines
I wish to request that the Board of Management make arrangements to
administer the following medication to my child during school hours. I have read
the schools Administration of Medication Policy and agree to abide by its
Childs Name: ________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________
2) Name: ____________________________
Phone: ___________________
3) Name: ____________________________
Phone: ___________________
4) Name: ____________________________
Phone: ___________________
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Policy on Administration of
I/We request that the Board of Management authorise the taking of Prescription
Medicine during the school day as it is absolutely necessary for the continued well
being of my/our child. I/We understand that the school has no facilities for the
safe storage of prescription medicines and that the prescribed amounts be
brought in daily. I/We understand that we must inform the school/Teacher of any
changes of medicine/dose in writing and that we must inform the Teacher each
year of the prescription/medical condition. I/We understand that no school
personnel have any medical training and we indemnify the Board from any
liability that may arise from the administration of the medication.
I/we hereby indemnify the Board of Management and any authorised member of
staff in respect of any liability that may arise regarding the administration of such
medicines while our son/daughter is under the car e and supervision of school
________________________ Parent/Guardian
________________________ Parent/Guardian
Where there are changes during the year of dosage or time of administration, an
updated form must be sent into school.
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Policy on Administration of
Appendix 2
Allergy Details
Type of Allergy:
Reaction Level:
Storage details:
Dosage required:
Administration Procedure (When, Why, How)
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Policy on Administration of
Appendix 3
Emergency Procedures
In the event of ______________ displaying any symptoms of his medical
difficulty, the following procedures should be followed.
To include:
Dial 999 and call emergency services.
Contact Parents
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Policy on Administration of
Appendix 4
Record of administration of Medicines
Pupils Name:
Date of Birth:
Medical Condition:
Dosage Administered:
Administration Details (When, Why, How)
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