Administration of Medicines

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Scoil Chrost R, Ennis


Policy on Administration of

Scoil Chrost R
Administration of Medicines
An Administration of Medicines policy has been in existence in the school for
many years. The policy was recently redrafted through a collaborative school
process and was ratified by the Board of Management in December 2016.
Teachers generally should not be involved in the administration of medication to
pupils. In exceptional circumstances e.g. if a child requires on-going medication
during the school day and in life threatening situations teachers may agree to
become involved in the administration of medication to pupils.

The policy as outlined was put in place to;

Clarify areas of responsibility

To give clear guidance about situations where it is not appropriate to
administer medicines
To indicate the limitations to any requirements which may be notified to
teachers and school staff
That the Board of Management and staff are protected from litigation in
case of misadministration
Safeguard school staff that are willing to administer medication
The parents are aware of their responsibilities and options, should their
child require medication in school hours.

Relationship to School Ethos:

The school promotes positive home-school contacts, not only in relation to the
welfare of children, but in relation to all aspects of school life. This policy is in
keeping with the school ethos through the provision of a safe, secure and caring
school environment and the furthering of positive home-school links.

Aims of this Policy:

The aims and objectives of the policy can be summarised as follows;

Minimise health risks to children and staff on the school premises

Provide a framework within which medicines may be administered in cases
of emergency or in instances where regularised administration has been
agreed with parents/guardians

InSchool Procedures:
Parents are required to complete a Health/Medication section on the enrolment
form when enrolling their child/ren in the school. No teacher is obliged to
administer medicine or drugs to a pupil and any teacher willing to do so works
under the controlled guidelines outlined below:

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Scoil Chrost R, Ennis


Policy on Administration of

Prescribed medicines will only be administered after parents of the pupil

concerned have written to the BoM requesting the Board to authorise a
member of the teaching staff to do so. Under no circumstance will nonprescribed medicines be either stored or administered in the school. The
Board will seek indemnity from parents in respect of any liability arising
from the administration of medicines
In general medicines will be administered by the parents/guardians
outside of school hours
The school generally advocates the self administration (e.g. inhalers) of
medicine under the supervision of a responsible adult, exercising the
standard of care of a prudent parent. No medicines are stored on the
school premises. A small quantity of prescription drugs will be stored in
the Administration Office if a child requires self-administering on a daily
basis and parents have requested storage facilities.
Parents are
responsible for the provision of medication and notification of change of
Teachers have a professional duty to safeguard the health and safety of
pupils, both when they are authorised to be on the school premises and
when they are engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere
The Board of Management requests parents to ensure that teachers be
made aware in writing of any medical condition suffered by any child in
their class
This does not imply a duty upon teachers personally to undertake the
administration of medicines or drugs.

Short Term Health Conditions

A short term condition is one where the child is deemed healthy enough to attend
school but is in need of some medication, (e.g.: antibiotics).
The Board of Management and staff will not accept responsibility for
administering medicines to children with short term medical conditions.
While it is hoped that parents would administer this medication at home,
they may come into the school at pre-arranged times, to administer it. The
school would not be responsible for storing this medicine.
Non- prescriptive medicines will neither be stored nor administered to
pupils in school. The Board of Management has directed that under no
circumstances should staff administer medication in relation to short term
Long Term Health Problems
A long term condition is one where the child is deemed healthy enough to attend
school but is in need of regular medication. Conditions include Attention Deficit
Disorder, Asthma, etc.
Where there are children with long-term health problems in school, proper and
clearly understood arrangements for the administration of medicines must be
made with the Board of Management. This is the responsibility of the
parents/guardians. It would include measures such as self administration,
administration under parental supervision or administration by school staff.
Parents may come into the school at pre-arranged times, to administer
appropriate medication.
Parents who wish their child to bring medicine to school should fill in the
attached form requesting the administration of medication. The request
includes: Name, address and telephone number of the child; Emergency
contact numbers or other contacts, if parents are not available; Storage
requirements for the medication; written indemnity to the Board of
Management in respect of any liability that may arise regarding
administration of the medication.

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Scoil Chrost R, Ennis
Policy on Administration of
In the case of asthma, the child may administer his/her own inhaler
provided parents have filled the form requesting the administration of
medication. Inhalers should be labelled with the childs name.
Class teachers or the staff member who agrees to administer medication
will monitor that the inhaler is being used and will monitor that it is stored
with due care so that it is accessible to the particular child and not to other
Life Threatening Condition
Where children are suffering from life threatening conditions, parents/guardians
must clearly outline, in writing, what should be done in a particular emergency
situation, with particular reference to what may be a risk to the child (Appendix
3). If emergency medication is necessary, arrangements must be made with the
Board of Management. A letter of indemnity must be signed by the parents in
respect of any liability that may arise regarding the administration of medication.
Guidelines for the Administration of Medicines
1. The parents of the pupil with special medical needs must inform the Board
of Management in writing of the condition, giving all the necessary details
of the condition. The request must also contain written instruction of the
procedure to be followed in administering the medication. (Appendix 1, 2
or 3)
2. Parents must write requesting the Board of Management to authorise the
administration of the medication in school
3. Where specific authorisation has been given by the Board of Management
for the administration of medicine, the medicines must be brought to
school by the parent/guardian/designated adult
4. A written record of the date and time of administration must be kept by
the person administering it (Appendix 4)
5. Parents/Guardians are responsible for ensuring that emergency medication
is supplied to the school and replenished when necessary
6. Emergency medication must have exact details of how it is to be
7. The BoM must inform the schools insurers accordingly
8. Parents are further required to indemnify the Board of Management and
members of the staff in respect of any liability that may arise regarding
the administration of prescribed medicines in school
9. All correspondence related to the above are kept in the school.
Where possible, the parents should arrange for the administration of
prescribed medicines outside of school hours.
Non-prescribed medicines will neither be stored nor administered to pupils
in school
Teachers/SNAs in the school will only administer prescribed medication
when arrangements have been put in place as outlined above
Arrangements for the storage of certain emergency medicines, which must
be readily accessible at all times, must be made with the Health & Safety
Post Holder.
A teacher/SNA must not administer any medication without the specific
authorisation of the Board of Management
The prescribed medicine must be self-administered if possible, under the
supervision of an authorised Teacher/SNA if not the parent
No teacher/SNA can be required to administer medicine or drugs to a pupil
In an emergency situation, qualified medical assistance will be secured at
the earliest opportunity and the parents contacted

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Scoil Chrost R, Ennis
Policy on Administration of
It is not recommended that children keep medication in bags, coats, etc.
Where possible, the parents should arrange for the administration of
prescribed medicines outside of school hours.
Children should be responsible for their own medication with due regard to
the age of the child.

In the event of an emergency, teachers should do no more than is necessary and
appropriate to relieve extreme distress or prevent further and otherwise
irreparable harm. Qualified medical treatment should be secured in emergencies
at the earliest opportunity.
Where no qualified medical treatment is available, and circumstances warrant
immediate medical attention, designated staff members may take a child into
Accident and Emergency without delay. Parents will be contacted simultaneously.
In addition, parents must ensure that teachers are made aware in writing of any
medical condition which their child is suffering from. For example children who
are epileptics, diabetics etc. may have a seizure at any time and teachers must
be made aware of symptoms in order to ensure that treatment may be given by
appropriate persons.
Written details are required from the parents/guardians outlining the childs
personal details, name of medication, prescribed dosage, whether the child is
capable of self-administration and the circumstances under which the medication
is to be given. Parents should also outline clearly proper procedures for children
who require medication for life threatening conditions.
The school maintains an up to date register of contact details of all
parents/guardians including emergency numbers. This is updated in September
of each new school year.

First Aid Boxes:

A full medical kit is taken when children are engaged in out of school activities
such as tours, football/hurling games and athletic activities.
A first aid box is kept in each individual classroom containing anti-septic wipes,
anti-septic bandages, sprays, steri-strips, cotton wool, scissors etc. [note: the
classroom-based kit should be kept under lock and key for health & safety

General Recommendations:
We recommend that any child who shows signs of illness should be kept at home;
requests from parents to keep their children in at lunch break are not
encouraged. A child too sick to play with peers should not be in school.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The BoM has overall responsibility for the implementation and monitoring of the
school policy on Administration of Medication. The Principal and Health and
Safety Officer is the day to day manager of routines contained in the policy with
the assistance of all staff members. The Health and Safety Officer and the
maintenance and replenishment of First Aid Boxes is a post of responsibility
within the middle management structure in the school.

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Scoil Chrost R, Ennis


Policy on Administration of

Success Criteria:
The effectiveness of the school policy in its present form is measured by the
following criteria;

Compliance with Health and Safety legislation

Maintaining a safe and caring environment for children

Positive feedback from parents/teachers

Ensuring the primary







A copy of this policy has been given to each teacher and is available for parents
to view in the school.

This policy was ratified by the Board of Management at its meeting held on
It will be reviewed in the event of incidents or on the enrolment of child/children
with significant medical conditions but no later than 2018.

(Chairperson, Board of Management)

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Scoil Chrost R, Ennis


Policy on Administration of

Appendix 1
Medical Condition and Administration of Medicines
I wish to request that the Board of Management make arrangements to
administer the following medication to my child during school hours. I have read
the schools Administration of Medication Policy and agree to abide by its
Childs Name: ________________________________________________


Date of Birth: ____________

Emergency Contacts
1) Name: ____________________________

Phone: ___________________

2) Name: ____________________________

Phone: ___________________

3) Name: ____________________________

Phone: ___________________

4) Name: ____________________________

Phone: ___________________

Childs Doctor: ____________________________ Phone: ________________

Medical Condition:
Prescription Details:
Storage details:
Dosage required:
Is the child to be responsible for taking the prescription him/herself?
What Action is required
Any other information:

Level of risk to the child if dosage is missed? (e.g. low/high )

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Scoil Chrost R, Ennis


Policy on Administration of

I/We request that the Board of Management authorise the taking of Prescription
Medicine during the school day as it is absolutely necessary for the continued well
being of my/our child. I/We understand that the school has no facilities for the
safe storage of prescription medicines and that the prescribed amounts be
brought in daily. I/We understand that we must inform the school/Teacher of any
changes of medicine/dose in writing and that we must inform the Teacher each
year of the prescription/medical condition. I/We understand that no school
personnel have any medical training and we indemnify the Board from any
liability that may arise from the administration of the medication.
I/we hereby indemnify the Board of Management and any authorised member of
staff in respect of any liability that may arise regarding the administration of such
medicines while our son/daughter is under the car e and supervision of school

________________________ Parent/Guardian
________________________ Parent/Guardian

Where there are changes during the year of dosage or time of administration, an
updated form must be sent into school.

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Policy on Administration of

Appendix 2
Allergy Details
Type of Allergy:
Reaction Level:
Storage details:
Dosage required:
Administration Procedure (When, Why, How)




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Scoil Chrost R, Ennis


Policy on Administration of

Appendix 3
Emergency Procedures
In the event of ______________ displaying any symptoms of his medical
difficulty, the following procedures should be followed.




To include:

Dial 999 and call emergency services.
Contact Parents

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Scoil Chrost R, Ennis


Policy on Administration of

Appendix 4
Record of administration of Medicines
Pupils Name:


Date of Birth:


Medical Condition:
Dosage Administered:
Administration Details (When, Why, How)




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