USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, 316 E. Myrtle ST., Boise, Idaho, U.S.A

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USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, 316 E. Myrtle St., Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.

Department of Geography, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A.

Roads have been a part of human landscapes for more than forty centuries.
During the last century, technological advances have increased our ability to construct
new roads at unprecedented rates and into steeper terrain. In the last half of that century,
an extensive network of roads has been constructed in forests and other wildlands to
facilitate use and management of natural resources. They are the transportation system
that allows transport of timber and minerals from forests and access for recreationists,
land managers, fire fighters, and residents of villages or vacation homes.
Unfortunately, forest road construction may result in adverse changes to the
environment. Roads fragment terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems by acting as a barrier to
movement of some animals and plants. Roads can act as transportation corridors for
plants, animals, and fungi; some desirable, some not. Roads also affect the movement of
water and sediment through landscapes. The combination of effects can be detrimental to
native terrestrial and aquatic organisms, and negative correlations between road density
and fish stocks have been noted (Lee et al., 1997;Thompson and Lee, 2000).
The linear nature of roads and their tendency to run across topographic gradients
yield an influence on watershed scale hydrologic processes that is much greater than one
might expect from the small fraction of the land area they occupy. The concentration of
runoff from nearly impervious road surfaces and intercepted subsurface flow into ditches
effectively increases the drainage density, shifting the distribution of water on hillslopes
and potentially increasing peak flows of streams. When there are few drainage features
along roads there can be substantial interbasin transfers of water between first order
streams. The effect is exacerbated when stream crossing culverts are plugged by debris
diverting a stream to other places in the landscape such as other streams or previously
unchanneled hillslopes.
These hydrologic effects are partially responsible for changes to geomorphic
processes and sediment budgets in roaded basins. Runoff from the road tread and
intercepted subsurface flow contribute to surface erosion from soil bared by road
construction, use, and maintenance. Lateral concentration of water collected along the
length of the road and discharged at ditch relief or stream crossing culverts increases the
risk of landslides, gullies, and destabilization of existing stream channels. Diversion of

Preprint of Luce, C.H. and B. Wemple, (2001), Introduction to the Special Issue on Hydrologic and
Geomorphic Effects of Forest Roads. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 26(2), 111-113.

water from stream channels onto hillslopes or into other stream channels occurs more
rarely but with greater consequence.
The papers in this special issue address many of the hydrologic and geomorphic
issues identified above and contain important advances in the fields of hydrology and
geomorphology on the subjects of hydrologic modeling, surface erosion, and landscape
evolution. They examine how the flowpaths of water are altered by presence of roads
and they examine how these changes in flowpaths change geomorphic processes. Many
of the efforts were spurred by recent work using digital elevation models to improve
modeling of basin hydrology and landscape evolution. In a sense, roads are an
experiment on the landscape; by perturbing the topography, we can view changes in the
spatial patterns in hydrologic and geomorphic processes caused by roads, allowing us to
test the principles derived in the earlier studies.
Two papers primarily address hydrologic issues. They examine changes in flood
frequency following road construction using distributed hydrologic models. Because
stream flows are affected by both roads and harvest areas, which are created within a
short time of one another, it is difficult to statistically derive the independent effect of
roads and harvest from stream gage data alone (Jones and Grant, 1996;Thomas and
Megahan, 1998). If the gage data are used to calibrate a physically based model, the
effects of harvest and roads can be introduced independently in the model. LaMarche
and Lettenmaier used a grid-based model, while Tague and Band used a patch model,
where a patch may be composed of many grid elements. Within-patch water routing was
done using concepts from TOPMODEL (Beven and Kirkby, 1979) and inter-patch
routing was similar to LaMarche and Lettenmaiers. LaMarche and Lettenmaier note a
modest change in basin outflow from roading, and Tague and Band noted a lesser change.
Tague and Band also modeled a large decrease in available water immediately below
roads because of decreased inflow of water from upslope areas and noted the potential
ecological significance. These differences in results are consistent with the differences in
the modeling approaches and suggest opportunities for observation-based comparisons
between large scale and fine scale modeling of human alteration to hydrologic processes.
Four papers address the subject of road surface erosion. Two are published in this
issue and two are published in the next regular issue of Earth Surface Processes and
Landforms as a continuation of the special issue. These four papers examine subjects
that have not seen substantial previous exposure in road erosion literature, such as spatial
heterogeneity within a road segment or cutslope, describing temporal patterns in sediment
availability, and comparisons between multiple studies. The findings are helpful to the
understanding of surface erosion processes in any environment, not just forest roads.
Megahan, Wilson, and Monsen (this issue) examine erosion on granitic cutslopes over
time as a function of site characteristics, weather, and erosion control treatment. Their
suggestions about how spatial variability in cutslope properties affects total cutslope
sediment production are a rare acknowledgment of the importance of heterogeneity
within a unit of observation. Fransen, Phillips, and Fahey (this issue) review several road
erosion studies in New Zealand and provide some synthesis on the differences in erosion
caused by soil and climate differences. Ziegler, Sutherland, and Giambelluca (2001)
study road erosion on unpaved roads in Thailand. They followed changes in the
availability of erodible material over time as a function of maintenance, traffic levels, and
timing of traffic relative to precipitation. MacDonald, Sampson, and Anderson (2001)

measured erosion and runoff from vegetated hillslopes, cutslopes, road running surfaces,
and complete road segments in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Their objectives were to compare
runoff and sediment production for storm events and gain a better understanding of
runoff and sediment production from unpaved roads. Collectively the four papers
highlight the complexity of the road surface erosion problem. Some of the controls on
surface erosion from roads mentioned in these papers include soil or parent material
texture, precipitation depth, form (snow or rain), and intensity, traffic history during dry
and wet conditions, time following maintenance operations on road surfaces and
cutslopes, erosion control treatments, flow paths in ditches or on the road surface, and the
amount of water intercepted by cutslopes.
Only one paper in the special issue discusses effectiveness of reclamation or
restoration activities applied to roads. To reduce the effects of roads on geomorphic
processes, many public land managing agencies in the United States are emphasizing
removal of roads delivering sediment to streams. Published examinations of the
effectiveness of such activities are rare (e.g. Luce, 1997). Madej adds a substantial
contribution to the field in a retrospective examination of practices in Redwood National
Park in coastal Northern California. She documents substantial reduction in risks of
stream crossing failure and substantial reductions in erosion following restoration
activities, and, importantly, notes that the relative success of restoration activities
depends on the hillslope position. Projects low on hillslopes (closer to streams) had a
greater likelihood of eroding substantially following treatment. It is an important
reminder that the setting of a road within the watershed determines in part how it
generates and delivers runoff and sediment.
The remaining three papers carry this message further and discuss roads within
their context in the watershed, touching on the issues of connectivity and interactions
between roads and existing processes in watersheds. Wemple, Swanson, and Jones
consider the concept of a sediment budget for roads. While they note that overall, more
sediment is generated by roads than captured by them, the pattern changes with hillslope
position and process. They also discuss the idea that events initiated high in the
watershed can set off a chain of events on roads lower in the watershed. Croke and
Mockler examine initiation of gullies below roads following the ideas of Montgomery
(1994) and Wemple et al. (1996). Culverts with long contributing lengths of roads and
discharging to steep hillslopes had the greatest likelihood of generating gullies
connecting the road hydrologically to the stream network. In their study area, most
gullies occurred below midslope roads because ridgetop roads had a greater frequency of
drains and lower gradients at discharge sites. LaMarche and Lettenmaier (this issue) also
briefly reported on the subject of hydrologic connectivity and suggest that hillslope
curvature below the road is an important contributing factor to hydrologic connection and
potential gully formation, adding an important new idea to the other studies. Florsheim,
Mount, and Rutten looked upslope from the roads to note that incision above stream
crossing culverts can be a substantial source of sediment in itself and increase the
connection of tributary streams to larger streams and rivers. Roads are frequently
constructed along relatively large (4th and higher order) streams to take advantage of low
slopes on flood plains or alluvial fans. Placement of culverts below existing stream beds
of small tributary streams crossing these features may create a nickpoint that migrates
upstream, incising the channel, and eventually bypassing the sediment and water storage

function of floodplains and alluvial fans. Collectively these papers advance

understanding useful to landscape evolution modeling by examining thresholds for
channel initiation, examining how geomorphic processes change down the slope in
response to upslope geomorphic processes, and examining initiation and effects of
nickpoints in alluvial fans.
One common feature of the studies in this issue is their basis in simple inventories
and inexpensive measurements. A DEM and a geographic inventory of road
characteristics and drainage allow application of many of the ideas presented in these
papers. Measurements of erosion from roads in catch basins or behind silt fences may
provide additional information increasing precision of quantification. Given these simple
data, these papers provide guidance on analyses that can be used to better plan and design
forest roads.
Roads have been and will continue to be important corridors for travel,
communication, and transport of goods. Their effects on the movement of water and
sediment in forested landscapes are complex and sometimes pronounced. A thorough
picture of the hydrologic and geomorphic processes affected by roads is useful for good
design and maintenance of road networks. We hope that this special issue provides
useful concepts and tools to professionals in charge of watershed protection and serves as
reference and inspiration to researchers hoping to further advance our understanding of
hydrologic and geomorphic processes in forest ecosystems.
The authors gratefully acknowledge reviews by Tom Black, Jim Clayton, Jack
King, and Fred Swanson. Many thanks go to all of the participants and reviewers of the
special issue.
Beven, K. J., and Kirkby, M. J. 1979. 'A Physically Based Variable Contributing Area
Model of Basin Hydrology', Hydrological Sciences Bulletin, 24, 43-69.
Jones, J. A., and Grant, G. E. 1996. 'Peak flow responses to clear-cutting and roads in
small and large basins, western Cascades, Oregon', Water Resources Research,
32, 959-974.
Lee, D. C., Sedell, J. R., Rieman, B. E., Thurow, R. F., Williams, J. E., Burns, D.,
Clayton, J. L., Decker, L., Gresswell, R., House, R., Howell, P., Lee, K. M.,
Macdonald, K., McIntyre, J., McKinney, S., Noel, T., O'Connor, J. E., Overton,
C. K., Perkinson, D., Tu, K., and Van Eimeren, P. 1997. 'Broadscale assessment
of aquatic species and habitats', in Quigley, T. M. and Arbelbide, S. J., editors. An
assessment of ecosystem components in the interior Columbia Basin and portions
of the Klamath and Great Basins. Volume III. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech.
Rep. PNW-GTR-405, Portland, Oregon, 1057-1713.
Luce, C. H. 1997. 'Effectiveness of Road Ripping in Restoring Infiltration Capacity of
Forest Roads', Restoration Ecology, 5, 265-270.

MacDonald, L. H., Sampson, R. W., and Anderson, D. M. 2001. 'Runoff and Road
Erosion at the Plot and Road Segment Scales, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands', Earth
Surface Processes and Landforms, 26, 251-272
Montgomery, D. R. 1994. 'Road Surface Drainage, Channel Initiation, and Slope
Instabiity', Water Resources Research, 30, 1925-1932.
Thomas, R. B., and Megahan, W. F. 1998. 'Peak flow responses to clear-cutting and
roads in small and large basins, western Cascades, Oregon: A second opinion',
Water Resources Research, 34, 3393-3403.
Thompson, W. L., and Lee, D. C. 2000. 'Modeling relationships between landscape level
attributes and snorkel counts of Chinook Salmon and Steelhead parr in Idaho',
Manuscript submitted to Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Wemple, B. C., Jones, J. A., and Grant, G. E. 1996. 'Channel network extension by
logging roads in two basins, western Cascades, Oregon', Water Resources
Bulletin, 32, 1195-1207.
Ziegler, A. D., Sutherland, R. A., and Giambelluca, T. W. 2001. 'Interstorm Surface
Preparation and Sediment Detachment by Vehicle Traffic on Unpaved Mountain
Roads', Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 26, 235-250

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