Ravine Erosion
Ravine Erosion
Ravine Erosion
Natural Factors.
Man-made Factors.
1) Constant Rainfall:
Monthly distribution.
Rainfall Intensity & Run-off.
Rapid Snowmelts.
2) Prolonged inundation and impact
of back water during high floods.
Improper land use.
Forest and grass fires.
Road construction.
Livestock and vehicle trails.
Destructive logging.
Ravine formation is the
cumulative results of:
Indiscriminative destruction of
forests or vegetation.
Unplanned cultivation.
Destructive grazing and
Severe water erosion.
Formation of Ravine
Splash Erosion
Sheet Erosion
Rill Erosion
Gully Erosion
Ravine and Gully types
Mechanical Measures
1)Check Dam
Bolder check dam
Loose stone check dam
Log&Pole check dam
Gabion Structures
Wire woven baskets filled with stones
Adoptable: High slope & Heavy rainfall areas
Constructed across small stream to conserve
stream flows with practically no submergence
beyond stream course
The height of such structure is around 0.5m
& normally used in the streams with width of
about 10 to 15m
Percolation Tanks