CFD Syllabus

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Course Objectives (COs):

To impart knowledge about various computational methods of fluid flow and solve Simple
fluid flow problems.

To recognize the nature of the fluid problem and apply boundary conditions.

Ability to design a system or process and simulate to meet desired needs and solves
engineering applications.

Course Outcomes (COs):

1. Understanding about compressible and incompressible flow fluids.
2. Ability to select the governing equations for conduction and convection fluid flow
3. Able to apply different boundary conditions according to the fluid problem.
4. Acquires knowledge about grid generation, processing and applications of CFD.
5. Ability to solve real world problems.
Programme Outcomes (PO):
(c) Student will be able to formulate governing equations for various type of flows and
its mathematical behavior
(e) Student will be able to apply discretization techniques and adopt techniques to solve the
(f) Student will be able to develop various types of grids to solve the problem.
Introduction to CFD
Introduction and applications of CFD - governing equations of fluid dynamics-continuity
momentum and energy - Classification of partial differential equations - Applications and
Relevance .
2D and 3D sketch using Ansys fluent and Gambit, model cleaning using ANSA, uniform and non
uniform grids, numerical errors. Grid independence test and optimum step size. Three
dimensional volume grid generation techniques. Import / export of models.
Solving techniques

Discretization techniques - Finite element, Finite difference and Finite volume Introduction to
finite differences and finite volume method. Initial and boundary condition for the problem.
Adopting solving methods, introduction to turbulence modeling.
Post processing
Extract the result using Ansys post processing Temperature, velocity and pressure,
Animating the result, validating the result.
1. Model cleaning using ANSA
2. 3D grid generation
3. Numerical simulation of quasi one dimensional nozzle flow
4. Analysis of boundary layer over a flat plate
5. Transient Conduction equation in 2 dimensions Convection
6. Diffusion Equation in 2 dimensions
7. Analysis of internal flow: Flow through pipes
8. Analysis of external flow: Aerofoil or similar shape Validation of natural convection in a
square cavity
9. CFD analysis of heat transfer in pin fin

45 hours.

1. S. V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, McGraw- Hill.
2. T. J. Chung, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press.
3. H. K. Versteeg & W. Malalasekera, An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Longman Scientific & Technical.
4. J. H. Ferziger and M. Peric, Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer.

5. John C. Tannehill, Dale A. Anderson and Richard H. Pletcher, Computational Fluid

Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Taylor &Francis.
6. John D. Anderson Jr, Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw Hill Book Company
7. J. Blazek, Computational Fluid Dynamics:Principles and Applications, Elsevier.

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