Textus Connectivus

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Consists of two basic elements:

Extra-cellular matrix

Fibroblasts: Secrete both fibers and ground

substance of the matrix (wandering)
Macrophages: Phagocytes that develop from
(wandering or fixed)
Plasma Cells: Antibody secreting cells that
develop from B Lymphocytes (wandering)
Mast Cells: Produce histamine that help dilate
blood vessels in reaction to injury
Adipocytes: Fat cells that store triglycerides,
support, protect and insulate (fixed)

Collagen Fibers: Large fibers made of the

collagen and are typically the most
abundant fibers. Promote tissue flexibility.
Elastic Fibers: Intermediate fibers made of the
protein elastin. Branching fibers that allow
for stretch and recoil
Reticular Fibers: Small delicate, branched
fibers that have same chemical
composition of collagen. Forms structural
framework for organs such as spleen and lymph


the dominant fibre type in most

connective tissues
add strength to the connective tissue
the fibres varies from ~ 1 m to 10 m.
These striations reveal that the fibres are
composed of thinner collagen fibrils (0.2
to 0.5 m in diameter). Each of these
fibrils is composed of microfibrils
(electron MC)

The Masson (trichrome)

stain leaves collagen
green or blue. In the
skin, Type 1 collagen
predominates, as shown
by the thick, wavy

T tropocollagen types around (currently named

type I to XX). differ in their content of the
amino acids hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine.
differ in the amount of carbohydrates attached
to the collagen molecules. The different types of
tropocollagen give the fibres the structural and
functional features which are appropriate for the
organ in which the fibres are found. Types I, II
and III are the major fibre-forming
tropocollagens. Tropocollagen type IV is an
important structural component of the basal
A tensile force of several hundred kg/cm2 is
necessary to tear or break human collagen
fibres. The fibres stretch by only 15-20%.


coloured in fresh tissues -> light yellow - but

visible if large amounts of elastic fibres are present
in the tissue, expl.: elastic ligaments of the
vertebral column.
Special stains are necessary to show elastic fibres
in tissue sections.
Resorcin fuchsin gives the elastic fibres a dark
violet colour.

consist of individual microfibrils, which are embedded

in an amorphous matrix. The matrix accounts for about
90% of the fibre and is composed of the protein elastin.
Neither the elastin nor the microfibrils are collagens.
can be stretched to about 150% of their original length.
They resume their original length if the tensile forces
applied to the elastic fibres are relaxed.
Elastin is a somewhat odd protein in that its amino acid
sequence does not determine a specific threedimensional structure of the molecule. Instead, elastin
remains unfolded as a "random coil". Elastin molecules
are cross-linked to each other by desmosin and
isodesmosin links, which are only found between elastin
molecules. Tensile forces straighten the cross-linked
mesh of elastin coils.


delicate and form fine networks instead of

thick bundles.
usually not visible in histological sections but
can be demonstrated by using special stains in
silver stained, look like fine, black threads coarse collagen fibres appear reddish brown in
the same type of preparation.
reticular fibres consist of collagen - although
the main type of tropocollagen found in
reticular fibres, type III, is different from that
of the coarse collagen fibres.
Reticular fibres give support to individual cells,
for example, in muscle and adipose tissue.

Reticular fibers
are composed of
type III
collagen, and
appear black
with a silver
stain. In many
organs and
they provide a

Hyaluronic Acid: Complex combination of

polysaccharides and proteins found in
true or proper connective tissue.
Chondroitin sulfate: Jelly like ground
substance of cartilage, bone, skin and
blood vessels.
Other ground Substances:
Dermatin sulfate, keratin sulfate, and
adhesion proteins


ikat berfungsi untuk menunjang tubuh,

dibentuk oleh sel-sel dalam jumlah sedikit.
Jaringan ikat terdiri atas populasi sel yang
tersebar di dalam matrik ekstraseluler.
Secara embriologi, jaringan ikat berasal dari
lapisan mesoderm. Sel-sel tersebut mensistesis
matriks, dengan anyaman serat yang tertanam
di dalamnya (Campbell et al. 1999).

ikat terbagi dua: jaringan ikat sejati

dan jaringan ikat khusus.

1. True Connective Tissue

a. Loose Connective Tissue

b. Dense Connective Tissue
2. Supportive Connective Tissue
a. Cartilage
b. Bone
5. Liquid Connective Tissue
a. Blood


awal perkembangan embrio, ektoderm

dan entoderm dipisahkan oleh lapis benih
ketiga yaitu mesoderm. Jaringan yang dibentuk
oleh sel sel selapis ini dikenal sebagai
mesenkim (mesos = tengah, enchyma =
pemasukan / penyusupan).
Jaringan jaringan penyambung tubuh,
termasuk jaringan ikat sejati, tulang rawan,
tulang, dan darah berkembang dari mesenkim
Jaringan penyambung berbeda dari epitel
karena banyaknya bahan intersel atau matriks.
Matriks terdiri atas serat serat dan suatu
substansi yang amorf.


ikat ini dapat dibedakan

menjadi :
(1) jaringan ikat longgar dan
(2) jaringan ikat padat,
(3) jaringan lemak,
(4) jaringan darah,
(5) kartilago, dan
(6) tulang.


enam tipe jaringan ikat, jaringan ikat

longgar paling banyak ditemukan di dalam tubuh
Di dalam matriks jaringan ikat longgar ini hanya
sedikit ditemukan serabut.
Serabut penyusun jaringan ikat ini berupa
Fungsi utama jaringan ikat longgar adalah
pengikat dan pengepak material, dan sebagai
tumpuan bagi jaringan dan organ lainnya.
Jaringan ikat longgar di kulit membatasi dengan


Loose Connective Tissue:

a. Areolar tissue
Widely distributed under epithelia
b. Adipose tissue
Hypodermis, within abdomen, breasts
c. Reticular connective tissue
Lymphoid organs such as lymph nodes

1. Areolar CT

consists of all 3 types of fibers, several types of

cells, and semi-fluid ground substance
found in subcutaneous layer and mucous
membranes, and around blood vessels, nerves
and organs
function = strength, support and elasticity

3. Reticular CT

of fine interlacing reticular

fibers and reticular cells
Found in liver, spleen and lymph nodes
Function = forms the framework (stroma)
of organs and binds together smooth
muscle tissue cells


ikat padat/fibrous mempunyai matriks

yang banyak mengandung serabut kolagen.
Jaringan ini membentuk tendon sebagai tempat
perlekatan otot dengan tulang, dan ligamen
sebagai tempat persendian tulang dengan tulang.


Dense Connective Tissue:

a. Dense regular connective tissue
Tendons and ligaments
b. Dense irregular connective tissue
Dermis of skin, submucosa of digestive

contains more numerous and thicker

fibers and far fewer cells than loose CT
1. dense regular Connective Tissue
consists of bundles of collagen fibers
and fibroblasts
forms tendons, ligaments and
Function = provide strong attachment
between various structures

2. Dense Irregular CT
consists of randomly-arranged collagen
fibers and a few fibroblasts
Found in fasciae, dermis of skin, joint
capsules, and heart valves
Function = provide strength


lemak mengandung sel-sel lemak.

Jaringan ini digunakan sebagai bantalan, dan
melindungi tubuh, serta sebagai penyimpan
energi. Setiap sel lemak, mengandung tetes lemak
yang besar. Di dalam jaringan lemak, matriks
relatif sedikit.

2. Adipose tissue
consists of adipocytes; "signet ring"
appearing fat cells. They store energy in
the form of triglycerides (lipids).
found in subcutaneous layer, around
organs and in the yellow marrow of long
function = supports, protects and
insulates, and serves as an energy


Jelly-like matrix (chondroitin sulfate) containing

collagen and elastic fibers and chondrocytes
surrounded by a membrane called the
Unlike other CT, cartilage has NO blood vessels
or nerves except in the perichondrium.
The strength of cartilage is due to collagen
fibers and the resilience is due to the presence
of chondroitin sulfate.
Chondrocytes occur within spaces in the matrix
called lacunae.


adalah jaringan ikat yang membentuk

material rangka yang fleksibel dan kuat, terdiri
atas serabut kolgen yang tertanam di dalam
matriks. Kartilago banyak ditemukan pada bagian
ujung tulang keras, hidung, telinga, dan vertebrae
(ruas-ruas tulang belakang).

Tulang keras (bone) merupakan jaringan ikat yang kaku, keras,

dengan serabut kolagen yang tertanam di dalam matriks.
Didalam matriks sel tulang terdapat kalsium yang dapat
bergerak dan diserap oleh darah. Hal ini merupakan peran
penting tulang dalam proses homeostasis kadar kalsium dalam
darah. Sel tulang (osteosit) terdapat di dalam ruang yang
disebut lakuna. Lakuna ini mengandung satu atau beberapa
osteosit. Penjuluran yang keluar dari osteosit disebut
kanalikuli. Kanalikuli dari satu sel berhubungan dengan sel
lainnya, sebagai bentuk komunikasi sel. Satu osteon terdiri
dari sejumlah lamela konsentris yang mengelilingi kanal
sentral (kanalis Haversi). Pada individu yang masih hidup,
kanal sentral ini berisi pembuluh darah.


adalah jaringan ikat yang tersusun sebagian

besar cairan. Matriks darah disebut plasma, yang
tersusun oleh air, garam mineral, dan protein
terlarut. Sel darah merah dan putih tersuspensi di
dalam plasma. Darah ini berfungsi utama dalam
transpor substansi dari satu bagian tubuh ke
bagian lain. Disamping itu, darah juga berperan
dalam sistem kekebalan.

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